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Spotlight: Dapper Danny Draper

Tuesday Week 1, January 2020






When wrestling sites compile their "Next Big Things" lists, often towards the top of the list is Daniel Fitzgerald, known to audiences as "Dapper" Danny Draper.


Danny Draper was a part of the penultimate class of the DeColt Power House. He wowed his trainer Jack DeColt with his natural charisma and worked tirelessly to improve his in-ring skills as well. While not quite as talented a grappler as his fellow alumni, his oozing swagger and way with words rocketed him to the Canadian Golden Combat main roster in March 2016 after less than a year of professional training. At that time he was the youngest member of any major wrestling promotion in North America at just 18 years old.


The DeColt family capitalized on Draper's charisma by giving him a gimmick that would see him cut almost weekly promos on his opponents before getting destroyed inside the squared circle. It became a huge hit with the Canadian audience to see him run his mouth and then lose in five minutes or less every week on Title Bout Wrestling. His most notable feud was with Ricky DeColt, whom Draper beat by knocking him out with a loud microphone shot to the temple. This kickstarted a rivalry that culminated at the DeColt WrestleFestival in a match won by DeColt. This raised Draper's perception with the audience quite a bit, getting a match with a DeColt at their marquee event at 19 years old.


When CGC and NOTBPW merged, Draper was expectedly kept on as a future star. Management have been very careful with their grooming of him, as he has stayed far away from the main event scene and has been relegated to undercard bouts for the time being. He still cuts promos quite often on CWA Championship Wrestling to keep his face on television. Word in Canada is that Steve DeColt and Jeremy Stone are planning on giving Draper a huge push within the next year or so.


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<p>The Elite (Christian Price/Drake Young) vs. <strong>Ricky DeColt & David Stone</strong></p><p>

CWA Television Championship: <strong>Mr. Impact © </strong>vs. Diablo Duvak</p><p>

<strong>Princeton Pryce</strong> vs. Erik Strong</p><p>

<strong>Blockbuster</strong> vs. Hank Gunn</p><p>

<strong>Brooke Tyler</strong> vs. Natalie DiMarco</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="BynBEnr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BynBEnr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><div style="padding: 10px; border: 25px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #e1e1e1; max-width:55%; ";"></span><img alt="G2VU9LL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/G2VU9LL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-family:Roboto;"><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">CWA CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-family:Roboto;"><strong> </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-family:Roboto;"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Wednesday Week 1, January 2020</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-family:Roboto;"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"> Stampede Corral, Calgary, AB | 6233 Fans</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;">The announce team of </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Davis Ditterich, Samuel Curran and Tom Townsend</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> welcomed the audience into 2020 as pyro shot off on the stage. Live from the Stampede Corral in Calgary, the trio ran down the card for tonight, punctuated by a stellar main event which will see Ricky DeColt and David Stone team up to take on The Elite duo of CWA World Champion Christian Price and Drake Young!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><img alt="dynaZOt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dynaZOt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> VS. </strong></span></span><img alt="81zJSbi.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/81zJSbi.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Princeton Pryce vs. Erik Strong</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> The first CWA match of 2020 was HOT! Fresh off a win over George Wolfe at Winter War, Erik Strong was ready for action as he took on Princeton Pryce, a man growing mightily frustrated with mounting losses and the concerns of not reaching the heights he has imagined. CWA gave these two thirteen minutes to wow the crowd before Strong was able to put Pryce away with a Strong Sault!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Pryce was throwing a FIT and screamed at ringside personnel on the way to the back after the loss!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Erik Strong</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 65</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="dynaZOt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dynaZOt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="dyyA2Z2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dyyA2Z2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Back from commercial break, Princeton Pryce was still screaming backstage and tipping over storage containers as "Shooter" Sean Deeley walked up to him. Pryce was about to swing but Deeley made sure to announce his presence.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Deeley:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hey man, I saw what happened. You were THIS close to beating Erik Strong out there. I noticed that he was only able to beat you after he reversed a German suplex. I'm not sure if you know this Prince, but I'm a shooter. I think I could teach you a few things, some holds, submissions, some throws. That's all you're missing from your game, man. You're ripped, athletic, charismatic... you just need some technical work."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Pryce gave him a stern look before sighing and shaking Shooter's hand.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Pryce:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'll do anything to start winning again."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 58</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><img alt="BFDZO9y.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BFDZO9y.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="DO7ywnt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/DO7ywnt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="JkeZVyj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JkeZVyj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> As promised, The Incredibles were in Miami, Florida this week, soaking up the soon while the rest of CWA was in the arctic tundra of Calgary. The duo of Aaron Knight and Skip Beau were very popular with the fans, who popped upon seeing them on the jumbotron. After a short montage of the two of them surfing, hitting the club, skateboarding down the boardwalk and smoking cigars by the pool of what appeared to be a luxurious resort hotel, a cameraman caught up to them on the beach. They were sitting on towels and sipping on what appeared to be some pina coladas. Every few moments different ladies would walk by and say hello to them. Both men were swimshorts, Knight's were red and Beau's were yellow with orange flowers. They stood up and Knight took off his sunglasses to talk to us. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knight:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Now this is what you call a good time! Skippy and I took a week off to come down to my favorite place south of the border, Miami baby. I think its some much deserved time off, since I had one hell of a match on Saturday when I beat Johnny Bloodstone. Remember that Johnny? Not sure you do since I knocked your old ass out cold. And Cameron, I saw your tweets homie. I saw what you've been saying about Skippy and I. Saying I lost my identity. Nah bro, I am the A-Game now. I'm coming for you Vessey. Wait til we're back in town..."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> At that moment a couple ladies walked up to Knight and Beau and asked them if they wanted to join their volleyball game. The answer was obvious.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Knight:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Sorry camera guy, duty calls. And since they sent you here with a camera for this promo, let Steve and Jeremy know this ain't coming out of my vacation time."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> He jogged away as Skip Beau took the microphone and said just a few words.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Beau:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Vessey, Bloodstone... The Incredibles aren't afraid of you bro! When we catch you slippin' in the ring, it's lights out for ya. And don't forget, The Flow always steals the show."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 71</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><img alt="EJpUQMI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EJpUQMI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> VS. </strong></span></span><img alt="uxThO8f.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/uxThO8f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Blockbuster vs. Hank Gunn</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Back in Calgary, we had what can only be described as a super-squash match. Blockbuster manhandled Hank Gunn the entire time and pinned him with a BusterBomb.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Winner: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Blockbuster</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 20</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="qqnxgyp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qqnxgyp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Tu5PC1i.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Tu5PC1i.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Back from break, Sean McFly came to the ring to cut a promo. The Calgary faithful adore McFly, who is an eight-time world champion. He grabbed a microphone from ringside, but before he could mutter a single word he was interrupted by Jared Johnson! Double J waltzed down to the ring with a smirk on his face. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Johnson:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Time's up, grandpa! Do you really think any of these nerds wanted to hear you speak? Your time ended with North of the Border, the CWA is all about the new breed...like me! I am the future of wrestling McFly! I was the first ever CWA TV Champion! And before long, I will be the CWA World Champion. But maybe before that, I take out some so-called living legends like you!"</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> McFly was clearly fed up and got right into Johnson's face!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>McFly:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Listen kid! My prime may be gone, my time as top dog may be past, but I'm still young enough to KICK... YOUR... ASS!"</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> One shove later and Double J was on the ground looking up! He slid out of the ring and yelled at McFly in the ring as McFly's music played.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 65</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><img alt="8u8YkIb.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8u8YkIb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> VS. </strong></span></span><img alt="OSN3nvP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OSN3nvP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Brooke Tyler vs. Natalie DiMarco</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Brooke Tyler is undoubtedly one of the most talent women in the business today. Despite that, DiMarco gave her a hard time tonight and even forced the match to cross the ten-minute mark, but the match ended decisively as one Brooke Breaker put away the Italian-American!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Brooke Tyler</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;">70</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="rXIBGvz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/rXIBGvz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ixCFPI1.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ixCFPI1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="m51LkFI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/m51LkFI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0gJDIM9.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0gJDIM9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="gHkVm53.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gHkVm53.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Steve DeColt was sitting alongside four others: the CWA World Tag Team Champions the Dynamite Express and their challengers next week, Thunder & Lightning. Jason Thunder and Lightning Lomas earned this match by winning the Tag Team Grand Prix in November. Steve was the moderator here, and a man like him being present made sure that no funny business would happen.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Steve briefly ran down the situation, explaining how everything came to be before their match next week. He asked the champions what they think of their challengers, to which Syd Collier responded by saying that these two are nowhere near their league. He said maybe one day they can call themselves champs, but they won't be taking the straps from the Dynamite Express.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Lomas responded by reminding everyone that the only reason the Dynamite Express are still champions is because their Elite cronies Blockbuster and Drake Young interfered at Winter War in their match with Generation Z. Thunder noted that they call themselves The Elite, but each and every time they go out to the ring, they need backup and it's never a fair fight. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Cam Jones grew irritated, and said that if it's a fair match they want, they'll get one. No Elite ringside next week. Just Cam Jones and Syd Collier vs. Jason Thunder and Lightning Lomas. They will prove who the elite tag team is in CWA!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> A few more moments of jawjacking was ended when Steve DeColt called for an end to the segment before fisticuffs could occur!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 58 </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><img alt="6AP8l2i.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6AP8l2i.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> </strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> </strong></span></span><img alt="Q24GsPd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Q24GsPd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> VS. </strong></span></span><img alt="gzR2v3F.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gzR2v3F.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Mr. Impact © vs. Diablo Duvak</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Fifteen defenses deep into his reign, you would think Mr. Impact would be a bit worn down and vulnerable. But tonight proved that that is not the case as he went sixteen minutes with the ultra-talented Diablo Duvak before putiting him away with the Crying Game, a wristlock DDT. Mr. Impact has seemingly defeated everyone there is to beat, and only time will tell how long he will hold on to the CWA Television title.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Winner:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Mr. Impact</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating: </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;">66</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="yURtnx4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yURtnx4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0Leq6bV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0Leq6bV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="J37LUxG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/J37LUxG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7w2bYNn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7w2bYNn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="KJM4Qws.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KJM4Qws.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Backstage, Tom Townsend was with CWA Women's World Champion Amber Allen. Townsend asked her about her upcoming match with Nadia Snow, a match made after Allen accepted Snow's challenge after her defense at Winter War. </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Allen:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I know what I have signed up for. It's not just Nadia Snow, its her entire Queen's Court I need to worry about. Deborah Young and Jessica Conroy are two bad ladies, but they are the lackeys of Nadia Snow. If Nadia wants a fight with me..."</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Before any more words could be spoken, the trio of Queen's Court blindsided Amber Allen! Snow and Conroy laid into the champ with lefts and rights, before handing her over to the much larger and stronger Deborah Young, who hoisted Allen up and put her throw a table with a Powerbomb! </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Countless officials and crew ran back to get rid of Queen's Court as they checked on the fallen champion.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 55</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Before the main event, as is tradition, the announce team runs down the card for next week's episode of CWA Championship Wrestling on CBN!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Cameron Vessey responds to Aaron Knight's comments from Miami!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Skip Beau will be in action!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Thrill Seeker" Lee Rivera will face David Stone in singles action!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> CWA Women's World Champion Amber Allen will face Queen's Court member Jessica Conroy in a nontitle match!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> The Dynamite Express put the CWA World Tag Team Championships on the line against the 2019 CWA Tag Team Grand Prix winners, Thunder & Lightning! </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> And in the main event, Sean McFly looks to shut up Jared Johnson after Double J interrupted him earlier tonight!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> <div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><img alt="DHdcVbQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/DHdcVbQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="8dDGutf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8dDGutf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> VS. </strong></span></span><img alt="Y1ghiKY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Y1ghiKY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="B7EWKcf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/B7EWKcf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> The Elite (Christian Price/Drake Young) vs. Ricky DeColt & David Stone</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> </strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> A banger of a main event! A crazy good match between four extremely talented wrestlers. This was Drake Young's first match in CWA, as he has been turned into strictly a manager for The Elite previously. He did show what he could do by manhandling the young David Stone throughout the match. Blockbuster made his presence known ringside by constantly interfering. After a few minutes of heat on Stone, Ricky DeColt received the hot tag and ran wild, clearing the ring much to the delight of the Calgary crowd! </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> The match came to end after twenty minutes as David Stone hit a somersault plancha on the CWA World Champion Price and Blockbuster to take them out as DeColt put away Young with a DeColt 45!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Post-match, Ricky DeColt took to the microphone.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DeColt:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hey Christian, that's a pretty belt you got there. It would be a shame if someone were to beat you for it!"</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Ricky then made the belt motion with his hands and pointed at Price, who was standing at the top of the ramp with Young and Blockbuster. Price could be heard screaming "YOU'RE ON!" as Championship Wrestling went off the air!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Winners:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Ricky DeColt & David Stone</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 72</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Show Rating:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 68</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Viewers:</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> 173,332</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"></div></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></p></div><p></p><p> Quick Results</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>1. Erik Strong def. Princeton Pryce<p> 2. Blockbuster def. Drake Young</p><p> 3. Brooke Tyler def. Natalie DiMarco</p><p> 4. CWA Television: Mr. Impact © def. Diablo Duvak (16th DEFENSE)</p><p> 5. Ricky DeColt & David Stone def. Christian Price & Drake Young</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">PREDICTION RESULTS!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sco xY2Jx: 5/5</p><p>

Historian: 5/5</p><p> </p><p>

falling_star: 4/5</p><p>

CGN91: 4/5</p><p>

kanegan: 4/5</p><p>

scmurph01: 4/5</p><p>

a01611613: 4/5</p><p>

pbova: 4/5</p><p>

Rhysrob: 4/5</p>

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CWA Championship Wrestling Preview!

Wednesday Week 2, January 2020


After the crazy episode of Championship Wrestling to kick off 2020, CWA has another jam-packed show! As we head towards CWA Big City Slam on the last Saturday of the month, rivalries are heating up and alliances are being made! After Jared Johnson's insults last week, Sean McFly will look to shut him up in the main event! Will the Living Legend be able to keep up with his younger opponent?


The Dynamite Express put the CWA World Tag Team Championships on the line against the 2019 CWA Tag Team Grand Prix winners, Thunder & Lightning! Last week's Championship Wrestling featured a sitdown interview with the two teams and Steve DeColt, but it did not last long as the CWA boss was forced to end things early before they got physical!


"Thrill Seeker" Lee Rivera will face David Stone in singles action! David Stone teamed with Ricky DeColt last week to defeat two members of the Elite, including CWA World Champion Christian Price! A win here for Rivera will rocket him towards stardom once again!


CWA Women's World Champion Amber Allen will face Queen's Court member Jessica Conroy in a nontitle match!




Skip Beau in action!

Cameron Vessey responds to The Incredibles' comments from Miami Beach!

We hear from CWA Television Champion Mr. Impact!



Sean McFly vs. Jared Johnson

CWA World Tag Team Championship:
Dynamite Express © vs. Thunder & Lightning

Amber Allen vs. Jessica Conroy

Lee Rivera vs. David Stone
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Spotlight: Thunder & Lightning

Friday Week 1, January 2020




Ahead of their title match with the CWA World Tag Team Champions Dynamite Express, let's take a look at the 2019 CWA Tag Team Grand Prix winners: Thunder & Lightning.


Before closing in July of last year, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, 4C, was where unproven young wrestlers would come to make their mark. There were a few wrestlers from here who would go on to greater success: Chris Flynn, Frankie Dee, Sayeed Ali to name a few. But the most successful wrestlers in 4C were Jason Thunder & Lightning Lomas. The two became six-time 4C Tag Team Champions, along with two 4C Hardcore title reigns for Thunder and one for Lightning. They WERE 4C, and main evented countless shows around the Toronto area for the company.


The Canadian duo also headed stateside and performed for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling from 2014 to 2016 as well. Splitting their time between two very different promotions, they became very well-rounded wrestlers. Shortly before their departure from PSW to focus on 4C, they were awarded with a PSW Tag Team Championship reign that saw them defeat the likes of Devil May Care and Reckless Antix.


Rumors began to swirl in late 2017 about a possible merger between North of the Border Pro Wrestling and Canadian Golden Combat. When news broke that the move would be happening, fans' minds ran wild about the new booking opportunities between the stars of the companies. However, in an unexpected move, Duane Stone announced that the new company had signed Thunder & Lightning to exclusive contracts, ending their time in 4C.


The following two years saw Thunder & Lightning play a pivotal role in establishing the CWA tag team division. They reached the finals of the inaugural CWA World Tag Team Championship tournament, losing to the DeColt Boys in a match often cited as one of 2018's best. After a year and a half of well-received work, they became the second CWA Tag Team Grand Prix winners by defeating Generation Z in the finals after Gen Z defeated the champions Dynamite Express in the semis.


Now just five days away from their title match, Thunder & Lightning are as hot as ever. Do they have what it takes to defeat the dastardly Cam Jones and Syd Collier to finally win the straps?

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My time has got to a point where I can read a few more journals now, and this is one I will be following. Haven't really followed a CVerse stuff outside of Eisenverse so it will take me a bit to predict or know who anyone is - but this is laid out beautifully and very well written. Good work.
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<p><strong>Sean McFly</strong> vs. Jared Johnson</p><p>

CWA World Tag Team Championship: <strong>Dynamite Express</strong> © vs. Thunder & Lightning</p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Jessica Conroy</strong></p><p>

Lee Rivera vs. <strong>David Stone</strong></p>

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Wednesday Week 2, January 2020

Quebec Stade Uniprix, Montreal, QC | 6,619 Fans

<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>



rXIBGvz.jpgixCFPI1.jpg VS. 0gJDIM9.jpggHkVm53.jpg

Dynamite Express © vs. Thunder & Lightning


Championship Wrestling kicked off with a CWA World Tag Team Championship Match! CWA Tag Team Grand Prix winners Thunder & Lightning took on the Elite's Dynamite Express! The match was heated, as there was no collar and elbow tie up, just fisticuffs! Elite bodyguard Blockbuster was once again ringside, always providing a distraction when the challengers had the upper hand. In the end, Dynamite Express would make tally another defense, with Lightning Lomas falling victim to a Chop and Change by the champions.


Winner: Dynamite Express

Rating: 67


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>



Back from commercial break, David Stone was backstage in his locker room, taping his wrists. Jack and Ricky DeColt walked into the area.


Ricky: "We had their number last week, David. They were no match for us. And tonight, you'll do the same to Lee Rivera!"


Jack: "I know the Elite will be nearby, so we'll be on the lookout. If Ricky and I keep them away, I know you can take care of Rivera. Focus on the match, kid. We'll take care of the rest."


David stood up.


David: "I appreciate it, fellas. Let's keep this momentum going into Big City Brawl."


Ricky: "Woooo! You got this homie!"


Rating: 74


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>



Tom Townsend was in the interview area with CWA Television Champion Mr. Impact.


Townsend: "I'm here with the TV champion, Mr. Impact. You've been champion going on eight months now. You've notched sixteen defenses. You've been a talking point for every newsletter out there when discussing the best wrestlers in Canada today. My question is, what is next for the champ?"


Impact: "I'm glad you told me how many defenses I have Tommy, because I lost count. I've proven to be the best damn thing CWA has to offer. For eight months I've been defending this gold, and I'll be doing the same for another eight. The fact is Tommy, ain't no one in CWA about to defeat me..."


As Impact was finishing his sentence, a man was heard clapping as he walked closer to the interview area. It's Mark Griffin! He was accompanied by his brother, Robby.


Mark: "Bravo, Hugh. You've had all those defenses, and yet none of them were against me. You talk about "ain't no one in CWA gonna beat ya," but here I am, ready to prove that wrong."


Impact scoffed at the challenge.


Impact: "Oh yeah tough guy? You want a match with the champ? I've gone through everyone else, so why the hell not? Maybe after I beat you, I beat your brother next!"


Robby was ready to throw down but Mark stepped in front of him to get into Mr. Impact's face.


Mark: "Next week Hugh. It's the Anvil's time to shine. See you out there."


Rating: 52


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Skip Beau vs. Rob Newman

A showcase match for Skip Beau. The match did not even reach the four minute mark before Skip ended Newman with a Flow Down for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Skip Beau

Rating: 50


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The more important happenings occurred after the match. When Aaron Knight, who had been at ringside supporting his partner, and Skip Beau were celebrating, Cameron Vessey and Johnny Bloodstone flew in and attacked them from behind! They pounded away at the Incredibles until Bloodstone locked Skip Beau into the Bloodstone Mutilation, and Vessey hit Knight with a Vessey Driver! The Incredibles were down and out, and Vessey grabbed a microphone.


Vessey: "You thought you could go to the beach for a week and say whatever the hell you want? All I heard was a bunch of empty threats. This right here, this is just the preview. We will see you two at Big City Brawl!"


A match has been made! At Big City Brawl in three weeks, it will be The Incredibles vs. Cameron Vessey and Johnny Bloodstone!


Rating: 68


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Lee Rivera vs. David Stone


Jack and Ricky DeColt came to the ring with David Stone in another sign of the growing alliance between the families. They kept an eye out for the Elite as "Thrill Seeker" Lee Rivera came down to the ring. The match was better than expected, being a showcase for both men. David spent most of the match selling as Rivera could not put away the young Stone. The finish came when David moved out of the way of a moonsault, ran and jumped off the second rope into a Stone Cutter! That was all she wrote for Rivera!


Winner: David Stone

Rating: 58


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It was only after the bell that The Elite made their presence known. Their music hit, and they came out onto the ramp as a united front. Jack, Ricky and David were standing in the ring ready for battle.


The five men slowly walked to the ring and surrounded them. Drake Young and Cam Jones went in first, and were met with lefts and rights from the DeColts! But then the other three Elite members stormed in and overwhelmed them all. The numbers advantage was too much for Jack, Ricky and David. After a couple minutes of dismantling, CWA World Champion Christian Price ended the beatdown by nailing Ricky with a Price Check!


Price: "The DeColt era is over. The Stone era is over. You are witnessing the ELITE ERA of the Canadian Wrestling Alliance! We are the strongest force in professional wrestling! Bear witness to THE ELITE!"


Rating: 62


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After Princeton Pryce's loss to Erik Strong last week, Shooter Sean Deeley offered to take Pryce under his wing, an offer that was immediately accepted. This week, we received a video presumably from Deeley's dojo. Behind the ring there was a banner that read "CGC World Champion --- NOTBPW Canadian Champion" to remind everyone who walked in that Deeley was one of a select few to conquer both CGC and NOTBPW before they merged into the CWA two years ago.


There was a parade of geeks that Deeley was demonstrating holds on to Pryce. After each hold, Pryce would try to replicate it, at first having a hard time but then clearly improving with each geek.


The highlight was when Deeley was discussing reversals the geeks could do.


Deeley: "...and if he tries escaping the armbar by standing up (geek stands up) just kick him in the face like so!"


The bottom of Deeley's boot met the geek's cheekbone with such force that the geek went flying backwards out of the ring between the middle and bottom rope.


Deeley: "Tomorrow morning, we continue. You'll be a shooter before no time, Princeton."


Pryce nodded and left the ring as the rest of the geeks checked on their fellow geek.


Rating: 52


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Amber Allen vs. Jessica Conroy

The stipulation going in was that if Conroy won, she would receive a CWA Women's World Championship match in the future. Unfortunately for the Queen's Court member, such a fate was not meant to be as the champion came out on top in just under ten minutes with a Northern Lights Suplex!

Winner: Amber Allen

Rating: 60


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The Queen's Court, who had been at ringside, wasted no time by getting in the ring and attacking the CWA Women's World Champion! Nadia Snow, Deborah Young and Jessica Conroy beat down Allen until the lights dimmed, and new music hit the PA system...






































The "Queens of the Collosseum" final boss came onto the ramp and caught the attention of the three women in the ring. Storm slowly walked to the ring, which gave Amber Allen enough time to recover, stand up and superkick Nadia Snow in the back of the head! Snow went down in a heap as Storm slid into the ring and joined Allen in taking out the other two members of Queen's Court! Allen took care of Conroy for a second time tonight as Storm and Deborah Young squared off! The big meaty women went elbow-for-elbow, with Storm coming out on top of the exchange and nailing Young with a Dominator!


Storm and Amber Allen, CWA Women's World Championship in hand, stood tall to end the segment!

Rating: 43


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The announce team ran down the card for next week's Championship Wrestling, a loaded card punctuated by an awesome main event!


We will have a four-way #1 contendership match for the CWA Television Championship between Mountie Mann, Derek Frost, Sonny Wildside, and Solomon Gold, with the winner going on to Big City Brawl to challenge the winner of the Mr. Impact vs. Mark Griffin match!


Speaking of which, after the Anvil's challenge tonight, Mr. Impact will take on Mark Griffin in an attempt for defense number seventeen of his Television title reign!


"Red Hot" Laura Flame takes on "Superstar" Demelza Wade in a match that will major ramifications on the CWA Women's World title scene!


As part of his training, Princeton Pryce will team with Shooter Sean Deeley to face Generation Z! Will Pryce's new technical skills turn his recent misfortunes around?


While his brother challenges for the CWA TV title, "Top Rope" Robby Griffin will take on "Dapper" Danny Draper! The loudmouth has been all over Twitter, trying to piss off everyone he can. His most recent barb was at Robby, tweeting at him, "@RobbyGriff Yo bud, how you Top Rope when you always Bottom Barrel? HA get it?"


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Sean McFly vs. Jared Johnson

Main event time! The Living Legend came to the ring with business on his mind. Double J strutted down to the ring with such cocky swagger that people tried reaching over the barricade to rip his shirt off. Johnson used underhanded tactics throughout the match, even landing a low blow for a near count. The crowd was firmly behind McFly, an American who earned the respect of Canada. Double J looked to have the match won after a nasty-looking superplex, but McFly kicked out to a huge pop from the Montreal crowd. After a rollup for a nearfall, McFly got to his feet and nailed a hard elbow to Johnson's face that dazed the youngin', leading to a DELOREAN DRIVER for the pinfall! McFly wins!


Sean McFly celebrates at the top of the ramp as Championship Wrestling on CBN goes off the air!


Winner: Sean McFly

Rating: 79


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Show Rating: 70

Viewers: 179, 108



Quick Results

1. CWA World Tag Team: Dynamite Express © def. Thunder & Lightning (20th DEFENSE)

2. Skip Beau def. Rob Newman

3. David Stone def. Lee Rivera

4. Amber Allen def. Jessica Conroy

5. Sean McFly def. Jared Johnson

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a0161613: 4/4

CactusHack: 4/4

falling_star: 4/4

Sco xY2Jx: 4/4

Historian: 4/4

CGN91: 4/4

The Lloyd: 4/4

pbova: 4/4

kanegan: 3/4

Herrbear: 3/4

Scottie: 3/4

scmurph01: 3/4

smw88: 3/4



Big thanks to the twelve of you for predicting!! I will be keeping track, with the winner of the first quarter receiving a prize that is TBD

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