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Brandt wins Block A, EVR wins Block B, Brandt wins the Summit to establish himself as the top gaijin and challenge Yamawaki at Hall of Immortals. Feud with EVR can keep rolling that way.


Close, but I kept the Summit in March so HOI is like 8 months away :p I feel strapped down if the winner of the Summit must challenge at HoI. That's the challenge now with NJPW, as there's only a couple guys who could realistically win and main event the Tokyo Dome. Makes the entire fall and winter boring for New Japan.


I'll give spoilers. Brandt wins Block A and defeats the Block B winner who is TBD (probably Yamato so when he does finally win the Summit, it's that much sweeter). Brandt challenges Oda in May and WINS. He'll be the first "different" guy to win since I started. It's been held hostage by a select few for awhile. Oda is current champ and here are all the previous ones I've had. Peep the year and a half reign by EVR, followed by year reign by Oda, followed by year reign by EVR again:




Really though I just need a transitional champion and Brandt is perfect for that. I chose him because after winning the title in May, he will lose in July at Procession of Champions to the man he mutinied against Erik van Rijn! So at Hall of Immortals 2022, Oda Yamawaki will FINALLY defeat Erik van Rijn to win the title. Maybe that match will finally end the seven year struggle to beat him at HoI for the title. (Seven Year Struggle will 100% be the name of the documentary about that storyline....)

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Either MHero has been hard at work or I did not realize how deep the LeFever poison went on the TVerse team.


It pleases me greatly that MHero gets the blame for Dustin LeFever ending up in UPJ but it was all me I'm afraid. :D


Just to clarify for any new players who aren't familiar with the ThunderVerse team's thorough enjoyment of winding up the forum by being utterly silly, that screenshot is not real (well, it is, but I deleted the title straight after taking it). It's something about the immense hard work and really detailed UPJ posts by Dalton that make posts like that work so well, though!

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I'll admit the consistent graphical style is a large part of why I love the Thunderverse


I'd not really thought about this element of it, as I'm not normally too fussy about graphics - I'm just so impressed by all the work that people do.


Having thought about it more, I do think that the consistent worker renders makes a big difference. The world seems more connected, and I notice the little differences and individual characteristics more because the style is consistent. In the Thunderverse, I focus on the individual characters, whereas in the CVerse (where there are also some amazing graphics), I sometimes focus more on the different styles than the individuals.


Loved playing the Thunderverse in TEW 16, and can't wait to do so again in TEW 20. Thanks for all the hard work!

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In all seriousness, things are progressing well so far. We're all busy with real life (boo!) but still finding time to keep the wheels on this rolling. Obviously being a rebuild from the ground up things are taking time to finesse, but the new game editor seems to be a big help in rattling through things more quickly. I'm hoping we'll have some actual screenshots to share in a couple of weeks when things are a bit more bedded in and we can start to see how the mod is performing in longer-term games.
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The real scoop is we're renaming the whole mod since Terry Thunder is yesteryear's jam, it's now the LeFeverVerse.


If only you had the testicular fortitude requisite for such an evolution.


You were saying? :p


EDIT: Let all who say it remember the brief time we were LeFeverVerse. Blue Rhino just shut us down so it's reverting back to the Thunderverse.

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In all seriousness, things are progressing well so far. We're all busy with real life (boo!) but still finding time to keep the wheels on this rolling. Obviously being a rebuild from the ground up things are taking time to finesse, but the new game editor seems to be a big help in rattling through things more quickly. I'm hoping we'll have some actual screenshots to share in a couple of weeks when things are a bit more bedded in and we can start to see how the mod is performing in longer-term games.


Awesome, sounds great. Out of interest do guys use sheets/excel or anything to plan workers/promotions stats and such and then input that data, or does it get added straight into the editor? Just if it’s the former I might have an idea for you.

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Awesome, sounds great. Out of interest do guys use sheets/excel or anything to plan workers/promotions stats and such and then input that data, or does it get added straight into the editor? Just if it’s the former I might have an idea for you.


When we started 2 years ago we created a series of spreadsheets and used the TEW2016 editor's Weak - Average - Excellent (and everything in between) scale to map out every worker in the mod. We then applied that and adjusted the stats accordingly. Now that those workers are all done, the team will still use that scale when suggesting new characters but after nearly 2,500 workers I'm familiar enough with where things need to go that I can work from that without too much effort. That's where the balance should come in; it certainly seems to be playing well in the promotions that we've completed so far.


All ideas welcome though!

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It pleases me greatly that MHero gets the blame for Dustin LeFever ending up in UPJ but it was all me I'm afraid. :D


Just to clarify for any new players who aren't familiar with the ThunderVerse team's thorough enjoyment of winding up the forum by being utterly silly, that screenshot is not real (well, it is, but I deleted the title straight after taking it). It's something about the immense hard work and really detailed UPJ posts by Dalton that make posts like that work so well, though!


Just want to add that if it wasn't for the ThunderVerse team building such a unique and immersive world, posts by myself and the countless others that enjoy it so much would never exist. The only reason I am an active poster here is because of the mod reinvigorating my interest in TEW!


I know I post mainly about UPJ because I am an NJPW and puroresu mark, but detailed posts can be made about every company in the T-Verse. Each of them has a very unique identity and roster, which is why we all hate LeFever so much because he doesn't belong in UPJ, isn't that right MHero and jhd? :D he's a main eventer in SPLASH! right now in my game actually...


Others mentioned it already but the uniformity among the graphics is the selling point that got me to check it out deeper. In the C-Verse (which is great in its own way), sometimes its hard to look past a hideous render, while here that doesn't happen.


For those unfamiliar with some of the wacky aspects of the T-Verse, look no further than MHero's avatar. EMOJI is "the world's first (and only) wrestling emoticon." Sorry MHero but he still isn't signed 5 years after debuting :p. There's a Japanese worker named eXtinction who may or may not be the second incarnation of Xtinction, who disappeared in 2014. Super talented worker btw, I repackaged him as Hakai (Destruction) and he's an awesome midcarder right now. Magnus Stonebreaker is an Icelandic Olympian but could be the T-Verse's Kurt Angle if booked right.


And those are all guys who debut after the game starts. There's so many more out there.

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And those are all guys who debut after the game starts. There's so many more out there.


Wait until you see one of our new promotions. It includes a chicken robot from the future. (Honestly, I'm not kidding on that one!)

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Wait until you see one of our new promotions. It includes a chicken robot from the future. (Honestly, I'm not kidding on that one!)


Your brainstorming sessions must be intriguing. I wonder about the stuff that doesn't make it past the cutting room floor

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You hipsters. I think we should rename it the Thunderhipsverse to stop this nonsense.


Thunderhips had a brief comeback tour in 2019 until Terry threw out his knee doing the Cha Cha Cha. Jessica was supposed to take over until she married heavy metal singer Avery Broken and the network's market testing found that Brokenhips wasn't going to be a good replacement. Rick Thunder was lined up as a possible host but he was too busy earning millions in Japan as the enforcer for UPJ International Heavyweight Champion Dustin LeFever.

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