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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Question about contracts: if I wanted to have committed wrestlers on my roster, but wanted to have them also work elsewhere to get ring time, gain experience and exposure (like most of the AEW talent), what would the best way to go about this be?

I'm guessing if I signed them to a written contract (non-exclusive), they would still sign handshake agreements elsewhere. Would this prevent or deter other larger companies from trying to sign them to exclusive written contracts?

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3 hours ago, Captain Kayfabe said:

Question about contracts: if I wanted to have committed wrestlers on my roster, but wanted to have them also work elsewhere to get ring time, gain experience and exposure (like most of the AEW talent), what would the best way to go about this be?

I'm guessing if I signed them to a written contract (non-exclusive), they would still sign handshake agreements elsewhere. Would this prevent or deter other larger companies from trying to sign them to exclusive written contracts?

Better to sign to exclusive written and build 'relationships' with other companies where they are willing to accept your workers on excursion.

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8 hours ago, Lucky707 said:

Better to sign to exclusive written and build 'relationships' with other companies where they are willing to accept your workers on excursion.

Excursions are hard to pull off. They have to be ONLY signed to you. Also, they need to be fairly new. I think it is only 1-2 years experience and under a certain age. Not exactly sure what the criteria is, but keep that in mind. For example, you couldn't send Bryan Danielson back to ROH for one last title run there. Also, you can't pick or request who you get on excursion. You are only offered (not very often) what the AI wants to send you.

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On 9/25/2022 at 2:44 AM, RaptorMcFly said:

Is there a way to dictate the order of elimination in elimination matches (Survivor Series specifically)? I know there was on EWR, I just want to know if I can do this on this game. If not, can I at least dictate who doesn't get eliminated from the winning team?

It's been a long time since I've booked a survivor series match. I know the road agent notes change for battle royals to allow you to say who has most eliminations, who is runner up, who are finalists, etc. So it may be possible. If it's not in the road agent notes, maybe ask Adam in the TEW suggestions thread. I have no knowledge of coding or programming, but it might be easy to add that into an update. Only other suggestion I would have...It's less control, but maybe say you only want 3 of the 5 to survive. Do a victor note for those 3 guys. Maybe try putting a loss note in the order you want the guys to be eliminated. Not sure if that would work, but it's worth a try since you want all 5 of them to lose anyway. TBH, I used to let the AI decide survivor series matches, it would teach me a little more about who is better than who.

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On 9/25/2022 at 3:44 AM, RaptorMcFly said:

Is there a way to dictate the order of elimination in elimination matches (Survivor Series specifically)? I know there was on EWR, I just want to know if I can do this on this game. If not, can I at least dictate who doesn't get eliminated from the winning team?

No. In elimination matches you can choose who the winner is (guaranteed to survive) but everything else is random. You don't get to pick elimination order.

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On 9/23/2022 at 5:47 PM, Captain Kayfabe said:

That's another alternative I was thinking about, thanks.

The best way to achieve what you want is not through the excursion method. That is specifically designed to send someone away from your roster for a period of time. What you want to do is sign them to written but non exclusive contracts that are iron clad. Larger companies won't be able to sign them to exclusive deals (so they will stay away from them generally until the end of the deal) and they will still sign handshake deals.

The only problem you can run into is that their popularity for you can price them out of those smaller companies.

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On 9/29/2022 at 9:26 AM, Historian said:

The best way to achieve what you want is not through the excursion method. That is specifically designed to send someone away from your roster for a period of time. What you want to do is sign them to written but non exclusive contracts that are iron clad. Larger companies won't be able to sign them to exclusive deals (so they will stay away from them generally until the end of the deal) and they will still sign handshake deals.

The only problem you can run into is that their popularity for you can price them out of those smaller companies.

This is exactly what I was hoping that I could do - thanks!

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C-Verse lore question. I was reading bios and noticed that the manager Jemma "The Muse" Griffiths is married to heavyweight boxer "Killer" Carl Montgomery. Who is Killer Carl and has he ever been in the game? Is he from WMMA? What's his professional record?

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Does anyone know exactly how loyalty relationships develop between workers and the user character? I'm currently three and a half years into a save and have had three organic loyalty relationships (ie no event, not even an email). Two of them are people I've pushed into the main event (one from the midcard, one from being a nobody that didn't work for me), and one is a guy who was a dojo graduate that I signed to a developmental deal (he's never yet worked on the main roster).


Since there was no event or email, I was curious as to what triggered these loyalty relationships (I'm guessing the pushes were a big deal), what makes them more/less likely to happen and how personalities might be involved (I'm guessing an egomaniac wouldn't care I pushed them because they expected that anyway).


It's not the biggest gameplay thing in the world, but it does mean I'll never fire/release these workers as it goes against the logic/role play of the game world. It's a fun thing to organically happen, just wanted to know more.

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I have never messed with tour events or played as a touring company in 2020.

In a TCW save I'm setting up, I want to change MAW to a touring promotion with a big event every two weeks. 

In the editor, I just want to set the big events and have the tour shows auto generated. Is that possible? If so, steps to follow.

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