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I just finished 2020 and it was quite a successful year. WrestleWorld pushed us to Small and we're still growing rapidly. Production costs are starting to hurt a bit, but nothing that we can't overcome soon.


I really want to start a stable of some sort but I cannot for the life of me figure out a decent idea. If anyone wants to help with that, it would be much appreciated :D


The Architect could certainly con young heels to be his cannon fodder while a face turned Cheetah Boy rallies troops against him?

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Has anyone switched up MAW's product before?


Thinking about switching to Modern Throwback, but I'm not sure how it'll affect me.


I wanted to be a little less basic, so I nudged us first to Silver Age, which was a little hard on the stamina side, then Wild West. No issues at all and I kept growing. I wouldn't want to radically alter things, but I felt the tweak was still in keeping with the spirit of the promotion.

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SWF randomly released Mainstream Hernandez (his pop was still in the mid-50s) and I snapped him up on my very first written contract while still at small size. I'm at 48 pop right now, so I should be medium in a year and able to add more, but he's the only one for now.


Anyway, his first feud is with Papa Swoll, who's been a staple of my tag division, first as champs with Nate DeMarcus (when Tyrone handed in his notice) and then with Hustle Muvva twice (when Nate handed in his). Unfortunately, even with Swoll's loyalty to me from that awesome skill he has, he signed a USPW contract and I'm having him job to Hernandez on his way out to put Mainstream over as a vile returning heel.


I've also signed up Chip Martin and Ash Campbell, who I'm going to team up due to their dad's DAVE connection, and have them as Mainstream's tag backup in a stable called the Mainstream Mafia. I love hiring second gen talents as MAW since that's what the promotion was filled with in 2010 (when I REALLY got into it) and I try to continue that tradition. Also, I'm using Julian Watson as a sort of new-age Jean Cattely this time around since TCW jobbed him down the card and let him go, and I'm adding him as Hernandez's deputy in the stable.


Does anyone else immediately get ideas when you post your progress? I've been stumped on a new face tag team since Swoll left, and just writing this down reminded to bring back Nate and Tyrone since they've each been gone at least a year. I'll team them in a stable with Hustle Muvva as a singles star and then I can even give Yvonne Ericks to them as their manager (she's been managing Swoll and Muvva to give her overness and hopefully get her signed by a women's company just because I like her).

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I just got my first major injury derailment.


Marco Gonzalez has been a long term project of mine, and I had him in a feud set to win the American at Night of Champions (which I edited to be the new season finale because I like end-of-year shows). Sam Keith took him under his wing, and the psychology tips have meant that by December 2021 his psych is in the 62-80 range, which is up around 20 points for the year. Plus, I got him to up his size and become a ripped light heavyweight and his SQ is sitting at 80. Kid's a definite star.


Then disaster strikes. I have him in a tag match teaming with Jack Pryde against Nakayana (the champ) and a TCW development worker, and the damn dirty development worker injures him, herniating his spine. Out for a year. And, to top it off, the surgery to repair the damage went bad, and added an additional 2 weeks to the year he'll be out. In 2016 surgery pretty much always went right for me, so this is something I was not expecting at all.

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There's probably something you can help me with. In my game with MAW, I'm right now in July 2022 but I only had 4 new wrestler (and one from COTT only for a storyline of 2 or 3 month so ...) working for me.


Do you think it's insufficient ? How do you choose the right time to hire someone new and who to hire ? The fact is Sam Keith decided after a year to change the product and now this is a pop > in ring product. I managed my wrestlers to boost their popularity but I think the moment has come to have a fresh new Main event ... So I feel like I missed something in the last year in my game :/

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2 years in I would say you could definitely afford to bring in new, better guys, especially since your better guys like Architect probably already got poached.


Personally, I like to bring in around 2 guys at the start, and I bring in a few more whenever I've decided to phase out guys or they hand in their notices. Also, I'm big on tag wrestling so I bring in tag teams pretty frequently. I tend to avoid the bigger guys like Ernest Youngman and Logan Wolfsbaine since they get poached pretty quickly.


Riley McManus is good to bring back since he doesn't seem to get poached much. I like to look at talented midcarders from other indies and sign them. A midcarders from CZCW will be more over and get better grades than most of your guys at the start of the game, and not be terribly expensive to hire.

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From last event, almost half my roster is now considered star so I think I ****ed up something :p


That, and I have so many talent from TCW (they never ended the agreement with me) it's hard for me to have everyone in the shows.


So it would be wise to check the COTT and offer contracts with some guys from CZCW, NYCW or IPW. I note that. I'll try to do something for the next show. Thank you !

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The problem that I've seen in my MAW game is that the good talent at the beginning of the game get really expensive after WrestleWorld takes off. So a year and a half in, every decent worker is a few hundred bucks minimum.


There's a few exceptions but they gain pop so fast, you gotta jump on them early

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I've definitely seen guys get pop really fast and want to get paid like proper pros. Good on 'em. But at that point they don't really need MAW any more so off they go.


Honestly I see little need in keeping guys around for years and years [outside of a core. Architect, Blaze, Miller, Josh J, The Past Masters, The Wolfpack... those guys have a job as long as they want it].


I had Nate Demarcus and Tyler Grey win the COTT tag titles. That led to them continually working for the other COTT companies [with a few more added to the group] and they got over really fast everywhere and got really good. They're both a little miffed I wont pay them $500+ per show.


I'll probably have to let them go after the next WIABA. That seems a shame but it just doesn't fit with my vision of what MAW is. I'd much rather see one of my tag teams get another match to develop than Demarcus/Grey deliver a strong grade in my #2 match of the night.


They've lost the COTT belts as well as the MAW ones now so I think it'll be a sad farewell. For now at least...

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Do most of you guys just sign unemployed or dojo guys' as well as using alliance loans in line with the MAW philosophy? And if you get an offer from a company for a worker let him go? Or perhaps try eventually to get to medium and become your own exclusive company in your own right?
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Do most of you guys just sign unemployed or dojo guys' as well as using alliance loans in line with the MAW philosophy? And if you get an offer from a company for a worker let him go? Or perhaps try eventually to get to medium and become your own exclusive company in your own right?


In most cases, and I assume this is the case with many other players, the idea is to maintain the "tradition" of MAW, which is build up unknown talent until they are skilled and popular enough to go make their mark on the wrestling world. Basically a developmental territory, but for everyone. I've played like this a few times with MAW.


In my current game, I decided to take a different approach by just trying to grow the company. Like a "alright, we trained hundreds of wrestlers for the world, it's our turn to make it big" type of philosophy. Took a few known indie guys without going overboard, so that includes Masked Stranger, Remmy Skye, Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine, and Frankie Perez. Most of them were signed away quickly though. I got on WrestleWorld as soon as the service launched, and after a year and a half, I started a weekly TV show on there as well. It's proven to be a success, as monthly profits remain steady but increasing slightly, and pop coming in at a decent rate.


Workers are regularly leaving after being signed by major companies (mostly TCW) but there's a few that for whatever reason have stuck around, even with their pop reaching 40+ across the nation. The Architect, James Diaz, and DeMarcus & Gray all remain employed and centerpieces of the show. Having a weekly show is definitely a foreign idea for MAW so it was hard to find a good booking strategy that still held the essence of what they are. Eventually I just became a C-Verse version of NWA Powerrr, taping 4 episodes at the same time with old-school storytelling. It's actually been a ton of fun. Sitting at Small right now, and I think we'll hit Medium in about two years if I had to guess.


No one is exclusive and no one is paid monthly. The asking prices for those types of deals are astronomical (as they should be tbh). I'm thinking of trying to go back to signing unemployed guys and rookies, while still trying to grow the company. It'll be hard, but it's been a lot of fun so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I keep trying other saves but coming back to MAW, which is now in the back half of 2022, having welcomed many Canadian refugees from CWA (which went belly up as it has in so many other people's saves) who are being given a chance to showcase themselves for the bigger promotions/richer ones. In the meantime, I get to do my first invasion storyline, and it's been fun. Especially since I have to keep changing the heads of the feud, LOL.


What is it about MAW that keeps me coming back to it? I can't put my finger on why MAW and not, say, Ollie or Pittsburgh Steel? Is it just that because it's the one I played the longest on 16 that I'm most attached to it? Or is there something else about it, due to its role, that makes me gravitate back?

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I've just got through month one, and the RCI with MAW, my first MAW attempt in years, and I'm quite pleased. Brought in Tennessee William, Frankie Perez and Pablo Rodriguez (who didn't actually appear because he refused to job and had creative control) on one night loans, and gave the title to The Architect. I think he'll probably get a title feud in the next 2-3 months, once Blaze gets past Cheetah Boy.


I've not noticed here, but does anyone in the company have a drug issue? I'd love to comprehensively test everyone and kick out the smack heads, but I don't have the cash for it!

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<p>I've just made the jump to medium, and re-branded the company World All-Star Wrestling (from MAW to WAW). The re-brand happened just in time for my first show at medium to be the newly christened Battle of the World, main evented by Mainstream Hernandez defending the WAW championship against Ant-Man.</p><p> </p><p>

Right now my main stars Davis Wayne, Mainstream, Ant-Man, Riley McManus, Xavi Ferrera, Miller Fforde, and Kip Keenan.</p><p> </p><p>

I would include Nelson Callum on the list, but he's been with me for less than a month at this point. Still, he's easily one of the best workers. All of his performance stats are above 80, his brawling is 80, and his technical is 77. Easy future champ right there. Right now he's feuding with Keenan, running a cocky gimmick where he looks down on the company as being "small time" and thinks that Keenan's been slumming it up with people beneath him.</p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream is my champ right now, running a heel stable called the Mainstream Mafia. His #2 is Julian Watson, who's in time decline but still has decent output, and they're supported by The Bloody Offspring, Chip Martin and Ash Campbell, who I teamed because of their father's DAVE relationship. </p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne is my #1 face, and he lost the belt to Mainstream. Right now he's in a feud with the Past Masters after they attacked Nakayana, who was Wayne's protege of sorts and my longest running American champ. Nakayana is the future, and the Past Masters are amazing and the bed rocks of my tag divisions. </p><p> </p><p>

Other important guys I'm building up for the future are Jack Pryde, Enygma II (random gen), Dreadnought, James Diaz (only just returned from a broken leg, but already one of my best), Marco Gonzalez (out for a year with a herniated disc), Lug Phelan (out for a year with a concussion), Syd Collier (released from CWA for whatever reason), Seth Whitehead, and a few random gens I stole from TCW after they ended their relationship with me.</p><p> </p><p>

I recently got an excursion relationship with WLW, but they're just below medium and haven't sent anyone yet, even if they just had a couple of graduates from their school. </p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of schools, I'm planning on opening a $1M one, and I'm really, really considering turning the young lion system on once I get my first batch of grads.</p>

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<p>Young Lion system in MAW Would be pretty cool. I've always dug the idea of implementing it in any wrestling-focused company I'm in since it's an excuse not to rush push my young guys and have them losing while working regularly.</p><p> </p><p>

I dig your roster. Would love to see you turn Dreadnought in particular into a star. Also loved Syd Collier back in '16 MAW so happy to see he's back. Hopefulyl he can push himself into a main event spot at some point.</p><p> </p><p>

Has Seth Whitehead developped into anything worthwhile?</p>

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Whitehead looks to be a solid, dependable midcarder for the foreseeable future. His psych has steadily improved but still isn't great at only 57, but that should only improve and I imagine it'll top out around 70. His fundamentals are all in the 70-85 range, and his only good top row skill is technical, which I again see improving a bit more. Actually, looking at it now his brawling is at 56, but that's not much higher from where it starts.
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I brought in Papa Swoll and Hustle Muvva as a team. If you want already established, just start looking at the other regional promotions in the US and see who they've got. A lot of times they'll have teamed guys up that just flat out make sense as a team.


EDIT: Forgot a big one, but the LA Stars. Both have turned into great workers for me, have good personalities for my backstage, and #1 has the tag specialist attribute to amp up their matches.

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