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I want to start by saying I know Adam has worked incredibly hard on the game. I also know that he is still working incredibly hard, heck, he's probably working even harder on fixing it right now.


But what is up with 2020? Why are there so many weird small things in this game that make no sense? 2016 did so many small things better than 2020.


I don't want to spend an hour typing this out, but stuff like not having a refining option when booking an angle? How is that missed?


Why is the fire worker option hidden behind the pop arrow?


Why isn't info about what tag team a wrestler is current in, not being shown on that window that shows info like size, moral, disposition about the wrestler? It has their stables, why not their tag team info?


Plus, I know he rebuilt 2020, compared to 2016 piggybacking off of 2013, but this game was supposed to release tomorrow. It was a demo until the game released & people found a myriad of issues. Now it's a beta!


I totally get that no game is perfect, but how do you seriously miss a refinement option for searching for workers in angles? They drew up a screen, put all of the icons there, programmed it, never realized they completely missed the search options for BOOKING ANGLES!

I'll overlook a bunch of small stuff, but what an oversight?!? No tester ever mentioned that? Wouldn't someone eventually say "hey, booking angles is kind of a pain because I keep needing to go to the roster screen in order to find workers I want to use, something seems like it's missing." That's like making a Mario game & forgetting to give you any power ups. in the entire game. Sure, it still works but how can you forget to add one of the most convenient & useful things for booking angles. Something you spend a decent amount of your time doing in a wrestling simulation game!


Sorry if this is pointless complaining, I just can't get over that! Nobody seems to talk about it much either. The game was planning on releasing like that. Even if they fix it now, I'll always remember that TEW2020 was supposed to release without a search refinement option that 2016 & even 2013 had for booking angles!

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I want to start by saying I know Adam has worked incredibly hard on the game. I also know that he is still working incredibly hard, heck, he's probably working even harder on fixing it right now.


But what is up with 2020? Why are there so many weird small things in this game that make no sense? 2016 did so many small things better than 2020.


I don't want to spend an hour typing this out, but stuff like not having a refining option when booking an angle? How is that missed?


Why is the fire worker option hidden behind the pop arrow?


Why isn't info about what tag team a wrestler is current in, not being shown on that window that shows info like size, moral, disposition about the wrestler? It has their stables, why not their tag team info?


Plus, I know he rebuilt 2020, compared to 2016 piggybacking off of 2013, but this game was supposed to release tomorrow. It was a demo until the game released & people found a myriad of issues. Now it's a beta!


I totally get that no game is perfect, but how do you seriously miss a refinement option for searching for workers in angles? They drew up a screen, put all of the icons there, programmed it, never realized they completely missed the search options for BOOKING ANGLES!

I'll overlook a bunch of small stuff, but what an oversight?!? No tester ever mentioned that? Wouldn't someone eventually say "hey, booking angles is kind of a pain because I keep needing to go to the roster screen in order to find workers I want to use, something seems like it's missing." That's like making a Mario game & forgetting to give you any power ups. in the entire game. Sure, it still works but how can you forget to add one of the most convenient & useful things for booking angles. Something you spend a decent amount of your time doing in a wrestling simulation game!


Sorry if this is pointless complaining, I just can't get over that! Nobody seems to talk about it much either. The game was planning on releasing like that. Even if they fix it now, I'll always remember that TEW2020 was supposed to release without a search refinement option that 2016 & even 2013 had for booking angles!


I believe the code has been rewritten for the UI and these are unfortunately just mistakes on Adams' end trying to replicate the features that already existed. No complaining is pointless in a beta and things gone unsaid may be oversights! Especially when they are specific like this :) a bigger closed beta pool would've fixed so many of these issues but I understand why one did not really exist.

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The current product settings do allow you to set both a Core Product and Current Product, so nothing is set in stone - WWE would be able to adapt their product when necessary, just as in real life, and products are intended to be organic and to evolve over time.


Too bad your product cant be organic and evolve over time into something that you created or isn't an existing pre-set.

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My biggest gripe with the UI design right now is honestly the 'X' button of the 'Contract made' screen being in the right hand corner instead of a continue button bottom centre but I'm sure I'll get used to it with time.. That and the lack of big letter grades. They used to give me a fat dopamine rush when I scored an A+ lol, the grades always popped for me.
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I mean, unlike 2016, the whole game was rewritten. The previous games had been built on top of the old iteration.


Yes, that is what I said. Like, literally what I said. Just worded differently.


This. I'm hoping these are honest small mistakes by a one man coding team and his small testing pool. Time will tell.


I get they are all honest mistakes. the testers or someone should have noticed the game missing one of the most useful things in the entire game! That's like forgetting to add the refinement option when booking matches. You can not forget something so important! They did a ton right, the meat of the game is really fun. I'm not knocking the main game. I'm just shocked something like that got missed.

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Yes, that is what I said. Like, literally what I said. Just worded differently.




I get they are all honest mistakes. the testers or someone should have noticed the game missing one of the most useful things in the entire game! That's like forgetting to add the refinement option when booking matches. You can not forget something so important! They did a ton right, the meat of the game is really fun. I'm not knocking the main game. I'm just shocked something like that got missed.

Yea, I didn't read the whole post. :)

I just fn went IN on that reply! Like, I wasn't asking questions, I just WENT IN. Like a friggin madman.

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I mean, unlike 2016, the whole game was rewritten. The previous games had been built on top of the old iteration.


No, no, no. It's too easy to give Adam a pass for rewriting the game, but really it's par for the course.


I have played every TEW and WMMA game and each one has missing buttons, helpful text, and general elements of the UI that make no sense why they were removed because they were so helpful, and people have to beg for them to be brought back in the beta phase. Some of these elements return, but I would say a good chunk of stay missing forever.

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I'm holding out with hope that all this empty space is a placeholder for new boxes in next instalment, the game screen is just too big for the amount of information needing to be displayed. Details that should be side by side are spread across the screen and it's taking me more than twice the amount of time to process the information I need to. The skills column looks unfinished and needs to be broken up into categories badly and this is too many numbers close together in the same font for my brain to accurately remember. I have a very visual memory and colour coded grades (especially with the grades + number skin) was super intuitive for me.


I have just booted up the trial on my mums' laptop instead of my gaming computer and I now see what everybody is complaining about with the resolution. It takes up my entire screen and I have to alt+tab to get back to my browser. There is no way I can play like this after the luxury of booting it up on my machine the other day. Sorry for anybody in the same situation, this would suck man.

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Yea, I didn't read the whole post. :)

I just fn went IN on that reply! Like, I wasn't asking questions, I just WENT IN. Like a friggin madman.


You absolute mad lad! You never just go in without knowing all the facts! Truthfully I do the same sometimes.


100% agree. Some of this is just plain embarrassing. I hadn't even noticed the refinement feature missing. I've accepted the state of the game but I'll admit, I'm still in a bit of shock.


I don't want to be rude or pushy, but so much vagueness & no real answers on what is & what isn't being addressed is making me a bit slap happy. Some of these things absolutely need to be addressed! Tell us if it's being fixed, instead it's just silence. I know he's focusing on fixing the bugs first & foremost, but he has to at least have some idea of the stuff that really needs to be looked into. Just say something like "Hey, I'm going to be trying to fix this issue, that issue, some other issues. Just give me time."


I'm 100% in favor of the game getting pushed back as many months as needed if it gives him the time to work on it. I don't want him overworking himself.

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You absolute mad lad! You never just go in without knowing all the facts! Truthfully I do the same sometimes.




I don't want to be rude or pushy, but so much vagueness & no real answers on what is & what isn't being addressed is making me a bit slap happy. Some of these things absolutely need to be addressed! Tell us if it's being fixed, instead it's just silence. I know he's focusing on fixing the bugs first & foremost, but he has to at least have some idea of the stuff that really needs to be looked into. Just say something like "Hey, I'm going to be trying to fix this issue, that issue, some other issues. Just give me time."


I'm 100% in favor of the game getting pushed back as many months as needed if it gives him the time to work on it. I don't want him overworking himself.


Yeah after a few days of thought now that I've stepped away from the game, we are exactly on the same page. I feel like anybody who loves the series would agree. It seems like many of us are going to support nonetheless out loyalty but it's quite depressing that it's come to this. One true failed launch out of the many he's had would be nothing to be ashamed of, this needs a rework badly.

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Not to pile on, but I just remembered something that it awful!


When trying to move segments around while booking a show. It has those tiny little arrows, I HATE IT!

It sucks & it is annoying trying to move them around.

Try booking WM or WK, or even one of those ungodly 3 hour Raw's.

Trying to move a segment is just so stupid. You have to click the arrow, then move to the section that your segment moved to, then click it again, then repeat the process until you get the segment where you want it. WHY?

2016 & even 2013 had a nice big button for "move segment up" & "move segment down" why was this changed to that stupid WMMA style?


You know how annoying it is when you accidentally click the wrong segment? Then you've got post match angles going on before your actual matches, you mess up your flow, all because you didn't realize you accidentally hit the wrong arrow while trying to move something. Why is this a thing? What was so terrible about those boxes we had before? I feel like I'm talking about a Pokemon game at this point. Removing great features for worse ones!


Just another thing that may seem small but keeps getting pilled to the mountain of "small" issues.


I get it's a one man job. But the issues I get mad about are things that 2016 had in it that were completely fine.

Removing the wheel & arrows on a bunch of sections of the game, making me CLICK each picture I want to look at.

Moving the "fire worker" button somewhere hidden.

Not having a "view roster" button when you are starting a storyline.

Not having a "view roster" button when staring a tournament, so I first need to go to my roster screen through the main screen & make notes using a notepad I never needed before, but now I do because they widened the ratio of the game so I don't have my nice section of the computer screen to use for whatever I may need.


A bunch of other TINY omissions or changes that continue to pile onto what should be the best TEW game ever made.

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So now we had 6 beta patches and I've seen nothing changing in the UI? will those "subtle UI chnages" that were promised in the announcement come on release or are they coming to an actual beta patch before launch, because I had the beta since launch and I still have to look for 10 minutes into the office to remember what i'm doing.


The nightly patches have been mostly for bug fixes, although he has started to sprinkle in some gameplay/balance changes as well.


Any more substantial changes will probably be between tomorrow (when the game was supposed to launch) and the new release date. But don't expect much of a major change to the UI. Maybe a few buttons added or relocated, not much else.

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Yeah after a few days of thought now that I've stepped away from the game, we are exactly on the same page. I feel like anybody who loves the series would agree. It seems like many of us are going to support nonetheless out loyalty but it's quite depressing that it's come to this. One true failed launch out of the many he's had would be nothing to be ashamed of, this needs a rework badly.


The thing is, at the very core of the game. It's a solid release! He made a fun & even better game than 2016. As mad as I get, I can't see myself going back to 2016 now. The small issues seriously need to be addressed, then this game will be a 10 out of 10. But as long as those small issues persist, the game will be a 6 out of 10. That score may drop if I keep finding weird little changes.


He should be proud of what he made. He continues to innovate in good ways. Just don't innovate out the things literally nobody complained about!

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Not to pile on, but I just remembered something that it awful!


When trying to move segments around while booking a show. It has those tiny little arrows, I HATE IT!

It sucks & it is annoying trying to move them around.

Try booking WM or WK, or even one of those ungodly 3 hour Raw's.

Trying to move a segment is just so stupid. You have to click the arrow, then move to the section that your segment moved to, then click it again, then repeat the process until you get the segment where you want it. WHY?

2016 & even 2013 had a nice big button for "move segment up" & "move segment down" why was this changed to that stupid WMMA style?


You know how annoying it is when you accidentally click the wrong segment? Then you've got post match angles going on before your actual matches, you mess up your flow, all because you didn't realize you accidentally hit the wrong arrow while trying to move something. Why is this a thing? What was so terrible about those boxes we had before? I feel like I'm talking about a Pokemon game at this point. Removing great features for worse ones!


Just another thing that may seem small but keeps getting pilled to the mountain of "small" issues.


I get it's a one man job. But the issues I get mad about are things that 2016 had in it that were completely fine.

Removing the wheel & arrows on a bunch of sections of the game, making me CLICK each picture I want to look at.

Moving the "fire worker" button somewhere hidden.

Not having a "view roster" button when you are starting a storyline.

Not having a "view roster" button when staring a tournament, so I first need to go to my roster screen through the main screen & make notes using a notepad I never needed before, but now I do because they widened the ratio of the game so I don't have my nice section of the computer screen to use for whatever I may need.


A bunch of other TINY omissions or changes that continue to pile onto what should be the best TEW game ever made.


Try booking a 32 team tournament and then realising you have booked it upside down it was torture lol

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The thing is, at the very core of the game. It's a solid release! He made a fun & even better game than 2016. As mad as I get, I can't see myself going back to 2016 now. The small issues seriously need to be addressed, then this game will be a 10 out of 10. But as long as those small issues persist, the game will be a 6 out of 10. That score may drop if I keep finding weird little changes.


He should be proud of what he made. He continues to innovate in good ways. Just don't innovate out the things literally nobody complained about!


Gameplay wise he should absolutely be happy with himself. The game is legitimately more fun now to play and book, once you have a handle on where things are, and until you have to go looking for things you can't find.


Unfortunately, for me, the deal breaker is the lack of custom products. I can't deal with that kind of handcuffing (and its so weird since the changes made to gimmicks were the polar opposite.) I will return to 2016 if it's not changed from it's current state. I'd rather play the game where I have more freedom than upgrade to a game that removes features I loved.

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Try booking a 32 team tournament and then realising you have booked it upside down it was torture lol


I haven't even booked a tournament yet, I think about it, get annoyed I don't have a "view roster" button on the tournament booking screen, then say forget it! I could not even begin to know your pain!


Unfortunately, for me, the deal breaker is the lack of custom products. I can't deal with that kind of handcuffing (and its so weird since the changes made to gimmicks were the polar opposite.) I will return to 2016 if it's not changed from it's current state. I'd rather play the game where I have more freedom than upgrade to a game that removes features I loved.


I've seen the complaints. I get where you guys are coming from on that, but I am a really boring booker. I do very basic products so it doesn't really hit me like I'm sure it hits you. In 2016 I always just made it as generic as possible, because I didn't want to deal with anything. In 2020 I like the NJPW & AJPW products, WWE & WCW are pretty chill for me as well. I totally understand why he removed them, but he really shouldn't have. He should have kept the ability to make your own product, then also included his new products. If he did program both options into the game. I could easily see myself using his pre-made products more than making my own though.


Edit: To add to what you said, the new gimmick system is fantastic! Easy & give me everything I want. It's not stupid or overly complicated. It is what gimmicks should have always been.

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I'm sorry about bringing up product again and my issue probably isn't even just with TEW 2020, but rather one when it comes to realism. I am not sure if this correction can even be made without a total overhaul of the code but maybe something Adam can consider in future installments if he is going for authentic and realistic experience.


I understand what he is going for in the penalty for an eye candy match in most products or fan's rejecting risky angles or violent matches or risky bumps in many products. I actually think in most cases that all those things would be very effective in extreme moderation.


For example, the first time Sable took on Luna Vachon in an evening gown match at the Unforgiven PPV, it was without a doubt one of the major draws of the PPV and the crowd was very into it. Sable without much wrestling talent was one of the top rating draws throughout 1998. But she also wasn't over exposed and instead they built to the big sex appeal stuff like the Fully Loaded bikini contest. But when they overdid the T&A stuff in the upcoming years, then it stopped drawing. I think occasional T&A should actually pop a score but if you use it more than a few times a year then the penalty should surface.


Even for a family product, SummerSlam 88 has Elizabeth show some leg and it popped a crowd, but that was like one of the few times they used eye candy, so it was effective.


Speaking of 1980s WWF, Hulk Hogan bleed in the main even of Wrestlemania 5 and then did it again at Wrestlemania 7 (okay, early 90s), because it was so rare, it was effective to add drama in those matches. This would be considered Family Sports Entertainment, but since it was every few years, it was very effective. I also think an audience of any product is more willing to accept risque material when it is PPV rather than TV.


Plus you had the famous boot camp matches between Pat Patterson and Sgt Slaughter and then a few years later Slaughter and Iron Sheik. They were huge draws in the more family WWF because there were no other matches like it on the cards.


Same thing with two angles that I still remember now that I witnessed when I was younger. Outlaw Ron Bass cut up Brutus Beefcake's face with spurs and he juiced. Then the famous Rocker break-up when Shawn Michaels threw Marty Jannetty through a Barbershop window and Jannetty bleed. In both cases, it was a family product, but since we saw blood only every few years on free TV, they were super effective angles that are remembered.


When Shawn Michaels took the big bump in the first Hell in the Cell it was huge and same with Mankind in his Hell in the Cell, It was because those bumps were rare. I think, a high risk bump every few years would be effective with a crowd and the problem is when it is over used that it harms a product that isn't demanding them (like family or modern sports entertainment).


My point is that I don't think there should be a penalty the first time a company uses a risque or controversial angle/match that doesn't fit a product (but also isn't too extreme -- death match is too far), Actually, instead it should pop a score because it is so different than what the crowd is used to seeing. But then if it keeps on being used after then it should start having the negative deductions. I am not sure what kind of hell that would do with programming or if it is even feasible. I feel as if, it does take away the realism not being able to do an occasional controversial angle as in real life, it would probably draw money if done in small doses.


Anyway, just an idea.

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I get that we all love this game but some of the replies and the ways people talk about Adam and his work are nothing short of entitled. Compare this to WWE’s 2K series. You can tell Adam truly cares about the quality of the product and I have faith that he’s doing all he can to make it as good as possible as quickly as he can. I’m not saying we can’t make requests and give feedback but surely we can all remember this is mainly one dude making a computer game that gives so many people lots of happiness and enjoyment. Especially in the current circumstances, a little bit of kindness and consideration of the human behind the game would go a long way I reckon!
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