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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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WWF Heavyweight Title:




Held By:
‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero

Days as Champion:


94 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin (5) - [Week 1, April, 2001 – Week 3, March, 2002]





WWF Intercontinental Title:




Held By:
Chris Jericho (4)

Days as Champion:


71 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Test – [Week 3, September, 2001 – Week 3, October, 2001]

Triple H – [April 2001 – Week 3, September, 2001]





WWF Tag Team Titles:




Held By:
Regal and Malenko

Days as Champion:


70 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Perfect and Sexay – [Week 4, January, 2002 – Week 3, March, 2002]

Edge and Christian (8) – [Week 3, November, 2001 – Week 4, January, 2002]


Triple H & Steve Austin – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 2, October, 2001]





WWF Light Heavyweight Title:




Held By:
Jeff Hardy

Days as Champion:


43 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Marty Jannetty – [Week 3, May, 2001 – Week 3, January, 2002]

Jerry Lynn – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 3, May, 2001]





WWF Hardcore Title:




Held By:

Days as Champion:


43 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


The Undertaker – [Week 1, January, 2002 – Week 2, March, 2002]

Hardcore Holly (7) – [Week 3, August, 2001 – Week 1, January, 2002]

Rhyno – [Week 3, April, 2001 – Week 3, August, 2001]





WWF King Of The Ring:




Won in June 2001 By:
Kurt Angle (2)



Previous Winners


2000 Kurt Angle

1999 Billy Gunn

1998 Ken Shamrock

1997 Triple H

1996 Steve Austin




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Hi everyone. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. It’s been a while since I last wrote/played/posted here, so I’m not sure who’s still about, but for those who want to see some of my previous work, you can follow these links…

A CVerse Diary controlling RAW in Australia.

NOTBPW in the CVerse again ‘A Game Of Stones And DeColts’.

My most recent WWE effort.
(I’ve played a lot in real world mods, and have some longer lasting efforts than this. They’re no longer available on the boards sadly).

And my last CVerse Diary controlling SWF.

And then there’s my… ‘Unfinished Business’…

Around two years ago, I joined up with the brilliant
(sometimes brilliant) and began to book for the WWF in his WCW save (which he began in July 2018):

WCW - Saving The Legacy (2001)
– an alternative reality where WCW SURVIVED…

Our save picked up here:

Saving The War – WCW vs WWF [Multiplayer]
– I took over a weakened but still very strong WWF roster…

And we co-played from August 2020 until April 2021… We continued to write shows, and book shows, we just kind of, got on a roll of having a really slow schedule – something I’m not used to in single player games. Around that time, I also stopped watching wrestling. The ‘pandemic era’ wasn’t fun for me in general, but I thought wrestling was poor at that time, despite AEW doing some cool/new stuff.

I always had an itch though… There’s always been a story I’ve wanted to tell… I once wrote a NOTBPW vs CGC Cverse ‘Invasion Diary’… and that was probably my favourite work… and I’ve always wanted to tell the story of

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I am a happy man!

|Ahhh I wouldn't get too excited :D But thanks for stopping by :D

Son of a b... I'm in.

Sorry I didn't tell you I was back. Kayfabe brother


Welcome back, fella. Let's get it!

Thank you mate :)

Very excited for this.

Thank you, it's been extremely fun to write so far

So this is picking up where the last one left off?

Yeah it's a continuation without Togg and without WCW shows. For now, they remain in business. More on that later.

I'm pumped for this!

Mee too :D

Good to have you back - looking forward to it

Thank you my friend, hope you're well.

Let's go! Hyped up for this.

:D Thanks buddy!

A diary about my favorite era in wrestling(and pop culture in general)? I'm in.

Saaaaame :D When I took over WWF, Togg had just taken Heyman, Raven, Rhyno, and he still had all the WCW guys. Despite that, WWF's roster was still insanely good!

About time you came Back

So... Did you miss me?

I just started a ‘Death of WCW’ save on 2016 a little while ago. It’s a save I have wanted to do since I found out about TEW, and I’m finally knuckling down and getting to it. It’s ironic that your dynasty pops up just in time. I’m excited to see where you go with the premise. When are you starting, April or May 2001? Are you retconning the Stone Cold heel turn? Are you bringing in the WCW main eventers immediately, or are you only going to use the same guys they had to start? I have so many questions!

Nice! That's good timing then! I think the next post answers some of your questions. Togg started as WCW in May 2001... I took over in late 2001, and the next shows I'll be posting is RAW Week 4, November...


This is from the start of my run, catching everyone up to October 2001...







Hi guys. Lloyd here. You might remember me from such diaries as: WWE: Three Brands... WWE: Kayfabe Kicks Out... WWE: 2016 Here We Go (Again)... NOTBPW vs CGC: The Invasion... 21CW: Land of Champions... and NOTBPW: A Game of Stones (and DeColts)... WWE: Three Brands Part II... The least imaginative Title I think you'll agree... And potentially my current project: Jack Bruce: The Giant of RAW! Which is a cverse diary, you can find:


But now it's time to try something completely different... To step out of my comfort zone, if you will... In fact, I'll be stepping out of about three comfort zones... WWE has always been my home, and I like writing for them... I also enjoy the odd Cverse diary, but have always stuck to modern Sports Entertainment in all of my diaries, and most of my private saves... So this effort will certainly be different... It's also set in a time I'm familiar with, but was more familiar with 20 years ago... because it's set in 2001!! Not only that, but I'm joining an already established project, around five months in, and a lot has changed... Add to that that my 'opponent' and co-writer Togg is a complete moron, and you've got a recipe for disaster...


If I was naming this diary, it would be WWF vs WCW 2001: What's The Worst That Could Happen...?!


In all seriousness, I am joining the brilliant Togg and his equally brilliant WCW: Saving The Legacy project... In his universe, WCW obviously survived, and he's running them. He's already five months in, and so a lot has happened to WWF since then, including losing a few talents, and a LOT of heel/face and face/heel turns. I'll try to catch you all up as best I can.






May was a quiet month in general, but a lot of faces came in the door to bolster the roster after the Global Expansion of the World Wrestling Federation. One newcomer who caught everyone by surprise was the former member of the Rockers alongside Shawn Michaels: Marty Jannetty... He actually came in and beat Jerry Lynn for the Cruiserweight Title on his first night with the company at Judgement Day.


WWF Judgement Day: Main Event of Steve Austin over The Undertaker for the WWF Championship (99)... and Edge and Christian over the Dudleys also pulled a 91...

Tommy Dreamer, Marty Jannetty, Jim Cornette, Greg Valentine, Nelson Knight (Aka Viscera), Leatherface, Glen Ruth (Aka Thrasher), Samu, Don Harris (Aka Skull), Mr. Perfect and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts!





The WWF held their annual King of the Ring Tournament in June, and despite winning it in 2000, Kurt Angle was once again victorious to become only the second man to win it twice. (second to Bret Hart, who was also a two-time winner, and won his two back to back)... There were a bunch of great matches on the KOTR pay-per-view...


WWF King of the Ring 2001... Austin defeated Chris Benoit to retain his WWF Title again (99)... Kurt Angle beat The Undertaker in the Finals of the King of the Ring Tournament (97)... Chris Jericho over Eddie Guerrero (quarter final match – 97)... Undertaker over Raven (quarter final match – 93)... Kurt Angle over Triple H (Semi Final Match – 91)...






WWF Management made a really tough call in July 2001... They decided to abolish the Women's Division here, and focus their attention on the Men's side of things... They felt that having a division dedicated to one type of performer, that couldn't interact or wrestle with the roster, made it feel too 'stand alone', and an unintegrated part of the show... They felt that they could only realistically give one match, and one other segment to the division, and to do it justice, it needs a lot more. WWF Women's Champion Chyna dropped her Belt to Lita, before departing for WCW to wrestle under the name: Chyner... Lita then dropped the Title in the trash, as she and the Hardy Boyz turned heel!! (*Author's Note: Obviously, I decided to drop the Women's Division, not the game. I felt like I couldn't do it justice in that era. All contracted women will remain employed as 'managers' etc.*)


WWF Vengeance (2001)... Austin again retaining, over the Undertaker (99)... Big Show defeated Chris Benoit (98)... Fresh off the back of his King of the Ring victory, Kurt Angle did not appear on the show...


Paul Heyman




August was a fairly uneventful month... Edge and Christian turned babyface, and continued their feud with the Hardy Boyz, who are now dastardly heels... The Godfather and Val Venis also turned face, with Godfather joining up with the APA (Acolytes Protection Agency) in order to take on extra work for extra cash... Jerry Lynn became very bitter about Marty Jannetty's success, and has turned heel... As have Test, Steve Blackman, Funaki K-Kwik and Billy Gunn... K-wik and Gunn have recently formed an alliance with X-Pac known as 'New Generation X', or NGX for short... Albert and Perry Saturn are Terri Runnels' latest 'toys' as a badass, bald, tattooed up, tag team... Hardcore Holly also beat Rhyno for the Hardcore Championship...


WWF SummerSlam (2001)... What a time for Steve Austin to beat Chris Benoit (100) and score a 100 rated match... It boosted the overall show rating to a massive 93... Still no Kurt Angle at the show!!

Razor Ramon

TAKA Michinoku, Justin Credible, Raven and Rhyno




Triple H and Steve Austin continued to dominate the landscape on Monday Night RAW and beyond... The 'Two Man Power Trip' held all the Gold up until September, with Austin as WWF Champion, Triple H as Intercontinental Champion and the pair of them as WWF Tag Team Champions... Backed heavily by WWF Chairman Vince McMahon, the duo looked unstoppable. That was until Austin got greedy and said he wanted the IC Title too. It lead to him costing Triple H the Belt against an old rival in Test, and the 'Two Man Power Trip' were done!! They even vacated the WWF Tag Team Titles... Austin had a new rival soon though, as the recently returned 'People's Champion' The Rock came knocking for a Title shot... at Unforgiven...


WWF Unforgiven (2001)... Steve Austin again in the Main Event, this time retaining against The Rock (99)... Test over Triple H (88)... The Brothers of Destruction defeated The Perfect Combination (Mr. Perfect and Razor Ramon) (89)...


Thrasher, Skull and Leatherface




We're still in October as we speak, and we're one week away from the No Mercy pay-per-view... It'll be headlined by Stone Cold Steve Austin defending his WWF Title against his two biggest rivals: The Rock and Triple H... Rocky is back for good, and he wants to get back to the top of the company again, while Triple H wants revenge for Austin costing him his Intercontinental Championship.


Other matches include: D'Lo Brown versus Kurt Angle... D'Lo has been waiting a long time to get his hands on Angle after the former Olympian famously said that “D'Lo doesn't coount” when it comes to previous Euro/Continental Champions... Speaking of which, Chris Jericho will try to win BOTH of those Belts at No Mercy, as he battles the respective Champions: Matt Hardy and Test... We'll also see Eddie Guerrero take on Razor Ramon in what should be an instant classic... The Undertaker versus the returning Jake 'The Snake' Roberts... Jake tried to put his snake into Undertaker's wife's car, and the American Badass doesn't take that kind of crap from anyone... Marty Jannetty takes on the man he beat for the Cruiserweight Title: Jerry Lynn... and The Big Show and Kane will battle the Dudley Boyz, who are hell-bent on putting Show through a damn table!!







As for which WCW guys I'll bring in, you'll have to wait and see. For me the real invasion sucked, but one or two main eventers could have made ALL the difference!


Who would you like to see be a part of the initial angle?

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With Togg’s (reluctant) blessing, I’m picking up from where we left off on my own… November, Week 4, 2001… With me controlling WWF… For now, WCW will remain in business, and for the next two months at least as it’s all already written, it’s controlled by Togg in the background… He signs some people from me, and I sign one or two from him too in our awesome (and seemingly never ending) bidding wars…!

I’ll start by posting RAW – which was already posted on the previous thread:
– and then Smackdown… I have the next 18 shows (including Armageddon and The Royal Rumble 2002) written up in FULL… so there’s plenty to get your teeth into…

I’ll be running a Prediction Contest as I normally do… There’ll be a booking-based prize for the overall top scorer from the month and the top scorer for each PPV… I’m eager to get (re)started, so let’s go for it shall we…?

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WWF Heavyweight Title:




Held By:
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (5)


95 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


None (won from The Rock, April 1st, 2001)




WWF Intercontinental Title:




Held By:
Chris Jericho (4)


70 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Test – [Week 3, September, 2001 – Week 3, October, 2001]

Triple H – [April 2001 – Week 3, September, 2001]




WWF Tag Team Titles:




Held By:
Edge And Christian (8)


69 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Tit;les VACANT

Triple H & Steve Austin – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 2, October, 2001]




WWF Light Heavyweight Title:




Held By:
Marty Jannetty


41 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Jerry Lynn – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 3, May, 2001]




WWF Hardcore Title:




Held By:
Hardcore Holly (7)


41 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Rhyno – [Week 3, April, 2001 – Week 3, August, 2001]




WWF King Of The Ring:




Won in June 2001 By:
Kurt Angle (2)



Previous Winners


2000 Kurt Angle

1999 Billy Gunn

1998 Ken Shamrock

1997 Triple H

1996 Steve Austin




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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



The Return Of Daddy's Little Girl




Vince McMahon lead the WWF Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, and 'The American Badass' The Undertaker to the ring to kick us off tonight... Happy in the knowledge that Austin was still the Champ after stopping Triple H... and that Undertaker had defeated The Rock's team, last night at Survivor Series... Two big wins for his 'Three Man Power Trip'... But the grin on Vince's face was soon wiped off, when his Daughter Stephanie McMahon's music hit, and she arrived on the stage... She strolled to the ring to a big cheer!!




Stephanie McMahon:
“Daddy...!! What you did to Hunter was WRONG!! Trying to break his leg like that...”


Vince interrupted his Daughter, and told her to leave the ring because the 'grown-ups' were talking... He tried to usher her out, but she slapped her Father... a move that angered Mr. McMahon... His eyes lit up as if he was on fire from head to toe... He clenched his fists but couldn't hit his own Daughter, in front of thousands in attendance, and millions watching at home...


Stephanie McMahon:
“Daddy...!! I'm in love with Hunter... and you need to accept that... And Undertaker... YOU need to accept, that your Brother KANE... Is going to rip... Your... Head... OFF!!”


A big explosion in each corner of the ring made everyone jump out of their skin... and Kane stomped to the ring for the opening contest of the night... Brother versus Brother as Kane and The Undertaker were all set to do battle 1 on 1...!!




'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker


Two big hosses going at it here, as the two Brothers Of Destruction clashed in a clash of the titans. Kane's mask gave him some protection from Undertaker's big right hands to the face, but the big 'American Badass' began to target his ribs instead! Kane couldn't get his wind after repeated blows to the mid-section, and 'Taker' didn't even need any help from Steve Austin and Vince McMahon, who hadn't stayed present at ringside. Undertaker put Kane down with a 'Chokeslam' in the end, but it was a truly excellently structured match!



'The American Badass' The Undertaker





Angling For Another Match




Kurt Angle:
“Boys... Boys... Boys... Congratulations on winning the Tag Team Titles again!! But as we know... Last week, on Smackdown, I beat Edge here 1 on 1... And I wondered... Does the other half of the Tag Champs want a shot at the greatest professional wrestler... In... The... WORLD!!”


“Yeah sure, I'll fight The Rock... Does he know you're making matches for him though?!”


Angle was furious as Edge and Christian laughed... but reminded Christian that if he accepts the challenge, he'll be laughing on the other side of his head... Because Angle's not only going to break his ankle, he's also going to break his jaw!! Christian got serious, but told Angle to watch his words, because he may have to eat them later...






'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Brown and Richards are both in their early thirties, and both have some great years ahead of them. However, their careers up to this point have been very different, and D'Lo is back with a point to prove. He put Richards away with a 'Low Down', despite multiple attempted interference from Ivory.



'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown

'Low Down'




A Kwik Confidence Boost


New Generation X were backstage next... talking about trying to boost K-Kwik's confidence after multiple poor performances where he's cost his teammates matches...




Billy Gunn:
“Okay kid... Pac and I went to Mick Foley earlier... and he agreed to book a match between you, and Val Venis, on Smackdown!! Nice little confidence booster for you... You go out there, and you kick his ass!!”


“Wait, Billy... Wait... I know you're an 'Ass-Man'... but... Why you want me to go and kiss his ass?!”


Billy Gunn:
“No... KICK!!”


“Uhhhmmm... It's KWIK brah... Kwik, not Kick!!”


Billy Gunn:
“KICK!! I want you to KICK his ass...!!”


“OOOHHHhhhhh...!! Mah bad...!!”





Guerrero versus Ramon




After they both selected teams for Survivor Series, Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon's rivalry looks far from over... We're going to hear from Eddie on Smackdown, as he gives his thoughts on Ramon, and their 4 on 4 Survivor Series encounter... and what's next for the two...!!






'Captain Charisma' Christian w/ Edge [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle


Christian gave as good as he got in this one, starting the match with a slap to the former Olympian Angle's face! The two men hurt each other throughout, but Christian was always on the back foot. Angle outworked the 8-time Tag Team Champion though, and soon got on a roll to throw his opponent around the ring. Angle finally won it with the 'Angle Slam', but he hit multiple suplexes that shook Christian's body on every landing.



'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

'Angle Slam'


Chris... Christian... Chris...!!


The music that all Champions fear hearing right now, as 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ran to the ring... He slid under the bottom rope, and went right after Christian... taking him down with a tackle and pummelling him with fists and forearms...




However, Jericho seemed to have forgotten about Edge,who slid in behind the Intercontinental Champion, and dragged him off of his partner... Jericho and Angle stood across the ring from Edge, and the recovering Christian... A 2 on 2 fight looked like it was about to kick off, but a familiar entrance music hit... And a man who got himself injured six months ago burst through the curtain to a great ovation!!




Chris Benoit was BACK in the WWF, after a long lay off... and he stomped down the ramp, joining Edge and Christian as they stood across the ring from Angle and Jericho... However, when Benoit helped Christian stay stood up after he dropped to a knee, he hoisted the Tag Champion up for a Snap Suplex!! Edge looked stunned, but he was knocked over by a Chris Jericho running forearm before he could react physically!! Benoit and Jericho put the boots to Edge, and we saw Angle leave the ring without any further altercations from him... Benoit and Jericho didn't need him tonight...





Not Cool




Scotty Too Hotty and Rikishi walked to the ring next... Kishi looking straight ahead as usual, no messing around... while Scotty wasn't his usual excitable self... But he was still animated, just in a more agitated way... Particularly as he handed his friend a microphone...


“Alright... Brother Grandmaster Sexay... I ain't playin' fool... So get out here, and face Rikishi... and Scotty... and tell us WHY... you left us high, and dry!!”


Rikshi didn't get the answer he was looking for, because Mr. Perfect answered his message... along with his 'muscle' Viscera...




Mr. Perfect:
“Oh you're NOT playing...? The playful, carefree, Samoan Rikshi... is NOT playing... Gahhh, must be serious... But I'll tell you why Grandmaster Sexay left you two idiots... It's because he saw a better way... Sure, he didn't want to be another victim of Senior Benjamin... But he had been planning on going solo for a while... What can I say... He's 'Too Cool' for you!!”


Kishi and Scotty weren't happy, so they challenged Perfect and Viscera to a tag team match... Right now!!




Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Mr. Perfect & Viscera


A very even match here for the majority of it, but an interference made the difference. Grandmaster Sexay finally showed up, and his distraction of Scotty allowed Perfect to roll him up for the flash pinfall!



Mr. Perfect & Viscera

'Roll Up'


A Perfect Trio?




Viscera pulled Mr. Perfect out under the bottom rope before Rikishi could get to him, and then he carried Perfect up the ramp... Grandmaster Sexay was already half way up it on his way out of there, but he shook Viscera and Perfect's hands... Almost as if they were all in on the plan all along...





APA To Take The Test




The three members of The APA were sat in their usual spot: the room with no walls but a door, playing poker... They each had multiple empty bottles of beer around them, and Faarooq and Godfather were nursing cigars...


“DAMN!! That Test... We need to teach him a lesson... On Smackdown, Big Bradshaw... You're gonna fight him 1 on 1, and show him... that you don't mess, with the APA!!”






Hardcore Holly, Dean Malenko & William Regal [vs] The Hardy Boyz & Senior Benjamin w/ Lita


Holly, Malenko and Regal were supposed to compete as part of Team D'Lo Brown at Survivor Series, but the Hardyz, Benjamin and Lita ruined that match before it could begin. This six-man tag was great, with Benjamin shining in the ring. He ended up winning it for his team. The Hardyz flew over the top rope to take out Malenko and Regal with Suicide Dives, Hardcore Holly then couldn't kick out of the 'T-Bone Suplex after a good fight between the two.



The Hardy Boyz & Senior Benjamin w/ Lita

'T-Bone Suplex'




Haku And Umaga (What A Wonderful Phrase)




After not being seen since their trip to the Hardy Compound, Haku and Umaga will return to WWF Television this Thursday on Smackdown... Thoughts are, they'll be gunning for Jeff and Matt, as well as Senior Benjamin and Lita...!! They can't be happy with Grandmaster Sexay either, after he left Scotty Too Hotty, and ran into the woods to save himself... Leaving Scotty, D'Lo Brown, Dean Malenko, William Regal and Haku and Umaga one man short...





Spitting Hairs




Jonathan Coachman:
“Kurt, it's great to have you here, but I gotta ask... Is your beef with D'Lo Brown in the past...?? Because he's getting into arguments and fights with all kinds of guys right now... And it kinda feels like you never got to have that one last match...!!”


Angle was about to answer, but he removed a piece of gum he had in his mouth, and threw it over his shoulder...


Kurt Angle:
“Thing is Coach... I'm an Olympic Gold Medallist... I don't need to be just another... one... of... what??”


Coach's face was a picture... He looked like he'd seen a ghost, but that the ghost was wearing a clown costume and dancing... A scared, maybe even mortified look on his face, but with a comedic realisation... Angle slowly turned around, and saw The Big Show... Picking GUM out of his HAIR!!




Show roared at the top of his voice, and spun around to see Angle looking guilty... Kurt took off, throwing Coach in the direction of the Giant... and slowing him down enough to get away from the big man... Big Show was furious, and took it out on Coach with a big right hand that knocked the interviewer out... That'll earn him a hefty fine...





Six Pack Challenge




We learned next that on Smackdown, we're going to have a six-way match, for a shot at the Light Heavyweight Title... Crash Holly, Scotty Too Hotty, Spike Dudley, X-Pac, Jerry Lynn and Funaki will compete in what promises to be a fast-paced and exciting match... The winner will face Marty Jannetty for the Title at Armageddon...






The Rock & Triple H [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Amazing Main Event here with the story running throughout it being that The Dudley Boyz wanted to put both The Rock and Triple H through tables! Triple H's previously injured leg stopped his offence from being as effective as it usually is, but 'The Great One' The Rock was fully fit, and fully focused on making sure Bubba and D-Von didn't get to use their trademarked tables. He was all over the Dudleyz after Triple H tagged him in. Things were looking good for the fan favourites, until 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin arrived and changed the match completely. Austin even hit a 'Stunner' on Triple H on the outside of the ring! However, Rocky was on fire, and he managed to bump Bubba off the apron, and onto the WWF World Heavyweight Champion. He then hit a 'Rock Bottom' on D-Von to score the win!



The Rock & Triple H

'Rock Bottom'


The Great Game




The Rock and Triple H stood tall in the ring, as Steve Austin threatened to climb in and fight them both... The Champ thought better of it though, and strolled backwards up the ramp with a nasty scowl/grin on his face... On Smackdown this week, Triple H will fight The Undertaker 1 on 1... despite 'The Game' still struggling with a leg injury... Caused by 'Taker himself...







Quick Results:


The Undertaker [def.] Kane


D'Lo Brown [def.] Steven Richards


Kurt Angle [def.] Christian


Mr. Perfect & Viscera [def.] Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty


The Hardyz & Senior Benjamin [def.] Hardcore Holly, Dean Malenko & William Regal


The Rock & Triple H [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Show Rating:





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In The Booth:




Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman and Tazz



The Challengers Line Up


We kicked off this edition of Smackdown with the man who invented the name of the show!! The Rock headed to the ring with a purpose...




The Rock:
“So... 'Stone Cold' Steve Austing wants to stick his nose, in The Rock's business... Well The Rock says, the next time he sees that Roody-Poo Candy-Ass's nose... 'The People's Champion' is gonna BREAK IT... There will be no turning it sideways... The Rock won't even shine it up real nice... And Lord knows that thing wouldn't fit up Austin's ass... Because it's too busy being stuck up Vince McMahon's ass...!! Maybe... Maybe... For the MILLIONS (**and Millions**)... of Rock's fans... The WWF World Heavyweight Champion wants to go ONE... on ONE... With 'The Great One'!?”


Rock paced around the ring, but his old friend, and WWF Commissioner, Mick Foley interrupted him...




Mick Foley:
“FINALLY... The MICK... HAS COME BACK... To Smack... Down...!!”


The Rock:
“What are you doing...?!”


Mick Foley:
“Nothing, man... But listen... I can't give you a ONE, on ONE, with the 'Stone Cold'... umm... match... because, in my opinion, Triple H deserves another shot... Now... I could... make it a Triple Threat Match... But then I'd get accusations of favouritism from Mr. McMahon... Plus... With No Rules in a Triple Threat Match, we're bound to see The Undertaker make his presence known... So... I'm throwing Undertaker in too... to make it a Fatal Four Way at Armageddon!!”


Foley explained that having 'Taker and Austin both in the match, will not only allow The Rock and Triple H to focus on what's in front of them, and not worry about what might be coming from behind... But it will also test the loyalty of Undertaker, to the 'Three Man Power Trip'... Will he help Austin to retain, or if the opportunity presents itself, will he try to win the match, and take the WWF World Heavyweight Championship for himself...?!





Rocker In The Booth




Veteran Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty joined the announce team ahead of the opening contest... A Six-Way Match where the winner will earn a future Title Match against Jannetty!! The six competitors are:


Scotty Too Hotty – who has recently split from his long-time tag team partner Grandmaster Sexay.

Spike Dudley – the biggest underdog in the WWF. He's lost every match he's had in 2001.

Crash Holly – Was independently weighed earlier in the day, and was just under the threshold to be a Light Heavyweight.

X-Pac – the 'Leader' of New Generation X. Billy Gunn and K-Kwik are not at ringside tonight.

Jerry Lynn – in the Last Chance Saloon having lost a couple of high profile matches against Marty Jannetty.

Funaki – A Japanese flier who is just one big win away from a Title Match – that win could be tonight!



Number One Contenders Match for the Light Heavyweight Title:



Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Crash Holly [vs] Spike Dudley [vs] X-Pac [vs] Jerry Lynn [vs] Funaki


The boos for X-Pac tonight were incredibly loud, especially when he was beating down on Scotty or Spike. Crash hit a great Frog Splash from the top rope, onto the standing Funaki and Lynn who were on the outside of the ring at one point! But the finish came when Spike was attempting a diving headbutt on Lynn, but X-Pac appeared out of nowhere to catch Spike and hit a flying 'X-Factor'!!








A Close Shave




A furious Big Show was pacing back and forth backstage next... On RAW this week, Kurt Angle threw some chewing gum over his head, and it got stuck in Show's hair!! Show knocked Jonathan Coachman out in frustration at not being able to get his hands on Angle, an act that caused the Giant to pick up a hefty fine...


Big Show:
“ANGLE!! I had to get that gum shaved out of my damn head!! I've got a bald patch... and I got fined... (for punching Coach)...!! So I want YOU... At Armageddon!!”





Multiple Challengers




Dean Malenko and William Regal headed to the ring next, and called out the Hardy Boyz!! The two technicians said they want revenge over the dark and Broken Brothers for what happened at the Hardy Compound... but they weren't the only team interested in fighting Jeff and Matt...




Haku and Umaga, the two big Samoans stomped out to join Malenko and Regal... Showing mutual respect towards them... Haku said that Jeff, Matt, Lita and Shelton Benjamin will all get their 'Heads Shrunk'... but the four fan favourites were soon joined by another man, joined by his manager, who interrupted Haku mid-flow...




Steven Richards:
“No no no no... no... this will NOT do... How can you be handing out challenges, when one of you (Umaga) doesn't even wear SHOES!! That's not good wrestling etiquette... You could stub your toe!!”


“You're a RUDE little man... Umaga is gonna beat you, with no... shoes... on...!! Right NOW!!”




Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Richards was his usual cocky, and cowardly self, but he couldn't stay out of Umaga's clutches for long. The powerful youngster squeezed the life out of Richards once he got hold of him, and then put him away with the 'Samoan Spike'!



Umaga w/ Haku

'Samoan Spike'




Mr. Unhappy




Mr. Perfect:
“As my Protege... I bestow upon to you... The name... 'Mr. Sexay'...”


Perfect and Sexay talked about forming a dominant alliance, where the veteran and the youngster would go on to take over the WWF, and nobody could stand in their way... But D'Lo Brown walked in, and had other ideas...




D'Lo Brown:
“Sexay... You left us high and dry at the Hardy Compound... Now you wanna turn your back on Scotty Too Hotty and Rikishi... and join up with this fool?! Nahh... You ain't gonna take over the WWF... Not if you're gonna run from every fight you get into... How about me and you...”


Before D'Lo could finish, the imposing figure of Viscera stepped up, and the fan favourite backed down... Sexay and Perfect walked off, as D'Lo and Viscera stood face to face...






'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis [vs] K-Kwik


Venis is a strong competitor, and not to be taken lightly. Kwik did seem to take him likely, both when talking about the match on RAW this week, and during the contest. In the end, 'The Big Valbowski' flew off the top rope to hit the 'Money Shot' splash and score a win.



'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis

'Money Shot'




The Belt Collector




Chris Jericho and his new best friend Chris Benoit were backstage next... Jericho holding his Intercontinental Title Belt tightly over his shoulder...


Chris Jericho:
“I'm The Belt Collector Baby!! I won the European, AND the Intercontinental Titles... before that IDIOT Mick Foley took the European Title away... And now... Benoit and I are gonna go to Armageddon... and we're gonna win the Tag Team Titles... That's right Jack... Team Chris all the way baby!!”








Hardcore Holly © [vs] 'The Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman


Both Holly and Blackman got Hardcore in this one. Blackman brought a trolley full of weapons out with him, including trash cans and lids, and street signs. The kendo stick was the most used weapon though. Blackman split one over Holly's back, and his back was also cut by the end of the match. For the finish though, an 'Alabama Slam' onto a trash can did for Blackman and Holly retained the Title!



and STILL Hardcore Champion: Hardcore Holly

'Alabama Slam'




The Japanese Buzzsaw


Don't forget, getting Tajiri's WWF Theme in your head helps you to picture this segment... If you can't remember it... click


We saw a promo video package next, for one of WWF's newest signings: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Yoshihiro Tajiri...!! Better known as just Tajiri, and hailing from Tokyo, Japan... the 190lber will fit in well with the WWF's Light Heavyweight Division... He can kick as hard as anyone in the business, and has a wealth of experience to his name, despite being only 31 years of age... No news yet on when we can expect his debut, but thoughts are it won't be long...





RAW Emotions




Recent months have seen The Dudley Boyz featured in a number of high profile matches... Including Main Events on TV against the likes of The Rock and Triple H... Next week on RAW will be no different, as Bubba and D-Von will battle Rikishi and Kane in tag team action... There are few pairings in the WWF that would look forward to a match with the big, strong, duo of 'Kishi and 'The Big Red Machine'... but The Dudleyz are sure to be relishing the prospect... and will probably bring the tables to the fight!!






Bradshaw w/ The APA [vs] Test


A hard-hitting fight between two big studs here. Bradshaw is 8 years Test's senior, but both men have bright futures. In the end, the big Canadian Test walked onto Bradshaw's 'Clothesline From Hell' after a distraction from Faarooq!



Bradshaw w/ The APA

'Clothesline From Hell'




Puerto Rican Heat




Eddie Guerrero was polishing his Lowrider on his driveway at home, as he spoke to the camera... about his rival Razor Ramon...


Eddie Guerrero:
“Homes... I looked up to you, man... Until I MET you... You know, back in the day, there weren't a lot of Latino guys to look up to... But Razorrr Ramonnn... You were my GUY... I watched Wrestlemania 10... Razor Ramon versus Shawn Michaels, Ladder Match... And I knew, there and then, I need to go to the States... To an American company... and I need to wrestle these guys, man... Unfortunately... I met you in the South, Razor... and you don't need me to tell you this... You were an asshole, man!!”


Eddie continued to clean his car... but then finished up what he was saying...


Eddie Guerrero:
“órale vato... You bullied us smaller guys... Treated us like dogs, man... Then you show up here, and you carry on... I may be small... but my heart is TEN times the size of yours... and that's why at Armageddon... I'm going to BEAT you... But I don't want just any old match... I want a match where you can't run... You can't hide... I'm going to beat you, in a STEEL CAGE!!”






'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker


Triple H's leg may never be the same after The Undertaker, with help from Steve Austin and Vince McMahon, ran it over with 'Taker's motorcycle a few weeks back. It was still heavily bandaged here, and it is sure to hamper him in the Fatal Four Way at Armageddon. Tonight, he was slower than usual, but he stayed in it, despite a dominant performance from the big 'American Badass'. In the end, when Triple H was looking for a 'Pedigree', 'Taker grabbed his leg and twisted it! 'The Game' winced in pain, and screamed out a little. Undertaker grabbed him around the throat, and hit a 'Chokeslam'. He then picked his opponent up again, and hit a second 'Chokeslam'!



'The American Badass' The Undertaker



Tomb... Rock




Undertaker hit two Chokeslams to finish Triple H, but he wasn't done there... He hit a THIRD, sending Triple H's broken body bouncing off the mat again... Then he hoisted 'The Game' up onto his shoulder for the Tombstone... Before he could hit it though, The Rock's music hi!!






The Rock came running to the ring, and 'Taker dropped Triple H off of his shoulder... He beckoned 'The Great One' into the ring, but exited over the top rope to his left when Rocky slid in under the bottom rope right in front of him!! Undertaker arrogantly left the ring unscathed as The Rock shouted that he should come back and fight like a man... 'The American Badass' wasn't interested at all... The show went off the air with Rock and Triple H standing tall, albeit 'The Game' hobbling a little...







Quick Results:


X-Pac [def.] Scotty Too Hotty, Crash Holly, Spike Dudley, Jerry Lynn and Funaki


Umaga [def.] Steven Richards


Val Venis [def.] K-Kwik


Hardcore Holly [def.] Steve Blackman


Bradshaw [def.] Test


The Undertaker [def.] Triple H


Show Rating:







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