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The official what are you doing while you wait for the 2020 Demo thread

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I started a “speed run” Montreal Aftermath as WCW... essentially I’m just letting the auto booker pick my cards, and then I just add the road agent notes to the matches, fine tune the angles (add a description and change what they’re ranked on) and sometimes add a couple of choice angles to progress certain storylines.


Otherwise I’m trying for minimum interference to keep the game rolling along, as I often get way too caught up in booking the tv shows and it really starts to make the game drag on. I’m trying to keep booking shows to under ten minutes each.


It’s worked well so far, I got my first PPV (Starrcade) finished within the first day.

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I'm actually having a modding explosion of ideas. Recently released the DBZ mod. I'm working on adding a Inuyasha mod, S-Cry-Ed mod & Devil may Cry mod. By the time 2020 comes out. I'll probably be done with the S-Cry-Ed mod & half way through the Inuyasha mod. Then once I'm finished with those. I'll either get back to work on adding GT & Super to my DBZ mod, or continue work on my Fire Emblem mod, OOORRRR get to work on a Pokemon mod I've been throwing around ideas for. Either way, I'm hoping to help add some flavor to the 2020 modding scene!
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<p>I've been playing Adam's wrestling sims for close to 20 years now. But I haven't played in a year or two, and had decided not to get the new game for the first time ever. </p><p> </p><p>

Then AEW happened. </p><p> </p><p>

So now, I'm firing 2016 back up to get the feel for running an AEW game in anticipation of the new release. Fun times.</p>

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WMMA5 has been patched 2 months ago and since i had not opened it days before said patch, I just realized it yesterday. Given that it is still a great game that holds up the test of time, and the most modern Ryland game, I will probably be using that to help the time go by faster until the TEW 2020 release. Just take my money now, dude. :D
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Lots of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion on PS Now. Currently trying to complete the Thieves Guild storyline for the first time. Done it in Skyrim but not Oblivion even though I like the Oblivion version better because of The Grey Fox's Robin Hood streak where Skyrim's is more Mafia like.
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Honestly playing as much of games that aren't TEW to pass the time.


Had always planned a month break between games just didn't expect a near worldwide lockdown.


Absent makes the heart grow fonder, so hoping come April 23rd I'll be really itching for a TEW play through to hammer it for a few months upon full release the next week.


So objectives till then...


Breaking goalscoring records of Football Manager

Completing a full National Dex on Pokemon Home.

Finishing a few quick indy titles.

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Finishing my 1987- July 2008 game. My goal is to play up to 2010 (will probably get close due to the quarantine). Will either transport 1987 or 1985 database to 2020 and edit it for a few weeks before starting my one and only TEW 2020 game.
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<p>Hooked deeply in Animal Crossing at the moment and don't see myself stopping anytime soon.</p><p> </p><p>

Resident Evil 3 is on my list and will eat up a day or two.</p><p> </p><p>

Still waiting on my copy of Persona 5 Royal which will definitely impact my free time.</p><p> </p><p>

Other than that it is work as usual, my place of business hasn't closed down during the chaos and I doubt they will.</p>

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<p>Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Farcry Primal on Xbox One.</p><p>

Crusader Kings II (waiting for III), This War of Mine and OOTP 21 on PC.</p><p>

Lots of Sling on-demand and Netflix.</p><p>

WWE network's Table for 3 and waiting for tomorrow's release of the uncensored Broken Skull Sessions.</p>

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Crusader Kings (and that whole family of games) is the kinda game I could really get into (which maybe goes without saying on a TEW forum?) but I haven't quite managed to get over the learning curve yet. That and I'm too nice- any kinda 4X game my playstyle is to just kinda sit in the corner, build up infrastructure, and ignore everybody else the best I can. Doesn't make for very exciting Paradox experiences :p
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Crusader Kings (and that whole family of games) is the kinda game I could really get into (which maybe goes without saying on a TEW forum?) but I haven't quite managed to get over the learning curve yet. That and I'm too nice- any kinda 4X game my playstyle is to just kinda sit in the corner, build up infrastructure, and ignore everybody else the best I can. Doesn't make for very exciting Paradox experiences :p


Eyy paradox games are an awesome set of games to let time fly by! Thanks for reminding me :D

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Crusader Kings (and that whole family of games) is the kinda game I could really get into (which maybe goes without saying on a TEW forum?) but I haven't quite managed to get over the learning curve yet. That and I'm too nice- any kinda 4X game my playstyle is to just kinda sit in the corner, build up infrastructure, and ignore everybody else the best I can. Doesn't make for very exciting Paradox experiences :p



One of the things I do is mod the game myself a little. In the game files there is an easter egg file with paradox developers as players. I have a program that allows me to generate pictures and dna. Then I apply the generated dna to the easter egg file and replace the developers characters with my own.



Once in game I use a cheat to move them all to my territory. It's an easy way to bypass the one created character rule. ;)

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