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[C-verse] Least Favorite People To Book

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The babyface midcard of TCW besides T-Bone Bright and Edd Stone.


Out of these listed who will you want to re-sign and push Tana, Fonzarelli, Benny Benson , Chance, flying Jimmy fox, Darryl Devine, One Man Army, Bart Biggins, Dazzling Dave Diamond, and Human Arsenal.


This sets you up to build a couple heels easily such as Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus, and Nick Booth. Just would’ve liked another face or two to offset the age.


I concur. Outside of T-Bone and Edd, the TCW face midcard is in real bad shape. It needs to be rebuilt badly.


I haven't played with the Cverse at all in 2020 but I hate to hear that Darryl Devine has ended up as dead weight. I had a ton of fun and success booking him as a heel world champion in my 2016 CZCW save. He got as high as #14 on the Power 500 before I dropped him down to the upper midcard toward the end of the save.

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I haven't played with the Cverse at all in 2020 but I hate to hear that Darryl Devine has ended up as dead weight. I had a ton of fun and success booking him as a heel world champion in my 2016 CZCW save. He got as high as #14 on the Power 500 before I dropped him down to the upper midcard toward the end of the save.


He's injury prone. His resilience is like 30. Stats are pretty solid. If psychology (67) was higher & healthy I think would be a solid upper midcard guy in Big Companies.

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In a Japanese custom fed that was pretty much resurrected Golden Canvas titles and all, Jimmy Cox almost derailed the World Title scene in the first year. I thought it would be a good nostalgia pop if Cox (a former champion) competed for the GCG World Title in the first year of this brand new fed. Instead he injured my champ, Shingen Miyazaki, changed the finish and won the title.


I tried to play it off and get Jimmy to ride out Shingen's injury, but his title defenses were abysmal and I had him lose to another transitional champion to maintain the belt's prestige.


I buried Cox out of the fed and he retired, I hated seeing his name on that list of World Champs. It initially frustrated me so much that I almost reset the linage with a new belt. In game I'm now 7 years removed from that moment and look at it like, "oh the early days...".


PS: Don't understand how some people can't book KC Glenn or the Black Iron Corps. I get not liking them...but KC Glenn is a rock solid junior heavyweight much like Black Iron can ruthlessly dominate a tag division. It is what it is, each save is pretty darn unique.

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I haven't played with the Cverse at all in 2020 but I hate to hear that Darryl Devine has ended up as dead weight. I had a ton of fun and success booking him as a heel world champion in my 2016 CZCW save. He got as high as #14 on the Power 500 before I dropped him down to the upper midcard toward the end of the save.


He's injury prone and he's older. TCW really lacks in youthful babyfaces that are in positions to compete. Most of their young(er) talented guys are all heels. They desperately need an injection of babyface youth.

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Glenn, for years, was primed as the "this is the guy you should use it you want to win" guy which is boring. Also he can't cut a promo, vanilla midget imo.


Ah, when you put it that way everything makes sense.


I used him in a non-angle style product that was focused on workrate (Burning Hammer & SAISHO)


I bet he'd flop just like you mention if I had him in a more angle-focused type product.

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Ah, when you put it that way everything makes sense.


I used him in a non-angle style product that was focused on workrate (Burning Hammer & SAISHO)


I bet he'd flop just like you mention if I had him in a more angle-focused type product.


He can cut a decent promo! I’ve used him before in southern style promotions where promos matter and he usually rises to the top. He has a lower ceiling than in performance heavy companies but he can deliver the goods.

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KC Glenn is killing it for me in CZCW. I always used to struggle with his lack of mic skills, but his match ratings are excelkent.


For me, it's California Love Machine. Stupid name, not as good as Frankie-Boy Fernandes and doesn't really do it in the ring despite having the stats to suggest he should. With Frankie-Boy having great tag chemistry with Frankie Perez, CLM is just there. I'd love to feel compelled to do something with him.

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KC Glenn is killing it for me in CZCW. I always used to struggle with his lack of mic skills, but his match ratings are excelkent.


For me, it's California Love Machine. Stupid name, not as good as Frankie-Boy Fernandes and doesn't really do it in the ring despite having the stats to suggest he should. With Frankie-Boy having great tag chemistry with Frankie Perez, CLM is just there. I'd love to feel compelled to do something with him.


I've always paired CLM with a girl & turns on Frankie-Boy. I agree Frankie-Boy is better of two. I've always liked thought of pushing KC Glenn more than actually doing it.

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For me, as a mostly SWF player, I have two main ones. The first one is Masked Patriot, who just feels like he doesn't fit in SWF, he feels like he'd be perfect for USPW, or NYCW, but SWF is just not a good fit for him. The second one might be a little more controversial but I cannot book Des Davids to save my life. He has had one good run ever while I have been playing TEW, and that was because he got lucky and had good tag team chemistry with Rogue, who I adore. But I have never seen him as more than a midcarder, and have never been able to come up with a story for him that I can truly sink my teeth in to. And with my current save having a bit of an influx of talent that I prefer that can do his job better than him, I get the feeling he'll be jobbed down the card soon and let go
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Really struggling in my current SWF save to find anything interesting to do with Mainstream Hernandez. I've got an abundance of upper midcard heels who can go in the ring and on the stick so he's been lost in the shuffle behind Hollywood Brett Starr, Spencer Spade & all 3 of Unleashed Awesomeness.
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Really struggling in my current SWF save to find anything interesting to do with Mainstream Hernandez. I've got an abundance of upper midcard heels who can go in the ring and on the stick so he's been lost in the shuffle behind Hollywood Brett Starr, Spencer Spade & all 3 of Unleashed Awesomeness.


Time to put him in a tag team in the style of Christian & Chris Jericho in the mid 00s

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Really struggling in my current SWF save to find anything interesting to do with Mainstream Hernandez. I've got an abundance of upper midcard heels who can go in the ring and on the stick so he's been lost in the shuffle behind Hollywood Brett Starr, Spencer Spade & all 3 of Unleashed Awesomeness.


Turn him face and have him tear the house down with those heels

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Turn him face and have him tear the house down with those heels


Yeah he's my SWF champion right now. As Jimmy Hernandez. He's a face.


In another save on 2016 I renamed him Lance Joy and had him do a sort of Jimmy Fallon gimmick. Once I realized that was a bad idea I turned him heel and gave him a positivity preacher gimmick. The "House of Joy". I ran that for several months. He had John Greed as a hype man, McClean and Joe Sexy (renamed Joe Pure or something) as deacons and I had a couple of other people as well. Feuded with Valiant among others.

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Yeah he's my SWF champion right now. As Jimmy Hernandez. He's a face.


In another save on 2016 I renamed him Lance Joy and had him do a sort of Jimmy Fallon gimmick. Once I realized that was a bad idea I turned him heel and gave him a positivity preacher gimmick. The "House of Joy". I ran that for several months. He had John Greed as a hype man, McClean and Joe Sexy (renamed Joe Pure or something) as deacons and I had a couple of other people as well. Feuded with Valiant among others.


Damn that is an awesome left turn.

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For me, as a mostly SWF player, I have two main ones. The first one is Masked Patriot, who just feels like he doesn't fit in SWF, he feels like he'd be perfect for USPW, or NYCW, but SWF is just not a good fit for him. The second one might be a little more controversial but I cannot book Des Davids to save my life. He has had one good run ever while I have been playing TEW, and that was because he got lucky and had good tag team chemistry with Rogue, who I adore. But I have never seen him as more than a midcarder, and have never been able to come up with a story for him that I can truly sink my teeth in to. And with my current save having a bit of an influx of talent that I prefer that can do his job better than him, I get the feeling he'll be jobbed down the card soon and let go


As I posted earlier I'm with you on Patriot. I placed him in a tag team with Lenny Brown, unmasked him, named him Karl Crowe and they are running a "buddy cop movie" gimmick. He's the straight man to Brown's charmer personality.


I also have the same feelings toward Des Davids that you do. I stuck in a tag team with Primus Allen (renamed Allen Primus). I had them go on a winning streak in preparation for a feud with The Awesomeness. But while Davids got stuck at 79 over Primus reached 86 OVR as his cap. So I don't want to job Primus to The Awesomeness and I just signed Huggins & Stone to feud with the Awesomeness (as part of a revived Chase Collective). So it looks like the Davids / Primus team is on a kind of hiatus (and undefeated) so Primus can get his singles push. Maybe I can circle back around to it.

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I struggle booking anyone who either is really old with "bad" skills. Say.. Pablo Rodriguez, sure he isn't "bad" but he is 44. If he was an elite talent at 44, sure. But he isn't. So I just don't know what to do with him creatively. Every feud becomes "can Pablo survive the youthful uprising" and he doesn't. So... then what? He just loses. Loses. Loses.


TCW's roster is so bad in 2020.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rufas2000" data-cite="rufas2000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53815" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As I posted earlier I'm with you on Patriot. I placed him in a tag team with Lenny Brown, unmasked him, named him Karl Crowe and they are running a "buddy cop movie" gimmick. He's the straight man to Brown's charmer personality. <p> </p><p> I also have the same feelings toward Des Davids that you do. I stuck in a tag team with Primus Allen (renamed Allen Primus). I had them go on a winning streak in preparation for a feud with The Awesomeness. But while Davids got stuck at 79 over Primus reached 86 OVR as his cap. So I don't want to job Primus to The Awesomeness and I just signed Huggins & Stone to feud with the Awesomeness (as part of a revived Chase Collective). So it looks like the Davids / Primus team is on a kind of hiatus (and undefeated) so Primus can get his singles push. Maybe I can circle back around to it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like the idea of putting both Davids and Patriot in a tag team, I wonder how they would do as a heel team together. I could have Patriot turn on Matty Faith, who is more over than both Davids and Patriot, and have Patriot and Davids come together to take on Faith. The New All-Americans, as heels, starting to enforce their own American views on SWF. That could be an interesting midcard tag team gimmick for them both.</p><p> </p><p> It's also reassuring to read that I'm not the only one that teams Primus Allen up with another big guy to get him over initially. Although I went with Brandon James, so when he retires Allen can take over the 'Big Money' mantle</p>
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  • 2 years later...

Resurrecting this thread from the dead to say that I have not been able to book Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith for the life of me in either of my long-term saves. Outside of having them as a dominant tag team that puts on constant bangers, there is nothing for me to sink my teeth into with them. I actually find the fact that they're Sam Keith legacies makes it even harder for me to get interested in booking them as it becomes way too limiting. And maybe it's just me, but I feel like I'm pretty much locked into to giving them the World title at some point too which makes me feel more restricted when booking my main event scene as I prefer to be able to make World champions and main eventers out of slightly more unconventional workers. I just can't bring myself to give them separate feuds or give them their own runs or get invested in either of them at all.

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56 minutes ago, Andy said:

I actually find the fact that they're Sam Keith legacies makes it even harder for me to get interested in booking them as it becomes way too limiting

I have this exact feeling about those two, and that's why when I play TCW I always change Greg Gauge's gimmick so that it has nothing to do with his legacy (currently have it set to a "Best in the World" swagger gimmick) and why I refuse to hire Matthew Keith if Gauge is on the roster. I figure Gauge didn't take the Keith name so he's trying to be his own man. If I'm playing a promotion based in the US, only Jay Chord gets a 2nd generation gimmick. Alicia Strong would too but she's already a 7-time champ in 2020 so her legacy is good enough on its own. In fact most 2nd generation stars are good enough to not need to rely on their family name.

Back to the topic of the thread, I'm struggling to book Freddy Huggins. I like him, but feel he's not quite good enough to be world champion, and too over to compete for the TV Title, so he's in this 50/50 cycle of winning a feud then losing a feud. I'm afraid he might get stuck in the Dolph Ziggler role. Although I'm currently pushing Chris Flynn to be World Champion which I didn't think I'd do, so maybe there's hope for Huggins.

Rocky Golden is someone I've always disliked. I've gone to play TCW with earlier CVerse mods but bailed because I've felt the need to push Rocky. To me he just doesn't fit in TCW, and I'm glad he left for SWF in 2020.

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Almost everyone with pop in Australia when I’m playing ZEN.  Vortex I’m not booking you over the Conceptual Champion just because you got like 5 pop in Tasmania. And don’t get me started on the RAW washouts…

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On 12/4/2021 at 6:57 AM, BrokenCycle said:

No question, Troy Tornado. It's probably mostly his render, but I've never been able to come up with anything interesting for him. I don't think I've ever pushed him or featured him at all, and he's mainly regulated to being a jobber for midcarders I'm pushing.


Another one is Squeeky McClean. His supposed straight edge gimmick is very obtuse for his render, and I just can't make those ideas click. I usually just bury him.

100% with you on this.  I have always struggled with Troy's render to work out what I'm looking at - is it just slicked back hair, or are those cornrows? 

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56 minutes ago, GreatreDRagon said:

Back to the topic of the thread, I'm struggling to book Freddy Huggins. I like him, but feel he's not quite good enough to be world champion, and too over to compete for the TV Title, so he's in this 50/50 cycle of winning a feud then losing a feud. I'm afraid he might get stuck in the Dolph Ziggler role. Although I'm currently pushing Chris Flynn to be World Champion which I didn't think I'd do, so maybe there's hope for Huggins.

Ironically enough I was just coming back to the forums to look for one of your renders and saw you replied. Huge fan!

I honestly really enjoyed booking Huggins in my default TCW save and got a lot of mileage out of him both as a delusional heel with his own version of Pretty Deadly and as a charismatic babyface. I strapped him with a gimmick where he was essentially Freddie Mercury meets wrestling (basically a watered down Dalton Castle) and he quickly became one of my favorites to book because of it. I think there's also a lot of mileage to get out of a babyface Canadian Animals run where they evolve into show-stopping rock stars and are able to sit near the top of the card. Both men were anchors of my upper-midcard and could easily slot into a main event program when needed.

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Rocky Golden. He is just too big. I can't reason in my head that people who are middleweight such as The Crippler would manage to look credible against him and put him down. The only people I can see putting him down are monsters such as Scythe so I end up having to do a lot of stalling with him. Just winning matches against midcarders and Main-Eventers while I build a monster that beats him up, either cost Rocky a match or just wins through segment before Rocky wins the one-on-one match and keeps going until I have someone else built for him.

Not bad but I don't have a lot of versatility available for him on my hand, especially since his gimmick seems to be pretty clean-cut. 

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