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CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997]

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Very good show, biggest surprise for me was to see Frankie last 16 minutes in the gang elimination match. Even though School of Tradition lost them having such a close competitive match against a team consisting of the Tag Team Champions and the Decolt Boys is kind of a win for Eric Tyler.

Nice to see Whippy coming in, though as you pointed out that does make your Bubbleweight Division even more lopsided. If you are looking for suggestions for heel bubbleweights have you looked at "Cheeky Monkey" Matty Phatty? He's not an amazing prospect by any stretch, but he's got a fun gimmick, solid entertainment skills, good fundamentals for his age, and is Canadian based so he wouldn't break the bank.

In the meantime, if you were on the CGC Matchmaking Committee, who would you vote for to get the next title shots?

CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen)
Jack DeColt was the sole survivor of the Gang Warfare match, so that seems like a good reason for him to be in line for a shot.

CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick)
Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly eliminated Chandler early in the gang warfare match, and Flame would take out Maverick as well so even in a loss the School of Tradition has a pretty good case to be in line for a tag team title shot.

CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay)
I probably should be selecting Alex or Jack DeColt here, but I'd like to see a fresh face in the title picture and I think Moose Mulder deserves more TV Time. Plus Moose's victories over Biff the Bruiser can kind of justify this since he's beaten guys Dan's size.

CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep)
Nelson Blais is the obvious choice since he got a win over Condor, and the division is a bit lacking in heels to go up against a babyface champion.

Edited by Tiberious
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15 hours ago, sonny912 said:

So are the French guys gonna be a regular team to help put younger guys over or are they just for this show? Do you think you can post some biographies of new signings or debuts so we know who they are? Cause some of use don't or can't play tew and the wiki is limited so it would be nice to know some prior history.

Jean-Pierre Baptiste and Frenchie Marcel are (French) Canadian legends. In the golden era of Canadian wrestling (late 70's/80's) they were a top tag team, main event attractions, and eventually bitter rivals of the Calgary Wolverines. Mostly in CWA. Now in their 50's, they are very much retired and working primarily as road agents. Frenchie's been with CGC for years, but Jean-Pierre (always the more talented, more decorated, of the duo) was just brought in for this show. It was a cameo, to play on nostalgia. Imagine DX squaring up to Undertaker & Kane on a special anniversary episode of Smackdown. I'm not an expert on 1977 C-Verse, but it was fun looking into the backgrounds of the local elderly road agents (that's how I perceived them in my more modern private games anyway) and fleshing it out a little. 

I'd be a bit hesitant to post bios about every new signing. Some characters should be blank slates, entering the limelight for the first time with little-to-no history. Revealing that information may be part of the story I'm telling. Whippy the Clown is a young wrestler who idolises Spencer Marks, but it also a clown. At this stage in his career, that's all there is to it. Exploring why he's a clown could be a fun future story, and I suppose it's nice trivia to know that in the canon timeline, Whippy does become a midcard-mainstay in the early 2000's until CGC closes. 

I used to do character bios/backstories within the shows themselves, as 'Golden Profile' segments. They were a lot of work, but maybe I should bring them back. I love looking at the histories of characters and trying to piece together what that may have been... which is probably why I'm writing a prequel project and not modern day CWF stuff. 

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That was a damn fine show Self, and as someone who is a big wrestling history nerd, I love how the whole event and its build-up felt like such a love letter to the C-Verse's legacy of Canadian wrestling. From the clash of the past with the Wolverines facing off against Baptiste & Marcel, to the past moving towards present with Marks shaking Whippy's hand and Melissa's return in a new role. It makes the your game & the world you've built around it feel more real. I can't wait to see what comes next, but please, feel free to take your time with your break friend.


In the meantime, if you were on the CGC Matchmaking Committee, who would you vote for to get the next title shots?

CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen) - Jack DeColt - I'm a bit unsure about this choice honestly, because now Bowen's victory means that there is likely a rubber match in store between him & Steve in the future. That being said, Jack was the sole survivor of Gang Warfare, and him getting a shot before a Steve close to his breaking point could be pretty interesting from a storyline perspective.

CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick) - Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly - They did their jobs of getting rid of some DeColt cannon fodder during the Gang Warfare match, so I think that might get them a shot. Though that is probably just to pass some time before the next serious challengers imo.

CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay) - Alex DeColt - It's clear that Alex & Dan aren't through with each other just yet, so it feels right for these guys to get their big blow-off match soon.

CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep) - Nelson Blais - He got the win over Condor on the big show, it makes sense to send him after the champ. And he's probably got a good chance of winning & becoming a solid champion, especially with how face heavy your Bubbleweight division is atm.

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5 hours ago, Self said:

Jean-Pierre Baptiste and Frenchie Marcel are (French) Canadian legends. In the golden era of Canadian wrestling (late 70's/80's) they were a top tag team, main event attractions, and eventually bitter rivals of the Calgary Wolverines. Mostly in CWA. Now in their 50's, they are very much retired and working primarily as road agents. Frenchie's been with CGC for years, but Jean-Pierre (always the more talented, more decorated, of the duo) was just brought in for this show. It was a cameo, to play on nostalgia. Imagine DX squaring up to Undertaker & Kane on a special anniversary episode of Smackdown. I'm not an expert on 1977 C-Verse, but it was fun looking into the backgrounds of the local elderly road agents (that's how I perceived them in my more modern private games anyway) and fleshing it out a little. 

I'd be a bit hesitant to post bios about every new signing. Some characters should be blank slates, entering the limelight for the first time with little-to-no history. Revealing that information may be part of the story I'm telling. Whippy the Clown is a young wrestler who idolises Spencer Marks, but it also a clown. At this stage in his career, that's all there is to it. Exploring why he's a clown could be a fun future story, and I suppose it's nice trivia to know that in the canon timeline, Whippy does become a midcard-mainstay in the early 2000's until CGC closes. 

I used to do character bios/backstories within the shows themselves, as 'Golden Profile' segments. They were a lot of work, but maybe I should bring them back. I love looking at the histories of characters and trying to piece together what that may have been... which is probably why I'm writing a prequel project and not modern day CWF stuff. 

Y'know  there have been comments on how inevitable Chandler and Maverick are gonna form the elite with dan delay, but what's Garcia doing at this time?

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56 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

Y'know  there have been comments on how inevitable Chandler and Maverick are gonna form the elite with dan delay, but what's Garcia doing at this time?

His homework.

This surprised me when doing my original research, but Adrian Garcia is quite a bit younger than the other members of his most famous faction. He's only 15 years old in 1997, and doesn't make his way into the business until 2001. 

Folks shouldn't expect The Elite in this project. They are years away from forming, with many trials and tribulations to go through before they can dominate the Canadian wrestling scene.

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CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen) -- Jack DeColt

CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick) -- Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly

CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay) -- Alex DeColt

CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep) -- Nelson Blais

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CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen) Jack DeColt
CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick) Moore Moose
CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay) Alex DeColt
CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep) Nelson Blais

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Been a long time since I been back on the forums and was instantly excited to see you were back, Self. I got caught up and I forgot how much I missed your style of writing shows and advancing stories. As always I will be keeping up with this and always appreciate your work!

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In the meantime, if you were on the CGC Matchmaking Committee, who would you vote for to get the next title shots?

CGC World (Champion: Barry Bowen) Jack DeColt - He was the final survivor of the Gang Wars match, and with George angry at Steve I can see the matchmaking committee passing over the former champ in favour of his brother... potentially leading to a Heel turn from Steve? 
CGC Tag Team (Champions: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick) Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly - The School of Tradition are the natural next opponents for Chandler & Maverick, after the champs joined George DeColt's team for Gang Wars
CGC Television (Champion: Dan DaLay) Alex DeColt is the obvious choice here, but DaLay and DeColt have clashed a few times already so I could definitely get behind a new challenger for DaLay's title.
CGC Bubbleweight (Champion: Black Sheep) Nelson Blais - You've mentioned how unbalanced your Bubbleweight division is, and Blais is the only viable Heel challenger right now

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World - Jack DeColt

I think Jack is a best shout but Steve Flash might have been someone that could get the best out of Bowen. He's gone now IIRC. Steve probably gets another shot before we see a different challenger though

Tag Team - Rocky Psycho and Wolfgang Zimmerman

The Rocky/Dog feud will prob continue but maybe Rocky leaves Toring to it and he can break off and do something else. I like the story here, the hot headed Rocky Psycho gives Maverick the killer instinct he's been missing. Wolfgang Zimmerman gives Chandler the experience to beat bigger dudes such as the DeColts in the future. 

TV title - Howling Dog/Tavare Loring

Dan gets dragged into the Howling Dog feud. How else would Dan end up with the tomahawk that he uses to get Running Wolf banished in your 2019 project. Gotta get that canon to come full circle 😅

Bubbleweight - Nelson Blais/Mario Heroic/Condor/Whippy

I could name more lads but give me as many multi man matches as you can. I want x-division spot fests and who better than you to write them. 

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Don't know where to start. I ate this up in one long read today and enjoyed it like I was reading a bestseller.


This is just legit on every level. Looking forward to jumping in with the predictions and real time interactions when you pick back up.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Jerome Turner "Times are changing in Canadian Golden Combat. A new World Champion. A new television home on the horizon. And tonight we get a brand new, never-before-seen dream match up in our main event. But first, it wouldn't be Title Bout Wrestling without a title bout."



Jerome Turner "The School of Tradition may have lost last Friday night, but these two students pinned the tag team champions, earning them a shot at the belts."

Chandler & Maverick work together by not working together, splitting the Student tag team apart and keeping out of each other's way. Rash & Frankie manage to isolate Maverick with some dirty tricks from the Eric Tyler playbook, but Hollywood Johnny's learned to share the spotlight. Voici Eddie! Le coup de poing! Fabulous Dropkick! Submissions are applied as Chandler & Maverick compete over who can make their victim tap out first... and Maverick wins when Rash taps to the Arm Bar.





ALEX DECOLT looks thrilled at the result. 

We proved it at 'In the Company of Legends' and Chandler & Maverick
 just proved it again. This isn't a classroom. This is DeColt Country! But
 while my Dad may have done what he needed to do against the School
 of Tradition, I've still got unfinished business. Dan DaLay! You took 
a lot of my lunch money when we were kids, and I told you I wasn't
 going to rest until I took that belt from around your waist. You ran
 from me at WrestleFestival. Your schoolyard pals denied me in
 the bull rope match. There's only one way I can think of to settle
 this, and it's in a Steel Cage. No running. No friends. Just you and 
me with the Television Title on the line. It's time to end this.




ROCKY PSYCHO is all smiles as he arrives at the building. Nobody seems particularly thrilled to see him, but they're too scared to say anything. Partly because of the enchanted tomahawk he's casually swinging around. Partly because of the massively muscular WOLFGANG ZIMMERMAN. They're followed by a stern and silent TAVARE LORING.

Jerome Turner "Our investigators tell us that Tavare Loring is a veteran fighter and former partner of Vigilante Hawk... but why did he turn on Howling Dog last Friday? We'll try to get answers tonight."



Jerome Turner "Can the son of Ray 'The Crippler' Kingman follow in his father's mighty footsteps? He faces tough competition in one half of CGC's most chant-able new tag team."

Kingman's confident in his genetic superiority, but hasn't inherited much to combat Mulder's mighty strength and fists of rage except blatant cheating and blows to the back. Ted Moore may not be a legal participant in the match, but he knows what the crowd wants; Moore Moose! His cheerleading fires Mulder up to deliver some burly brawling, giving Kingman a taste of his own medicine with blows to the back. Panicking, Kingman goes for the Crippler Cloverleaf, but Mulder kicks him away and- Moose Punch! 1. 2. 3.





Due to accusations of bias over the past few months, the 
CGC Matchmaking committee recognize that we should be
more transparent with our voting practices. So without any
further ado, let's look at the latest voting for the next CGC Title


We feel this is the ideal time to make these changes, especially as
 two long-standing, trusted members of the Matchmaking Committee
are leaving due to the change in television networks, to be replaced by-


MELISSA MONROE barges in, dressed in a business suit covered in jewels  and surrounded by an army of personal assistants, party planners, and all-purpose yes men. 

There you are, darling. We simply must talk about Title Bout 
Wrestling's grand debut on GNS. It's only two weeks away
 and there's still so much to do. As the official liaison to the 
network I must insist that your World Champion be present, 
so let's lift that silly suspension on Barry Bowen, shall we? 
And the Cage Match your strapping young son was talking about. 
I want that too. And have you found that girl with the roller-skates
 yet? I'd hate to have to tell the President of the Network that
 you're not taking this seriously, darling. 

Don't worry about that. I had lunch with him yesterday, and told
 him all about the exciting things we have planned. I also told him 
about everything you got up to last time you were here, Melissa.
 The lies. The schemes. The poisoned tea incident. I wouldn't get 
too comfortable if I were you.

Lunch, you say? That's funny. He didn't mention any of that during dinner
 last night. Or breakfast this morning. Toodles!




ED MONTON sits on a bench, taping up his fists.

You think you're a big man, Rocky Psycho? You think making 
fun of indigenous cultures makes you a tough guy? Let's find 
out how tough you really are. Bring your friends. I figure it's
aboot time they enjoy some Canadian hospitality, eh?



Jerome Turner "Helen Wheels has gone missing. It looks like Black Sheep has something to do with it, but Land Mass & Mammoth couldn't get answers Friday night."

Lamb is down for some farmyard fun, but can't lift the super heavyweight for a body slam. Mammoth grills Lamb for answers about Helen, missing his manager to the point of distraction. Battering Lamb battering rams with shoulder tackles and mutton chops, before finally hitting the Body Slam and dropping a big Leg of Lamb for the 1... 2... 3.


Jerome Turner "Mammoth seems lost without Helen, but where is she? CGC Management have questions about her mysterious disappearance."




A cramped, darkened room with a single swinging light overhead. A frustrated WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS smokes in the corner as GEORGE DECOLT takes a seat at a table opposite BLACK SHEEP. The CGC Bubbleweight Champion doesn't seem impressed.

Be straight with me, Sheep. Where'd you get that belt?

Won it.

No. Before that.  Where's Helen Wheels?

Don't worry about it.

See, that's the problem. I am worried. A 22 year old woman has
 gone missing on my watch. I've got a new network on my ass 
and it's only a matter of time before real law enforcement get 
involved. Last time Helen was seen she was wearing that belt. 
You know something, and you're not leaving until you tell me
 what it is. 

Then I guess we're both gonna be here a long time.

Black Sheep gets comfortable, putting his feet up on the table. He's wearing a pair of pink roller skates. 





Congratulations, Jack. Last Friday night you were the sole survivor
 in Team George DeColt's huge win over the School of Tradition.
 A big accomplishment. 

Thanks, Julia, but it really was a team effort, and the credit really
 should go to my Dad. I don't deserve any congratulations.


ROGER ROGERS intrudes, his wheelchair pushed by JON JETSON.

You're right, Jack. You don't deserve any congratulations. None of
 you DeColts do. Only two men came out of 'In the Company of
 Legends' worthy of acclaim and they are myself and Barry Bowen.
 We fought a corrupt system, battled unfair odds, and together 
we took the CGC World Title from Steve DeColt's STD-ridden grasp. 
There should be balloons and a parade and dancing girls... but Barry 
Bowen isn't even here. "Still suspended" they say. Still being 
punished over nothing. We're not even allowed to celebrate our 
great victory.

"Your" great victory? You didn't do anything. 

How dare you! Are you saying that just because I'm in a wheelchair
my efforts don't count as much as everyone else? That's ableism!

It is? I'm sorry. I just meant you sat on commentary while Barry Bowen
did all of the work. 

My contributions were essential! The protest! The hoops
I jumped through with the crooked Matchmaking Committee.
I was essential... but according to this silver spoon son of
wrestling royalty, I guess disabled people's efforts aren't
worth as much as everyone else's. 

Hey! I didn't say that.

And now you're calling me a liar! Do you want to make fun of my
 race, too? You're really showing your true colours tonight, DeColt. 
I have half a mind to let Jon Jetson here put you in your place.

Jon Jetson cracks his knuckles.

A wrestling match? Finally, something I understand. Sure, I love 
wrestling matches. Any time. Any place. 


/w Wolfgang Zimmerman & Tavare Loring

Jerome Turner "Rocky faces his toughest challenge yet in a multi-time World Champion, but he has a lot of help on his side with the powerful Wolfgang and this mysterious new ally."

Rocky tells Tavare to take a seat at ringside and gives the tomahawk to Wolfgang for safe keeping. All smiles, he shows off with elegant arm drags and fancy head scissors, but Monton isn't impressed. He responds by throwing hands and taking the fight outside. Wolfgang tries to get involved, but Tavare does not. He just sits there. 

Rocky Psycho snaps. No elegance. Nothing fancy. Punches. Kicks. Stomps. Headbutts. A furious assault that almost gets him disqualified when he refuses to stop when Monton's in the ropes. Double tough Monton takes the beating and comes back for more, and Rocky gets angrier and sloppier, making enough mistakes for Monton to deliver some patriotic fury. Side Canadian Legsweep! Bridging Canadian Suplex! He knocks Wolfgang off the apron, and catches a flying Rocky for a Fallaway Slam! 1... 2... Loring puts Rocky's foot on the rope. 

Monton rolls outside to confront the newcomer, who refuses to answer him, or even look him in the eye. Wolfgang tries to attack from behind, but Monton fights him off with Haymakers and throws him into the crowd. He gets ready to fight off Loring, but he's already walking away. Monton's confused, and- Roll up! 1... 2... 3!


Jerome Turner "The numbers game was too much for Monton tonight, and we're no closer to getting answers about this new alliance. Maybe Howling Dog will have more luck. He returns next week."


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Sunday Week 3 June 1997
Edmonton, Alberta
0.01 rating on Alberta on air (4,133 viewers) & BCB (3,894 viewers)

  • Alex DeColt Promo   72
  • Rocky Psycho Arrives   43
  • Voting with George & Melissa    87
  • Ed Monton Promo   48
  • Interogating the Black Sheep   67
  • Roger Rogers interrupts Jack   47
  • Final Show Rating   63

This time last week, I had decided that this project was over. I was originally planning on a 4-6 week break before jumping into posting this chapter, but the announcement of TEW IX put all that in a spin. When that game comes out I want to be playing it, not dividing my time, and while I like a lot of what I have planned, nothing feels essential. Like a story that needs to exist. My goal with this project was mostly to be a snapshot of what I picture CGC as being like at this moment in time, and I feel I've already done that. These DeColts. These evil forces. This vibe. The biggest story I wanted to show was the first Alex vs DaLay feud, and I couldn't show the true end to that if this project lasted 15 years, so why do I need another 3 months? So I decided to just let it die, and didn't write a single word since the new game was announced.

Then I woke up on Wednesday and changed my mind completely. I've put work into this chapter, so I might as well post what I've got and make up some nonsense to fill in the midcard gaps as it goes along. A little looser. A little more hotshotting to get to some fun stuff quicker. At most, I'm going 3 more in-game months to the next big event. We'll see.

For in-game stuff, this was a test for Rocky, and he passed. The fans still only saw him as 'Recognisable', but I see him as a top guy and that's where he needs to be. In my private games he usually rises to the challenge, although in those game I've usually lost Eric Tyler, Barry Bowen, or both by now. I can't tell if the slower rise to the top has helped or hindered him. 


Next time on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out?

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Next time on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
I think Sheep holds onto the belt until we discover exactly what happened with Helen Wheels...
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
This is DeColt Country!
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown
Condor is probably the biggest name in the match, and you need to build some Bubbleweight guys

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out?
I've stuggled with this for my diary. My current plan is to keep my diary going on TEW 2020 while I get to grips with the new game. I haven't decided how far to continue, and that will likely depend on how 'polished' TEW IX is on launch.

As for this diary, I would definitely continue reading regardless of which game you used as the base.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out? Considering that I'm about to start my own, the very least I can do is read my favorites that are still on the 2020 forums & game and show support for the folks still going!

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4 hours ago, SomeLazyMagic said:

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out? Considering that I'm about to start my own, the very least I can do is read my favorites that are still on the 2020 forums & game and show support for the folks still going!

What kinda diary are you planning? Something about the real world or the cverse?

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out? Yes, I will continue to read 2020 diaries that catch my interest and that I enjoy reading.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out? As long as you keep putting out stuff, I'll keep reading it

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21 hours ago, sonny912 said:

What kinda diary are you planning? Something about the real world or the cverse?

It's a C-Verse 97 scenario featuring PPPW on the quest to national status, starting off a year after I officially took control. It's mostly something fun to get me back into diary writing, but if it turns into something bigger, I'll happily see where it goes.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Calling it now, I was right and Black Sheep did shack up with Helen and we're on the road to him turning heel
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Lol. and if I may lmao.
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown
More name value

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out?
Eh, why not?

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7 hours ago, SomeLazyMagic said:

It's a C-Verse 97 scenario featuring PPPW on the quest to national status, starting off a year after I officially took control. It's mostly something fun to get me back into diary writing, but if it turns into something bigger, I'll happily see where it goes.

Uh remind me what's pppw again?

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Nelson Blais vs Black Sheep
Jon Jetson vs Jack DeColt
Condor & Mario Heroic vs Jake Sloan & Whippy the Clown

Will you read 2020 diaries when the new game comes out? 

A couple for sure. This one? No question. No question at all.

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22 minutes ago, Temes1066 said:

Philly Power Pro Wrestling, one of the East Coast Company at War with DAVE at the time.

Then why not go with Dave? They one the east coast wars after all, there basically the ecw of the cverse.

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