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Why can't we talk to people who left the business?

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Like i get it, they dont wrestle anymore. But does that mean they cannot be contacted about anything, ever? The only way to get someone back is to go into the main editor and change it, but there's no option in a save itself. Why can't we convince guys like champagne lover, or lio rush for example in the mod i'm using to come back?
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what part of 'left the business' do you not understand?


It's different than being on a 'hiatus' where they are gone but will eventually come back. Left the business means just that, they are done.


If watching athletics for 25 years has taught me anything... it's that nobody is ever gone forever. There is always one more season, match, run, etc. ALWAYS. Nothing is ever over until that person physically can't do it anymore. And that's why the retirement and "Left the Business" systems are woefully restrictive.


Jordan came back, Rock came back, Brock came back, Hennig had a million-dollar check, and couldn't stay away. This is a disease and there is no cure. That is why I hate those classifications in TEW. Nobody is ever really gone. 5 years from now CL's movie career could fizzle out and guess where he's going to go? USPW. But he left the business. So I guess he'll do used car commercials instead. :rolleyes:

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If watching athletics for 25 years has taught me anything... it's that nobody is ever gone forever. There is always one more season, match, run, etc. ALWAYS. Nothing is ever over until that person physically can't do it anymore. And that's why the retirement and "Left the Business" systems are woefully restrictive.


Jordan came back, Rock came back, Brock came back, Hennig had a million-dollar check, and couldn't stay away. This is a disease and there is no cure. That is why I hate those classifications in TEW. Nobody is ever really gone. 5 years from now CL's movie career could fizzle out and guess where he's going to go? USPW. But he left the business. So I guess he'll do used car commercials instead. :rolleyes:


As long as a wrestler can physically go the game allows them to be talked back into wrestling in the right circumstance.

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I agree and it's not even just so they can have another run. I sometimes want to bring in a legend for an appearance or a Hall of Fame induction or whatever and if they've 'left the business' it's impossible. It should be changable in the in-game editor like in previous games. Hard to see why this feature was removed.
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you're saying that you can't change in the in-game editor someone's status from retired/left business/active wrestler? Why?!


Yeah, that's the real issue here. It can only be edited before a game starts but once it's underway, there's no possibility to change it. This is such a step backwards and I really struggle to understand why this decision was taken (and it's not the only one).

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Yeah, that's the real issue here. It can only be edited before a game starts but once it's underway, there's no possibility to change it. This is such a step backwards and I really struggle to understand why this decision was taken (and it's not the only one).


Because it removes completely unrealistic abilities. I love the change. People cant cheese the game and force people into the business.

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I was thinking about this the other day, and wondering how many people have truly "left the business" in reality and stayed "left the business". I couldn't think of many if we're considering people other than the types who didn't make it.


Real world mods, particularly current day, should probably have very few actually "left the business", but with hiatuses now having pre-set weeks it makes it tricky. You'd essentially be having to guess how long you think somebody is going to be on hiatus, where as I liked the randomness of it previously.


I do think it's a shame as well that some of those names in the C-Verse will never come back, and I'd love if - even with Left The Business - there was a small percentage chance that they'd come back. Or if they had a separate "talk to" screen with only a few options, where you could say you'd give them "X money for one appearance" (which would be good for a Christian Faith guest appearance on Supreme TV) or "X money for one more match" (which could allow you to maybe get Champagne Lover in for three months and one match but only once every 1-2 years). You'd likely have to pay them way above what they'd normally ask if they were active, but it would be nice to be able to do it. Even if at the moment, "Left The Business" is doing exactly what it says on the tin.

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How do you even contact some of these people? The big stars, sure, you can track them down, but I left the indies 3 years ago. Since then I changed my number, moved, and don't go on Facebook. When I last went on Facebook, an old promoter had sent me a message asking me to do a show. That message was 4 months old.


That's anecdotal, but I can believe that when people leave the business (not just retire, but move on completely) they might not be available to talk to. Some people leave the bubble and disappear into something else.


Maybe some kind of system to 'hunt down' people who have left the business would be cool. Either a random chance (10% chance he's checking his old email) or time based (30 days to find a phone number) or needing to find a Strong Friend who knows how to contact them.

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<p>The Rock left the business for SEVEN years before he returned and had a match. Everyone thought he was completely done with wrestling forever, and guess what, he came back for multiple matches across two years, and STILL does sporadic appearances here and there at the height of his movie popularity.</p><p> </p><p>

Lesnar was gone for 6 years and came back.</p><p> </p><p>

The list goes on and on of people who “left the business” and came back either out of loyalty to Vince or the love for wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

To say that it would be unrealistic to talk someone back for a couple appearances or a match or two would be ludicrous</p>

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I think aside from special things, left the business is more for guys who just have reached an age to fully retire and stay at home. Who ever put Lio Rush as left the business misread his intentions and the fact that he is still doing a bunch of interviews and stuff makes it pretty clear he isn't done.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iruleall15" data-cite="iruleall15" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50332" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Because it removes completely unrealistic abilities. I love the change. People cant cheese the game and force people into the business.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> And in what way does "People cheesing" their game affect you? I mean this isn't some competitive multiplayer game, it doesn't even have a leaderboard, so why do you care so much about how people want to play their game, that you think stupid restrictions are a positive? </p><p> </p><p> I really don't get this mentality. </p><p> </p><p> Let people play the game they want to play, because you surely expect them to accept your way just the same, and if some want to "cheese", let them. It won't hurt you.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iruleall15" data-cite="iruleall15" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50332" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Because it removes completely unrealistic abilities. I love the change. People cant cheese the game and force people into the business.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> And why is that a bad thing? How is it "cheesing"? Who is being hurt here? I want Champagne Lover or J-Ro or hell Jeri Behr's back not to be wrecked so she can come back and slap the taste out of Byron's disgusting bronze skin. Why can't I? The curveballs are fun. Why can't I throw my curveball? This is a fantasy booking game, with no online features. It just blows my mind sometimes.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="franticloser" data-cite="franticloser" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50332" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think aside from special things, left the business is more for guys who just have reached an age to fully retire and stay at home. Who ever put Lio Rush as left the business misread his intentions and the fact that he is still doing a bunch of interviews and stuff makes it pretty clear he isn't done.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's not how the default database seems to be using it, though. Cat Quine is set to 'left the business' even though her bio says she's doing conventions and stuff, Champagne Lover is young enough that he could have a Rock style return at some point, Christian Faith is 53, Larry Wood is 52 - both of them (particularly given Faith's status as an SWF legend) would seem to be the kind of people who could come back in an authority figure role.</p>
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Seems like a level before left the business could be added for this. . So you can keep Left the business in for people who are well and truly done and have no interest in coming back, but you could have a level before it for people who are still willing to make a few appearances but don't want to be tied down to anything long term, similar to freelancers. . So you could sign them but never longer than say six months and/or only for a set number of appearances.. and not that it needs to be limited, but you could also limit it to sort of one and done thing so you can only bring worker X once using said method..


Alternatively maybe an attribute could be added That would allow for workers who have left the business to rejoin randomly on their own if they get the itch to or if they have said attribute it would allow the use of the talk to feature and give you a chance to convince them to come back, could work like a hiatus just in reverse, So have a random amount of time they return for, like 6 month, 2 years, etc, in which they are usable again, once that time is up they leave again and are gone for good. .

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If you want to change it prior to your game start, there's an attribute that doesn't allows workers to come out of retirement to work a match. You could put that on whichever workers, like a Champagne Lover, or Jack Bruce or Christian Faith etc and change their status to retired. Then at some point, if you have a story you really feel would draw someone of their status out of retirement (or you just want to book them again) then you can remove the attribute and attempt to talk them out of retirement for 1 more run.


This game is incredibly malleable. You can change damn near everything to make it work for you within your game.

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Seems like a level before left the business could be added for this. . So you can keep Left the business in for people who are well and truly done and have no interest in coming back, but you could have a level before it for people who are still willing to make a few appearances but don't want to be tied down to anything long term, similar to freelancers. . So you could sign them but never longer than say six months and/or only for a set number of appearances.. and not that it needs to be limited, but you could also limit it to sort of one and done thing so you can only bring worker X once using said method..


Alternatively, maybe an attribute could be added That would allow for workers who have left the business to rejoin randomly on their own if they get the itch to or if they have said attribute it would allow the use of the talk to feature and give you a chance to convince them to come back, could work like a hiatus just in reverse, So have a random amount of time they return for, like 6 month, 2 years, etc, in which they are usable again, once that time is up they leave again and are gone for good. .


This plus giving me the full ability to bring them back via the in-game editor. I don't even mind Left the Business, just give me the option to bring them back via the editor if I so choose for whatever narrative reason I want.

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The Rock left the business for SEVEN years before he returned and had a match.


Well I guess he didn't really leave the business, did he. If I was making a mod I would put Rock on Hiatus because he left to do movies but keeps coming back. He never cut ties completely.

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Well I guess he didn't really leave the business, did he. If I was making a mod I would put Rock on Hiatus because he left to do movies but keeps coming back. He never cut ties completely.


So what about Champagne Lover? It seems ridiculous to assume he'll never come back. The default database seems to have a definition of 'left the business' which is INCREDIBLY broad; I can understand why people are confused over it.

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Well I guess he didn't really leave the business, did he. If I was making a mod I would put Rock on Hiatus because he left to do movies but keeps coming back. He never cut ties completely.


He did, however. Being gone for 7 years and not being involved in wrestling in any capacity screams “left the business” to me.


It’s not a problem to admit this is completely flawed in TEW and the game doesn’t offer enough options to such a broad scope of how “left the business” actually is IRL

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I definitely think it's true that people leaving the business entirely is a lot more rare in real life than in the game.


There's certainly a lot of people that were gone for a loooong time and people could reasonably assume they had moved on. Paul Heyman left WWE in 2006 and it seemed like nobody could lure him back, he went ahead and started his own multimedia projects and talent agencies. Anyone making a current mod between 2007-2012 might consider him as having Left The Business and I don't think they could be faulted for it. Lot of examples like that.


But I think the other issue is that Hiatuses do not adequately simulate this either. For a big promotion it's very easy to talk people out of them even if they haven't gone on for long. Atleast that's my experience.


I'd probably make Leaving The Business an uncommon thing that mostly only occurs with particularly old workers who legitimately can't do much anymore or obscure ones who haven't been employed for a lengthy period of time. And for other situations maybe introduce a stronger version of the Hiatus (in addition the one we already have mind you) one they can't be lured away from but can only choose to come back from when they're ready. Presumably there would be a hidden random value for this, or maybe a range that can be pre-set. Within a year, 1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5 years+...

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Because it removes completely unrealistic abilities. I love the change. People cant cheese the game and force people into the business.


You love restrictions and limitations? You're an oddball in the gaming crowd then. Most people are against "negative additions" that take away stuff rather than add. If people somehow have more fun cheesing, let them have their fun?


In-game it should be very hard to try and get someone to return, but imo it should be editable, unless in the new engine it's somehow impossible. I assume that's the case.

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