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Appreciate the comments like always. It's great to take a long break and still see familiar names!


Just realised most of the links in the diary are down, looks like a problem with docdroid. Don't know if this is something you've experienced Willsky?


Either way I do still have all the pdfs somewhere, so I suppose one plus of using this format is it should be easy enough to reupload. Episode 1 is ready to post so will just sort these links out then can post. Also not sold on whether I should run predictions or not for this.


Excited for Season 2! I'm most anticipating seeing heel Swoop using his charm and wit in a nasty, smug way.


I haven't had any problems with docdroid as far as I'm aware - just tried a few at random and they're all fine. Don't worry about the typos etc. you can go down a rabbit hole trying to fix things you did in the past... first the typos, then the choice of words... then the storylines themselves.


Predictions are tricky for this kind of dynasty. There's often so much crazy stuff going on that it's too hard to predict. I liked the idea you introduced where we can ask wrestlers questions.

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Just binged the whole of season 1 in time for this. This is the best thing.


Really great to see this! Thank you. I will be posting a quick summary for anybody who wants to catch up or remind themselves of what happened.



Loved this return episode - sets up a whole new dynamic which I'm excited to see play out. Also, totally forgot about the prison break character we came up with so it was fun to see that introduced - can't wait for the debut!


Yes it's taken me a while to come good on that prediction prize hasn't it! But you won't have to wait long at all. I think his picture is pretty spot on what you asked for, I like him. He'll end up being a fairly big character.


Favourite diary ever on this board, great graphics and superb writing


Appreciate this! Hope you enjoy the boards, there's lots of good stuff.

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Season 1: The Long Story

Season 1 Part 1

Season 1 Part 2



The Long Story Short



Why is Swoop evil now?


RAW’s megaface and figurehead started 2020 in search of a historic 5th RAW TV title win. He had a tough year, being kidnapped, ganged up on, put in a coma, hit by a car… the list goes on. He eventually discovers that it is not in his destiny to win the title 5 times and the only way to break fate is to give up everything. He therefore betrays all his friends and turns on SwoopNation (his fans). Part of how he does this is to align with the Main Event Mafia who literally hand him the title.



What is going on with Nicky GIlbert?


To explain The Soothesayer, it’s first useful to go over the RAW Quest Title real quick. This was a title that gave it’s holder a vision of the future (the longer/better the reign the more accurate the vision they received after losing it). Nicky was one of many people after it. Cole Taylor (returning as The Twisty Man) pissed off everyone by breaking the title with a hammer. This happened right by Nicky Gilbert’s head and so the ‘power’ of the title went into Nicky giving him perfect foresight. He’s been very strange and distant since then.



What’s gone down with the Wayne Family?


Quite a lot! Kerry started 2020 feuding with his brothers and teaming with hot prospect Will Beaumont. However this all went terribly wrong when Will Beaumont started a relationship, and got engaged to his mother (thus beginning The Motherlover gimmick). This united the whole Wayne family (and even brought in their sister Kally). They fueded with Will for months, especially after his left Momma Wayne at the alter and released the hit single Motherlover. Will then sought back up with his old bandmates LiberTeen and this culminated in a battle between Kian Wayne vs WIll Beaumont where if Kian lost Kerry would be fired. Will would win this fight, banishing Kerry from RAW, what makes it worse it was also revealed that Kally was having a secret affair with Will, completely tearing apart the family.



What about LiberTeen?

It turned out that LiberTeen were a creation of Monty Croft. He adopted Tye and Frankie when they were teenagers, sending them to different mothers. He has since used them as tools in his money making schemes. His business however has seen better days, a feud with Nathan McKenzie lead to the ‘Big Mag Tax’ with a cut of his profits from LiberTeen going to Big Mac. He has since made money through protecting Will Beaumont.



Frogue Element is face now?


Frogue began the year as RAW TV champion, and yet his tactics and attitude meant he was never a respected champion. After losing the title he began to make changes and eventually redeemed himself in the eyes of most RAW fans. He spent most of the time feuding with Captain Wrestling II.



Who were The Main Event Mafia?


Although the name is rarely used now as they make up part of The Kingdom. MEM were a dominant faction that was formed on the first episode of 2020. It initially consisted of Maurice Jackson, Luke Steele and Rahmel Goode, 3 legitimate main event level talent. JT Ace was added later and the group kicked out Rahmel Goode (after his heart attack) with Maurice Jackson becoming the leader. The group was focussed around gaining power and have seemingly decided that it’s better to be second in command to Swoop and dominate the roster than attempt to do so by themselves.




What other little things?


Loxley Robbins was a key face on the roster, he spent most the year feuding with Blake Belushi and helping Swoop and Frogue fight the various threats. He found happiness with a new girlfriend (JoJo Silver) who just happens to also be a pirate. However as part of his turn Swoop burned down her houseboat.


Rod Sullivan teamed up with Rick Stantz to form Rebound (both team members had recently left long term tag teams) at The Tag Team Speed Dating Event. He was a good friend to Swoop, often standing up for him and attempted to avenge him after the many times he was attacked. However as part of his turn Swoop insulted Rod and told him nobody wants him in RAW.


Brodie Lachlan became one of the most hated figures in RAW when he turned on his partner Matty Willis by using his new ‘friend’ Manhunter against him. Neither Matty of Manhunter have been seen since.


Speaking of Manhunter, The RAW Giants split up. With Skyscraper eventually joining LiberTeen.


Rahmel Goode became the RAW TV champion but had to vacate the belt (and retire) after a heart attack which was brought on at The Wayne/Beaumont wedding (through laughing too hard at what went down)


Swoop’s cousin, Pip McCarthy debuted as an interviewer.


The Brat Pack returned with the gimmick of detectives. The Cluesome Twosome have been involved in various mysteries (The Curious Case of The Shampoo Bottle, Monty Croft’s Secret Sons, Who Ran of Swoop McCarthy etc)


BD Octavia debuted as Gladiators girlfriend but quickly broke up with him, and beat him in the DeerBaby tournament.


We’ve been introduced to two different bars (one ran by Juliet Balconi, the other Foxxy). In general Foxxy’s is the base for The Main Event Mafia whereas The Verandah is where the faces tend to go.


The 3AM Boys were broken up when Matt Stoppard was arrested for robbing The Verandah (under pressure to do so by Main Event Mafia). Marcus now spends his time working at Foxxys Bar.



Other things/events that might get referenced.


Tag Team Speed Dating: An event that has happened twice, wrestlers looking for a tag team come to these to try and find the right partner.

Wrestler’s Court: Has happened a few times, pretty self explanatory, judge is Captain Wrestling II

Movie Night: An episode made up of movie crossover/parodies.

Game Shows Make Us Feel Better: same thing but with game shows.

RAWards: RAW version of Slammys/Oscars

The DeerBaby TV Title Tournament: The ASN Network briefly tried to make RAW more of a normal wrestling show, Mr Middleman came to oversee this. But it turned out to be a corrupt tournament with the winner already decided in the network’s mind (DeerBaby a costume advertising an upcoming filmed) However in the end Frogue Element would manage to win the tournament.

Paintball Fight!: This was an episode where the RAW TV Title was contested in an arena wide game of paintball. Although the final competitors decided it wasn't a fitting way to earn the belt and allowed Rod Sullivan to win and become a placeholder champion.




Of course there will be other things I’ve missed, but if you’ve read this I’m pretty sure nothing in Season Two will be completely alien to you.


Although if you have any questions like what is going on with a certain person, anything at all, then definitely please ask!

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Man, I’ve decided to start reading this again from the start (thanks, the new pdf’s really make it easy) and I just have to say, the way you book and write up RAW is absolutely perfect for how I see this promotion should be booked.


It really is one of the best written dynasties I think I’ve ever read in ten odd years of following this forum. And it makes me want to start a new save as RAW, which in my opinion is the true mark of a great dynasty.


I can genuinely see me “binge reading” this whole thing over the next day or two.

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Man, I’ve decided to start reading this again from the start (thanks, the new pdf’s really make it easy) and I just have to say, the way you book and write up RAW is absolutely perfect for how I see this promotion should be booked.


It really is one of the best written dynasties I think I’ve ever read in ten odd years of following this forum. And it makes me want to start a new save as RAW, which in my opinion is the true mark of a great dynasty.


I can genuinely see me “binge reading” this whole thing over the next day or two.


That genuinely made my day so thank you! Good to have an original reader back. It will be interesting going through as the format will change every so often, but hopefully season two will be the best stuff yet.




Episode two should be up soon. I think I agree with Willsky that the most fitting reader participation stuff was the questions for a character, so I'll likely introduce that again soon.




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Some might notice the introduction of theme songs being added in. A quick note that the format of these has definitely been ripped shamelessly from Willsky's fantastic PWL diary.


I'm enjoying going through the roster decided for them. Granted I don't think it adds a huge amount, maybe some people will check them out every so often. I do think it helps create a feel for the characters though so it's a nice exercise to flesh them out in my mind if nothing else. Any suggestions for any characters theme always appreciated!

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Love it. The gold steps, Rahmel Goode returning, the little storylines like Captain Wrestling III all getting set up... and obviously the debut of the convict - it's all very exciting!


Great to hear! Although eventually most stories will inevitably combine or at least cross paths with the larger Kingdom v Clenched Fist stuff it's fun to create smaller side stories.


Just when he thought he was out…they pull him back in


This Summer, Rahmel Goode is:


Goode Cop, Bad Man


I love that. Goode (or maybe Maurice Jackson) actually used those exacts words in I'd guess season 1. I know it's a Godfather quote but I was watching The Sopranos at the time where it's also quoted. Main Event Mafia were intended to just be a group of top level talent but the months watching that definitely influenced their story. Part of me wishes I took more time and went deeper into them being an actual mafia family.




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Man, I’ve decided to start reading this again from the start (thanks, the new pdf’s really make it easy) and I just have to say, the way you book and write up RAW is absolutely perfect for how I see this promotion should be booked.


It really is one of the best written dynasties I think I’ve ever read in ten odd years of following this forum. And it makes me want to start a new save as RAW, which in my opinion is the true mark of a great dynasty.


I can genuinely see me “binge reading” this whole thing over the next day or two.

And almost two weeks later I’ve caught up entirely on the series and read the two episodes of season 2.


And my god, this diary keeps getting better and better! Fantastic work, man... really looking forward to seeing where you take it from here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know nothing about RAW but my word this diary is beautiful. So well presented and the work you've put in shows, man.


I popped for Monty Croft as Million Dollar Man. Very fitting.


Appreciate it! And I'm glad to hear that about Croft. Every so often I think 'is it a little too on a nose for the rich guy character to wear a jacket with $ signs.' But then I remember it was fine for WWF and my RAW is no more subtle than even early 90's WWF!


Roddy no, you poor sweet idiot what have you done!?


…I mean, probably just walked into your job of work and got clocked but WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOONE!?



In fact, what am I saying he's a face, please do feel sorry for him. He certainly needs your sympathy with what he has coming up.


What a great episode. So many things building, big and small. The Rahmel Goode interactions with the Cluesome Twosome had me chuckling. I hope we get some buddy cop comedy with them.


There's definitely plenty of people on the roster who have never really had reason to cross paths but that I'd enjoy writing. I can definitely see a future Movie Night episode featuring a few of those.






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  • 7 months later...





So I've had the urge to get back into GDS/TEW for a while now. After toying with a bunch of ideas I reread a lot of this and just remembered how much fun I had writing for a bunch of these characters.


It may have been a while since episode 4! Apologies for that. When I restarted this diary for season 2 it was great to read people going back to catch up so I definitely felt some guilt for it being a short lived return. But eventually RAW keeps on going and I'm excited about a bunch of the plans I have, so thank you to anyone who rejoins the journey or starts it new now.


THIS post previously is a brief recap/what you need to know. And has links to season 1.


Episode will be up tomorrow.

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