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AI Generated Cornellverse Content

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Was playing around with AI for the first time and came up with this for Jay Chord. 



And here's a shot at Kip Keenan to go along with him. 



A couple of takes on Silver Tiger. 


realistic human, 25 years old mexican wrestler, long black hair, wearing a black mask with a 1.png


Finishing things off with an MMA gimmick Al Coleman. I'm still new to this and have no idea how to resize these and put them on the C-verse background but working on figuring that out asap. 


Edited by Yokai
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So I've been sticking with TEW2016. Just couldn't get into 2020 but I've been impressed with some with these renders that I tried to make an attempt. Unfortunately I done them just before Christmas and when I got back on Bing the few I made disappeared. Anyway I did managed to save one just a picture of a backstage interviewer I created for my SWF 1997 game.



Sunny Dayes full body.jpg

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I been playing a game and just creating some new pics if I come across someone I've hired that I feel needs a bit of an update. I've got three here now. I'll post them as I create them.



Will Beaumont.jpg

Will Beaumont

Tye The Innovator.jpg

Tye the Innovator

Mac Smith.jpg

Mac Smith









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Kaito Doan


Kansuke Konda


KC Glenn


Keisuke Koroki


Kenichi Komagata


Kimitada Yanagita


King Kong Kennedy


Kinji Akamatsu


Kazushige Matsuki




Koichi Kajiwara


Koji Kojima


Koki Ishibashi


Koryusai Kitoachi


Edited by arlovski
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Koyo Kinoshita

Koyo Kinoshita.pngKoyo Kinoshita 1.pngKoyo Kinoshita 2.pngKoyo Kinoshita 3.pngKoyo Kinoshita 4.png

Kozue Kawashima

Kozue Kawashima 1.pngKozue Kawashima.pngKozue Kawashima 2.pngKozue Kawashima 3.pngKozue Kawashima 4.png

Kuniyoshi Kawamura

Kuniyoshi Kawamura 1.pngKuniyoshi Kawamura.pngKuniyoshi Kawamura 2.pngKuniyoshi Kawamura 3.pngKuniyoshi Kawamura 4.png

Kyuzu Isogai

Kyuzo Isogai.pngKyuzo Isogai 1.pngKyuzo Isogai 2.pngKyuzo Isogai 3.png

Lion Genji

Lion Genji 1.pngLion Genji 2.pngLion Genji.pngLion Genji 3.pngLion Genji 4.pngLion Genji 5.png

Little Dragon

Little Dragon 1.pngLittle Dragon.pngLittle Dragon 2.pngLittle Dragon 3.pngLittle Dragon 4.png

Mabuchi Furusawa

Mabuchi Furusawa 1.pngMabuchi Furusawa.pngMabuchi Furusawa 2.pngMabuchi Furusawa 3.png

Magnum Kobe

Magnum Kobe 1.pngMagnum Kobe 2.pngMagnum Kobe.pngMagnum Kobe 3.pngMagnum Kobe 4.pngMagnum Kobe 5.png

Jin Miyamoto

Jin Miyamoto.png

Masa Yasujiro

Masa Yasujiro 1.pngMasa Yasujiro 2.pngMasa Yasujiro.pngMasa Yasujiro 3.png

Masaaki Okazaki

Masaaki Okazaki 1.pngMasaaki Okazaki 2.pngMasaaki Okazaki 3.pngMasaaki Okazaki.png

Masafumi Torii

Masafumi Torii 1.pngMasafumi Torii.pngMasafumi Torii 2.pngMasafumi Torii 3.png

Masao Tsubouchi

Masao Tsubouchi 1.pngMasao Tsubouchi.pngMasao Tsubouchi 2.pngMasao Tsubouchi 3.png

Masaru Ugaki

Masaru Ugaki 1.pngMasaru Ugaki.pngMasaru Ugaki 2.pngMasaru Ugaki 3.png

Edited by arlovski
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Great stuff all round folks. I've created some of my own using Bing. I'm running into the "female wrestler" issue especially when I enter "in style of Daz3d". Works fine without this prompt. I was wondering. The biggest issue I have with the renders on TEW is you can only see the face of the worker, and not the attire, or even their frame. The vast majority of renders are from the neck up, rather than the nipples up, which would give me a better visual of their style/gimmick/weightclass. What are your thoughts? Would require lots of creation of my own.

Is there a repository of files available to save me from downloading each individually?






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On 1/5/2024 at 8:31 AM, hellshock70 said:

PNG drop... another thousand+ (also added these links to my profile)


Previous png file...



By the way I'm up to somewhere between 9 and 10 thousand unprocessed renders 😳

so if anyone wants to lend a hand stripping backgrounds, adding CV blue and cutting... I'm open to it. Send me a message. 🤣

@hellshock70 just trawled back and seen this. Will have a look and see how quickly I can churn the background jpgs out.

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9 hours ago, hellshock70 said:

The 2,000+ png's in those files have already been dropped in here on CV blue... I have 10,000 more.

Ah, my bad. Is there a quicker way to download the blue background versions rather than going through them individually? 

I’m really interested in getting a CVerse database fully AI rendered. I know there are several people working on different areas, but a complete one would be great. I think ultimately, AI will be incorporated into games to generate these types of images and age them appropriately. 

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