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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #21

Wednesday W2 March 2021

Show Rating: 58


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to NWF National Wrestling! It’s shaping up to be a hell of a show tonight!”

Melanie Florence: “It sure is Jackie! Only four days after claiming the Cruiserweight Championship, JK Lee teams with Padraig O’Hearne to challenge Future X for the British Team Titles in tonight’s Main Event – as he bids to become the very first dual champion in NWF history!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Future X are fresh off a successful title defence themselves, as they defeated the team of Chuck Frisby & Bret Heartbreak this past Sunday. I wonder what the future holds for Chuck and Bret!”

Melanie Florence: “But opening the show in a man who has been very open about what he thinks should be next for him. Landon Mallory is in action, and he has his eyes set on Edison Silva’s British Heavyweight Championship!”



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘Stardust’ Phil Cox

This was a fun opening match, where the competitors Worked The Crowd. Cox was given a few opportunities to get his shots in, but ‘The Springbok’ controlled most of the match. The most notable moment of the match was saved for the finish, as ‘Stardust’ Phil Cox looked to hit a Flying Axe Handle from the second rope but was met in midair with a spectacular Springbok Ram (Gore) that looked like it split the Lightweight in two!

Rating: 52



After his hand was raised by referee Roy Worrall, Landon Mallory gestured for a microphone from ringside.

Landon Mallory: Yebo! At ‘March Madness’ I said I only had one thing on my mind, and that is the NWF British Heavyweight Championship! I don’t see any reason to waste time, so Edison Silva get out here!”


Unfortunately for ‘The Springbok’, it wasn’t Edison Silva who answered his call. It wasn’t even his legal representative Mo Adebola. Instead it was the network executive Frank Finkleton.

Frank Finkleton: “Now Landon, I was going to save this announcement for later in the show – but since it affects what you’re asking for, I thought I’d come out and do it right now. Our next special presentation is called ‘Clash Of Champions’… and last time I checked Landon, you’re not currently an NWF Champion!”

The crowd booed Finkleton, but the network executive seemed to ignore them.

Frank Finkleton: “Which brings me to tonight’s Main Event. Not only will tonight’s Main Event be for the NWF British Tag Team Titles, but the man who gets the pinfall will also earn the spot as Number One Contender for the NWF British Heavyweight Championship and face Edison Silva at ‘Clash Of Champions’!”

While Jackie Goldstein and Melanie Florence discussed Frank Finkleton’s blockbuster announcement, Landon Mallory could be heard shouting at Finkleton that the network executive “couldn’t ignore him forever”.

Rating: 62



Local Talent VS Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby & Stuart Wilson

Both Chuck Frisby & Stuart Wilson accompanied at ringside Dwayne Dark for this dominant performance. While Chuck Frisby seemed suitably impressed, Stuart Wilson seemed to mock his stablemate throughout with insincere shouts of “keep it up Dwayne” or “don’t let it slip like last week” - followed by a mock wiping of the brow after the bell, seemingly indicating his relief at Dwayne Dark ‘getting through’ the match with a win. As always Dark did not see the funny side of Wilson’s antics, something Chuck Frisby seemed oblivious to as he celebrated his clients victory.

Rating: 44


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The camera cut to the offices of ‘Moore’s Sports Agency’, where Mark Moore was deep in conversation with his client ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn.

Darin Flynn: “I had Silva beat on Sunday - we need to get a rematch, but we need a way to handle The Northern Lights first…”

Mark Moore: “Kid, it’s like you read my mind.” There was a knock at the door. “Ah, perfect timing! Come in!”

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Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath walked into the room, having seemingly been invited by Moore – who ushered them into seats.

Mark Moore: “Now Jon, Martin, you may be wondering why I’ve asked you here today, and the answer is twofold. Firstly, you may have seen what happened in Sunday nights’ Main Event? Darin has Edison Silva’s number one-on-one, but with The Network involved the numbers game is just too much.”

Sharp and Heath glanced at each other, seemingly unimpressed so far.

Mark Moore: “But you’re probably wondering what’s in it for you? Which brings me on to my second point. Now I’ve been involved in the British wrestling scene for over thirty years, and I know talent when I see it! The way I see it, you boys are the foundation of the entire British tag team scene… but despite this you’ve never even received a shot at the NWF British Tag Team Titles. I can help you with that! So here’s my offer, you help me with my numbers problem and I’ll help you get your shot at those belts!”

Sharp and Heath shared another glance, looking much more impressed this time. The pair continued to discuss business with Moore as the camera cut back to the ring.

Rating: 41



Aurelian Bradley VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Aurelian Bradley is a young man many expect to go far in the British wrestling scene, but tonight was a tough assignment for the Welshman. Nathan McKenzie was just too big and too powerful for the youngster, and the big Australian dominated the contest from bell to bell. ‘Big Mac’ put his opponent away just before the six minute mark with a Spear to secure a routine victory.

Rating: 44



Following his victory, ‘Big Mac’ grabbed a microphone to address the crowd.

Nathan McKenzie: “At ‘March Madness’ Nate Manchester found out what happens when you cross The Network! As Melanie Florence said on Sunday night, I have won the war and you blokes won’t be seeing Nate Manchester for a very, very long time!”

Rating: 43



Dangermouth w/ Leo Price VS Dylan Drama w/ Byron

This match was set up at ‘March Madness’, after Dangermouth surprised the members of High Society with a surprise attack at the exclusive Country Club they help memberships at. Dylan Drama in particular was looking for revenge having been left layed out topless in the middle of the clubhouse. Byron accompanied Dylan Drama to ringside for this one, but any hopes the former 10x World Champion had of providing a numbers advantage were dashed when Leo Price walked out with his protégé as an equaliser.

While both of these competitors could be future stars in the NWF, it won’t be on opposite sides of the ring – as awful chemistry between the pair stopped the action from ever really getting going. Byron tried to get involved at ringside but was cut off by Leo Price, and it was almost a mercy when Dangermouth hit his Flatliner (Reverse STO) to secure the victory.

Rating: 29



We cut to a backstage gym area, where Chuck Frisby is conducting a workout session with his client Dwayne Dark. Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves walked into shot as Dwayne Dark finished a set of Bench Press, and the big Middleweight muttered something about getting water and left Bret, Holly and Chuck alone.

Bret Heartbreak: “Hey Chuck, I haven’t heard from you since Sunday and just wanted to check that you were okay?

Chuck Frisby: “Okay? Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

Bret Heartbreak: “Well it’s just after the match on Sunday…”

Chuck Frisby: “I don’t want to talk about Sunday, but what I do want to talk about what’s next for you! As your trainer we need to set some goals – do you want to get stronger, faster, leaner, maybe lose some weight…” (laughing) “Oh ho, let’s not go down that road again!”

Bret looked a little confused: “Are you sure you’re okay Chuck?”

Chuck Frisby: “Never better! Just love doing my job! That reminds me – your fees for this month are due. So if you send them over we can get started on making you the best version of Bret Heartbreak you’ve ever been!”

Bret: “Fees? But… I thought we were friends.”

There was an awkward pause, before Holly Leves finally stepped in and told Chuck that she thought Bret had paid him quite enough money without getting any results already. Chuck took it in his stride though, and led Bret and Holly to the door as he told them to think about it and come back to him.

Chuck Frisby (beaming again): “Right Dwayne, let’s get back to it!”


The smile disappeared from the personal trainers face as he turned to find Stuart Wilson sat in Dwayne’s spot on the bench.

Stuart Wilson: “You’re late again Frisby! Did ye get the money off the kid yet?”

Chuck Frisby: “Not exactly, but I…”

Stuart Wilson: “Ah don’t want to hear your excuses Chuck, just get me the money.”

Before the personal trainer could respond, Dwayne Dark returned from his water break and asked Chuck if everything was okay. Chuck nodded feebly, as an angry Stuart Wilson stomped out of shot.

Rating: 49


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We cut backstage to find Rachel Dearheart stood by with the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Siva, and his legal representative Mo Adebola.

Rachel Dearheart: “Mo, earlier tonight Frank Finkleton announced that the man who earned the pinfall in tonight’s Main Event would go on to face your client at ‘Clash of Champions’. What are your clients thoughts on the announcement?”

Mo Adebola: “Look Rachel, it really doesn’t matter who my client has to face at ‘Clash Of Champions’. Edison Silva is the most dominant wrestler in the NWF, there isn’t a man on the roster who can stand up to him!”

Rachel Dearheart: “Okay… any thoughts on who your client might like to face?”

Mo Adebola: “Honestly Rachel, it really doesn’t matter who gets the win tonight. Petey Barnes, Eric Future, JK Lee, Padraig O’Hearne… none of them are on the level of Edison Silva.”

Rating: 74




(C) Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS JK Lee & Padraig O’Hearne

NWF British Tag Team Titles

The addition of the stipulation that the winner received a British Heavyweight title shot at ‘Clash Of Champions’ certainly changed the dynamics of this match up. JK Lee started the match for his team, and seemed completely focused on securing the title shot at ‘Clash Of Champions’ for himself as he was unwilling to tag out to his partner – perhaps worried about missing the opportunity to win the match himself. JK Lee wrestled the first ten minutes of the match without tagging out, whereas Future X seemed more focused on retaining their titles and utlised frequent tags throughout to keep both members fresh.

While JK Lee went toe to toe with both Barnes and Future in the early stages of the match, eventually the numbers game proved too much for even the intensity of ‘The Bulldog’. The cruiserweight champion was progressively worn down by Future and Barnes, as the freshness of the tag team champions became more and more apparent as the match went on. Eventually Lee had no choice but to make the tag to his partner, and while O’Hearne was the fresh man – with Lee exhausted at ringside, the Irishman also had to try and deal with being outnumbered. O’Hearne started strong, but eventually the numbers game proved too much and Future X were able to hit their Future Shock DDT (aided Double Arm DDT). Petey Barnes was the man to make the cover, and secure a fifth successful title defence of Future X’s British Tag Team Titles and secure his spot to face Edison Silva for the British Heavyweight Championship at ‘Clash Of Champions’.

Rating: 52


Jackie Goldstein: “Future X retain their British Tag Team Titles, and it’s Petey Barnes who will be facing Edison Silva at ‘Clash Of Champions!’”

Melanie Florence: “JK Lee and Padraig O’Hearne just couldn’t get on the same page, Lee really wanted that title shot for himself and it’s cost them the match tonight!”

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Great news about Moore's Sports Agency! I was waiting for Moore to contact any other wrestler. Darin Flynn is a big fish and also some sports agents have just one client, but when you brought a character like this I thought he would have more clients and it seems that finally he's going to represent more wrestlers. Moore's also a good nemesis for Mo Adebola.

Frisby's Foundation For Fitness' story always surprises me. Very interesting situation with Stuart Wilson, Frisby and all the relationships in between. It's great that all of them Chuck, Wilson, Dark, Bret, even Holly are taking turns in the spotlight.

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14 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Great news about Moore's Sports Agency! I was waiting for Moore to contact any other wrestler. Darin Flynn is a big fish and also some sports agents have just one client, but when you brought a character like this I thought he would have more clients and it seems that finally he's going to represent more wrestlers. Moore's also a good nemesis for Mo Adebola.

Frisby's Foundation For Fitness' story always surprises me. Very interesting situation with Stuart Wilson, Frisby and all the relationships in between. It's great that all of them Chuck, Wilson, Dark, Bret, even Holly are taking turns in the spotlight.

Thanks @newbiezness! Glad you're enjoying Moore's Sports Agency. Darin Flynn will definitely remain the #1 client, but he will definitely not be the only client. I wanted to bring in a face stable to provide a natural opposition to The Network/Mo & Edison, and when I saw Moore's bio he seemed like a good focal point to build around.

The cracks have definitely been forming over the past couple of months in Frisby's group, but Chuck has always found a way to pull them back together. You'll have to wait and see if he can resolve this issue! In game it's Dark & Frisby who have the chemistry, which has seen me give Dark a slightly bigger role than just the muscle. Wilson was always meant to be the star of the group, and I'm hoping that has come across - despite the recent focus on Bret/Holly.


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode! I hope everyone enjoyed the show as we build towards 'Clash Of Champions'.

This episode marked the start of a new predictions contest. Another great turnout this round, so thank you to everyone for participating! Congratulations to @azzak, @smw88, @kanegan, @KyTeran and @newbiezness for perfect scores in this round. Hope to see everyone back for the next episode!


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 21

@azzak 5/5

@smw88 5/5

@kanegan 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@Marmo 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 22

Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath vs Gavin Owen & Glen Ward

Petey Barnes vs Cain Carlile

Eric Future vs Padraig O'Hearne

Landon Mallory vs ???

Darin Flynn vs Brilliant White

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Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath vs Gavin Owen & Glen Ward

Petey Barnes vs Cain Carlile

Eric Future vs Padraig O'Hearne

Landon Mallory vs ???

I will for once not vote for ??? when it's my boy Landon Mallory

Darin Flynn vs Brilliant White

Edited by Marmo
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Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath vs Gavin Owen & Glen Ward

Moore's guys definitely winning this one

Petey Barnes vs Cain Carlile

Eric Future vs Padraig O'Hearne

Landon Mallory vs ???

Darin Flynn vs Brilliant White

Moore's #1 definitely winning this one

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Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath vs Gavin Owen & Glen Ward

I doubt that Sharp and Heath are losing one week after getting an offer from Moore.

Petey Barnes vs Cain Carlile

Petey has a shot at the World title, he is not losing to Captain Crash unless someone interferes.

Eric Future vs Padraig O'Hearne

I think a win for Padraig keeps him and JK Lee in the tag picture and can help him stay on the same level as Lee.

Landon Mallory vs ???

Landon gets another W.

Darin Flynn vs Brilliant White

Darin rebuilds momentum after his loss to Silva.

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #22

Wednesday W3 March 2021

Show Rating: 62


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a great show in store for everyone tonight. Last week Petey Barnes secured his spot as number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship, and tonight ‘The X Factor’ is in singles action against Cain Carlile!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And it’s been confirmed that Barnes won’t be the only member of Future X in action at ‘Clash Of Champions’. Another champion vs champion match has been confirmed by Frank Finkleton, which sees Eric Future challenge for JK Lee’s Cruiserweight title!”

Melanie Florence: “A huge announcement, and in preparation for that match – tonight Eric Future will face off against JK Lee’s tag team partner Padraig O’Hearne!”

Jackie Goldstein: “But to kick us off Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath are in action, as they face the debuting team of Gavin Owen and Glen Ward!”



Sharp & Heath w/ Mark Moore VS Owen & Ward

In last weeks episode we saw Mark Moore make an offer for Sharp & Heath to join his ‘Moore’s Sports Agency’, and judging by the fact that Moore accompanied the pair to ringside tonight it would appear that they had taken him up on his offer.

Sharp and Heath put on a strong performance in front of their new agent. Owen & Ward were able to get some offence in early, as Martin Heath played his usual babyface in peril role. However, once the hot tag was made to Jon Michael Sharp the pair never gave up the momentum and they hit the Disarmer for Sharp to pick up the victory.

Rating: 46


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After the bell, Mark Moore joined his new clients in the ring and requested a microphone.

Mark Moore: “That… is exactly why I am delighted to confirm that these two men are the latest signings to Moore’s Sports Agency. Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath have been the foundation of the British Tag Team scene for the past decade, and it’s a travesty that they have never had a shot at the NWF British Tag Team Titles. However, now that they are clients of mine I can promise you…”

Moore was cut off by the music of The Network, and Frank Finkleton walked out to the top of the ramp joined by The Northern Lights.

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Frank Finkleton: “I wouldn’t want you to make any promises you can’t keep Mark, so I thought I’d come out here and remind you that since both members of the current tag team champions are already otherwise engaged at ‘Clash Of Champions’ – there will be no tag team title match on that night.”

Frank Finkleton smirked, seemingly thinking he had got one over on Mark Moore.

Frank Finkleton: “And don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing Mark. The two men either side of me interfered in Darin Flynn’s match at ‘March Madness’, so you’ve recruited a new tag team to help even the odds? Well guess what, you don’t choose who gets title shots around here… I do! So with that in mind I’m here to announce that after ‘Clash Of Champions’ the next special presentation will be called ‘Three Lions’, and at ‘Three Lions’ there will be a Triple Threat match for the British Tag Team Titles! The first team in that match will be the champions Future X, the second team in that match will be the actual most dominant tag team in the NWF – The Northern Lights… which leaves one more spot. And that spot will be decided by a tournament starting next week on National Wrestling and concluding at ‘Clash Of Champions’!”

Mark Moore and his new clients looked excited at the prospect of the tournament, and Moore promised his team would win the tournament and claim the third spot in that match up.

Frank Finkleton: “Oh, did I forget to mention. After signing for Moore’s Sports Agency, Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath have been REMOVED from the tournament! They will be replaced by the team they’ve just beaten Gavin Owen and Glen Ward!”

Mark Moore raised his microphone to respond, but was cut off as Owen & Ward jumped Sharp & Heath from behind. From the ramp Finkleton told Sharp & Heath that if they wanted to go anywhere in the NWF they should consider where their loyalties lay.

Rating: 40



‘The X Factor’ Petey Barnes VS "Captain Crash" Cain Carlile

These two put on a fun, high flying contest where Petey Barnes was given the chance to show his ability as a singles competitor after being named number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship last week. Whilst considered a tag team specialist in the NWF, Petey Barnes has an extensive singles history in Europe – and was a former EAW Intercontinental Champion. Barnes showed off some of that experience in this match, and was able to land his X-Press Superkick to secure the victory.

Rating: 47


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We cut to a quiet café, where Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves are sat sharing a pot of tea and a slice of cake.

Holly Leves: “Are you okay Bret, you’ve been awfully quiet…”

Bret Heartbreak: “I’ve just been thinking about something Chuck said last week…”

Bret saw the scowl on Holly’s face at the mention of Chuck Frisby and hastily clarified.

Bret Heartbreak: “Not about paying him… no, you’re right about that. But about being the best version of Bret Heartbreak I’ve ever been…”

The scowl disappeared from Holly’s face as Bret continued.

Bret Heartbreak: “And I know it didn’t end the way we wanted, but I really enjoyed the time we spent training with Chuck… so maybe tag team wrestling is what I want to do! Maybe not with Chuck, but there are loads of other people I could team with!”

Holly Leves rolled her eyes and pulled out her make up mirror as Bret continued to chat animatedly in the background. Bret’s hunt for a tag team partner is on, but will he find the perfect match?

Rating: 42


Back to the ring and the crowd erupted as Dangermouth’s eponymous single blasted out over the speakers. The grime artist high fived fans as he made his way to the ring.


Dangermouth: “This is a message for old man Byron. You say your boy lacks dignity, your boy lacks class… well ya know what that may be true, but last week your boy kicked Dylan Drama’s ass!”

The crowd gave a cheap pop, before Dangermouth got more serious.

Dangermouth: “Now I know that all you’ve wanted all your career Byron is your name on everyone’s lips. Well your boy is closing in on a million follows on insta – you want some attention old man, why don’t you step in the ring with me? Because currently, from where I’m sitting, “old money” ain’t worth ****!”

Rating: 51



‘The Man Of Tomorrow’ Eric Future VS Padraig O’Hearne

Padraig O’Hearne came into this match with clear instructions from JK Lee to soften up Eric Future ahead of ‘Clash Of Champions’, as the Irish Brawlers approach was even more physical than usual - delivering clubbing blows to the back and neck of the number one contender.

Unfortunately this pair just didn’t click, which rather spoiled the match. The turning point came when JK Lee appeared at ringside and tried to interject himself into the match, only to be stopped by Welsh Dragon! O’Hearne had interfered in the Welsh Dragon’s match at ‘March Madness’ to cost the Welshman his Cruiserweight Title, but tonight the roles were reversed. Welsh Dragon swept JK Lee's from under him on the apron, providing enough of a distraction to take Padraig O’Hearne’s attention away from the match for long enough for Eric Future to roll up the Irishman and score a Flash pinfall victory.

Rating: 41



The camera cut away to find a stressed looking Chuck Frisby locking up the Frisby Fountation for Fitness gym. The personal trainer let out a big sigh, before walking back to his car. Frisby hit the unlock button on his key, before freezing. The camera panned around behind Frisby, and it soon became clear why the personal trainer had frozen.


Leant up against Chuck’s car was the imposing frame of ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson. The Olympic Bronze medalist did not look in a good mood and quick as a flash had Chuck Frisby pinned up against a nearby wall.

Stuart Wilson: “Where’s the money Frisby?”

Chuck Frisby (stammering): “I nearly have it… couple of days tops. It would have been earlier, but overheads have been high recently. You know, with the gym and the tee-shirts.”

Stuart Wilson: “Ah don’t care about yer stupid tee-shirts!”

Chuck Frisby: “But the tee-shirts were your idea…:

Stuart Wilson shot Frisby a menacing look, and the personal trainer immediately apologised.

Stuart Wilson: “This is your last warning Frisby. Have the money ready by Friday. Last chance. No excuses.”

Chuck Frisby gulped and promised he would have the money by Friday. Wilson’s demeanour immediately changed and the former Olympian placed the personal trainer down gently and dusted off his jacket.

Stuart Wilson: “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear! See you around Chuck.”

With that ‘The Celtic Warrior’ walked out of shot whistling, leaving an even more stressed Chuck Frisby to run quickly for the safety of his car.

Rating: 53



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Local Talent

‘The Springbok’ made short work of his opponent this week, overpowering the local talent in a dominant performance. The South African had barely worked up a sweat when he hit the Springbok Ram (Gore) just after the five minute mark to secure his fifth victory in a row.

Rating: 47



Following his victory, Landon Mallory wasted no time in grabbing a microphone and calling out the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva.

Landon Mallory: Yebo! Every victory brings me one step closer to my British Heavyweight Championship rematch! I will keep winning week after week and eventually I will ram that door down!”

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‘The Springbok’ was interrupted by the music of the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva, who was accompanied by his legal representative Mo Adebola.

Mo Adebola: “I hope you aren’t expecting us to be impressed by you beating that.”

Adebola motioned at the kid that was still KO’d from the Springbok Ram he had received a couple of minutes earlier.

Mo Adebola: “As I’ve told you before Landon if you want to impress the champ, you’ll need to be beating quality opponents – not just a long line up of chumps.”

Landon Mallory: “I’ll take on anyone, any time. In fact…” (Mallory turned to face Silva) “Why don’t you and I go right now, champ? Unless you’re scared…”

The crowed roared as Mallory and Silva went nose to nose, before Mo Adebola stepped between the pair and pulled his client away.

Mo Adebola: “British Heavyweight Championship matches need to be sanctioned by the NWF board, as you well know! And as you also know, my clients opponent for ‘Clash Of Champions’ is already set – so why don’t you go back to beating past-its and never has beens…”

With that Mo Adebola dropped his microphone and hauled his client away, as Landon Mallory yelled after them that he was ready to go whenever Silva was.

Rating: 69



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS Brilliant White

Darin Flynn has made an impressive start to life in the NWF, but faced a unique challenge in Brilliant White tonight. The theatrical flair of his opponent was shown as a flash of dazzling white light momentarily filled the arena prior to the operatic entrance of the masked Brilliant White.

Brilliant White’s theatrics continued into the match with his unpredictable daredevil style. It took a few minutes for ‘The Prodigy’ to adjust to his opponents unique style, but once Flynn got a feel for his opponent the youngster took control of proceedings. Brilliant White continued to throw himself around the ring, but found less and less success as the match went on. It was no surprise when Flynn was able to lock in the Prodigal Pressure to secure another impressive victory.

Rating: 63


Jackie Goldstein: “A big win for Darin Flynn and Moores Sports Agency ends the night on a high!”

Melanie Florence: “Mark Moore has to be worried though, he’s got the attention of The Network and Frank Finkleton seems set on making his life difficult!”

Jackie Goldstein: “He certainly is Melanie, be sure to join us next week right here on WrestleWorld GB to find out what happens next!”

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Damn, The Network and Mo Adebola are making almost impossible for Landon Mallory or Moore's guys to threat their position. It'll be interesting if this is a long-term booking or they'll find a shorter way to the title matches. Or maybe is a long way for Landon Mallory, who still lacks popularity, and shorter for Moore's clients.

Popular enough or not Landon Mallory and Silva/Adebola segment had the highest rating of the night.

Edited by newbiezness
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13 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Damn, The Network and Mo Adebola are making almost impossible for Landon Mallory or Moore's guys to threat their position. It'll be interesting if this is a long-term booking or they'll find a shorter way to the title matches. Or maybe is a long way for Landon Mallory, who still lacks popularity, and shorter for Moore's clients.

Popular enough or not Landon Mallory and Silva/Adebola segment had the highest rating of the night.

Thanks @newbiezness! Over the past few months, Mo Adebola has seen his client go from undisputed #1 in the NWF to having two babyfaces rise up to his level. Darin Flynn is now my best guy in ring, and has Mark Moore to help somewhat with his sub-bar promo skills. 

Landon Mallory is definitely up there in terms of both promos and in-ring ratings. He's my #2 guy of the mic after Edison Silva/Mo Adebola, and he's probably my #2 guy in the ring after Darin Flynn (although Edison Silva may have something to say about that). 

Mo has used every trick in the book since day one to remove any threat to SIlva's title. He had Leo Price removed as commissioner, and replaced with the much more amenable in Frank Finkleton - leading to the formation of The Network. He's also had Landon Mallory suspended, and the recent alliance with The Network is the latest attempt to hold onto power and combat the rise of Flynn and Mallory.

In the short term it gives me a chance to test out someone like Petey Barnes, who in-ring has been pumping out Main Event level performances but is severely lacking on the character/promo side. Can he step up in this period where Flynn and Mallory are locked out of the title scene (story wise)? Unltimately the cream always rises to the top though, so expect to see Flynn or Mallory back in the title scene before too long! 😉

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Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode of National Wrestling - it really is appreciated! I hope everyone enjoyed the show!

Congratulations to @newbiezness and @Wrestling Machine for achieving a 100% score on the latest episode, but it remains tight at the top with onlu one point separating five predictors! Hope to see you all back next show!


Prediction Results For National Wrestling Episode 22

@newbiezness 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@azzak 4/5

@smw88 4/5

@Marmo 4/5

@KyTeran 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 10/10

@azzak 9/10

@smw88 9/10

@KyTeran 9/10

@Wrestling Machine 9/10

@Marmo 8/10

@kanegan 5/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 23

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

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hmmm I'm still topping the rankings 😎 🤣

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Let's go Dragons!

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

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Reading NWF TV is pleasant and smooth! And for me those FFF angles are always entertaining.



The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

The Northen Lights are going to have a party after winning again.

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Petey has a future shot at Edison Silva, while Gavin is going to be staring at the lights again.

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

I think the Dragons get a win over the younger team here.

Cain Carlile vs Stuart Wilson

I don't see Stuart is losing to Captain Crash.

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

Similar to his partner Gavin, Glen will be staring at the lights tonight.

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The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan) w/ Frank Finkleton

Petey Barnes vs Gavin Owen

Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs BCB (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Cain Carlisle vs Stuart Wilson

Landon Mallory vs Glen Ward

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #23

Wednesday W4 March 2021

Show Rating: 60


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a top notch show in store for everyone tonight, with the first match of the British Tag Team tournament - as The Celtic Dragons face off against the Black Country Boys!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Landon Mallory is also in action in tonight’s Main Event as he looks to add even more weight to his claim as the next number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship!”

Melanie Florence: “But before all of that, and speaking of number one contenders, last week The Northern Lights were confirmed as one-third of the Triple Threat Tag Team Title match in six weeks at ‘Three Lions’. They open tonights show as they face off against The Party Animals!”



The Party Animals VS The Northern Lights w/ Frank Finkleton

While The Northern Lights may have been handed their Tag Team Title shot at ‘Three Lions’ due to their ties with The Network, the pair proved in this opening contest that they belong in the title picture on merit. Riddick Jordan wowed the crowd with his impressive Diving Headbutt from the top rope, before The Northern Lights set up their Lights Out (Doomsday Device) to secure an impressive win against experienced opponents.

Rating: 47



‘The X Factor’ Petey Barnes VS Gavin Owen

While The Northern Lights may have been handed their title shot at ‘Three Lions’, Petey Barnes earned his British Heavyweight Championship shot at ‘Clash Of Champions’ fair and square. The number one contender put in a great performance here, as he pulled youngster Gavin Owen to a very watchable match. Barnes was able to hit his X-Press Superkick around the eight minute mark to secure a momentum building victory.

Rating: 52


Petey Barnes celebrated his victory in the ring, but his celebrations were cut short by the music of the British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva. The champion walked out with the title draped over his shoulder, and as always was accompanied by his legal advisor Mo Adebola.

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Mo Adebola: “Petey, I apologise for coming out and interrupting what must be a big victory for a wrestler of your caliber… but my client, the British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva, wanted to ask you a question personally…”

Mo Adebola handed the microphone to Edison Silva, who looked at Petey Barnes dismissively.

Edison Silva: “So I hear I’ll be facing you at ‘Clash Of Champions, and I just wanted to know… who are you?”

The crowd booed the arrogant champion, clearly upset at the lack of respect the cocky youngster was showing a twenty-year veteran like Petey Barnes. Barnes simply smiled, before motioning for a microphone form ringside.


Petey Barnes: “Who am I? I’m a man who has given the last twenty years of his life to this business. I’m a man who has spent those last twenty years winning gold at every company I’ve ever been a part of. From my first ever title back in ROF, winning tag team gold alongside Adam Matravers…” Barnes had to pause as the crowd popped at the name drop of the hugely popular 21CW superstar. “To the seven Tag Team Titles I’ve won alongside Eric Future.”

Mo Adebola: “Oh you’re a very good tag team wrestler Mr Barnes, nobody is denying that. But at ‘Clash Of Champions’ there’s going to be nobody in your corner to save you from the beating my client is going to give you…”

Petey Barnes: “There’s no doubt your clients a talented kid Mo, and it’s going to take something special to take that belt off him… but they do call me ‘The X Factor’!”

Mo Adebola smirked, as Edison Silva took the microphone from his legal advisor.

Edison Silva: “Are you threatening me old man? I…”

BOOM! Before Silva could finish his sentence, Petey Barnes delivered an X-Press Superkick to the jaw of the champion. Silva immediately rolled out of the ring, as Petey Barnes celebrated with the crowd and made the ‘belt around waist’ motion to the backpedaling Edison Silva and Mo Adebola.

Rating: 59



The Celtic Dragons VS Black Country Boys

NWF British Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final

This match represented a huge opportunity for both teams. Despite being in the formative stages of their careers the Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) could claim to be the more experienced partnership in this contest. Despite being more experienced individually, this was only the second time that The Celtic Dragons had teamed together.

Vedmore & Robson’s natural chemistry when teaming together showed through in the early stages of this match, as the Middleweights were able to use their weight advantage to isolate the experienced Red Dragon in their corner of the ring. The young duo showed their brawling skills as they wore down the veteran, before Red Dragon was finally able to break free and make the hot tag to his compatriot. Welsh Dragon hit the ring hot, as Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags took down both of the Black Country Boys. The Welshman climbed to the top to hit his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope), before tagging Red Dragon back into the match. The former 21CW world Champion headed to the top rope himself to hit his Moonsault, before making the cover and securing The Celtic Dragons spot in the final!

Rating: 43


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The camera cut to Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard backstage. We are told that the pair will be involved in the second of the Tag Team tournament semifinal matches on next weeks show. The pair looked deep in conversation, until Darin Flynn came walking past with his agent Mark Moore.

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Leighton Buzzard noticed the pair walking past, and immediately called after them.

Leighton Buzzard: “Mr Moore, Mr Moore. We saw you signed up Jon and Martin to your Agency, and you’ve been in the business a long time. We just wanted to know if you had any advice for a young team looking to get to the next level?”

Mark Moore: “I’d say keep it simple kid. You’ve got to grab every opportunity your given. If you’re put in a match, you make it the best damn match on the card. Get people talking about you. This business doesn’t owe anything to anybody, you can’t wait for opportunity to come to you - if you want to make it you’ve got to make it happen!”

Leighton Buzzard: “And it’s as simple as that?”

Mark Moore (smiling): “In theory. Look, you’re in the Tag Team tournament next week. I know a couple of guys who would kill to be in your spot, so don’t let it pass you by. Make sure this time next week everyone is talking about your match.”

Leighton Buzzard: “Don’t worry Mr Moore, mark my words we are going to put on a banger of a match next week!”

Mark Moore (chuckling): “A ‘banger’, I like that…”

With that Moore and Flynn walked off, with Leighton Buzzard calling after them.

Leighton Buzzard: “Oh don’t you worry Mr Moore we’ll put on a banger. Nobody puts on bangers like us! You can just call us the ‘British Bangers’!”

Grant Taypen looked at his partner and shook his head, before walking out of shot and leaving Leighton Buzzard alone. The youngster sighed and said he’d work on the name before the camera cut to black.

Rating: 42


Back to the ring, as Chuck Frisby made his way out from the back. The personal trainers mood was night and day from last week – he had looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders in last weeks video package, but this week the personal trainer looked very chipper.


Chuck Frisby: “Ladies and gentleman, it is my honour to introduce to you tonight – a man who held the British national record for Hammer throwing for over three years. He has represented Great Britain at the Commonwealth Games, the European Championships, the World Championships and, of course, at the 2012 Olympic Games where he won a Bronze medal. Please allow me to introduce your Olympic hero, and mine – ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson!”


Stuart Wilson’s theme blared over the speakers and, much like Frisby, the Olympic medalist walked out with a huge smile on his face. The whole situation was very odd, a fact not lost on Jackie Goldstein on commentary. Stuart Wilson gave Chuck Frisby a huge bear hug upon reaching the ring, and if you hadn’t seen the video last week you’d think the pair were the best of friends…

Rating: 53



‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Chuck Frisby was back to his normal exuberant self at ringside for this one, as his client dominated proceedings in the ring. The personal trainer barked out demented exercise instructions at various members of the crowd, before basking in delight as Stuart Wilson showed off his power by overhead pressing Cain Carlile ten times before delivering a Gorilla Press Slam (with Frisby counting along for every rep). The Olympic Bronze medalist then scooped Carlile onto his shoulder to deliver his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam).

Rating: 43


We cut away to a posh London cocktail bar, where we found the members of High Society drinking. Byron turned to address the camera.


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Byron: “It would appear that Mr Moss still doesn’t grasp the difference between old money and young money. Old money is invested to become generational wealth, abiding, eternal. Whereas new money doesn’t consider the future, they only consider the now. They spend everything they have to enjoy the moment, without a thought of what’s to come. That’s why 70% of lottery winners end up bankrupt within five years.”

Joey Beauchamp and Dylan Drama both chuckled at the statistic.

Byron: “And that’s where you are Mr Moss. Bathing in the ‘glory’ of your victory last week, not knowing what you having coming your way…”

Rating: 47



We cut backstage to find Leo Price walking down the corridor. The former NWF commissioner said hello to a few employees as he passed, before finding his path blocked.


‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie was stood blocking ‘The Lion’s’ path with a big grin on his face.

Nathan McKenzie: “G’day mate. I hear you warned your old mate Nate Manchester against facing me at ‘March Madness’, turns out you’re not as stupid as you look! But it’s about time you took your own advice and went home.”

Leo Price: “And if I don’t?”

Instead of answering, the big Australian shoved Leo Price hard into a nearby wall. Price fell to the floor, and it looked like ‘Big Mac’ was going to continue his beat down until Price’s protégé Dangermouth came to the rescue. The grime star was able to use the element of surprise to ambush ‘Big Mac’ and gain enough of an advantage to allow Price to regain his feet.


Seeing it was now 2-on-1, ‘Big Mac’ told Dangermouth he would regret that. The grime star didn’t back down though, and told ‘Big Mac’ that they could settle this in the ring next week on National Wrestling!

Rating: 54



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘The Angry Man’ Glen Ward

The Main Event for the evening was a Wild Brawl between two men looking to beat the snot out of each other. While many were expecting one-way traffic, Glen Ward surprised many observers by holding his own and stretching this match out nearly ten minutes. Ward was able to make up for the size difference against ‘The Springbok’ by utilising his Judo background – using the South African’s own bodyweight against him. However Ward’s anger would eventually get the better of him as one of his many arguments with referee Roy Worrall gave Mallory too much time to recover, and by the time Ward turned back to the action he was met with a Springbok Ram (Gore) that secured Mallory’s sixth victory on the bounce.

Rating: 62


Jackie Goldstein: “Landon Mallory extends his winning streak to six, and you’ve got to be thinking Edison Silva and Mo Adebola must be beginning to get nervous!”

Melanie Florence: “It doesn’t matter how many wins Mallory strings together, Mo Adebola always seems to be one step ahead…”

Jackie Goldstein: “All Landon can do is keep stringing them together, and see where that takes him. Be sure to join us next week as Landon Mallory looks to make it seven wins in a row, we have the second of out Tag Team Tournament Semi Final matchups, ‘Big Mac’ faces off against Dangermouth, and much much more!”

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On 1/14/2024 at 2:06 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Reading NWF TV is pleasant and smooth! And for me those FFF angles are always entertaining.

Thanks @Wrestling Machine, I'm glad to know you're finding it easy reading! Chuck is certainly a fan favourite in the diary - which is odd as he's an unpopular Heel in-game 😅

On 1/15/2024 at 7:10 PM, newbiezness said:

Yeahhh! The British Bangers are here to stay.


And it only took two and a half real time months haha! I'm glad we finally got there, as I was beginning to worry you'd think I'd forgotten about you haha! Love the logo by the way! :)


Thank you to everybody who predicted, commented and reacted to the latest episode of National Wrestling! Another high scoring round in the predictions, with @newbiezness, @azzak and @KyTeran all registering perfect scores. With only two points seperating the top five predictors as we head into the 'Go Home' show, it's still all to play for!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 24

@newbiezness 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@kanegan 4/5



Combined Prediction Results

@newbiezness 15/15

@azzak 14/15

@KyTeran 14/15

@Wrestling Machine 13/15

@smw88 13/15

@kanegan 9/10

@Marmo 8/10


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 24

Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

Landon Mallory vs Gazz Vedmore

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Ward & Owen

Dangermouth w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

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Tag Team Tournament Semi Final: The British Bangers (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

The British Bangers get their first win with their new name.

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

I doubt Cain is beating the Cruiserweight champion.

Landon Mallory vs Gazz Vedmore

Landon wins again.

The Celtic Dragons (Red Dragon & Welsh Dragon) vs Ward & Owen

Owen and Ward lose again.

Dangermouth w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie w/ Frank Finkleton

Nathan could use a big win to help establish the Network's power.

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