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Public Beta Reaction Thread

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Immediate reaction: TEW2020 is a huge and confusing change from previous games. I understand roughly 25-30% of what I'm looking at and it's going to take some time to wrap my head around everything. Not to say it looks bad or anything- what I have figured out I've liked- but it's gonna take some time to adjust.


My only big complaint is the switch to an entirely numbers based system. I always preferred the letter grades as I had a clearer understanding of what they meant whereas I'm not as clear with the numbers. That being said, I'll probably figure it out over time, it's just the big thing that jumped out at me.

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I've only been messing around for like 5 minutes, but right now the only benefit I see us losing out on by disabling the colored lists is that my champions aren't highlighted on the roster screen. Do the colored lists come into play anywhere else?


They also show red if someone is injured / unavailable. Otherwise, no, you won't be losing anything by going to the old way.

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On the scrolling complaints - using the search at the top will also speed things up and bring you directly to the profile/worker/company or whatever you are looking for without any need to scroll the long lists. It may take some getting used to, but the search is fast.
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On the scrolling complaints - using the search at the top will also speed things up and bring you directly to the profile/worker/company or whatever you are looking for without any need to scroll the long lists. It may take some getting used to, but the search is fast.


This. You just have to get used to it.


And using the side bar arrows with a profile open has become a favorite. Its so slick.

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Starting up a game in a moment, but from quickly looking through the editor, two things come to mind.


1 - I've noticed when closing a worker's entry in the editor, the game will prompt a "closed with saving" window despite not actually editing anything. I think it would be better/quicker if this window only shows up if part of the data was actually changed.

2 - I miss the sliders when altering skills/popularity/etc. I know the new system is probably faster/better, but I'm so used to the sliders.

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They also show red if someone is injured / unavailable. Otherwise, no, you won't be losing anything by going to the old way.


That's a nice bit of convenience but personally I'm too used to navigating with arrows and scroll.


On the scrolling complaints - using the search at the top will also speed things up and bring you directly to the profile/worker/company or whatever you are looking for without any need to scroll the long lists. It may take some getting used to, but the search is fast.


The search is great but sometimes I'm just browsing workers or arrowing through news stories on the main page.

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Is no one else having trouble with the tiny fonts? I can't read the worker stats without squinting.


I know it takes time to get used to UI changes, but my initial reaction to the presentation is very negative. Bad enough that I'm considering not purchasing and playing the game.


I'm also not a fan of pre-set products.

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As many have said, in general this is hurting my eyes. Gameplay wise the changes are enjoyable and well though out additions but the presentation here dampers the experience quite significantly.


The UI and overall presentation in 2016 was very slick and good so such a drastic change has really thrown me for a major loop.

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If I'm trying to quickly scroll through stats or data, am I using more clicks with the color or non-color list? Even if I search it seems like I'm still wasting time clicking and typing out a name rather than just hitting the first letter on my keyboard.
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Quick Fill is a feature I was very excited for but it's lacking. First of all, I think it is bugged right now. Every worker I create has all the skills set to 0. I doubt it is intentional.


Other thing is, I would like to make the workers I create for a specific country but I can only choose a specific larger region. I don't really want 15 more European workers, I just want 15 more Finnish (or even Scandinavian) workers so I can have all native workers.

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Quick Fill is a feature I was very excited for but it's lacking. First of all, I think it is bugged right now. Every worker I create has all the skills set to 0. I doubt it is intentional.


Other thing is, I would like to make the workers I create for a specific country but I can only choose a specific larger region. I don't really want 15 more European workers, I just want 15 more Finnish (or even Scandinavian) workers so I can have all native workers.


You set their nationality to Finnish.

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I don't see a specific Typos thread but when looking at the AI Booking style (at least for CZCW) it says "The AI will has access to every available match type and will book shows that are very eclectic."


It should either be The AI has Access or The AI will have access.


The Typos thread is in the 2020 Technical Support forum.

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Another minor nitpick thing that only I notice: regen women are still huge lol.




Like if she's a big, tall girl, around the size of Charlotte or Rhea Ripley, it's fine to designate her as a lightweight instead of small but she's not 211 pounds. The bios should generate different weight numbers for men and women.

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