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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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9 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Dang. Something might have changed between games or I was simply misremembered. Sorry bud.

It may be different per company. I thought it was body image because in DIW the guys being booed were bulky, skinny, flabby and obese. But when I got one of them to regular, they still got a bad reception. Maybe it was basics in DIW, the guys I listed kinda sucked. I thought it might have been consistency or their hardcore or psychology stats but if I remember correctly it certainly seemed like those were wrong too. But it wouldn't be basics in ACPW. The guys who get a bad reception are quite different to each other!

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1 hour ago, mdycnt said:

It may be different per company. I thought it was body image because in DIW the guys being booed were bulky, skinny, flabby and obese. But when I got one of them to regular, they still got a bad reception. Maybe it was basics in DIW, the guys I listed kinda sucked. I thought it might have been consistency or their hardcore or psychology stats but if I remember correctly it certainly seemed like those were wrong too. But it wouldn't be basics in ACPW. The guys who get a bad reception are quite different to each other!

It may have to do with their brawling or psychology.  DIW is probably brawling more than ACPW. ACPW could be high flying/flashy.

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18 hours ago, AceCodey said:

Do 'left off show' complaints still apply when you have another Event scheduled for the same month? I'm planning on running my finale event as a two-nighter, I'd like to think that the people not being used on Night 1 will remain happy so long as they're on Night 2 but wanted to check. 

If deselected, the workers will not complain. I've been running 8-10 events in one month without any complaints.

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1 hour ago, GUINNC said:

I'm controlling WCW and I'm getting into some new broadcasting deals. Unfortunately, Turner Broadcasting is blocking everything. Is there any way to get out of them owning the company or will WCW be their property forever in-game?

WCW will be their property as long as the media group have active broadcasters. And if all broadcasters close, then WCW will close when the media group is closed (hard close).

This is why I never set Turner to own WCW in my mods.

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I just bought a promotion and wanted to add them to my network.  I've done it before with a created promotion, but can't remember how.  I know I can add a player, take care of it and then remove the player, but not sure if there is another way without that.  


Also, I can call up people from development whenever, or pluck them for 1 off appearances. Is there a way to essentially do a talent trade with a child company I own?  Say I wanted to send someone down, or pull them up for 10 matches so they could be in a storyline, but didn't want to remove them from their usual show.  Or maybe I just want them to be on both shows (a number of talent already are on both my show and work for the company I just bought).

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Does the Business Skill affect how much the AI Controlled Companies Spend?

Since money isn't really a thing a problem for my company I've been donating to a few Companies in debt. I'm not saving PGHW they're 5 million in the hole.

I don't understand how these companies are in debt especially the new ones. We need more companies especially since no one is dying.

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On 12/26/2022 at 1:15 AM, liontamer said:

I just bought a promotion and wanted to add them to my network.  I've done it before with a created promotion, but can't remember how.  I know I can add a player, take care of it and then remove the player, but not sure if there is another way without that.  


Also, I can call up people from development whenever, or pluck them for 1 off appearances. Is there a way to essentially do a talent trade with a child company I own?  Say I wanted to send someone down, or pull them up for 10 matches so they could be in a storyline, but didn't want to remove them from their usual show.  Or maybe I just want them to be on both shows (a number of talent already are on both my show and work for the company I just bought).

If you want a worker to be on the next ten shows you're having, but you don't want to pull them from developmental, you can just "borrow" them from developmental each show you run and insert them as you wish. This won't help with the Storyline feature, but it will get them on your main show. If they had a contract with both your company and the one you just bought, just leave things alone. Let them perform on both shows as usual.



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8 hours ago, AlexTheTall said:

Hello everyone. I have started a 0 pop to 100 pop company. I am right now at 23 in Quebec ( my main region ) but all my wrestler are capped at 42 pop... When will they be able to go higher?

Popularity can be capped for several reasons, including your company size and broadcast levels. Please see the handbook.

4 hours ago, chm39 said:

Does the Business Skill affect how much the AI Controlled Companies Spend?


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9 hours ago, Zero said:

My 85-2012 game is slowing down, if I make it into a game world, and start a save from that, would that speed the game up?

Yes, it will make some improvement, as it would remove things like all the histories that take up space. It'd be especially effective if you remove 'dead wood' like people who have left the business or died. It won't be a miracle cure though as the speed is still primarily dependent on how many active companies, workers, and shows there are.

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If I have a wrestler who doesn't speak the language of the company I book, would giving them a manager that speaks both their and the local language influence in any way the speed of them learning the language ?
Like, say I've hired a Japanese promising guy to WWE, would he learn English faster when paired with someone who speaks both English and Japanese, or would it only help with the angle penalties (as would a manager who simply speaks English) but have no influence whatsoever on the learning speed ?
How about just having bilingual people around ? Does it change anything on how fast your foreign workers will learn the language ?

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17 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

If I have a wrestler who doesn't speak the language of the company I book, would giving them a manager that speaks both their and the local language influence in any way the speed of them learning the language ?
Like, say I've hired a Japanese promising guy to WWE, would he learn English faster when paired with someone who speaks both English and Japanese, or would it only help with the angle penalties (as would a manager who simply speaks English) but have no influence whatsoever on the learning speed ?
How about just having bilingual people around ? Does it change anything on how fast your foreign workers will learn the language ?

Speaking of managers. How would you use them in angles? I've noticed that when I don't put them on screen I get a note saying that they helped my poor microphone worker on promo. Would it get better rating to put the manager in on ENT and the client not rated. 

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18 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

If I have a wrestler who doesn't speak the language of the company I book, would giving them a manager that speaks both their and the local language influence in any way the speed of them learning the language ?
Like, say I've hired a Japanese promising guy to WWE, would he learn English faster when paired with someone who speaks both English and Japanese, or would it only help with the angle penalties (as would a manager who simply speaks English) but have no influence whatsoever on the learning speed ?
How about just having bilingual people around ? Does it change anything on how fast your foreign workers will learn the language ?

The only factor that affects the speed (if any) of someone picking up a language is how many people backstage are speaking it competently; it makes no difference if they're paired up with them on screen, or what their relationship is, as long as at least three quarters of the locker room can use the language well then it'll spread, with the more people speaking it, the faster the rate.

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Not sure if this is the right place to ask... Does anyone have a master list/mod of non-English tag team/stable names? Specifically looking for Japanese and Spanish names for puroresu and lucha companies; would love to have some region/language-appropriate names for the AI to use.

An importable mod would be amazing if it exists, but lists would be fine too. Just checking to see if this has already been done before I start trying to build it myself from scratch.

The suggestions thread isn't quite what I'm looking for; I was hoping for something that's all in one place and easy to use.

Edited by Almaida
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6 hours ago, chm39 said:

Speaking of managers. How would you use them in angles? I've noticed that when I don't put them on screen I get a note saying that they helped my poor microphone worker on promo. Would it get better rating to put the manager in on ENT and the client not rated. 

If there's not a significant difference in popularity, sure. Or rate the worker on star quality/looks/charisma/intimidation while the manager does the talking.

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5 hours ago, gwblack said:

If there's not a significant difference in popularity, sure. Or rate the worker on star quality/looks/charisma/intimidation while the manager does the talking.

What if the client doesn't have anything special looks wise but they are great in the ring? How would you go about doing that?

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11 hours ago, chm39 said:

What if the client doesn't have anything special looks wise but they are great in the ring? How would you go about doing that?

If the manager has significantly more popularity then their client, it's fine to go with not rating them in the angle. If they're about the same,, then you could just rate them on Overness. 60% or higher of every rating is made up over Overness, so that should be determining whether or not to rate someone in an angle.

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