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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #25

Wednesday W2 April 2021

Show Rating: 66


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling, we are only three days removed from a huge night at Clash Of Champions. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We saw The Network suffer their first setback on Sunday night, with both the loss to Moore’s Sports Agency and the injury to Riddick Jordan. How will they bounce back tonight?”

Jackie Goldstein: “And what does Jordan’s injury mean for the title match at ‘Three Lions’? The Celtic Dragons earned their place in that match on Sunday night, but it was meant to be The Northern Lights joining them…”

Melanie Florence: “Well we know for sure one team who will be in that match at ‘Three Lions’, and that’s the British Tag Team champions Future X! Both men came up short in their title challenges at Clash Of Champions, but look to get back on track as they’re back in tag team action in the opening match of tonights show!”



Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Petey Barnes & Eric Future were able to put themselves back on track, as the British Tag Team champions picked up a bounce back wins after their respective singles losses at Clash Of Champions. Future X didn’t have things all their own way though, as Ward & Owen utlised their judo skills to trouble the champions at times. The match went just over ten minutes, but the champions were able to hit their Future Shock DDT (Aided Double Arm DDT) on Glen Ward to secure the victory.

Winners: Future X

Rating: 52



We cut to the office of network executive Frank Finkleton, where Finkleton is joined by the energetic pairing of Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen.

Leighton Buzzard: “So is it true that Riddick Jordan is out for Three Lions?”

Frank Finkleton: “It looks like it could be a bad injury …”

Leighton Buzzard: “Great! Well… not great for Riddick obviously, but it means you need a new team for the title match right?”

Before Frank could answer a voice came from out of shot.


Mark Moore: “While the delivery could use some work, his point is valid Frank. If Riddick is injured, you are one team short for the triple threat title match. And as Jon and Martin were on the victorious team on Sunday night against the former number one contenders, I think it’s only fair that they take the spot.”

Leighton Buzzard: “But did you see my match against Landon Mallory, Mr Moore? Landon himself said it was a banger!”

The two teams began talking over each other, until Frank Finkleton yelled for them to STOP.

Frank Finkleton: “If any team were to be added to the match, they would have to earn it. I don’t just hand out title shots willy nilly…”

Leighton Buzzard: “But didn’t you just add The Northern Lights to the match in the first place…” Frank Finkleton glared at him. “Sorry…”

Frank Finkleton: “As I was saying… IF you want a shot at the British Tag Team titles, you’ve got to show me you deserve it.”

Leighton Buzzard: “Will do Mr Finkleton! Watch this, I promise our next match will be a British Banger!”

Rating: 42



The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) VS The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

The Party Animals are a hugely experienced tag team, but they came up against a hugely motivated pair of British Bangers tonight. Leighton Buzzard flew around the ring with Step-Up Enzuigiris and picture perfect Dropkicks, as Grant Taypen controlled the pace of the match with his chain wrestling – allowing Buzzard to recover between his bursts of energy. The British Bangers controlled the contest from start to finish, and Leighton Buzzard was able to hit his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT from the second rope) to secure an impressive victory.

Winners: The British Bangers

Rating: 45



We cut to the office of Chuck Frisby at the Frisby Foundation for Fitness gym. Chuck looked much more relaxed this week, as he counted all of the money they made on Sunday at the Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day.


There was a knock at the door, and Chuck looked up to see Stuart Wilson walking into his office. The former Olympian strode across the office in two steps, and immediately took the money out of Chuck’s hands.

Stuart Wilson: “This all of it?”

Chuck nodded, as ‘The Celtic Hammer’ counted up the money he had taken from the personal trainer.

Stuart Wilson: “It’s not enough.”

Chuck Frisby” “What? That should be more than enough to cover…”

Stuart Wilson: “It’s enough to cover last month, but where’s this months?”

Chuck Frisby: “This months? I… er… I just need some time.”

Stuart Wilson slammed his massive fist into the table, causing Frisby to fall out of his seat.

Stuart Wilson: “I’ve given you more than enough time Chuck. Five months we’ve been doing this, and not once have you paid me on time! You came to me, remember? I want this months pay in full by the end of the week… no excuses this time!”

Stuart Wilson stormed out of the office, and Chuck Frisby slumped even further into his chair. Jackie Goldstein was confused on commentary, if Chuck Frisby was Stuart Wilson’s coach then why was the Olympic Bronze medalist hounding Frisby for payment? It didn’t make sense…

Rating: 61



‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

This was an incredibly one sided contest, as Big Mac took out his frustrations over The Networks loss to Moore’s Sports Agency this past Sunday on Captain Crash. Carlile bumped hard for the Big Australian, before eating a Spear to give McKenzie a bounce back victory.

Winner: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 49



The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) VS Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

A workout match for the new number one contenders for the British Tag Team Champions. Welsh Dragon wasn’t able to get much offence in this week, instead playing the babyface in peril. It was Red Dragon who took the hot tag, and hit his Moonsault to secure a win for the Welsh pairing.

Winners: The Celtic Dragons

Rating: 38



The camera cut backstage to find Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves talking ahead of Bret’s match with Landon Mallory.

Holly Leves: “How are you feeling?”

Bret Heartbreak: “I just can’t wait to get back out there. I haven’t wrestled since Chuck and I lost our tag title shot at March Madness…”

Seeing the look on Holly’s face at the mention of Chuck Frisby, Bret quickly moved on.

Bret Heartbreak: “What I mean is that it will be good to shake a few cobwebs off… and if it puts me in the shop window for anyone looking for a new tag team partner, all the better!”

Rating: 53



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Landon Mallory has been on a roll over the past few months, with eight wins on the bounce – but if anyone was expecting a by the numbers victory for the South African tonight, they were sorely mistaken. Bret Heartbreak’s long flowing blonde locks often lead people to overlook just how good a brawler the young man is (as Melanie Florence pointed out on commentary – he learned it all from a former 10 time World Champion), and when this match broke down into a Wild Brawl Bret more than held his own against ‘The Springbok’.

Landon Mallory started the match hot with hammering blows and impactful Suplexes, but the turning point of the match came with an elbow shot cut Bret Heartbreak open – which seemed to fire up the young man! A couple of heavy right hands rocked ‘The Springbok’, before a European Uppercut (one he learned from his dad) sent the South African crashing to the mat. Bret went for the cover, but Mallory just got his shoulder up before the three.

Both men were quickly back to their feet, trading haymakers back and forth with neither man giving an inch. Mallory looked to hoist Bret up for a Running Powerslam, but the youngster was able to slip out the back and deliver a Russian Leg Sweep. Bret stood up and pushed his blood soaked golden locks out of his face. Holly Leves looked concerned at ringside, as Bret headed to the top rope – looking for his Heart Attack (Top Rope Diving Clothesline).

Bret waited for Mallory to get back to his feet, before leaping at the South African… who managed to launch himself into a spectacular mid-air Springbok Ram (Gore) that crumpled Bret in half. Jackie Goldstein lost his mind on commentary, as ‘The Springbok’ crawled into the cover and Roy Worrall counted the three. Mallory had his ninth win on the bounce, but that didn’t tell half the story. Despite only being given ten minutes – the visuals of Bret’s blood matted hair, the high impact action and the chemistry between these two men had lifted this contest to becoming the best match in NWF history!

Winner: Landon Mallory

Rating: 68


Jackie Goldstein: “I can barely hear myself think over this crowd! What a match!”

Melanire Florence: “Landon Mallory makes it nine in a row, but what about Bret Heartbreak? He stood toe to toe with ‘The Springbok’ and damn nearly put him down!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Sorry to interrupt Melanie, but I’m just hearing that the NWF board have announced that due to his recent performances – and of course his performance tonight, Landon Mallory has been added to the Main Event to challenge for the NWF British Heavyweight Championship at ‘Three Lions’!”

Landon Mallory celebrated his victory with the adoring NWF crowd, as Holly Lions fussed over Bret Heartbreak at ringside. The youngster looked quite a sight with his long blonde locks dripping with blood. Jackie Goldstein began his sign out for the episode, when he was interrupted by the music of the NWF British Heavyweight Champion – Edison Silva.


As always, Silva was accompanied by his legal advisor Mo Adebola – but tonight they were also joined by network executive Frank Finkleton.

Mo Adebola: “You may have just heard the announcement that Landon Mallory has been added to the British Heavyweight championship match at Three Lions…”

The crowd roared their approval at the announcement, forcing Mo Adebola to pause and wait for the crowd to calm down so that he could make himself heard.

Mo Adebola: “You may have heard that announcement, but we are out here to put that right. See everything that happens around here has to go through my man Frank Finkleton. And he’s about to put this right. Tell ‘em Frank.”

Adebola passed the microphone to Finkleton and motioned for the network executive to make an announcement. Finkleton paused for a moment, causing Mo to tell him to “get on with it”.

Frank Finkleton: “Now Mo, I may be the network executive… but this order has come down from the board. I can’t overturn a board directive…”

The crowd roared again, as ‘The Springbok’ motioned round his waist to Edison Silva – indicating that he was coming for his title.

Frank Finkleton: “But don’t get too far ahead of yourself Mr Mallory. I watched your match tonight… and I saw what it took out of you. There’s still three weeks before your match at Three Lions, and I may not be able to remove you from that match – but I can sure as hell control what happens to you before it. I say what happens on this TV show, and I can promise you these next three weeks are going to be the worst of your life! You’ll barely be able to walk by the time we get to Three Lions… and that’s if you even make it there to start with!”


Adebola laughs and congratulates Finkleton at the top of the ramp, as Landon Mallory grabs a microphone from ringside.

Landon Mallory: “Do your worst! I’ll take everything you throw at me, and charge through it with a Springbok Ram! Yebo!”

Rating: 70


Jackie Goldstein: “What a night! Landon Mallory is confirmed in the Main Event at Three Lions, challenging for Edison Silva’s British Heavyweight Championship!”

Melanie Florence: “But the Network will be doing everything in their power to stop him getting there! What does Frank Finkleton have in mind for ‘The Springbok’ over the next three weeks?”

Jackie Goldstein: “With the roll Landon Mallory has been on over the past few months only a fool would bet against him! Be sure to join us next week to find out!”

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What a great episode. Two great segments stood out, the one between Chuck Frisby and Stuart Wilson and the last one to end the show with Landon Mallory and Mo Adebola.

As I said before Landon Mallory is ready to Main Event regularly and therefore to dethrone Silva no matter what his popularity is because of his fantastic performances and that 68 rating match is another proof. Congratulations for the highest rated match in NWF history.

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14 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Great ending as the Mallory-Network rivalry is getting closer and closer to its climax!

Congrats for that 68 in the main event! Bret Heartbreak has a great future ahead

Thanks @Wrestling Machine! I think I've said before that Mallory and Bret are two guys I definitely see as future Main Eventers in the NWF, they have all the skills in the ring - they just need their pop building up! Despite being featured fairly prominantly, Bret's is still considered 'unimportant' by the fans. Hopefully this match is the start of changing that!

11 hours ago, newbiezness said:

What a great episode. Two great segments stood out, the one between Chuck Frisby and Stuart Wilson and the last one to end the show with Landon Mallory and Mo Adebola.

As I said before Landon Mallory is ready to Main Event regularly and therefore to dethrone Silva no matter what his popularity is because of his fantastic performances and that 68 rating match is another proof. Congratulations for the highest rated match in NWF history.

Thanks @newbiezness, I was really happy with it. The tension between Chuck and Wilson has been building for a while, so it's nice to be getting towards the payoff. What this means for the future of the Frisby Foundation for Fitness you'll have to wait and see! :)

Mallory is amazing, in these 10 minute Wild Brawl TV matches he's consistently scoring in the low 70s in ring. Whether those scores will translate for the longer PPV matches I don't know, but it's certainly tempting to pull the trigger and find out! I definitely wasn't expecting Mallory/Bret to score as high as it did, but both men are great brawlers and the chemisty note obviously helped as well.

1 hour ago, John Lions said:

Great episode. Glad to be caught up. I'll do a bit more detailed of a write up next time I post predictions.

Loving everything with Chuck, Mo, and Fink.

Great to have you back following along @John Lions! Hope you're doing well, and I look forward to your thoughts during the next round of predictions! :)

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Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode, it really is appreciated! This show represented the first show of a new prediction contest. An easy episode to predict, with five of you achieving perfect scores. Hope to see everyone back for the next episode!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 25

@smw88 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@kanegan 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@azzak 4/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 26

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Landon Mallory vs ???

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Rave vs Padraig O'Hearne

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie


Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? [1 pt]

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore 

Landon Mallory 

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) 

Padraig O'Hearne

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie


Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? [1 pt] ladder match

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

I like this name and I like their connection to Moore's Sports Agency

Landon Mallory vs ???

I think Landon Mallory's rise is almost unstoppable at this point

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

I didn't feel any connection with those wrestler before but I like how you are using "The British Bangers" name and also their segments have been great so far. Leighton Buzzard is also very promising. I'd be interesting if Moore finally signs them because his faction would become very important in numbers.

Rave vs Padraig O'Hearne

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Maybe Big Mac will be able to intimidate Welsh Dragon because I think there's still a gap in popularity.


Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? [1 pt] Hardcore match.

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Hello Ward & Owen, time to stare at the lights again.

Landon Mallory vs ???

Despite what The Network throws at him, Landon shall overcome until he gets his hands on Silva.

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Eventually the Black Country Boys will get a win, but not today.

Rave vs Padraig O'Hearne

Unless someone costs Padraig the match, I don't see Rave winning.

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

On one hand Nathan could use the win, but on the other hand Welsh Dragon is challenging for the tag titles soon, so I am going to give the win to Welsh Dragon, but I can see it going the other way.


Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? Last Man Standing [1 pt]

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Landon Mallory vs ???

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Rave vs Padraig O'Hearne

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie


Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? Not an easy one to pick, I'll go with Lumberjack [1 pt]

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Landon Mallory vs ???

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Rave vs Padraig O'Hearne

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie


Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? Handicap Match

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

I'm a fan of Sharp and Heath, and I'm glad they've found their footing with Moore.

Landon Mallory vs ???

Landon continues his to be unstoppable on his way to Edison Silva

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Another underrated team that I'm glad is getting some shine.

Rave vs Padraig O'Hearne

Rave and Trance doing everything in their power to put over your more talented wrestlers.

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Welsh Dragon (and to a lesser extent Red Dragon) have been the only real disappointments in NWF (IMO). Big Mac needs this popularity ASAP so guys like Nate Manchester are willing to take a pinfall loss to him.



Bonus Point: What match type will Frank Finkleton make Landon Mallory's match this week? [1 pt]

Going to go old school and say Strap Match

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #26

Wednesday W3 April 2021

Show Rating: 56


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling. We have a hell of a show in store for you tonight! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. Last week Frank Finkleton promised Landon Mallory the worst three weeks of his life, what does the network executive have in mind for ‘The Springbok’ tonight?”

Jackie Golstein: “Whatever it is, it can’t be good! Speaking of Frank Finkleton, last week both The Foundation and The British Bangers requested to be added to the Triple Threat Tag Team title match at ‘Three Lions’. The network executive told both teams that they would have to impress him before he would even consider adding them to the match.”

Melanie Florence: “Both teams are in action tonight Jackie, can they do anything to convince Frank Finkleton that they are the team to back? The Foundation are up first, as they face Glen Ward and Gavin Owen.”



The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS Ward & Owen

Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath knew that they had to impress tonight, and put on a very clinical performance under the watchful eye of their new agent Mark Moore. The pair flew around the ring, with Ward & Owen struggling to lay hands on them. Mark Moore looked pleased as his team secured an impressive victory with the Disarmer.

Winners: The Foundation w/ Mark Moore

Rating: 52



We cut to the office of Chuck Frisby, the personal trainer looked incredibly stressed as he rifled through a pile of important looking documents. Frisby was scruffy, unshaven and lacked his usually bubbly energy. There was a knock at the door, which caused the personal trainer to jump a mile.


Frisby cowered beneath his desk, before realising that it was Dwayne Dark entering the room.

Chuck Frisby: “Oh it’s you Dwayne, I thought it was… err… someone else.”

Dwayne Dark: “Are you okay boss?”

Chuck smiled unconvincingly back at his client for a moment, before his smile cracked and the personal trainer broke down.

Chuck Frisby: “I thought I could help… but you can’t cure obesity without money Dwayne! It can’t be done… and it’s so much money. I’m going to have to sell the gym… he could take the business! What have I done?”

Chuck Frisby broke down into tears, as Dwayne Dark awkwardly patted the personal trainer on the back.

Rating: 40



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Ultra Violence

Landon Mallory was out next, and Frank Finkleton announced that his three weeks of hell started now in a hardcore match! Landon Mallory didn’t look phased and asked Finkleton who his opponent would be… a question that was immediately answered as Ultra Violence slid into the ring behind the South African and delivered a hard shot with his cane to start the match!

Ultra Violence continued to hammer away at ‘The Springbok’ with heavy cane shots. Ultra Violence continued to wail away with his trusty cane, including a sick looking shot to the head that crumpled the South African. Ultra Violence made the cover, but ‘The Springbok’ somehow got his shoulder up just before the three count.

Frustrated, Ultra Violence slid out to grab a chair from ringside. He slid back into the ring with the folded up chair, and hoisted it high above his head to deliver a chair shot to Mallory… but ‘The Springbok’ launched into a devastating looking Springbok Ram (Gore) that crumpled his opponent, and sent the chair flying. Mallory crawled into the cover, and referee Roy Worrall counted the three.

Winner: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory

Rating: 48



Landon Mallory celebrated his tenth win in a row, but the South African was clearly still feeling the effects of the numerous cane shots he had suffered as he held the back of his head. Mallory celebrated with the crowd, until his music cut out and the music of the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva blared over the speakers.

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Edison Silva sauntered out onto the ramp with the British Heavyweight title draped over his shoulder, joined as always by his legal advisor Mo Adebola.

Mo Adebola: “The champ and I just wanted to come out and offer our congratulations on your win Landon. Clearly Frank underestimated you, but I can promise you that next week won’t be nearly as easy…”

Landon Mallory continued to hold the back of his head, as Edison Silva and Mo Adebola grinned at the top of the rope – clearly content with how the first part of their plan had gone.

Rating: 71



The British Bangers VS Black Country Boys

Another huge opportunity to impress for The British Bangers tonight against the young team of Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson. While Vedmore & Robson had a clear size and power advantage, the speed of Leighton Buzzard proved to be the deciding factor here. Buzzard flew around the ring, delivering Step-Up Enziguiri’s and picture perfect Dropkicks to rock his lager opponents. The finish came when Grant Taypen was able to drop the top rope on an onrushing Gazz Vedmore, to send the youngster tumbling to the outside. This set up a 2-on-1, with The British Bangers delivering their Missile Double Impact (Dual Flying Missile Dropkicks) to secure an important victory as they looked to impress ahead of ‘Three Lions’.

Winners: The British Bangers

Rating: 45


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Following their victory, Leighton Buzzard grabbed a microphone from ringside to address the crowd.

Leighton Buzzard: “The British Bangers have gone back to back! We know how good The Foundation are, and they proved it again earlier tonight… but I’m telling you now, if we get our chance at ‘Three Lions’ we guarantee a certified Banger!”

The question remained - Had The British Bangers done enough to impress Frank Finkleton, or had The Foundation’s performance earlier in the night earned them the title shot?

Rating: 35



Rave VS Padraig O’Hearne

A rare singles opportunity for both men. With JK Lee currently busy as Cruiserweight champion, this match represented an opportunity for O’Hearne to show what he could do on his own. Unfortunately for the Irishmen, this match suffered after Rave picked up a strained Bicep early in the contest. The pair worked around the injury as best they could, until O’Hearne hit his Crowning Glory (Swinging Fishermans Neckbreaker) to pick up his first singles victory in the NWF.

Winner: Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 37


We cut to an old countryside pub full of older gentlemen wearing tweed suits and enjoying dark pints of flat beer. The camera panned over a couple of tables, before finally settling on Byron and Joey Beauchamp.

Byron.jpg.7045de4b58538eb67fc567386ba375a7.jpg JoeyBeauchamp.jpg.a2491fd5dbda5f819301facb0d13e5c7.jpg

Byron: “What’s up me old mucker, you’ve barely touched your pint...”

Joey Beauchamp (staring wistfully into the distance): “I’m not sure, I just feel something on the breeze. Like somethings coming…”

Byron: “Forget I asked… you need to focus on our problem in the here and now. Namely Darius Moss. He’s not worth our time, but someone needs to put that delinquent in his place…”

Joey Beauchamp (seemingly coming back to the room): “You’re boy looked good last week. He pushed Landon Mallory to his limits… if he can do that, he should be able to deal with that Moss kid no problem.”

Byron took a long swig of his pint as he pondered what The Breeze had said.

Byron: “Bret huh? Maybe it’s time I gave my son a call…”

Rating: 40



We cut to the office of Mo Adebola, where the lawyer was rifling through legal papers and making notes on his notepad. Seemingly happy he had everything he needed noted down, Adebola looked up from his papers.

Mo Adebola: “Seems like an open and shut case. I’ll submit by the end of the week, and we should have your money by the end of the month.”

The camera panned out to reveal who was sat on the opposite side of the table to the hotshot lawyer – ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson!


Stuart Wilson: “Great… but before you submit anything we need to talk about your fees.”

Mo Adebola (grinning): “My office can send over my standard fees, but for someone like you I’d be happy to waive them. I may need a favour in return of course…”

Stuart Wilson: “What did you have in mind?”

Mo Adebola grinned, but before we could hear what the lawyer wanted from the former Olympian the camera cut to black and we headed back to ringside.

Rating: 50



Welsh Dragon VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

‘Big Mac’ had a huge size advantage in this one, as he towered over his opponent. However, Welsh Dragon had seen a lot of success in the NWF as number one contender to the British Tag Team Titles and a former Cruiserweight Champion.

The Welshman started the match hot, as he showcased his lucha inspired moveset – Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags were only show! Welsh Dragon was fired up as he went for another Hurricanrana, but ‘Big Mac’ was able to stop the Welshman’s momentum and reverse the move into a ring shaking Powerbomb!

With the wind taken out of Welsh Dragon’s sails, ‘Big Mac’ started to dominate. The big Australian showcased his power by throwing the former Cruiserweight champion around the ring with ease, before nearly decapitating the Welshman with a Big Boot. ‘Big Mac’ hoisted Welsh Dragon onto his shoulder to deliver a Snake Eyes to the top turnbuckle, before bouncing off the far ropes to deliver the Spear! ‘Big Mac’ made the cover, and Roy Worrall counted the three to hand the big Australian his biggest win since joining the NWF!  

Winner: 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 53


Jackie Goldstein: “An impressive victory from Nathan McKenzie. ‘Big Mac’ manhandled the former Cruiserweight champion there!”

Melanie Florence: “‘Big Mac’ has sent a message out to the rest of the roster with that performance!”

Jackie Goldstein: “That’s all we have time for tonight! Be sure to join us next week to find out which team will join Future X and The Celtic Dragons in the title match at ‘Three Lions’!”

Melanie Florence: “We’ll also find out what’s in-store for Chuck Frisby. Things aren’t looking too hot for the personal trainer right now…”

Jackie Goldstein: “And of course we find out what Frank Finkleton and Mo Adebola have dreamed up for Landon Mallory ahead of his title shot at ‘Three Lions’. Be sure not to miss it!”

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The PG Era of Wrestling?

Professional wrestling appears to be entering a new era, with major product changes being announced on both sides of the pond. Over the past two weeks, both the Supreme Wrestling Federation (SWF) and 21st Century Wrestling (21CW) have announced that they would be transitioning away from their Classic Sports Entertainment product to a new PG Rated Sports Entertainment product. Some observers have argued that the timing of the announcements indicate a co-ordinated plan between the promotions, while others argue that both have responded to the same market trends. Whether this move can help the SWF bridge the gap to USPW remains to be seen, and what impact will this have on the British wrestling market?


More trouble for TCW?

It has been a rough couple of years for Total Championship Wrestling (TCW), with their traditional product seemingly out of date vs the family friendly USPW and the newly PG rated SWF. TCW has failed to attract a younger audience, and with viewer figures dwindling now find themselves a distant number three in the US.

In more bad news for the company, Mid Atlantic Wrestling (MAW) announced yesterday that they would no longer be accepting development workers from TCW. This had people scrambling in the companies head office in San Antonio, as they worked out what to do with the influx of development workers. Sam Keith, owner of MAW, stated that he had lost faith with TCW’s development program and would now focus on fostering local talent and building MAW as a promotion in it’s own right.


Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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On 1/28/2024 at 7:00 PM, newbiezness said:

The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

I didn't feel any connection with those wrestler before but I like how you are using "The British Bangers" name and also their segments have been great so far. Leighton Buzzard is also very promising. I'd be interesting if Moore finally signs them because his faction would become very important in numbers.

I'm glad you're enjoying The British Bangers (especially since you chose the name!) :)

For both The British Bangers and The Foundation I was struggling to get any character into them, but Moore's Sports Agency has helped provide some purpose to them and lift them a bit as characters. While I'll never say never, The British Bangers are currently competing AGAINST Moore's clients for a spot in the title match, so I'm not sure Mark Moore is too big a fan of them right now!

On 1/29/2024 at 12:34 AM, KyTeran said:

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

On one hand Nathan could use the win, but on the other hand Welsh Dragon is challenging for the tag titles soon, so I am going to give the win to Welsh Dragon, but I can see it going the other way.

I can see why you went for Welsh Dragon, but I think Big Mac has the potential to be my number one Heel down the line - which is why he ultimately got the win here.

On 1/29/2024 at 8:54 PM, John Lions said:

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Welsh Dragon (and to a lesser extent Red Dragon) have been the only real disappointments in NWF (IMO). Big Mac needs this popularity ASAP so guys like Nate Manchester are willing to take a pinfall loss to him.

Welsh Dragon has been an interesting one. He's been very prominent throughout - he was the first Cruiserweight champion, he's Main Evented multiple episodes of National Wrestling, he's feuded with Chuck (arguably the most important character in the diary) and now he's number one contender for the tag belts with a Welsh legend in Red Dragon.... but despite all that, I think I agree with you. For the amount of screen time he's been given, his biggest character trait is still that he's Welsh. Definitely something for me to think about...

Red Dragon on the other hand - totally agree, massive disappointment. He debuted as a massive deal, and just couldn't live up to expectations. Long term I wanted him to be that credible babyface veteran, who could act as a gatekeeper for younger talent... but he's clearly just too old for that now. He one of the worst in the ring on the roster, and can't really talk either.



Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode, it really is appreciated! Another high scoring round, but only newbiezness picked the Hardcore match. I chose not to give the opponent in the predictions, as I feel knowing it was Ultra Violence would have given things away!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 26

@newbiezness 5/5 + 1 bonus

@smw88 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@John Lions 5/5

@kanegan 5/5

@KyTeran 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 10/10 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 10/10

@Wrestling Machine 10/10

@kanegan 10/10

@KyTeran 9/10

@azzak 9/10

@John Lions 5/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 27

'The Swansea Kid' Neville Jones vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs ???

'Captain Crash' Cain Carlile vs 'The Bulldog' JK Lee

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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22 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

I'm glad you're enjoying The British Bangers (especially since you chose the name!) :)

For both The British Bangers and The Foundation I was struggling to get any character into them, but Moore's Sports Agency has helped provide some purpose to them and lift them a bit as characters. While I'll never say never, The British Bangers are currently competing AGAINST Moore's clients for a spot in the title match, so I'm not sure Mark Moore is too big a fan of them right now!

I know but if I remember well there was a segment where Leighton Buzzard spoke to Mark Moore, asked for advice and even said that they'll try to impress him. Maybe it wasn't exactly that way, that's what I remember. But after reading this I guess that it's not even a possibility now.


27 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

I can see why you went for Welsh Dragon, but I think Big Mac has the potential to be my number one Heel down the line - which is why he ultimately got the win here.

Welsh Dragon has been an interesting one. He's been very prominent throughout - he was the first Cruiserweight champion, he's Main Evented multiple episodes of National Wrestling, he's feuded with Chuck (arguably the most important character in the diary) and now he's number one contender for the tag belts with a Welsh legend in Red Dragon.... but despite all that, I think I agree with you. For the amount of screen time he's been given, his biggest character trait is still that he's Welsh. Definitely something for me to think about...

Red Dragon on the other hand - totally agree, massive disappointment. He debuted as a massive deal, and just couldn't live up to expectations. Long term I wanted him to be that credible babyface veteran, who could act as a gatekeeper for younger talent... but he's clearly just too old for that now. He one of the worst in the ring on the roster, and can't really talk either.

I tend to agree with @John Lions comments more times than not, but I disagree in this one. To me Welsh Dragon has been an above average character in NWF so far. I think his biggest characteristic is in-ring and it is being a lucha style wrestler in UK, that adds something different to the company and has being well used to develop a vibrant cruiserweight division that wouldn't have been the same without him IMO.

Red Dragon is a good partner for Welsh Dragon in diary terms, probably not the best in-ring partner though and I think the problem was that he was directly thrown against Edison Silva and we've seen he isn't in that level anymore. He could have debuted against a mid carder, won a couple of matches and then team up with Welsh Dragon, but I think you needed popular opponents for Edison Silva at that point so it's understandable. It's not easy booking when there are big differences in popularity between your best wrestlers.


42 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode, it really is appreciated! Another high scoring round, but only newbiezness picked the Hardcore match. I chose not to give the opponent in the predictions, as I feel knowing it was Ultra Violence would have given things away!

I thought that if you wanted to punish Landon Mallory a hardcore match was a good idea, although others said different good options too. Choosing Ultra Violence for that match was good booking.


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 27

'The Swansea Kid' Neville Jones vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs ???

'Captain Crash' Cain Carlile vs 'The Bulldog' JK Lee

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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'The Swansea Kid' Neville Jones vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs ???

'Captain Crash' Cain Carlile vs 'The Bulldog' JK Lee

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

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'The Swansea Kid' Neville Jones vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Unlike with Welsh Dragon, I am confident with Nathan winning this match.

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs ???

The #1 Contender's for the tag titles get a win and helps Welsh Dragon regain some momentum from his loss to Nathan on the last show.

'Captain Crash' Cain Carlile vs 'The Bulldog' JK Lee

I don't see Cain winning, so another win for the Cruiserweight champion.

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson

A difficult test for Landon, but I don't see him losing before his match with Silva.

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@newbiezness To be fair, I think Welsh Dragon has been perfectly fine as a character - I meant more in the ring he's underperformed. For the first Cruiserweight champ and babyface title holder, he hasn't really held up his end of the deal in his matches and has been outperformed by most of the other guys on the card in that role: Lee, Padraig, even Brilliant White IMO. I've used Welsh Dragon in my current game and my take on it (in and out of kayfabe) is he just doesn't have the age or experience to be in that spot. I think a long term team with Red Dragon will do wonders for both men.


'The Swansea Kid' Neville Jones vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie
Strap a rocket to Big Mac. I think you've mostly held off to this point, but you're starting to pick up a handful of meaty boys that could have some great hoss fights in the future (Big Mac, Wilson, Dwayne Dark, etc)

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs ???
I talked enough about these two earlier. Both men have clear weaknesses at this point in their careers, and with the Cruiserweight title off of Welsh Dragon for now, I think a tag team suits both men best. Give Welsh Dragon the time to get the experience and cover for Red Dragon's time decline.

'Captain Crash' Cain Carlile vs 'The Bulldog' JK Lee

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson
This match should be great. Looking forward to how Chuck messes this up.


So from where I last read, here's some of my thoughts off the top of my head:

The characterization has been great. You've done a great job with segments to make me care more about pretty much everybody. Chuck Frisby heading in the direction of sympathetic babyface is not what I expected, but I'm all for it. Having Stuart Wilson in a more comedy role to get him reps until you could turn it around and make him way more sinister as a bad guy now that he can hang with your top in-ring guys was a great choice.

All of your non-wrestlers are great, I think they add a ton to the show. The relationships with your cast of characters all feel very genuine and more nuanced, not just "every good guy is friends, every bad guy is friends" like WWE tends to be. Which makes sense, since you are marketing the product as TV first and it feels like a TV show with wrestling more than just a wrestling show.

Only blemishes so far have been the Dragons failing to really live up to their initial billing, and Nate Manchester refusing to take a pin to your big monster (which I think is more of a TEW problem than a Nate Manchester problem). All of your guys are starting to get the momentum and experience and they are starting to put on great matches.

Both Edison Silva and Welsh Dragon were two young guys with some 21CW undercard experience who went in two different directions. Both won the inaugural singles titles (which makes sense given their TV experience), but Edison Silva really stands out as a star. I was thinking he might be a transitional champion at first, but he's been putting in some great matches and Mo Adebola has helped in the promo/storyline department. I never would have called Mo/Silva/Landon pulling 70 rated segments a couple of months ago.

I really thought it was a no-brainer for Nate Manchester to be the guy to dethrone Silva, but with how Landon has been a complete star even with way less name value, it's hard not to want him to be the next champ.

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8 hours ago, John Lions said:

@newbiezness To be fair, I think Welsh Dragon has been perfectly fine as a character - I meant more in the ring he's underperformed. For the first Cruiserweight champ and babyface title holder, he hasn't really held up his end of the deal in his matches and has been outperformed by most of the other guys on the card in that role: Lee, Padraig, even Brilliant White IMO. I've used Welsh Dragon in my current game and my take on it (in and out of kayfabe) is he just doesn't have the age or experience to be in that spot. I think a long term team with Red Dragon will do wonders for both men.

Now I understand your point much better. My personal conclusion is that if we only think about the best path for The Celtic Dragons, probably Welsh Dragon losing the Cruiserweight championship earlier to team up with Red Dragon would have been a better option for both of them.

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #27

Wednesday W4 April 2021

Show Rating: 62


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. It’s week two of Landon Mallory’s three weeks of hell… what do Frank Finkleton and Mo Adebola have in store for ‘The Springbok’ tonight?”

Jackie Goldstein: “I shudder to think…”

Melanie Florence: “‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie, picked up a huge victory over Welsh Dragon in last weeks main event. This week the big Australian opens the show against Welsh Dragon’s fellow countryman – debutant Neville Jones!”



‘The Swansea Kid’ Neville Jones VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

A tough assignment on debut for ‘The Swansea Kid’ Neville Jones. While Jones was not a short man at 6’3, ‘Big Mac’ still towered over the Lightweight – and that’s not to mention the 120lb weight advantage the Aussie held.  Jones gave the match his best shot, as he flew around the ring but he was just no match for the power of ‘Big Mac’. A Flying Cross Body attempt was caught in midair by the Australian Heavyweight, and reversed into a Body Slam. McKenzie scooped up Jones, and delivered the Snake Eyes into the corner turnbuckle, before unleashing a Spear to secure a routine victory.

Winner: Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 49



We cut backstage to the office of Frank Finkleton, who had just finished watching his clients performance on a monitor when there was a knock at the door.

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The NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva walked into the room, joined as always by his legal representative Mo Adebola.

Mo Adebola: “Good news Frank – you don’t have to worry about tonight’s opponent for Landon, I’ve got it all sorted!”

Frank Finkleton (taken aback): “I thought we’d agreed a plan?”

Mo Adebola: “We had… but while last week was satisfactory, I think we both expected a bit more. So I’ve improvised… I’m nothing if not a man of contingencies.”

Frank Finkleton couldn’t hide the irritation on his face.

Frank Finkleton: “Well I have a few contingencies of my own Mo.”

There was a moment of tension as silence hung in the air, before Finkleton burst into a smile and pulled a bottle of whiskey from under his desk.

Frank Finkleton: “So between us, there’s no way that Landon Mallory walks out of ‘Three Lions’ with that title belt!”

Mo Adebola also smiled, and accepted the glass from the network executive. Adebola raised his glass and proposed a toast to his client “Edison Silva, the champ!” which Frank Finkleton responded to with a toast to “The Network”!

Rating: 70


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The camera joined Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves, both dressed to the nines at the door of a fancy, expensive looking restaurant. The Maître d' asked Bret if they had a reservation.

Bret Heartbreak: “Err… we’re here with Byron?”

The Maître d' checked his table list, crinkling his nose as he eyed the bandage above Bret’s left eye, before telling Bret he didn’t see a table under “Byron”. Just as the Maître d' was asking them to leave, Dylan Drama appeared from behind them – skipping the queue and walking straight inside.


Dylan Drama: “They’re with us Pierre. If they could be shown to the usual table?”

Maître d' (bowing low): “Of course Master Drama…”

Bret and Holly were led through the restaurant to one of the coveted ‘display tables’ in the window.

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Already sat at the table were Joey Beauchamp and Byron, who rose to greet his son.

Byron: “Bret! So lovely to see you. And Holly! Looking gorgeous as always!”

The group exchanged greetings, before Byron cut to the chase.

Byron: “So glad you could join us for lunch! Bret, we saw you match last week and thought you were brilliant!”

Bret beamed, as Holly squeezed his arm supportively.

Byron: “Joey and I both know how good Landon Mallory is from our time in Europe… after your performance last week we’ve both agreed it’s about time you joined us in High Society!”

Bret hesitated as he turned to Holly, who gave Bret a look indicating she did not think this was a good idea.

Byron: “Come on Bret, look around at this place! This isn’t like the places we used to eat in back in Europe. This is the life! Come on we’ve already set up a tag match for you and Joey next week to celebrate you joining …”

Bret Heartbreak (eyes lighting up): “Me and Mr. Beauchamp?”

‘The Breeze’ nodded encouragingly, and after a moment’s hesitation Bret shook his father’s hand. Holly sighed, as Bret beamed and shook hands with Joey Beauchamp and Dylan Drama. Byron proposed a toast as the waiters arrived with their menus.

Rating: 48



The Celtic Dragons VS XS & Aurelian Bradley

This match saw the surprise return of young Australian cruiserweight XS, who hadn’t been seen since suffering a post-match attack from JK Lee back in early March. This week he teamed with fellow youngster Aurelian Bradley, and the pair showed great chemistry as a team as they looked to make their name against the number one contenders.

Bradley started the match against Red Dragon, and while the Welsh youngster showed excellent basics, things didn’t really pick up until XS entered the match up. The diminutive Australian flew around the ring at speeds too quick for his veteran opponent to keep up. XS ducked under a wild right hand from Red Dragon, before hitting a Springboard Cross Body to take down the veteran. XS kipped back to feet and pushed his bangs out of his eyes, before arrogantly indicating that he wanted Welsh Dragon tagged into the match.

Red Dragon made the tag, and things picked up another notch. Welsh Dragon was able to keep up with the Australian’s speed and the pair went back and forth as they flew around the ring. Unable to be separated on speed and high flying ability, it was Welsh Dragon’s physique that proved to be the difference. At 5’6 and 190lb, XS is small even for a Cruiserweight. By comparison Welsh Dragon is a dedicated Gym rat and one of the strongest in the weight class, as shown as he caught an attempted Seated Senton from XS and reversed it into a Powerbomb. Heading to the top rope, Welsh Dragon was able to hit his Dragon Kick (Spinning Top Rope Thrust Kick) to secure the victory for the number one contenders.

Winners: The Celtic Dragons

Rating: 44



We cut backstage to find Rachel Dearheart stood by with the Cruiserweight champion – ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee.

Rachel Dearheart: “Thank you for joining me JK, what’s your reaction to seeing XS return to the NWF with you being the man who injured him two months ago?”

JK Lee: “Who cares Rachel? He’s just another flippy high flyer, just like everyone else I’ve beaten in this division.”

Rachel Dearheart: “So you’re not worried that XS has just been confirmed in the Cruiserweight Championship match at ‘Three Lions’?”

JK Lee: “Wait, what?”


Bali Daljit: “And he isn’t the only one!”

Bali Daljit got a muted response as he stepped into shot. Bali Daljit was another man JK Lee had injured en-route to claiming his Cruiserweight Championship.

Bali Daljit: “At ‘Three Lions’ you’ll have two men gunning for you!”

Rachel Dearheart: “There you have it, at ‘Three Lions’ it will be JK Lee vs XS vs Bali Daljit for the Cruiserweight Championship!”

A furious looking JK Lee pushed past Rachel Dearheart and stomped out for his match, which was next!

Rating: 35



‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile VS ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee

‘Captain Crash’ came up against a fired up JK Lee in this one, as the Cruiserweight champion clearly took out his frustration at the announcement in the previous segment on his opponent. Carlile fought valiantly, but ‘The Bulldogs’ intensity proved too much for him, and once JK Lee locked in the Crossface ‘Captain Crash’ has no choice but to tap.

The bell rang, but JK Lee showed no inclination to let go of the hold. Referee Roy Worrall desperately tried to pull the Cruiserweight champion off, but it had no effect. Bali Dragon and XS both came sprinting out from the back, clearly not wanting history to repeat itself. Seeing them coming, JK Lee released the hold and slid out of the ring. The champion stared down his two challengers at ‘Three Lions’, clearly frustrated that his past actions were finally catching up with him.

Rating: 47


Next, we’re back in the office of Frank Finkleton - who looked exhausted as both The British Bangers and The Foundation (along with manager Mark Moore) were stood opposite the network executive having a shouting match over which team should be the one to get the title shot at ‘Three Lions’.


Mark Moore: “Jon & Martin are The Foundation of the NWF tag division, and let’s not forget my Agencies clients defeated your Network at ‘Clash Of Champions’…”

Leighton Buzzard: “Did you see Mr Finkleton, Bang! Bang! Two wins on the bounce! You’ve got to give the shot to The British Bangers!”

Frank Finkleton: “ENOUGH!”

The room fell silent, as all attention focused on the frustrated network executive.

Frank Finkleton: “I’ve had enough of all this arguing. You want to prove yourselves…” (Motioning to The British Bangers) “And you want to prove yourself…” (Motioning to The Foundation) “Then why don’t you have a match next week on National Wrestling to prove who the better team really is?”

The noise immediately started up again as both teams began proclaiming that they would win next weeks match… until Frank Finkleton yelled at both teams to GET OUT OF HIS OFFICE! Mark Moore thanked the network executive for his time and pulled his boys out of the office. The British Bangers followed, with Leighton Buzzard yelling back to Finkleton promising a ‘certified banger’ next week.

Rating: 39



The camera cut away to find a beatdown in progress. The imposing frame of Stuart Wilson was stomping away at an unidentified victim. Thirty seconds passed, before the cavalry finally arrived in the shape of The Foundation and The British Bangers rounding the corner. Stuart Wilson backed away grinning, revealing the identity of his victim as ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn.  Mark Moore quickly bent down to check on his star client, as the camera panned in for a closer look.

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Melanie Florence: “Wilson has sure been making a lot of enemies over the past couple of weeks…”

Jackie Goldstein: “Hanging around with Mo Adebola tends to have that effect on people…”

Rating: 59



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson w/ Mo Adebola

Stuart Wilson was back on our screens almost immediately as he was confirmed as Landon Mallory’s opponent for the evening. Accompanied by his new lawyer Mo Adebola, Jackie Goldstein suggested that it was Mo Adebola who had sent Wilson after Darin Flynn – before Melanie Florence reminded him to be careful what he said about Mo Adebola if he didn’t want to get sued!

The match itself was incredibly physical, Landon Mallory is a Muscular man but Stuart Wilson was a good three inches taller and 50lb heavier than the South African. However ‘The Springbok’ didn’t back down an inch and the match turned into a Wild Brawl. The pair traded heavy right hands, going back and forth until Wilson’s power finally told and the Scottish Heavyweight took control of the contest. A ferocious Glasgow Kiss (Headbutt) dropped Mallory to the mat, before Wilson delivered more of the heavy boots to the head he had delivered to Darin Flynn earlier in the evening.

Stuart Wilson pushed home his advantage with a Short Arm Clothesline, before hoisting Mallory onto his shoulder for his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam). Wilson looked to deliver the move, but ‘The Springbok’ was able to slip out the back and then shocked Wilson (and Adebola at ringside) by hoisting the Muscular Heavyweight onto one shoulder in an incredible feat of strength, and delivering a Running Powerslam of his own! The crowd went crazy as a fired up Landon Mallory beat his chest, before setting up for his finisher. ‘The Springbok’ sprinted across the ring and, despite Mo Adebola’s best attempts to warn his client, delivered a thunderous Springbok Ram (Gore). The South African fell into the cover, and referee Roy Worrall made the three count to give Mallory a hard fought 11th straight victory!

Rating: 59



The crowd went wild as a fired up Landon Mallory celebrated his impressive victory. Jackie Goldstein gushed over Mallory’s incredible Running Powerslam to a man over 50lb heavier than him, before beginning to sign off the show – but much like two weeks ago his sign off was interrupted, this time by the music of The Network.


Network executive Frank Finkleton was the man interrupting the celebrations this week, and even Mo Adebola looked shocked to see him down at ringside.

Frank Finkleton: “I wanted to come out here to congratulate you Landon, I have to say I wasn’t expecting you to make it through the first two weeks of our little test…”

Finkleton had to pause momentarily to allow the boos of the crowd to calm down.

Frank Finkleton: “But your fun stops now. Earlier tonight I told Mo that I was also a man of contingencies… and Landon, you may have noticed that the Tag title match at ‘Three Lions’ is a Triple Threat match, and earlier tonight it was announced that the Cruiserweight title match is also a Triple Threat match… With that said, allow me to introduce you to my contingency plan!”




The music of ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie blared over the speakers, and the Big Australian joined Frank Finkleton at the top of the ramp with a big grin on his face.

Frank Finkleton: “Because in the Main Event at ‘Three Lions’ the NWF British Heavyweight Championship will not be fought over by two Lions, but by three! As Edison Silva defends his title against ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory… AND ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie!”

‘Big Mac’ raised both arms high into the air as he locked eyes with Landon Mallory. The South Africans expression was hard to read, but it was hard to deny that another Heavyweight obstacle had just been placed in Landon Mallory’s path.

Rating: 63


Jackie Goldstein: “A monumental announcement from the network executive. ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie is added to the Main Event in eleven days time at ‘Three Lions’!”

Melanie Florence: “They’re really stacking the odds against Landon Mallory now Jackie…”

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
Wrong Date of event
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“Did you see Mr Finkleton, Bang! Bang! Two wins on the bounce!" great line, Leighton Buzzard is becoming one of my favorite characters.

Three Lions is getting hotter with that Triple Threat for the NWF British Heavyweight title and I really like that booking with Big Mac having a crucial role representing The Network. The tensions between Mo Adebola and Frank Finkleton are an interesting factor in that storyline. Landon Mallory vs Stuart Wilson was very good by the way. The Triple Threat for the Cruiserweight title is far less impressive as XS is in the match after getting pinned by Welsh Dragon in a 2vs2 match and Bali Daljit has been a jobber in NWF. The good thing is that at least other wrestlers get title opportunities.

@John Lions said recently that he didn't expect Chuck Frisby to turn face and I have doubts how that will play out because that's the most likely path if he is not already a face. But everything about that storyline has been great in my opinion so I'm confident in the end it will work. And as longs as I like Chuck Frisby as a heel yelling at the crowd and scamming people I have to admit that Stuart Wilson has benefited from their last segments.

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