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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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It's getting annoying. I'm trying to hire Steve Williams to WWF. He says if he don't get better offer he'll sign with me. I'm getting email 'AJPW has altered contract offer' so I'm sweeten the deal and he confirms if he don't get better offer he'll sign with me. Cool. Few days later bidding is over he signed with WCW.........

Why AI promotions have final offer? I would improve my offer if I get mail about WCW giving more. It's not the first time it happened.

Any advise?


Just make a save from day to day. If this happens, just go back and make a better bid that will ensure he signs with you.

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I hate to ask this because I know it's been asked a ton, but I'm a little stumped on this one;


I'm getting the dreaded "We would have gained popularity in 1 Canadian region but growth was restricted due to the limited number of viewers there."


I'm playing a 1995 mod as WCW and it is October 1996. I get this after every single Nitro episode. My popularity in Canada is 81 across the board aside from Saskatchewan (76), Manitoba (80) and the Maritimes (62). The popularity in the Maritimes is the only thing keeping me from moving up to a Large company.


It's safe to say I'm getting the message due to the Maritimes because that's the only region lagging behind in popularity gains. I get that the message is due to the cap on the number of viewers available, but I don't quite understand why it's specifically in that region and why I can't do anything to change it.


My broadcaster for Canada is TSN and they are medium size across all regions. I am also on the Prime Time slot. It can't be telling me that I need large coverage just for the Maritimes, is it??

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Why do I keep getting this error? It's not letting me change pictures (unless I go back to the editor).


"One of the files appears to have been illegally renamed"


The most likely explanation is that you have a file that is corrupt - there's at least one picture pack floating around with a bad file in it. The easiest way to check is to take everything out of that picture folder and re-add it in small sections - by checking which batch, when re-added, causes the error you should be able to very easily identify which file is the culprit.

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I figured out that it was some kind of mix up with spaces and underscores. My 2016 pictures used underscores, the mod I used in 2020 uses spaces. So I used a mass renaming program to switch it...and apparently that didn't work out well enough. Just went back to underscores, it doesn't match so everything's blank, I'll have to manually change them. Better than not being able to do anything.
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So, playing tonight, and I get a backstage incident. Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly... Uh-oh, I hope they don't hate each other or something, they're a great tag team. Let's see they... collectively want to put another young team over? I've never seen that before. I've seen it for singles, but that's really neat. Anyone else get that before?
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What are end of year awards based on? Just had the half year awards come up and Wrestler of the Year looks like it's going to Owen Hart. He's not my most popular and his average match rating is lower than at least three other workers on my roster.


I think it's based more on how many high-rated matches a worker has had than their average. So, they can have a high average but if they're not pulling off 95+ rated matches, they'll finish lower.

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What are end of year awards based on? Just had the half year awards come up and Wrestler of the Year looks like it's going to Owen Hart. He's not my most popular and his average match rating is lower than at least three other workers on my roster.


Only their best ten matches count toward the award, so their overall average is not relevant as that takes into account every match. There's also a small random element to take into account.

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So, playing tonight, and I get a backstage incident. Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly... Uh-oh, I hope they don't hate each other or something, they're a great tag team. Let's see they... collectively want to put another young team over? I've never seen that before. I've seen it for singles, but that's really neat. Anyone else get that before?


Haven't got a tag team promise yet. That is really cool! I have gotten multiple promises for a single though. Playing as NJPW, I had 3 top stars, including Minoru Suzuki, wanting to put over The Great O-Khan!! As he is one of my favs in New Japan, I was happy to oblige. He went on a 9 in-a-row winning streak over the next 9 events and rocketed to Major Star.

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I have put a show that made 65 rating and the report says that "the feedback has been great and it has drawn a lot of praise". Previous week i had a 64 point worth of rating and "the show was awesome" for a report. Does the report group some rating numbers and gives the response or what? I think that 64 show's report was more encouraging. I am on TheWho87's db btw

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I have put a show that made 65 rating and the report says that "the feedback has been great and it has drawn a lot of praise". Previous week i had a 64 point worth of rating and "the show was awesome" for a report. Does the report group some rating numbers and gives the response or what? I think that 64 show's report was more encouraging. I am on TheWho87's db btw


It's based on the show grade compared to your company's popularity. For example, my insignificant company(Mid-West pop of 10) had a 34-rated show and received the same message as your 65-rated show.

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I've seen others mention this, but in my WWE game when I replicated Wrestlemania my whole roster now has low morale from only being on one of the nights.


Is there a way to give an across the board bonus to raise morale or to edit morale for my roster? Doing bonuses one at a time is going to take forever. I also don't want to just start the game over either.

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Any way to make finances in this game more realistic? Playing a 97 mod with WWF where I started with 5 mil. 6 months in, I have 45 mil. Not realistic and little immersion breaking.


Not really. One thing I do is create an era and have tv and PPV set to massively lower although not sure how much that actually mitigates the big money that gets made

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Does anyone know if there's anything you can do to affect the chances of a mentor/protege relationship developing between two workers?


Getting the locker room morale to 100% should normally help with that. Not sure if meddling will create such a relationship.

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I've seen others mention this, but in my WWE game when I replicated Wrestlemania my whole roster now has low morale from only being on one of the nights.


Is there a way to give an across the board bonus to raise morale or to edit morale for my roster? Doing bonuses one at a time is going to take forever. I also don't want to just start the game over either.


One of the options under bonuses is to give the bonus to the whole roster.

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