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What do you look for in talent?

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Weather you're using the c-verse or a real world mod, what do you look for in young talent? What can make them a star and help them build you're new small company?



Just raw athleticism. I'm more of a technical Hugh flying promotion and anyone who can fit that mold because some things can be taught besides that.

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Unless it's changed in 2020 and unless I'm aiming for a short burst I typically only hire people below 30. Up until 30 wrestler's naturally increase in abilities over time then after 30 they can only get better in matches.


Beyond that it depends on the promotion but the two key abilities (IMO) are toughness and stamina with higher emphasis on stamina. Unless you're doing a very safe product you're gonna have wear and tear and you'll need people to do long matches every so often. If someone is below 50 in either of those you'll have a hell of a time with them. If you're doing a match heavy product stamina is an absolute killer.


Beyond that the next tier would be basics, psychology and raw athletic ability. But as long as you have a good road agent and a few guys with good psych you're okay there.

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Basics, safety, psychology, technical/aerial. Anything that makes me believe they're a good in ring worker.


Past that, the look of the render and bio. If something inspires me to make a story for a particular character, then I'll pick them up, regardless of skill. If they suck, ill keep the story out of the main event. The only match I care about is my main event since I usually run ME Spotlight. The rest I look for stuff I can get invested in.

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I try not to hire anyone whose top skill isn't 65 or above. So if I'm hiring a technician I look for ones that are 65 or above. There not reason for me to pick that number other than they usually perform competently.


I look at safety. If they're low then I won't hire them.


I look at how they compliment my current workers. Say I'm bringing in Bryan Danielson and he has good technical skills but he's young and doesn't have a high psychology rating I want to make sure I have people with good psychology that he can beat without them getting mad. Say Bobby Eaton for example. He's old and is an occasional wrestler. His skills aren't super high anymore but his psychology is like 78 so young workers can learn from him.

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I look for workers who are good at something. Doesn't matter what, as long as they're good at it. I can work with anything and everything. I have a psychopath random gen that I signed specifically because she was good to great at hardcore and stamina. Her style doesn't match our product and her performance skills are subpar but she's young and time in the PC will help her come along quickly. The only thing that I see as a dealbreaker is personality. Can't have any sleazy, scumbag, or grifter types in my locker room.

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I look for workers who are good at something. Doesn't matter what, as long as they're good at it. I can work with anything and everything. I have a psychopath random gen that I signed specifically because she was good to great at hardcore and stamina. Her style doesn't match our product and her performance skills are subpar but she's young and time in the PC will help her come along quickly. The only thing that I see as a dealbreaker is personality. Can't have any sleazy, scumbag, or grifter types in my locker room.


Same here. I think my guys and girls to have something about them. No one is perfect and if they excel at something I’ll work with it.


I also tend to have my jobbers for hire. Guys I’ll sign on short 3 month deals who will make up my jobbers. They’ll eat all the pins and because I keep them for a short while they don’t get mad. These guys need to have good basics so they can essentially help build my stars by eating the loses and also building my other guys stats. Then if one of these jobbers catches my eye while with me then I sign them on longer deals and give them a proper push.

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<p>I sign anybody for any reason, and fire them for pretty much the same. Sadly, I just bloat a roster up and have no problem getting rid of people because there is always someone I'm not using correctly.</p><p> </p><p>

Usually under 30, lot of great prospects in the game. Wrestling style is important to me, but otherwise just.. names, pictures, and alter egos beyond that. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Stats all get better when they work with the core of my roster anyways, everyone has potential in at least one way. That's something to always remember. If I don't look at them and think of anything, I'll never hire them.</p>

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They need at least one of two things:

1, a cool name/gimmick/render. This is probably most important. :p Unless I have something in mind and need someone to fill a role, they need to inspire me.


2, Good basics and safety, at least one good top row skill.


If I'm looking for a new star, then obviously star quality, charisma, and either mic skills or menace. If I'm looking for just warm bodies for the roster though, they're not essential.

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Optimally, I'm looking for stories. If you're a stiff, I'll work around you. If you're athletic, tall, you can cut a promo, I'll play to your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. But that's what I am looking for with hires. Sometimes that story is as lame as "You look just like someone I want to put in a tag team." That's it, you're in. Sometimes it's a character. Sometimes it's the fact you look like a Yeti, and I want to scream "THE YETTTHAY!" like its Havoc 95.


Love to say there's a scientific method here, but there's not. I'd love to tell you that I need wrestlers, but I don't. Just fill my storyline column and I'm a happy man.

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1. Safety. Non-negotiable.

2. Star Power/Charisma.

3. Psychology/Basics.


And the minimum "Toxic Traits". Some, I won't put up with at all. I don't mind some pains in the butt here and there if I can balance them out with some good influences.


If I am playing a smaller company, Star Power and Charisma are replaced with something that will be Niche Specific to the product. Generally, Star Power makes talent more expensive and ratings more high, so if I am less concerned about that for a while, I will keep the costs low and avoid hiring stars until I can afford them.


Regional Stars are worth the one-night deal under the current system.

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