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Just curious, how do you guys play the game? Do you just watch the game play out as unemployed in a "watcher" type game or do you play it as a company and try to conquer the competition in ratings, views, PPV buyrate, etc? I personally enjoy watching how things play out from the sidelines.
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I do watcher games before a save, to see how the world shapes up and to sense any anomalies that may exist. But for the most part, I'm running a promotion and, while I don't care what other companies do, I do keep track of where I stand in the general hierarchy.
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I will do a watcher game up through August of the first year, to see what new company starts up that I want to take over. Favorites include WINNOW and CWWF.


Otherwise, I'll play to grow the company and, if I can, the business as a whole, which is why in 2016 I'd join an Alliance and get as many other companies with similar product (like AAA if I was doing QAW) to join to, so I didn't run them out of business by accident.

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Depends. I usually set restrictions on myself depending what company I play. I usually always avoid hiring indy darlings and only sign veterans when they're going to be putting over my workers.


I'm currently playing an NYCW game where my goal is to try and keep the focus of the company on NYCW "originals" and become a regional powerhouse.


I've played SWF games where my goal is to get over certain low level workers (you ever try and make Mark Smart a world champ?).


I've played MAW where the goal is to try and develop as many prospects as I can and see if I can breed a world champion.


I once did a TCW game where I set the matches but didn't set the victor for any matches and let the AI choose who won.


My favorite owner goal that I often use in all my games is that I canonly hire people who are unemplyed.

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I'll usually have three "serious" games going at any one time. By serious I mean not just games that I set up to test something or check something or try out a product/roster for a bit.


1: A game I intend to write a dynasty about. Played as 'real' as possible, plenty of planning and thought put into it. The aim of this save is to tell interesting stories and develop characters, rather than develop the company itself. Thus they tend to be with larger/more established companies.


2: A more relaxed game with a larger company that doesn't involve meticulous planning. Usually TCW if #1 isn't TCW already, since they're my favourite company by a wide margin.


3: A "build up a promotion" game. Not necessarily 0/0/0/0, but one of the smaller feds, or a created smaller fed. Usually with self-imposed restrictions, like SonsofKohral's. In this game the focus is more on growing the company, so the shows tend to be less 'realistic', though sometimes these become dynasties too, and end up with more planning than I intended (like LDW. Yes LDW had planning, shh).


Then I play whichever takes my fancy at the time.

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I typically play empty database games these days either ones were I play myself from the beginning (as is the case with my current save) or were I just watch the world develop without interfering.


Occasionally I do either play C-Verse or try a mod I find interesting, typically I create my own company and start very small (either 0/0/0/0 or rock hard start) on those cases. Very rarely do I play with ready made promotions as I just want to start everything from the beginning with no previous history.

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I play very slowly. I tend to play medium size or larger companies, and I'm checking lots of details with every game day--I look at card results from other companies, I check out all the little "Wrestler Incident" type stories, I look at whoever's contract is coming up to see if I want to try to sign them, or run their price up to make it harder for SWF or USPW. I go over all of the results from my child company--and they're running a "constant schedule" so they do about 3 shows a week. Checking for Chemistry takes a lot of time because of all the clicking through multiple nested screens. Checking pre-booking requirements takes time.


Usually, I can advance about a game week, including running a TV show in 2-3 hours. If it's a PPV and a TV show week, bump that up to closer to 4 hours. I haven't reached the March PPV in my TCW game that I started in the early part of Beta.


Part of the glory of this game is there is no wrong way to play. Do whatever makes you happy. In 70s-80s mods, I sometimes start my own company and edit the database to cherry pick the roster I want. Von Erichs have been fighting Freebirds in my games approximately forever. Bill Watts is ALWAYS at war with the Russians. Dusty and Ladd hook em up. Terry Funk raises hell. :)

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<p>Typically I start unemployed and then create a promotion on Rock Hard Difficult and see how far I can take it (or if I want an npc owner I'll create an equivalent Promotion in the editor before starting). And I usually play promotions that are unattractive to sponsors and have restrictions on TV time slots. In my current game my user character did have a bit of booking skill and reputation so I started with $5,000 (Bar Room Entertainment).</p><p> </p><p>

In TEW2020 I've also been running nightly watcher games where I leave it on unlimited advance overnight to see how the world shapes up.</p>

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I start out as the owner of a company and just focus on trying to build them and the roster that I bring in. I put an emphasis on developing young talent and trying to get them over as well as turn them into solid workers. I occasionally check out other promotions to see where they are financially and every once in a while I check attendance and show ratings of companies I'm at war with or up against in the national or regional battles. For the most part though I'm only worried at what my company and my roster are doing.
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<p>I like to meticulously plan out a RW game from usually about 96 to 04, start the save, set everything up, book a couple of cards, get bored and then start another one.</p><p> </p><p>

Rinse and repeat about fifty times until the next TEW comes out, at which point I vow to not do this again and commit to just one single longterm save.</p><p> </p><p>

And then I do it all again.</p>

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