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as strange it could it be i'll say Carlito debuting and beating john cena on smackdown. I was really young and started to approach wrestling in italy. i was one of the few in my neighborhood to like hip-hop and dress as a rapper. i was a little bit "bullyed" for that and seeing a white guy (cena) talks and acted in that way makes me fell in love with him. I remember watching that episode of smackdown with my grandma and almost destroy the tv because of that cheap shot with the chain in the fist..


great memory tho

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One of my favourite memories was watching D'Lo Brown and AJ Styles wrestle their best of three matches during the starting years of TNA. It was impressive and legitimate, and was my first exposure to wrestling outside of WWF and made be a bigger fan of the business overall.
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My favorite moment hard to decide:


Macho man interview after Hogan helped him win the title in wcw. Hogan tried to say something "what this is..." macho man cut him off what it is, is what it is...


Benoit on his rivalry with Kevin Sullivan "for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction sullivan"


Any non wwf/e interview the legion of doom ever did, I believe it was AWA my favorite line "what do you think this is? The romper room?"


Jimmy valiant promos.


The return of ecw in TNA.


John cena the Doctor of thuganomics, especially against brock lesnar: "you're finisher is the F-5, well mines the F-U." Still disappointed the powers that be didn't bring back the doctor when he had that mini run with enzo&cass...


I've been a fan of wrestling my whole life, it's hard to choose just one, but I will say that competition breeds a better product. Until there is a true #2 promotion the product and effort will always feel lackluster. The only thing I regret is the minimal exposure I had to Japanese wrestling in its prime. Speaking of which thanks to giant gram my favorite moment if I had to pick one:


The infamous Ganso Bomb between Kawada and Misawa. Not really a ganso bomb it was a botched power bomb reversal from a hurricanrana powerbomb reversal. The result was one of the sickest bumps I've seen in wrestling.

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Appreciate the giveaway, not really worried about entering. Just fun to share moments.


As a kid? HBK/Bret Iron Man Match. Those were my guys when I was a kid. I remember we had one of those PPV descramblers and it was one of the first PPVs I got to watch live (before that Blockbuster appreciated my business.)


Attitude Era? DX/HBK still, but I was a big fan of the Ministry of Darkness (still best Taker entrance theme).


After that Benoit was my favorite. Kind of fell off watching after all that stuff happened (maybe related, maybe I was just that age that wrestling wasn't cool anymore.) Mania 20 is still probably my favorite WM match.


Fast forward to the Punk pipebomb. I was flipping through channels after having surgery being laid up in bed, came across that live and I was hooked back in (After stopping watching WWE in the early 00s for the most part, I switched to ROH because being from Wisconsin made Illinois a quick drive when they ran there. The ROH guys from back in the day are still my guys. Also when I found a "tape trading" [DVDs at this point] community and finally had access to all the Japanese wrestling I had heard about but never seen.)


Now I just fall back and watch my favorite wrestling (mainly older AJ/NJPW, older joshi and whatever interests me on the Network or internet) while catching the NJPW tours/events and AEW/WWE PPVs.

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I have a lot of wrestling memories, but this is something I posted a few years ago on a Facebook page called "Professional Wrestling Historical Society".


I am a huge old school wrestling fan and I just thought I would post here about a memory I had at a wrestling event when I was a child. It is interesting on how I recall watching the event when I was eight years old. My father took me to the old Boston Garden to watch my hero at the time Hulk Hogan wrestle The Big Boss Man.


I remember my dad buying me the WWF program at the event and we had cheap seats up in the rafters and it was hard to see, but I could still make out what was going on. I remember the very first match had Greg Valentine wrestling a wrestler at the time I had no idea who it was. They both had a double count out and since it was the era of the jobbers I was shocked to see this guy I was unfamiliar with get counted out with The Hammer. It's funny because until now I just found out the guy was Ron Garvin.


I remember seeing Akeem beating the Blue Blazer and I remember seeing Hercules wrestle the Million Dollar Man(or so I thought). My memory is very fuzzy, but I do remember Hercules swinging the chain and watching Ted and Virgil run out of the ring. Turned out it was Virgil that wrestled Hercules.


I do not remember any of the other matches except the main event with Hogan and Boss Man. I remember when it was close to the main event I saw a friend of mine from school. I also remember this man who was friends with my dad who sat next to him as we watched the show. My Father is from Cali Colombia South America and speaks Spanish and the man he was sitting to also spoke Spanish. They were talking a lot about wrestling and random things. I remember watching Hogan losing the match and wondering when he would "Hulk Up". I had been very quite for the main event up until it happened. Sure, The Big Boss Man made the mistake of messing with the Hulkster and Hulk shook his head and proceeded to point his finger. I jumped out of my seat and cheered for my hero. The man sitting next to my Father said in Spanish "Look at your son he loves this stuff." I got a bit embarrassed and sat back down, but kept my eyes on the match. I knew at that point I was a Hulkamaniac for sure.


I don't remember much about how any of the matches finished accept the first match. It is weird how my memory of the event played out a week later because I remember being in a convenience store and seeing a a teenager who worked there telling me about the main event finish. He told me Boss Man had won the match because Hulk hit him with the night stick. I did not remember that at all and perhaps it was because I was in deep thought about being a Hulkamaniac? Who knows, but I always questioned the finish of the match and wondered if the teenager at the store was telling me the truth or if he was full of shit. Well it turned out he was right after all.


Here was the card taken from http://www.thehistoryofwwe.com


"Boston, MA - Boston Garden - January 13, 1989 (12,000)

Televised on NESN - included Rod Trongard, Superstar Billy Graham, & Lord Alfred Hayes on commentary:


Steve Lombardi pinned Lanny Poffo at 6:32 with a sit-down splash from the middle turnbuckle


The Bushwhackers defeated Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov at 9:29 when Butch pinned Zhukov following the battering ram and a double gutbuster

Prime Time Wrestling - 1/30/89: Akeem (w/ Slick) pinned the Blue Blazer at 8:06 with the splash


Ron Garvin fought Greg Valentine to a double count-out at 13:51


Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty at 15:11 when Blanchard pinned Michaels when Anderson swept Michaels' leg out from under him and held down the leg as Michaels attempted a suplex into the ring


Jim Duggan pinned Dino Bravo (w/ Frenchy Martin) in a flag match at 8:35 after Frenchy accidentally hit Bravo with the Quebec flag; after the bout, the American National Anthem was played as the flag was raised high above the ring


Hercules defeated Virgil (w/ Ted Dibiase) via submission with the full nelson at 3:04; after the bout, Dibiase attacked Hercules and hit him with a chair but Hercules refused to release the hold; eventually, Dibiase used Hercules' chain to pull him off but Herc quickly cleared Dibiase from the ring


The Big Bossman (w/ Slick) defeated Hulk Hogan via disqualification at 11:28 when Hogan brought Bossman's nightstick into the ring and shoved referee Joey Marella after twice hitting the legdrop but refusing to make the cover"


Well, I hope I did not bore any of you just sharing a old school wrestling event.

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I have a lot of wrestling memories, but this is something I posted a few years ago on a Facebook page called "Professional Wrestling Historical Society".


Reading your post, you had me thinking about the first show I went to. I am pretty sure it was a Saturday Night's Main Event but I am not positive (I was eight, so yeah it is pretty tough to recall that far back). I think it was the sixth Saturday Night's Main Event. Because I remember Terry Funk using or trying to use the branding iron on The Haiti Kid.


If this was the first show I went to here were the results from Wikipedia...


Hulk Hogan and Junkyard Dog (with The Haiti Kid) defeated Terry Funk and Hoss Funk (with Jimmy Hart)


King Kong Bundy defeated Uncle Elmer


Adrian Adonis (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Paul Orndorff by disqualification


Jake Roberts wrestled Ricky Steamboat to a no-contest


The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) © (with Lou Albano) defeated Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik (with Freddie Blassie)

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I have to pick one moment? Woof... I'd have to say the dawn of "Conspiracy Theory" Chris Jericho in WCW. If I have to get more specific, the Nitro where he gave Dave Penzer a new tuxedo because he tore his tuxedo off previously, then he tore that one off and kept muttering "sorry sorry" to himself as he left ringside.


WCW Chris Jericho was amazing once he turned heel and dropped the white-meat vanilla babyface gimmick.

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Can I pick a time?


Punk's leadup to MITB vs Cena. The last really cool thing WWE did.


The pipe bomb promo, throwing Triple H under the bus, breaking the 4th wall and having his mic cut off legite had everyone wondering what was real and what was kayfabe at the time.


Then he goes into MITB in his home town of Chicago where Cena gets booed and Punk gets cheered (entrance gives me goosebumps).


Punk wins. McMahon and Laurantis yell for Del Rio who tries to cash in but is unsuccessful. Punk grabs the title and blows Vince a kiss goodbye.


In between we had negotiations with Vince where Punk said things like I want my ice cream bars back!


I just wish they would have kept Punk off tv for longer. They brought him back too early. The build to that moment couldn't have been done more perfect.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Reading your post, you had me thinking about the first show I went to. I am pretty sure it was a Saturday Night's Main Event but I am not positive (I was eight, so yeah it is pretty tough to recall that far back). I think it was the sixth Saturday Night's Main Event. Because I remember Terry Funk using or trying to use the branding iron on The Haiti Kid.<p> </p><p> If this was the first show I went to here were the results from Wikipedia...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's awesome man. It is weird how some of our pro wrestling memories are foggy. I always remember Warrior being choked with a lead pipe by Rick Rude at the 89 Royal Rumble. Only to find out it was not a lead pipe years later it was a this weight device he used for strength training.</p>
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My favorite wrestling moment of all time would have to be when Sting turned into Crow Sting. Granted it's not just one moment but the whole turn into Crow Sting really made me love wrestling just the mysteriousness of him was enough to make me a life long fan.
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<p>All my favorite moments involve having attended shows. My first show being the Cowboys Stadium World Class show that Kerry Von Erich win the NWA Title. I was real young and remember bits and pieces of this show, I was maybe 4 or 5.</p><p> </p><p>

The one that stands out as a kid was a house show for my 8th birthday with Hogan vs Big Boss Man in the main event. I think that's what hooked me.</p><p> </p><p>

The TNA Slammiversies that took place in the DFW were fun as hell with my buddies, as well as ROH shows. WWE PPV shows used to be fun when I followed the 'E. </p><p> </p><p>

We recently got to hit up an AEW Dynamite taping followed by a trip down to Austin to catch some GCW in person.</p><p> </p><p>

Game Changer Wrestling show was the most fun I've had at a wrestling show in recent times, don't sleep on GCDub!</p>

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I know I don't qualify, and my favorite moment isn't a match. I just want to tell you guys my favorite wrestling moment.


So when I was really young my parents split up. Because of that, my father was raising two boys by himself so obviously money was tight. I think it's safe to say the majority of people who browse this thread wanted to be professional wrestlers when they were kids but I was an exception, I was obsessed to the point where when I was a teenager I was a monthly subscriber to three different wrestling magazines (WoW and I can't remember the others) and I was on a tape trading list. I paid for everything myself by doing odd jobs for neighbors such as mowing lawns and washing cars. I already knew the financial situation, so it was on me to get those things if I wanted them.


So it's like 2000 or 2001 and they air one of those "hey guys, WWF is doing a house show in your area" commercials. I see my dad get up right then but I thought he was getting a drink or making a call or something. So the day of the show, two hours before it's supposed to start I'm playing video games and I see WWF tickets rain down from nowhere into my lap. My dad somehow saved the money to buy tickets for us. And by the way, my dad hates wrestling.


Spoiler alert; I did not become a professional wrestler. But I was so set on it at the time and my dad wanted to support my dream. I will never forget that. The card and the matches don't matter to me as much as the reason we went.


But that doesn't mean I don't remember the entire card and who won.

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I know I don't qualify, and my favorite moment isn't a match. I just want to tell you guys my favorite wrestling moment.


So when I was really young my parents split up. Because of that, my father was raising two boys by himself so obviously money was tight. I think it's safe to say the majority of people who browse this thread wanted to be professional wrestlers when they were kids but I was an exception, I was obsessed to the point where when I was a teenager I was a monthly subscriber to three different wrestling magazines (WoW and I can't remember the others) and I was on a tape trading list. I paid for everything myself by doing odd jobs for neighbors such as mowing lawns and washing cars. I already knew the financial situation, so it was on me to get those things if I wanted them.


So it's like 2000 or 2001 and they air one of those "hey guys, WWF is doing a house show in your area" commercials. I see my dad get up right then but I thought he was getting a drink or making a call or something. So the day of the show, two hours before it's supposed to start I'm playing video games and I see WWF tickets rain down from nowhere into my lap. My dad somehow saved the money to buy tickets for us. And by the way, my dad hates wrestling.


Spoiler alert; I did not become a professional wrestler. But I was so set on it at the time and my dad wanted to support my dream. I will never forget that. The card and the matches don't matter to me as much as the reason we went.


But that doesn't mean I don't remember the entire card and who won.


no worries you’ll be in the giveaway :)

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