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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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Glory & Gold




Bruce the Giant

Bruce the Giant was out tonight in a short segment that he had developed a lot of interest in the tag-team ranks after announcing there would be two teams competing for the titles and taking on the Devoted Souls at Final Chapter. While tonight was Glory & Gold, no Gold would be up for grabs so it would be all about Glory tonight. With so many teams wanting to display their talents before his final decision at Pinnacle in three months, where he will select the two teams. The focus would stay on the tag-team division tonight and it would be a special event.

Every single match would be a tag-team contest. Bruce was excited to continue his evaluation of the SZW tag-teams, and the potential to uncover some new tag-teams as there would be a few more pairings. He didn't want the fans to wait any longer and went to the back. 


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Two-Faced Bomber vs Buckminster Snark & Jake D’Angelo

The pair of Buckminster Snark & Jake D’Angelo teamed up to take on what was clearly the dregs of the tag-team department as Two-Face Tucker continued to struggle with stamina in the ring. Snark & D’Angelo were able to get the win when D’Angelo pulled Wesker from the apron and raked at his eyes to distract Tucker it allowed Snark hit the Snark Bite inside the ring.

Winners: Buckminster Snark & Jake D’Angelo

Rating: 36


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Dizzy G & Maelstrom

Dizzy G took to the ring and he was flanked by a menace of a man standing at 6’8’ the monster followed behind dutifully as Dizzy got on the microphone.

“Let’s make this clear, this is a tag-team edition for the company. I am not a tag-team. I am the whole damn package all by myself. My friend here, he goes my Maelstrom and he is not a signed wrestler for this company. He is signed as “security personnel”, he under no capacity can perform in this ring for all of you losers, he is here to watch my back. I am not out to declare how, I am in a new tag-team, or how I hope to get a title shot against Devoted Souls. I am announcing the return of Dizzy G. The return of me winning, the return of me talking smack, and the return to the status quo.“


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The Runway vs Groovy Tokers

The newest former tag-team took on one of the longest tenured teams as The Runway. This match was set to steal the show, in an effort to show the pace, and speed of the tag-team division. Groovy Tokers showed a lot of natural chemistry with one another again, helping make it for an exciting affair but the experience between Michel and XS was what allowed them to get the job done. One thing I noticed is that XS gimmick was a little stale, so a small tweak with him focusing on being a model is probably on the cards. This was a really good performance from the two of them. 

Winners: The Runway

Rating: 48



Armando Guerrero

We were back for another Armando Guerrero Aussie Adventure. This time he was out and about on a beach in his fall ring attire as the rest of the beach goers where in swim wear.

“¡Hola, amigos! It is Armando Guerrero here on the beach of Bondi. With all the talk of tag-teams going on, I wanted to try and get out amongst the people and find an aussie who wants help me capture the tag-team gold.”

Armando roamed through the crowds of people before he saw a surf livesaver from the hit TV Show "Bondi Beach" the man already had a camera performing an interview of sorts with him as Armando interrupted. Now both men had two sets of camera's on them.

“You look like a man who helps people who need it on the beach, and I need help. I need a tag-team partner to help my wrestling career continue to grow.”

The surfer looked up and down Armando who was in his green, white and red leotard covering his whole body, before gesturing towards the water behind the camera's.

“I’ll tell ya what mate. You help me out here on this beach, save a few people struggling in the waves and I will help you out in the ring.”

Armando Guerrero looked out at the crowd and then his eyes were drawn to the sea, Armando took a moment to respond as his face sunk a little as he stared out at the ocean.

“¡Ni hablar! In there with the sharks. I watched the movie Hammerhead! I am never going in the ocean. Armando will wrestle a crocodile, he will box a kangaroo but to swim with the sharks is out of the question.”

Armando looking deflated left the shoreline hurriedly heading away from the ocean, the camera followed Armando who as he hurriedly made his leave he kept looking over his shoulder at the waves. Forgetting to even deliver his closing line instead the camera pans back to the lifeguard.

“Well, at least he had Slip, Slop, Slap right with his fancy outfit.”


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Smokers & Suplexes vs Blackwell Bush & Austin Tahere

This was a strong match where Blackwell Bush was tasked with carrying his much younger and less experienced tag-team partner against a legitimate tag-team in Smokers & Suplexes. Picking up their first win after their loss to Devoted Souls, Smokers & Suplexes beat Austin Tahere as he got hit by “The Hotbox Suplex” with the signature moment of Fuzzy Freeman blowing smoke (vape) into the face of Austin as Brown Snake held him up in a suplex. Taniko Jo made an appearance at ringside to take cheer on Fuzzy Freeman. Fuzzy, like his tag-team partner copped an injury but instead of a bruised pec, he sustained a fractured cheek bone thanks to a botch by Austin Tahere, thankfully it won’t keep him out for the next show, but you could tell it dampened the impact Fuzzy had in the match only coming in to help with the finish.

Winners: Smokers & Suplexes

Rating: 43


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This was the first time that Lance Maddigan and Banky Bremner were able to come out together in a long time. Both men wearing their new shirt designs and being introduced by their new tag-team name. Over six months since both men performed their entrance with one another, and after last month it was clear the reactions were a lot better than before they had left. 

Lance did well at high fiving fans at ringside, but made sure the focus stayed on Banky Bremner who was the man at the moment after his journey. The duo didn't get any mic time tonight, but the elaborate and prolonged entrance allowing the fans to get into it worked well.


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Warlock & Saul Rubennick vs Lifeline

Lifeline didn’t necessarily get the best team to go up against to show their newfound momentum, but the match was clearly going to go there way from the outset. Saul did well to talk down to Banky causing some ire from the crowd before Lifeline hit their new finisher labelled “Vital Hope”. It was clear this wasn’t a good outing with Warlock and Saul struggling to keep up with the others while Lifeline aren’t necessarily there to carry the others.

Winners: Lifeline

Rating: 33


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Lee Bawes & Christian Blithe

The two men challenging for the SZW Australian Championship and the SZW Sydney Championship came out together with each other. They came out to a new soundtrack reminiscent of an awards ceremony background music, and the lighting had turned golden as both men made their way to the ring.

Both men looked excited to hype up the show tonight with Christian Blithe taking a moment to thank his fans, and by fans he means all the peasants at ringside who are paying to watch him in the Main Event. While Lee Bawes says this will only further his legacy as the King of the Suplex. Christian finishes on the microphone by demanding that the two of them be introduced by their tag-team name, yelling at the ring announcer to perform the reintroduction as Christian Blithe took a bow center stage.

The "Golden Grapplers" were introduced together for the first time.


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Golden Grapplers vs Adgee Cross & Jimmy Stratosphere

The highlight of the night, the main event and it was clear that Bawes and Christian weren’t going to be just another put together tag-team as the duo looked to put on a display of tag-team moves together after training with one another. While I know they had been training together backstage as I had told them the plan was for them to become a tag-team I was surprised by their chemistry with the duo having Great Chemistry with one another.

The finish comes when Lee Bawes hits a German Suplex that is assisted by Christian Blithe hitting a Super Kick at the same time to Jimmy Stratosphere in what is labelled as Gilded Awardplex by the commentary team. Blithe goes for a pin, picking up a major win heading into his match against Adgee Cross next month, and having a technical victory over the champion.

Winners: Golden Grapplers

Rating: 48




On the Titantron at the entrance way Vortex materialises in a transparent and somewhat distorted visual of himself. The barely visible Vortex made his decree before his match with Lee Bawes next month.

“Lee Bawes… Your new alliance does not change your fate. It does not change your destination. Gold is your name, and your desire. You and I shall collide next month, and that gleam of gold that surrounds you will be peeled away as the vortex consumes you.”


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I really liked the all-tag concept: it helped build up the division and anticipation of the Final Chapter match, and gave the show a theme that set it apart.

The Dizzy G segment was perfection, playing off the tag theme, subverting expectations and putting himself above needing a partner, just security personnel. He immediately seems like the biggest deal he has since dropping his title. It was great to have Armando back and up to more fun too. It makes total sense that you want to spread his segments out rather than burn through all the possibilities too quickly.

The main event booking seemed spot on: the challengers needed the win to cement their threat and also establish them as a double act for the teased upcoming tag run, and it made sense for Stratosphere to take the fall if he's only available part-time at the moment.

I'm jealous that this DIW still have Simpson and Lakatos though. Big Jim clearly runs a happier camp.

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It was good to see a tag-team themed show.

As long as I love Armando segments (I could imagine that beach LOL) the Vortex segment was direct and precise. Perfect ending. Vortex is the guy.

Golden Grapplers seem to be a perfect pairing. They look good together, they have great chemistry... they don't need much more to be dominant and the Gilded Awardplex is a cool move with a cool name.

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Golden Grapplers are great, the classic veteran + young guy pairing. Blithe is already pretty excellent and he'll get a lot more solid in the ring working alongside him.

I love the direction you've gone with Vortex. He's ended up being a major player in all three of my long term games and I don't think I've ever not have him be some level or unstable or involved in the occult. Armando segment was excellent again. Dizzy G gets some much-needed muscle to back up his smack talking, I could see him being one of the top picks to unseat Vortex (hopefully far in the future).

Great idea for a show - the Devoted Souls have just been so far ahead of the rest of your tag teams, taking them out of the picture and having a whole show dedicated to tag team wrestling with many of those teams gunning for the titles makes them seem more important, and gives the other teams a chance to shine without being in Adrian and Peril's shadow.

On the topic of the Lifeline, I've done this before a few times - don't just bump up their popularity, you can add an attribute to them in the editor instead. Since 2020's release, there have been a lot of attributes added that as far as I know won't ever be added organically by the game world, but were made for modmakers. Groundswell of Support I think fits what you could argue Lifeline are currently experiencing.

"The wrestling public have connected with this worker on a deeply personal level: the worker gets a bonus to the rating of every match and angle they are in to simulate the rabid support, plus a large boost to their merchandise sales [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts between six months and two years.]"

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I was just kidding about the treason thing. I know Lone Rider is a big part of the company. 

I think John Lions mentioning a groundswell of support attribute being added to Lifeline is actually a pretty cool idea. It's an angle a lot of readers got behind and you could probably see the CV crowd doing the same. I actually never thought about doing that. 

Golden Grapplers are gonna be good. Blithe plus Bawes should be a solid team. Though, they are probably higher up the card and the tag title may not be on their mind, though I feel Vortec retain his title against Bawes anyway. 

All tag matches but no tag title match, those dastardly heels. 😝 i fo feel I am seeing less of Peril and McGhee now, they used to be all over the shows, the ensemble has kind of taken over a bit now. 



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No drama's, good news.


@619 Yeah after all the talk last year about Dizzy G not having the strength to back up his smart mouth this year was the plan to bring someone in. Unfortunately it waited 4 months and he doesn't exactly much to do at the moment, but he is waiting in the wings. DIW in this save are doing well in terms of popularity, but are bleeding cash by being on Wrestleword Aus and needing In-House music to be broadcast. Lone Rider has recently had two decent wins after his first loss. They have recently hired both members of Crime Wave (D.O.A & Switchblade), Wrecker, both Anguish and Misery from The Affliction, and the big one Brodie Lachlan to go alongside Gregory Grace as their big former RAW signings. 


@newbiezness Vortex is most certainly the guy!


@John Lions I hope so, the fact they got excellent chemistry of Golden Grapplers makes me so damn excited to see. I definitely had done the Groundswell Support this time but didn't notice too much of a difference. I will see how it goes on the next few shows for sure. 


@DAVEFAN95 Can't keep an egomaniac booker off his own show. 

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Eye of the Storm


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Bruce the Giant ~ The Devoted Souls


Bruce the Giant came out to the ring getting in at centre stage with the purpose of hyping up the night. Starting by talking up the main event where the SZW Australian Championship would be on the line as Adgee Cross takes on Christian Blithe. The SZW Sydney Championship would also be on the line when Lee Bawes takes on Vortex in his second match in SZW.

Bruce continued to introduce the fact a new tag-team had signed a contract for the next three shows in an effort to show they belong in the SZW Tag-Team division. They were an established team who had recently teamed up with Lone Rider over in DIW. They were The Bad Truckers.

Before Bruce can introduce the team to the ring the current SZW Tag-team champions The Devoted Souls came out. Adrian McGhee kept it short for our part on the mic. It was simple, after everyone last week got a chance to show how good of a tag-team they all are. This week we would be getting the chance to prove that to everyone else, and we would do so by welcoming the newest tag-team to the company, and showing Bruce that they aren't worth keeping around. 


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The Bad Truckers vs The Devoted Souls

Adrian McGhee and I were out here to prove a point, and we had some large heavy men to show off our brutal strength. I wasn’t expecting an amazing match out of this one with both big men well past there prime but they certainly worked well together. This was a strong match between the two teams, with The Bad Truckers looking good as a duo. They weren’t hefty enough to stop me from hitting the Rebound Boot on Big Rig.

Winners: The Devoted Souls

Rating: 46


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Golden Grapplers

The Golden Grapplers came out together to their new intro music, that award winning ceremony concoction playing through the speakers it allowed Christian Blithe to really show his personality as he thanked fans on the way to the ring even stopping and answering questions as if being interviewed. Sure they weren't the questions the fans were asking, but he was still talking about how great he was. The contrast to this was his partner who looked more focused and serious as he climbed between the ropes with a microphone in hand.

"Christian and I are about to make history. History that was only made just recently, you see we will be the second tag-team to capture every singles division title in this company. Then we will face down the team that did it first, and take out The Devoted Souls. Let me not get too far a head of myself. I can deliver a 100 different suplexes, and I intend to deliver as many different variations as I have to, to put down The Vortex tonight. I don't care about his cosmic powers, I care about winning."

Christian Blithe finished the segment off.

"Peasant's shut the hell up. You watched greatness last month when we beat the SZW Australian Champion and Jimmy Stratosphere. We showed just how great of a tag-team we are. This month we show just how great individuals we are. I have an acceptance speech written up for my championship win, but I want to let you all know. The person I "Thank" the most is me, because when I walk out the SZW Australian Champion tonight, it is because I am just that damn good."


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Lifeline vs Trehawke Phillips & Michael Rheur

Lifeline were back in tag-team action and this time they were against the team of Trehawke and Rheur. Another team up of veterans on the roster, and just used to help build up the returning team. They delivered their finisher Vital Hope to Trehawke Phillips for the win. This wasn’t a good match, and that was mainly due to Trehawke and Rheur getting tired in the early goings of the contest. 

Winners: Lifelife

Rating: 31


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The pair came out of the win looking good and without breaking a sweat really. It was clear the two had a lot left to give in the ring. If the fans weren't sure of that fact Lance said they were ready to go for round two. Happy to put on a show for all the fans as they beckoned for another team to join them out in the ring, anyone backstage. Even The Devoted Souls if they wanted a second match tonight. Banky calmed his partner down and informed him that they should probably have a rest, after all next month they would be taking on the team that lost to the champions tonight. They would be facing The Bad Truckers in a tag-team match. 


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Rusty Mills vs Jimmy Stratosphere

Rusty Mills had last month off and came out tonight with Stephanie Drucker in toe. He was set to face off against Jimmy Stratosphere in what would be his last match for the company for a few months before his next overseas stint. This was a great in ring performance from both men as Rusty Mills put away Stratosphere with the Northern Lights Suplex.

Winner: Rusty Mills

Rating: 56


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Lone Rider & Ceri Dordevich

Lone Rider came out to the entrance way with a microphone, and Ceri attached to his side clinging off the arm that didn't have a microphone in it. The two didn't press down to the ring but remained at the top of the ramp.

“Another one, you are just like Adgee Cross. You come in and make waves performing in matches and trying to upstage me. I beat you during your debut, do the fans talk about that fact? Do the fans talk about how great my matches are?”

“No! The fans clamour to see you in action but ignore the fact that I am putting my body on the line every month for them. They want to see Jimmy Stratosphere in a match, even if he splits his priorities between SZW and another company. Guess what, I work at another company as well, and my priorities are in the SZW ring! The fact you are in a match tonight, and I have been looked over is a joke. I don’t care what the big giant Bruce thinks he is doing, but I am the biggest deserving talent here.”

“I hate people like you who come out here and think you can just try and take everything I have built, and all the fans already can’t wait to see you take on Adgee for his title. Well, that isn’t going to happen. I am next in line, and I will beat you again to prove it.”


SZW Sydney Championship Match

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Lee Bawes vs Vortex ©

To say I was excited for this match is an understatement, it would be the second time that Vortex was going to compete inside the SZW ring in-front of the fans. Lee Bawes was the perfect foil to lead into this championship match, and had done well building up the hype around it.  It delivered as well, it was better than I had expectations of and even better than the previous match of the night which is amazing to see. Vortex showed what a stud he was in the ring, while Lee Bawes seemed to be constantly improving despite his age. Vortex got the win after reversing a suplex from Lee Bawes, into a Tornado DDT where Bawes had almost thrown Vortex up into the air before the reversal.

Winner: Vortex

Rating: 58




Vortex gets on the microphone at the end of the match.

“Vortex consumes everything.”

“Now that the end of the match has come, the movement of future will occur. The cosmic forces have selected my next appearance. I will appear at Final Chapter with my title on the line once more. The challenger remains, vacant and ready to be taken. Who will be next?”


SZW Australian Championship Match

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Christian Blithe vs Adgee Cross ©

This match was going to be lengthy, with a lot of time to build a strong match between the two men. Neither man did anything wrong in the match and both put on similar performances, with a small edge to Christian Blithe. That made it all the more disappointing that it didn't quite deliver on the same terms as the previous two matches. It may have been they were just overshadowed by the earlier matches or the flow was just a little off. I wasn't about to chase either guy for answers right after the match. 

Adgee Cross was able to sell the offense of Christian Blithe well, which had lead to several near falls. It was true Adgee Cross was a hard man to put down, and just when you thought he was out his shoulder was off the match. Adgee Cross showed that resilience as he was eventually able to hit the Cross Fire and "The Boss" Adgee Cross picked up a strong win in his second defence of the title. 

Winner: Adgee Cross

Rating: 42


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Golden Grapplers ~ Adgee Cross 

Adgee Cross wasn’t even able to get his title to celebrate the win before Lee Bawes had come to the ringside to attack and blindside the champion. The timing was so close to the finish, the commentary team suggested Bawes was already coming down to try and turn the favour for his tag-team partner. After delivering a few blows to the exhausted Adgee Cross, Lee Bawes helped his partner to his feet.

The two men hit their tag-team finisher together the Gilded Awardplex on Adgee Cross in the middle of the ring. They weren't finished though, the beat down of the champion continued as they smashed into the back of Adgee who could only try and cover up until....













The Kipper

The Kipper had returned and the former SZW Champion who had seemingly retired and disappeared for the last four months in the company had returned. His presence was felt immediately and the new superstars had quickly vacated the ring leaving The Kipper to help up the champion to his feet. The Kipper went to hand Adgee the championship glancing down at it for a moment before handing it off to Adgee Cross and allowing him to stand tall. 


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You're definitely at the point in the save where everything is singing: you can tell you've got a great grasp on your roster and who fits best where, and not only three worthy champions but a strong set of contenders for each.

This was really visible here where you've got Rusty Mills and Lone Rider potentially eyeing up Adgee Cross, The Golden Grapplers getting their heat back after defeats, Lifeline winning and being in line for another potential big win against The Bad Truckers and you identified the perfect time and angle to reintroduce The Kipper. Not to mention so much talent that you can afford to have Blackwell Bush, Armando Guerrero and Dizzy G sit one out, though I imagine one of them may have Vortex in their sights soon.

And the best part of all when you get to this point in a save is getting to play off the history you've created, like the Grapplers teasing repeating The Devoted Souls' clean sweep, or Lone Rider using his previous victory over Mills as additional fuel for his bitterness. Lovely stuff.

Thanks for the DIW update. Hopefully things go better for Switchblade this time. Diesel Dan was a star in my default database DIW save. I guess he's dropped back a bit by 2022, but it sounds like the debut went well and, if nothing else, it's a good name for The Devoted Souls and potentially Lifeline to boast wins over.

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Lee Bawes vs Vortex lived up to expectations.

Christian Blithe vs Adgee Cross was a little bit overshadowed but that speaks better to the two previous matches than anything else. Golden Grapplers seem like a natural tag-team to me. Considering that they have become a tag-team recently I think it is a very good sign.

The Kipper returning was a nice plot twist to end the show.

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The Kipper's return was a great moment, unfortunate the match didn't live up to expectations. Great to see your midcard stealing the show, though, as it just means you have that many more possible challengers for the top belt. The Bad Truckers are a really good duo and I think fill the role you probably hoped The Drifters would have filled. I think they are a sleeper team for success in the next year, given they have 2 things your other team's don't have - size, and experience.

Lifeline need a good dance partner, but I think most of the talented teams are on the babyface side. Maybe give them a face vs face match up? The Golden Grapplers would be a good showcase, but hard to choose a winner between the two there.

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Adgee Cross

Adgee Cross had increased his size to Lightweight. He bulked up but still looked incredibly muscular. He was excited to show off the new bulked up physique this month. Adgee was taking the role of champion seriously as he looked great when I saw him backstage.


@619 Yeah, I love now I can do some call backs to where people can talk about previous matches or there is more depth and history on the roster. It makes it a lot nicer to run storylines and intertwine those stories together. I agree I have a lot of guys who are in the wings waiting for their turns to join a storyline or have their own. It is a bit disappointing, but does allow to keep things fresh between people. I am also liking Diesel Dan, he may stay longer potentially but we will see how I go with him.

@newbiezness @John Lions I am glad The Kipper return went over really well. I wasn't sure if I was going to bring him back, and I was going to keep him around on the Pre-Show and luckily I just felt there was the right time for him. I agree the assessment of The Bad Truckers and looking back I kind of wish that was the intention as they are quite over. I just needed them to look a bit stronger. I use the division, but the light one so I can definitely do Face vs Face and Heel vs Heel matches as I think those stories are just as good to tell. Bad people don't necessarily like other bad guys. 


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Bruce the Giant ~ Adgee Cross

Bruce the Giant came out with a microphone in hand wanting to discuss the events of last month, particularly what had taken place after the Main Event at the close of the show.

“I’ve made it clear, that attacking a champion doesn’t put you next in line for a match with them. I don’t want people going crazy backstage thinking beating someone down is the way to earn a match with someone. That is why I am out here to announce that Christian Blithe will not get another match against the SZW Australian Champion any time soo..”

Before he can finish Adgee Cross’ theme music hits and out comes the SZW Australian Champion.

Adgee climbs into the ring and the champion is dwarfed significantly in size by the general manager. This was the first time I had let anyone stand side by side with the general manager for that exact reason. Giving the first time it occurs to the champion as a way to try and push his underdog status to a degree and hype up his courage of standing in the ring with anyone hopefully didn’t result in his stature discrediting him as a champion.

“Bruce I respect you, and I respect your decisions. This is the second time I have been beaten down after being victorious for the SZW Championship. Somebody like me has to earn the respect of the locker room. I have to take on those people who throw their size around or take on, the challengers that want to beat me down after matches.”

“Somebody like me always has to prove themselves. Somebody like me doesn’t get the luxury of resting on my intimidating size. Somebody like me has to fight tooth and nail every single night. Now I respected your decision with Lone Rider, but I want you to respect my decision. I want to fight, I want to fight two men that continued to put their hands on me. I want to beat Lee Bawes one on one. I don’t care if I have to put my title on the line. I want to show the Golden Grapplers that Adgee Cross wont just lie down, he will take the fight to them.”

With that Adgee handed the microphone to Bruce and made his way out of the ring, not waiting for a response from the general manager. As he reached the top of the entrance ramp Bruce finally replied after thinking it over.

“Next month you and a tag-team partner of your choice can face The Golden Grapplers, and at Sydney’s Finest the following month you get your wish. You will take on Lee Bawes, putting your title on the line.”

Bruce gave the fans some time to chant for Adgee as he made his leave before focusing on the rest of tonight and primarily the tag-team division.

“Tonight, at the close of the show I will finally name the two teams who will be taking on The Devoted Souls at Final Chapter. I must say there are a lot of teams on the cusp of that match, and tonight we will find out just who deserves the chance to take on the champions.”


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Armando Guerrero vs Lone Rider

Lone Rider came out second after the previous segment, making sure to come out last so not to cross paths with Adgee Cross or Bruce the Giant. Lone Rider got to take on one of the fan favourites in Armando Guerrero tonight in what was an impressive match before ended it with the Dusty Trail Takedown. A good showing from a former champion and Armando Guerrero who was getting a good reaction from his Aussie Amigos.

Winner: Lone Rider

Rating: 47


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Delbert DeGeorge ~ The Kipper

Delbert DeGeorge came out and introduced a man who really need no introduction as he was the inaugural SZW Australian Champion The Kipper had made his triumphant return last month to save Adgee Cross. Delbert wasn’t going to pull any punches with his interview tonight and straight away led with the big question. Would The Kipper be Adgee Cross’ tag-team partner next month? The Kipper let the fans at ringside deliver his answer, and it was a resounding “Yes!”

Delbert DeGeorge then asked about why he had been gone so long and The Kipper was a lot more tight lipped about that, saying when he feels the time is right he will share that with the not only Delbert but all of the fans that make SZW such an amazing place. The Kipper finished the segment by letting the fans know “He ain’t dead yet.”


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Lifeline vs The Bad Truckers

The Bad Truckers were coming off their loss last month and Lifeline were developing a recent win streak seeing the change in name as a team. Lifeline were up against not only more experienced individuals but also a more experienced tag-team as they came crashing into The Bad Truckers. Getting a match up against a team that can go in the ring had a great effect for them with Lifeline putting in a decent performance, particularly Banky. While Diesel Dan also looked amazing.

Winners: Lifeline

Rating: 49


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Rusty Mills & Stephanie Drucker ~ Delbert DeGeorge ~ Lone Rider & Ceri Dordevich

Rusty Mills was backstage with his wife being interviewed by Delbert DeGeorge the hometown sweethearts getting a decent reaction from the crowd. Delbert had one question, or at least focus and that was on Lone Rider who laid down the challenge last month to Rusty Mills.

Before Rusty could even formally accept the challenge, he was attacked from the side by Lone Rider who almost ran straight over Rusty. Stephanie looked to get involved as Ceri warned her off, Lone Rider delivered some sickening shots with the branding iron that appeared to be his go to weapon while in DIW. After Rusty Mills was out for the count, his focus changed to Stephanie Drucker who just wanted to help her husband. Ceri held onto Stephanie as Lone Rider got right into her face menacingly, almost yelling into her face directly as she grimaced.

“You can tell Rusty, I don’t care what the hell Bruce has to say about people beating down someone not going to get them the match they want. I will keep beating down Rusty every single night until I get a match with him. If that doesn’t get Rusty to accept the match, I will beat you next.”


Ceri tossed Stephanie down onto her husband as he laid on the ground beaten before standing over her as she pulled Lone Rider embracing him with a laugh delivering the final line in the promo.



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Jake D’Angelo vs Toasty Bonnar

Jake D’Angelo hadn’t had the greatest success in the ring but he was certainly showing he could be a reliable hand within the squared circle. This was his chance to show what he could do without someone to guide him. It wasn’t the worst match, but clear he isn’t the guy. Jake D’Angelo picked up the win after hitting a low blow while the referee was distracted.

Winner: Jake D’Angelo

Rating: 37



Jake D’Angelo

Jake got the microphone after celebrating his second solo win in the company.

“I want Vortex. I will throw myself to whatever cosmic lord I need to, to become the chosen one. Vortex I was the second last man eliminated in that Elimination Fatal-Four-Way match to determine you contender. Now you may have beaten the winner, but three others from that match remain. I am one of them, I am the closest to the previous challenger. Whatever forces compel you; I am compelling them. Give me a match for the SZW Sydney Championship."


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Lloyd Banks vs Peril

Lloyd Banks who was impressive in his one-off match earlier in the year got another shot to be the local talent. This time he got the chance to put over me, which was exciting. Now I clearly am not Rusty Mills and the match wasn’t going to be close. I dominated the entire match if I do say so, ending the match in quick order with the Rebound Boot, putting a quick end to the match.

Winner: Peril

Rating: 30



Buckminster Snark

Snark was backstage in what appeared to be his own dressing room that was lavishly adorned, resting in his Armani suit. He clearly hadn’t come to the show tonight to wrestle, instead he had his feet up enjoying the night as a member of the ring stage team entered the scene with drinks in hand.

“The whiskey for you Mr. Snark, and the Fruit Tingle… Was that for a lady?”

He asked curiously as he started to place the drinks down on the table, wondering if the fancy fruity cocktail would be for someone else.

“It’s for her, of course its for her. She may not be here, but I respect her. I always order her drink. I always do, I am a gentleman. What if she came in here? What would she drink? You think I want to share my Whiskey neat, with an orange peel rubbed against the rim of the glass? No! That is far to harsh for my beauty? How dare you even suggest such a thing!?”

Buckminster was standing now, the petrified crew member tried to apologise about even hinting at the idea before Buckminster smashed the glass of Fruit Tingle into the poor crew members face. Snark grabbed his own drink and looked to do the same again, but instead grabbed the crew member by the scruff of his shirt collar, before lifting and smashing him back through the glass coffee table he had his feet on moments earlier.

To his credit Snark did not spill a drop of his whiskey and as he stood proudly over his handy work he took a sip from the drink made by the crew member.


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The Runway vs Smokers & Suplexes

Two teams that I knew could perform in the ring were given the Main Event for the night, in the hope that not only would they deliver a resounding performance but shed some more light on the tag-team division as a whole. This match allowed them to push their limits in the ring and show off both teams complete arsenals. The finish came on the outside of the ring as the two teams ended up beating each other senseless with Brown Snake delivering a suplex on the outside to XS.

Michel Bernard proceeded to take down Snake with a DDT, and then finally Fuzzy Freeman tackled Michel on the outside sending both men through a barricade. Leaving all four men of the match laid out at the ringside giving the referee no choice but to count out both teams. XS seemed to struggle with the rest of the guys in the ring.

Winner: Draw

Rating: 50



Bruce the Giant

Bruce made his way out of the backstage area surveying the two teams that were struggling to pull themselves together after what wasn’t just a match between The Runway and Smokers & Suplexes. It was a battle between two teams who didn’t want to give up on this chance.

“I have to be honest, I am disappointed. While that match delivered I had hoped it would help me narrow down my second choice tonight. I will address that in a second, but the first choice. The choice and first team that can punch their ticket to SZW Final Chapter to take on the SZW Tag-Team Champions. The first team will be Lifeline!”

The crowd cheered knowing how much it meant to the pair of wrestlers in the back to hear that announcement be made, before the fans were wondering who the second team would be in the match. With chants for Smokers & Suplexes and The Runway duelling amongst the crowd. One fan could be heard shouting “Groovy Tokers” in between the chants.

“There will be one more match between The Runway and Smokers & Suplexes to decide who gets the coveted spot at Final Chapter.”


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Really cool to give two non-champion tag teams the main event, both to build anticipation for the big Final Chapter match and elevate more wrestlers, and it looked like they grabbed the opportunity. It seemed like a good show all round for match quality with the Lone Rider and Lifeline bouts also delivering. I loved the opening segment for showing Bruce the Giant trying to keep order and Adgee Cross refusing to back down. Buckminster Snark's might have been even better: what great character building.

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Adgee is the first champ that really "feels" like the top guy, just based on the interactions he's had with everyone including and especially big Bruce. I like Bucky being an absolute psychopath, that's not a direction I've seen a "rich snob" character go in and I'm all in for it. Lifeline getting the big upset (maybe not in SZW, but in wrestling) win over The Bad Truckers, Not knocking their talent by any means, but The Runway have been on hold/doing silly stuff for what feels like months now, so them pulling a draw in an admittedly good match against S&S is great for them, but I don't buy either as being a real threat to the Devoted Souls. Lifeline seem like the first team that really has a chance of beating the champs, but having (at least) one more team involved will make things interesting - if it's one fall I could see any team walking out with the titles.

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Banky Bremner was bought into wrestler’s court for some transgressions backstage by Paul. The outcome was positive in the end which was great to see Banky take it in stride.


@John Lions I agree that S&S and The Runway don't feel like they are there but surprisingly Fuzzy is one of the most over guys in the company so it has been hard not to hot shot them into winning the titles. I agree though Lifeline seem like the only viable threat since there turn. 

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Recipe for Disaster




The opening promo was taken away from Bruce tonight, instead Vortex would be addressing his latest challenger Jake D’Angelo who had laid down a challenge last month. Vortex made an unlikely entrance to the ring delivering the promo in person instead of on the TitanTron.

“In the cosmic realm a challenger has emerged. Not chosen, but instead forced. The hand of the cosmic being forced does not bother the Vortex. Jake, you tread a path of deception, of cheats, of tricks and underhanded tactics. The cosmic forces have accepted me, to deliver its guidance to you Jake D'Angelo.”

Vortex paused for a moment to pace the ring the microphone in hand as some chants can be heard from the fans, their focus was still entirely on Vortex and as soon as he spoke they became silent once more.

“When you step into the cosmic arena, you will not face just an opponent. You will face an unnatural force. One that cannot be tricked, that cunning tactics will not endure. I will pierce through your veil of darkness and expose the truth of you.”

The fans ate up the chance of seeing Vortex in the ring, even if it was only for a promo.


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Big Rig vs Rusty Mills

Rusty Mills was looking to gain some momentum after last months beat down by Lone Rider. Big Rig was looking to prove he has some value as a singles act as well with this being the last match left on his contract. Rusty Mills picked the big man up and delivered his Northern Lights Suplex for the victory. This was a really strong match opening match for the night.

Winner: Rusty Mills

Rating: 53


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Rusty Mills & Stephanie Drucker

Stephanie joined her husband in the ring after victory, but it was clear the two weren’t here to celebrate the victory with the crowd. Rusty worked the crowd well with helping the fact he was labelled as the Hometown Hero.

“Last month you crossed a line Lone Rider. I don’t care if you beat me down, I don’t care you used that fire poker you call a Branding Iron. I don’t care you blindsided me during my interview. You crossed the line when you let that little thing of yours grab hold of my wife. You crossed the line by putting her in harm’s way.”

Stephanie caught her husbands attention as it was clear he was getting more fiery and took the microphone from him for a moment.

“Rider, and Ceri. You two may have crossed that line, but you fueled the fire in our hearts. You strengthened our bond, and we realise we have overcome so much in this ring and in our personal lives together. You reminded us why we stand side by side in this ring and in life.”

Stephanie after giving Rusty some time to calm down handed the microphone back to her husband.

“Lone Rider, if you wanted a match you just had to ask. Instead you aren’t going to get a wrestling match, you are going to get a god damn battle. A battle that I want you to have no escape from. At Final Chapter it will be Lone Rider vs Rusty Mills inside a STEEL CAGE!”


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Buckminster Snark vs Lerone Slim

One half of the Groovy Tokers came out to face Buckminster Snark in a short match. Snark came out focused and before the bell even had run Buckminster was attacking Lerone Slim in the middle of the ring. Lerone didn’t get much offence in this one as Snark tapped into that aggressive streak, he had shown the last few times in backstage promos. Snark & Lerone Slim both put on good displays and impressed me in their match.

Winner: Buckminster Snark

Rating: 43


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Dizzy G & Maelstrom ~ Blackwell Bush

Dizzy G was cutting a decent promo taking some time to insult the fans before pointing out that two members of the previous Fatal-Four-Way elimination match he was in had been given a match against Vortex. He eagerly looked forward to his own chance before Blackwell Bush came out stating he would be next in line. Maelstrom made his presence known by running over Blackwell Bush leaving him in a heap. Dizzy G leaned down and slapped Blackwell in the face laughing at the idea of challenging him.


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Diesel Dan vs Johnathan Wesker

The second member of The Bad Truckers also got a chance to show off his in-ring ability tonight against Johnathan Wesker in singles action. Diesel Dan wasn’t keen on putting over Wesker, which is good because that wasn’t the plan as I wanted to thank at least one half of The Bad Truckers by giving him the win tonight. The only concern was that Diesel Dan and Johnathan Wesker couldn’t even go more than 10 minutes due to stamina concerns, although Diesel Dan looked great in the match and the two men had good chemistry together.

Winner: Diesel Dan

Rating: 42


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Armando Guerrero ~ Jesse Tasman

Armando Guerrero was out by the beach once again this time with a young man who had several surf boards around him and had two laid out on the sand in front of them. The long haired guy looked rather comfortable on the camera.

“Hola Amigos! It is I, Armando Guerrero with your next instalment of Armando’s Aussie Adventures. Today we learn a skill that I believe every Australian knows. It is called “surfing” and no I don’t mean on the World Wide Web like all your children do.”

“This Is my instructor, Jesse Tasman!”

“Hey dude, welcome, welcome to Woolloomooloo my man, some of the nicest waves out here.”

A small moment of Armando attempting to say Woolloomooloo incredibly unsuccessfully occurred with the laid back Jesse Tasman trying to coach him in saying it, after being unsuccessful the two moved to the surf boards on the ground.

 Armando was guided through the basics of surfing, starting with laying down on the board and the hop up onto his feet. Armando seemed almost like a natural as he bent his knees and got steady on the middle of the board. Armando let slip he knew how to snow board and it definitely felt similar.

“Now I already know some moves, like the “Hang Ten” and the “Sushi Roll” I know the last one because it is named after my favourite cuisine. ”

Jesse Tasman was shocked to hear that Armando knew what a sushi roll was and said it didn’t sound like Armando was a beginner, maybe we should get out on the waves, a chance to see Armando actually try out some basic moves on the water. The moment the ocean was mentioned Armando once again looked out at the ocean and shook his head, before abruptly turning to the camera.

“That is all the time I have my Aussie Amigos! I would have loved to show you my Gnarly tricks, but sadly we just don’t have time and I am not going near the water after I watched the movie “Hammerhead”. I will see you all next time on Armando’s Aussie Adventures.”


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The Runway vs Smokers & Suplexes

Although not the main event, the two teams in this contest proved they could deliver last month. With the stipulation the winners would get to make it to Final Chapter. The two teams once again looked to put on a scintillating match, but focused on keeping the action in the ring so there would be a decisive winner. As it looked like both teams were reaching their limits The Devoted Souls jumped the ring and assaulted both teams at the same time causing a double disqualification result between the pair.

Winners: Draw

Rating: 46


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The Devoted Souls ~ Lifeline

The Devoted Souls continued the beat down of both potential opponents in the ring until Lifeline came out to assist the downed teams. The Devoted Souls made their leave through the crowd not wanting to take on six men at the same time, despite the fact four of them had been beaten down.

Banky was quick to get on a microphone and lay down the challenge.

“We get it, you don’t want to defend your titles in a triple threat tag-team match. That is fine with us, if you wanted to take on the Lifeline all you had to do was ask. We can do it right here and now if you want!”

The crowd erupted at the idea of an impromptu title match between the two teams. Lance and Banky tried to encourage their future opponents to get back into the ring but it was clear The Devoted Souls wanted nothing to do with them tonight.


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Golden Grapplers vs Adgee Cross & The Kipper

This was the second time Golden Grapplers would be taking on the champion against a partner of his choosing. The second time they had the chance to prove themselves as a team. Christian Blithe and Lee Bawes continued to excel and utilise their cohesiveness as a team, and when The Kipper blind tagged Adgee who was beginning to get some momentum in the ring. Lee Bawes was the one to capitalise and eventually managed to hit the Gilded Awardplex with the assist from Christian Blithe on The Kipper for the win. This was a great final match tonight.

Winner: Golden Grapplers

Rating: 53


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Golden Grapplers ~ Adgee Cross ~ The Kipper

Golden Grapplers celebrated their second victory against Adgee Cross as a tag-team. The pair of men made their way up the entrance ramp with Christian Blithe taking time to bow and cheer himself on as Lee Bawes was focused on Adgee Cross. While in the ring The Kipper and Adgee Cross appeared to be discussing the events of the match and the miscommunication between the two, with some frustration over the faces of both men.


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Loving the Golden Grapplers. Really like them as a team. Also, fatal four way for ths title? Seems like a logical conclusion given Kipper and Cross' history. 


Big props to Diesel Dan getting that out of Wesker, sure chemistry was a part of that but seriously well done. Think with both truckers being on the roster, don't know why they haven't been fed to Peril and McGhee more often. They're probably the most credible team on the roster. 

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It's always enjoyable seeing the Final Chapter card start to come together, and a cage match elevates the Rusty/Rider issue: is it SZW's first?

It was a nice subversion of expectations to have Diesel Dan win on the last appearance of his initial deal. I'm intrigued to see if he gets an extension to put someone over on his way out, or if it was primarily a goodwill move in case you use him again in future.

I like Blackwell Bush's new direction having to potentially get through Maelstrom and Dizzy G to get to Vortex, while Vortex and Armando Guerrero's segments were typically unique and compelling.

The main event finish was the right call to give Lee Bawes a win over Adgee Cross before challenging, with the interesting added detail of the champ's crossed words with The Kipper.

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Vortex opening the show was such a strong start. He is always on point.

Armando's segmento was as good as usual. Jesse Tasman is another one of my favorite aussies.

Golden Grapplers winning again was the correct result in my opinion, while the miscommunication between The Kipper and Adgee Cross may be teasing a plot twist.

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Dizzy G and Blackwell Bush getting into a storyline sounds great, both men have been by the wayside lately.

Golden Grapplers are heating up, and while I don't see them winning any singles titles now I can see them entering the tag division as a contender with The Devoted Souls for the top bad guys.

Was wondering if you'd introduce one of the many talented surfers on the indies with Armando's vignettes, that was fun to see.

Rusty vs Lone Rider should be a great first big feud for the newly-heel Lone Rider, looking forward to it.

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I feel like the main thing that's been making Vortex work is just how different he feels compared to the rest of the company. No one else really has any supernatural elements to their character, but he's just diving straight into the cosmic element of his character, and it makes him feel like something special. Also, I feel like the decision to have him focus more on promos than lots of matches makes sense in-universe as well. By spacing out his matches, he can still keep most of his crowd-pleasing high-risk style, but there's less risk of him getting injured again.

I have to say, Wesker's had the chance to get into the ring with a lot of pretty talented wrestlers at this point, so I have to wonder how much he himself has improved. The company's in its third year, and a lot of the roster has developed significantly. If he's lagging behind, that might be a warning sign.

Also, just for fun, I'd like to mention that when I imagine Maelstrom in his current role, I can't picture him without a suit and sunglasses. I also sincerely hope that when Lone Rider teamed up with the Bad Truckers in DIW, he swapped out his cowboy hat for a trucker cap.

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Dizzy G ~ Austin Tahere

Dizzy G was helping the backstage environment with his lively nature brightening up and increasing the energy backstage when he called for an impromptu game of darts with the stakes on the line. While Austin Tahere was getting some work in his in-ring psychology working with his mentor New Zealand Pit Bull.


@619 It is certainly their first Cage match, and outside of the Aussie Rules match between Adgee & The Kipper, and Lone Rider vs Trehawke Phillips strap match is our first big "gimmick" match, yet to utilise tables or ladders at this stage. Diesel Dan will return i am just undecided if he returns on his own or with Big Rig to add to the tag-team scene. 

@DAVEFAN95 Although I don't plan for it to be a fatal-four-way, I kind of wished I pulled the trigger on that to make it a fatal-four-way down the line. The Truckers only came in for a brief 3 match stint but certainly have done what it takes to have me considering bringing them both in. 

@Tiberious Ahh the CVerse rip off of Jaws has left many in the CVerse adverse to the ocean. 

@John Lions It was so hard, initially I thought about having them in the previous segment with Armando, but decided to hold out a little longer. You are right so many guys like Surfer Dude Lucas, Brodie Lachlan, and Jesse Tasman who all have the look for surfers and could easily fill that role. 

@Aura Vortex is definitely one of my most fun and compelling characters to write about, keeping him out of matches does make it hard to build him up and progress feuds. Then again he hasn't had that long term feud yet. Wesker is stuck, he hasn't improved his partner declines. There isn't much I can do with him to be honest. Lone Rider surely has a trucker cap considering he has teamed up with The Bad Truckers on two occasions. He also recently lost in a match for the DIW Australian Championship. 



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