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Any advice on how to run a touring company using a brand split? Playing as TCW running a touring system (Thanks to Dalton's Idea), just brought out SWF and all their titles and roster, kept them as a separate brand.


Why a touring company? The concept of touring companies are very impractical in the game. It's basically the same as manually booking house shows, or booking two B-shows as your main show. The return on investment is really low.


Why not just book TCW and SWF like two companies under your control, as normal?

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Not sure if this is a bug, or if I've misunderstood something. I setup Reverie (The USPW Owners/Broadcaster) to close in Feb 2020. I simmed forward as a watcher and come Feb 2020 they have closed, but USPW remains open?


In the files I'm sure I've read that if a broadcaster that owns a company closes, then so does the company?

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I've been running shows with the same announce team for over a year, and my two commentators just spontaneously generated a negative chemistry alert mid-show out of nowhere. Is this a bug?


My other thought is that their commentary skills are both roughly the same as the announcer's; is it possible that they just weren't being checked against each other until one or both recently surpassed the announcer by a single point? Does it work like that?


This is very frustrating to suddenly have negative chemistry after so long without it.

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Not sure if this is a bug, or if I've misunderstood something. I setup Reverie (The USPW Owners/Broadcaster) to close in Feb 2020. I simmed forward as a watcher and come Feb 2020 they have closed, but USPW remains open?


In the files I'm sure I've read that if a broadcaster that owns a company closes, then so does the company?


To answer my own question, they closed next month due to their parent closing. So it seems that it takes 1 month for them to close. Well looks like i'm doing an USPW invasion!

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Office > Teams > Click Search > change type to Any Type > select the team in question > change the Type dropdown to an active type and press Save.


Sorry to ask kind of the same question but now I can't create Imperium in WWE as there's already a faction with that name,but I can't see how to add it or activate it in my stables page

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Hi, playing a 1993 mod as WWF. Now up to 1995 and I own both ECW and NJPW, using them as developmental territories (both of which actually make me a ton of money). The problem is they are part of the NWA, which means their stars may regularly appear on WCW programming. I can’t see any way to force them to leave the NWA.


any ideas?

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Hi, playing a 1993 mod as WWF. Now up to 1995 and I own both ECW and NJPW, using them as developmental territories (both of which actually make me a ton of money). The problem is they are part of the NWA, which means their stars may regularly appear on WCW programming. I can’t see any way to force them to leave the NWA.


any ideas?


Add players for each company and have them leave the alliance, then quit the game as that player. Choose the booker of the company as your character and you won't have to replace them in the role when you quit.

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So i'm messing with products a bit and if i go No style I get great math ratings but the angles I usee the freelance angle and even when the wrestlers have 80-100 mic and acting. I'd have a promo angle having the worker rated on mic skills or have a showdown and rate on acting or entertainment they are getting 30s-60s. From what I see even if I book "recognizeable" and up unless it's the "Major Stars" the ratings are awful. I see it says based percentage on skills/percentage on popularity.


So my question is....is there any products where I can do angles with NOT MAJOR STARS and get better grades?


Are they all based on popularity? that doesn't seem right to me. If an unknown MJF is not in AEW and he comes out before his first match ripping down a Major to recognizeable star it should get an average rating or better if say I even mod the skills to make MJF acting/mic - entertainment skills 100


SO am I just missing a product that would rate skills over popularity but not just be based on matches but angles as well. Basically a product where angles and matches have more factor than popularity.


Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing a product

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Is there any way in the editor to ensure a future signing before starting a save ?


Say for instance that I want to create a mod where at the end of his contract in three months with Company One, Worker A goes to Company Two with a 3 year contract: is there a way to do that, or not at all ?


You can have them signed already to “Company Two” in the database (on an ironclad deal), with another contract that will expire in 3 months (you could give them poor starting morale so they don’t extend. You could also give them a starting absence until the first contract runs out so that they aren’t working there too early.


In the event that you want them to do one last big angle before jumping ship, it’s pretty unavoidable they’d be booked in both places simultaneously though.

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If i have freestyle angle with


Wrestler A (well known) - rated on entertainment

Wrestler B (well known) - rated on entertainment

Wrestler C (unknown - tryng to get over and improve skills) - not rated


Will wrestler Cs entertainment skills improve, or will he only be able to get a pop boost due to the rating?


Do the workers need to be rated on the specific skill to improve it?

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If i have freestyle angle with


Wrestler A (well known) - rated on entertainment

Wrestler B (well known) - rated on entertainment

Wrestler C (unknown - tryng to get over and improve skills) - not rated


Will wrestler Cs entertainment skills improve, or will he only be able to get a pop boost due to the rating?


Do the workers need to be rated on the specific skill to improve it?


Maybe I've overlooked it, but I've never seen a clear and concise answer to this question despite it being asked many times. I'd really like to know this as well if anyone knows.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, hoping someone can clear something up for me. I've scoured the in-game handbook, Google, and the two question threads here but I still don't really understand the differences between running weekly events vs a tv show.


For context, my Small-size company has recently gone from running 2 events per month with a full roster to running 4 events per month (one each week) with a brand split.

I've got a deal with Wrestleworld to broadcast events, and I broadcast all four shows with pretty decent (and increasing) viewership.


I wanted to try and determine if it was worthwhile starting to tape a TV show instead of these 4 individual events, but I can't work out what benefit I would get from it. I've seen some talk about popularity gains, but we already see pretty consistent gains just by broadcasting the events.


Sorry if the answer to this is obvious, but could somebody give me the gist of whether it's worth running a tv show or not?

Many thanks.

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Sorry if the answer to this is obvious, but could somebody give me the gist of whether it's worth running a tv show or not?

Many thanks.


What does "worth it" mean to you? You seem like you managed to find a way to gamify and exploit the game. Why wouldn't you stick to something that gives much more worker popularity, company popularity, higher attendance, and higher ticket prices too?

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What does "worth it" mean to you? You seem like you managed to find a way to gamify and exploit the game. Why wouldn't you stick to something that gives much more worker popularity, company popularity, higher attendance, and higher ticket prices too?


Oh, okay. I had incorrectly assumed I couldn't film a TV show until I already had a broadcast deal for it in place.


I discovered that wasn't the case, but already had the events set up, which was why I asked. I thought maybe there was "supposed to be" some point during your growth where you switched over. I guess not.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Quick, but strange, question: Would there be a point to setting up multiple child companies? Like, is there a cap on workers that they can get experience per month? If I were to hypothetically hire some stupid amount (think 200+) of trainees specifically to build them up for other companies (My current game is based around being a sports-agency/super-gym type company,) how many child companies would I need to set up to get them all training at the same time?
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Quick, but strange, question: Would there be a point to setting up multiple child companies? Like, is there a cap on workers that they can get experience per month? If I were to hypothetically hire some stupid amount (think 200+) of trainees specifically to build them up for other companies (My current game is based around being a sports-agency/super-gym type company,) how many child companies would I need to set up to get them all training at the same time?


There's no experience cap. If you're not 'cheating' by giving the company an OTT number of events then the advantage of multiple companies with normal-sized rosters vs one company with a ridiculous roster is that the latter would result in a lot of people not getting match time and therefore not developing properly.

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There's no experience cap. If you're not 'cheating' by giving the company an OTT number of events then the advantage of multiple companies with normal-sized rosters vs one company with a ridiculous roster is that the latter would result in a lot of people not getting match time and therefore not developing properly.


Is there a particular size roster I should be shooting for per child company to ensure the workers actually get ring time?

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That's hard to answer as I don't know what size of company you're going for. However, the smaller the roster, the more people are going to get used, for obvious reasons. You can also look at other companies of a similar size to see what sort of roster they've got and work from there.
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Hello everyone,

I am running a small company in a 1993 mod and the first 10 shows went well, but now in the last show I ran there was no popularity change. the show rating is 49 and the popularity in the region is 32. What are possible reasons for no popularity change?

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If Im WWE, how can I force introduce a stable and tag teams to NXT? I want to create D'Amgelo's Family stable, I brought up a few call ups, made the stable, then send them back down, but that's not worked. I thought uyou could do that with stables and tag teams and they'd use them in development?
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