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United Promotions Japan - Can You Hear The Thunder? [TVerse]

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<p>Presentation, as always, is exceptional. My predictions below - still trying to figure out the lay of the land:</p><p> </p><p>

UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match <strong>“The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara</strong> © versus Kozue</p><p>

As others have said, I can't see Fujiwara losing the title this quickly.</p><p> </p><p>

Six Man Tag <strong>Kinjo-jidai (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, Waotaka Eda, and Torture)</strong> versus Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina)</p><p>

Eager to see who the next challenger for Kinjo is - but agree it doesn't look like any of these guys.</p><p> </p><p>

“God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii versus <strong>Ryotaro Naruto</strong></p><p> </p><p>

UPJ International Tag Team Title Match <strong>Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa ©</strong> versus Strength Through Honour</p><p>

A nice opportunity for Strength Through Honour, but this should be a chance at redemption for the champions.</p><p> </p><p>

Six Man Tag <strong>Ignite Muscle Army</strong> (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Álvaro Buey III) versus HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahra, and TOKI INK)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Furosuto</strong> versus Fergus Storm</p>

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UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match “The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara © versus Kozue

Six Man Tag Kinjo-jidai (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, Waotaka Eda, and Torture) versus Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina)

“God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii versus Ryotaro Naruto

UPJ International Tag Team Title Match Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa © versus Strength Through Honour

Six Man Tag Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Álvaro Buey III) versus HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahra, and TOKI INK)

Furosuto versus Fergus Storm

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UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match “The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara © versus Kozue

Six Man Tag Kinjo-jidai (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, Waotaka Eda, and Torture) versus Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina)

“God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii versus Ryotaro Naruto

UPJ International Tag Team Title Match Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa © versus Strength Through Honour

Six Man Tag Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Álvaro Buey III) versus HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahra, and TOKI INK)

Furosuto versus Fergus Storm

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UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match “The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara © versus Kozue

Jin's only just won the title, and while I think Kozue has a huge amount to offer (and really like his pairing with Magnum Idol), I think Fujiwara will edge this one.

Six Man Tag Kinjo-jidai (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, Waotaka Eda, and Torture) versus Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina)

It's Kinjo and Eda, need I say any more?

“God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii versus Ryotaro Naruto

Ishii, understandably, has lost his big matches so far, but to continue in his role as Kinjo's favourite, he'll need a big win. Naruto is still a very useful hand on the roster, but he doesn't need the win like Ishii.

UPJ International Tag Team Title Match Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa © versus Strength Through Honour

I was surprised to see STH win the Blue Rhino Cup, but I can see Atonga and Ebisawa evening things up for a rubber match down the line.

Six Man Tag Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Álvaro Buey III) versus HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahra, and TOKI INK)

Kato and co are definitely on a roll, and Juro could do with a break!

Furosuto versus Fergus Storm

Too early for Storm to topple someone as great as Furosuto.

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Showdown in Hiroshima


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UPJ Showdown in Hiroshima - February 20, 2021

Held in Hiroshima, Chugoku, Japan in front of 39,550 fans


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This was a frantic opening match, the newcomer Fergus Storm giving fan favorite Furosuto a run for his money in the high energy encounter. Furosuto manages to outlast the Sunshine of Leith from Storm in the closing moments, going on to finish his opponent off with the First Sign of Frost. Of note, these two worked a very even match with Fergus Storm looking good, even in defeat.


Furosuto def. Fergus Storm in 15:53 [RATING: 69]


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Juro Deguchi was back-in-action here after a few weeks off, and he looked all the better for it. This was a heavy-hitting encounter from start-to-finish, all six men exhibiting high impact offense and even making the audience cringe a few times after particularly vicious blows. The real story of the match centers on Kato and Deguchi, and their evenly matched exchanges throughout the nearly 20 minute match. Evenly matched, that is, until we reach the closing minutes and Kato simply goes off with his explosive offense, leveling Deguchi with suplexes and lariats and eventually finishing him off with Infinity for the win in a somewhat surprising finish..


Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Álvaro Buey III def. HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahara, and TOKI INK) in 17:15 [RATING: 73]


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Strength Through Honour look strong at every turn as they win striking exchanges and isolate Ebisawa from his partner in the early going by cutting off the ring. Unlike their Blue Rhino Cup Finals meeting, Strength Through Honour are on the offensive for many of the early minutes of the match until a blind tag brings Atonga into the ring to turn the tides. Atonga looks vicious, dismantling Ogawa one body part at a time before tossing him into the corner and demanding Katsumoto tag into the match. The middle section of the match plays out like a one-on-one encounter between Katsumoto and Atonga, eventually leading to a hot tag to the recovered Ogawa. Strength comes in to clean house, but he falls short of doing so when Atonga cuts him off and goes back on the offensive. After a valiant effort, Ogawa falls victim to Taheiji Ebisawa’s Belly2Helly so that the team from Ignite Muscle Army pick up the win to retain their titles.


UPJ International Tag Team Title Match, Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa def. Strength Through Honour (Strength Ogawa and Honour Katsumoto) in 23:24 for their first defense [RATING: 66]


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This match is as personal an encounter as we’ve seen in United Promotions Japan for some time and, regardless of the outcome, it may be only the first of many matches to come between these two. Ishii’s entrance is toned back a bit from the Blue Rhino Cup Finals where he descended on a golden staircase; this time, he comes out in a new silver and gold ring jacket with a shower of gold pyro raining down over the stage. Naruto garners a huge round of applause from the audience when he is introduced for the first time since his injury. The match that follows is an exciting display of some of Naruto’s best selling to date as he sells not only the eternal back injury, but the spleen laceration he suffered in the ring with Ishii once before. Naruto gets several hope spots sprinkled throughout the match, but Ishii manages to cut off his comeback every time. Ishii focuses much of his offense on Naruto’s back and his left side to target the spleen. Ryotaro does manage one extended comeback near the end, building towards his finish but is, once again, cut off by Ishii. An Ishii Knee Drop to the back finishes Naruto off for Ishii to claim the win.


Katsuhiko Ishii def. Ryotaro Naruto in 28:30 [RATING: 77]


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This match was a very standard, pre-main event cooldown match orchestrated in order to get Kintaro Kinjo on the card more than anything else. Ichigawa is the predominant Heavyweight talent in Hall of the United Throne, but their win-loss record as of late has been lacking outside of Jin Fujiwara (who features in tonight’s main event). Kinjo spends most of the match on the outside, teasing tagging in once or twice only to wave it off until his team is in firm control of the proceedings. Kinjo comes in to put the boots to Ichigawa for a while, but as “The God Emperor” shows off for the crowd, Ichigawa manages a tag out to Sakurai. Sakurai comes in like the proverbial house of fire, but after just a few moments of offense, Kinjo puts the fire out with a vicious Blue Flash out of seemingly nowhere! That brings the match to a seemingly abrupt end with The God Emperor standing tall with his henchmen behind him.


Kinjo-jidai (Kintaro Kinjo, Waotaka Eda, and Torture) def. Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina) in 11:55 [RATING: 51]


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The biggest entrances of the night, rightfully, go to the Junior Heavyweight Champion and his stalwart challenger. Kozue’s entrance is reminiscent of his paparazzi-themed affair at the Blue Rhino Cup Finals with the added presence of Magnum Idol as his sidekick shooing many of the photographers away. The Champion’s entrance isn’t quite as over-the-top as a clockwork pyro machine this time, but there is an array of pipework that surrounds the entrance way pumping what looks like steam out of them while Fujiwara stands amongst it in his goggles. The announcer introduces Kozue first, Magnum Idol still present on the outside of the ring; Fujiwara is announced as Champion for the first time and the crowd gives him a standing ovation complete with streamers. The opening moments of the match play out much the same as their last encounter with Kozue seeming to have an answer for everything Fujiwara throws at him offensively. However, instead of Kozue gaining control with his technical prowess, Fujiwara just keeps coming and Kozue eventually rolls out of the ring to regroup with Magnum Idol on the outside. When the action resumes, Kozue manages to slow down Fujiwara and starts stretching him whenever he can before it becomes clear he is working over The Steampunk Assassin’s right knee. Several kneelocks and kneebars have Fujiwara selling like crazy as the challenger tries his best to slow the champion down. The knee would become the focal point of the match, Fujiwara selling it even while in control and even losing control of the match at one point when he tries to bounce off the ropes but stumbles due to the pain he’s selling in his knee. The presence of Magnum Idol on the outside brings a lot to the match, though he never gets himself directly involved in any questionable shenanigans; he’s always there to check Kozue’s hair or whisper strategy to him when the blonde challenger finds himself on the outside. These two work a real main event style match, and carry the crowd well along the way. Despite all the damage to his knee being sold, Fujiwara still manages to pull out the victory in his first defense by countering another kneelock attempt, grabbing an arm, and forcing Kozue to submit to the Socket Wrench.


UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title: Jin Fujiwara def. Kozue to make his first defense in 33:24 [RATING: 80]






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Fergus Storm on his loss to Furosuto- "I'll tell you this much, it ain't over... that cold sonuvabitch ain't seen the last of Fergus Storm! I'm not going to let some wanker with a mask hold me down and stop me rising to the top of United Promotions Japan. Mark my words, ya chilly bastard... Springtime Dash: we WILL meet again!"


”The Puerto Rican Pitbull” Álvaro Buey III on the thrill of competing alongside Ignite Muscle Army- "It's a thrill for sure, but it's all business... it's all business in that ring, and we get it done. My dog Kato, Big Red Erik van Rijn... we get it done against anybody. Anybody, ya hear? Ignite Muscle Army! What?" He flashes the hand sign and thrusts his chin out, drawing a slight chuckle from his stablemates.


Honour Katsumoto on losing out in their challenge for the International Tag Team titles- "It is disappointing, and yet the conclusion doesn't feel definite. The way we see it, are records are now even... one win a piece. I would like to challenge Atonga and Ebisawa, if they have the honour... to put the belts on the line one time during Springtime Dash."


"God's Favorite" Katushiko Ishii on beating Ryotaro Naruto when the man was out for vengeance- "Naruto is but a flea on my jacket... what is a flea to one such as me? Nothing! Nothing. This was only ever personal to Naruto, it has only ever been about business to me. Tonight was nothing more than another paycheck with a winner's purse to me, I don't care about the man's family or fans. It will be his own bad fortune if that dog comes sniffing around me again."


"The Steampunk Assassin" Jin Fujiwara on making his first defense of the Junior Heavyweight Championship- "It's still a bit surreal to me that I have this title. I know in my heart that I've earned it, but to hold it in my hands... it's still very surreal. But tonight was further confirmation that I am where I am supposed to be at the top of the Junior Heavyweight mountain."





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Springtime Dash - Night 1


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UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night One (February 25, 2021)

Held in Tokyo, Kanto, Japan in front of 1,649 fans


  1. In a poor match, Dustin LeFever def. Derek Grace in 12:33 with an Ego Trip [RATING: 52]
  2. In a bout that didn’t have much heat and had terrible wrestling, Fergus Storm def. Kamei Takauji in 13:14 with a Tartan Surprise [RATING: 54]
  3. In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, PunkRockCity (Danger Asahara & TOKI INK) def. Smash ‘n’ Grab (Koma Kobiashi & Koji Yamada) in 15:36 when Asahara pinned Kobiashi after an Imminent Danger [RATING: 57]
  4. In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Kinjo-jidai (Katsuhiko Ishii, Waotaka Eda, and Tortue) def. Hall of the United Throne (Ryotaro Naruto, Strength Ogawa, and Honor Katsumoto) in 16:34 when Eda pinned Ogawa after an Eda Driver [RATING: 57]
  5. In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Kato def. Oda Yamawaki in 37:37 following the Infinity [RATING: 66]



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Waotaka Eda on pinning one of the top contenders to the International Tag Team Titles- “We are top contenders now; it may have been in a six-man match, but I put Ogawa’s shoulders to the mat. If they really have honor, they will put their title shot on the line.”


Kato on the upcoming Ozeki Summer, of which he is a back-to-back winner- “This year would make three in a row, and would allow me to join Juro Deguchi and Kintaro Kinjo as three time winners. That is my intention this year, to become the three time winner. As we proved again tonight, Ignite Muscle Army is a force to be reckoned with and we are near-unstoppable. It doesn’t matter which block or how the fates play out… myself, or a member of this Army, will bring home the Summit.”


Fergus Storm on getting back on the winning track- “I did not come to Japan to fight young boys, and I do not care to fight young boys. I want competition, and I want my rematch with Furosuto! Do you hear me Sonada-san?!”




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UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night Two (February 27, 2021)

Held in Kobe, Kansai, Japan in front of 1,300 fans


  1. In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Dream (Kozue & Magnum Idol) def. WILD (Hidetsugu Genji & Joao Iwahara) in 17:49 when they hit Iwahara with the Dream’s Over [RATING: 65]
  2. In a bout that had good heat but sub-par wrestling, Waotaka Eda & Torture def. Ignite Muscle Army (Alvaro Buey III & Takehide Harada) in 13:01 when Eda pinned Harada after an Eda Driver [RATING: 54]
  3. In a match with great heat and decent wrestling, Furosuto def. Utamara in 18:13 with the First Sign of Frost [RATING: 62]
  4. In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Atonga, and Taheiji Ebisawa) def. Kinjo-jidai (Katsuhiko Ishii, Akito Nakada, and Haruko Yamada) in 22:19 when Kato pinned Yamada after a Zero Point Slam [RATING: 68]
  5. In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Erik van Rijn def. TOKI INK in 32:40 after a Running Elbow [RATING: 74]



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Erik van Rijn on the upcoming Ozeki Summit- “Kato said it the other night; Ignite Muscle Army is going to bring home the Summit. It doesn’t matter how the pools are laid out, it doesn’t matter if Kato and I have to meet in the ring, one of us is going to win it all.”


”God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii on his loss this evening- “My loss? Excuse me, my loss? I was not the one who was pinned this evening. I was not the one who submitted this evening. There will be consequences to pay for the loser in tonight’s match, but that was not me. Get your facts straight before you speak.”


Kozue on his new team, The Dream, with Magnum Idol- “We are The Dream… when people speak of great things, and they say, ‘That’s The Dream’... Kozue and Magnum Idol are The Dream to which they are referring. But, for the UPJ Junior Heavyweight Tag Team division… The Dream… is over. Kozue and Magnum Idol will be Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.”


Furosuto on Fergus Storm’s request for a rematch- “Tell him we can step into the ring again at any time. Tell him to find a partner, and we can step into the ring that way as well. Fergus Storm, part of being in United Promotions Japan is putting it all on the line for our fans. Are you ready to stop running your mouth and fight?”



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UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night Three (February 28, 2021)

Held in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan in front of 1,100 fans


  1. In a match that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Dream (Kozue & Magnum Idol) def. The Neon Express (Charles Dayton & Jackson Kyle) in 13:24 when Kozue pinned Kyle after a Dream’s Over [RATING: 58]
  2. In a bout that didn’t have much heat and terrible wrestling, Utamara def. Daga Verde in 12:47 with an Utamara Bomber [RATING: 45]
  3. Captain UPJ cut a promo on Katsuhiko Ishii [RATING: 61]
  4. In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, ”God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii def. Captain UPJ in 15:21 with an Ishii Knee Drop [RATING: 67]
  5. In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Furosuto & “The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara def. Fergus Storm & Dustin LeFever in 23:26 when Fujiwara pinned LeFever after a Glittering Fujiwara [RATING: 75]
  6. In a bout with great heat and decent wrestling, Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Alvaro Buey III) def. HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahara, and TOKI INK) in 27:03 when Kato pinned TOKI INK after a Running Hawk [RATING: 73]



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“The Puerto Rican Pitbull” Alvaro Buey III on the upcoming Ozeki Summit- “Well, you’ve heard from my partners, Kato and van Rijn, on the matter, so I guess it’s time you hear from me… and, yeah, I’m gonna be in the Ozeki Summit. It’s gonna be an honor to run roughshod over the competition with my boys, with one of us standing tall at the end. We already agreed, if and when we meet each other, it’s on… oh, it’s on. There’s an undying fight in each dog that’s part of Ignite Muscle Army, and we’re gonna entertain the fans like they ain’t never seen.”


Fergus Storm on the loss this evening- “Look, I didn’t lose, and Furosuto didn’t win… this proves NOTHING! I gave that icy bastard what he wanted, now he needs to give me what I want… one-on-one! You hear me, masked man? One-on-one!”


“God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii” on the upcoming Ozeki Summit- “Well, I guess the secret’s out… God’s Favorite will be part of the Ozeki Summit this year. I will climb to the Summit, and when I claim the prize, I will lay it at The God Emperor’s throne like all of Kinjo-jidai’s treasures. I will not seek my International Heavyweight Championship match when I win, because I realize the awesomeness of The God Emperor!”



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UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night Four (March 3, 2021)

Held in Hamamatsu City, Chubu, Japan in front of 1,600 fans


  1. In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Magnum Idol def. Kamei Takauji in 13:13 wirth a Magnum Strike [RATING: 29]
  2. In a match with good heat but sub-par wrestling, Ukon Kajahara def. Koji Yamada in 15:39 with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex [RATING: 48]
  3. In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Strength Through Honour (Strength Ogawa & Honour Katsumoto) def. Waotaka Eda & Torture in 18:26 when Ogawa pinned Eda after a Strength of Courage [RATING: 51]
  4. In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Bruiser Cassidy, Alvaro Buey III, and Takehide Harada) def. HardRockCity (Amado Ocamo, Apolinario, Danger Asahara, and TOKI INK) in 17:14 when Buey III pinned Apolinario after a Buey Bomb III [RATING: 65]
  5. Kinjo-jidai comes to the ring and cuts a promo on the Ozeki Summit; “The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, “God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii, and Mr. Yamashita are confirmed for the tournament [RATING: 71]
  6. In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Juro Deguchi def. Erik van Rijn in 38:26 with a Hard Rock Driver [RATING: 71]



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”The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo on the members of his faction entering the Ozeki Summit- “It is of such great importance that Kinjo-jidai constantly prove themselves as the dominant force in UPJ. We will hide behind no throne, and no man shall hide behind The God Emperor. Myself, Ishii, Eda, and Yamashita will all compete in the Ozeki Summit, and we shall conduct ourselves with the honor such an event demands. Katsuhiko Ishii has already told you all his plans in victory: to lay the Summit at my throne. I will accept this, The God Emperor approves.””


Juro Deguchi on how he feels after recent injuries- “I’m feeling much better now, especially after my win tonight. Erik van Rijn is a top quality opponent, and I put him away with the Hard Rock Driver. I want everyone to know that Juro Deguchi is back, and I am entering the Ozeki Summit!”



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Springtime Dash - Night 5


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UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night Five (March 5, 2021)

Held in Sendai, Tohoku, Japan in front of 1,400 fans


  1. In a bout that didn’t have much heat and terrible wrestling, Hiryu def. Dustin LeFever with a quick roll-up out of nowhere in 13:20 [RATING: 32]
  2. In a match with great heat and decent wrestling, Waotaka Eda & Torture def. PunkRockCity (TOKI INK & Danger Asahara) in 17:52 when Eda pinned Asahara after an Eda Driver [RATING: 46]
  3. In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Cameron Cody, and Junichi Matsuo) def. Hall of the United Throne (“The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara, SHOGUN, and Daijio Otsuka) in 22:03 when Deguchi pinned Otsuka after a Hard Rock Driver [RATING: 68]
  4. In a match that had good heat and decent wrestling, Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Alvaro Buey III) def. Hall of the United Throne (Captain UPJ, Strength Ogawa, and Honour Katsumoto) in 16:40 when Kato pinned Captain UPJ after a Running Hawk [RATING: 69]
  5. In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Hall of the United Throne (Ryotaro Naruto & Hyotaru Ichigawa) def. Explosive Spark (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo & “God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii) in 20:04 when Naruto pinned Ishii after a Naruto Driver [RATING: 58]



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”The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo on Explosive Spark’s loss in the main event- “What happened tonight was a fluke, and I have already told Ishii & Dustin that these results will not be tolerated. The Ozeki Summit is around the corner, and we will prove ourselves as the deities we are when it comes around!”



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UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night Six (March 8, 2021)

Held in Matsuyama, Shikoku, Japan in front of 849 fans


  1. In a terrible match, The Neon Express (Charles Dayton & Jackson Kyle) def. Tokyo Tigers (Nakano Yuki & Ryuko Mishamoto) in 12:33 when Dayton pinned Mishamoto after a Hudson River Surprise [RATING: 41]
  2. In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, HardRockCity (TOKI INK, Danger Asahara, Amado Ocampo, and Apolinario) def. Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Captain UPJ, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina) in 10:31 when Apolinario pinned Sakurai after a Volcanic Driver [RATING: 57]
  3. UPJ Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Cameron Cody & Junichi Matsuo def. The Dream (Kozue & Magnum Idol) 18:28 when Cody pinned Idol after an Anti-Gravity Matrix to make their fifth successful defense
  4. In a match that had great heat and good wrestling, Furosuto def. Fergus Storm in 13:15 in a very evenly match encounter after a Final Sign of Frost
  5. In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Oda Yamawaki def. Juro Deguchi in 43:28 with a Tokyo Tower [RATING: 59]



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”The Great Rebel” Oda Yamawaki on stopping Juro Deguchi’s momentum tonight- “Momentum is everything at this time of year, as we head into the Ozeki Summit. After losing my challenge to Kintaro Kinjo, I am happy to add a win over a great talent like Juro Deguchi to my record. This is my official declaration: I am going to win the 2021 Ozeki Summit!”


Fergus Storm on losing to Furosuto once again- “Well, I can say I at least respect the man for stepping into the ring with me tonight… look at all it took him to beat me, eh? But, enough child’s play, I wanna make something clear, right here, right now… I am entering the Ozeki Summit, and, goddamnit, I’m going to win!”


Charles Dayton on The Neon Express’ first Japanese win tonight- “It feels great, it feels really great. We’ve enjoyed the hell out of every minute here, and it's nice to get a winner’s purse for the first time. Hopefully it’ll be the first of many, we’d like nothing more than to challenge for those Junior Heavyweight Tag Team titles.”



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<p>Great Shows! Surprised me with a few of those results.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MHero" data-cite="MHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53369" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Neon Express gang rise up!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If you look at it from a certain perspective the progression of the T-Verse over the years has just been the slow but inevitable rise of Charles Dayton.</p>
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<p>Springtime Dash - Night 7</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:arial;"><div style="width:1000px;padding:7px;border-right: 10px groove #708090;border-left: ridge 10px #708090;background:rgba(169,169,169,0.43)margin:10px;background: #F9F9F9; max-width:60%";"></span></p><img alt="qndI1mz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qndI1mz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(112,128,144);"></div><div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(000,000,000);"></div></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>UPJ Springtime Dash Tour - Night Seven (March 10, 2021)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>

Held in Chiba, Kanto, Japan in front of 1,900 fans</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p><ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li><span style="font-family:arial;">In a decent bout, Fergus Storm def. Hiryu in an exciting, open match with the Tartan Surprise in 16:08 [RATING: 61]</span><br /></li><li><span style="font-family:arial;">In a decent match, Filipino Fire Power (Amado Ocampo & Apolinario) def. Smash ‘n’ Grab (Koma Kobiashi & Koji Yamada) when Ocampo pinned Kobiashi following Greetings From the Island [RATING: 58]</span><br /></li><li><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match:</strong></span><span style="font-family:arial;"> In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Jin Fujiwara def. Dustin LeFever in 13:09 with a Glittering Fujiwara to make defense number two of his title [RATING: 60]</span><br /></li><li><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>UPJ Tag Team Title Match:</strong></span><span style="font-family:arial;"> In a bout with good heat and decent wrestling, Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa def. Strength Through Honour (Strength Ogawa & Honour Katsumoto) in 23:04 to make defense number two of their titles [RATING: 64]</span><br /></li><li><span style="font-family:arial;">In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, Bruiser Cassidy, and “The Puerto Rican Pitbull” Alvaro Buey III) def. Kinjo-jidai (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, “God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii, Mr. Yamashita, and Waotaka Eda) in 30:50 when Kato pinned Mr. Yamashita following Infinity [RATING: 71]</span><br /><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span><br /><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span><br /></li></ol><p></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:arial;"><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>SHOW RATING: 65</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(112,128,144);"></div><div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:2px solid rgb(000,000,000);"></div></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:arial;"><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>POST-SHOW PRESS CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS</strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>Kato</strong></span><span style="font-family:arial;"> on Ignite Muscle Army’s big win in the main event- </span><span style="font-family:arial;"><em>“They said this match was an Ozeki Summit preview, with all eight men in the match also competing in the Summit. Well, after that outcome, I couldn’t agree more… it was a preview of what’s to come in the Summit, and that’s an Ignite Muscle Army victory!”</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>Strength Through Honour</strong></span><span style="font-family:arial;"> on their loss tonight in the title match- </span><span style="font-family:arial;"><em> “We have been very honored for a very long time to be part of United Promotions Japan, to fight alongside Hall of the United Throne, to stand up for all that is right in purowresu. But, tonight, it seems that time has come to an end, and the last of our legacy is winning the Blue Rhino Cup 2021. Thank you all.”</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:arial;"><strong>Fergus Storm</strong></span><span style="font-family:arial;"> on coming up short against Furosuto once again- </span><span style="font-family:arial;"><em> “Came up short, but just barely… I was step-for-step with him all night, and I made one little slip-up that led to tonight’s outcome. Well, I’m done playing around… not only am I in the Ozeki Summit, but I’m putting all the heroes of United Promotions Japan on notice! None of ya are safe from the Storm!”</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p></div><p></p><p><span style="font-family:arial;">

</span></p></div><p><span style="font-family:arial;"></div></span></p>

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UPJ PRESS RELEASE - March 12, 2021

Tokyo, Kanto, Japan


United Promotions Japan has announced that it will soon embark on its yearly Ozeki Summit Tour. The yearly Ozeki Summit is a 20-man round robin format tournament that sees the biggest stars in all of Japan and, indeed, the world compete for the highest prize in all of professional wrestling: the Ozeki Sumit. The 20 competitors are split into two pools, Block A and Block B. Every win is worth 2 points, while a draw nets each competitor 1 point, and loss awards none; matches are contested under a 45 minute time limit.


UPJ has confirmed the wrestlers set to compete in Block A, with Block B set to be announced in the next few days.









Block A contains four former Ozeki Summit winners who share six Summit trophies between them. Kato is the only back-to-back winner, having taken home the trophy in 2019 and 2020; a win this year would make him one of only a few select three-time winners, and the only back-to-back-to-back winner in UPJ history. One of only two gaijin winners in Ozeki Summit history, Erik van Rijn finds himself in Block A along with his Ignite Muscle Army teammate Kato; what will happen when these two angry pitbulls are opposite one another in the squared circle? Kinjo-jidai’s Waotaka Eda is a two-time winner, in 2010 and 2012; could The God Emperor’s favorite monster bring home the trophy once again? And then there’s Hyotaru Ichigawa, 2007’s Ozeki Summit winner and heavyweight co-captain of Hall of the United Throne. It’s been nearly fifteen years since he brought home the big one, can he do it again?


The first time competitors in Block A are Daijiro Otsuka; a brutal martial artist who is looking to solidify his reputation with a big statement. Rebellious Scot Fergus Storm and Kinjo-jidai’s Mr. Yamashita will also be competing in their first Summit, with Storm bucking tradition to declare his spot in the tournament at a recent Springtime Dash post-show press conference. Mr. Yamashita is one of several members of Kinjo-jidai looking to claim the Summit in order to please “The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo (who is heavily rumoured to be featured in Block B).


Rounding out Block A are Summit veterans Koji Yamada, Koma Kobiashi, and “God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii. Yamada has had several strong Summit appearances in his career, but is yet to reach the finals. Kobiashi has featured in numerous years of the Summit throughout his illustrious career, but has also never reach the Summit Finals. Katsuhiko Ishii has competed several times in the past, but this is the first time he claims to be competing for the good of Kinjo-jidai rather than to win it for himself; God’s Favorite has repeatedly claimed he will lay the Summit trophy at the throne of The God Emperor himself.


The tour is set to kickoff March 17th in Tokyo, and will also conclude in Tokyo on April 25th with the Ozeki Summit Finals event




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UPJ PRESS RELEASE - March 14, 2021

Tokyo, Kanto, Japan


United Promotions Japan has announced that it will soon embark on its yearly Ozeki Summit Tour. The yearly Ozeki Summit is a 20-man round robin format tournament that sees the biggest stars in all of Japan and, indeed, the world compete for the highest prize in all of professional wrestling: the Ozeki Sumit. The 20 competitors are split into two pools, Block A and Block B. Every win is worth 2 points, while a draw nets each competitor 1 point, and loss awards none; matches are contested under a 45 minute time limit.


UPJ has now confirmed the wrestlers set for Block B.











Block B contains three former Ozeki Summit winners, including the highly decorated Juro Deguchi, current UPJ International Heavyweight Champion “The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, “The Great Rebel” Oda Yamawaki, and 2003 winner Takehide Harada from Ignite Muscle Army.


Also from Ignite Muscle Army, Alvaro Buey III makes his first-ever Ozeki Summit appearance, and veteran Bruiser Cassidy tries to climb the mountain for the first time as well! Des Miller makes a gaijin-record fifth appearance in the Ozeki Summit, while Ryotaro Naruto competes as he has every year since returning to UPJ.


Rounding out Block B are first-time competitor and fan favorite TOKI INK, and second-time Summit competitor Ukon Kajahara.


The tour is set to kickoff March 17th in Tokyo, and will also conclude in Tokyo on April 25th with the Ozeki Summit Finals event




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- Who wins Block A?

Katsuhiko Ishii


- Who wins Block B?

Juro Deguchi


- Who wins the Ozeki Summit?

Juro Deguchi



I don't want to break up Ishii and Kinjo just yet, but I think it would be fun to stress it a bit by having Ishii get to the finals while Kinjo doesn't. Deguchi winning is mostly just because he rules and it would be cool for him to win it one last time.

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