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Bad habits or mistakes you have made on TEW?

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I buy every promotion going out of business and poach their rosters and belts, and then end up with way too many people, like many others here seem to do. I want to hire all of these people and give them a job and a chance to impress me, and I end up having half of the people in the game signed within short amounts of time.


I have the "buy companies that are going out of business problem", too. I've finally curbed my instinct to hire everybody, though. I still poach their titles, but I'm now only taking the tippy-top talent and the workers who are title-holders, so I can unify their titles into mine. Then...well...then, I tend to forget to release them after I'm done with that and they're not getting over with the crowd. They tend to just sit on my roster not doing anything.



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Here's one I'm realising today; I'm far too interested in tag teams, and it unbalances my roster.


As soon as I discover tag team chemistry, or even find two pictures that look good together, I become 100% more interested in the workers involved. Not only does it add booking options, but I can more clearly 'see' who a worker is when they have a friend/frenemy/mentor to bounce off of. Dirty Frank is a big, fat, filthy beast, which is fine, but when he teams up with Brick Mason as the Construction Crew... Oh boy, now he'll get some TV time!


By itself, this is perfectly fine, but when contracts come up I tend to keep folks I'm interested in (tag workers) and ditch those I'm not (solo workers) and as a result I end up with waaaaay too many tag teams. I often find myself just needing a solo midcard heel to occupy a babyface for a few weeks, but everyone's connected to a group or team, and I only have room for 2 tag matches per show, max. It's a pickle.


In my current game, I have 40 male wrestlers on my roster, and only 4 of them have never been in a tag team. With 4 more who are being pushed as singles guys but are still closely associated with a team/trio. And 2 rookies who won't have their contracts renewed, because they are boring... because they're singles wrestlers.


I need to do some shopping, but I'll probably just find tag partners for what few singles wrestlers I have left.

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Here's one I'm realising today; I'm far too interested in tag teams, and it unbalances my roster.


As soon as I discover tag team chemistry, or even find two pictures that look good together, I become 100% more interested in the workers involved. Not only does it add booking options, but I can more clearly 'see' who a worker is when they have a friend/frenemy/mentor to bounce off of.


This is so me. I love creating new tag teams too.

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Adding the wrong person into segments



In my WWE saves, John Cone has buried multiple people and has demanded countless title shots due to this. It's annoying.


My other bad habit is I don't like ME's and UC's losing on TV. It's not tough to juggle around that and still have an interesting card. Issue is, it completely screws up the momentum of Midcard and Tag Teams.

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Haven't gotten much xp yet with TEW20 (I'll start this week, I swear! :p).


But the trap I always tend to fall into - like a lot of people apparently - is the overbloated roster and wanting to keep everybody on board at all times.


And no matter which game, I always tend to sign the same reliable workers, just because I can. Brent Hill, Human Arsenal, Tom Gilmore,... Eventually the game becomes boring: another product but with the same people who never complain and have few off days.


Nowadays I tend to keep crapworkers like Calvin Dark, Ron Greenhorn and Helen Earth on board for NOTB for the challenge, but the latter immediately injured my top worker for over a year. And of course she did as her safety is among the worst in the game. The thing is that - even for a small promotion - you have a lot of choice, and why would you ever use workers like that? There's literaly no benefit, not even positive locker room vibes (quite the contrary for Calvin). So it's basically the game's "hard" mode, but for no reason. The only one that makes sense is Peter Valentine in CV97, as he's basically Sam Strong's +1, and the only reason you should keep him around.

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I prefer the young workers/regens. Anyone, who could have potential and is below 25 goes directly to one of the 15 dev companies.


I'm not even kidding.


And when even I become annoyed by my huge roster, I go through the skill history and fire the ones, who don't improve. Just to get probably one or two guys out of 100, who is good enough for my rosters Tag Team division. And even they usually have low pop caps. :rolleyes:

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In my WWE saves, John Cone has buried multiple people and has demanded countless title shots due to this. It's annoying.



I usually just change names and put Referee in front of all the refs. It makes it easier to find/keep track of them sometimes and makes it so you don't have that problem.

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I usually just change names and put Referee in front of all the refs. It makes it easier to find/keep track of them sometimes and makes it so you don't have that problem.


+1 for the ThunderVerse because of this. Every referee has "Referee" before their name.

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I lack imagination when I’m booking angles. No matter what company I run, I usually wind up just booking post-match attacks and interviews as the two types of non-wrestling segments.


I'm also bad for this. I tend to go for just attacks and call outs after a theoretical no.1 contenders match. That's about the only angles I actually attempt to do.

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I'm also bad for this. I tend to go for just attacks and call outs after a theoretical no.1 contenders match. That's about the only angles I actually attempt to do.


Me too - not a creative person - but there's a resource file for all mainstream storylines in the past 10 years. It's downloadable on this forum as "TEW Storylines" and will give you inspiration for real life stories.

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  • I save scum a lot, especially when it's champions or workers I had plans for that get injured.
  • In bidding wars, sometimes I lower a worker's wage if I judge it excessively high.
  • I'll come up with a reason why a worker from another company won't resign for them (wrongly used) and will set his contract to expire in a day when the contract is about to end, so that company won't offer a new contract.
  • I may edit some attributes or stats of specific workers which I would judge more realistic and sometimes come up with a roleplay reason in my head of what caused those changes.
  • I'll cheat user talent points depending on the character I'm playing to give me realistic stats.
  • I only use freestyle angles and then imagine in my head what happened in that angle. Sometimes I'll just do random entertainment-rated angles every week to advance my storylines, until the match at the PPV.
  • I might cheat and give myself some money but always come up with a valuable reason (investor injected capital, etc.).



Me too - not a creative person - but there's a resource file for all mainstream storylines in the past 10 years. It's downloadable on this forum as "TEW Storylines" and will give you inspiration for real life stories.

Where may I find this?

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Me too - not a creative person - but there's a resource file for all mainstream storylines in the past 10 years. It's downloadable on this forum as "TEW Storylines" and will give you inspiration for real life stories.

That does sound useful, where can I find the 2016 version.

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