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FMW: The Deathmatch Heaven[RW 94]

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Tokyo Budokan Hall

Attn: 3734 fans

Shown on J Sports. Rating: 0.03 (26,269 viewers)




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FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title





Psychos vs Invaders




The Invaders were the favorites to win this although crowd rallied behind the Psychos who had been impressive in their six-man matches in the last few months ever since Vampiro debuted. Vampiro managed to hit the Last Nail in Coffin but Spivey kicked out at one sending shockwaves through the opposition.


Wacholz also hit the Good, Bad and Ugly on Super Crazy but he kicked out at two as well. After getting the better of his brawl with Vampiro outside, Spivey entered the ring and the game changed. Spivey Spike to Super Crazy, Spivey Spike to Psicosis and it was easy pickings for the Arena Champion.


But then......























Sabu runs out with a chair in his hand. He ducks a clothesline from Spivey and then unleashes vicious chair shots to all three Invaders.


Spivey is busted, Sandman is busted, Kelly is unconscious. Sabu has changed the game. He drags Super Crazy and lay him on top of Kelly to get the pin and Psychos have just became the 1st Six Man Champions!!!!!!



Psychos win the Brass Knuckles Six-Man Title.



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Three Way Tag Thumbtacks Match





Texas Mustangs vs Killer Bees vs Tanaka/Dreamer



Another wild match between these three teams which saw a gratuitous use of thumbtacks. Tanaka suffered a nasty injury when he got powerbombed on the apron by Bradshaw and his head hit the edge. Soon, the Mustangs wrapped it when Bradshaw hit his powerbomb on Brunzell on a bed of thumbtacks.



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Blood Brothers Final





Bruise Brothers vs Wrecking Crew




Bruise Brothers had got the better of Wrecking Crew in their last meeting but this time the stakes were higher. They went all out in a bid to win. Ron hit his H-Bomb on Green but he was saved by Laurinaitis at the nick of time.


But no such fortune fell on the other side when Laurinaitis ducked a discuss lariat from Don, who was then sent outside with a german suplex before Marcus hit the Wrecking Ball on Ron to pick up the win and become the tournament winner.



Wrecking Crew wins the Blood Brothers Tournament.




Post-match, an emotional Wrecking Crew cuts a heartfelt promo about how they have come close on so many occasions but have never got the job done. But this time, they are ready and Beasts, beware because the titles are coming home soon.



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WWA World Women's Title



Aja Kong © vs Manami Toyota vs Megumi Kudo vs Yumiko Hotta



Kong had her work cut out as she was facing arguably the four of the best women wrestlers in FMW. There were lot of close pins, moves and counter moves and three of them even teamed together to take out the champion but Kong was something else and she came back strongly throwing Kudo and Toyota like ragdolls before hitting her brainbuster on Hotta for yet another successful defense.


Aja Kong makes defense #2 of WWA World Women's title.



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FMW Brass Knuckles Title Anything Goes Match






Abdullah the Butcher © vs Atsushi Onita



This was Onita's playground. Butcher had defeated him last time so Onita packed it with every possible toy that you could imagine. This really felt like a big deal. Nothing was spared. There were barbed wire bat shots, sickles and spikes to head, even exploding tables but even after 9 minutes, nothing could separate this two.


And then the climax came. After engraving thumbtacks on Butcher's head, arms and legs, Onita was ready for his Fire Thunder Bomb but then




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a familiar tune started blaring through the speakers announcing the arrival of














The former friend turned bitter rival of Onita. He hadn't been seen in FMW for over 2 years and now he was here.


Onita couldn't believe it, the crowd couldn't believe it. He walked towards the ring, Onita tried to extend a hand of friendship but he gets a slap, Goto picks up Onita and hits a decapitating lariat to send him towards the exploding table and calmly walks out.


Butcher sees it, picks up Onita and hits the Sudanese Meat Cleaver to retain and deny the crowd a good ending to one of the best shows of the promotion.


Abdullah the Butcher makes defense #2 of FMW Brass Knuckles title.




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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tobin834" data-cite="tobin834" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53155" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just came back to this site after a little hiatus. Checking out your journal, very very good and right up my alley. I'm interested.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks man. I am having a blast playing this save.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>PREDICTIONS</strong> </p><p> Blodyxe - 4/5</p><p> KyTeran - 4/5</p><p> scottk1983 - 4/5</p><p> Dark_Raider - 2/5</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>OVERALL PREDICTIONS</strong> </p><p> KyTeran - 35/48</p><p> Dark_Raider - 33/48</p><p> scottk1983 - 28/38</p><p> Hollywood - 22/31</p><p> Blodyxe - 20/28</p><p> CGN91 - 8/10</p><p> Rampaage - 4/5</p><p> Dalton - 3/6 </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>KyTeran</strong> wins this prediction contest cycle. Congratulations bud. A PM with your prize is coming up shortly. The cycle will reset again from next show which will be our final one going into our last big event of the year, The Year End Spectacular' 94.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks for all the support and for sticking to this even through the delay in posting shows as job front has become a bit of pressure cooker of late but this will not stop. I will continue putting up shows. </p><p> </p><p> Thanks again for all the love.</p>
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Great show by all accounts. Personally, would love Bradshaw and Tanaka settling their differences in a singles match :eek: Also smart way to write Onita out of the title picture for a bit


Thanks bro. Tanaka is out for a little bit after the injury but once he comes back, i am sure he will have something to say to Bradshaw. :mad:


Damn it, KyTeran beat me in the final stretch... Congratulations for the win and kudos to kanegan for the diary. Great to see Tarzan Goto back and pretty sweet tune to use for him!


Yes, i was trying hard for him for a long time but he never relented due to past experience but finally i managed to negotiate with him after talking to him repeatedly.

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FMW Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Championship




Abdullah The Butcher (won at FMW Final Battle, June 1994)





Atsushi Onita (4x) (Sep 1992 - June 1994, Defenses #16)








FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team Championship




Beasts [Puerto Rican Headhunter/Kamala](Won at FMW Arena Show: Katano Night #1, Feb 1994)





Team Canada [Dr. Luther/Big Titan] (March 1993 - Jan 1994, Defenses #7)







FMW Brass Knuckles Six-Man Championship




Psychos[super Crazy/Psicosis/Vampiro] (Won at FMW Summer Spectacular, July 1994)







WWA World Women's Championship




Aja Kong (Won at FMW Battle Lines Night #3, May 1994)





Klondyke Kate (Mar 94 - May 94, Defenses #4)

Megumi Kudo (2x) (Mar 93 - Mar 1994, Defenses #7)







FMW Arena Championship




Dan Spivey (Won at FMW Final Battle, June 1994)





Sabu (Dec 93 - Jun 94, Defenses #7)






FMW Blood Brothers Tournament




Wrecking Crew - 1994



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Horror Show




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Six competitors enter, only two survives who will face each other in the next event. Who will rise??




Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch



Onita is livid and he wants Goto in his latest creation, the ring of flames and right in the middle of ring, a tank filled with blood-thirsty piranhas. Can Goto survive this abomination??




FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title



The Mexican rising star El Texano has vowed to take the six-man title away from what he says are the filth of Mexico and he has horror show in real sense coming to his aid.






1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Street Fight: Psychos © vs El Texano & Horror Show


2. Barbed Wire Cage Elimination: Megumi Kudo/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Manami Toyota/Takako Inoue/Yumiko Hotta


(Who will be the two survivors of the match)


3. Ring of Horror Handicap Match: Sabu vs Kevin Kelly/Sandman


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Beasts © vs Wrecking Crew


5. Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch: Tarzan Goto vs Atsushi Onita

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Street Fight: Psychos © vs El Texano & Horror Show


2. Barbed Wire Cage Elimination: Megumi Kudo/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Manami Toyota/Takako Inoue/Yumiko Hotta


(Who will be the two survivors of the match)

Kudo and Toyota


3. Ring of Horror Handicap Match: Sabu vs Kevin Kelly/Sandman


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Beasts © vs Wrecking Crew


5. Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch: Tarzan Goto vs Atsushi Onita

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Street Fight: Psychos © vs El Texano & Horror Show


2. Barbed Wire Cage Elimination: Megumi Kudo/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Manami Toyota/Takako Inoue/Yumiko Hotta


(Who will be the two survivors of the match)

Toyota and Hotta


3. Ring of Horror Handicap Match: Sabu vs Kevin Kelly/Sandman


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Beasts © vs Wrecking Crew


5. Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch: Tarzan Goto vs Atsushi Onita

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Street Fight: Psychos © vs El Texano & Horror Show


2. Barbed Wire Cage Elimination: Megumi Kudo/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Manami Toyota/Takako Inoue/Yumiko Hotta


(Who will be the two survivors of the match)

Kudo and Toyota


3. Ring of Horror Handicap Match: Sabu vs Kevin Kelly/Sandman


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Beasts © vs Wrecking Crew


5. Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch: Tarzan Goto vs Atsushi Onita

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Street Fight: Psychos © vs El Texano & Horror Show


2. Barbed Wire Cage Elimination: Megumi Kudo/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Manami Toyota/Takako Inoue/Yumiko Hotta


(Who will be the two survivors of the match) Kudo and Toyota


3. Ring of Horror Handicap Match: Sabu vs Kevin Kelly/Sandman


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Beasts © vs Wrecking Crew


5. Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch: Tarzan Goto vs Atsushi Onita

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Odawara Arena

Attn: 4338 fans

Shown on J Sports. Rating: 0.03 (26,269 viewers)




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FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title





Psychos © vs El Texano/Halloween/Jason the Terrible




The first match lived up to the show's name as the Mexican star, El Texano brought him two characters straight out of horror novel. The face-off between Vampiro and both Jason the Terrible and Halloween was for ages as they cut and bled each other with Vampiro almost getting his mouth maimed while Jason's head looked like a pinball with all skewers inserted inside.


This fun and bloody match came to an end with the Last Nail in the Coffin from Vamprio to Halloween.



Psychos make defense #1 of FMW Brass Knuckles Six-Man Title.



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Six Man Tag Barbed Wire Cage Elimination Match





Manami Toyota/Yumiko Hotta/Takako Inoue vs Megumi Kudo/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari



Women were on the spotlight as these six women tore the house. With enough tensions between them, it was a free brawl for all.


Hotta was the first one to be eliminated followed by Tsuchiya. With the entire ring canvas covered in blood, it made for a pretty gruesome sight. Crusher and Inoue got eliminated by Toyota and Kudo respectively and then we got the fight between two of the finest wrestlers of this generation. Each matched other in brawls, holds, locks. Toyota hit Queen Ocean Bee Bomb with Kudo kicking out while Toyota kicked out of a Kudome Valentine. This went on for some time and then both bashed each other together at the same time with barbed wire chairs knocking them out. So, the result was inconclusive.



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Handicap Match





Sabu vs Kevin Kelly/Sandman




Sabu was like a man on a mission. He was first in disadvantage as he was subjected to a 2-on-1 attack but the crowd was firmly behind the crazed Arabian as he licked his own blood, making him go off the rails as he dropkicked the chair straight onto Kelly's face and then grabbed the chair and just like in Summer Spectacular, he went on town smashing chair shots across every part of Sandman and Kelly's body before he laid both of them on top of each other and a top rope legdrop put this to an end.


The image of a bleeding Sabu standing on top of both the ECW wrestlers made for a striking image that would go in the front page of any newsletter for years to come.




Sabu grabs his mic and says his time is now. FMW needs a new hero and that is him. He has fired the first shot and he will not rest until he has brought the FMW Brass Knuckles title back home.



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FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team Title



Beasts © vs Wrecking Crew



The winner of the Blood Brothers tournament had a lot of momentum by their side and even though the champs had a few inches and lbs of advantage over the challengers, Greene and Laurinaitis were able to hang on.


Things changed though when Greene looked for a running shoulder tackle but Kamala dodged it and then came back with a sick Savate Kick knocking Greene out. Laurinaitis made the save from the three count but he got caught in some sick looking chops from both Kamala and Headhunter but Greene caught a second wind and he went for the attack throwing everything he had. Soon, the champs started gassing and then the Crew went for the kill, with Kamala and Headhunter being seated on either side of the ring ahead of a table and both went for a cannonball sending wood splinters from the broken table flying all over the place.


Another table was kept over Headhunter as Greene jumped off the top rope into the table and covered him for three count to shock everyone and become the new champ.


Wrecking Crew wins the FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title.



Sheik was clutching his head in shock. They have just lost the tag titles. His expression went from shock to anger as he was seen reprimanding the Beasts.



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Ring of Flames and Piranha Deathmatch






Tarzan Goto vs Atsushi Onita



The ring was surrounded in flames and a tank full of piranhas was placed right in the middle of the ring as the two wrestlers circled. The settings induced fear. It almost felt like an apocalypse. They both tried to avoid the fire and were cautious so the action was concentrated in the middle with both trying to throw each other in the piranha tank. Onita was the first person successful as he threw Goto in the ring where the piranhas caught a chunk of flesh from his arms. He screamed in pain but managed to splash water in Onita's eyes to get some respite.


Onita tuned the tables again after breaking out of a hyperextension armlock as he threw Goto again into the tank. Chunks of flesh were seeing hanging on from his arm as he taped his arms with a barbed wire but it hurt him more.


As Onita was preparing for his Fire Thunder Bomb, suddenly from out of nowhere,












Oya and Fuji came running to the ring and then drove Onita towards the flames catching his whole body in fire which the security personnel had to put down fast. As he was knocked unconscious, the ten count was started and ref had no choice but to award the match to Goto.





After the match, Goto, Oya and Fuji came together. They trash talked to the crowd and boasted about how they have finished the soul of FMW.


They are the Lethal Weapon and things will be lethal from now on.




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Blodyxe - 4/6

KyTeran - 4/6

Dark_Raider - 4/6

scottk1983 - 3/6

CGN91 - 2/6











Explosive Grounds Night #1




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With the battle inconclusive at the Horror Show as Kudo and Toyota failed to beat each other within time limit, both have been added to this historic title match as the women for the first time will be main eventing FMW. Who will walk out the champion in this historic night?




FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight



Wrecking Crew achieved legendary status as they became the first team to beat the demonic Beasts in the whole year, winning the tag titles. Now another team has stepped up the plate, Texas Mustangs.




Tag Deathmatch



The Love Guns, Oya and Fuji shocked the FMW faithful when they aided Goto to defeat Onita at Horror Show and then proceeded to form the new alliance, Lethal Weapon. Now Onita has vowed revenge on the men he once called friends and he has called in Kanemura to be by his side. Are there any more surprises or will Onita get his hands on the traitors?




FMW Arena Title



Spivey won the FMW Arena title two months back and since then he has been content in carrying it around without defending and using his energy to aid the ECW movement but things are about to change as this time he faces Ron Bruise of the Bruise Brothers who are being rewarded for their glorious run in the Blood Brothers tournament.






1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title #1 Contender: Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer/Hayabusa vs Tetsuhiro Kuroda/Hido/Koji Nakagawa


2. Six Women Tag: Bad Nurse Nakamura/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Dynamite Kansai/Kumiko Maekawa/Yumiko Hotta


3. FMW Arena Title 1000 Thumbtacks Match: Dan Spivey © vs Ron Bruise


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Texas Mustangs


5. Tag Team Deathmatch: Atsushi Onita/Yukihiro Kanemura vs Love Guns


6. WWA World Women's Title 3 Way Exploding Ring Match: Aja Kong © vs Manami Toyota vs Megumi Kudo






Sorry, things have been pretty slow here due to getting swamped with work and festive season in full swing in this part of the world. I am slowly getting back to the itch of things but it will still take some time to return to a regular schedule so kindly bear with me and thanks for supporting me throughout.


This is not dead at all. Will continue to chug along

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No need to apologize. Glad to know you're doing well and that the diary will continue (not that I thought it had fizzled out anyway)


1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title #1 Contender: Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer/Hayabusa vs Tetsuhiro Kuroda/Hido/Koji Nakagawa

More upside to this trio


2. Six Women Tag: Bad Nurse Nakamura/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Dynamite Kansai/Kumiko Maekawa/Yumiko Hotta

Toss up


3. FMW Arena Title 1000 Thumbtacks Match: Dan Spivey © vs Ron Bruise

Spivey gets some defences to his name, plus he's not losing to one half of a regular tag team


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Texas Mustangs

Hard hitting bout, but WC are fresh with the belts and not losing them yet


5. Tag Team Deathmatch: Atsushi Onita/Yukihiro Kanemura vs Love Guns

Gotta push these guys and build up some opposition for Onita


6. WWA World Women's Title 3 Way Exploding Ring Match: Aja Kong © vs Manami Toyota vs Megumi Kudo

Tempted to say Aja retains, but it feels like she no longer has any competition (unless Klondyke Kate makes a return, I dunno) so the three way is a good setup to have her drop the belt without getting pinned. Both candidates are equally likely to pull it off, but I'm going with Toyota

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No need to apologize mate. Real life is always much more important than anything else.


1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title #1 Contender: Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer/Hayabusa vs Tetsuhiro Kuroda/Hido/Koji Nakagawa


2. Six Women Tag: Bad Nurse Nakamura/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Dynamite Kansai/Kumiko Maekawa/Yumiko Hotta


3. FMW Arena Title 1000 Thumbtacks Match: Dan Spivey © vs Ron Bruise


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Texas Mustangs


5. Tag Team Deathmatch: Atsushi Onita/Yukihiro Kanemura vs Love Guns


6. WWA World Women's Title 3 Way Exploding Ring Match: Aja Kong © vs Manami Toyota vs Megumi Kudo


I was super bad the last time, fingers crossed I'll doing better.:D

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title #1 Contender: Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer/Hayabusa vs Tetsuhiro Kuroda/Hido/Koji Nakagawa


2. Six Women Tag: Bad Nurse Nakamura/Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari vs Dynamite Kansai/Kumiko Maekawa/Yumiko Hotta


3. FMW Arena Title 1000 Thumbtacks Match: Dan Spivey © vs Ron Bruise


4. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Texas Mustangs


5. Tag Team Deathmatch: Atsushi Onita/Yukihiro Kanemura vs Love Guns


6. WWA World Women's Title 3 Way Exploding Ring Match: Aja Kong © vs Manami Toyota vs Megumi Kudo

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Kawaguchi Car Race Palace

Attn: 4582 fans

Shown on J Sports. Rating: 0.03 (26,819 viewers)




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FMW Brass Knuckles Six Man Title #1 Contender Match





Tanaka/Dreamer/Hayabusa vs Hido/Kuroda/Koji Nakagawa




Tanaka and Dreamer had come a long way ever since they started teaming together at the start of the year and they teamed with Hayabusa who had been slowly shaking off his ring rust after returning from injury. These three made for quite a contrasting trio with Dreamer and Tanaka employing power moves and brawling style, Hayabusa entertained with his death-defying moonsaults.


It was Tanaka who got the winning pin with a Tornado DDT over Nakagawa.




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FMW Arena Title 1000 Thumbtacks Match





Dan Spivey © vs Ron Bruise



Ron stood toe to toe with Spivey and even triggered the early offense when he side slammed the champ before DDT'ng his face on a bundle of thumbtacks.


Spivey ate an enormous amount of offense but then he came back the best way he could, a big boot to the face before a lariat that hurt Ron real bad. He then bared the thumbtacks on the floor and then hit the Spivey Spike on them to puncture the head of Ron and get the pin.


Dan Spivey makes defense #1 of FMW Arena Title.



After the match while Spivey was looking to hurt Ron further, from out of nowhere,











Sabu appeared on the top turnbuckle with a chair in his hand and when Spivey turned, a chair-assisted dropkick busted Spivey's head. He didn't stop there as he laid the chair down covered entirely with thumbtacks and then hit the Arabian Facebuster and Spivey was seen convoluting like mad from the pain. Sabu had a sick laughter on his face.



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Six Women Tag





Shark Tsuchiya/Crusher Maedomari/Bad Nurse Nakamura vs Dynamite Kansai/Yumiko Hotta/Kumiko Maekawa




Another solid match in the women's division which was expected as they had fought each other countless times. It was Shark Tsuchiya who managed to get the win after a long time when she submitted Kansai and shot to the top of the contender's line for the Women's title.





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Tag Deathmatch




Onita/Kanemura vs Love Guns



Onita was hurt but he had found an ally in Kanemura. This was more about the emotional upheaval that Onita was going through after being on the receiving end of the attack from Lethal Weapon last time. Onita was angry and he took out all his pent-up anger and pain on Oya and Fuji with Kanemura chipping in whenever necessary.


But, the sneaky bastards that Love Guns were, they used brass knuckles to hit a low blow on Kanemura who went down clutching his groin. Soon, they covered with him with feet on the ropes and Oya had stolen one right under the eyes of Onita



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FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight





Wrecking Crew © vs Texas Mustangs



Wrecking Crew had managed to defeat the almost unbeatable Beasts last month to become the new tag champions and they would not give up their titles so easily. Mustangs gave a good fight and even managed a couple of near falls but in the end, a Wrecking Ball from Green was enough for the first defense.


Wrecking Crew makes defense #1 of FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title.




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WWA World Women's Title Triple Threat




Aja Kong © vs Manami Toyota vs Megumi Kudo



Both Kudo and Toyota did the sensible thing and teamed together to take the giant out. They found it hard but they managed to send her over the top rope and took turns to hit the suicide dive over the top rope on the champ. With Kong down, Kudo and Toyota shifted their focus on each other and they had a match full of hard hits and Kong tried intervening but every time she was send back to the ground. Kudo went for his Kudome Valentine but it was reversed and Toyota hit the Japanese Ocean Bomb to pin Kudo and become the new champion.


Manami Toyota wins the WWA World Women's Title









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  • 1 month later...

I have been busy with work the last month or so and RL was pretty hectic so haven't had time to come to continue here but thanks a lot everyone for voting me for the Shock Signing of the Month and helping me win the Showcase.


Very much appreciated. Now that life is returning to normalcy this thread will be active again. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who stood by this and hope you all return for the future shows that will be posted.

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Dark_Raider - 6/6

KyTeran - 4/6

CGN91 - 4/6




Dark_Raider - 10/12

KyTeran - 8/12

CGN91 - 6/12

Blodyxe - 4/6

scottk1983 - 3/6








Explosive Grounds Night #2




<div style="width:1000px;padding:5px;border-top: 5px groove #A25E07;border-right: 5px ridge #A25E07;border-bottom: 5px ridge #A25E07;border-left: 5px groove#A25E07;margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:50%";">WWA World Women's Title Barbed Wire Massacre Match



After a historic night when the women headlined an FMW show for the first time ending with a new champion, we are doing it again as Toyota faces Tsuchiya for her first defense.




FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight



After beating Onita and Kanemura, Love Guns had been going around proclaiming themselves as the next tag champions. Now they get to prove their claims as they take on the tag champs.




FMW Arena Title 4 Way Deathmatch



The Love Guns, Oya and Fuji shocked the FMW faithful when they aided Goto to defeat Onita at Horror Show and then proceeded to form the new alliance, Lethal Weapon. Now Onita has vowed revenge on the men he once called friends and he has called in Kanemura to be by his side. Are there any more surprises or will Onita get his hands on the traitors?




4 Way FMW Arena Title



Spivey faces his biggest challenge as he takes on three other contenders for his crown. And the worst of them all, one is a mystery debutant






1. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Love Guns


2. Powers of Pain vs Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer


3. Killer Bees vs Invaders (Kevin Kelly/Sandman)


4. FMW Arena Title 4 Way Match: Dan Spivey © vs El Texano vs Great Kabuki vs ??


5. WWA World Women's Title Barbed Wire Massacre: Manami Toyota © vs Shark Tscuhiya


6. Bonus Question: Who will be the mystery man in the 4 way match? (He has been hinted before in the diary)

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Love Guns


2. Powers of Pain vs Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer

3. Killer Bees vs Invaders (Kevin Kelly/Sandman)


4. FMW Arena Title 4 Way Match: Dan Spivey © vs El Texano vs Great Kabuki vs ??


5. WWA World Women's Title Barbed Wire Massacre: Manami Toyota © vs Shark Tscuhiya


6. Bonus Question: Who will be the mystery man in the 4 way match? (He has been hinted before in the diary) Well I have no memory left in my brain, so I'll have a stab in the dark... 2 Cold Scorpio

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1. FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Title Street Fight: Wrecking Crew © vs Love Guns


2. Powers of Pain vs Masato Tanaka/Tommy Dreamer


3. Killer Bees vs Invaders (Kevin Kelly/Sandman)


4. FMW Arena Title 4 Way Match: Dan Spivey © vs El Texano vs Great Kabuki vs ??


5. WWA World Women's Title Barbed Wire Massacre: Manami Toyota © vs Shark Tscuhiya


6. Bonus Question: Who will be the mystery man in the 4 way match? (He has been hinted before in the diary) Shane Douglas

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