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RWC+: An Importable Expansion to Real World Chronicles

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Hey, just wanna say that you can add Heidi Howitzer, Shawn Kemp and Jay Malachi to the list.


I really did think I was done adding, but uh... didn't realize Heidi wasn't in main RWC, and her 'n Max won the New South tag belts. Lol


Then after that, DPW announced another batch of debutees for Fire! And I wanna try to not leave people without the full announced roster. So imma try and get Kemp and Malachi added over the next hour or so. Then head to bed.


Maybe also add Leon Ravage to complete the Wastelanders :p

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Another two months have past, another release is here!


Let's just get on into it!


Indies+ March 2022




Big ol' batch of workers, including every talent announced for the DPW Fire tapings in March so far (I just KNOW they'll add somebody else in the time between now and then. lol) a good chunk of Nightmare Factory Trainees, and some really talented indie guys!


Other than that, I've done my best to flesh out a lot of issues I found (especially with the first couple batches of workers I added last year) and fix up some company stats. I got a sneaking suspicion there's some dumb stuff I missed here, so if you find anything weird, hit up the thread.


JPG Edition Download Link


GIF Edition Download Link


Titles+ March 2022




Not much to say for this one, added more reigns for belts, added some new ones IIRC (There's a lot now.) Devil_Cyborg provided me with some pictures for a couple of them, like the PRESTIGE championships, and the Face of The Revolution Ladder Match picture you can see right above.


Sidenote, I have a growing fear of the Ironman Heavymetalweight Title lineage. I'm overcome with a daunting dread when I have to edit new reigns for it, because if I hit that "Save and Continue button" it messes the entire thing up, and I'll have to roll back to a previous edition of the database to fix it. It's terrifying.


Oh, and it won't be entirely accurate. As the current champion Lingling is a part of the Idol group "Bish". Who isn't a current wrestler. Yet... Who knows, she could always go down the Maki Itoh route later in life.


Titles+ Download Link


Titles+ Awards Edition March 2022




I actually had something new to add this time around, because I was made aware that the AEW Awards exist. I uh, had a bit of a hard time figuring out what to actually make an achivement. Because like uh, will people really want a "Best Twitter Follow" achivement filling up Nyla Rose's title histories?


But I got some stuff out of it. So if you wanna follow what's going on IRL, you'll be able to give some people awards come the third week of March.


Titles+ Awards Edition Download Link


Indies+ ScandiGraps March 2022

(Didn't have time to make a new picture for this one, sorry)




February was a super significant month for the Scandinavian Scene, as one big negative in what might be Peter Olisander's retirement (I hope it isn't, but the way BODYSLAM! worded their post makes me think that. I won't update it until it seems certain though) and the vacating of the World Title. But a couple really big and historic positives in turn.


Not only will BODYSLAM be introducing a Women's Title this coming April (I think, that's when the Women's show is being held), but last saturday night saw a geniunely really, really huge thing happen for hopefully not just Danish wrestling, but Nordic Wrestling as a whole. Cause Jonathan Gresham defended the ROH World Championship against Emeritus, in a packed Pumpehuset over in Copehagen! Which ****ing rules.


So it seems only fitting that I finally got off my ass and actually did a bit. It's not much, but there's some updates around the board for this one.


Redajusted a lot of stats and pop to make it more along the lines of the more recent additions in main Indies+ (Cause like, 95% of these people were added in like, 2020. This mod was my first ever modding experience), but actually *added* somebody, with Norwegian Wrestling legend Erik Isaksen (Told Vikki Noctem I'd add him like, 6 months back, but life blows. lol), I'll do my best to keep up this energy, and get some of the newer young Scandi talent added for the May update down the line.


JPG Edition Download Link


GIF Edition Download Link


Man I wrote an absolute freaking novel for this one. lol


Anyway, that's all. Hyped to finalyl give March a swing, cause adding all these workers has REALLY made me wanna do another Indie save that I'll give up on in a week. lol


Have a nice night everybody, especially all the ones who'll be watching Dynamite in a couple hours. Can't wait to find out what Tony's announcement thing is.


That'll be all, see ya.


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Another two months have past, another release is here!


Let's just get on into it!


Indies+ March 2022




Big ol' batch of workers, including every talent announced for the DPW Fire tapings in March so far (I just KNOW they'll add somebody else in the time between now and then. lol) a good chunk of Nightmare Factory Trainees, and some really talented indie guys!


Other than that, I've done my best to flesh out a lot of issues I found (especially with the first couple batches of workers I added last year) and fix up some company stats. I got a sneaking suspicion there's some dumb stuff I missed here, so if you find anything weird, hit up the thread.


JPG Edition Download Link


GIF Edition Download Link


Titles+ March 2022




Not much to say for this one, added more reigns for belts, added some new ones IIRC (There's a lot now.) Devil_Cyborg provided me with some pictures for a couple of them, like the PRESTIGE championships, and the Face of The Revolution Ladder Match picture you can see right above.


Sidenote, I have a growing fear of the Ironman Heavymetalweight Title lineage. I'm overcome with a daunting dread when I have to edit new reigns for it, because if I hit that "Save and Continue button" it messes the entire thing up, and I'll have to roll back to a previous edition of the database to fix it. It's terrifying.


Oh, and it won't be entirely accurate. As the current champion Lingling is a part of the Idol group "Bish". Who isn't a current wrestler. Yet... Who knows, she could always go down the Maki Itoh route later in life.


Titles+ Download Link


Titles+ Awards Edition March 2022




I actually had something new to add this time around, because I was made aware that the AEW Awards exist. I uh, had a bit of a hard time figuring out what to actually make an achivement. Because like uh, will people really want a "Best Twitter Follow" achivement filling up Nyla Rose's title histories?


But I got some stuff out of it. So if you wanna follow what's going on IRL, you'll be able to give some people awards come the third week of March.


Titles+ Awards Edition Download Link


Indies+ ScandiGraps March 2022

(Didn't have time to make a new picture for this one, sorry)




February was a super significant month for the Scandinavian Scene, as one big negative in what might be Peter Olisander's retirement (I hope it isn't, but the way BODYSLAM! worded their post makes me think that. I won't update it until it seems certain though) and the vacating of the World Title. But a couple really big and historic positives in turn.


Not only will BODYSLAM be introducing a Women's Title this coming April (I think, that's when the Women's show is being held), but last saturday night saw a geniunely really, really huge thing happen for hopefully not just Danish wrestling, but Nordic Wrestling as a whole. Cause Jonathan Gresham defended the ROH World Championship against Emeritus, in a packed Pumpehuset over in Copehagen! Which ****ing rules.


So it seems only fitting that I finally got off my ass and actually did a bit. It's not much, but there's some updates around the board for this one.


Redajusted a lot of stats and pop to make it more along the lines of the more recent additions in main Indies+ (Cause like, 95% of these people were added in like, 2020. This mod was my first ever modding experience), but actually *added* somebody, with Norwegian Wrestling legend Erik Isaksen (Told Vikki Noctem I'd add him like, 6 months back, but life blows. lol), I'll do my best to keep up this energy, and get some of the newer young Scandi talent added for the May update down the line.


JPG Edition Download Link


GIF Edition Download Link


Man I wrote an absolute freaking novel for this one. lol


Anyway, that's all. Hyped to finalyl give March a swing, cause adding all these workers has REALLY made me wanna do another Indie save that I'll give up on in a week. lol


Have a nice night everybody, especially all the ones who'll be watching Dynamite in a couple hours. Can't wait to find out what Tony's announcement thing is.


That'll be all, see ya.



that was a huge announcement ... of both ... you and tony! :D

thanks for your work!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey, I was gonna make a big proper poll for this and everything. But you know what, feel like it's best to just go ahead and ask.


With New South apparently moving off IWTV, and onto Pro Wrestling TV (the lads Control Your Narrative are with.), it got me thinking. Which companies do people like... Actually like having in here? And who can people do without? That sorta thing.


So basically, what I'm asking is... Just throw up some companies you like having in the mod (Either to play as, or just to provide indie background noise.) and some companies you'd rather get sent out. Because I just realized that with the upcoming update, we'll have 15 companies in Indies+. And a lot has changed since a lot of them got added. (I'm mostly just keeping Camp Leapfrog in there because I'm hoping they can work something out and come back.) So I wouldn't be entirely against giving some companies the axe in favor of others. Especially now that I'm looking into doing some euro companies, like APC and all that.


That's basically it. If you can't remember all the companies from indies+, then here's a quick list of the ones in at the moment.


  1. ACTION Wrestling
  2. Camp Leapfrog
  3. DEADLOCK Pro Wrestling
  4. Deathmatch Down Under
  5. Enjoy Wrestling
  6. Freelance Wrestling
  7. Limitless Wrestling
  8. New South Pro Wrestling
  9. New Texas Pro Wrestling
  10. Paradigm Pro Wrestling
  11. Saint Louis Anarchy
  12. Southern Underground Pro
  13. Violence X Suffering
  14. West Coast Pro Wrestling

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Add Prestige Wrestling; remove Camp Leapfrog.


Funny enough, Prestige are the company that's getting added for the next update. Lol


Was originally gonna be Circle 6. But problems with finding info on the owner, and the recency of it made that too tough.


... And I realize Leapfrog should've been pulled awhile back, but man, really been holding out hope for their revival.

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I just wanna quickly apologize on the delay. Wanted to get stuff out with Devil's update, but issues on Emily's end, and laziness on my part (I blame finally getting invested in not one, but two different saves, for the first time in like a year, on that.) popped up at the worst time.


I'll try and see if I can get it out within the next couple hours. But no promises. Got a fair amount of stuff in-game to get right.

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Yeah this won't happen. Sorry everyone.


Even more problems popped up while setting things up, and although I've got 'em all done now, it's almost 2:AM, and I've gotta wait on Devil to make some pictures for me anyhow.


I promise, I'll get this shit out before Dynamite on the absolute latest, so you can like. I dunno. Make Blake Li vs. Hook 2. lol


I feel like you all deserve some knowledge on what's new at least.


The long and short of it. Prestige Wrestling in. New South out. Just like main RWC, this isn't a massive update. Just some new wrestlers and that.


Also, on the ScandiGraps front, I haven't had time to ask BODYSLAM! for pics of their new Women's title. So that'll be pictureless for a little bit. But eventually I'll ask 'em about that. But yeah. Women's belt.


Okay, I'm gonna go to sleep. Then hopefully in the morn I'll be able to get this out. Sorry again about all this.

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Yeah this won't happen. Sorry everyone.


Even more problems popped up while setting things up, and although I've got 'em all done now, it's almost 2:AM, and I've gotta wait on Devil to make some pictures for me anyhow.


I promise, I'll get this shit out before Dynamite on the absolute latest, so you can like. I dunno. Make Blake Li vs. Hook 2. lol


I feel like you all deserve some knowledge on what's new at least.


The long and short of it. Prestige Wrestling in. New South out. Just like main RWC, this isn't a massive update. Just some new wrestlers and that.


Also, on the ScandiGraps front, I haven't had time to ask BODYSLAM! for pics of their new Women's title. So that'll be pictureless for a little bit. But eventually I'll ask 'em about that. But yeah. Women's belt.


Okay, I'm gonna go to sleep. Then hopefully in the morn I'll be able to get this out. Sorry again about all this.


you are a good boy, raspy! :)

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I won't waste your time with too much text. Just remember that this'll likely be pretty scuffed, just like the main RWC update. So here's the stuff.


Indies+ April 2022


Like I said previously, the geist of it, is that Prestige is in, New South is out. If you notice too many




Indies+ April 2022 JPG Edition Download


Indies+ April 2022 GIF Edition Download


Titles+ April 2022




Titles+ April 2022 Download


Titles+ Awards Edition April 2022




Titles+ Awards Edition April 2022 Download


Indies+ ScandiGraps April 2022




ScandiGraps April 2022 JPG Edition Download


ScandiGraps April 2022 GIF Edition Download


That's all the new stuff there. Hopefully not *everybody* has started their saves yet, so that this delayed release doesn't screw with people too much. Here's hoping for better circumstances for the May release.


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Hey, I was gonna make a big proper poll for this and everything. But you know what, feel like it's best to just go ahead and ask.


With New South apparently moving off IWTV, and onto Pro Wrestling TV (the lads Control Your Narrative are with.), it got me thinking. Which companies do people like... Actually like having in here? And who can people do without? That sorta thing.


So basically, what I'm asking is... Just throw up some companies you like having in the mod (Either to play as, or just to provide indie background noise.) and some companies you'd rather get sent out. Because I just realized that with the upcoming update, we'll have 15 companies in Indies+. And a lot has changed since a lot of them got added. (I'm mostly just keeping Camp Leapfrog in there because I'm hoping they can work something out and come back.) So I wouldn't be entirely against giving some companies the axe in favor of others. Especially now that I'm looking into doing some euro companies, like APC and all that.


That's basically it. If you can't remember all the companies from indies+, then here's a quick list of the ones in at the moment.


  1. ACTION Wrestling
  2. Camp Leapfrog
  3. DEADLOCK Pro Wrestling
  4. Deathmatch Down Under
  5. Enjoy Wrestling
  6. Freelance Wrestling
  7. Limitless Wrestling
  8. New South Pro Wrestling
  9. New Texas Pro Wrestling
  10. Paradigm Pro Wrestling
  11. Saint Louis Anarchy
  12. Southern Underground Pro
  13. Violence X Suffering
  14. West Coast Pro Wrestling


I sent you a message regarding APC

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  • 3 weeks later...

hello raspy!

are their new workers in the april update?


aaand ... i really like your RWC+ additions list.

but, could you please make a new list from the may update on?

a list with only the workers added to RWC+ in the specific update.

i would really really really appreciate it! :)

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hello raspy!

are their new workers in the april update?


aaand ... i really like your RWC+ additions list.

but, could you please make a new list from the may update on?

a list with only the workers added to RWC+ in the specific update.

i would really really really appreciate it! :)


How's it goin' Bobberino?


Yes, a couple I believe!


And I'll try to remember to knock one up in the morn.

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hello raspy!

are their new workers in the april update?


aaand ... i really like your RWC+ additions list.

but, could you please make a new list from the may update on?

a list with only the workers added to RWC+ in the specific update.

i would really really really appreciate it! :)


Heya Bobby, sorry it took a bit, but here's the list of new worker additions for May. There'll also be a text file of them in the Indies+ download itself.


  1. Alpha-Zo
  2. Chris Carter
  3. D-Dre Fresh
  4. Diego De La Cruz
  5. Eli Knight
  6. Jonathan Vega
  7. Journey Fatu
  8. Kiah Dream
  9. Kid Valiant
  10. Malik Bosede
  11. Merrik Donovan
  12. Nick J. Holiday
  13. Robb Radke
  14. Sam Stackhouse
  15. Scoot Andrews

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Indies+ May 2022




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Titles+ May 2022




Update Download


Titles+ Awards Edition May 2022




Update Download


ScandiGraps May 2022




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GIF Edition Download



Like I said, I should already have been in bed about an hour ago. But I wanted to get this out in due time. So I powered through this, along with some last minute changes (mainly to schedules in Indies+ and all that.) If you notice and issues, then hit me up. Especially dupes, since 99.999% of the time, that's a result of me being a lazy bastard, and forgetting to switch worker names to match main RWC.


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