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The C-Verse Re/Render Project: Episode IV: A New Hope

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Wow London, Terrific work! Looks like you're going through the women alphabetically, I'm excited to see what you come up with.


I have had an Alina America in the works for a while--probably the first time two Alina Americas have been posted in the same day. Enjoy!






Alina America


Check out all of my renders and read a little more about my rendering process and ideas here on my render thread.


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TCW tag team Darryl Devine & Chance Fortune


EDIT: Welp, so I've been informed my renders don't quite match the originals (I was using a different re-render which gave Chance blue hair!), so here's something closer (though I don't have a great hair product for Chance, so think of it as a re-invention in his forties):





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That first Chance is going in my free picture section! It doesn't match how I envision Chance, but I'm sure I'll find a fit for it somewhere. It's so dope.


So much good stuff lately from everyone. I'm envious of your guys' patience. Every time I've tried Daz I lose my mind.

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