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CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997]

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Bullrope Match for the CGC Television Title: Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay

Does Alex need the TV title, no, but this just seems destined for Alex to win. unless there's interference. I could see this setting up an Elimination match, but that's not included in the PPV schedule now, so I'll just give Alex the win, though I'm very excited to see you write this and what spots you come up with
Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

I struggle to see Eddie and Johnny co-exist at this point
Wolfgang Zimmerman vs Howling Dog

Zimmerman is definitely a future star in the company if you want to go that way. Dog should win now though

... plus Whipper Spencer Marks announces the first match for In the Company of Legends.

Steve DeColt v Barry Bowen - First Blood Match?

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Bullrope Match for the CGC Television Title: Alex DeColt vs Dan DaLay

 - I think I'm done betting against DeColt's, even on the weekly TV.

Frankie Flame & Rash Reilly vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

 - I think once Chandler and Maverick truly get on the same page they'll be a force, until then though ...

Wolfgang Zimmerman vs Howling Dog

 - I mean right? We gotta build some momentum to stand any chance of getting back that beloved tomahawk.

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Jerome Turner "As we went off the air last week Barry Bowen attacked Steve DeColt following their CGC World Title match, slamming his face into the steel steps and causing injuries that required Steve to be rushed to hospital. Neither man is here tonight. Bowen has once again been suspended, and Steve is home recovering. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope to have more information soon."




ERIC TYLER is already in the ring, surrounded by students in matching school uniforms. Mostly matching. JOHN McCLEAN's is perfectly pressed and sparkling white. RASH REILLY is untucked and disheveled. FRANKIE FLAME's is covered in brown stains. DAN DALAY has ripped his sleeves off to expose his gigantic arms. 

In my School of Tradition, there are no mistakes. Only learning 
opportunities... and tonight will be the biggest learning opportunity
 of Alex DeColt's life. He has made the assumption that he is Dan
 DaLay's better, but tonight that assumption with crumble around 
him like Steve DeColt's face slamming into some steel steps. Dan
 DaLay is a sportsman. A champion. I have taught him everything he
 knows and he will not let me down. One can only wonder where 
Steve DeColt would be with such an education. Had he not followed
 in his father's footsteps, developed a smart mouth, and stepped in
 front of a Runaway Train. 


Normally I let my boys fight their own battles, but the problem
 with liars is that if you let them talk for long enough, eventually
 some idiots are going to start thinking they're telling the truth.
 You're no educator. Your 'School' is a joke. All you've done is
 stuffed a gorilla into a school uniform and tricked some kids into
 being your cannon fodder. There to protect you from your
 enemies and fluff your ego.

My ego? And I suppose your boys running around in your old
 trunks and feather boas have nothing to do with your ego,
 'Gorgeous' George? 'Adorable' Alex isn't a sick way for you to
 relive past glories? 'Stunning' Steve isn't... well, he's not so 
stunning any more from what I hear.

I've raised three champion wrestlers, and I've done so by
 letting them find their own path. I'm proud that they choose
 to follow in my footsteps-

And they follow those footsteps straight to Hell. You have let
 your boys get out of control, George. You filled their head with 
delusions of grandeur and one by one they're going to run
 headfirst into their own destruction. Steve was so busy flaunting
 that harlot on his arm he didn't see the Runaway Train bearing 
down on him. Children need a firm hand, George. Structure.
 Discipline. A strong leader who knows what's best for the youth 
of today. 

And that's you?

It has to be, because it certainly isn't you. You are a failure as 
a father. That reality has just hit Steve in the face and tonight
 the same thing is going to happen to Alex. The youth of CGC will 
see that I am the only route to salvation. 

We'll see about that. 



Jerome Turner "Last week at Fort McMurray Mike was caught stealing from the referee. Although he claims it was Black Sheep's fault."

Switchblade demands that Black Sheep be checked for weapons. Referee Noel Madden doesn't find anything, and Black Sheep swipes his wallet in the process. Switchblade shakes down his fluffy foe, as Black Sheep tries to stealthily plant the stolen goods on him. Switchblade catches him and tries to attack, but Battering Lamb saves his partner with mutton chops and a big leg of lamb, before making Mike tap to the Slow Roast (Torture Rack).





ROGER ROGERS has strategically positioned his wheelchair to corner FRENCHIE MARCEL.

Mr Marcel. "Frenchie". I've always liked you. You've always been 
the most level-headed of the Matchmaking Committee. Not biased, 
like George or Spencer... and the less said about James Sandwich 
the better. I think you can agree that what happened last week was
 all just a misunderstanding. Bowen was just trying to... congratulate 
the champion... and then they slipped. Rambunctious. Doesn't know
 his own strength. Boys will be boys. You and I both know that Barry
 Bowen is an honorable, god-fearing, family man. A hero. To 
suspend him over a little accident is cruel. That it happens so often
in nothing short of a conspiracy. 

Oui oui. Ze Runaway Train has been suspended a lot... but who are
 ze most suspended in CGC history?


By the time Frenchie's Five has concluded, Frenchie has disappeared, and Rogers is furious.


Jerome Turner "The weather was fine is Smithers last night. Good thing too, as CGC were outdoors at the Fall Fair Grounds."

TEMPEST APPLEBY puts MARIO HEROIC in a spin and pins him after a Tornado DDT.


JOHN McCLEAN tries to attack JACK DECOLT from behind, but Jack backdrops him into the mud. McClean's sparkling white uniform is ruined!



Jerome Turner "These young teams last fought two weeks- Wait a minute. What's George DeColt doing with Chandler & Maverick?"

Eric Tyler is furious as George DeColt gives instructions from ringside, coaching Eddie and Johnny keep it simple, play to their strengths, and stay out of the other's way. The Students isolate Johnny with some dirty tricks from the Eric Tyler playbook, but Eddie cheers his partner on. George tells him to do it in English! Hollywood Johnny is encouraged to share the spotlight! Eddie unleashes a spirited flurry of forearms and a fabulous dropkick. George warns them not to even attempt a double team, so instead Eddie hits Rash with a Backcracker and locks in a kneeling abdominal stretch as Johnny selflessly deals with Frank outside. Rash taps!


Eric Tyler complains to the referee as Eddie and Johnny celebrate with George DeColt. 

Jerome Turner "What a difference some coaching makes. Looks like Eric Tyler isn't the only one willing to teach the youth of today."




JULIE FORLETTA interviews JACK DECOLT, who is helping a concession stand worker refill the popcorn machine. 

Your brother Steve suffered a bloody injury at the hands of
Barry Bowen last week. Any updates? How bad is it?

Golly, it was really scary there for a minute, but I think Steve's
 going to be okay. There was a lot of blood and a lot of swelling, 
but injuries happen. Bones break but DeColts never do. Steve's
a fighter. He'll be back before you know it. 


Steve DeColt is a degenerate who got what he deserved. Who
 does he think he is, galivanting around with a different strumpet
 every week, promoting promiscuity? There are children in the 
audience! Barry Bowen didn't go far enough, I say. 

Don't you talk about my brother like that or I'll-

You'll what? Attack me? Beat me up? In front of these nice 
cameramen and this innocent wench? Typical DeColt. Violent 
cavemen. How Mr. Tyler ever thought you worthy of his attention
 is mind boggling. I'm better than you in every way and next week
I'm going to prove it. You beat me last time, but thanks to Mr. Tyler's
training you'll never get that lucky again. 




No. Nessuna Rivincita. No rematch. I beat that Puppy Dog fair 
and square. Tu sei sotto di me. His axe? My axe now. He took my
 undefeated streak. I take his toy. Want it back? Tough. No rematch. 



Jerome Turner "Howling Dog wants his tomahawk back, but Rocky Psycho has found some protection in this massively powerful Austrian. Quite the European Union."

Howling Dog goes on the warpath, but is distracted when Rocky uses the stolen tomahawk as a back scratcher. Wolfgang overwhelms him with muscle, launching him around the ring with throws, but Dog summons the resilience of his spirit animal. Tomahawk Chops! Sky High Spinebuster! Rocky tries to stop the Star Blanket (Splash) and takes a chop for his troubles, but the distraction is enough. Wolfgang catches Dog in a Bear Hug. ragdolling him around until referee Noel Madden calls it.




Saturday Week 3  May - CGC Live! Powell River, British Columbia
Sunday Week 3 May - Title Bout Wrestling in Langley, British Columbia
Saturday Week 4 May - CGC Live! Kamloops, British Columbia
Sunday Week 1 June - CGC Live! Medicine Hat, Alberta
Sunday Week 1 June - Title Bout Wrestling in Calgary, Alberta
Saturday Week 2 May - CGC Live! Grande Prairie, Alberta
Friday Week 3 June - In the Company of Legends. Vancouver, British Columbia



  image.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpeg

In 1965 I won my first gold in professional wrestling. Smaller wrestlers
 have often been looked down upon, but for 45 minutes that night 
myself and Dean Davis beat the hell out of each other, and earned 
the respect of the wrestling world. Next week... in that fine tradition... 
Tempest Appleby will challenge your 'Bubbleweight' Champion, 
Helen Wheels.

Real men don't brag about winning pip-squeak belts for babies, Marks.
 Don't you have any real achievements to brag about? Is that why you're 
so insistent on punishing me? I did nothing wrong. I won this toy belt fair 
and square, and now I have to defend it??? Against this twerp??? 
Ridiculous. This is unfair and unusual punishment, and it's all because
 you used to be a midget. 

Eloquent as always, Helen. Mr Appleby, do you have a response?

Tempest just starts spinning in a circle. 




/w George DeColt ALEX DECOLT VS DAN DALAY /w Eric Tyler

Jerome Turner "There will be no running away this time. Both men have been tied together by ten feet of rope. Only a pinfall will end it."

Eric Tyler is once again furious to see George DeColt at ringside, giving his son advice on how to deal with the School's Bully. DaLay struggles with the rope, tripping over it and being unable to retreat, but Alex has a little too much fun giving the bully a taste of his own medicine and gets clobbered. DaLay bullies his former victim around the ring, confidence rising as he seems to remember just how big and strong he is. He repeatedly throws Alex from the ring, claims he's running away, before pulling him back in for more punishment. 

Powerful Punches! Not-So-Pretty-Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! DaLay tries to run, but Alex won't let him. He slowly starts to pull the panicking DaLay back... but underestimates how strong the Champion really is. Alex gets yanked into the turnbuckles, and DaLay  climbs the ropes to try to hang him with the Bull Rope. Alex fights out. Superplex!


On Tyler's command, FRANKIE FLAME and RASH REILLY run towards the ring, but George DeColt calls out EDDIE CHANDLER and JOHNNY MAVERICK to stop them. 


... and here comes JACK DECOLT, wading into the fray with amateur takedowns. Security, George DeColt and Referee Francis Long all try to break it up.


... and that's when JOHN McCLEAN hops up onto the apron and begins exposing a turnbuckle. Alex nails him with a DeColt Thrust, but turns around into a Big Boot from DaLay! The Referee turns around to count the 1... 2... 3. 


The two groups continue to fight as Security try to maintain order. 


I order you all to stop fighting immediately, under punishment of 
immediate suspension. As the representative of the CGC Matchmaking 
Committee, this is unacceptable... but as the next inductee in the Hall
 of Legends, I want to see more. I'm making my first match. In the 
Company of Legends. School of Tradition versus Team George DeColt.
 Gang Warfare!



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Edmonton, Alberta (600 in attendance)
Broadcast on Alberta on Air (3,649) and BCB (3,564). Combined Rating <0.01


  • Eric Tyler & George DeColt Argue   79
  • Rogers & Frenchie   40
  • Highlights from Smithers   26
  • McClean confronts Jack   56
  • Rocky Psycho Promo   38
  • Whipper announces Bubbleweight Match   36
  • Whipper Makes the Match   50

Was this my most unpredictable show ever? Seemed like a lot of the predictions were coming in for Rash, Frank, Dog & Alex, but it was not meant to be. My booking tends to be fairly obvious, so it's nice to know I can swerve folks from time to time. 

Plans did change considerably from my original outline for this section. Originally I had a (precursor to) the Ultimate Showdown Series planned for here, but when I came to actually write the matches I found nothing I could sink my teeth into. So I scrapped the entire thing about three weeks ago. Definitely winging a couple of storylines right now. 

Little disappointed with the Tyler/George promo. Two best talkers in the company, I thought I'd hit 80 at least. 

In backstage news, George DeColt has taken Bob Casey under his wing as a new protégé. So I guess Bob will be keeping his job, and I should find something to do with him. 

Potentially weak card next week. Yeeowch. 


Next time on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels
John McClean vs Jack DeColt
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic

"Gang Warfare" has been announced for In the Company of Legends, but Whipper hasn't explained what exactly that means. What are some of your favourite Stable vs Stable matches? In your games? Real life? Video games?

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Posted (edited)

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels
John McClean vs Jack DeColt
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic


As soon as he announced “Gang Warfare” I was questioning what that meant. Personally I’m partial to an Elimination Tag. Usually for something big like this I like to have stakes as well. Whether that be, getting five mins with a manager, barring a manager from ringside for a period of time, someone losing hair, money, some sort of humiliation, a title, etc. 


As for the show I was assuming George was used to pad up the show without Steve and Bowen there. Even being disappointed by the 79 the space between that and everything else was immense. That helped your rating ALOT. 

I’m curious if this suspension stops Bowen from getting the title match. I assume not but am interested if Rogers will be the reason for that. 

Edited by The Blonde Bomber
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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels
John McClean vs Jack DeColt
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic

"Gang Warfare" has been announced for In the Company of Legends, but Whipper hasn't explained what exactly that means. What are some of your favourite Stable vs Stable matches? In your games? Real life? Video games?

I've always been a fan of matches like WarGames or the more dramatic editions of traditional Survivor Series bouts, with high-stakes and bad blood running strong. It's something I try to capture in my own games, and funnily enough, mine also featured a lot of Eric Tyler & a version of The School of Tradition against Freddie Datsun & his ragtag team of misfits in my C-97 games.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels
John McClean vs Jack DeColt
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic


Very happy to be wrong and have DaLay picking up a major win for the School in the main event; I feel like we were dangerously close to approaching them being completely innate versus the DeColt boys but that W goes a long way. Also, with the benefit of foresight, I absolutely LOVE that George DeColt is getting involved to combat Tyler and bringing Chandler and Maverick closer together and to help them work as a team...which, in turn, one day, will bite him and his boys in the behind. That type of kismet is just really really awesome to me. 

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On 5/12/2024 at 12:23 PM, sonny912 said:

Who are Biff Ingram and Melissa monroe and what are they currently doing in game?

Biff Ingram is a veteran currently working for NOTBPW. Decent big man who had a solid run in the earlier days of CGC. Not quite a main event guy, but clearly he got up to some mischief given the many suspensions. He probably won't be making an appearance here, as he's in his late 40's and probably not worth breaking the agreement to not use any NOTBPW talent. Although I might break that eventually just to let them give my guys more work.  

Melissa Monroe was one of the primary threats in early CGC (1990 to 1994) as a heel manager with an army of young, muscular men. Before that she had quite the successful run as a wrestler, particularly in Japan. Currently unemployed. Much like Biff she's in her 40's, but she's on my shortlist of characters I'd love to find space for. I find her history interesting.


On 5/12/2024 at 1:49 PM, The Blonde Bomber said:

As for the show I was assuming George was used to pad up the show without Steve and Bowen there. Even being disappointed by the 79 the space between that and everything else was immense. That helped your rating ALOT. 

I'm trying to use George DeColt more. I have a tendency to view him as an old man, who I leave in the back to focus on his sons, but George is only 55-ish at this point. He's essentially Triple H. He may not be able to wrestle any more, but he can still talk, still fire up, still drive stories with personal issues. The ratings will be great, sure, but also he's an interesting guy. I put him in the segment with Eric Tyler because he was the most interesting choice. That segment needed to catch the fans up with what happened to Steve, it needed to plug the main event, and it needed to plant the seeds for the match announcement at the end of the show. Alex could have done those things, but I liked this better. Especially when you factor in Chandler & Maverick. I needed a way for them to get their act together, without a lot of angles and promo time (they're 7th/8th string rookie babyfaces) and "George DeColt did it" was just the holy hand grenade I was looking for.

I also like viewing Eric Tyler as an evil reflection of George DeColt. So much that I think it's strange that I never made that connection earlier. Both are teaching the next generation in their own image. My original intention with this project was for Tyler & Jack to be each other's main nemesis, and maybe in 2005-8 that would work, but Tyler & George feel more like equals right now. While I'm having more fun pairing Jack up with John McClean. Maybe those dynamics will fizzle out in a few weeks, but for now I like them. 


On 5/13/2024 at 3:14 AM, Pteroid said:

Could always put Bob in a mask like a superhero, hide his crippling lack of charisma under an air of mystery. Could even do campy promos with like...comic book narration or something.

I need to look at Bob's stats again. Try to figure out what he'd actually 'do' in the ring. If someone shows up in a mask in the next few weeks, it might very well be him. It's a shame him and Ted Moore didn't work well as a team. I could have used a loveable loser (non-Bubbleweight) babyface tag team.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels
John McClean vs Jack DeColt
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic


Could second Bob doing that or Bob just being a lovable schmuck trying(and failing) to get into the School. Just another random thought. Didn't say it was a good one. Ha.

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Next time on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels
Helen is the most dominant bubbleweight in the history of the division, Tempest doesn't stand a chance... Although I did enjoy his twirling on the last episode 😋
John McClean vs Jack DeColt
This is DeColt country after all
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic
Named team>Non-named team

"Gang Warfare" has been announced for In the Company of Legends, but Whipper hasn't explained what exactly that means. What are some of your favourite Stable vs Stable matches? In your games? Real life? Video games?

I'm looking forward to what you have in store for Gang Warfare. Elimination Tag is what initially came to my mind, but I'm sure you'll have something much more entertaining in mind :)


Enjoyed the addition of George DeColt to the last episode. He feels like a natural counterbalance to Eric Tyler and his School of Tradition. I was also happy that Dan DaLay held onto the Television Title. While Alex was the obvious choice to win, I feel like as a DeColt he doesn't need the television title in the same way someone like DaLay does at this stage of his career.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Tempest Appleby vs Helen Wheels

It's way more entertaining around Wheels' waist
John McClean vs Jack DeColt

DeColts don't lose on TV, unless you are Barry Bowen or Eric Tyler (or maybe Ed Monton)
Royal Canadian Air Force vs Condor & Mario Heroic

Named tag team over random duo

"Gang Warfare" has been announced for In the Company of Legends, but Whipper hasn't explained what exactly that means. What are some of your favourite Stable vs Stable matches? In your games? Real life? Video games?

The only significant ones are both from DAVE and they are basically the same match type but different storylines. I'll talk about the CV97 game and as it also involved Eric Tyler. I tried to make a diary out of it later, but never really kicked off. It was mid 1998 I think and Eric Tyler just became champion thanks to Phil Vibert screwing Chris Caulfield to get a more "marketable" champion so DAVE could survive. (Not the first time Vibert screwed Caulfield either) This introduced the new big bad stable in DAVE, The Syndicate. Led by Eric Tyler, the original group had Phil Vibert, Vin Tanner, 411, JD Morgan, Michael Cook, Sebastian Krause and the real surprise, the man known as "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez. This would actually end up with Caulfield putting his career on the line to win his title back and he'd lose forcing him out of DAVE. As The Syndicates grasp on the company came more and more tight as they were the companies main investors through the sponsorships and endorsements they had brought in, the balance of power shifted from Vibert to Tyler. Tyler ruled with an iron fist allowing his minions to run riot. Gonzalez and Morgan became tag champs, Tanner went around bullying people, 411 was known as the Recruiter for the stable, Vibert turned face and began to push back to get his company back. Vibert gathered DAVE's defenders. The Animalz, Vengeance, Datsun, Walker. They were still lacking in numbers as Tyler was constanly adding new blood. Vibert then made a motion, the return of Chris Caulfield, as majority "owner" Tyler put a stop to it, but Vibert pushed and pushed and with the help of the aforementioned Vengeance, Tyler agreed that Caulfield could be reinstated if a man of Vibert's choice beat a man of Tyler's choice. And so it came down to Vengeance v Sebastian Krause. Tyler made himself special guest enforcer and changed the rules to allow Syndicate members at ringside. The beatdown bludgeoned Vengeance but amazingly he kept kicking out until a masked man attacked out of nowhere smashing any Syndicate members in sight and giving Vengeance the win., but who was it? Shawn Gonzalez was the main suspect as he had been in some scuffles with fellow Syndicate members and Tyler kicked him out and Gonzalez turned. It turns out it was never Gonzalez, it was Caulfield all along, but Caulfield knew Tyler would suspect Gonzalez and kick him out. It all came to ahead, WAR GAMES, 5v5. The Syndicate (Tyler, Krause, Morgan, Braun and Tanner) v DAVE's Defenders (Vengeance, Caulfield, Datsun, Walker and Wolverine). The match itself hadn't any real big spots, Johnny Martin's return as a crazed lunatic heel trying to ruin Chris Caulfield after what he did to him being the major highlight (another story for another day). In the end, The Syndicate would win and rule the roost for bloody ages. before the return of Nemesis and he would put the nail in The Syndicate coffin but I never got that far. I just went into way more detail than I needed to. Sorry.


In terms of George I usually keep him as the owner. He doesn't book the matches, that's the booking committees job that he isn't on. But if the company needs to save face (Alex DeColt sneaking into the ladies changing rooms to find out something about the mysterious new girl in Steve's life for example) then he does it. He welcomes people to the PPV, etc. He's the owner for the most part. I did have an idea for him to turn heel as another man under the control of Doll the Runaway Bride (the aforementioned mysterious girl in Steve's life) as a way for Jack to kick into the Angry Man part of his gimmick, though I never got that far either. 


Speaking of Bob Casey and Melissa Monroe, you could have her manage him and make him into a snobby rich guy and girl duo. Kinda like a rags to riches story and see how Bob changes because of said money.  

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Jerome Turner "Next month at 'In The Company of Legends' two teams will compete in Gang Warfare. The School of Tradition led by Eric Tyler, and Team George DeColt. Who will win? Which coach is better? What does 'Gang Warfare' even mean? That's still unclear, but two of the participants will go head to head in tonight's main event."




JACK DECOLT is helping an elderly wrestling fan, MILDRED, carry an enormous plate of hotdogs from the Concession Stand. 

Golly, Mildred. I appreciate the advice, but I don't think I'm
 allowed to bring a fork into the ring, let alone do that with it.


Back away from that decrepit old woman, you ruffian! Are you
okay, Madam? Did he kidnap you from the home? Allow me to 
escort you somewhere safe. You look like you could break a hip
 any second.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Is that a threat? I would sue you if I wasn't already going to give 
you the thrashing of a lifetime tonight. Now come along, you
 old crone I- Ow!

McClean tries to take Mildred's arm. Mildred stabs him with a fork. 

Dementia, is it? For shame, Jack DeColt. Mr. Tyler is going to
 hear all about this.

John McClean runs away. Mildred gives her fork to Jack. 



Jerome Turner "Nelson Blais has become every high flyer's worst nightmare, but Condor has requested this match regardless."

Arm Drags! Dropkicks! Running? No. Brys is slightly too big for any of that Bubbleweight nonsense, so the Air Force ground Mario for a military grade beatdown. Condor watches Nelson Blais like a hawk, and when he finally gets the tag he keeps low with karate kicks and judo throws. Condor's tactic is working... but Mario moves in mysterious ways, his springboard twisting reverse- Anti Air Missile (Dropkick to Flying Opponent) shoots him out of the sky! 1... 2... 3. 





CGC World Champion STEVE DECOLT walks to the ring, without his usual strut, bandages covering his face.

You may have noticed something's a little different about me. You
 guessed it. For the first time in a long time, Stunning Steve doesn't
 have a date to Title Bout Wrestling. Turns out I don't have the same
 effect on the ladies with a broken nose, a cracked orbital bone, and 
so much facial swelling my own mother didn't recognise me when
 she walked into the hospital room. Two weeks ago, Barry Bowen
 did exactly what I said he'd do. He tripped over his own feet and
 screwed up his chance to beat me. He failed to take this belt, 
so he took my face instead. And what is Stunning Steve without his
 face? What do I even have? Besides 22-inch pythons... and rock
 hard pecs... Abs of steel, the biceps, the triceps! The quads! The
 glutes! What am I besides the CGC World Champion, fired up and
 ready to fight and looking for revenge! Barry Bowen! You broke
 my face! I'm going to break every bone in your body! Every axle!
 Every rivet! Bring me the Runaway Train! I don't care that he's
 suspended! Lift it! Lift the suspension!


That's not going to happen, son. You want to fight him in this state? One
 punch and you'll be back in that hospital bed. You should be home 
recovering, Steve. Couple of weeks, a few ice packs, you'll be back to
 normal in no time. 

I don't need you to protect me. 

It's not about protecting you, boy. The Committee can't reward 
bad behaviour. Barry Bowen breaks your face and we give him a
 title shot? What happens next? Every thug and psychopath starts
 swinging, causing chaos, thinking that's how they get what they 
want. The Committee have voted. Barry Bowen is suspended, and 
there's no way any of us on the Committee are ever going to give
 him a title shot ever again. As champion, you need to abide 
by it's ruling. You may not like it, but being a champion is about 
more than strutting around with a shiny gold belt. You have a 
responsibility to go home, recover, and get ready for whoever
 the next challenger is going to be. 

And I'm just supposed to let Bowen get away with this?

Barry Bowen already lost everything he cares about. It's done.
Go home, Steve. 



Jerome Turner "Helen Wheels seems determined not to give up her stolen Bubbleweight Title belt, and the CGC Matchmakers are determined to make her defend it."

Helen jumps the challenger from behind, but he's a (mostly) full grown man and quickly puts her in a(n airplane) spin. Dizzy and desperate, Helen flirts with the referee while Mammoth yanks Tempest out of the ring for a squishing and squashing, and Helen hits a Fisherwoman Suplex for the 1. 2. 3. 





I like to think of myself as a pretty smart guy, but I sure made
a dumb mistake last week. I was so worried about stopping
Dan DaLay from running away from me, I forgot about all of his
 new new school friends. Well, I have friends too.

If it's Gang Warfare the School of Tradition want, that's what they'll get. 

It was an honour to have George DeColt in our corner last weeks,
 and it'll be an honour to fight at his team at 'Company of Legends'.

Who Rules? George DeColt Rules. And we're going to prove it. 




Rocky Psycho.  You have chosen not to respect the traditions of my
 people. So I will not respect the laws of yours. That tomahawk doesn't
 belong to you, and if Howling Dog can't get it back, then next week, I will. 



Jerome Turner "I guess Roger Rogers was lying when he said he and Jetson were no longer associated."

Roger Rogers wheels himself around the ring wearing a "Justice for Barry" t-shirt and holding a "Free the Runaway Train" sign, as Mulder batters his client with some burly brawling. Jetson takes him down by the beard and enforces his will for as long as he can, but Mulder powers out of a Slingshot Suplex and launches him with a big backdrop. Jetson scrambles for a weapon, but Rogers is too busy to distract the referee. He's trying to get fans to sign a petition. Jetson is caught red-handed and- Moose Punch! 1. 2. 3.




Saturday Week 4 May - CGC Live! Kamloops, British Columbia
Saturday Week 1 June - CGC Live! Medicine Hat, Alberta
Sunday Week 1 June - Title Bout Wrestling in Calgary, Alberta
Saturday Week 2 June - CGC Live! Grande Prairie, Alberta
Friday Week 3 June - In the Company of Legends. Vancouver, British Columbia
Sunday Week 3 June - Title Bout Wrestling in Edmonton, Alberta



I didn't become the Whipper overnight, and I didn't do it by
staying in one place. In life you need to spread your wings and
expand your horizons, and that's exactly what CGC are going to
do. I'm thrilled to announce that 'In the Company of Legends' will
be airing exclusively on the GNS network, available to fans in
Alberta, British Columbia, and for the first time ever; Saskatchewan. 
It's a new frontier. New fans. New fighters. A new era for CGC. 





ERIC TYLER glares at FRANKIE FLAME and RASH REILLY as they write lines on the blackboard. "Failure is not an option" written over and over and over again. JOHN McCLEAN looks on smugly as he ties his boots.

I am ten times the teacher George DeColt is, and it's your
duty as my students to make sure everyone knows that.
You two let me down last week. With the lessons I've taught
you there's no way you should be losing to a couple of losers
like Eddie Chandler and Johnny Maverick. Next week, the 
Soldiers of Fortune are going to show you how it's done.
You'd better pay attention.


/w Eric Tyler JOHN McCLEAN VS JACK DECOLT /w George DeColt

The two youngsters try to outdo one another with clean, technical wrestling, as their coaches look on. George gives encouragement and moral support to his son, whereas Tyler offers very specific instructions to his student and yells at him if he performs them even slightly wrong. The harsh instruction pays off as McClean counters an impetuous pounce with a Knee Lift. 

McClean gets his hands dirty using every trick in the Eric Tyler playbook, performed to perfection...  but George has seen them all before and makes sure the referee is looking in the right place to catch McClean red handed. Tyler gets mad. His instructions get more convoluted,, McClean gets confused, and Jack picks that moment to pounce! Shoulder Tackles! Backbreaker! Belly to Belly Suplex! 1... 2... Tyler puts McClean's foot on the ropes, and now George is mad. The two coaches argue at ringside. Voices raised. Shoving. Francis Long has seen enough! He kicks them out, personally escorting them from ringside.

McClean is devastated. Jack applies the Iron Claw, but McClean kicks him in the balls while the referee is still dealing with the coaches, before twisting and turning and rolling him up! 1... 2... 3! 


Jerome Turner "A huge win for John McClean, and about as questionable as result as I'd expect from a student of Eric Tyler. Could this be a taste of what's in store for Team George DeColt at 'In the Company of Legends'?


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  • Jack, John & The Fork   66
  • Steve & George DeColt Argue   81
  • Alex & Friends Promo   44
  • Vigilante Hawk Promo   36
  • Whipper announces TV deal   45
  • Tyler punishes Students   45

John McClean and Jack DeColt aren't main event talent, and that's fine. I don't expect them to be. In an ideal world they would have been on the undercard tonight, but I wrote myself into a corner and jigsaw puzzled myself out of options. Tempest/Helen was also pretty bad. Orginially I had Condor in mind for that spot. He would have carried Helen to a much better match, but he didn't want to do the job, and I didn't really want him to either.

Hell of a promo segment for Steve & George. Even with Steve getting a few penalties for poor improv skills. George doesn't do scripts. Poor Steve. 

WrestleFestival didn't air on television, but 'in the Company of Legends' will. I want to start moving into Saskatchewan sooner rather than later, and this seems like a good way to do it while 'Saskatchewan Shows' won't speak to me about my TV show. Honestly I was a little hamstrung writing WrestleFestival, being unable to use backstage segments or anything television. This should work out fine. 


Next time on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Tag Team Title Match: Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick vs Soldiers of Fortune (c)
Land Mass & Mammoth vs The Flock (Black Sheep & Battering Lamb)
Rocky Psycho vs Vigilante Hawk

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