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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


National Wrestling

Episode #33

Wednesday W2 June 2021

Show Rating: 62


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! The building is buzzing tonight, as we kick off the Cruiserweight World Cup!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Representatives from England, Wales, Scotland, Spain, Japan, India, Mexico and New Zealand compete to win the honour of Cruiserweight World Champion for their Nation!”

Melanie Florence: “And our opening match of the night is to crown the representative for the proud nation of Wales! And joining us on commentary is the man who will face the winner of this match next week on National Wrestling – Spain’s representative Victor Jimenez!”




Welsh Dragon VS Aurelian Bradley VS Neville Jones VS Red Dragon

Victor Jimenez was very vocal on commentary, explaining exactly how he would beat each of the Welsh competitors in their Quarter Final match next week. The Spaniard seemed to take particular exception to Welsh Dragon, claiming the appropriation of his mask and much of his moveset from the world of lucha libre was deeply offensive. Jackie Goldstein asked Jimenez about Spain’s history with lucha libre, to which Jimenez replied his mother was born in Mexico – before going on a long rant in Spanish.

Back in the ring, Aurelian Bradley had started the match strongly – using his size advantage to overpower his three Lightweight opponents. Bradley looked good throughout the early stages of the match, before the youngsters overconfidence cost him as he charged at Neville Jones – who was leaning against the ropes, only for ‘The Swansea Kid’ to drop the top rope and send Bradley sprawling to the outside. Not wasting a moment, Jones headed to the top rope and followed up an incredible Swansea Swanton to the outside!

With both youngsters down on the outside, it was left to Red Dragon and Welsh Dragon to battle it out. After a brief back and forth, it was Welsh Dragon who took control with his lucha inspired moveset. On commentary, Victor Jimenez winced at every Arm Drag, dismissed every Drop Toe Hold, was outraged by every Hurricanrana, before commenting on the repetitiveness of even more Arm Drags! Despite Jimenez’s protestations, Welsh Dragon headed to the top rope and hit his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope) to secure his spot as the Welsh representative at the Cruiserweight World Cup.

After the match there was a nice moment, as all three of his opponents showed respect towards Red Dragon – as they shook hands with and raised the arm of the former 21CW World Champion.

Winner: Welsh Dragon

Rating: 41


The camera cut to the office of Frank Finkleton. The network executive was sat on one side of his desk alongside an NWF lawyer, with Mo Adebola and Edison Silva sat on the other. The contract that Mo Adebola had negotiated for his clients match at ‘For Queen & Country’ was laid out on the table between them, while Leighton Buzzard could be seen buzzing around the office in the background. Frank Finkleton had his head in his hands as Mo Adebola and Leighton Buzzard talked over each other.

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Mo Adebola: “It’s digusting Frank… the sheer lack of respect… why should Edison be forced to represent these people… he has just as much Brazilian heritage as he does English.”

Leighton Buzzard: “I’m ready to jump back in Mr Finkleton… Did you see me in the tournament? Banger after Banger after Banger… Plus they cheated on Sunday anyway… You’ve got to put me back in Mr Finkleton!”

A vein on Frank Finkleton’s head was throbbing, and the network executive finally snapped.

Frank Finkleton: “Will you both SHUT UP!”

The room instantly fell silent, as both Leighton Buzzard and Mo Adebola stared intently at Frank Finkleton.

Frank Finkleton (calmly): “Leighton, this contract clearly states that the winner of your match this Sunday would be the one to represent England in the Cruiserweight World Cup…”

Leighton Buzzard: “But Mr Finkleton he…”

Frank Finkleton: “No but’s. You may not like the way Mr Silva won on Sunday but he did win, which means he gets the spot. You’re out, go and annoy somebody else.”

Leighton Buzzard scowled and left the office. Frank Finkleton turned to address Mo Adebola and Edison Silva.

Frank Finkleton: “And Mo, I can’t believe I’m having to explain this to you – but the contract was specifically for the opportunity to represent England in the World Cup. It’s mentioned multiple times throughout the document – so no matter how upset your client is, he can either choose to represent England or he too can leave. I wouldn’t take too long to decide though, as his Quarter Final match is later tonight…”

Mo Adebola grabbed the contract and began furiously reading through the terms. Looking thoroughly annoyed, he threw the document back on the table before forcing a smile.

Mo Adebola: “England it is then… “

Rating: 49



Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

We were reminded on commentary that Future X lost their British Tag Team Titles at ‘Three Lions’ back in May in a triple threat match without getting pinned. Jackie Goldstein informed us that Future X had enforced their rematch clause at the ‘Cruiserweight World Cup’ event and would challenge The Northern Lights for the titles.

The early part of this back and forth contest comprised of Brilliant White, Eric Future and Petey Barnes flying around the ring at breakneck speed. As seems to be the case with all State of Mind matches, the match broke down into chaos in the middle section – as Brilliant White took both himself and Eric Future out of the match with an incredible Diving Elbow through a table on the outside.

Referee Roy Worrall slid out of the ring to check on both men, allowing Ultra Violence the opportunity to get his cane involved in the match. Unfortunately for the hardcore wrestler, Petey Barnes had him scouted and was able to duck under the cane shot – before snapping back with an X-Press Superkick! Barnes was able to get Roy Worrall’s attention, and the referee slid back into the ring to make the three count.

Winners: Future X

Rating: 57


The crowd cheered as we cut backstage to find Nate Manchester, for his first appearance on National Wrestling since February. The Geordie was talking to his friend and former tag team partner, Leo “The Lion” Price.

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Nate Manchester: “Alreet lad, ah tell ya it’s greet to be back!”

Leo Price: “It’s great to have you back Nate, I tell you things haven’t been the same around here without you.”

Nate Manchester: “Aye, sounds like The Network have been having a right belta since I left…”

Leo Price: “They’ve taken over the place. I know you’re going to want to go after Nathan McKenzie, but you need to be sensible Nate. We need you around here…”

Nate Manchester: “I canny do it man. Big Mac may have busted mah knee, but remember I still won that match… ”

Leo Price: “Maybe on paper, but you’ve been gone for three months and The Network have used that time to take over the place… just think about it Nate.”

Nate and Leo Price shook hands, before the former NWF Commissioner left shot – leaving Nate Manchester looking deep in thought.

Rating: 51



Local Worker VS ???

The camera cut to an unnamed worker already waiting in the ring, before the lights cut out and eerie music played over the speakers. When the lights came back on, the menacing figure who had cost Jase Cole in his Cruiserweight title match this past Sunday had appeared in the ring.

Blood smeared across his face, the 290lb Light Heavyweight towered over his unfortunate opponent and delivered a dominant performance. Clearly trained in hand to hand fighting, the man battered his opponent with heavy punches before delivering the Full Nelson Slam we had also seen at ‘For Queen & Country’ to end the contest.

The bell rang to signify the end of the contest, but referee Roy Worrall looked like he didn’t want to go near the man to raise his arm. With a look of sheer anger spread over his blood-stained face, the man hauled his poor opponent back to his feet and delivered a second Full Nelson Slam.


This drew out The Force, as Jase Cole and Christopher Lister sprinted down to the ring drawing their laser swords. The figure stared the pair down for a moment, before the lights cut out once again. The laser swords glowed in the darkness for a moment, before the lights came back up to reveal The Force now all alone in the ring.

Winner: ???

Rating: 40


We cut away from the troubled faces of Jase Cole and Christopher Lister, to find High Society stood alongside Rachel Dearheart in the interview zone. Dylan Drama was wearing medical facemask, something Byron was very quick to bring to our attention.


Byron: “I have been warning everyone for weeks about the laziness, the entitlement, the poor work ethic and the downright sloppiness of the so called Generation-Z, and on Sunday Evan Alpass showed the world that I was absolutely right! Dylan here sustained a Fractured Cheek Bone, and now has to wear this face mask during the very peak of the social season!”

Dylan Drama: “The importance of the social season may be lost on a commoner such as Evan Alpass, but to people of my standing it is the very pinnacle of our year!”

Byron: “And thanks to Dylan’s father we have secured invites to the most exclusive social event of the season! Darius Moss talks about his ‘celebrity’ status, but once we secure our spot in the social elite on this country he will pale in comparison to the High Society!”

Rating: 55


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 Bali Daljit VS Davey Celtic

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final

Next up was the first match of the Cruiserweight Quarter Final, which saw India take on Scotland. India would be represented by NWF’s own Bali Daljit, whereas Scotland would be represented by Davey Celtic – an angry, drunken walking Scottish stereotype who worked for Scottish hardcore promotion the SNP.

This was a largely by the numbers match up, with the main talking point being Dave Celtic’s tendency to randomly start dancing in the middle of the ring after delivering a move. Unfortunately this proved to be the Scotsman’s downfall, and Bali Daljit was able to head to the top rope and deliver his spectacular Shoot Star Press – a move that he delivers with rare grace, to secure the victory for India.

Winner: Bali Daljit

Rating: 41


Next we cut to a training montage, showing Stuart Wilson in his new gym – Olympia. The opening shot showed a Whiteboard with the title ‘Gym Records’. Underneath was a list of lifts, currently with no record next to them. Throughout the video, Wilson was shown lifting incredibly heavy weights and setting new Gym Records for each of the lifts – Deadlift, Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press, Power Clean. While setting all of these records, a voiceover played over the footage.


Stuart Wilson: “Ah’m strong, strong as I’ve ever been. But training to be strong isn’t enough. Becoming an Olympic athlete, becoming the best of the best – it’s all in yer mind. You’ve got to know what you want, and get specific – and ah mean real specific with you’re training. Ah know exactly what ah want, the British Heavyweight Championship – and ah know exactly what ah need to get it! And that training starts next week!”

The final shot of the montage cut back to the whiteboard, which now showed Stuart Wilson’s name next to all of the lifts with absurdly heavy weights recorded next to his name for each one.

Rating: 73


We cut to the interview zone, where Rachel Dearheart had British Heavyweight Champion Landon Mallory.


Rachel Dearheart: “Stuart Wilson has made it clear he has his eyes on your British Heavyweight Championship, and looks like he is in incredible shape. Are you worried about the former Olympian?”

Landon Mallory: “I’ve said it before Rachel, but The Springbok isn’t scared of anybody! I said when I took this belt I would be a fighting champion and take on all comers, and I meant it. Stuart Wilson may be strong, but I’ve never met anyone strong enough to withstand a Springbok Ram! Yebo! So let Stuart Wilson get as specific as he wants, because you cannot prepare for a ride with The Springbok!”

Rating: 76


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Akihiro Hisato VS Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final

While a new name to British wrestling fans, fans of Japanese wrestling would be very aware of Akihiro Hisato’s heritage. A second-generation wrestler, Hisato’s father - The Great Hisato, was a former BHOTWG Junior Heavyweight Champion and 4-time WLW Universal Champion, and was considered one of the great Junior Heavyweight workers of the late 90’s/early 2000’s.

 At 19 years old Akihiro Hisato is in the early stages of his career, but has inherited both his fathers mask and graceful in-ring style. The speed and fluidity of the Japanese competitors movements caused problems for Edison Silva throughout this match up, as the former British Heavyweight Champion struggled to lay a hand (or knee) on Hisato.

Hisato’s graceful style makes him great to watch in full flow, and Silva had no answer for the speed and precision of his opponent. Hisato looked to cap off an impressive debut as he hoisted Silva up for his Falcon Suplex (Falcon Arrow), but with Silva’s World Cup looking over the former British Heavyweight Champion sunk to a new low as he desperately grabbed at his opponents mask and tried to yank it off. Hisato instinctively dropped his opponent to keep his mask on, and the moment it took for Hisato to reset his mask proved just enough time for Silva to gather his composure and deliver a Knee Strike KO to steal the victory from nowhere!

Winner: Edison Silva

Rating: 57


Jackie Goldstein: “Edison Silva steals the win, but trying to remove Akihiro Hisato’s mask – that’s a new low for the former British Heavyweight Champion!”

Melanie Florence: “Listen to the fans Jackie. England have just qualified for the semi-finals of a World Cup, and there are boos ringing around this arena… and Silva does not look happy about it!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Well what did he expect? Be sure to join us next week for the remaining Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Finals, and we find out exactly what an Olympian’s training regime looks like! See you then.”

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Red Dragon parts ways with NWF

It was confirmed last night that Red Dragon had parted ways with the National Wrestling Federation (NWF) following the expiry of his contract. Signing a six month deal in December, the former 21st Century World Champion’s leaves the company on good terms. The proud Welshman’s final match came in a four-way match to establish the countries entrant into the NWF’s Cruiserweight World Cup.

Likely to be his final match in the UK, Red Dragon stated that he was thankful that his final appearance had been working with young Welsh talents such as Welsh Dragon, Aurelian Bradley and Neville Jones. The veteran stated that the future of Welsh wrestling was in good hands.

While Red Dragon’s UK obligations have wrapped up, he will continue to work in Europe for United European Wrestling (UEW) where the Welshman has worked since 2010.

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Dylan Drama legit injured at ‘For Queen & Country’

Reports out of the NWF are that the facial injury suffered by Dylan Drama at ‘For Queen & Country’ is legit. Drama appeared on this weeks episode of National Wrestling wearing a face mask, with Byron stating that the youngster had suffered a Fractured Cheekbone at the hands of new signing Evan Alpass. It is expected that Dylan Drama will take a few weeks off for his cheek to heal before returning to in-ring action.


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13 minutes ago, newbiezness said:

Sad to read this. It would have been great if the match to represent Wales in the CWC had been Red Dragon vs Welsh Dragon one on one to pass the torch.

10 minutes ago, StanMiguel said:

followed by seeing Red Dragon part ways was a shame, happy to hear he leaves the company on good terms.

Red Dragon was one of the victims of a predictor prize to release 3x workers from the roster. I did consider going for a 1-on-1 vs Welsh Dragon, but they had negative chemistry - which bombed their first 'passing the torch' match. That's why I went for the four way, with the justification that all of the young Welsh workers would want to work with the biggest Welsh wrestling name in the C-Verse (I believe) in his (potential) final UK match.


Thank you to everyone who predicted, commented and reacted to the latest episode! A tough episode to predict, with only two perfect scores from KyTeran and Wrestling Machine. Hope everyone enjoyed the start of the Cruiserweight World Cup, and hope to see everyone back next episode!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 33

@KyTeran 4/4

@Wrestling Machine 4/4

@azzak 3/4

@SomeLazyMagic 3/4

@smw88 3/4

@John Lions 2/4

@StanMiguel 2/4

@newbiezness 1/4


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 34

Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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1 minute ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

The Northern Lights 


The Foundation w/ Mark Moore

Welsh Drago

Evan Alpass

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 The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore 

 Welsh Dragon (Wales) 

 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)


Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)


The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley


Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)


Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

Let's go Damian!

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley

Moore's boys all the way.

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

The fake luchador will have to show some respect to Welsh Dragon! Jimenez speaks too much about Lucha Libre but I think Welsh Dragon has a deeper knowledge than him.

Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

The Northern Lights are not losing to Team Chaos at this point.

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

Let's go Damian.

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley

The Foundation is an established team while XS and Bradley are not.

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

Victor can talk about lucha all he wants, that doesn't mean he is going to win.

Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

The Celtic Hammer passes by Evan.

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Non-Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Astro (Mexico) vs Damian Dastardly (New Zealand)

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs XS & Aurelian Bradley

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

Evan Alpass vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


National Wrestling

Episode #34

Wednesday W3 June 2021

Show Rating: 58


JackieGoldstein.jpg.144b15244a6dad46e1f0b078ae6beb4f.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.3748afa3809c78b25f4433acb6a1ed56.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling, where tonight the Cruiserweight World Cup continues with two more Quarter Final matches! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! I can’t wait to see Damian Dastardly in action later tonight – he’s travelled half away around the world to be here tonight, and arrives with a huge reputation! He’s got to be one of the favourites to win the whole tournament!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Stuart Wilson will also be in action tonight, as he faces a hand selected opponent in tonights Main Event – as he says his ‘specific training’ block begins tonight!”

Melanie Florence: “But before all of that, we open the show with the British Tag Team champions in action!”



Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) VS The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

This match served as an opportunity for the British Tag Team champions to remind the rest of the tag division what a dominant force they are. There was little Team Chaos could do to resist the power and intensity of their opponents, as Riddick Jordan wowed the crowd with his impressive Diving Headbutt from the top rope – before The Northern Lights hit their Lights Up (Doomsday Device) on Norman Gates to secure a dominant victory.

Winners: The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Rating: 48


We cut to a pre-recorded segment showing Chuck Frisby and Dwayne Dark sat in a busy café drinking cups of tea. After a tough couple of months, Chuck Frisby seemed to have all of his old energy back and was talking at a million miles an hour.

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Chuck Frisby: “I’m telling you Dwayne it was perfect, we made over £1000 from those suckers! Now we’ve just got to do it again… they won’t fall for the same trick twice, but I’ve got just the idea. You stick with me Dwayne, and we’ll be alright…” 


The Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness physical challenge returns to National Wrestling next week, but what does Chuck have in store for us this time?

Rating: 44



Astro VS ‘The Diabolical’ Damian Dastardly

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final

Melanie Florence hyped Damian Dastardly up on commentary, but comparatively little was known about his Mexican opponent. The young luchador caught Dastardly off guard in the early goings with his speed and agility, but the Kiwi used all of his dastardly cunning to work his way back into the match. A poke to the eye slowed Astro down, before Dastardly moved to the corner to remove a turnbuckle cover. This was right in the sight of referee Roy Worrall, who immediately went to reattach the cover – but it had all been a ruse! While the referee’s back was turned, Dastardly took the opportunity to deliver a Low Blow that riled up the crowd! With the wind completely taken out of Astro’s sails, the Kiwi was able to hit his Dastardly Cunning (Cross-Rhodes) to secure his spot in the Semi-Finals.

Winner: Damian Dastardly

Rating: 45


We had just seen Damian Dastardly lie, cheat and steal his way into the Semi Finals, and next we had another Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Finalist making their way to the ring – England’s reluctant representative in the tournament Edison Silva, joined as always by his legal advisor Mo Adebola.

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Mo Adebola: “Last week the NWF lawyers made it very clear that my client had no choice but to wrestle in the Cruiserweight World Cup under the English flag. We are out here tonight, because Edison wanted to make it very clear that while he would be wrestling under the English banner – he would not be competing in the name of the English public, and he would not be competing in the name of any of YOU!”

Boos rained down from around the arena, which incensed Mo Adebola even more.

Mo Adebola: “You will respect my client! And what’s more…”

However before Mo Adebola can launch into his rant, he is cut off by the music of Darin Flynn. Adebola seems as confused as anybody as to why ‘The Prodigy’ had interrupted.


Darin Flynn: “You want to talk about respect after what your client did in the Main Event last week? Japanese wrestling has a long and storied history based on respect, which your client trampled all over last week by trying to remove Akihiro Hisato’s mask. You know, his father…”

Mo Adebola: “Stop, stop, stop. Did you come out here just to give us a Japanese wrestling history lesson? We don’t have time for this!”

Darin Flynn: “Well if you don’t want a verbal lesson, maybe I can teach your client a lesson in the ring later tonight?”

The crowd popped at the prospect of two of the best in-ring talents in the NWF facing off, but Mo Adebola shook his head.

Mo Adebola: “My client is far too busy with his Cruiserweight World Cup commitments. He is the host countries participant after all, and that comes with certain responsibilities – he can’t risk getting injured mid-tournament in a nothing match against some Japanese wrestling fan boy.”

With that Adebola led his client to the back, as they were showered by boos from the crowd.

Rating: 69


Next up, the duo of Jase Cole and Christopher Lister made their way to the ring. The pair arrived in the NWF just over a month ago, having both sensed a disturbance in The Force. At ‘For Queen & Country’ the source of this disturbance finally showed himself – costing Jase Cole in his Cruiserweight title match against JK Lee.


Christopher Lister: “We may not know who you are, but we know what you are! It’s been a long time since we’ve faced someone trained in the ways of the dark side…”

Jase Cole: “Balance there must be, so avoid conflict we cannot.”

Christopher Lister: “So we’re challenging you to a tag team match next week on National Wrestling! We will find out who is stronger with The Force!”

The pair waited for a response, and while the lights in the arena flickered – the mysterious figure did not appear.

Rating: 44



The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS XS & Aurelian Bradley

Tag Team action next, with The Foundation back in action for the first time since coming up short against The Northern Lights at ‘For Queen & Country’. They were up against the young duo of XS & Aurelian Bradley who, while still inexperienced, had shown great chemistry in their few outings as a team. Despite this chemistry, the experience of The Foundation proved too much for the young pairing - as Sharp & Heath hit their Disarmer on Aurelian Bradley to pick up the victory.

Winners: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath)

Rating: 48


The theme of the British Bangers blared over the speakers to a surprisingly good reaction from the crowd, Leighton Buzzard bounded out from the back with his usual high energy – high fiving the front row on his way down to the ring.


Leighton Buzzard: “Two weeks ago should have been the highlight of my career so far. I had just beaten Brilliant White in the final of the qualification tournament to represent England at the Cruiserweight World Cup. I was celebrating with all of you in this ring, when Mo Adebola and Edison Silva came out to ruin everything.”

The crowd booed at the mere mention of Edison Silva and Mo Adebola.

Leighton Buzzard: “We all know what happened next. Mo Adebola grabbed my ankle in the middle of our banger at ‘For Queen & Country’ to stop me taking my rightful spot in the Cruiserweight World Cup, before Edison Silva sunk to new lows last week against Akihiro Hisato!”

Leighton Buzzard took a short pause, having seemingly worked himself up with his high energy delivery.

Leighton Buzzard: “But I’m not out here to talk about Edison Silva. I’m out here because I am done being walked all over. Frank Finkleton talks to me like I’m a joke, like The British Bangers are a joke… and I’m not going to take it anymore! I know I can’t get back into the Cruiserweight World Cup and I know that Future X have the British Tag Title shot at ‘For Queen & Country’, but there is one title shot still open… so… JK Lee, I’m calling you out!”

The crowd were firmly behind Leighton Buzzard, and it wasn’t long before the Cruiserweight champion appeared from the back – joined by his tag team partner Padraig O’Hearne, and it was the Irishman who responded to Leighton Buzzard’s challenge.

JKLee.jpg.9e59fec93c20a6c26036dfb89fdb0f6f.jpg PadraigOHearne.jpg.2ff4806512e84a074170e715c709a448.jpg

Padraig O’Hearne: “Let me get this right wee man, you think that you can click yer fingers and you get a shot at JK’s belt? Well I’m here to tell yer that things don’t work like that around here. You want to get to JK, you got to go through me!”

JK Lee looked as surprised as Leighton Buzzard at this announcement. He tried to get his tag partners attention, but the Irishman shrugged him off.

Padraig O’Hearne: “So what do ya say fella?”

Leighton Buzzard: “Oh you’re on! And it’s going to be a BANGER!”

Leighton Buzzard dropped his microphone and left the ring, high fiving fans on his way to the back – leaving a frustrated JK Lee asking Padraig O’Hearne what he thought he was playing at. The Irishman tried to placate the Cruiserweight champion, promising that he had this under control.

Rating: 35



Welsh Dragon VS Victor Jimenez

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final

Victor Jimenez grabbed a microphone before the match began, and promised to give Welsh Dragon a lesson of what true lucha libre looked like! However unfortunately for Jimenez his opponent showed a mastery of the style, as Welsh Dragon able to block the Spaniards attempted Arm Drags, roll through his Drop Toe Holds, stay out of range of his Hurricanranas, and finally perform a perfect reversal when Jimenez went back to his Arm Drags.

Incredibly frustrated, Jimenez became sloppy and opened the door for Welsh Dragon. The Welshman didn’t need a second invitation, and was quickly able to take control of the contest and deliver his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope) to knock the Spaniard out of the tournament.

Winner: Welsh Dragon

Rating: 36



Boos rained down on ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie, as the big Australian made his way to the ring. Appearing for the first time since Nate Manchester returned to stop The Northern Lights interfering on McKenzie’s behalf in the Main Event at ‘For Queen & Country’, the Australian said he had heard Nate Manchester and Leo Price talking last week and told Nate that if he knew what was good for him he would listen to Price’s advice.


This inevitably drew Nate Manchester out to the ring, with the Geordie telling Big Mac that he’d thought long and hard about it, and he couldn’t let it lie – issuing a challenge for the ‘Cruiserweight World Cup’ PLE.

Nathan McKenzie: “Crikey mate, look at ya - you’ve got muscles like a chickens insteps! I could snap you like a toothpick.”

Nate Manchester: “Alreet pal, very funny. But last time I checked, I beat you!”

Nathan McKenzie: “And remind me where you’ve been the last three months since that victory…”

This seemed to strike a nerve with Nate Manchester, who rocked Big Mac with a Roundhouse Kick. Before he could follow it up however, he was swamped by The Northern Lights - who had appeared from the back. Big Mac quickly recovered, and The Northern Lights set Manchester up for a huge Spear from the Australian. Big Mac picked the microphone back up from the canvas as The Northern Lights lifted Nate Manchester’s face up off the mat.

Nathan McKenzie: “Look mate, things have changed since you were last here. The Network’s in charge now, which means I don’t have to face anybody I don’t want to face. And I am done with you.”

Nate Manchester struggled against the grip of The Northern Lights and yelled at Big Mac that he wasn’t done with him.

Nathan McKenzie (laughing): “You know what mate, it might be fun to snap you in half… but if you want the match, you’ve got to make it worth my while. If you lose – you leave the NWF for good!”

Nate Manchester stopped struggling for a moment and looked conflicted. Nathan McKenzie just grinned.

Nathan McKenzie: “No dramas, take your time. You’ve just got to ask yourself how much you want it…”

Rating: 56


Next up was the Main Event for the evening, with number one contender Stuart Wilson facing off against a mystery opponent of his choosing. The former Olympian was out first, and grabbed a microphone from ringside to address the crowd.


Stuart Wilson: “Ah told everyone last week that my training was about to get specific, and youse aboot to find out just how specific! Olympic boxers and wrestlers often practice sparring with partners of similar build to their upcoming opponent. So ah’ve been speaking to the NWF medical team, and ah asked them - who on the roster was the closest physical match to the British Heavyweight Champion. And they told me, there was a man almost identical. This man is 6’3 tall, Landon Mallory is 6’3 tall. This man is 260lb, Landon Mallory is 260lb. So without further ado, let me introduce ya all to mah sparring partner for the evening – Evan Alpass!”

Rating: 67



Evan Alpass VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

On commentary Jackie Goldstein questioned the validity of Stuart Wilson’s training philosophy. While Evan Alpass shared an almost identical height and weight to the British Heavyweight Champion, the pair wrestled very different styles in the ring.

However, it soon became clear that this match was a fact-finding mission for the former Olympic Bronze medalist. Wilson offered a test of strength at the opening bell, which ‘The Celtic Hammer’ was able to easily win and take control of the contest. He next tested if his Big Boot would hit it’s mark on the 6’3 Alpass – head shot! The final test was whether the Olympic Bronze medalist could lift the 260 pounder overhead for a Gorilla Press Slam, which he managed with ease. Seemingly happy with his findings, Wilson hoisted Alpass onto his shoulder to deliver his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to secure the victory.

Winner: Stuart Wilson

Rating: 53


Melanie Florence: “Stuart Wilson secures the victory, but perhaps more importantly collects valuable data ahead of his match with Landon Mallory…”

Jackie Goldstein: “I’m still not convinced…”

Melanie Florence: “Wilson won an Olympic Bronze by focusing on this kind of minute detail, who are you to question his methods?”

Jackie Goldstein: “I dunno, it just all feels like he’s overcomplicating it? Time will tell! Thank you all for joining us, and be sure to join us next week as Chuck Frisby is in the building and Leighton Buzzard challenges Padraig O’Hearne to earn a shot at the Cruiserweight Title! See you then!”

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11 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

NGL Stuart Wilson will actually be a very nice contender for the main strap, I'm interested in him a lot right now

Glad you're enjoying Stuart Wilson! I needed something to latch onto for his character, and I'm quite enjoying this slightly left field presentation. I think it links quite well with his Olympic training history, and gives him a bit more reason to purchase Olympia - more than just to piss of Chuck that is!

On 3/3/2024 at 5:09 AM, KyTeran said:

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

Victor can talk about lucha all he wants, that doesn't mean he is going to win.

On 3/2/2024 at 9:00 PM, newbiezness said:

Cruiserweight World Cup Quarter Final: Welsh Dragon (Wales) vs Victor Jimenez (Spain)

The fake luchador will have to show some respect to Welsh Dragon! Jimenez speaks too much about Lucha Libre but I think Welsh Dragon has a deeper knowledge than him.

I wanted Victor to be all mouth and no trousers, so I'm glad you both picked up on that!

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Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode, I really appreciate it! A more predictable episode this time, with 7 predictors getting a perfect score! I hope everyone enjoyed the episode and to see you back for the next round of predictions!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 34

@smw88 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@SomeLazyMagic 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@kanegan 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@StanMiguel 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@KyTeran 9/9

@Wrestling Machine 9/9

@azzak 8/9

@SomeLazyMagic 8/9

@smw88 8/9

@newbiezness 6/9

@kanegan 5/5

@StanMiguel 5/9

@John Lions 2/4


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 35

If Leighton Buzzard wins he gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title: Leighton Buzzard vs Padraig O'Hearne

The Force vs ??? & ???

Future X vs XS & Bradley

Astro vs Brilliant White

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Edison Silva & Damian Dastardly

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If Leighton Buzzard wins he gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title: Leighton Buzzard vs Padraig O'Hearne

Leighton Buzzard has the fans in the palm of his hand right now.

The Force vs ??? & ???

Future X vs XS & Bradley

Astro vs Brilliant White

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Edison Silva & Damian Dastardly

I'd say Edison Silva & Damian Dastardly regardless of the opponents, there aren't two babyfaces in NWF that can defeat this duo IMO.

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If Leighton Buzzard wins he gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title: Leighton Buzzard vs Padraig O'Hearne

The story of Padraig continuing to disappoint JK Lee will help Leighton get a shot at the Cruiserweight title.

The Force vs ??? & ???

I feel that whoever is making their debut is about to get a dominant win to help set up The Force to eventually take them down later.

Future X vs XS & Bradley

Named team versus team of guys I haven't seen win in a while and don't see winning in the near Future.

Astro vs Brilliant White

Astro is new to NWF, and I see him losing to the brilliance of Brilliant White.

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Edison Silva & Damian Dastardly

While I like Grace of Fire the other team has the antics of Mo and Damian plus Edison's higher standing being a major factor to help the heels get the W here.

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If Leighton Buzzard wins he gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title: Leighton Buzzard vs Padraig O'Hearne

The Force vs ??? & ???

Future X vs XS & Bradley

Astro vs Brilliant White

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Edison Silva & Damian Dastardly

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If Leighton Buzzard wins he gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title: Leighton Buzzard vs Padraig O'Hearne

The Force vs ??? & ???

Future X vs XS & Bradley

Astro vs Brilliant White

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Edison Silva & Damian Dastardly

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