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What's Going on in Your Game?

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Let me just first say that this is my first ever TEW save and it's the most addicted I've ever been to any video game in my life, and that's saying something. It's an awesome piece of work.


I'm in December of 2027 in my Cverse local-to-global with my company based in Southern England. Started with 0s across the board and built it up from scratch. Just recently became a big-sized company.


Top Singles


David Stone - 2x world champion and about to hit one year as the reigning champ. I scooped him up after the collapse of the CWA and he's been a pillar ever since. He started as a solid mid-card heel and is now the reigning babyface champion. He also won the first two iterations of our "Royal Crown tournament" before losing in the finals of the third iteration to Yuta Isono. He's set to defend his title to Isono off the heels of that loss.


Yuta Isono - 2x world champion. Our top heel and leader of Dread the Future with Dreadnought and Moriarty Schnell.


James Diaz - 3x world champion and leader of the Diaz Family along with the Ivanoffs.


Logan Wolfsbaine - Unfortunately, Logan suffered a herniated spinal disk that put him on the shelf for over a year right as I was ready to give him a monster push. In kayfabe, this injury was caused by James Diaz who he'll feud with upon returning (which is in about 11 days game time!)


Americana Jr. - Upper mid-card pillar and member of the Armed Forces along with The H.O.A (listed below).


Apollo Prince - Hasn't held a title in over 2 years but is a solid member of the roster and has been involved in some good feuds


Johnathan Faust - Our first ever big signing back when we were still a small-sized company. After a year off due to a major concussion, Faust returned as the mouthpiece for Mutant and The Dark Connection in his stable, Pure Evil Ministries. He also occasionally wrestles though he can barely hang anymore.


Aaron Knight - Joined at the ripe age of 35 and built up his pop to where he's finally being recognized as the top star that he is.


Tag Teams


My tag division is absolutely STACKED. Some of the top teams are:


808s & Heartbreak - Dangermouth & Bret Heartbreak (1x champions)


Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu - Ricky Storm & Sifu (2x champions & reigning)


The H.O.A [Heart of America] - USAce & Wild Red Stallion (2x champions & longest reign in promotions history)


The Dark Connection - Midnight Eagle & Nakayama (1x champions)


The 336 Boyz - Jared Johnson & Cam Jones


Dread the Future - Dreadnought & Yuta Isono (1x Champions)


The Ivanoffs - Igor & Ivan Ivanoff


The Cornells - Tommy Cornell Jr. & Edward Cornell


Future stars


Tommy Cornell Jr. - My future figurehead. He's already probably the most talented guy on the roster, but I'm giving him a slow build because he's got 20+ years of career still ahead of him. He just won the secondary title from Moriarty Schnell a couple of months ago. His first belt.


Will Beaumont - The highest-paid member of the roster due to his high pop in Europe. He came in with zero pop in the British Aisles but is quickly rising to the top thanks to the generosity of our vets who were willing to put him over.


Moriarty Schnell - The first world champion in our developmental territory NILW (Next in Line Wrestling). Schnell re-debuted on the main roster after a lackluster first run by aligning himself with Yuta Isono and Dreadnought in Dread the Future and almost immediately won the secondary title.


Nakayama & Midnight Eagle - Both are still so young but so talented, especially Nakayama. They'll be a fixture in the tag division for their entire careers.


Other fun notes


Dangermouth was the first-ever world champion and also a 2x champ. Though talent-wise he's been surpassed by much of the roster, he's always in the mix and is part of a major team with Bret Heartbreak.


CWA went out of business in 2022. As I was a noob at the time I didn't go looking for their top stars until many years later. Guys like Aaron Knight and Jared Johnson were just sitting there in the unemployment pool for all that time. I justify it in my head by saying they "lost their passion" after the collapse.


WrestleWAR, which is the equivalent to the Royal Rumble, was won by James Diaz, King Stone, and Americana Jr. in that order.

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In short, a lot, so for now I'll keep it brief (and for the sake of only being a new user).


My current save has multiple players and promotion, all women's based promotions with willr0ck's Women's Revolution mod, plus a few original creations myself.


May 2024:


5SSW has grown to be the biggest women's only promotion in the world and a major force in Japan, having just put on JoshiMania 29, their biggest and best received show ever, with established Female Wrestler of the Year 2023 Fuyoko Higa still World champion, while many hungry young talent from 5SSW's Dojo and NeoTokyo Futures have claimed many of the under card titles.


In other smaller promotion news:


WQ2020 have finally turned a profit after 2 years of scrimping and breaking even.


CWWF have recently signed release CWA star Lauren Easter after a fallout with management (just their luck), a huge get for the growing Canadian up star, formed by Eve Grunge.


LSS however, while having a solid fanbase have been less profitable, the small size and niche product not quite moving the needle. However with recent cross promotion with bigger companies, the hope is it's still got teething after only 2 years in business.


Let me just first say that this is my first ever TEW save and it's the most addicted I've ever been to any video game in my life, and that's saying something. It's an awesome piece of work.


Same 100%!

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Another year has passed and I've now just completed March 2028 with Super Showdown being my latest event.


Right so, I've just completed Where it All Begins Again 2028 and I think this year has turned out to be up there as one of my favourites of the save so far. Just everything has fallen into place well and the company now finds itself in a great place and ever improving.


The main story of the past year has been the signing of one Tommy Cornell Jr. This goes against my rules of no Exclusive contracts but when he's available you just have too take that opportunity and where better for him to learn his trade than with the best developmental company in the world. Due to the developmental feel I want MAW to have and for breaking my own rules I have decided that I am only going to have TCJ on my roster for the extent of his current contract and then I will let him decide his destiny from there. I am also going to try to use him less so as my main champion as much (although he likely will get a reign) and more to help elevate the rest of the roster.


The show after my last update was possibly my 2nd biggest show of the year with Americana. Due to the date and the way it lines up this show usually ends up being where a lot of feuds end or start up and this show was not different. The first major thing on the show happened in our opening match between Nelson Callum and Ralph Liotta against Robin DaLay and Bradley Blaze when Robin turned on his mentor to align himself with the duo. The two had been trying to recruit him for months but the plan was to have him stick by his mentors side until Brad Blaze signed an exclusive deal to join NYCW so I decided that a heel DaLay was the way to go. The group is now collectively known as The Wild West and they've spent the year in midcard feuds, most recently with The Ring Generals. This show also saw the first emergence of The Masters of Money, the stable consisting of Nehemiah Loynes, Taylor Norton, Barron Royal and Eureka LaBelle (American Champion). The second big turn of the show came in the semi main event following Prometheus' loss to Tommy Cornell Jr. The monster had failed to dispose of TCJ as per the orders of The Architect and it's fair to say that he was not happy. The Architect slapped Prometheus and superkicked him before realizing the huge mistake he'd made and he quickly ran away. The main reason for this was that Prometheus signed exclusively to IPW but it wouldn't mean much as The Architect got hired himself by TCW two months later.


The main event of the show was possibly one of my favourite matches I've ever booked even if the rating (78) doesn't reflect it. In my previous post I talked about The Ri$e of the Mon$ters and The Knockout Project and this was their huge coming together in an insane 10 man elimination tag match. The Knockout Project consisted of Hawkeye Calhoun, Motoyuki Miyake, Christopher Ball, Stuntman and Kamikaze as they took on Austin Smooth, Logan Wolfsbaine, James Diaz, Fro Sure and the debuting Matt Blackburn who was a surprise debut. During the match Miyake would pick up an injury which altered my plans hugely as he was set to be out for an entire year. Thankfully surgery was able to lower it by a large amount but that definitely changed plans. In the end the debuting Matt Blackburn won it for his side and showed immediately he was a threat here in MAW.


Since that show the main event scene has still really revolved around the two factions. Destroyer Logan was still MAW Champion and following the injury to Miyake the KO Project were out for revenge. One man that took the forefront and that really stepped up in the absence of Miyake was Stuntman who immediately on the next show not only challenged Austin Smooth to a match that night but also beat the former MAW Champion who would quit after the match and announce he's off to Hollywood. This opened the door for him and Christopher Ball to develop as a tag team and the duo won the Sam Keith Classic, something I was super happy with as I thought it would be cool to have one member from each of the last two teams that won that tournament now win the tournament together. Sadly they would lose their match for the tag titles as the team they beat in the Final (Fro Sure and Matt Blackburn cost them their match). This led to two singles matches at Where it all Begins Again with Matt Blackburn beating Chris Ball (huge upset) and Stuntman defeating Fro Sure. Meanwhile with the other two members of the group, Hawkeye Calhoun joined the list of people that left us when he signed an exclusive deal with NYCW and left Kamikaze without much to really do. That was until the Sam Keith Classic where on that night he had an excellent match with the debuting Spencer Edmund and immediately he took it upon himself to invite Edmund to join the Knockout Project. The two immediately former a great team from the off and shocked The Deadly Sinners by becoming tag team champions at Where it All Begins Again.


Also on the WIABA show we again had War Piece in the wars with The Masters of Money over the American Title. He fought through the entire group to earn a rematch for his title and even then it was in a 6 man tag where he teamed alongside PyschoMike and Astro but he prevailed to become a two time champion just two months before the big show. After successfully defending against former champion Eureka LaBelle at The Clash he was jumped by Nehemiah Loynes who decided he was winning back the title for the group. What he didn't expect however was for War Piece to be saved by Masatochi Kamimura who had slowly been building himself up over the past 9 months of MAW and who earned his way into making the match a triple threat by making the save. In the end it worked too the benefit of Nehemiah and The Masters of Money as they used the NO DQ rules to their advantage and put War Piece through a table to take him out. This allowed Nehemiah to add the final blow by picking him, low blowing him with a kick and pinning him to win his first ever MAW Title.


The final things of note on the show were the return of Al Coleman to team with The Ring Generals when they beat The Wild West and Hugh De Aske answering the open challenge of Sione Tokoeka. Both are veteran presences with good popularity that will help the young roster develop over the next two years.

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I have been playing a TCW save that I believe I'm close to the end of 2022. I stopped playing the save for about 6 months and decided to go back to it. I have a stupid amount of money I think 500 million plus. The game had started to get stale for me because I signed a million people and two development companies and a performance center. I watch AEW a lot and decided to kind of take their schedule. I cut down my roster a lot and got rid of one of the development companies so now I have just MAW.


I basically run a Wednesday 2 hour show and a Saturday 1 hour show that I tape on Thursday. Basically close to AEW's weekly TV. I haven't quite nailed down a Dark and Dark Elevation type show but I'm thinking about it. I also cut down the PPV's to 4 a year. Malice in Wonderland, Summer Showdown, Total Mayhem and Psycho Circus. Basically what AEW does haha. It's just less work for me to book.


Anyway long story short, even after that I wasn't fully into the save but I'm 2 weeks out of Total Mayhem which I have moved to September and Wolf Hawkins is my World Champion who beat Jay Chord earlier in the year who had held the title for a year plus. My plan was for Ernest Youngman to defeat Wolf at Psycho Circus to end the year. Right before my Week 3 Total Wrestling show Wolf was involved in a prostitute scandal and was considered toxic.


I was like damn that shakes up my timeline by months but it's a cool wrinkle that has really rejuvenated my save for me. I was debating on just having Wolf go on vacation for 6 months and hopefully it would boil over but I was like ya know what, let's switch it up. So I had Wolf drop the World title on Total Wrestling to Ernest Youngman and I released Wolf and a few people from the locker room were really happy I let him go. I decided I'm just gonna let Ernest run with the World Title for longer than I had planned.


With Wolf I shortlisted him and when people start reaching out to him for a contract I'll reconsider bringing him back, but if it's in the next few months I'm gonna pass. I would like to bring him back eventually but I have a really good young locker room that I look forward to booking.


Not that anyone cares but here's a list of my champions:

World: Ernest Youngman

International: Remo Richardson

Television: High Flying Hawaiian

Tag Team: Generation X (Jay Chord + Bret Starr)

Women's: Jaime Quine

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That save sounds awesome. One of my favorite saves has been with the same data. Sadly I lost Joe to a severe injury in the first month, but it was the catalyst for a big ROH invasion angle. I personally disagree with your proposed BFG main event. I’m very confident that both of those guys are in time decline in your save as they were in mine. Plus, focusing on the oldest talent is what killed the real TNA’s momentum. So I say you should book Truth/Brown as the main event. As for the midcard belt, I don’t think you should make one. When the Legends/TV belt was introduced in real life, it turned the X Division title into the designated cruiserweight belt, which hurt its prestige. My alternative would be to make a bunch of small factions. Not Planet Jarrett size, but alliances of three or four wrestlers whose characters fit together.


Thanks, that's helpful. You were absolutely right about the Bound for Glory main event. I booked Flair/Sting, but it was a disappointment at 67 with Flair off his game. Meanwhile Brown/Killings tore the house down at 82, my best match so far in the save!

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Thanks, that's helpful. You were absolutely right about the Bound for Glory main event. I booked Flair/Sting, but it was a disappointment at 67 with Flair off his game. Meanwhile Brown/Killings tore the house down at 82, my best match so far in the save!


See, I disagree here. If Sting and Flair are over, or if that is a match you want to see, BOOK IT.

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Starting NXT in the CVerse with Alex DeColt as my user character. (There are some awesome title belt renders that I just couldn't pass it up).


First monthly event - 3 titles on the line, only the women's one hasn't been created yet. I want to have a little more traction with them before I set it up.


I did something I have never tried - Lightweight and under division (Cruiserweight Title), and Middleweight and over division (World Title). I want to build the two titles as equals for the respective divisions.


The tag team division has a mixture of both - some teams have one of each, some have both of the same. I think that is the one place I will let them mix.


I think it will turn out well. I have some talented younger guys in the lightweight division, and the top of my middleweight division is populated by over (and older) workers.

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The coolest thing has been going on in my game. It's 2028. Steven Parker, a top star for SWF since 2015, was involved in this massive cheating scandal with Emma Chase, the wife of SWF booker Eric Eisen. Chase and Eisen divorce, Chase leaves SWF, Parker jumps ship to USPW.


The really awesome part is that on the way out, Parker was buried by being booked to lose to complete jobbers including Payaso Jr, Whole Lotta Marvin, and a generated player by the name of Ronald Criss who's pop in the US is below 30 across the board.


What awesome attention to detail! The fact that the fallout from such a scandal leads to all the above effects makes me really appreciate how in-depth the game is.

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I’m afraid the scandal probably has nothing to do with Steven’s booking. According to the game, Steven Parker was born in 1984. By 2028, he is 43/44 years old. I think you should check his skills. If Consistency & toughness are dropping, he is in time decline, and that is probably why they’re having him lose all his matches. The scandal is correlated, not the cause.


His consistency and toughness are staying put at 97 and 45 respectively and his stamina is steady at 83. All those numbers are where he started in 2019 except for his stamina which is actually up a point. Regardless, I don't think I've ever seen the AI book someone as popular as Parker (90 pop across the US) to lose to unimportant level talents like that whether in time decline or not.


Perhaps Adam Ryland can clear up if such a function exists that causes bookers to bury workers in the midst of a scandal?

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Just a heads up this typed up on my phone so apologies for the lack of paragraphs that was mentioned on my last update. Moving on Lenny Brown won the SWF Intercontinental title beating Primus Allen in the tournament final at Christmas Clash 2020, the following month's ppv finally ended his rivalry with Captain AS Supreme (Atom Smasher) in a 89 rated ladder match that unified the IC and North American titles thus retiring the North American title and establishing the IC title as the main secondary title. Valiant won the SWF World title for a third time in a four way match consisting of champion Hollywood Brett Starr, Rocky Golden and Remo at Break Like The Wind 2020, then the following month defended against Starr in a first blood match...but post match the dastardly SWF CEO Eric Eisen booked a tired Valiant in another title match against Remo who thus became a four time world champion and Eisen finally got his corporate champion. The whole point of Valiant's month reign was to serve as a transitional champion for Remo who will be champ till Supreme Challenge 41 where my plan is that this ongoing power struggle with Eisen and SWF Commissioner Jack Bruce will get to the boiling point and have a power vs power match where Supremacy's Remo will be cornered by Double E and Rocky Golden cornered by Jack Bruce and the winner gains full control of the SWF (in terms of storylines). At the moment Rocky Golden is in rivalry with Des Davids which as of typing is set to come to ahead at the February ppv in a last man standing match, Cameron Vessey is in a rivalry with Hollywood Brett Starr in a wrestling family storyline, Lenny Brown and Randy Unleashed are in a IC title rivalry, Remo is in a rivalry with Rogue which behan prior to Remo winning the world title, The Crippler and Primus Allen both of Supremacy are in a rivalry against Hawaiian Crush who have been tag champs since Supreme Challenge 40, Joey Morgan and Scythe's rivalry is set to come to an end at February's PPV and Brandon James and his Big Money Inc are in a rivalry with Trent Shaffer. Forrest Ratzloff's progression has come leaps and bounds and is recognised as well known and is still managed by Joe Sexy, also Hellion was called up to the main roster in December 2020 in the midst of the Joey Morgan and Scythe rivalry and is at the moment recognised as recognisable. I signed Natural Storm in December and some point during 2021 or the next year will add tag team title no.13 to their list. (When they joined they were the reigning 8x USPW Tag Team champs) and I also signed Travis Century as their manager which has helped them. For RIPW my most signings is The LA Stars, also I signed Absolutely Flawless after they left 21CW with my plan to keep them in RIPW for a year then call them up, and they recently won't be RIPW Tag Team titles from The Magic Boys which is even better. Company wise SWF's popularity in the US is 84, 80 in Canada, 79 in Mexico and 16 for the rest of the world.
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A heel Benson is interesting to me. Whats Sammy BAch been doing? What about Hocking? Elliott Thomas?


Sorry about that, I missed your questions.


Sammy's in-ring performance is declining quite a bit. I signed Rogue a couple months back and the two of them have been locked in a "legends" feud ever since Rogue showed up. Both guys are in a similar spot of in-ring decline, but still a lot of popularity to help get shows over.


I had Matt Hocking do a face turn in my game after being kicked out of Sinner's Society. He is currently feuding with them. I'd like to put the TV Title on him possibly after Benson.


I haven't done a ton with Eliot Thomas as of yet, he hasn't stood out all that much in his matches, though I have recently been getting messages from workers telling me to push him so I think I might. He is currently in a middling tag team with Danny Fonzarelli.

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CGC must die.


I accidently deleted the database of the Default Database.

I decided to try out Alt Cornelleverse 2018 and Unfortunately CGC has to die.

I'm a Big Fan of the DeColts and Aaron Knight but, I hate NOTBPW so I can't use my favorite Decolts Jack and Ricky. My plan is to use my my Created Avatar Zin along with his wealth to fix Alex's Mistakes and maybe get my boys back (idk how strong loyalty is).


CGC is small and majority of the roster has negative momentum and sorry talent. I'm going to rebrand CGC. I'm replacing World title and Canadian Title and adding Women. I'm going to start a network for the TV shows. I'm building Gargantuan as much as I can until Aaron knight goes over him. Use Alex to build some of these guys ENT skills.


I'm looking for new names for the Promotion. I know for sure that I want to use the color scheme as NXT 2.0.

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Starting fresh...again. I have a better idea of what I want to do now. I was getting massacred in the regional battles, so moved to the Southeast, and focused on guys who have decent to high pop in the area (available to hire) and ended up with a varied roster. My cruiserweight division is mostly unknowns (seems realistic!). Still the same crop of folks at the top, but will run a different show this time than I always do.


Having done a test run, some big names might be one available in month 2 or 3 so that will help. Also, lots of conflicting schedules, so I will have to learn to niluggle those. Might have to replace some if they are just never available.


I have found some new workers (from my previous games). Looking forward to those possible stories.

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You can find the Default database in the same thread where the game updates are posted on Tech Support.


As for your game, if you’re going clean slate, I would like to see an LU-influenced take on CGC. Just make Gargantuan Matanza. Alex can be a more ethical Dario Cueto, wanting to promote the most exciting wrestling in the world without the old rules & expectations. But he has to grapple with the fact that none of his challengers can overcome Gargantuan’s immense physicality. Whippy could be a lot of fun in a serial drama-influenced environment, as could Aaron Knight if you go in on the rumored DeColt ties. The name could be Canadian Combat Unleashed, paying homage to the past while establishing a revolutionary future.

I'm not familiar with Lucha Underground if thats what you're refering to, so that was flying over my Head.

I do like the Name though, something Canadian Combat Unleashed or Canadian Unleashed Combat. May be Better than going full NXT.

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I need some advice with this decision.


Playing as United Promotions Japan, the largest Japanese promotion in the ThunderVerse. I'm about to buy Grupo Internacional de Lucha Libre, a Mexican promotion with 55 pop across Mexico. I'm debating whether I want to keep them on as a development company, or pillage them.


My goal is to have a literal ThunderVerse direct copy of "New Japan of America." Having them as a dev means I don't have to worry about their booking, but I don't have nearly enough control of them. Having them as part of my main company means I could create a sub-brand, but then I'd have to worry about their booking and all that.


Has anyone tried replicating NJoA in a fictional universe, and if so, how did you handle it?

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Right so, I've just completed Where it All Begins Again 2028 and I think this year has turned out to be up there as one of my favourites of the save so far. Just everything has fallen into place well and the company now finds itself in a great place and ever improving.


A few months later and things have shaken up again. After 7 years of developing him and pushing him as our main star, Motoyuki Miyake has finally signed an exclusive contract to leave us and join SAISHO. This caused a domino effect as he was currently the MAW Champion and while my original plan wasnt for him to have a lengthy reign with that belt, I still pushed around many plans and pushed a few newer names to the forefront. With him due to leave I decided I would use the Rip Chord Invitational to crown our new champion so after a successful title defence at the Night of the Champions, Miyake was powerbombed off the stage by Logan Wolfsbaine and due to his injuries he had to give up the title.


The Rip Chord Invitational would be the crowning of a new ace. The main favourites coming in too the tournament were the duo of Bomber James Diaz and Destroyer Logan Wolfsbaine as well as Miyake's former partners Stuntman and Chris Ball but the man that walked out victorious and as the new MAW Champion was the former 2X American Champion: War Piece. The masked man had a miracle tournament that saw him defeat Fro Sure, Bomber James Diaz (insane shock win), his long-time rival Taylor Norton and then somehow in the final he defeated Logan Wolfsbaine to complete his incredible tournament. War Piece was always going to be MAW Champion for me at some point but I was super happy with making him essentially an overnight star with this tournament.


The rest of the card has been relatively unchanged so far other than our new signing Hugh De Aske signing for TCW as well as his debut opponent Sione Tokoeka joining him in signing. The only other big story to update on is that Matt Blackburn caused a huge shock as the dominant superstar debuted a Hurt Lock submission finisher and punished Tommy Cornell Jr for months with it before finally defeating him in a match. Now he has his eyes set on the new MAW Champion who's already proven himself with a successful defence over Robin DaLay.

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I had a tag team match between Paul London, Kendrick versus Carlito and Santino Marella. Everyone in ring performance was above 50 (less for Santino) but the match rating was 38. Didn't really care, but i got curious. I scrolled down all the positives in the dirt sheet and find the note that the match was penalised because the script wasn't followed. I was shocked, never seen that before and in the main screen it wasn't mentioned so i looked at the dirt sheet again, line after line, and culprit was Carlito. The game said that Carlito forgot the script. It made me laught.
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Once again, I find myself returning to the C-Verse company I enjoy playing as more than any other, C-Verse or Real World. Total Championship Wrestling. This is my first game as TCW, the second on TEW2020. Let’s see what I have learned since!


This time around, besides what I know about the game now, I think I’m looking to do bigger gimmick pay-per-views. I’m also thinking in the future of cutting back on the amount PPVs, taking the “less is more” approach. Maybe replace some of the lower PPVs with Saturday Night Showcase events.


My first PPV, Malice in Wonderland 2020, is the perfect example. It is headlined by an Elimination Chamber for the World Title. Though, while establishing an annual PPV schedule with several gimmicks included, I decided to make Psycho Circus the PPV where an Elimination Chamber match would headline. Malice in Wonderland has legendary importance and can stand alone on its own name value.


Admittedly, I’m going to use ideas from my original TEW2020 TCW game. Some of them I started using without realizing it! My best examples are two of my favorite stable creations. Freddy Huggins leading his own upper midcard crew known as Freddy Corp, where Freddy talks like he’s building a multi-million dollar company more than he’s building a wrestling stable. Also, the trio of Troy Tornado, Matt Hocking, & Marc Speed known as The Shade Gang. Hocking & Speed are mainly the in-ring competitors, while Tornado is the manager/mouthpiece. Big things for both!


Anywho, here is a quick summary of my first pay-per-view on my TCW 2.0!


TCW Malice in Wonderland 2020


The new tag team of Bart Biggins & Edd Stone defeated The Elite (Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson).


International Newcomer Razan Okamoto defeated Handsome Stranger.


Doc Hammond defeated The Syndicate’s Matt Flynn by DQ. A little backstory, Hammond was kicked out of The Syndicate after refusing to take part in a Post-Match Ambush on Doc’s former partner, One Man Army. Thus, this match. A DQ would be called after Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson attacked Hammond, saving Flynn from the pinfall loss. Much to the delight of the crowd, One Man Army would hit the ring and save Hammond from the beatdown! Could it be true? Are The New Wave truly back together?!


The Shade Gang (Hocking & Speed) defeated Benny & The Foxx thanks to interference from Troy Tornado.


Greg Gauge defeated Human Arsenal to retain the TCW Television Championship. The finish came when Arsenal was distracted by some unnamed, beautiful woman (Juliet Balconi) climbing onto the ring apron. It would be revealed that Gauge has hired Balconi to be his manager!


Mighty Meaty (Eddie Peak & Tana The Mighty) defeated TCW World Tag Team Champions The Behemoths (Killer Shark & Titan) by Disqualification. The DQ was called when Eddie Peak attacked Mighty Mo, saving his Sinner Society minions. Peak would proceed to Choke Slam Mighty Mo through the Announce Table!


In the Main Event, Aaron Andrews would defeat Freddy Huggins, Jay Chord, Joshua Taylor, Sammy Bach, & Wolf Hawkins in a Elimination Chamber Match to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Andrews would pin Hawkins last to seal the successful title defense, though this feud between Andrews & The Syndicate seems far from over!

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Another little update: Brought in Bruce The Giant for a two appearance deal as the enforcer for the steel cage match between Rocky Golden and Spencer Spade. Bruce made his first appearance at the Supreme TV before The World is Watching 2021 then on the ppv post show for swf.com he was inducted into the SWF Hall of Fame. I have also signed Matthew Keith who will spend a couple months in RIPW before debuting
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Another little update: Brought in Bruce The Giant for a two appearance deal as the enforcer for the steel cage match between Rocky Golden and Spencer Spade. Bruce made his first appearance at the Supreme TV before The World is Watching 2021 then on the ppv post show for swf.com he was inducted into the SWF Hall of Fame. I have also signed Matthew Keith who will spend a couple months in RIPW before debuting at The Supreme Challenge 41 under the name Matt Keith.
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I have enjoyed reading your story sounds very fun. Are you doing a diary on this? I looked but didnt see one. If you are I will have to go search again, if not might a suggest you do, I think you have a very interesting story to tell with that save.


Trevor L.


Thank you, that means a lot. I'm not a diary person, I've tried in the past but it's never been my thing and I quickly get overwhelmed. That's why I just like to do detailed posts in here

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