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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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Big news in the backstage environment, with the fact QPW Quebec Pro Wrestling were on the verge of closing before SZW floated them some money to keep the doors open. Rumour has it the cost was just over $10 000. The first big move Paul made was to release almost half the roster. When I asked why he bought a company on the other side of the world, he simply said he wanted to help them out. We had been making a tidy profit and this company was always about giving guys a shot, if they turn it around great. If they don’t well we didn’t lose that much. I pushed a little further and apparently Paul met Owen Love back in the 2000 when he was competing in the Olympics in Australia. Paul assured me it was a case of helping a friend, and potentially SZW and wasn’t going to take away from his duties here.



@newbiezness I am sure Armando is excited to have a new fan. 

@Tiberious It is something I am working on I want to develop everyone's characters a little more, hoping it adds to any random matches that get thrown together when they are on the bigger match cards that I plan. There has been a lot of feedback on Brown Snake declaring they are still the number one contenders. Which looking back to a degree I can certainly see how it losses the duo credibility especially considering they called the plan for a rematch date set. 

@Aura Glad you're excited for an Adgee Cross championship run, and your enjoying the more comedy-esque backstage segments. I feel like I go through phases with Delbert being heavily involved in shows to missing a few months. 

@619 I am pretty sure I just expect it from Saul at this stage, it is just who he is and we have to deal with it. 

@DAVEFAN95 You are 100% correct, who else is there really? There isn't anyone who is legitimate threat and although they haven't looked like it. You're right there feels to be a bit of dead weight with Trehawke Phillips, Two-Face Tucker, Warlock and Saul all being expendable. While Michael Rheur hasn't hit the role I wanted and been usurped by Lee Bawes. Definitely the people I have considered moving on from. 

To dispell the Loaded Glove talk regarding Adrian McGhee between you and @John Lions. Loaded Glove is very reminiscent of William Regal. Adrian where's gloves during matches, and mid match will pull out a knuckle duster from his jeans and put it over his glove, delivering a vicious right hook. Yeah it's cheating, but its expected so isn't ever booked as a "cheap win".

@John Lions I agree a lot I see The Runway as a Breeze/Fandango mixture doing some comedy and good enough in the ring they can keep any match entertaining. You will also be considered an Armando Amigo! I appreciate the thoughts re. the tag-team division and if I must be honest they have been the hardest division to book so far in the diary. 

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Christmas Clash


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 Lone Rider ~ Taniko Jo

Lone Rider came out with a microphone declaring he wanted to talk about his actions from last month. He first started by introducing Taniko Jo to the audience and as she came out made her wait at the top of the stage. A strange scenario for a man who had normally had his valet by his side.

“Taniko, I need to explain one thing to you. We are done. I took some time to think it over, to rewatch my match with Adgee and do you know what the pivotal moment in that match was. When you told me to hit him with Dusty Trail Takedown for a second time in a row. That is when Adgee reversed it, that is when he beat me. Last month, I delivered two Dusty Trail Takedowns to Johnathan Wesker, because I knew I could! Because I was the one in the ring, and I know best! I didn’t need your input! You cost me my title! Taniko, we are done!”

Taniko tried to interrupt attempting to make her way down to the ring and plead her case or beg for forgiveness from Lone Rider who stopped her in her tracks.

“If you get in this ring, I swear I will hit you with the Dusty Trail Takedown.”


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The Kipper vs Lance Maddigan

Both men were coming off wins from the previous month. Lance was yet again without his tag-team partner with no explanation. This was a good match but showed once again why The Kipper is above Lance with The Kipper doing a lot more of the heavy work. Before The Kipper picked up the victory.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 35



The Kipper

After the match The Kipper got on the microphone.

“Now this old leathered up fool keeps getting asked what is next for his career. After spending two years with SZW, I was able to get the glory I always wanted when I became the SZW Champion. Truth is, I don’t think I have what it takes to be at the top. Adgee Cross beat the hell out of me in our feud and I am glad he did. Knocked some sense into these ol’ boots.”

The Kipper looked down at the microphone as if still stewing on his thoughts before looking out at the crowd. Instead of delivering any more of a promo The Kipper dropped the microphone and went to the back as the fans cheered his name.


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Brown Snake vs Saul Rubennick

Brown Snake came out without his tag-team partner this month, and even he looked confused as to the whereabouts of his teammate. He faced off against Saul, and whether it was the fact that Saul could pass off as the father of Brown Snake or whether Brown Snake was just a bit smoother in the ring than my other house mate Lance. Saul helped put in a good performance to create a very watchable match between the two of them before Brown Snake put away his opponent.

Winner: Brown Snake

Rating: 42


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Toasty Bonnar ~ Fuzzy Freeman

This was a short segment that still went on far too long. We found where Fuzzy had got to backstage as Toasty Bonnar ran into Fuzzy Freeman in the hallway. Toasty could only say dude as Fuzzy Freeman replied with dude. The two seemed to have a mutual understanding however as Fuzzy pulled out his patent pending Fuzzy Firestick (E-Cig) offering it to Toasty. The two men took tokes back and forth saying “dude” to each other to close the segments.


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Armando Guerrero vs Trehawke Phillips

Armando came out to a bit more fan fare and chants after his segment from last month. He was taking on a fellow veteran in the ring who sadly has shown more and more of a lost step with Trehawke struggling in the 10-minute match. Armando put on a nice performance in the ring though so the match didn’t entirely tank.

Winner: Armando Guerrero

Rating: 34


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The Devoted Souls

It was the first time on the microphone for both Adrian McGhee and myself after our losses as singles stars in the last few months. This was a well-executed segment as we talked about our priorities being The Devoted Souls and the tag-team titles. We had held them over a year now and weren’t going to let go of them. Finally addressing the fact that Smokers & Suplexes were the self-proclaimed Number one contenders. We officially accepted their challenge for a match next month, but the crowd would get a preview of that tonight.


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The Devoted Souls vs Two-Faced Bomber

This was a poor match, at least from Wesker and Tucker who in particular really struggled, but Adrian McGhee performed really well, and I like to think I carried my own to a degree as we put on a decent overall performance. The end of the match was simple with Adrian McGhee knocking out Wesker after hitting him with the Loaded Glove.

Winner: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 34




The arena plunges into darkness initially before the man of mystery was here to answer the challenge from his opponents.

“Lee Bawes… The master of Suplexes, the master of his own domain. Your path echoes behind you, so much history but can you hear whispers of a future? Dizzy G... A man whose world spins after losing my title, will you navigate the labyrinth to challenge me? Jake D’Angelo… you skirt the line of good and bad, succumbing to the darkness to cheat in victory, can you balance the scales to beat me? Blackwell Bush… A forest of uncertainty surrounds you, can you see through the trees?”

As each person is talked about their image is displayed on the screen above the entrance way, each persons image becomes distorted with swirling vortex graphics appearing over them on the screen.

“Prepare dear warriors, your fate awaits you. It will collide with my destiny and the vortex hungers for your clash. Come to terms with your shadows, and you can anticipate a match and become the chosen one. May your souls dance together, as you fall one by one, until one remains. The journey begins and the vortex awaits your ascent.”


SZW Championship Match

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Abattoir vs Adgee Cross ©

A surprising face in the company, but picking him up for a few shows because he just looks like a menace was a way for him to get some work and put some guys over. Starting with his debut match against the SZW Champion Adgee Cross. After last month Cross wanted to show he was the champion of the people and did exactly that putting in a strong performance to carry Abattoir in his first title defence.

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 41


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Lone Rider ~ Adgee Cross

Lone Rider comes out after the match and blindsides Adgee Cross taking him out with the SZW Championship title before lifting him up and hitting him with a Dusty Trail Takedown. The former champion looked down at his beaten rival and climbed out the ring to grab a branding iron he had bought to the ringside area. Lone Rider delivered several brutal shots to the ribs of Adgee Cross as he tried to pull himself up on the ropes in an attempt to get to his feet.

This brutal attack saw the first time any wrestlers have come to blows outside of a match in the company’s history. It didn’t look like anyone knew what to do as the ref stayed on the outside until more of the backstage talent arrived at ringside. Lone Rider laid the title across Adgee who was clutching at his ribs before being ushered out by the backstage staff.


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New Year 2022


Instead of doing a full roster breakdown this year we will be just touching on the newest signings for the company, as while a bit changed last year most people are in or around the same places as last years reviews. I will probably write an entire new roster breakdown at the end of this year hopefully there is enough to talk about. I will talk briefly on reflection of last year and it is a great sign that only one match from 2020 remained in the Top 10 matches, showing a massive step up in performance. Blackwell Bush who has been putting in great performances only had 3 of the Top 10 matches showing that it isn't just his addition. Devoted Souls and Smokers & Suplexes got the highest rated tag-team match of the year. While Vortex a man who had only one match last year got in the Top 10 as well. 



Buckminster Snark

Look do I hate his name, Bucky? He is a good in-ring talent he has a lot of the right talent to become something. He played a snobbish arrogant heel in ZEN and struggled to get it over in the land of flashy masks and wacky gimmicks. He should have more success in SZW.



Christian Blithe

Honestly another smug guy from New Zealand that hasn’t had any chances. He had only one match in the last two years against another new signing, but he is a guy I am high on to a degree. Which is crazy to me as at least backstage and at training so far he seems like he can go. Excited by his potential



Jimmy Stratosphere

Jimmy comes over from SAISHO and is a former Tag-Team Champion of APW. He isn’t the most famous guy in Australia but has fans across the world particularly in Japan. Anything to bring in more of a demographic and he is a fast highflyer to help bring more contrast to the company’s style.



Lerone Slim

Another ZEN Alumni and the man who faced Christian in his only match in the last two years. I got a tape of the match and let’s say it disappointed me. Still catching some of his albeit limited work within ZEN it was good to see he actually can go in the ring and will be of some use for the company.




This guy looks like a monster, he is 207cm and 136kg which for you Americans is 6’8’ and 300lbs. He is so young, but looks like an actual monster. Normally going with a prisoner doing a work release program he will have a different plan joining SZW.



Rusty Mills

Someone who wasn’t going to get signed initially. In fact he was only bought in a few days before the show when I realised that he lived locally. Add to that Stephanie Drucker someone I bought in with no plans who she was going to manage. I didn’t even realise that they were married until Stephanie bought up the idea of her husband helping out for the show, which he was a lifesaver.  


Backstage Talent

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Bruce the Giant ~ Ceri Dordevich ~ Stephanie Drucker

We have a few people here and the biggest is Bruce The Giant. Recently coming back to his homeland, moving from the States Paul hit him up right away. He is going to be worked into an on-screen personality and is working for cheap, considering how famous he is overseas. Outside of Bruce we have a few more managers signing on with Ceri Dordevich and Stephanie Drucker both joining the company, but no plans where they will end up just yet.


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To the point of tag division struggles, I had the same issues in my game until I hired The Duo (who APW had signed but didn't bring in to wrestle a single match in 8 months!). You're 2/3 of the way to having the best tag team division in Oceania...


Lone Rider is a great, and the branding iron is a nice touch. I wonder if you bring his dad on screen for part of this feud, If there's any chance, he can honestly still go in the ring with his skills - I'd trust him to get a better rating than most of your veterans and some of your rookies.


Vortex seems completely out of place on your roster in the best way - most of your wrestlers are at least somewhat grounded in reality, and he's just so different from the rest it makes an interesting mash up no matter who he's involved with.


All of your new signings are great additions, I can't believe most of them were unemployed. Christian Blithe in particular is a guy who always makes it to the top of the card no matter what role I sign him for. Rusty Mills was my #1 babyface in my TEW2005 diary forever ago, he's just as good in singles as he is in a tag team.


I ALSO brought in Bruce The Giant in my second year. Any company with Bruce The Giant immediately becomes a big deal - I know TEW doesn't simulate it well, but if this were RL, a company your size bringing in Bruce The Giant would be a huge boost to popularity and attendance. If you ever manage to get your merchandising up to where you can sell internationally, you will have more money than you know what to do with... I never signed him thinking I'd get $130K a month from him in merch!

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What a fantastic detail that nobody had ever been attacked outside a match in SZW, and how impactful to finally break this after two years as a year-ending angle between the champion and the man he dethroned.

The backstage news was unexpected too. If the plan is to keep the OG Lone Rider as a heroic on-screen presence, I wonder if it feeds into the story with new Lone Rider feeling neglected by his dad taking his eye off the ball at the time he needed his guidance most. I'm also intrigued to find out if Taniko Jo has an ongoing role or if that show was her farewell.

And what a suite of signings. It's going to be a challenge to showcase them all while sustaining the recent spotlight on Armando Guerrero, Vortex and others (intriguing new direction for The Kipper too). However, that's a sign of the company's growth, a good problem to have and you teased cards expanding too. It looks like 2022 will be a big year for SZW.

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Jimmy Stratosphere pulled out of tonight’s show has he had commitments at SAISHO this month. Which is really disappointing as I had planned initially for him to be in Rusty Mills spot on this card, but instead had to sign the former APW talent as a local signing for tonight. Jimmy let me know he would also miss next month but would be back at SZW Showdown.



@newbiezness Hopefully he can make it worth it for you.

@John Lions Yeah I feel like the domination and just not developing the rest of the tag division is why it has been hindered so much. Hopefully the match tonight helps build up a potential threat. Vortex is out of place, but he is the highlight of my booking despite only have one match on the main show. What stage does that occur, because that money would just be insane. In some ways it is similar to how WWE is with Austin and his merch sales. Still a little unrealistic, but I want those gains. I am in an okay financial position but DIW have upgraded their music department to in house and I just afford that. Neither can they, considering they have gone for $112k in the bank down to $68k in 6 months. I just hope they downgrade the music so I stop being hit for it. 

@619 Yeah it is something I wanted to set out and do. I didn't want to rely on cheap heat of backstage beatdowns early as I built up early, but then I got all the way through this year. Originally Adrian McGhee was going to get it, but I feel Lone Rider getting it would be better for him. It was going to be her farewell show but that changes. I am actually on the cusp of small but don't want to grow as APW would blow us out of the water and I would like to open our own broadcaster potentially. 




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New Year Riot


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Adgee Cross ~ Paul ~ Bruce the Giant


Adgee Cross your SZW Australian champion came out to the ring first, his ribs were clearly wrapped up tight as he came out to address last month.

The promo from Adgee is short, he thanks the fans and says unfortunately he isn’t cleared to compete tonight due to Lone Rider’s actions last month. Adgee then calls out the owner of the company Original Lone Rider, telling the fans how everyone in the back was warned from ruining matches, fighting before or after matches or in the backstage area. The punishment going to be instant dismissal from the company.


Original Lone Rider (Paul) comes out to a noticeable mixture of cheers and boos as the crowd are inflicted. Paul talks about how his company almost made in two years without turning into the rabble and mess that is DIW down the road. He wanted to show a company could succeed without every segment being a beatdown and for the last two years he had done that. No wrestlers had ever come to blows unless it was in the ring.


Paul continued to talk about that success for a moment before bringing up his son to another round of boo’s. He wasn’t going to fire his son but wasn’t going to enforce that rule anymore. Meaning to a degree thanks to Lone Riders actions it has become open season. Paul continues to say he isn’t that type of boss who would give favour to his own son. He would be relinquishing running of the company to a new man, a man above reproach and an old friend. Don’t get it wrong, Paul still owns the company, but the new General Manager of SZW is Bruce the Giant.


Bruce the Giant came out dressed in a suit, the fans at ringside who knew of his storied history went wild as he stood in the entrance way. Purposefully as he would have dwarfed both Paul and Adgee in the ring. The man still stood over 7”3’ tall, despite his age he was impressive sight to behold.


Bruce introduced himself to the fans who didn’t know briefly, touching on his career with SWF and USPW mostly. Bruce then got on to the fact that Lone Rider robbed the fans of a match with Adgee Cross so he would do the same and rob Lone Rider. Lone Rider would not be next in line for a title match, no that would be the winner of SZW New Year Riot later tonight. Instead, Lone Rider would give the fans an incredible match tonight as he takes on the newest signing for SZW. 


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Dizzy G & Blackwell Bush vs Lee Bawes & Jake D’Angelo

The four men who all are planning to fight against each other at some stages are put into a tag-team match with the pairings being random. Because of that it ended up being the younger guys vs the more experienced guys in the ring, and the match focus was on the experienced guys being able to gel together a little smoother. This was always going to be a great match, but Blackwell Bush was on a whole different level. If Jake D’Angelo performed a little better, it could have been an amazing match. This was still a great way to start the new year and the finish came when Lee Bawes hit the release suplex two times on the small framed Dizzy G.

Winner: Lee Bawes & Jake D’Angelo

Rating: 52



Buckminster Snark

Pulling up in a limo outside the building, the driver gets out to open the door and gets the bags from the limo for one of the newest signings. Buckminster Snark was dressed in a flawless looking Armani suit as he can be heard telling the driver he is here to sign his contract tonight.

Buckminster Snark takes his luggage and starts to cross the carpark to enter the building, as he is doing so screeching of breaks can be heard as someone pulls up hard almost hitting Buckminster and yelling at him. Buckminster clearly not one enjoying being yelled at, grabbed the driver of the car and pulled him through the window before beating him down against his own car. Buckminster climbed on the hood and power bombed the car owner through his own windshield.

Buckminster got off the vehicle straightening up his suit. Still with a small shard of glass in his hair he was almost grinning as he looked at his handy work as he went inside.


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Lance Maddigan vs Abattoir

The hard looking Abattoir got his second match with the company of the three planned matches from him, and this time he faced the normally Tag-Team bound Lance Maddigan in a match. Lance was bouncing back from his loss last month and he did that in a brawling match. The match failed to impress with Abattoir not being the best in the ring, and Lance Maddigan no being able to carry the match either.

Winner: Lance Maddigan

Rating: 28



Armando Guerrero

Up on the prompted played the newest edition of Armando’s Aussie Adventures.

Armando was back with his antics as he found himself at the Taronga Zoo exploring through the zoo his focus was clearly on finding an Australian animal. He ducked down behind the fence yelling at the camera man to duck his head down as well the pair hiding behind the wall.

“¡Hola, amigos! Armando Guerrero here to show everyone one of the icons of Australia here deep in the outback of Australia.”

Despite clearly being in a zoo, Armando made his way through a gate and his prized animal for this edition was lying on a patch of grass in some shade. It was a large Kangaroo and as Armando cautiously approached the animal you could see in the background a small child feeding one with her parents.

“G’day mate, now I heard you jump around almost as much as I do in the ring. Now that would be a sight you and I in the same ring together.”

Armando continues to interview the Kangaroo who looks unphased by having a microphone held up to its face and leans in to try and bite on the microphone.  Armando is quick to pull it back but doesn’t want to bother the animal that much as he talks about its majestic beauty for a little while longer before closing the segment.

“This is Armando Guerrero and this has been Armando’s Aussie Adventure’s and I have had a great time with my kangaroo compadre, until next time my Aussie Amigo’s!”


SZW Tag-Team Championship Match

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Smokers & Suplexes vs The Devoted Souls ©

The Devoted Souls came out looking to put on a dominant display in the ring like they did at Final Chapter last year. This match was a very different story with Smoker & Suplexes looking like a legitimate threat to the titles getting several near falls against the opponents but ultimately being unable to beat them, the champions faced the same hurdle not being able to put away the challengers for almost twenty minutes which has been the longest tag-team match in the history of the company. I was able to pick up the win but after the match it was clear Adrian and I had been pushed to our limits in terms of a tag-team match. It showed during the match that I was clearly off the pace of everyone else in the ring, but it was another strong match. 

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 50


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Rusty Mills vs Lone Rider

Rusty Mills came out with his wife by his side to cheers from the fans. He was a massive signing for the company, even if tonight was a one-night deal. This was the co-main event tonight between one of the biggest stars in the company and a new signing. Rusty Mills and Lone Rider were set out to try and steal the night with an incredible match. The finish was the new woman by Lone Riders side distracting Mills allowing Lone Rider to hit the Dusty Trail Takedown. I did expect more from the match, but I am willing to give the result a pass as both Lone Rider was working with a new manager and Rusty Mills looked a little off his game which after only doing independent shows last year could just be some ring rust to work on.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 41


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Vortex

Delbert hit the ring after the match, it looked like he wanted to get an interview with Lone Rider and the new woman by his side, but they bailed after the match before they could. Instead, Delbert got a chance to hype up next month.

He said he would ensure he gets an exclusive interview with Lone Rider, he would also be interviewing Lance Maddigan to ask where his tag-team partner has been, he would also book an interview with the winner of the SZW New Year Riot which is coming up next.

Delbert’s microphone was cut off as the arena plunged into darkness and Vortex could be heard on through the speakers in the arena as swirling images can be seen on the screen by the entrance ramp.

“Lee Bawes, Dizzy G, Blackwell Bush and Jake D’Angelo, hear my proclamation. In the realm of the SZW you will have the highest billing next month. You shall have your cosmic collision, and ultimate test against one another. The victor will emerge as the chosen challenger to be fed to the vortex of destiny. Prepare contenders, for your greatest moment could be next month. Be aware it will set the stage for your greatest loss as well.


SZW New Year Riot

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Armando Guerrero vs Austin Tahere vs Christian Blithe vs Lerone Slim, vs Michael Rheur vs Michel Bernard vs Saul Rubennick vs Toasty Bonnar vs Warlock vs XS

This was a chance like always to showcase some of the newer signings and guys lower down the card. This month it was clear Armando had been getting over with the fans a little more as they were excited for his in-ring antics. The burst of energy resulted in Armando getting the most eliminations of the night. The final four men were Armando Guerrero, Austin TAhere, Michel Bernard and Christian Blithe. Armando Guerrero rapidly eliminated Tahere and Bernard with a flurry of high flying moves and he looked set to win the match before Blithe cut him down to the boos of the crowd as he tossed the fan favourite from the ring.

Winner: Christian Blithe

Rating: 43


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The opening segment was one of SZW's best yet (DIW dig aside 😆) in showing Original Lone Rider's conflict in not being willing to defend his son but refusing to punish him the same way he would've anyone else, and how well it set up Bruce The Giant's debut. I'm loving Armando Guerrero's new direction too.

You can feel these cards starting to get more and more stacked with Rusty Mills v Lone Rider, a 20-minute tag title match and a Blackwell Bush bout all on the undercard. I can't believe Bush hasn't made it to APW at least in the canon CVerse based on how much he delivers for you and John Lions.

I was cheering for Guerrero but, with all the new signings coming in, it was definitely the right call to have one of them win the battle royal to help establish them, especially for the extra heat of stealing the victory from our Aussie adventurer.

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Christian Blithe is a great person for Adgee to defend the title against. He gets immediate credibility and he'll deliver with your champ. Bruce The Giant comes in and immediately gives SZW a recognizable "face" as you start to push bigger shows and potentially broadcasting, and is the perfect guy to step in as an authority figure. Blackwell Bush continues to deliver the goods, and he's my first choice for Vortex's first opponent.


I think it's Level 6 Merchandising that opens up global merchandising.

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Armando Guerrero ~ Rusty Mills ~ Vortex

Three guys out here changing a bit. Armando grounding his style to be more of a regular wrestling style, while Rusty Mills transitions to be more of a technical based guy. The best news was Vortex who is normally quite toned, came in looking incredibly muscular.


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Taniko Jo ~ Fuzzy Freeman

The two seemingly have developed a backstage relationship often arriving together. Originally the plan was for Taniko to end up being let go, but using the honeymoon period with her new relationship may be a good idea.


@619 I agree I had used Blackwell before but he has been so great in the ring for this save though it has been hard to not shoot him up the scene immediately even though I may be hampering myself by holding off.  

@John Lions On the way to get Level 6 Merchandising, when that happens I will probably pull the trigger and take the jump to Small and get some broadcasting happening or get on Bloke Channel. 


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Friday Night Crush


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Lone Rider & Ceri Dordevich

Delbert DeGeorge as promised was kicking off the show tonight and he did so backstage as he was making his way into the backstage area Ceri was hanging off the side of his arm. When Delbert DeGeorge attempted to get his scheduled interview with Lone Rider, Ceri screamed at him telling him to leave her man alone. Lone Rider laughed and calmed Ceri down before snatching the microphone from Delbert to deliver a scathing promo.

“Everyone wants to know why I did it. I did it because during my entire first title run everyone talked about the Adgee and Kipper feud. Everyone was set on one of them beating me for the title. Not my countless wins as a champion, apparently that doesn’t prestige to the title. But feuding with the same guy for a year does? My entire run was marred by Adgee Cross, and everyone was so happy when he finally beat me. I’ve never had the fans cheer so loudly for any of my countless wins, for me beating the likes of Trehawke Phillips, Michael Rheur or putting an end to Adrian McGhee and the Devoted Souls. I am sick of the fans not realising how great I am, I am sick of being overlooked for other wrestlers, even if I have the SZW Australian Championship wrapped around my waist. This is my company, and Adgee has my title. Bruce the Giant wants to rob me of my rematch, fine. I will make everyone pay.”


SZW Tag-Team Championship Match

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The Devoted Souls vs Toasty Bonnar & Lerone Slim

The Devoted Souls came out with the chip on their shoulders after being pushed to their limits last month by Smokers & Suplexes, continued to dominate anyone in the tag-team division if the odd pairing of Toasty Bonnar & Lerone Slim. The title was on the line, but it certainly wasn’t at any threat. This was still a really good match, and Lerone Slim and Toasty Bonnar had great chemistry together. Which you know what that means.

Winner: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 48


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The Devoted Souls

Like always when we spoke on the microphone Adrian McGhee did the heavy lifting and we announced that this would be the last time the fans would see the titles defended for a long time. They had already spoken backstage to Bruce the Giant, and informed him there were no teams in this company worthy of challenging them. No one will get a shot for the titles, for a very long time.


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Lone Rider vs Jonathan Wesker

Lone Rider came out and with Ceri at ringside dominated this match from start to finish, it was a short match between the pair and was focused on showing the new aggressiveness of Lone Rider. This match it seemed Lone Rider and Ceri gelled a little better and didn’t hamper the match.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 34


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Rusty Mills & Stephanie Drucker

Rusty Mills the former APW Tag-Team champion came out to a great reception from the crowd and his stunning wife by his side. The two enjoying being centre stage with one another, something they hadn’t had the chance to do at their previous promotion. Rusty took the mic work first.

“I am so glad I have a second chance in front of this amazing SZW crowd. I grew up down the street from here with each one of you. So many faces in the crowd I recognise, in fact so many people who came to my wedding with Stephanie.”

 “I wanted to apologies to you all for my poor performance last month, and to my stunning wife as well. We have been through so much and losing in my debut match against Lone Rider.”

Stephanie took the microphone from her husband and gave him a soft smile.

“Rusty, it is okay. We have had many challenges together and our relationship is stronger for it, and just like out in the real world I will help pick you up. Plus, here in SZW we have the support of the fans, but you all need to know you aren’t supporting just a wrestler. You are supporting a family, you are supporting a foundation of love and dedication that we have for one another. We want to thank you for that support.”

Rusty Mills and Stephanie Drucker both did amazing work tonight in the ring and to no surprise delivered the best segment in company history as they hyped the fans up.


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Rusty Mills vs Michael Rheur

This wasn’t going to be the longest match and certainly wasn’t going to be the best opponent for Rusty Mills to show just how talented he was in the ring, but it was his chance to show he could carry a match against one of the lower card guys like Michael Rheur. Carry the match he did to an exciting level as he put in a stellar performance.

Winner: Rusty Mills

Rating: 50


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Lance Maddigan

Once again Delbert DeGeorge was ready for his interview, this time it would happen inside the ring with Lance Maddigan making his way out. The big question of the night was where is Banky, and why hadn’t they challenged Smokers & Suplexes back for a chance to face The Devoted Souls almost six months ago.

“I have heard the questions and I want to answer them, but it is not my place to answer for Banky. He will be back next month, let me tell everyone that and we will be competing together. I just want to say, everyone has their battles. Whether inside the ring or in our personal lives. Banky is a fighter no matter where he is, or what he is doing and as his friend and partner inside this arena I will always support and be by his side and next month Banky will let you all know where he has been.”


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Abattoir vs Christian Blithe

The future challenger for the SZW Australian Championship Christian Blithe came out and dominated Abattoir in his final match for SZW. This wasn’t going to be a pretty match between the two men. Made worse by the fact the two men seemingly not being able to get in a rhythm with one another.

Winner: Christian Blithe

Rating: 28


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ Chistian Blithe ~ Adgee Cross

Delbert DeGeorge climbed in the ring as Christian Blithe celebrated with a microphone. Delbert announced that Christian Blithe would be the next man to challenge for the SZW Australian Championship. Christian took the microphone Delbert.

“Thank you Georgey-Boy, get out of my ring.”

The fans begin to boo as Christian starts to address them.

 “Now hold your applause peasants. I know revelling in the victory of the Award Winning Christian Blithe has left you at the edge of your seats for what comes next in my storied career. I just want to thank everyone that has contributed to my success. I want to thank myself, for continuing to work out every day. I want to thank myself for talking in the mirror, I know I look stunning while delivering promo’s. I want to thank me for all of my hard work.”

“Adgee Cross I know you are backstage, but I want to thank you for being a footnote in my career. Don’t worry when they make the blockbuster movie about my life, I will make sure there is a very “short” scene referencing you, much like your stature in real life.”

Adgee Cross hit the ring running down with his ribs still taped up.

“Christian, I couldn’t care about your life story, or block buster movie, I am sure “The Downfall of a Man” will be a great success in theatres. I just want to let everyone out here know it won’t be long until we face each other. I haven’t been cleared for next month, but at Glory & Gold the fans will get to see us face each other, in a tag-team match.”

The fans cheer as Adgee raises his belt above his head and both competitors get close to one another facing off.


Number one contender match for the SZW Sydney Championship

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Dizzy G vs Blackwell Bush vs Jake D’Angelo vs Lee Bawes

This was slated to be a strong match. The smart mouth Dizzy G would find himself to be the first person eliminated as he talked smack about everyone in the ring and they made sure he was eliminated first. Blackwell Bush went on to dominate the middle of the match which allowed Jake D’Angelo to convince Lee Bawes to work together. The two were able to eliminate Blackwell Bush. Lee Bawes then finished the match against Jake D’Angelo hitting a T-Bone Suplex for the win.

Winner: Lee Bawes

Rating: 52


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Lee Bawes ~ Vortex

Lee Bawes got the mic after the match celebrating his victory.

“Vortex, you have been this enigma. The centre of mystery, the eye of the vortex has never faced a suplex symphony. The Lee Bawes Express is going to barrel straight through whatever you call the cosmic arena and there is no stopping it until I am the SZW Sydney Champion.”

Lee Bawes yells at the referee to raise his hands once more in victory and as he does so the lights flicker as on the titantron by the entrance way the figure of Vortex materialises.

“Bawes. The stars have acknowledged you as a worthy challenger. You make comment about the eye of the vortex, which is fitting as I will place my title on the line at Eye of the Storm. You have been chosen for what will be a cosmic spectacle. Our fates will align, and the cosmic arena will be ready. The Vortex will take your Suplexes and turn you to history.”


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Lucky break for Toasty finding chemistry with Lerone Slim - not sure if this is the direction you go with it, but this alt already existed for Lerone Slim that might fit given his tag partner of the future...


Strong showings from your tag champs, the four way match, and Rusty Mills - I wonder if Mills just had "first match jitters"? I don't actually know if that's a thing in 2020 still, but I can't imagine a rematch with Lone Rider not blowing their first encounter out of the water.

Lee Bawes makes sense as the winner, he's the oldest of the bunch and the rest should find their way back into a title hunt one way or another.

Your tag team division is starting to fill out, and with The Devoted Souls stepping back, I can only imagine a tournament of sorts to see who's the next team worthy to face off against the champs? I hope Banky missing time was kayfabe-related, because I've got a soft spot for him and he's been doing a lot of the heavy lifting for your roommate in their tag team.

EDIT: I was checking my historical merch sales and it looks like it was actually level 7, not 6, that opened up worldwide merchandise to Well-Known workers and above.

Edited by John Lions
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Jake D'Angelo and Lee Bawes could make a pretty good tag team, but with Bawes going for Vortex, that may have to wait. 


I'm a big Christian Blithe fan, though he seems to be struggling so far. Thought he could get more out of Abbatoir but I guess negative chem did him dirty. 


Rusty Mills should be a shoe in for a title shot against Adgee, dude could give you your best match yet. Though, thought he'd do more with Lone Rider. 

Edited by DAVEFAN95
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Adgee Cross vs Christian Blithe and Vortex vs Lee Bawes = 🔥🔥🔥

Christian Blithe vs Abbatoir was the worst match of the night, but Christian Blithe's segment was the best of the show for me.

It was fun to see Lee Bawes talking about "the eye of the vortex" and "whatever you call the cosmic arena" and the number one contender match was great. 👍

Edited by newbiezness
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Lone Rider is really starting to thrive in his new role. I feel like the ingredients were there for a hot heel run from the start, but it made sense to let him being outshone in a big all-babyface match be what pushed him over the edge.

Vortex is another character who really stands out in everything he does. I think I'm right in saying he's still only had one match, and yet his presence on the show feels huge, which shows how well you've done at establishing him.

The Devoted Souls clearly have a lot of stroke to have first negotiated singles title matches for themselves while tag title holders and now telling Bruce the Giant they're not taking on new challengers. I like to think this is a subtle nod to the smart fans who know Peril's the booker.

The Banky business is intriguing. I missed Armando after his star turn on two recent shows, but appreciate this is the nature of having a bigger roster to showcase, and it builds anticipation for his next adventure.

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Lone Rider

The son of the owner recently signed a deal with DIW to show up over there as well. I will definitely keep an eye on how he goes over there, curious about what prompted it. Whether it was the new brutal style which saw him use a branding iron at the end of last year. If seeing that interested them. Unless it is all a rouse to bury the son of Original Lone Rider after his shots at DIW on our opening show this year.



Austin Tahere

Austin Tahere was seen backstage once again working with his mentor New Zealand Pit Bull which is great to see the kid continues to grow and is the main reason he hadn’t been sent elsewhere to work at this stage.


@John Lions As always I love the work you do with renders and as Lerone has saved someone elses career he can certainly have a new look that fits really well. I'm surprised you supported the Lee Bawes pull. I agree Rusty was probably under first match jitters as he looked much better in his follow up match, and definitely want to get him and Lone Rider together again. Not a tournament as such but a way to certainly put a focus on other teams is the care. Sad I wont get it until level 7, as I can see me starting to bleed a little cash now. I am also not getting monthly Merch sales from my stars yet, So that is a concern. How did you access the historic merch sales data?


@DAVEFAN95 I agree they could become a good veteran team but I actually have a bit of a plan for Lee Bawes joining the tag-team soon down the line. At least, tentative plans. Blithe has struggled, but I blame Abattior as well. Mills... he does exactly what you expect. 


@newbiezness I am glad you are loving it, I love the energy.  Always love seeing the guys you enjoy and glad you're hyped for the title matches. 


@619 Rider is thriving, I love writing heels more so I am really enjoying it, and glad the turn made sense. You are 100% correct, Vortex has only had one match and it was his title win on the biggest stage of all. Haha, it is a little nod to Peril holding the book, and just that they have devalued the division so need to sit back a bit. Armando will be back, but he wont be a main focus. Just fun segments now and then, as he is a solid in the ring as well. He is a good midcard guy, and I think he can act in that role well. 


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Bruce the Giant

The big man known as the general manager of the company was the first person out and on the microphone. He wanted to address some moments from last week. Yes, the Devoted Souls would not be expected to defend their tag-team titles for some time. Their next challenge would be at Final Chapter and he was going to select two of the current teams on the roster at Recipe for Disaster.

That would give teams four months to show they have what it takes to be in a triple threat match for the tag-team titles. Tonight I signed a contract with the high flyer Jimmy Stratosphere who will also be in tonight, and in fact would be up next. Lastly, tonight will be main evented in a big match of Dizzy G taking on Lone Rider.


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Jimmy Stratosphere vs Michael Rheur

Jimmy Stratosphere had been unavailable to start the year, but he came out firing tonight excited to have his first show in Australia in sometime. To say I was excited to see him perform was an understatement, but this was not booked to be an instant classic with an 8-minute match against Michael Rheur who struggled had been struggling to go the distance and struggling to keep up with the pace Jimmy Stratosphere wanted to work at. Jimmy came away with a win in his debut match.

Winner: Jimmy Stratosphere

Rating: 38


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Lance Maddigan ~ Banky Bremner


Lance Maddigan came out and announced that Banky Bremner was in the building and hearing that the Bruce the Giant would be keeping an eye on the tag-team division he was excited to get his tag-team partner back and get their name back in lights and in the title picture. Still tonight was about Banky Bremner who came out looking excited to be back. Banky got on the microphone.

“I have missed this, I have missed each and every one of you, I have missed being in this ring. There is one thing I haven’t missed, and that is Lance Maddigan.”

Instantly the fans were on the edge of their seats as he got face-to-face with Lance Maddigan, while Lance was looking concerned as he came face-to-face with his partner.

“I haven’t missed Lance Maddigan as he has supported me every step of the way, continued to be by my side when I couldn’t be by his.”

“I don’t want to get it twisted; I wasn’t the one going through this battle. It wasn’t my own personal battle. Six months ago, I received a call, that someone. A stranger needed a bone marrow transplant, and I was a match. I couldn’t ignore the chance to save someone’s life even if it meant I wouldn’t compete for a title chance. That put my life on hold for three months, and when they told me the stranger had relapsed and I could give one more donation of bone marrow, knowing it would put my life on hold for another three months. How could I refuse, I couldn’t ignore the chance to make a real difference to same someone’s life. I had to give someone a fighting chance, and that will always be bigger than what happens inside this ring.”

Banky looked on the verge of breaking down as the crowd sat silent to take in the gravity of the situation that reigned heavy on his heart. His tag-team partner Lance Maddigan embracing Banky Bremner for a moment.

“I am back, we are back. I won’t be doing this just for myself anymore, every time I step in this ring it is for everyone who has ever faced a tough moment in life. We all have the power to make a difference, sometimes it means stepping away from something you love to save a life.”

Banky looks as if he had got a load off his chest in spilling the reason for his sudden disappearance to the crowd before Lance Maddigan took over.

“Hold on Banky, I knew you would be here tonight. I knew Wild Youth would be back together, but I wanted to personally thank you for inspiring not only me but all these fans. This is a new phase in our journey, and I want to honour you. That is why I made new shirts, and would like to announce our new team name. Wild Youth will forever be known as Lifeline.”

Lance pulled off his jacket to reveal the new shirt design and team name before the two men embraced in the ring together and went to the back.


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Taniko Jo ~ Fuzzy Freeman

A small segment of Taniko Jo and Fuzzy Freeman meeting up backstage. Fuzzy noting that Taniko had not been herself since Lone Rider parted ways with her. Fuzzy wanted to tell her that wrestling was a rollercoaster it had ups and downs. You just had to go with the vibe, and he had the perfect way to get her into the vibe. Which had a decent pop from the fans.


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Rusty Mills vs Jake D’Angelo

It was always going to be a tough to follow up the duo of Lifeline and although we had a small segment in between the fans were still emotional. Rusty Mills would have the chance to show just how big of a name he was in the company up against Jake D’Angelo, with a chance to try and get the fans involved in his contest. They pulled it off, in fact more than that. They smashed it out of the park in this match as Rusty Mills hit another level tonight and made it hard for the rest of the show to follow them, after Rusty Mills hit a scintillating Northern Light Suplex.

Winner: Rusty Mills

Rating: 59



Buckminster Snark

Buckminster came out in his ring attire forgoing the Armani suit we had seen him wear when he came to sign his SZW contract, this time he was in his ring gear which was a pair of nice fitting tan slacks and a pair of polished brown shoes.

“People have asked why I left ZEN, how could I leave my homeland and come to Australia.”

“The fact is, I was in love. I was in love with Kalliope Woodchuck, and everything I did made no difference to her. I tried to be the good guy, I tried to buy her nice things, I took her to the nicest restaurants, I showed her things no guy could ever show her. I was the perfect gentleman. What did it get me? I lost matches, I lost momentum. My focus was on her so much I lost sight of my career. That was fine though, I had her.. I had her...”

“She rejected me? Me! ME! ME!!!!"

"How could she I was the good guy, I did everything right. I was tried to hard and she turned me into a loser. She did it, she is why I am here. I am here because I needed to get away. I needed a change. I needed to be better, I am going to show I am better. I am the best, I am the most ruthless. I need to show her, I want to show her, I want to show myself. I want to get given a fight, I want to fight someone, anyone. Get the hell out here.”


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Buckminster Snark vs Lerone Slim

Lerone and Buckminster were both former ZEN wrestlers but hadn’t had the chance to tussle with one another yet. Lerone Slim was coming off a great match last month while Buckminster Snark was showing his more psychotic and anger side of his character. I wasn’t expecting this match to get close to the previous, and while it didn’t it still delivered a quality performance between the two men, with Snark looking more comfortable in the ring as he picked up a strong win.

Winner: Buckminster Snark

Rating: 46


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The Runway

XS and Michel were back and rolled out the red carpet down the entrance ramp. The duo rolling it out themselves before running back to start of the entrance way and performing a strut as they walked down. The duo announced they were keen to make an impact tonight considering the new challenge laid down by the general manager but first. “The highlights” of their “training” up on the titantron played to the iconic soundtrack of the Rocky training montage. The video showed both members walking down various catwalks, and laying their red carpet out in public such as in shopping centers, and even along a beach getting kids and other people to strut their stuff.


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Two-Faced Bomber vs The Runway

The Runway took on the team of Two-Faced Bomber a pair who had struggled to find success in the company, but The Runway came out looking smooth as silk as duo in the ring tonight. Both teams wanted to impress but Two-Face Tucker just couldn’t keep up with the speed of The Runway tonight.

Winners: The Runway

Rating: 43


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Adgee Cross ~ Christian Blithe

The SZW Australian Champion and his challenger both came out to the ring to hype up their first match against one another, but also to announce who their partners would be in the upcoming tag-team match between them next month. This wasn't going to be an incredibly long segment for the two men.

Christian Blithe was the first to announce his tag-team partner and he was going to team with another Number One Contender, Lee Bawes!

Facing off against another champion would prepare Bawes for his upcoming match against Vortex. 

While Adgee Cross announced his partner would be the company's newest signing, it would be Jimmy Stratosphere, leaving the fans excited for their main event next month. For a shorter segment the fans really bought into both men. 


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Dizzy G vs Lone Rider

This was a big match, one that when I signed the initial roster, I would have thought would be for the SZW Australian Championship. Both men currently found themselves outside of the title picture, but it could be seen as a strong win for either man over a former champion. Ceri and Lone Rider continued to improve, and Ceri did some good work tonight as they improved together. It couldn’t dethrone Rusty Mills earlier in the night, but to close the show was a good enough showing for what I wanted.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 46


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The Banky segment was an all-timer, from the clever early tease of a turn to the unique angle to make him the biggest babyface on the roster, with a smart new team name on top. Victory at Final Chapter would be a worthy payoff, but I guess it may be hard to replicate the kind of popularity boost this would give Banky in real life in-game (unless it was an actual incident the game generated).

I liked both of your theories for why DIW might have signed Lone Rider – these did a great job of bringing the game world to life. I see what you mean now about finding a reason to keep Taniko Jo around. It's impressive how adaptable you are to curveballs the game throws at you. The idea of Buckminster Snark getting Woodchucked on his way out of ZEN and making it part of his ongoing character is fun continuity too.

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Lone Rider "riding" (lol, get it) his fathers coat tales to get the victory against Dizzy despite signing for a competitor. Personally, I think treason should be punished, obviously not Dad Lone Rider. 

Snark talking about Kalliope Woodchuck on an SZW show, popped me. I like Kalliope a lot and Snark is also a fave of mine, glad he's here. 

I get Rusty Mills is good, but Jake D'Angelo has been doing well under the radar too. I've got a soft spot for him due to this diary. 

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I'm just going to say, Vortex showing up buff probably helped a fair bit during his big reveal at Friday Night Crush.

Also, I feel like Lifeline absolutely have to be in the running for a big push soon. I would be interested how you came up with the idea for Banky, though. I've never seen something like that in-game, but I'll admit that it's made him and Lance's team-up a lot more interesting.

I really have to give it up for Jake D'Angelo here. I didn't have high expectations of him, both from the game's description as well as your own appraisal, but I like how he's developing into a sort of crafty character here. It's really helping him find a niche as a sort of midcard villain.

I would just like you point out how amused I am that both guys you signed with stoner gimmicks ended up finding great chemistry with completely unrelated partners. As for a new team name? I feel like Slim n' Toasty has a nice ring to it, even if it is a bit uncreative.

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I am going into a bit of detail about personal life. But I work as a nurse and recently worked on Oncology unit when a friend was coming through, and they where on the registry waiting for a donor that matches enough with their bone marrow to do a viable graft. It is an international register with donors all around the world. My friend got a match with someone from Norway. Learning about the fact it is an international register and such was really cool. It was a good prompt for why he stayed out for six months and also raises awareness you can get on a register to help someone out in the worst part of their life.


In game Banky just went on a six week holiday after I forgot about him and Lance. 

Edited by HiPlus
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I have a massive google doc where I've been keeping track of individual performances in matches, month over month popularity, and merch sales. If international merch is level 7, then when you hit level 6 you should get individual worker merch and you should still make a pretty penny from Bruce.

The segment with Lance and Banky was impressive, I've never thought of giving a kayfabe reason why someone was off-screen before and it was well done. I didn't really care much for that pairing but with one angle you gave yourself an uber babyface team. Great stuff.

Two weeks without Armando, he better be cooking up something good. Adgee and Jimmy teaming up was honestly one of the interactions I was thinking would be really cool when I picked you to sign him. I think even though Jake D'Angelo might not be individually standing out, he's clearly a great dance partner - he had fantastic matches with both Rusty and Blackwell.

Lee Bawes working in multi-man matches with your young guys is a great spot for him. I think he was the best choice to win the 4 way despite my obvious biases because he's been working his role as the midcard vet in a way that no other guy you hired really has, and he definitely deserves some quality wins so he has some credibility when he loses. Vortex is not likely to lose his first title defense (IMO) after both singles titles hot pototo'd a bit recently, so he's the perfect guy to step up.

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Lone Rider

No drama here, just talking about last month. Lone Rider was busy last month, aside from his big match with Dizzy G, he had several other matches around the place. He attended an independent show here in Sydney and had went across to Perth for a big time had been all over the place, he made a showing at an Independent show in Sydney and a Big-Time Independent show over in Perth. As well as main eventing for us last month, he was in the match of the night over in DIW. He teamed up with Gyula Lakatos to take on the team of Blitz Simpson & Gregory Grace



Brown Snake

Last month Brown Snake suffered a bruised pec due to a both from Adrian McGhee in a post-show match up between the two men and their tag-team partners. Luckily it was only bruising and was something Brown Snake could continue training and should be fine come Glory & Gold



@John Lions I wish I had that commitment to building a google drive for it all. I am glad the Lance/Banky segment went well. That was my biggest concern because the subject material that anyone reading it may take it in bad taste, but hopefully it was handled tactfully. Armando is coming up with something, though it isn't super crazy as much as I love writing his angles the more sporadic they are, the longer they will last. Lee Bawes has quietly become one of the standouts for mine in the last year. 


@619 Yeah definitely wasn't any in-game incident. I have thought about a soft bump in pop for him and Lance (Predominantly him) based on the forum reaction to that segment going so well, for as much as I love the game mechanics I am much more about the narrative in the storyline. That, I can justify in my mind. I'm big on blurring the lines of kayfabe and outside to a degree and making those things work together. 


@DAVEFAN95 Treason, this company primarily is about Original Lone Rider getting his son over. If anything we can close up shop now that Lone Rider has moved to "bigger" things. I say bigger because it is close. Jake D'Angelo is a guy I am surprised a lot of people are taking notice of, as until you, Aura and John mentioned I hadn't thought much about him. He is a strong midcard act I can slot into spots and he is working well at it. 


@The Lloyd I love the feedback mate, and really appreciate it.


@Aura I have been blessed with tag-team chemistry as another team have it on tonights show, and even more on the pre-sho matches with Michael Rheur having Great Chemistry when teaming with Maelstrom. Making four of my tag-teams have great chemistry together. I did like Slim n' Toasty but opted for Groovy Tokers in the end with the new headband. 


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