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Deaths and Cheatings

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I had a weird game sim the other day, when I was not home. I have Death Frequency on none, Vince Russo and Jim Cornette died in the same month in 2022. I have injury on medium and a guy with 100 resilience got badly injured. Maryse cheated on Miz too and theyre both Faithfuls with relationships on Medium and the Era settings have Divorces/Cheating on massively decreased.


I ran another sim and with the same settings, Triple H, Nakamura, Joe Koff, Vince Russo all dead by 2022. Naka and HHH were straight edge with no drug history. Faithful Johnathon Gresham also cheated on Jordynne Grace. All of my attributes are permanent, btw.


Are either of these systems bugged? I feel like both may need a nerf. Either that, or Faithful needs to be "no cheating" instead of massively decreased and Death Frequency needs a floor of like 65 for old age, barring substance issues.

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<p>I haven't tested relationships at length so far with the "faithful" attribute but I haven't had any issues with it so far, usually because (like in real life) both workers should be tagged as faithful.</p><p> </p><p>

As far as the deaths go? Yeah, I kind of agree that it needs a nerf. Even with the death settings on low to none it people in their 30s/40s shouldn't be dying off unless it's due to an accident or drug/steroid abuse... I've had Edge, Jeff Cobb and a bunch of others randomly drop dead before 50 for no discernible reason.</p>

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Here's something interesting. I simmed another, with settings with no Deaths, low injuries, same era settings, etc. No one in the entire database passed away until 2022. I started in July 2020. Between Jan and Sept 2022, 18 people died. 7 of which were younger than 60. The youngest was 36. What the hell is going on here?


Luckily, in this sim however, all the cheating divorces were people without Faithful. There was still 9 though, ALL OF THEM IN THE YEAR 2022! Not a single cheating in the year 2020 or 2021.


My era settings go from 2020-9999 (basically a permanent era). What kinda stuff is going off the walls in 2022?

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More people die in my 2020 games then in my 2016 games as well. I'm not against people dying, I'm against workers with no drug, alcohol, or smoking history die before they reach 65.


If people have a drug, smoking, or alcohol history and they pass away at 49, okay, but people of good health dying at 49 doesn't make sense because people live way longer then 49 in today's world before passing away due to old age.


I can't back you up on the relationships thing, my relationships pretty much stay the same people rarely form or break relationships in my games.

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How many new workers were generated by the game? Generally speaking, workers die to clear out room in the processing of the game. So if there are a lot of training facilities producing a lot of talent, that could cause the game to still have to kill people. I think. I'm not a tech wizard, but I'm fairly confident that that's why some deaths happen because of that.


It's also important to note that turning deaths off doesn't take deaths out of the game -- it just turns off some of the randomness of it. People will still die from age or drug-related issues.


It also could be (and I know people hate this) related to the mod, especially if it was a transfer.


I'm in November of 2022 in the CVerse in my main game. Deaths are at a medium, Kenny Deaths are enabled, etc and I've had 28 people die in the game world. Three were accident/Kenny Deaths. 12 of those deaths were people who were over 60 and another 7 were over 50. The remaining 6 deaths were people in their forties who I'm fairly confident had lifestyle issues -- so take that for what it's worth, but that's 28 deaths in 3 years. Over half of them were age or lifestyle related so I don't think the death system is broken, at least not in the CVerse/default data that comes with the game.

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Historian, you might be onto something about the new workers. I have a lot of new workers coming in due to my mass amount of free pics I use, along with there being a whole lot of training facilities.


I'm using Who87's RW mod, by the way. I have messes and tweaked some things tho, like stats, attributes, other TV shows.


However, even if it is the new workers "kicking out" the others, what would be the fix for that? You can't control how many workers are generated, right?


It's worth noting I have Regeneration off.

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Here's how I wish I could organize things in a TEW database. Every worker, in addition to a birth date, would have another date, which could be used as a death date.


For example, I always play in the 2000s. So let's take Eddie Guerrero as an example. If I want to play super-realistic, I'd have:





Set To Debut








The section marked (Died) would be a drop-down menu with other choices. The most important and frequently used choice would be (Alive Mortal). This would be the only option used for every present-day mod. It means the worker is alive as of current day but is vulnerable to death.


The drop-down menu should also have another choice, one that will make my 2000s mods, or anyone's past mods, a little less stressful. I'd call it something like (Immortal Until). I don't want Ric Flair dying randomly in 2003, so I'd set him to:






Set To Debut




(Immortal Until)




Ric Flair would never die before September 2020. However, after that date, he would be vulnerable to random death like anyone Mortal. That way I wouldn't have to worry about Flair randomly dying before his time, causing a major shakeup in my booking. I'd use the same settings for any major figure currently alive in 2020. Vince McMahon, for example, or Hulk Hogan.


My perfect system would allow me in my 2000s mods to set Eddie Guerrero to be Immortal, protected from random death, until his real-world death date, at which point he would become Mortal, ditto with Chris Benoit, Mitsuharu Misawa, etc. Meanwhile, other workers whose wrestling careers had ended at their time of death, like Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Bruno Sammartino, Dusty Rhodes, I would use their actual death dates. To keep things interesting, I would set most minor workers to be Mortal even in the past, so Buck Quartermaine, Nick Mitchell, Sean Casey, etc. would all be open to random deaths. But I'd put a shield around major players like CM Punk, Kenta Kobashi, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and so forth.


I'd also like the option to use a Narrative event to schedule a death that might require a very specific description. That could be used for Chris Benoit, Owen Hart, Perro Aguayo Jr., various deaths that were strongly tied to the industry itself. I mean, the mod that I played actually had a Narrative event for the death of Russ Haas, and I was confused by the fact that Russ Haas not only survived, but I as a player couldn't even use the Editor to mark him as Deceased at that point.


It's a big ask, but that's the feature I've wanted the most ever since I bought the software.

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Other things about death, i had that save where a my CEO dropped the compagny and Vince Russo took over. I didn't want him. So I wanted to kill him. I changed his birth date, making him 150 years old. He is still hanging in there, 3 months in. :mad:


You gotta lower his health and give him all the bad attributes too

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