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What are some of the methods you use to get guys over?

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If your SWF for example, it is rated off your beat 3 matches and your best 3 angles.


So there is plenty of room for getting your lower popularity workers over. Try to remember not everyone can win or be your main focus.


Again with SWF i push Spencer Spade to beat Jungle Lord, i have Valiant interact in this storyline to help with storyline heat and to be the voice for Jungle in promos. By the end of this 2 month fued, Spade is around 64 popularity, Jungle dropped to 58 popularity but thats where i want him to be, ready to elevate Robbie Wright.


Spade moves on to ZWB if i can get their storyline hot ans put on good matches and angles then there pop will rise together.


I do the same with Steven Parker, he goes on a run beating Greed, Prudence and Primus all higher momentum and popularity to help him get around 64 popularity, he can then fued with Randy Unleashed and hopefully have good matches and angles to help raise him higher.


Then i have Spade vs Parker NA Championship run and eventually the main event.


Just know who you want to push and tell storys for and put them over people who arent in focus.

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So, one of the core aspects of the game is getting guys over. You need them to be in matches, but they also drag down the card because they're not popular enough.


As Woodsmeister says. They aren't dragging down the card. Bad matches aren't bad for business.


For big promotions, I generally start with vignettes or squash matches for 2-3 weeks. That'll get a certain amount of pop just from being seen on TV. Followed by wins, wins, WINS! If I don't have guys I'm willing to be beaten, I don't need to hire new blood.


Once their popularity is okay and momentum warmed up... it depends how far I need them to go. I tend to have a feud around their first loss, if they're going to be a big deal. If not... they'll job to someone who is.

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<p>Good advice on here. I guess I should be more willing to have lower ranked matches/promos in order to get guys over. After all the show can still have a high grade if everything else is good. </p><p> </p><p>

In my USPW Dynasty I've had a lot of luck in the first month just putting guys on TV with more established stars. I don't think Ducont, Cartier, Rajah, Charlie Thatcher et al have been involved in a single match... but they're on TV, unrated, while Rich Money sells tickets with his promos. </p><p> </p><p>

I suppose, in the same example I could have American Gold wrestle Bad Intentions (both teams in the high 30's pop) and it'd be a shit match but at least they'd probably both gain pop from being on TV. I think I might set up a B show to help with that too.</p>

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For lower popularity workers with good entertainment skills have them interact with your top stars, I had Robbie Wright interupt Rocky Golden in an angle which got 88 which setup a match which delivered a 74. On SWF television that got 3.8 million views in week 2 and his popularity jumped up a few digits.


You only need 3 big angles and 3 big matches to affect your final show rating on certain focuses. Dont be afraid to put lower carders in with top stars it will benefit everyone

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In no particular order:


1. Highly Rated Matches

2. Highly Rated Angles

3. Wins (especially over workers with more Momentum and Popularity)

4. Use them as a Manager/Personality along with their regular workers

5. Use them as a Color Commentator (if they have the skills)

6. Use them in Matches/Angles with more popular workers

7. Use Storylines (especially with workers with more Momentum and Popularity)

8. Work Tag Teams or Trio Matches with workers with more momentum an popularity

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If I get a youngster, who has at least decent charisma/microphone skills. I'll use him as my Interviewer for a month or two. Put him to interview my Upper Card guys (usually just rate him with Microphone) when I need a quick backstage segment to build anything up.


Meanwhile, I'll pair him with a few vets in Dark singles or tag matches to get a better idea of what wrestlers to pair him with and against.


Eventually, I'll just have him stop working interviews and dark matches and slowly work him up the card.

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Below is how King Corbin has increased his pop in my game. I do this with simple things. He beats people with more overness. I like to use tag matches to protect those I don't want to lose pop. I also put him in angles that score really well. My goal is to have him in angles and matches that are rated higher than his overness. As you can see, doing those things lead to quick increases in popularity.



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i always have a backstage interviewer, i hire someone thats a non wrestler with decent mic skills, i don't worry to much about their overness because they will get over because i use them in 2-3 segemts a show mostly with highly over guys then eventually they can carry an interview with anybody. In a 91' WWF save i was doing after 7 months Mean Gene was 100 pop every but Puerto Rico which was 94, he could pull a low a mid 70's to low 80's segment with guys with no real entertainment skills and like only 30 in overness.
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i always have a backstage interviewer, i hire someone thats a non wrestler with decent mic skills, i don't worry to much about their overness because they will get over because i use them in 2-3 segemts a show mostly with highly over guys then eventually they can carry an interview with anybody. In a 91' WWF save i was doing after 7 months Mean Gene was 100 pop every but Puerto Rico which was 94, he could pull a low a mid 70's to low 80's segment with guys with no real entertainment skills and like only 30 in overness.


I've been using Gene Okerlund this way since TEW 2010. He himself becomes over enough to carry the segments of your prospects, as well as being strong enough on the mic for the young talent to learn something from him.

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