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Celebrity Ratings

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When adding or using celebrities to a game what kind of ratings do you give them. For example Dennis Rodman in WCW. Would he be 99 popularity? He was more famous than any wrestler at the time. Tyson in WWF, give him good brawling skills and once again through the roof popularity?
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Maybe others have a different opinion but for me TEW popularity and how famous someone is isn't the same thing. Popularity for TEW is how much wrestling fans would want to see them on a show. Dennis Rodman was more famous than the WCW wrestlers in 1999 but more people would go to watch WCW for Goldberg/Sting etc than go to watch Rodman do something. On the other hand they would definitely go to a show to see Rodman over Lenny Lane or Lodi.


Depending on the celebrity I'd put popularity high enough that it would boost ratings and give a boost to your company/storyline but I wouldn't assume that just because people know who they are outside of wrestling that they would have 100 popularity in TEW.

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I'd like to see celebs have a paired down stat block with overness in the outside world, what they are famous for (which in turn combined with their fame provides their in game overness) and how well they could perform each type of angle. If they are called on to wrestle use the fighting rating (this would replace the skill sets). Something a bit more than hire a celebrity and pick the level but much less than an actual worker.


Or … at least let us name the celebs in each category so instead of hiring an A lister you are hiring Jason Momoa, A List Actor. Or the made up version for the Cverse.


If you have or need any more info on the celebrity make them a worker with the "personality" role.


As far as the question itself I agree with the first response. Figure out how the celeb would appeal to a wrestling crowd and use that for overness. Obviously different companies would have different preferences and expectations so if you can't tailor it to account for those differences (which most likely involves what their other stats are) then base it on the company the celeb is likely to work for (in Rodman's case WCW and if the WWF chose to hire him there wouldn't be enough of a difference to worry about).

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Ross Henry might be a good C-verse metric for this. He's a professional football player. Based on his bio it sounds like he was quite successful but didn't have a very long career. It seems like he'd be at least a bit less popular than Rodman/Malone/Shaq/Tyson and I believe his pop is around 80 in the database.
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Maybe others have a different opinion but for me TEW popularity and how famous someone is isn't the same thing. Popularity for TEW is how much wrestling fans would want to see them on a show. Dennis Rodman was more famous than the WCW wrestlers in 1999 but more people would go to watch WCW for Goldberg/Sting etc than go to watch Rodman do something. On the other hand they would definitely go to a show to see Rodman over Lenny Lane or Lodi.


Depending on the celebrity I'd put popularity high enough that it would boost ratings and give a boost to your company/storyline but I wouldn't assume that just because people know who they are outside of wrestling that they would have 100 popularity in TEW.


This is pretty much how I see it. It gets a bit tricky because fame doesnt really matter. Like think if WWE brought Taylor Swift out at wrestlemania. Yes it would be huge media wise and all but would it really make a memorable wrestling angle the way Tyson did? Would it have the major long term effect on the growth of the business? Cant say for sure since it didnt really happen but... Probably not. And she's as famous as anyone in the country probably. If anything people would probably rip on that and it could backfire big time for the amount of money they have to pay her.


Its not fame that should matter. It's exactly what this gentleman says. Its how much would they matter to people who spend money on wrestling.


This is an excellent example of how I feel about this. The problem with historical celebrities is that you're going to remember them with history's eyes good or bad. Tyson was megahuge in the late 90s i mean a super massive celebrity. The threat of him POSSIBLY getting in that ring and doing something was so compelling to the general public that his effectiveness went far beyond simply what his fame meant to wrestling audiences. That was just the perfect guy in the perfect situation at the perfect time. I'd be tempted to go ahead and throw that "99" on him as he was as big as it gets. But they didnt know he'd get as hot as he'd get within the WWF audience. They knew he'd bring eyes on the product. They didnt know all those angles he was involved in would be so memorable and so impactful. And that "hotness" is more conveyed in TEW2020 through the momentum system than the popularity system. So he should still be high but this poster is right he shouldn't be higher than the top several wrestlers in whatever game area you play.


You'd have to run those angles and theyd have to actually be successful for him to be as effective as he was.


I'd put Tyson at around an 85ish give or take and maybe Rodman slightly lower at 80ish. They were both megastars in the late 90s man. Commercials, movie deals, everything they did was headline news. But in terms of how the game processes a wrestling angle... there should be SOME risk to it. Like Tyson being in an angle isnt a guaranteed home run the way Austin was at that time. AUSTIN and MICHEALS were the ones that should be in the high 90s considering they really did go out and kill it every time they were on camera in that time period. Tyson was a bit more of a risk than we remember it just ended up paying off.

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I think the big difference is Tyson, Rousey, Mayweather, post UFC Lesnar etc all had credible drawing records as someone who sells events in a combat setting, so the idea in TEW that people would pay to see them makes sense for high overness characters.


I feel like poor entertainment/performance skills can make up for everything else. Nobody would really care for Tyson cutting a monologue so it wouldn’t be a home run like if you put Rock out there, even if he’s counted as more over. He wouldn’t be able to have an interesting feud with Steve Blackman because overness with no substance isn’t particularly successful anymore.


That’s where Tyson would differ from say a Swift, who is all popularity, but she can’t have a confrontation angle (rated on fighting) like he could, for obvious reasons. Both would count as an attraction for the show, but Tyson has positive qualities to grade well in a wrestling environment, leading to long term gains/changes (via successful angles).

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They would have the popularity, but lack the skills. SO... if put in an actual match, unless they have athletic backgrounds, they will probably bomb in the ring (like most have). However, you have those few... Like that Arrow guy, that aren't really hugely popular, but way better in the ring then you would expect.


I agree with bigt, but disagree about where to "nerf" them. Taylor swift verses Rousey would be huge for a women's match, people would come, but... the match would most likely suck.


Kind of like when that Dwayne guy tried to look cool wrestling John Cena, stick to acting fella, your much better at it!!


LOL, If someone takes The Rock thing serious I am sorry, it's very very funny though.

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Ross Henry might be a good C-verse metric for this. He's a professional football player. Based on his bio it sounds like he was quite successful but didn't have a very long career. It seems like he'd be at least a bit less popular than Rodman/Malone/Shaq/Tyson and I believe his pop is around 80 in the database.


This. When I want someone, I look for a C-Verse guy that's close, and I noticed Ross Henry is a good starting block for most guys who were a pro athlete, mma, boxer, whatever - and works in wrestling for a few years (though now it's been more than a few years). Of course, I see him more like Lean Mean Kevin Greene from WCW - he could work a match, but he usually relied on others. Low consistency, 55-60 range? Same with basics and selling. Rodman, too, really. And Karl Malone. They could cut a promo, but their in-ring work was entirely dependent on the wrestler they were working with.


I would give more Star Power than popularity which would help them rise up faster if signed and booked for it.

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Every new game I put forward the idea we should have a ‘wrestling’ pop and a ‘mainstream’ pop.


People are going to tune in to watch these celebrities that aren’t wrestling fans.


I think celebrities for the most part work well in TEW. Its incorporated into the "Events" part of the game where they give your event a lil boost overall. I think thats a fair and realistic way to incorporate people like Gronk for instance, where maybe a small handful of Gronk fans watched THIS wrestlemania when they wouldnt normally but really it didnt bring any significant growth or popularity to the company. But it DID give the event a bit of a special feel having a unique celebrity hosting the show, hence a little boost in your event ratings.


Tyson and Rodman were very unique special cases. And I dont know that the entire game's mechanics need to be changed to accommodate that. But to each their own.

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I think celebrities for the most part work well in TEW. Its incorporated into the "Events" part of the game where they give your event a lil boost overall. I think thats a fair and realistic way to incorporate people like Gronk for instance, where maybe a small handful of Gronk fans watched THIS wrestlemania when they wouldnt normally but really it didnt bring any significant growth or popularity to the company. But it DID give the event a bit of a special feel having a unique celebrity hosting the show, hence a little boost in your event ratings.


Tyson and Rodman were very unique special cases. And I dont know that the entire game's mechanics need to be changed to accommodate that. But to each their own.


A fair point. however...


In my opinion the bit that incorporates celebrities does not allow them to be featured in any angles/matches. There have been many celebrities involved that’s would ‘boost’ and angle. I meant the whole wrestlemania arguable took off because off celebrities and you have the build up etc and then actually in matches.


Rhonda, Tyson fury, Mike Tyson, mr T, floyd Mayweather, David arquette and the most goes on if celebrities who have appeared in matches.


Anyone who has a decent pop outside the wrestling world before debuting is really a celebrity. Trump etc.


In my opinion it’s has always been the best way to gain new viewers outside the wrestling world (that’s why they do it) and the current way doesn’t really reflect that.

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What I'm trying to say is that "mainstream" popularity -as a separate thing from overall wrestling popularity- is incorporated into the events.


Those cases you listed where they continue to work matches they have to just follow the normal rules workers do just like in real life. Someone like Rousey didnt bring in a ground shaking number of those outside viewers every time she wrestled and a good look at ratings can prove that. So her popularity would factor into the game's mechanic fine as it is by giving her a decent starting pop.

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What I'm trying to say is that "mainstream" popularity -as a separate thing from overall wrestling popularity- is incorporated into the events.


Those cases you listed where they continue to work matches they have to just follow the normal rules workers do just like in real life. Someone like Rousey didnt bring in a ground shaking number of those outside viewers every time she wrestled and a good look at ratings can prove that. So her popularity would factor into the game's mechanic fine as it is by giving her a decent starting pop.


I get what you we trying to say and agree you have a fairness point.


I just disagree and think it could be worked in better.


These days you have skewed numbers. In terms of the modern day people will go look at a lot more stuff on you tube and watch clips on Facebook. In earlier years if you had Rhonda turn up you would need to watch the show to see it.


Numbers to the show may not have increased but people viewing footage etc will have. But in earlier years they would have.

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