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The Tiger and the Dragon [SAISHO, C'Verse]

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In the Land of the Rising Sun, warriors are respected for the fighting spirit and for their technical prowess. Puroresu is the epitome of combat sports. Of man's battle against man and himself. Only the strongest survivor. It will turn boys into men, men into legends, and legends into gods.


It is a world where Yoshimi Mushashibo and Tadiyuki Kikkawa gave the best of themselves to make their leagues respected. Where the first Elemental made junior heavyweights be taken seriously. Where Sensational Ogiwara proved women deserve respect too.


In 2020, Japan and Puroresu are still reeling from the tsunami that took out GCG and WEXVV. They are reeling from the scandal that crippled WLW. This is the world that Mito Miwa and Torajiro Sekozawa inhabit. A world of opportunity.


It is the realm of the Tiger and of the Dragon. The fierce, take no prisoners attitude of the tiger. Driving forward to take over and over again. Bulldozing their way through any and all opposition. The patience, skilled ability of the dragon lying in wait to pounce at the most opportune time.


This is Pro Wrestling SAISHO. This is the story of The Tiger and the Dragon.



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Pro Wrestling SAISHO was set up by the PGHW management team in 2002 to act as a development territory; essentially a mini-version of PGHW itself, the sole aim of the company was to provide a place for youngsters to gain much needed experience. SAISHO looked on the verge of closure in 2014 when new PGHW owner Nobuatsu Tatsuko decided that it was an unnecessary financial burden. The legendary Mito Miwa, newly retired and with little desire to be merely Tatsuko's lieutenant, stepped in and bought the company instead. He has proven a smart businessman, adapting the company to meet new challenges, keeping them financially lean to survive the post-tsunami economic slump, and spotting and developing their own young talent rather than relying on big signings.


Owner and Promoter


Mito Miwa


Matchmaker & User Character


Torajiro Sekozawa



Wrestling as Sport


Starting Finances



Starting Size


26 in Tohoku (Home Region)





SAISHO Destiny Champion


Zeshin Makioka [won wk3. Sept. 2019] [8 defences so far]


Championship History [since Start of Save]




SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Champions


The Golden Bulls (Mitsukuri & Kinoshita) [won wk4. May 2020] [3 defences so far]


Championship History [since Start of Save]

23. The Hurt (x2) [Jan '20 - May '20] [3 defences]

22. Isoruko Arakaki & MUSCLE Serizawa [Aug '19 - Jan '20] [3 defences]



SAISHO Ride the Tiger Champion


Ox Mastadon [won wk 4. May 2020] [3 defences so far]


Championship History [since Start of Save]

17. Motoyuki Miyake (2x) [Apr' 20 - May '20] [1 defence]

16. Tobei Sugimura (2x) [Dec. '19 - Apr. '20] [1 defence]



SAISHO Roll with the Dragon Champion


"The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu [won @ Unleash the Dragon Finale, Feb. 2020] [7 defences so far]


Championship History




A1 Grand Prix Winner


Lion Genji [def. KAZ in Tournament Finale]


Tournament History [since Start of Save]




A1 Tag Team Grand Prix Winner


Not Contested Yet in 2020


Tournament History [since Start of Save]




Young Lion's Cup Winner


Hammer Hadley


Tournament History


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Event History


This is where I will keep track of all of the tours and their individual events so if you want to check out specific events or jump to full tours, you can.











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A puroresu dynasty? In the C-Verse? That sounds amazing!


I'll be looking forward to this, it looks promising.


Thank you. I was looking for a new solo project to sink my teeth into and SAISHO has been calling my name. They're small (which I like), they have history (which I like) but have room for me to build them into something. I've already run the full first tour. I should be able to keep a decent pace as we move through things.


A special thank you to DarK_RaideR, Dalton, falling_star, and Sco_xY2Jx, my brothers in booking arms who I can bounce idea after idea off of.


Hopefully I can give you all an interesting story in between tours.

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Pro Wrestling SAISHO's offices in Tohoku have announced the following signings to their roster:



Iron Hyodo

A graduate of the Tokyo Wrestling Dojo, Iron Hyodo started wrestling professionally at the tail end of 2019. Not much is known about him at this point, other than that he appears to be an old-school grappler, liking to get in close and use holds and counterholds to wear down opponents, and that he utilises the classic Sleeper Hold as his finisher of choice.



Ryobe Uno

Ryobe Uno was a 2016 graduate of the Golden Dojo, part of the final class to ever come out of that highly respected facility. He would spend the year after graduation as a young boy on the GCG roster, only to then be left out of work when the company closed in March of 2017. Since then, Uno has been working the independent scene and (unsuccessfully) trying to find regular work with a name company. A rugged customer, he loves to get in close and fight at close-quarters, especially when he has time to start using his many suplex variations. He is very comfortable using submissions too and has numerous leglocks at his disposal. With time and patience he could be turned into a very decent worker.



Shogo Awatari

Shogo Awatari is a big 385lb monster of a man from the heart of Tokyo. He was trained at the WWA: Japan dojo, graduating in April on 2019. After working the independent scene for a few months as a solo act, Awatari was joined by his classmate Kawanari Enomoto and they decided to band together to form The Tokyo Mountains tag team. Given their enormous size and obvious marketability as a dominant duo, it would be very surprising if the Mountains didn't find their way onto the roster of a major company in the near future.



Kawanari Enomoto

Big Kawanari Enomoto is 360lbs of strength, able to use his bulk to impose his will on other wrestlers. The rookie came through the WWA: Japan dojo, which is where he met one of the few men bigger than him, Shogo Awatari. When Enomoto turned professional, the two monsters decided to team together and formed The Tokyo Mountains tag team. There's always a place for guys their size in wrestling, so it is expected that they'll both go on to get good spots on one of the major rosters, whether as a team or as solo acts.



Omezo Shiktei

Omezo Shikitei is a Japanese fighter who came to professional wrestling with a fine reputation as an amateur competitor. His in-ring style is one of technical excellence, focusing on taking the opponent down to the canvas where he can apply submission holds and pinfall attempts. If there is one criticism of his work, it is that he comes across as very cold and calculating, as if the match is more an exercise in pure technique than a battle. If he shows more passion, he could go far. He got his first break in wrestling with the Hinote Dojo in 2013, and was still with them when they were closed the following year. Since then he has been busy honing his craft on the independent scene.



Big Boss Emperor

At 6'7 and well over 300lbs, Big Boss Emperor is an intimidating presence. The youngster was trained at the Japanese WWA facility and turned professional in 2018. Although quite slow and plodding in the ring, his raw power allows him to destroy opponents once he gets hold of them and his general aura of bad assness means that fans sit up and pay attention when he comes to the ring. He is becoming particularly known for his big looping overhand chop, his main attacking weapon, and his huge Double Handed Choke Bomb finishing move.



Masafumi Torii

Masafumi "Mad Dog" Torii is a scrappy brawler from Japan who was a 2015 graduate of the Tokyo Wrestling Dojo. Although small in size, he makes up for that with incredible tenacity and intensity and can cause much bigger workers a lot of problems with his constant attacking style. He is also known to be a big bleeder during matches. Prematurely bald due to a rare medical condition, it actually gives him more of a bad ass look.



Noritaka Imakura

Noritaka Imakura is a young Japanese wrestler who came through the Tokyo Wrestling Dojo. As he has only been wrestling for a matter of months at this point there is not much that is known about Imakura, but his first few matches have shown him to be a fairly solid performer who has clearly been taught the fundamentals pretty well. It's much too early to say where his career might take him.



Yuta Isono

"MegaStar" Yuta Isono is a youngster who is starting to make waves in Japanese wrestling. Graduating from the Ling School in 2017, Isono was initially just another rookie with nothing to make him stand out - that changed in the summer of 2018 when he dyed his hair blond, started wearing flashier ring gear, and adopted a sneering new attitude. What then took him over the edge was when he started using the Isono Face Melter as a finisher. A devastating looking move which he invented, it involves him leaping up and putting both his knees into his opponent's face whilst grabbing his hands around the back of their head, then falling back into a flat-back bump to spike them face-first onto his knees. It has gotten over big and looks set to be the next red hot move in Japan.



Lenny Mochin

"The Brewin' Storm" Lenny Mochin is an intense young fighter from Surrey who is one of the few openly gay professional wrestlers. A 2012 graduate of the Ring Of Fire Dojo, Mochin is primarily a technician, taking apart his opponents with precise holds before using his "Eye Of The Storm" butterfly powerbomb to pin them. He was part of the debut CWW roster and has swiftly become one of their most valuable assets.



Pavel Vanzycha

Pavel Vanzycha is a Polish wrestler who is very much the epitome of a European-style wrestler; he has excellent technical skills, good stamina, a physique that suggests ruggedness rather than hours in the gym, and a solid, unspectacular way of conducting himself in the ring. He is a very dangerous opponent, utilising hard suplexes and chops to set up submission attempts later in the match. He will likely do very well in Japan if given the opportunity as his style is liable to impress the fans. After plugging away on the independent scene for what felt like forever, he finally got a break when VWA signed him in 2016. He has fit in really well and become one of their rising stars.


All of these signings are set to join the in-progress Battleground Japan tour. They are a part of Mito Miwa's attempt to bring more youth into the SAISHO ranks as well as bring in some established technical wrestlers.

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SAISHO Battleground Tour Day #5


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Battleground Tour Night 5 in Sendai, Tohoku Region

Wed. W1 January 2020

66 Fans



1. In a decent match, Motoyuki Miyake, Ogai Miki and The Night Terrors defeated Ryobe Uno, Shuzo Utagawa and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 12:15 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Naruhiko Koizumi with a Knock Out Kick. (41)


2. In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Jimmy Stratosphere defeated Iron Hyodo in 18:21 by pinfall with a Frog Splash. (36)


3. In a decent match, Gidayu Katou defeated Akira Arato in 13:13 by pinfall with a Lariat. (38)


4. In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Jayson Van Pelt and The Hurt defeated Tobei Sugimura and Akamatsu & Nakazawa in 17:48 when Jayson Van Pelt pinned Torch Nakazawa with an Axe Kick. (48)


5. In a decent match, KAZ, Black Iron Corps and Arakaki & Serizawa defeated Zeshin Makioka, Lion Genji, Torajiro Sekozawa, Kawanari Enomoto and Shogo Awatari in 20:12 when Azumamaro Kita submitted Shogo Awatari with a Cross Arm Breaker. (47)


Overall Show Rating



~ The push towards KAZ and Zeshin Makioka for the Destiny Championship continues here with KAZ's team getting a big win in the main event. KAZ is "Mr. SAISHO" and a former six-time Destiny Champion while Zeshin has risen to prominence after winning the 2018 A1 Grand Prix and cementing himself as somebody who can exist outside of WEXXV's chaotic structure.


~Contender versus champion was also the subject of the semifinal. At the start of the tour, it was announced that Jayson Van Pelt would be the first challenger for Tobei Sugimura's Ride the Tiger Championship. He was joined by The Hurt in the six-man contest and looked very good as he led his team to victory. The Hurt will be challenging for the Destiny Tag Team Titles at Battleground Japan and the win definitely helped them continue to build momentum.


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I know pretty much nothing about Japanese wrestling in the real world or the C-Verse. That being said I have tried playing as SAISHO in the past and I did find it to be enjoyable. The one thing that always killed me was the touring schedule, I was never able to make a profit. I was wondering if you have run into this problem as well or if there is something that can be done to make the company profitable while keeping up their touring schedule.


Good luck with this new diary it looks like it is going to be good.

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Interested to see where you go with this. SAISHO's existence and continued survival never made sense to me, not when Hinote Dojo was the one that was more often than not independent of BHOTWG ownership.

I kinda share that sentiment, especially since in most games SAISHO would go bankrupt or get bought out. To my understanding, the company exists solely due to the sheer will of Mito Miwa to keep them afloat and have his own ship to run, instead of playing second fiddle to some suit in PGHW. Still, I always thought BHOTWG could/should have kept Hinote Dojo as a developmental company.

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I kinda share that sentiment, especially since in most games SAISHO would go bankrupt or get bought out. To my understanding, the company exists solely due to the sheer will of Mito Miwa to keep them afloat and have his own ship to run, instead of playing second fiddle to some suit in PGHW. Still, I always thought BHOTWG could/should have kept Hinote Dojo as a developmental company.


Good point. I always got Muto (W-1) or Otani (Z1) vibes when looking at the situation of SAISHO. Especially Zero1 is just alive because of a handful of money marks and Otanis sheer will.

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Interested to see where you go with this. SAISHO's existence and continued survival never made sense to me, not when Hinote Dojo was the one that was more often than not independent of BHOTWG ownership.


I look at SAISHO as the Puro underdogs. Underfunded but existing to provide an outlet for talent that might not be at the level of a BCG-PGHW-BHOTWG. I hope to make them survive through sheer force of will of Mito Miwa.


I kinda share that sentiment, especially since in most games SAISHO would go bankrupt or get bought out. To my understanding, the company exists solely due to the sheer will of Mito Miwa to keep them afloat and have his own ship to run, instead of playing second fiddle to some suit in PGHW. Still, I always thought BHOTWG could/should have kept Hinote Dojo as a developmental company.


Good point. I always got Muto (W-1) or Otani (Z1) vibes when looking at the situation of SAISHO. Especially Zero1 is just alive because of a handful of money marks and Otanis sheer will.


Y'all have the same viewpoint as me. I'm going to make SAISHO into a force, just you wait!

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SAISHO Battleground Tour Night #6


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Battleground Tour Night i6n Sendai, Tohoku Region

Fri. W1 January 2020

65 Fans



In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Iron Hyodo in 17:19 by pinfall with an Axe Kick. 31


In a decent match, Big Boss Emperor, The Tokyo Mountains and Arato & Katou defeated Babau, Moroi, Ogai Miki, Motoyuki Miyake and Yuta Isono in 18:28 when Gidayu Katou pinned Yuta Isono with a Lariat. 39


In a decent match, The Diamond Dogs defeated Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 13:54 when Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Naruhiko Koizumi with a Sweep DDT. In terms of in-ring work, Jimmy Stratosphere was head and shoulders above everyone else. 41


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Fujio Narahashi defeated Omezo Shikitei in 13:40 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. 45


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, KAZ and Arakaki & Serizawa defeated Zeshin Makioka and The Hurt in 25:15 when KAZ pinned Billy Robinson with a Super Rana. 48


Overall Rating



~ For the second straight tour show, KAZ and Zeshin Makioka met in the main event. The former six time champion tried to get his hands on the current champion, but for the most part they were kept apart. There was a sequence near the end of the match where the two tigers went at it. The Hurt, the challengers to Arakai and Serizawa for the Destiny Tag Titles at Battleground Japan looked very good in the contest, even though Billy Robinson ate the Super Rana.


~ Jayson Van Pelt scored an impressive win in the opening contest against young lion Iron Hyodo. The two men were given plenty of time and Hyodo. Hyodo, in his black trunks and boots, showed more offense than the typical young lion and even looked like he is developing a finishing move of his own -- the Sleeper Hold, but Van Pelt’s strike-heavy offense was too much for the Young Lion.


~Omezo Shikitei came out in a dragon inspired outfit that was very impressive (even if he came up on the short end of the stick).



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Battleground Tour Night 7 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Tues. W2 January 2020

77 Fans


1. In a poor match, Ryobe Uno, Shuzo Utagawa and Noritaka Imakura defeated Masafumi Torii and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 10:56 when Ryobe Uno submitted Jinzaburo Kakinomoto with a Scorpion Deathlock. In terms of in-ring work, Masafumi Torii was head and shoulders above everyone else. 33


2. In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Omezo Shikitei defeated Lenny Mochin in 18:41 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. 52


3. In a decent match, Gidayu Katou defeated Yuta Isono in 12:53 by pinfall with a Lariat. 34


4. In a decent match, Black Iron Corps and The Hurt defeated The Night Terrors and The Tokyo Mountains in 18:23 when Nigel Svensson submitted Shogo Awatari with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. 47


5. In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Zeshin Makioka, Tobei Sugimura and Mizoguchi & Sekozawa defeated Jayson Van Pelt, Lion Genji and The Diamond Dogs in 26:01 when Zeshin Makioka submitted Lion Genji. Torajiro Sekozawa was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. 45





~ Zeshin Makioka was able to rebound from two straight multi-man losses on the last two tour shows by making Lion Genji submit in the main event. The Tiger of Tokyo, Zeshin looked every bit like the Destiny Champion. It was a rare instance of the Destiny and Ride the Tiger Champion teaming together and we got to see some interaction between Tobei Sugimura and his challenger at Battleground Japan, Jayson Van Pelt. Jayson hit some vicious strikes on Tobei and it looks like we will be in for a treat when they meet.


~Despite being on the losing end of the opener, Masafumi Torii, the Mad Dog, looked like a star in the making. The 22 year old has just graduated from young lion status and was able to come in full gear and really showcase a great range of strikes. The Mad Dog could be on his way to being the Mad Tiger.


~Speaking of the opening match, Ryobe Uno got the win and it is clear that SAISHO sees things in the former Golden Lion Dojo graduate. Uno's attire was very golden lion esque though he did win with a submission. Could he be part Tiger and part Dragon?


~Omezo Shikitei once again came out in dragon-inspired gear. With SAISHO looking like they are focusing on the concepts of Tiger versus Dragon, Shikitei could be the leading contender in the Dragon vision. Every night of the tour since he's been brought in, he's been in a technical showcase. This time against British technician Lenny Mochin who looks like he will fit right in here. There are rumors that SAISHO could be looking to form a European contingent around The Hurt and both Lenny and newcomer Pavel Vanzycha could be featured in that.



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SAISHO Battleground Tour Night 8


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Battleground Tour Night 8 at Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Fri. W2 January 2020

70 Fans



In a poor match, Big Boss Emperor, Shogo Awatari, Kawanari Enomoto, Shuzo Utagawa and Ryobe Uno defeated Akira Arato, Iron Hyodo, Noritaka Imakura, Yuta Isono and Ogai Miki in 11:58 when Ryobe Uno submitted Iron Hyodo with a Scorpion Deathlock. 31


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Omezo Shikitei defeated Pavel Vanzycha in 17:47 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. 48


In a decent match, Lenny Mochin and The Hurt defeated Masafumi Torii and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 12:01 when Nigel Svensson submitted Jinzaburo Kakinomoto with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. 41


In a decent match, Gidayu Katou defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 14:30 by pinfall with a Lariat. 42


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, KAZ and Black Iron Corps defeated Lion Genji and Akamatsu & Nakazawa in 20:40 when KAZ pinned Kinji Akamatsu with a Super Rana. 52





~In the opening contest, Ryobe Uno scored another submission victory with the Scorpion Deathlock. He continues to look like SAISHO is wanting to push him as one of their young stars and that Uno might have finally found a home since the demise of GCG.


~ Shikitei continues to look like the leading dragon for SAISHO in another technical showcase, this time against European grappler Pavel Vanzycha. Shiktei’s Cross Armbreaker continues to be successful and all of Shiktei’s offense builds to him trying to lock that in.


~Gidayu Katou and Motoyuki Miyake had a very good showcase of two young stars that many have predicted will be the two young pillars of SAISHO as they look to form their own identity around the Tiger and the Dragon concept.


~In the main event, KAZ continues to show why he has been the Ace of SAISHO and a six-time Destiny Champion when he led his team to a victory and hit the Super Rana and Akamatsu to get the pinfall victory.



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SAISHO Battleground Tour Night 10


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Battleground Tour Night 10 at Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Thur. W3 January 2020

70 Fans



In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Big Boss Emperor and The Tokyo Mountains defeated Iron Hyodo and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 12:07 when Big Boss Emperor pinned Naruhiko Koizumi with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. 26


In a decent match, Shiba Mizoguchi, Torajiro Sekozawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Motty Kuroda and Jayson Van Pelt defeated Ogai Miki, The Night Terrors and Arakaki & Serizawa in 17:40 when Torajiro Sekozawa pinned Babau with a Dragon Suplex. 45


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Omezo Shikitei defeated Jimmy Stratosphere in 20:16 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. 47


In a decent match, Arato & Katou defeated Akamatsu & Nakazawa in 14:29 when Gidayu Katou pinned Torch Nakazawa with a Danger Driver. Akira Arato was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. 37


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, KAZ, Masafumi Torii and Black Iron Corps defeated Lenny Mochin, Pavel Vanzycha and The Hurt in 23:54 when KAZ pinned Lenny Mochin with a Super Rana. 52







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SAISHO Battleground Tour Night 9


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Battleground Tour Night 9 at Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Mon. W3 January 2020

70 Fans



In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Motoyuki Miyake and The Diamond Dogs defeated Ogai Miki and The Night Terrors in 13:23 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Babau with a Knock Out Kick. 47


In a decent match, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Omezo Shikitei in 19:27 by pinfall with an Axe Kick. 44


In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Ryobe Uno defeated Yuta Isono in 11:36 by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock. 23


In a decent match, Black Iron Corps and Arato & Katou defeated Kakinomoto & Koizumi and The Tokyo Mountains in 14:41 when Azumamaro Kita submitted Kawanari Enomoto with a Cross Arm Breaker. 43


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Zeshin Makioka and Arakaki & Serizawa drew with KAZ and The Hurt in 30:00 when the time limit expired. 52








A/N: I accidentally posted night ten before posting night nine, so this technically took place before the last show.
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SAISHO Battleground Tour Night #11


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Battleground Tour Night 11 at Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Sun. W3 January 2020

70 Fans



In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Tokyo Mountains defeated Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 10:45 when Shogo Awatari pinned Jinzaburo Kakinomoto with a Running Samoan Drop. 26


In a decent match, Motoyuki Miyake defeated Pavel Vanzycha in 18:18 by pinfall with a Knock Out Kick. 43


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Ryobe Uno defeated Shuzo Utagawa in 11:38 by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock. 31


In a poor match, Masafumi Torii defeated Noritaka Imakura in 14:58 by pinfall with a Backdrop Suplex Hold. 28


In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Big Boss Emperor defeated Iron Hyodo in 10:27 by pinfall with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. 25


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, KAZ defeated Torajiro Sekozawa in 17:26 by pinfall with a Super Rana. 45





~ Night Eleven of the tour was mostly a young lion and newcommer showcase. With the exception of the main event featuring KAZ getting another big win on his way to his Destiny Title shot at Battleground Japan.


~Ryobe Uno continues to be presented as special. Tonight, he came out in a splendid lion entrance jacket.



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SAISHO Battleground Tour Night #12


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Battleground Tour Night 12 at Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Wed. W4 January 2020

70 Fans



In a decent match, Fujio Narahashi defeated Noritaka Imakura in 9:36 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. 41


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Lion Genji defeated Iron Hyodo in 10:27 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. 31


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Nigel Svensson defeated Omezo Shikitei in 19:03 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. 46


In a decent match, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 13:32 by pinfall with an Axe Kick. 44


In a decent match, Ogai Miki and Mizoguchi & Sekozawa defeated Yuta Isono and The Diamond Dogs in 19:20 when Ogai Miki submitted Yuta Isono. 45







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