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What's Going on in Your Game?

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1992-1995, New Japan.


Serious question guys.


I just wrapped up WK2 (I know.. way too early for that, but I hated the weird naming that NJPW did prior) and AJPW is currently tanking. They're 1.9m in debt and are willing to negotiate a takeover. Question is... do I do it? I know I should, from a pure "gameplay" standpoint I should. But it'd be too easy, right? I'd have Kawada, Taue, Kobashi, Steve Williams, Hansen. But like.. that'd severely bloat my main event scene.


My main event scene is quite literally Chono, Mutoh, Fujinami, Tenryu (who just broke his neck vacating the title), and Hashimoto. With the rare appearances by Dave Finlay, Nobuhiko Takeda, Sasaki, Hase, and Onita.


Should I just buy them and use them as a developmental and "borrow" their stars? I don't want AJPW to just outright die. It'd suck. They're still going today and are a huge piece of Japanese wrestling history, arguably more so than NJPW in the 90s.


Don't do it. Give them cash (if you can) or create another rival promotion. Personally, I would give them some cash.

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1992-1995, New Japan.


Serious question guys.


I just wrapped up WK2 (I know.. way too early for that, but I hated the weird naming that NJPW did prior) and AJPW is currently tanking. They're 1.9m in debt and are willing to negotiate a takeover. Question is... do I do it? I know I should, from a pure "gameplay" standpoint I should. But it'd be too easy, right? I'd have Kawada, Taue, Kobashi, Steve Williams, Hansen. But like.. that'd severely bloat my main event scene.


My main event scene is quite literally Chono, Mutoh, Fujinami, Tenryu (who just broke his neck vacating the title), and Hashimoto. With the rare appearances by Dave Finlay, Nobuhiko Takeda, Sasaki, Hase, and Onita.


Should I just buy them and use them as a developmental and "borrow" their stars? I don't want AJPW to just outright die. It'd suck. They're still going today and are a huge piece of Japanese wrestling history, arguably more so than NJPW in the 90s.


Ill echo Zero and say you should help them out, which is what a lot of Japanese companies do anyway.


What I would do, and this is a BIT complicated, is add a player to the game, take over as either the owner or booker (I do booker so when I leave the game as that player, the owner and booker positions are still occupied by the same two people as before), find out exactly what is causing them to lose money and fix them, and then leave the game as that player. I would also recommend maybe cutting one of your main eventers (edit their contract in the ingame editor to be 1 day remaining), and sign them to AJPW.


Or just give them cash

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Ill echo Zero and say you should help them out, which is what a lot of Japanese companies do anyway.


What I would do, and this is a BIT complicated, is add a player to the game, take over as either the owner or booker (I do booker so when I leave the game as that player, the owner and booker positions are still occupied by the same two people as before), find out exactly what is causing them to lose money and fix them, and then leave the game as that player. I would also recommend maybe cutting one of your main eventers (edit their contract in the ingame editor to be 1 day remaining), and sign them to AJPW.


Or just give them cash


I was going to take them over, let them "survive that way" and then end the relationship down the road when they're making money. All whilst giving them guys that I have no use for/are stale. I wouldn't be picky about it either. This way I could give them Kojima, for example. I guess they'd only be developmental in game, but I'd never actually use them as such. It'd be more of a "easier" talent trade system. Where I could bring their guys / send my guys over. But if you both think I should just try and alleviate it another way, I'll probably end up doing that instead. Thanks for the replies homies.

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I was going to take them over, let them "survive that way" and then end the relationship down the road when they're making money. All whilst giving them guys that I have no use for/are stale. I wouldn't be picky about it either. This way I could give them Kojima, for example. I guess they'd only be developmental in game, but I'd never actually use them as such. It'd be more of a "easier" talent trade system. Where I could bring their guys / send my guys over. But if you both think I should just try and alleviate it another way, I'll probably end up doing that instead. Thanks for the replies homies.


How does NJPW hold up in 92? I've been thinking of giving them a spin lately. Either then or 2013.

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How does NJPW hold up in 92? I've been thinking of giving them a spin lately. Either then or 2013.


Uhh, think I'm using Flashpoint 1992 beta. A bit of an older version now, all things considered.


I vaguely remember their starting roster sort of sucks. I was unlucky and had Choshu instantly on decline, so that hurt. Your main event scene is banging. You have Vader/Choshu/Fujinami/Chono/Mutoh/Hashimoto to all play around with. Outside of that? Your roster is abysmal. Liger is amazing, but he has nobody really on his level unless you bring in the obvious big names. Hayabusa, Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, etc. Your tag division isn't.. really a tag division. Its a belt the singles guys come together to compete over, so you need to really work on that. Vader/Bam Bam make a good tag team, and are, I think the only Heavyweight tag team to start in the database. The rest of your roster is filled with really subpar wrestlers, mostly MMA guys, who are neither charismatic nor possess much star quality. That and you have many aging guys with no upside. Normally I keep the older guys around but in this case? Your midcard needs a massive face lift.


I put Kensuke Sasaki and Hiroshi Hase together, largely because I've always liked Hase, and don't want him to get shafted. Hase is solid and can probably main event from the beginning, but Sasaki is abysmal (in terms of NJPW main event) and desperately needs to get better before you can consider him.


All in all, your roster is pretty meh, the only thing you have going for you is your main event scene, and Liger being a God.


Edit: Every July, since 1992 Mutoh has been "Wrestler of the Year... so far" only to lose to Hulk Hogan lmfao, who is also a 4x Royal Rumble winner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wcw 1993


Been playing a WCW 1993 save and don't usually post but couldn't pass up this tag team. During an autobooked WCW Main Event The Barbarian and Johnny B Badd had great chemistry teaming together.


Naturally I teamed them up as the Barbarians and changed Johnny B Badd to be named Johnny Barbarian Badd. They are now feuding with the Hollywood Blonds for the tag titles.


It has been a fun save. The British Bulldog won a WCW World Heavyweight title tournament after Vader tore his achilles.


Ric Flair is re-signed and has the Horsemen alongside Arn, Dustin Rhodes and Marcus Bagwell. Didn't want to go with Bagwell but he has had, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Arn, Steamboat, and now Flair have all made promises to put him over. He went from 50 to 70 popularity. Soon Flair will put him over in a match as Flair and Rick Rude are feuding and Rude will convince Flair to battle Bagwell for his US title which Bagwell won from Rude.


Jake Roberts and Kevin Sullivan have the Dungeon of Doom going after Sting & Steamboat


Rick Rude, Sid, the Hollywood Blonds started a stable called The Dynasty and brought in Tully Blanchard to help them take out the Horsemen.


Cactus Jack has been putting on great matches and I want more to do with him but he is getting lost in the shuffle after being Bulldog's first World Title Feud.


Just signed Fred Ottman, instead of the Shockmaster, he is coming in to team up with Big John Tenta.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Using the Montreal prelude mod. Wanted to talk about TEW so here I am with a random update. :cool:


Flying through it now. Still staying close enough to what happened in the real world, only better for some of my ol heroes.


Currently at July 1999. Taking July off. I figure less is more. Keep my star attractions special.


The Light heavyweight division has picked up a bit since Ultimo Dragon came in. Those 50-60 matches going up to 70+ now. Brian Christopher was a main event for a couple of months. I'd say I'm doing things a bit more creatively in this game. Haven't really pushed him as hard as this before. Too Cool won the tag team titles for a weekend.


We have


Ultimo Dragon, clearly he is top of the class. No transitional stuff here. He might be champion for 3 years uninterrupted. Yes, he is that good. Teaching Shane how to do moves etc, because learning how to do a Dragon Sleeper will helps loads against a Giant you have no chance of getting behind, or does it? What do you believe? We all need a bit on the side. An ally is an ally.


Robbie Brookside. Had some shows in UK and he was champion for a while. Just lacking that key ingredient.


Teddy Hart, he's turning amazing without a mentor. I joke, he has his family around him. Segments with Hart Foundation when they were together, and his stats were already average at worst when he joined. It's looking good for him in this world.


I like to think I'm making titles seem like the most important moment in your life. Teddy will get the light heavyweight title eventually. He has to. I couldn't do a three-year reign. But there is no way he will beat Dragon in their first match.


Christopher Daniels (Cornette as his manager.) He is next in line for Dragon at Summerslam.


Super Crazy, Averno, Aguila, etc etc. Yes, they are all so important that I've forgotten their names.


Dude Love was turned into an actual comedian for a while. It was weird, he'd been doing so many losses as Mankind so I decided to turn him into Dude Love and laugh at it all. He then won his first title, (IC. He beat Val Venis) unlike real life, he did not get the world title. The Rock hasn't been champion yet, either. Yes, Austin is clearly Dr. Manhattan in my world.



''It is King of the ring 1999, and I'm about to open up a can of whoop ass on Shane McMahon. Then I''m going to move on to this cold perspiring bottle of Steveweiser. Many of them, in fact. I am in love! haha Just look at him. Just look at that face, god-damn it .Your son is terrified, son! And that's the bottom line because stone-cold said so....''


Dude's popularity kept going down because I have comedian at very low. Oops. But anyway, he's still using a comedian done under realstic banner and it's rated legendary so jackpot for this one. Foley is just that good, isn't he? Gotta give him credit.


This leads to Undertaker challenging Dude Love to a casket match at Summerslam. Dude says nothing will make him happier. Undertaker won the world title against Austin at Wrestlemania. Yes, we got rid of that no heel stuff this year. Undertaker did keep his WrestleMania streak, lost the 2 rematches, including hell in a cell finish.


The Undertaker has also won the tag team title. So he's coming after the IC next. That would leave the European title as the only title remaining, if he beats Dude. I wouldn't get too excited, the odds look good for Dude to retain. It's a casket match so Kane can teleport Undertaker or something strange like that. ''Hey, it's the Undertaker, you can get away with whatever supernatural bullshit you want.'' lol


Brothers of Destruction are the current tag team champions. They are sending The Dudleyz out to put a stop to The Outlaws. The Outlaws will make it through the Dudley. Can they beat the brother? I'm not sure yet.


Hardyz are getting closer every match. Undertaker has to be written out some way before he returns on a motorbike. :cool:


Edge and Christian recently turned heel. They're doing their three-man routine with Kurt.


DX is still alive. Xpac, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. Triple H did his turn almost exactly the same as real world.


Bret beat Shawn at Survivor Series, he got a good run out of the ''heel'' Canadian thing before I turned him back to wholesome face. No Montreal scar tissue, so Bret is still the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.


We got a continuation of Austin vs Bret. Passing of the torch stuff. Yes, we got to see Austin pin Bret on PPV.


Bret recently returned after a 3-month break and gave us the old ''I'm not sure what motivates me any more'' speech. He then turned down Vince's offer for another title match against Austin. Austin was supposed to defend against Shawn at the July 1999 PPV.


Dave Meltzer reports ''plans change''


Since I decided to take July off. I did the one night only ppv 2 weeks after king of the ring.. Only for the UK and european customers. The rare time I will do 2 ppvs on the same month. Making plenty of money now, and wont be long until my fab 5 constantly beats WCW. Your time is up, soon.


One Night Only main event. Triple H defeated The Rock in a cage match.


The Undertaker warned Shawn a couple of weeks ago. He looked into his eyes and seen the darkest depths of hell. Something that seemed to rattle The Undertaker, the darkest guy on the universe version. Shawn would not listen.


Crixus (Big Show with a strong gimmick and being pushed hard. He's not losing on Raw or anything. He's not even wrestling on Raw. PPV attraction baby). Yes, the real world has definitely taught me what not to do.


He's Steph's guy, or was. Shane has not been listening to dad's instructions, so it's time for another lesson. Shane vs Crixus at Summerslam. Stephanie wants no part of this. She tells Crixus that she can no longer be associated with him. They hug. This is my world. :eek:


Crixus Randomly shows up and murders people. He beat Shamrock inside the octagon on his debut at Wrestlemania 15. New European champion. :confused:


Crixus destroys Shawn and puts Shawn on the shelf for a few months. There is no doubt that somebody ordered (paid off) Crixus to do this. Vince (me) looks like the chief suspect, although the future is still unclear. Spoiler alert. It's not me. I try to make my version as honourable as possible.


Bret said his story with Austin is over. ''I've no time for your childish games. I'm not here to play substitute, especially not for the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels.'' :p ''You disgust me. Get out of my sight.''


Kurt Angle's music comes on. He beat Blackman in 4 minutes and complained about weak competition. It's amusing because almost every time Angle has stepped up, he's lost. I just think he has the special forcefield around him to get over the loss quickly, but he's never going on a dreaded losing streak


Kurt challenges Bret to a ''first ever'' best of 7 technical excellence. Bret quickly realizes that this motivates him, he shakes Kurt's hand. No sneak attack or anything. Kurt will play nice for now. I have him to lose the first 2 matches.


Canada is where Kurt will get his win to bring it back to 1-2. Then Bret will doubt himself, losing the next 2. After that, yeah, we're getting a final match.


For anybody playing detective. Triple H will be revealed as the man who gave the order to Crixus. This might make Vince proud, or I might have to conspire against Triple H for daring to do such a thing against the icon, the showstopper, the main event!!! I think Triple might have made his biggest mistake. We shall find out.


It's all about Shawn Michaels. Triple H is jealous, yet he couldn't bring himself to do it himself. What a sleaze. Triple H will do some ranting. I'm thinking they wrestle at Wrestlemania 16. Yes, saving it for that long.


Triple has been on the ultimate heel push since he turned at this year Wrestlemania. Won the king of the ring again, beating The Rock in the final. The Rock is going to do a movie in 20 days.


Crixus will not put him out or anything. That would be overkill. The Rock will just walk off. He does have money in the bank. Yes, I always figure I'll not be playing so long in the future when it is introduced. So I had nothing for five at Wrestlemania and money in the bank was perfect. The Rock won vs Bret, Angle, Shawn and Rikishi.


The Rock has had 2 chances to cash in on Austin but you know where this is going, don't you? Yes, The Rock is the people's champion. There is no way The Rock will cash in against Austin.


Back to the king of the ring. This time, Triple H destroyed the crown with his new gift. Yes, Stephanie is a bad girl right from the start. She presents Triple with a sledgehammer that is beyond my wildest dreams. The crown is destroyed, followed by the throne.


A jet then flies in.


Chris Jericho is the pilot. He introduced himself recently. His debut is coming at Summerslam, vs Owen Hart. Managed to win a lot of money playing poker vs Austin, refused a match against Austin, all that good stuff. Yes, I made the joke about Dr Manhattan, so my villains have to be super strong, and realistic, (unless You're the Undertaker and Kane.)


Jericho is not going to be able to beat Austin at this point. He has to beat him other ways. Owen is the perfect debut opponent. A match that Jericho wants more than any other etc etc. ''Owen Hart is my hero.''


Jericho welcomes Triple H and Stephanie aboard. They go to Wimbledon to play doubles against the Williams sisters. Another gift from Stephanie. You have to wonder, is that the number one contender really needs at this point? Pure unscripted tennis on centre court? Only time will tell, Gorilla.


I've put CM Punk with Jericho. I wanted Punk in development, he turned me down, and he was just sitting there every time I looked at most potential. haha I aint blacklisting CM Punk. Then I thought, Jericho needs some people with him, he's only visiting WWF before moving to bigger asnd better things. Yes, I also allow my people to not be afraid of whatever they want to say.


Y2J is presented as a real wise guy, he keeps CM Punk around because he doesn't drink or do drugs. He will tell him when it is time to go offline. ''No point satisfying you marks with disdain over match reviews when none of you are fit to lace my boots.''


Still unsure about Summerslam. .I'm not sure about Austin. He's just the absolute boss now. Average of 90 this year, 2 100 matches (vs The Rock and teaming with Rock vs Brothers of Destruction) and might be in contention for wrestler of the year. No plans to get him injured or write him out.


Leaning towards Austin winning at Summerslam. Triple H's road to the top will have another couple of obstacles. We have to see Triple pushed to his limit and a reason for unspeakable terrors in the future.


Anyway, that is pretty much my game in so many words. Having fun, and it was my favorite time watching. I should come back and do an update after Summerslam in case anybody got excited while reading that. :)

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G1 Climax 1995 is wrapped up.


Masahiro Chono has won the G1 Climax whilst holding the IWGP World Heavyweight title. This makes him the first to do so. The story here is for Chono to have a dominant reign until about April next year, where Hashimoto will defeat him. This will be a transitional reign for Hashimoto though, as I want Ron Simmons to hold the big one before he hits time decline.


Meanwhile, my Junior Heavyweight division has been robbed of Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero three times now. First time? Eddie needs rehab. Second time? Eddie gets injured. Third time? Benoit decides to do MMA. Eddie has had a rather meh title reign, with Hayabusa ready, going to have him take the title and have Benoit dethrone. Just re-run the entire storyline basically. Culminating in Eddie vs. Benoit.


The Tag titles continue to be a weakly booked title. Miracle Violence Connection (Williams and Gordy) have dethroned Sasaki and Hase, who have been my dominant tag team throughout this save. Them and Hansen are on PPA deals and was going to simulate a bit of an invasion for AJPW, but realizing they're all gaijin in a Japanese company, I held off until later. They are in a loosely based alliance though, and they've been having a great time in the company.


This brings me to AJPW, a company that is doing so terrible, and even with me trying to save them, I really can't. Not sure why they're leaking money. I did sign Misawa just to see if I could alleviate their pains without just outright editing their funds to something ridiculous. Sadly? Still losing 800k(!?) a month. Sadly, the moment I snapped Misawa, he announced he will be doing a big movie. Thankfully he hasn't debuted yet, and he returns right before Wrestle Kingdom. Excited for that.


WCW continues to grow massive. WWF continues to flounder. Tony Atlas is WWF Champion. I lost Vader due to his loyalty to WCW, but he is WCW Champion. So I can't really complain. At this rate WWF is going to be picked apart similar to how AJPW is.

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Using the Montreal prelude mod. Wanted to talk about TEW so here I am with a random update. :cool:


That sounds amazing, enjoyed reading that update :eek:


I've literally just started a save in 97 last night only set up more TV deals offered contracts etc.


Ran my first Raw was nothing special but I think its always the same with the first one, will be pretty much same matches as real life for Rumble.


Dont want to give too much away as I will see how I get on and if I get right into this save and get all my long term plans in place I may start a diary :rolleyes:

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That sounds amazing, enjoyed reading that update :eek:


I've literally just started a save in 97 last night only set up more TV deals offered contracts etc.


Ran my first Raw was nothing special but I think its always the same with the first one, will be pretty much same matches as real life for Rumble.


Dont want to give too much away as I will see how I get on and if I get right into this save and get all my long term plans in place I may start a diary :rolleyes:


Thank you. I love going back to 1997. Always hard to get things perfect on the first show. All about your vision > ratings.


I kind of lost the plot and wanted to mention everybody. People that I didn't mention can get back at me on Shotgun Saturday Night. The place they belong. :p haha


I'm going to post Summerslam results later. There will be some order to it this time.

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<p>I just finished The Great American Bash 2002. Steve Austin's dominating as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and feuding with Shawn Michaels and the Kliq (except for Triple H, who's still got a long-term deal with WWF).</p><p> </p><p>

I've got Kurt Angle working with Perry Saturn as they've turned heel. I figure I'll get them into a tag title feud before setting Angle's eyes toward the world title.</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin Rhodes (as Black Reign) and Shane Helms are the top two guys on my secondary brand, but I'm building up Ron Killings and Rodney Mack as I transition WSW (Wild Side Wrestling) into ECW.</p><p> </p><p>

One month to Bash at the Beach (which will be followed by a one-month break). I'm thinking about a tournament along the lines of an American G1 Climax-type tournament for my next tour/season.</p><p> </p><p>


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Plans had to change once again. A few days before Summerslam, Bret makes some dodgy comments and becomes toxic. Had to let him go.


It did suck because it was right in the middle of Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart best of 7. The last match we got was Teddy and Kurt vs Owen and Bret.WCW came in for Owen and I just looked at how I've been booking him, he's kept strong enough but never fighting for the main event position. Owen takes some losses before he leaves.


Teddy Hart is now the man flying the Hart family dungeon flag. He defeated Averno to open Summerslam.


The Hurricane and Aguila defeated the Headbangers.


Edge and Christian beat The Hardy Boys


New Age Outlaws beat The Dudleyz


Dude Love defeated The Undertaker in a casket match to retain the IC title. Dudleyz were ordered to leave the ministry after they failed to beat The Outlaws. Dudleyz turn to babyface was completed when they interfered in this match.


Ultimo Dragon pinned Chris Daniels to retain light heavyweight title.


Chris Jericho and Owen Hart lacked chemistry. Can you believe that? They still managed 79 but still feels like a letdown for Jericho's debut.


Stephanie McMahon made sure Shane McMahon didn't turn up at Summerslam.


Kurt Angle says Bret is still the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Ken Shamrock accepts open challenge. Kurt Angle wins a good match.


Austin pinned Triple H to give us a happy ending at Summerslam.

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Trying my hand at Impact. Decided to book everything up to the show after Slammiversary the same before jumping off into my own thing.


Sami Callihan wanted another shot at Omega, but instead got an answer from the Real World’s Champion Nick Aldis instead. The two have been going back and forth, with Callihan growing tired of people dropping in whenever they want while Aldis is saying Callihan isn’t fit to hold the world title. We’ll see how this one goes.


Moose and Sabin are still feuding. Moose attacked Sabin after their rematch, leading to Alex Shelley making his return for the save. Not to be outdone, Moose got himself a partner as well, with AJ Gray making the move from our B Show onto the main stage to play his partner. They have great chemistry as well, which is a huge plus. Will probably blow the feud off at our August event.


Deonna Purrazzo needs a new opponent after defeating practically everyone on the roster. Enter Tessa Blanchard, who in story is coming back to reclaim her throne. That’s not gonna happen though, because Impact never forgets. Still, I need to siphon off some of her popularity. The Knockouts division isn’t the most popular, unfortunately.


Their tag division is slowly getting up there, though. The titles are currently on The IInspiration, but Decay, Fire N Flava, Double Shot (Jordynne and Rachael), and Tenille and Dani Jordyn are doing fine, with Team Sea Stars slowly getting up there as well.


Consequences Creed is coming home. No idea what I’m gonna do with him but I got him.


Omega also needs a challenger but at this point we gotta build up our talent. I’ve only got Omega for a certain amount of time so I’m debating a hotshot or transitional champ.


The X-Division Title, you ask? In a blunder on my part, Josh Alexander dropped the belt to Jay White at Homecoming. I autobooked the card as a way to farm popularity and just kinda ended up with this happening. Currently trying to figure out how to get the belt off Jay, but the idea of a Belt Collector vs. Belt Collector feud is enticing. I could bring in Moxley to defend the belt against Jay as well if I really want to push it.


I’m still running the Ace/Fulton/Atohi/Shera vs. Swann/Mack/Bahh/TJP feud. Thinking about bringing in No Way Jose full time as Fallah Bahh’s partner, which would allow TJP to run solo. Probably after a beat down from the bad guys, though I’ll probably cut Shera and Fulton after this feud.


Eddie Edwards and W. Morrissey are gonna blow their feud off at our August event. I have Davey Richards in looking to help Eddie, but given how the Wolves ended, Eddie’s cautious about trusting his old friend.


Jake Something is climbing the ranks, challenging a soon to be retiring Bully Ray for our August event. He’s on our future stars list so I want to do right by him.


We also have talent trading agreements with NOAH, AJPW, Dragon Gate, STARDOM, and TJPW. I’ve sent a couple of rookies off to develop their skills and get experience before coming back. I’m debating opening a development for those that won’t go off on excursions, but we’ll see how finances are after August.

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Trying my hand at Impact. Decided to book everything up to the show after Slammiversary the same before jumping off into my own thing.


Sami Callihan wanted another shot at Omega, but instead got an answer from the Real World’s Champion Nick Aldis instead. The two have been going back and forth, with Callihan growing tired of people dropping in whenever they want while Aldis is saying Callihan isn’t fit to hold the world title. We’ll see how this one goes.


Moose and Sabin are still feuding. Moose attacked Sabin after their rematch, leading to Alex Shelley making his return for the save. Not to be outdone, Moose got himself a partner as well, with AJ Gray making the move from our B Show onto the main stage to play his partner. They have great chemistry as well, which is a huge plus. Will probably blow the feud off at our August event.


Deonna Purrazzo needs a new opponent after defeating practically everyone on the roster. Enter Tessa Blanchard, who in story is coming back to reclaim her throne. That’s not gonna happen though, because Impact never forgets. Still, I need to siphon off some of her popularity. The Knockouts division isn’t the most popular, unfortunately.


Their tag division is slowly getting up there, though. The titles are currently on The IInspiration, but Decay, Fire N Flava, Double Shot (Jordynne and Rachael), and Tenille and Dani Jordyn are doing fine, with Team Sea Stars slowly getting up there as well.


Consequences Creed is coming home. No idea what I’m gonna do with him but I got him.


Omega also needs a challenger but at this point we gotta build up our talent. I’ve only got Omega for a certain amount of time so I’m debating a hotshot or transitional champ.


The X-Division Title, you ask? In a blunder on my part, Josh Alexander dropped the belt to Jay White at Homecoming. I autobooked the card as a way to farm popularity and just kinda ended up with this happening. Currently trying to figure out how to get the belt off Jay, but the idea of a Belt Collector vs. Belt Collector feud is enticing. I could bring in Moxley to defend the belt against Jay as well if I really want to push it.


I’m still running the Ace/Fulton/Atohi/Shera vs. Swann/Mack/Bahh/TJP feud. Thinking about bringing in No Way Jose full time as Fallah Bahh’s partner, which would allow TJP to run solo. Probably after a beat down from the bad guys, though I’ll probably cut Shera and Fulton after this feud.


Eddie Edwards and W. Morrissey are gonna blow their feud off at our August event. I have Davey Richards in looking to help Eddie, but given how the Wolves ended, Eddie’s cautious about trusting his old friend.


Jake Something is climbing the ranks, challenging a soon to be retiring Bully Ray for our August event. He’s on our future stars list so I want to do right by him.


We also have talent trading agreements with NOAH, AJPW, Dragon Gate, STARDOM, and TJPW. I’ve sent a couple of rookies off to develop their skills and get experience before coming back. I’m debating opening a development for those that won’t go off on excursions, but we’ll see how finances are after August.


This sounds like a lot of fun!

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This sounds like a lot of fun!


Unfortunately the file got corrupted and I ended up losing progress. A shame, since I was really digging it.


I think I’ll start at the beginning of the year with Omega just starting to make intentions known. The idea is to keep the booking as close to reality as possible barring any situations coming about (releases, non contract renewals and injuries among them). The idea is to build up someone to take the belt off of Omega, with Jake Something, Trey Miguel, and Ace Austin in the running depending on their destiny rolls.


Another would be to run a once a month low level indy and try to build them up. Maybe when the world gets more generated workers that I can hire and reconfigure their stats.

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Unfortunately the file got corrupted and I ended up losing progress. A shame, since I was really digging it.


I think I’ll start at the beginning of the year with Omega just starting to make intentions known. The idea is to keep the booking as close to reality as possible barring any situations coming about (releases, non contract renewals and injuries among them). The idea is to build up someone to take the belt off of Omega, with Jake Something, Trey Miguel, and Ace Austin in the running depending on their destiny rolls.


Another would be to run a once a month low level indy and try to build them up. Maybe when the world gets more generated workers that I can hire and reconfigure their stats.


Sorry to hear that. I like the sound of rolling with IMPACT at the beginning of the year. Of those options, I like Ace the best, but he seems like a natural heel IMO, so Trey might make more sense as a babyface.

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<p>RTG sorta... on Cverse</p><p> </p><p>

I launched the GFW and used Steve Flash as my user character. </p><p> </p><p>

About 5 1/2 years in and we're only 26 pop in home region but I've been able to bank up some money and launched my own broadcasters; One is a Internet PPV and the other is Internet Commercial.</p><p> </p><p>

Both cover most of the world but only at a tiny level, but hey it's a great start!</p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately, we're not profitable if we run TV. Only PPV is profitable and because of that I'm only running 1-2 events a month right now. Merchandise is at level 7 but slowly moving towards level 8. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Star</strong></p><p>

As far as my roster, Hammer Hadley has reigned as my GFW World Champion for nearly 2 full years. Philippe LaGrenier started a tag team with him and they held those titles as well but once they lost them, Hammer turned on LaGrenier. Juliet Balconi began managing Hammer Hadley shortly after the victory but now she's gone on to film yet another movie. </p><p> </p><p>

They fought over about 6 months and Philippe was never able to topple the monster Hammer, and Hammer declared himself the King of the GFW.</p><p> </p><p>

Philippe LaGrenier has been with the company since day one and is a 2-time GFW World Champion, 3-time World Tag Team Champion and is a 1-time and current GFW National Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

I just recently picked up Masked Cougar, Bradley Blaze, Xavier Reckless and several other high-quality workers so we can start pushing our match quality much higher.</p><p> </p><p>

I honestly don't know who's going to take over the top spot from King Hammer Hadley as he's really come into his own as a good worker and continues improving. He's not going to be able to stay on top forever, I don't think his stats will be good enough to main event when we hit Medium, but that's quite a long time away.</p><p> </p><p>

Current plan is to keep building stars and investing in my broadcasters.</p><p> </p><p>

OH. I had a fun situation where Magnum Kobe was a free agent and for some reason, I was able to offer him a contract for $40/appearance. He accepted it and before he was able to debut, he asked for a $1,000 raise...</p><p> </p><p>

I think it might have been a glitch.</p>

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Playing 1997 RL mod only 1 month in just had the Royal Rumble.


Not much changed from real life, put the New Age Outlaws together bit early, used a short storyline with Billy sick of losing blames Bart and says he will find a better partner, not massive but it served the purpose of getting them together early. Think Mania will try get them ready for Tag Title shot.


RR matches


Farooq defeated Ahmed Johnson - Kept this storyline similar to RL, Farooq basically saying AJ is a sellout etc interference from new NOD members D'Lo & Kama helped Farooq win.


Had Stone Cold attack Bret backstage with the purpose of keeping him out of the Rumble, really want to run with this story line until Wrestlemania, Austin is still proper heel here and Bret is the babyface. Austin thinks hes stopped Bret from entering the Rumble but Bret against doctors advice etc still completes and final 2 is Bret and Austin with Ausin picking up the win barely, after the match had Bret looking dejected and frsutrated as the fans cheer Austin.


Plan is Bret to win title at next IYH before Mania, Bret v Austin at Mania with Bret going over and snapping when the crowd boo him when he wins and cheered Austin throughout the match, double turn. Next night Raw Bret gets back with Hart Foundation which will have Pillman, Owen & Bulldog - may add Teddy Hart as lackey to start the process of getting him over and possibly Lance Storm as well. I want Hart Foundation to at some stage to hold all titles World Heavyweight, IC, European, Tag Titles & Light heavyweight.


Taker went over Vader standard, Bearer v Taker storyline still going strong still in the planning process for where I want this to go was thinking of turning Mankind face by having Bearer turn on him saying he didnt do enough to help Vader etc and have them fued, thinking still too early for Kane although I have changed him from Fake Diesel to Kane and giving him wins everyweek to start getting him over. Not really sure where going with Taker yet but thats the plan today to sit and work alot of stuff out.


Triple H beats Goldust - IC title match - Again near true to real life Triple H been "stalking" Marlena sending her flowers, chocolates etc flirting with her during Goldust matches, Raw before Rumble Marlena pretended to go with Trips giving Goldust the jump on him, Marela slaps him few times blah blah blah, Chyna debuts at Rumble rag dolls Marlena distractng Goldust and Triple H wins. Plans for IC to be confirmed, thinking Triple H - Owen H - Marc Mero 3 way storyline for title.


LOD debuted on Raw after Owen and Bulldog were saying how there were no worthy tag teams in WWF anymore, LOD take titles at Rumble nothing spectacular, dont plan on having LOD as champs for a long period of time but they will do for now or until Hawk fails drug test or wrestles under the influence.


HBK beat Sycho Sid via DQ, had build up to this as Sid destroying HBK at contract signing for match, and saying he's not going to make the Rumble, HBK comes back on Raw gets one over on Sid, then go home show they brawl it out - Couldn't have HBK lose this but as I plan to put title on Bret next PPV didnt want to have HBK win and drop right away, so plan for this is Mania HBK vs Sid (who wont be champ by then) with HBK going over - although was surprised with the boost in pop Sid got was 80 start of Jan is is now sitting between 87/90


Moving into IYH - Bret will win number one contender match and get title shot against Sid.


Jake Roberts will have a fued with Pillman


Having a European title tournament that ends with final match at IYH current plans is final to be Bulldog vs Rocky, Bulldog going over but barely and with a little help - Hoping to get Rocky from recognisable to well known with this story/fued and having to go on longer than IYH.


Will be bringing in Light Heavyweight title as well didnt want to bring in same time as European but signed a few light heavyweights have likes of Mr Aguila, Taka, Kidman, Ultimo Dragon, Rey Mysterio, Lance Storm, Tajiri, Shane Helps, Teddy Hart, Christopher Daniels & Juventud Guerrera - All of them are pretty much unknown so in next few weeks will have them appear on Raw before announcing the title.


Thats all I have now, like I said today going to sit and try plan out next month/couple months of storylines and where I want people to be before actually running anymore shows in game.




Changed the deal with ECW so I can send guys for development got Crash Holly,Val Venis, Test, Albert, Edge, Christian & Gangrel there - Debating with myself whether to bring Gangrel Edge & Christian back and start the Brood early - Have the Hardys but they are unimportant so will eventually look to build them up.

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1995 NJPW is finished. We are now in 1996!


WK3 (I know) is upon us. Masahiro Chono capitalized big on an injured Tenryu and won the vacant IWGP Heavyweight championship against Shinya Hashimoto. Now, Tenryu has the opportunity to prove he was never going to lose to Chono at WK2 before the injury.


Meanwhile, Jushin Thunder Liger takes on the rising star Hayabusa for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title. Only facing off once before in singles action, which was last year (1995) in the finals of the BOSJ. Liger managed to defeat Hayabusa, but was unable to defeat Eddie Guerrero. Lo and behold, Hayabusa has done it. Can Hayabusa enact revenge for his crushing 3rd loss in the finals of the BOSJ? Or will Liger continue to become the Ace of the Junior Division with a 6th title reign?


Elsewhere on the card, Terry Gordy and Steve Williams have battered NJPW's burgeoning tag division. Conquering Hase and Sasaki at the very top, and holding on to the tag titles for dear life. Their opponents? Two Deathmatch legends, and shocking winners of the Super Grade Tag League, Cactus Jack and Atsushi Onita. Onita, no stranger to title matches, he has failed every single one (except the Tag League, which is a tournament) and now, this seems to be his best chance at making a huge mark in NJPW since joining in 1994.


There are other major storylines preparing and ending, but don't enjoy writing it all out. Just like explaining the build up to my title matches in that particular bubble. It's fun for me! One of my favorite saves in a while.

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Peter Michaels decides to open up a new company. Running it somewhat similar to the way NXT was run originally - a good mix of young guys and vets. The vets are there to carry the ratings, and hopefully teach the young guys a thing or two, until the young guys improve enough to carry the show themselves. I called it NXT (original, I know), but running it as a touring promotion. Introducing my World Title during my second tour (sometime in the second month). Will wait to introduce other titles down the line.


Chris Caulfield vs Texas Pete is the main feud, but there are a few younger guys getting built at the same time.

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Peter Michaels decides to open up a new company. Running it somewhat similar to the way NXT was run originally - a good mix of young guys and vets. The vets are there to carry the ratings, and hopefully teach the young guys a thing or two, until the young guys improve enough to carry the show themselves. I called it NXT (original, I know), but running it as a touring promotion. Introducing my World Title during my second tour (sometime in the second month). Will wait to introduce other titles down the line.


Chris Caulfield vs Texas Pete is the main feud, but there are a few younger guys getting built at the same time.


Sounds interesting.


How big is your roster and what other workers have you chosen (all men or with a women's division)? Mainly as your young hopeful talents.


I like the touring idea. From my point of view it also fits very well with potential tournaments like the Dusty Rhodes Classic.

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On the younger side, Dreadnought, Charlie Corner, Prime Time Jack Pryde, James Diaz, Chip Martin, a few of the Avatars. On the cool characters I want to do something with side, Raphael, Rayne Man, Stan Manna and Ryan Turner. Older ones include Chris Caulfield, Texas Pete, Savage Fury. I downloaded the women's mod and got a few from there, with Suzanne's Brazzle as the big name. There is an MMA turned wrestler in the mod that will likely be focus (already popular, can go in the ring).


The roster is definitely bloated (46, started as a tiny company but the bios make me go "I got place for that guy" and I don't always lol), but I am using the pre show to fish for chemistry. I have a few stables going to hopefully bring some people up in popularity along with the group.

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Game 1: WCCW 1970-1973


-I'm currently gearing up for our annual second big show "Star Wars" which will main evented by WCCW World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race against long time challenger Randy "The Ram" Robinson who won an epic six way involving Jose Lothario, The Destroyer, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, and Johnny Valentine. Harley has been dominating the scene since his arrival in the summer of 72.


-The biggest storyline though is the stable "The Club" composing of Billy Graham, Pat Patterson, and Ray Stevens making their way up the rankings. While Graham has recently lost the Television title to Austin Idol due to interference from Gypsy Joe, nothing seems to be stopping Graham from reaching his potential. Meanwhile, his stablemates who just lost the tag titles to Freddie Blassie and Bobby Heenan, are feuding with Ivan Putski and Nikolai Volkoff. It is only a matter of time before they find their way back to the tag titles and possibly joining "The Club".


-Andre the Giant continues his year plus run as "Brass Knuckles" champion but has made comments that it will be time to pursue the Television Title scene soon.

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<p>Playing the RW Chronicles Mod from June and now in late October, with a created company called WorldWide Wrestling (W³ for short). The whole story behind it is that Cheeseburger, seeing how the pandemic affected bookings, decided to create his own company so the students of his dojo would always have a place to wrestle just in case. The original alumnis (aka "People they recognised as alumnis on their website") have all been hired (and, when needed, created), with Sam Leterna picked as the GM, Adam Gault as the referee and Joe Sposto and Scott Holladay at the announce table, and I will (until I'm big enough to do otherwise) only hire people who have trained, have been trainers or have done shows at the Dojo. </p><p>

The full roster for those interested: </p><p>

- Babyface men: Cheeseburger, Eli Isom, Markus Skyler, Ryan Nova, Jordan "Smoke Jones" Sharpe, Wheeler YUTA</p><p>

- Heel men: Adam "Alpha Dog" Chandler, Dylan Mesh, Ethan Wilde, LSG, Ric Reese (also a manager), Shaheem Ali</p><p>

- Women Division: Damaris Dawkins (face), Gabby Ortiz (heel), Stella Grey (heel), Sumie Sakai (face), Vita VonStarr (heel).</p><p> </p><p>

I currently have three "loose" storylines going on, and will probably add one more although I'm not yet sure how I'll do it.</p><p> </p><p>

- The W³ championship finally has an owner after a 10-men tournament (so, everyone but Smoke Jones and Ric Reese in it). Except for the last two turns, I let the AI pick the winners and the tournament ended with a draw between Cheeseburger, Shaheem Ali (who cheated in the last match against Cheeseburger) and Wheeler YUTA. Therefore, our beloved GM Sam Leterna booked them in a Three way, and the AI picked again Cheeseburger for the win. While I was not really planning to book him that strongly since he's the owner and all, he's clearly the second best worker I have by far and it was probably the best pick (see further for more infos on why).</p><p>

For now, the plan is to have him keep the championship for a while until either one of the heels step up or I hire a new top heel: Ali is the top heel at the moment but has been a bit lackluster in that role, and LSG and Mesh aren't yet ready to carry the company in the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

- The women division also got her first champion, with Veteran and Head Trainer Sumie Sakai beating Ortiz and VonStarr for the title. Much like Cheeseburger, Sakai wouldn't have been my first pick if I had someone just as good, but in her case, I think Ortiz might soon be ready to be the leader of the division. I expected Von Starr instead, but Ortiz is already giving me match rated around 28 when Vita is still at 22-23 most of the time.</p><p>

In the end, and unless I can't find any good babyface to hire in the shortlist (which seems unlikely with women like Trish Adora and Willow Nightingale on it), Sakai will probably hold the title for a while and get retired by Ortiz if nothing changes. </p><p> </p><p>

- Since I have a good feeling on Smoke Jones but he's (as of now) not good enough to be relied on for a winning streak straight into the main event, I have him act as Sam Leterna's bodyguard and enforcer. Basically, everytime someone comes in her office to shout at her or, worse, threaten her, that person is booked in a match against Smoke Jones. Think of him as a less massive Omos, if you will. I also have him work pre-show matches against decent opponents so he can improve. </p><p> </p><p>

- As for the potential fourth storyline, as well as the reason why Cheeseburger was probably the best pick for the W³ belt, I have Wheeler YUTA still holding the IWTV Independent Wrestling title and since I'm in the alliance, I should be able to book him into matches. However, I'm not sure of the best way to use the belt: do I give title matches to my own roster, and have YUTA win ? Do I hire wrestlers on my shortlist for a one-night match or a short storyline, and test them that way ? Do I keep things realistic by only borrowing workers from the alliance ? Do I hire "big" names I can afford and have YUTA win against them ?</p><p> </p><p>

Obviously, feel free to ask questions (or even for the shortlist) or suggest stuff !</p>

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Currently in OLLIE they're leading up to Dia De Los Guerreros show, Extraordinario Jr won the OLLIE Universal title from Nicolas Lopez and will be getting his rematch at the show. Hijo del Mephisto will likely be ending his feud with Marco Flores there in a hair vs mask match with Marco likely feuding with Payaso Jr if I don't bring in Atlantis Jr or Cique Jr to put Payaso Jr over first.


Speaking of Payaso Jr, Marco Flores has already volunteered to job to him twice and Hysteria has volunteered to put him over three times. He's not a star yet but clearly good things are on the horizon for the clown, who leads Bizarro and Coulrophobia in the Clownhouse faction.


Mr. Lucha III will also have a hair vs mask match at that show, with Mario Heroic being his opponent. Since Mr. Lucha III is getting his well deserved mega push, he's going to be winning that handily. If Payaso Jr isn't feuding with Marco Flores he'll likely be feuding with Mr. Lucha III instead. Either him or Hysteria as I don't want him going against Extraordinario Jr or Hijo del Mephisto yet.


I'm trying to build the team of Blue Phoenix (Phoenix IV and Blue Phantom) to be contenders to the tag team titles but it's slow going thus far. Since the Freedom Family is going to be defeating Evil Intent to end their feud they'll likely be feuding with Spaced Invaders for the titles next


Felipe Caballero, Toro del Oro Jr and the Canadian Daredevils are among other folks I'm building. My roster is currently a bit thin on the young good guy side after all, I'll likely bring in Amazing Firefly to help with that.

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