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C-Verse discussion: Could CZCW be the C-verse's AEW?

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Yknow, i've been checking the databse recently and i couldn't help but motice That, in pee wee germaine's profile, it states that he is the son of a billionaire pharmaceutical company owner...so i am asking that question: if, at one point, Cliff Anderson decides to give the reigns over to pee wee and the pahrmaceutical company's billions and becomes only a full time announcer, could CZCW become the C-verse's Equivalent of AEW?


After all, CZCW in-universe already does a smark-friendly product like AEW does, and it's also based in a big market (southern california instead of florida...well, i dunno how big a market florida is, but you get the point). Plus, with the SWF and TCW losing steam and people in-universe probably being burned out by sports Entertainement in gensral like IRL, a move like this could be made to capitalise on that and offer an alternative.


So yeah, if CZCW gets bought by pee wee's dad's billions and becomes the C-Verse's AEW, what would happen? Which wrestlers would they sign? Would they stay close to their high-flying indy roots, or would they go after more established names?


I can see CZCW bringing back Mikey James and bring in Mainstream Hernandez and other workrate-heavy workers from SWF and USPW and poach the keith brothers from japan as well as Helikaon and a few indy guys like youngman, but as for the rest? Do they sign established names from the big 3? Cause i dunno if guys like remo or Joey Morgan fits the CZCW style...maybe the product changes slightly?

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I've actually been contemplating a diary based on pretty much this exact scenario for the past few years, but the time to commit to such a venture never seems to materialize.


In the latest version I've been pondering, Pee Wee inherits his father's billions after his death and starts the Germaine Entertainment Network(GEN) in an attempt to compete with Reverie, turning CZCW into a "wrestling as a sport" type company with full MMA style weight classes. The CZCW Championship would then become a yearly "achievement" title decided at the December PPV in a Best of the Best Tournament featuring the champion of every weight class.


Cliff would be the full-time lead announcer in this scenario with a yearly Tag Tournament, the Cliff Anderson Classic, ran in his honor as a token of Pee Wee's appreciation.

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Well to be the AEW of the C-Verse Pee Wee would have to team up with a group of popular indy wrestlers and start their own promotion.


CZCW would play the roll of ROH and I could see TCW playing the roll of Impact.


But yea in my mind the C-verse USA top indy promotions need to come together via the forbidden door to fight USPW and SWF.

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Well to be the AEW of the C-Verse Pee Wee would have to team up with a group of popular indy wrestlers and start their own promotion.


CZCW would play the roll of ROH and I could see TCW playing the roll of Impact.


But yea in my mind the C-verse USA top indy promotions need to come together via the forbidden door to fight USPW and SWF.



Well, what i had thought about broadly is that pee wee and his dad owns CZCW, with the Keith Family playing the executive VPs roles that the Elite has (along with Fox Mask probably. Dude's been loyal to CZCW forever, it would only make sense to have him in such a role for the company). This would mean good ol' Sam would not only be executive VP, but MAW would also become sort of the unofficial development fed for CZCW.


And the whole forbidden door aspect would already be fulfilled with the COTT. A rich and big CZCW still being in the COTT would do wonders for the visibility and popularity of the indy feds (and OLLIE) that compose the confederation. Maybe even organise a yearly tourney that would showcase all the talent in the confed on TV?


But yeah, the hard part is finding an equivalent of Cody. There is no real equivalent to Cody Rhodes in the C-Verse (well-known wrestler who competed in SWF/USPW/TCW now doing the indies and being motivated to stick it to em), at least, from my memories...

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Well, what i had thought about broadly is that pee wee and his dad owns CZCW, with the Keith Family playing the executive VPs roles that the Elite has (along with Fox Mask probably. Dude's been loyal to CZCW forever, it would only make sense to have him in such a role for the company). This would mean good ol' Sam would not only be executive VP, but MAW would also become sort of the unofficial development fed for CZCW.


And the whole forbidden door aspect would already be fulfilled with the COTT. A rich and big CZCW still being in the COTT would do wonders for the visibility and popularity of the indy feds (and OLLIE) that compose the confederation. Maybe even organise a yearly tourney that would showcase all the talent in the confed on TV?


But yeah, the hard part is finding an equivalent of Cody. There is no real equivalent to Cody Rhodes in the C-Verse (well-known wrestler who competed in SWF/USPW/TCW now doing the indies and being motivated to stick it to em), at least, from my memories...


There are ways to do an AEW-esque promotion in TEW but the narrative isn't the same. For instance, for the Keith brothers, Greg just signed to TCW and is getting a huge push after being an Indy darling. Matt is being pushed as the top gaijin in BHOTWG. Sam happily runs MAW and is doing exactly what he wants to do.


The person who could, potentially, make the most sense (in my head) would be Jay Chord leaving TCW to be the top star of a new company because Jay doesn't want to play second fiddle to Aaron and Wolf. He could take several talents from TCW who also feel like they've been underutilized/kept down (people like Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, etc.)


As many other people have said, to me CZCW is PWG just in San Diego. It has the hybrid styles. Now it is fully integrated like PWG has been. It's a tough to make a straight parrel because the wrestling worlds are so different. In real life, US/Canadian wrestling has been dominated by the WWE for the past twenty years and AEW rose out of the need for there to be real competition and talent who were willing to bet on themselves. In TEW, you have SWF, USPW, TCW, and CWA that are all major players in US/Canada so guys have plenty of places to go work to make a living, plus you have 21CW as a major player in England, EILL in Mexico, and BHOTWG that can all pay big money for talents.


To me, the most likely scenario would be a company like TCW rebranding to be more AEW esque (they've already adopted a more Southern-style wrestling promotion and are trying to get younger) as a way to be a real alternative to SWF and USPW rather than CZCW rising up to try to take on all of the big three.

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Hollyweird is... not exactly how I picture AEW in TEW, other than the fact that it was a close competitor.


You can recreate the AEW scenario if some relevant stars would give in their notice and create an "alternative".


HGC is more of a... Dixie Carter story. Prove me wrong. :p (it did end up changing for the better though, because of Mr. C-Verse).

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Hollyweird is... not exactly how I picture AEW in TEW, other than the fact that it was a close competitor.


You can recreate the AEW scenario if some relevant stars would give in their notice and create an "alternative".


HGC is more of a... Dixie Carter story. Prove me wrong. :p (it did end up changing for the better though, because of Mr. C-Verse).


I was about to say the same thing. JK has way more in common with Dixie than TK.

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But yeah, the hard part is finding an equivalent of Cody. There is no real equivalent to Cody Rhodes in the C-Verse (well-known wrestler who competed in SWF/USPW/TCW now doing the indies and being motivated to stick it to em), at least, from my memories...


I thought about this... What about Frederique? I mean age aside, he kind of fits the Cody bill perfectly, no?

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But yeah, the hard part is finding an equivalent of Cody. There is no real equivalent to Cody Rhodes in the C-Verse (well-known wrestler who competed in SWF/USPW/TCW now doing the indies and being motivated to stick it to em), at least, from my memories...


I've said this before, but the answer is Spencer Spade. He's a guy who's been labeled a hot prospect for the first decade of his career but never actually been allowed to move up the card. He's just at the pre-Stardust stage of that arc in 2020.

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But yeah, the hard part is finding an equivalent of Cody. There is no real equivalent to Cody Rhodes in the C-Verse (well-known wrestler who competed in SWF/USPW/TCW now doing the indies and being motivated to stick it to em), at least, from my memories...


I've said this before, but the answer is Spencer Spade. He's a guy who's been labeled a hot prospect for the first decade of his career but never actually been allowed to move up the card. He's just at the pre-Stardust stage of that arc in 2020.


Spencer Spade is too good to be Cody. Not that IRL Cody isn't great and charismatic, but I don't think anyone ever was on the 'Cody should be the ace of a promotion' bandwagon.


Here's an idea. Maybe it's Alicia Strong. Her daddy was one of the biggest names in wrestling yet USPW has never really made her a figurehead in the same way. I could see her being annoyed with how Nicky Champion & Rocky Golden became the guys getting all the spotlight over her. (I can't remember if Rocky is in USPW in default C-verse but he always ends up there in my saves)


And as Historian said if you were to go with the AEW storyline you'd need some top promotions to get gobbled up by USPW/Reverie first.

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I thought about this... What about Frederique? I mean age aside, he kind of fits the Cody bill perfectly, no?


I started a promotion around 50 in all popularity spots in the U.S., and built it around Frederique initially. It made sense as far as the opening scenario in TEW2020 that Frederique would be the initial champion of a start-up promotion.


James Justice left USPW and beat Frederique for the belt, carried for a couple months before Frankie Perez and Nelson Callum eclipsed them as the biggest stars of the promotion.


I thought both Frederique and Justice fit the bill well for veterans who help put over a new generation of stars to built a new national promotion.

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Wacky alternate thought for a C-Verse version of Cody; Edd Stone. Sure, TCW isn't the biggest of leagues, and his family are still active, but there's a guy with lineage, with a high opinion of himself, stuck in the midcard. Who could team up with some indy guys to do something cool.


There is no 1-to-1 with Cody, but you don't really need it to be for a fun game. Just focus on the aspect you think works best.

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Wacky alternate thought for a C-Verse version of Cody; Edd Stone. Sure, TCW isn't the biggest of leagues, and his family are still active, but there's a guy with lineage, with a high opinion of himself, stuck in the midcard. Who could team up with some indy guys to do something cool.


There is no 1-to-1 with Cody, but you don't really need it to be for a fun game. Just focus on the aspect you think works best.


I like the Edd Stone as Cody. I think Spencer fits the bill for Kenny. KC Glenn would make sense if better on mic IMO. Idk if we can do a voting style thing in her but that’d be cool.

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<p>Ive always pictured AEW-CVerse crossover as being Edd Stone (Cody), The Keith Brothers (The Young Bucks), KC Glenn (Kenny Omega), Ernest Youngman (Hangman Page). With Jack Bruce returning to active wrestling and being the Chris Jericho of the company. </p><p> </p><p>

The Edd Stone vs Duane Stone match at the first PPV would be emotional.</p>

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<p>I'm going to go off-book a bit here, but what about Lethal Ring?</p><p> </p><p>

The canon fits, with old versions of the game starting them with, I think, $5 mil in the bank, and I believe the style is close enough. It would make sense for Pee Wee to hop in when he hears about a subsidy being paid to a wrestling start-up, and kicking in his own cash too.</p><p> </p><p>

As a play option, it would be flexible enough even if you don't kick up the popularity or momentum at all, letting you invest in the GDL Sports Network (the network name I used in an old MAW game when he took over after Sam Keith died), or if you just want to rest on a nest egg and weather some losses.</p><p> </p><p>

As far as why Hawaii would be interested in investing in a potentially touring company, just add a monthly minor event (L-Ring House Party, perhaps) with a fixed location in Hawaii. "You can go out and do what you want, but you need to run at least once a month in the islands".</p><p> </p><p>

He doesn't really fit as the Cody analogue, but what about Clark Alexander as a hybrid Cody/Jericho/Mox? He's at the upper end of what L-Ring can hire when they form in the game, and it would fit that he wants to come back home to bring a local company to national status. Edit his sister back into the business, and you even have a store-brand Brandi, though obviously with a different relationship to him.</p><p> </p><p>

Just a couple of shower thoughts on it.</p>

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Ive always pictured AEW-CVerse crossover as being Edd Stone (Cody), The Keith Brothers (The Young Bucks), KC Glenn (Kenny Omega), Ernest Youngman (Hangman Page). With Jack Bruce returning to active wrestling and being the Chris Jericho of the company.


The Edd Stone vs Duane Stone match at the first PPV would be emotional.


Edd Stone is Teddy Hart

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