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Preston Vance v Bryan Danielson
Matt Hardy v Matt Menard
Dax Harwood v Adam Cole
Killswitch v Jack Perry
Evil Uno v Swerve Strickland
Chuck Taylor v Colt Cabana
Big Bill v Anthony Ogogo
Kota Ibushi v Roderick Strong
Mark Briscoe v Chris Jericho
Samoa Joe v Wheeler Yuta
Hook v Nick Nemeth
Adam Copeland v Kyle O'Reilley
Kyle Fletcher v Sammy Guevara
Rush v Darby Allin
Christian Cage v MJF
Lance Archer v Matthew Jackson
Jon Moxley v Miro
Scorpio Sky v Drew Galloway
Malakai Black v Colten Gunn
Nicholas Jackson v Dante Martin
Keith Lee v Penta El Cero Miedo
Ricky Starks v Christopher Daniels
Vincent v Jeff Hardy
Claudio Castagnoli v Will Ospreay
Dutch v Austin Gunn
Dralistico v Satnam Singh
Juice Robinson v Wardlow
Rey Fénix v Marq Quen
Orange Cassidy v Bandido
Buddy Matthews v Eddie Kingston
Daniel Garcia v Dustin Rhodes
El Hijo del Vikingo v Sting

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So far I have 6 confirmed teams for Season 2 so we will continue. I still have 1 current team that I've not had confirmed if they are continuing or not.
I also invited 3 others to create teams. So far I have had 1 reply, which was to say they wouldn't be able to take part.

So there still at least 3 spaces available. @christmas_ape @DinoKea @stratusfaction @Dawn @PH71 @KyTeran @Wrestling Machine Is there anybody you know on this forum that may be interested in joining us for Season 2? If so please ask them and let me know.
If we don't fill the 3 spaces this way, I shall make a post on the forum throwing it out to anybody who may want to join.


I shall put Collision on tonight. Tomorrow will be the usual prep for the next week of shows including AEW League fixtures (though there won't be many to finish the season) and I shall probably also outline the rules for Season 2 including ones to vote on.

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Hi Nobby, again sorry for the late reply.

It's been a fun experiment and props to you for your work! I'm gonna be honest, as of now I don't think I'll be here for Season 2 as I'm not really into it that much and don't want to "steal" the spot of someone more interested.

The main problem I have is this challenge being too passive for me, I don't know how to make it more dynamic for the users involved but it kinda get repetitive over time, almost coming down to just pick the same guys/gals repetitively and read the results. IF you're going to have major changes in the involvement of the players, I'm eager to learn more about it and may resign for Season 2, otherwise I'm not. Again, it's just my opinion, and you should do what you want with your diary ;)


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Will Ospreay beat Jake Hager in 7:50 by pinfall with a Storm Breaker. 63

Saturday, week 3, June 2024
Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama (6,700 capacity)
Announcers: Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone

We start Collision with The EVPs in the ring. They demand that Steve Austin come to the ring... Glass breaks and out walks Austin... before he gets to the ring, Adam Page and Jack Perry appear from over the barricade and roll in the ring... this causes Austin to back down from getting in the ring, until Kenny Omega, Drew Galloway and Eddie Kingston come down the ramp to join him. They all climb in the ring... The EVPs want to know what that bullshit was on Dynamite... they were forced into a match they didn't want, and got cheated out of a win... Austin says it looked to him like they got their asses kicked by his men Omega and Kingston... Matthew Jackson says it doesn't matter, it won't change what will happen at Blood & Guts where Austin will have to leave and Omega will come home to The Elite... Nicholas Jackson says it doesn't matter if they can get two partners to join them because they will still be beaten and bloodied so bad that forensic cops will be needed to recognise them... and their final partner is somebody that is going to blow your mind... Austin says for any of that to happen, Matt and Nick need to get a pair of balls first... Collision goes to a commercial. 73

JuliaHart.jpg.7ac1ca98fadc475e5aa597553cc21541.jpg v TessaBlanchard.jpg.53c02945f6447e3ad58450ef2f23d59e.jpg
The Spooky Club (Julia Hart) v TV Network (Tessa Blanchard)

Not the best match but there has certainly been worse. Blanchard had more of it and will probably feel agrieved to have lost, Hart taking it in 7:46 by submission with a Hartless. 49
Blanchard out performed Hart 53-43

Backstage and we see Macey Estrella and Mercedes Moné engaged in a fight. The two trade blows and start grappling on top of an equipment crate before AEW officials arrive to keep the Forbidden Door opponents apart. 57

DanielGarcia11.jpg.aad77c671c894f0eea609f56e49ea8ac.jpg v EthanPage.jpg.495f368020f3fb42d60894ded37c8e9e.jpg
Daniel Garcia v Ethan Page
Two men who haven't seen a lot of AEW action recently and are keen on making an impression and rise up the echelons. It was a decent contest so won't do either of them any harm, though it will do Page more good as he was victorious in 10:49 by pinfall with a Spinning Facebuster. 57

Alex Marvez is backstage with the World Tag Team champions Lucha Brothers, their manager Alex Abrahantes and their Forbidden Door opponents Minoru Suzuki and Tomohiro Ishii... The two Japanese stars are two very tough men, and they get in the face of the champions, trying to intimidate them by staring, snarling and grunting. The champions, Penta especially show cero miedo as they don't back down, and Penta does his familiar Cero Miedo gesture... it's going to make for an intriguing title match at Forbidden Door in eight days time. 64

SwerveStrickland(2).jpg.bcc1ae5d8eb8479838305e10fdee3be6.jpg v Bandido1.jpg.8a92647190b2870f5cbc1c9e1a0090d9.jpg
Team Swerve (Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) v Team WooItsNathan (Bandido)

Two teams that are going to be disbanding at the end of Season 1 of the AEW League meaning their team members will become free agents. Swerve Strickland very much looked like he was putting himself in the shop window. He was very impressive here and dominated Bandido. Swerve's win came in 7:28 by pinfall with a Swerve Stomp. 64
Strickland far out performed Bandido 81-51

Lexy Nair is backstage with Kenny Omega... She asks about The Elite... Omega says he knows what he, Steve Austin and his men have to do at Blood & Guts and that is be so brutal... so violent... so sick that The Elite can take no more and submit... but he's also here to talk about Hiromu Takahashi and Forbidden Door... Omega says he has a lot of respect for Takahashi... for everything he has achieved in Japan... but he's walked through the Forbidden Door... which means Omega says he is in his way and has to take him out. 54

BrittBaker.jpg.2d1a18f5f3668f117863573ca5f998d9.jpg v MakiIto.jpg.e4a29ab235738b272c64030399aafbb4.jpg
Dr Britt Baker D.M.D. (with Rebel and Jamie Hayter) v Maki Itoh
A good match, though as it wore on it wasn't going very well for the dentist. With Itoh on top, the women at ringside came into play. Rebel climbed on to the apron and distracted referee Paul Turner, which allowed Jamie Hayter to roll in the ring and smash the Women's World Championship belt across the forehead of Itoh. With Itoh bleeding, Baker took the match in 9:54 by referee stoppage with a Lock Jaw. 54
Baker was penalised for being in poor form.
Itoh benefitted from public support.

Renee Paquette is in the backstage interview area with the TNT champion Adam Copeland. Renee asks Adam if he has any plans for Forbidden Door... Funny you ask, replies Copeland... the Cope Open was put out and the Forbidden Door opened... KUSHIDA answered, so he's in the Cope Open a week on Sunday. 72

ToniStormTimeless.jpg.56bb2994c9c1f01b477462a38044e20e.jpg v HikaruShida4.jpg.ba36c0a447034ab047ac9bfe94611731.jpg
Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (with Luther)) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Hikaru Shida)

A really good match between the only three time AEW Women's World champions. It was close, Shida probably just about shaded more of the match, but Storm earned the win in 13:07 by pinfall with a Storm Zero. 68
Storm and Shida have good chemistry.
Toni Storm has had 10 singles matches, winning 9.

Backstage and Keith Lee is minding his own business on his cell/mobile phone. Then his phoned is knocked flying out of his hand and he turns round in anger and shock to be met by a fist. It belongs to Scorpio Sky, who keeps up the assault with anything and everything that isn't fixed down... At the end of his assault, Sky says Lee thinks he is so big and bad... he's going to show him he's not next week in the ring. 48

TaynaraMelo.jpg.0527c78b6496c45e15e78e2c7e65e009.jpg v MercedesMon(4).jpg.fe8ac6b43ce566f3d4a69ed1cfc21471.jpg
ay Melo v Mercedes Moné
Tay Melo makes her return from maternity leave and she's very much in the deep end, as she faces Moné in the delayed last match of the First Round. She put in a decent shift in her first match in nearly a year, but it was no surprise she came up short in the end. Moné advanced in 10:51 by pinfall with a Bank Statement. 69 - match of the night
Moné far out performed Melo 75-53
Moné has won her first 8 singles matches
BIZARRE ROAD AGENT NOTE OF ALL TIME - Hints of a Tay Melo face turn got a poor reaction, as much of the crowd still remember her last turn. Er... she's not been in the ring for nearly a year.

Following commercial, banners, streamers and balloons deck out in the ring as a trophy is on a pedestal in the middle. A close up of the front of the trophy shows AEW LEAGUE CHAMPIONS engraved across the middle... Tay Melo stays in the ring and is joined by her Peak of Perfection team mates MJF, Thunder Rosa, Jay White, Wardlow, Deonna Purrazzo and Drew Galloway... Ironic since Melo didn't wrestle a match with her being on maternity leave... The group get together in the ring, they hug, high five, pat each other on the back and what have you... before MJF kisses the trophy and holds it aloft... celebrations die down and Peak of Perfection leave the ring, except MJF who just has to pose some more with the trophy... this turns out to be a bad idea, as Matt Riddle quickly slides in the ring, cracks a steel chair across MJF's back and quickly slides out again, leaping over the barrier and into the crowd... Riddle stands there laughing as MJF hauls himself back up, furious, then spots Riddle and tells him he will pay for that. 68

CashWheeler5.jpg.b7bbe2fcfe9e6f28b84a2fd69f1efe86.jpgDaxHarwood6.jpg.166319559db9322a704367f711f1dc97.jpg v MalakaiBlack12.jpg.3c36f4d525709d25097116bf12f7ef19.jpgBrodyKing8.jpg.8b0808281b9f372cfb480aee31f6d3a9.jpg
FTR v House of Black (with Buddy Matthews and Julia Hart)
FTR looked pretty good in a decent enough match, but a little disappointing as a main event. They had more of the match, but got distracted a couple of times by Matthews and Hart at ringside. The last of these, when Hart faked spraying mist in Wheeler's eyes cost them, as instead Black connected with a Black Mass and won in 15:56 by pinfall. 65
Wheeler 67, Harwood 65, Black 66, King 57

Show rating: 67
AEW increased popularity in 2 regions
AEW lost popularity in 10 regions
Attendance: 6,173
TV rating: 1.25 (943,657 viewers and 1,335,080 overall)

Collision drew AEW's 8th biggest crowd in 2024
Collision drew AEW's 17th highest TV rating in 2024


House of Black beat FTR
Mercedes Moné beat Tay Melo in Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament First Round
Toni Storm beat Hikaru Shida (league match)
Dr Britt Baker D.M.D. beat Maki Itoh
Swerve Strickland beat Bandido (league match)
Ethan Page beat Daniel Garcia
Julia Hart beat Tessa Blanchard (league match)

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59 minutes ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Hi Nobby, again sorry for the late reply.

It's been a fun experiment and props to you for your work! I'm gonna be honest, as of now I don't think I'll be here for Season 2 as I'm not really into it that much and don't want to "steal" the spot of someone more interested.

The main problem I have is this challenge being too passive for me, I don't know how to make it more dynamic for the users involved but it kinda get repetitive over time, almost coming down to just pick the same guys/gals repetitively and read the results. IF you're going to have major changes in the involvement of the players, I'm eager to learn more about it and may resign for Season 2, otherwise I'm not. Again, it's just my opinion, and you should do what you want with your diary ;)


That's fine fella. Thanks for letting me know.

I suppose in a roundabout way this is a bit like fantasy football in the UK (I don't know if there is any equivalent or similar in the US). In fantasy football, a manager picks his team and can make transfers, then relies on the real life matches for his players to score points for him (by scoring goals, making assists, keeping clean sheets and what have you). So this is a little bit like that. You guys sign wrestlers to your squad, pick who you want for your matches and wait for me to write the shows. Yes, it is a little basic for the managers I guess, it depends how much thought or strategy you put in to make up your team and who you pick for matches.

I haven't been intending to make changes to the process for next season, though I will be tweaking the rules. Two rules I will be bringing in are changes to the rules regarding signing and releasing wrestlers in the windows, which I have mentioned in brief before... another is one where every member of a team has to compete in a minimum number of matches each season otherwise they will automatically be released at the end of the season. That will put a bit more thought into people's thinking for match selection.

But yeah... I'm always open to suggestions from anybody for ways to improve the league, whether as a whole or for the managers. And if that makes the challenge more active and gives more interaction for managers that pleases everyone/the majority then all the better.

Thanks for taking part in Season 1. If you do change your mind at any point in the future, as long as there is space you will be welcome back. As will Martel123 who is also stopping.

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After 22 weeks

1. The Peak of Perfection - 39 matches, 86 points (28-9-2)
2. Black Lotus - 39 matches, 80 points (26-11-2)
3. The Golden Lion Club - 39 matches, 76 points (25-13-1)
4. Timeless Ensemble - 39 matches, 73 points (24-14-1)
5. The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - 39 matches, 65 points (21-16-2)
6. Team Swerve - 39 matches, 57 points (19-20-0)
7. TV Network - 39 matches, 37 points (12-26-1)
7. The Spooky Club - 38 matches, 37 points (12-25-1)
9. Team WooItsNathan - 39 matches, 9 points (3-36-0)



The transfer/signing window has now closed. Wrestlers cannot be signed until the end of the season unless one of your wrestlers becomes unavailable.

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Swerve Strickland and Ethan Page returned clean drug tests at Collision. Jake Hager failed a test for soft drugs, his second offence. He has been sent to rehab.

Lana Austin has won the EVE SHE-1.

Bobbi Tyler has announced she is pregnant. The 27 year old is engaged to Sam Stoker.

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Sunday, week 4, June 2024
Current card
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Bryan Danielson (c) v Zack Sabre Jr
WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Jamie Hayter (c) v Maki Itoh
WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Lucha Brothers (c) v Minoru Suzuki & Tomohiro Ishii
WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP - Blackpool Combat Club (c) v Hechicero, ??? & ???
Kenny Omega v Hiromu Takahashi
Mercedes Moné v Macey Estrella
MJF v Matt Riddle
Samoa Joe v Jeff Cobb
Drew Galloway v SANADA
ZERO HOUR - Sami Zayn v El Desperado
ZERO HOUR - Trinity v Stephanie Vaquer
ZERO HOUR - Orange Cassidy & Swerve Strickland v Manders & Matthew Justice (


Sunday, week 3, July 2024
Current card
BLOOD & GUTS - The Elite (The EVPs, Adam Page, Jack Perry & ???) v Team Austin (Kenny Omega, Drew Galloway, Eddie Kingston, ??? & ???)
If The Elite win, Steve Austin is removed as Chief of Staff and must leave AEW and Kenny Omega must rejoin The Elite. If Team Austin win, The EVPs must step down as EVPs.


Sunday, week 4, August 2024
Current card
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Bryan Danielson or Zack Sabre Jr (c) v Sami Zayn
WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Jamie Hayter or Maki Itoh (c) v Mercedes Moné
Sting's final match

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It's possible. It will depend how many teams we have. We currently have 6, which is the minimum for the league to be viable. By nature, the women's roster is small than the men's so if we do get more teams in the league, having 4 women on each team would mean pretty much the entire roster would be on league teams. But then of course there is scope for managers to choose wrestlers from outside AEW, as long as they will sign a contract in game.
Having more will give managers more choice, and does give more leeway if somebody becomes unavailable.

I'll have a think about it, and also perhaps increasing the men on each team to 5 as well. There are pros and cons to increasing and also to leave it as it is.

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Something else that I've been thinking about to help make it more immersive for us/the players in season 2:

We are the managers of our individual teams; but what if we actually sign a real manager to represent us in the game.  They can be like our spokes people in the actual game.  They can also accompany our wrestlers to the ring.  This could also help with storylines and create a new dynamic.

We would pick someone who isn't an active wrestler for example Vickie Guerrero.


Edited by stratusfaction
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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, stratusfaction said:

Something else that I've been thinking about to help make it more immersive for us/the players in season 2:

We are the managers of our individual teams; but what if we actually sign a real manager to represent us in the game.  They can be like our spokes people in the actual game.  They can also accompany our wrestlers to the ring.  This could also help with storylines and create a new dynamic.

We would pick someone who isn't an active wrestler for example Vickie Guerrero.


That is actually one of the proposed rule changes I was going to put to a vote. Whether team managers have specific ringside managers for their teams. I'll put more details on that one tomorrow assuming I have the time I think I will to do so.

Edit: I've thought a little more about this... I've thought of two different potential scenarios...
1. Each team manager can choose a manager to be at ringside for their team, and the team manager can also write promos for them and the team when they don't have a match (though if we have an even number of teams, that may require some off shows so this can be done, unless we do promos in addition to matches).
2. Each team manager creates themselves as a manager to go in the game and follow the above process.

I'll consider some more and put something together tomorrow night.

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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23 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Hi Nobby, again sorry for the late reply.

It's been a fun experiment and props to you for your work! I'm gonna be honest, as of now I don't think I'll be here for Season 2 as I'm not really into it that much and don't want to "steal" the spot of someone more interested.

The main problem I have is this challenge being too passive for me, I don't know how to make it more dynamic for the users involved but it kinda get repetitive over time, almost coming down to just pick the same guys/gals repetitively and read the results. IF you're going to have major changes in the involvement of the players, I'm eager to learn more about it and may resign for Season 2, otherwise I'm not. Again, it's just my opinion, and you should do what you want with your diary ;)


Hello again,

I'll be putting some votes on tonight for rule changes. One of which, relating to ringside managers, might bring in more interaction for the team managers. Have a look at what happens and see if changes your mind.

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Posted (edited)

@Martel123 @christmas_ape @AURELIA @DinoKea @stratusfaction @Dawn @PH71 @KyTeran @Wrestling Machine


Timeless Ensemble v The Spooky Club - women singles
The Peak of Perfection v Black Lotus - women tag
The Golden Lion Club v Team Swerve - men singles

The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society v The Spooky Club - women singles
Team WooItsNathan v TV Network - men trios

The deadline for selections is 19:00 UK time 14:00 US East coast time on Thursday 22 August.
This is the last week of Season 1.
Edit: It probably won't make a lot of difference, but these shows are going to be held in Japan.

Tenille Dashwood (maternity leave)
Emi Sakura (Collision only - working elsewhere)

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Posted (edited)

@christmas_ape @DinoKea @stratusfaction @Dawn @PH71 @KyTeran

My next two posts will be (proposed) rule changes for Season 2. The first post will be rule changes I am bringing in. The second post will be proposed rule changes that are going out to a vote. Can all managers continuing into Season 2 please vote.
I shall post a full list of the rules in the close season.

I shall also post a list of AEW League free agents who are currently have an AEW contract in game to assist people signing wrestlers for their team, particular if any new teams do join.

After I have made those (probably lengthy) posts, I shall post in seperately in the dynasty forum and the general discussion forum asking if anybody else wants to join the league.

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Posted (edited)


A minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 teams can compete in the league.
A team can be expelled from the league mid season at my discretion due to inactivity.
New team managers have the opportunity to sign 5 or 6 wrestlers (depending on the result of a proposed rule vote) to start their roster for the next season before the close season signing window opens for existing managers, to give them a fair opportunity to start building their roster.
New teams are to be included at my discretion.

All wrestlers must compete in a minimum of between 3 and 5 matches (depending on the number of teams) in the season. If they do not, they will be released automatically from their team at the end of the season. This number will be announced before the season starts when the number of participating teams is known.

A wrestler signing in one window cannot be released from the team until at least the next window, unless they become unavailable (see Wrestler Unavailability rules).
A wrestler released in one window cannot be resigned by the same team in the same window. They can be signed by other teams.

If a wrestler becomes unavailable for 2 weeks or less, they cannot be replaced.
If a wrestler becomes unavailable for between 2 weeks and 2 months, then the manager can choose to replace them by a loan signing (not a permanent signing). The unavailable wrestler takes their place back in the team on their return and the wrestler who joined on loan returns to being a free agent.
If a wrestler becomes unavailable for longer than 2 months, then the manager can choose to replace them permanently.
If a wrestler leaves AEW then they must be replaced.
Signings made due to a wrestler becoming unavailable are the only occasions when signings can be made when the signing window is closed.

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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19 minutes ago, Nobby_McDonald said:

@Martel123 @christmas_ape @AURELIA @DinoKea @stratusfaction @Dawn @PH71 @KyTeran @Wrestling Machine


Timeless Ensemble v The Spooky Club - women singles
The Peak of Perfection v Black Lotus - women tag
The Golden Lion Club v Team Swerve - men singles

The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society v The Spooky Club - women singles
Team WooItsNathan v TV Network - men trios

The deadline for selections is 19:00 UK time 14:00 US East coast time on Thursday 22 August.
This is the last week of Season 1.
Edit: It probably won't make a lot of difference, but these shows are going to be held in Japan.

Tenille Dashwood (maternity leave)
Emi Sakura (Collision only - working elsewhere)


Team WooItsNathan v Will Ospreay, Matt Cardona, & Johnny TV (TV Network) - men trios


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Here follows a number of proposed rules that you, the managers in Season 2, are to please vote on. Voting is only open those managers who will participate in Season 2.

It is proposed that AEW League team managers can sign a manager to be at ringside for all your team's AEW League matches. There are five options, please choose your option.
Option A - Keep it as it is now, where wrestlers have their AEW managers are ringside (for example Satnam Singh will have Sonjay Dutt at ringside for his matches, but the rest of The Spooky Club will not).
Option B - All managers are barred from ringside.
Option C - Team managers can sign a ringside manager to be at ringside for all of their team matches.
Option D - An extension of option C, each team manager can choose to write a weekly promo by their team manager for their AEW League team. This promo would then appear on Dynamite or Collision.
Option E - An extenstion of option D, where each team manager can choose to create yourself as the ringside manager and write your own weekly promos.
A minimum of 4 votes is required for an option to succeed (ie more than 50% of the possible vote). If this is not achieved, then the option(s) with the fewest votes will be removed and the vote will then run again without those options.

PROPOSED RULE 2 - A proposal for if the AEW League has a maximum of 10 teams in any given season, that the team finishing bottom is relegated out of the league.
OPTION A - Yes to relegation.
OPTION B - No to relegation.
If there is a tie, I shall have the deciding vote.

PROPOSED RULE 3 - A proposal for each team manager to be able to use a joker for one fixture in the season. Using the joker would earn the team double points for that match (ie 6 points for a win, 2 for a draw). The joker would have to be played when making your selection for the match.
OPTION A - Yes to a joker.
OPTION B - No to a joker.
If there is a tie, I shall have the deciding vote.

PROPOSED RULE 4 - A proposal to increase the number of maximum wrestlers in each squad.
OPTION A - Keep the current squad maximum at 7 (4 men and 3 women).
OPTION B - Increase the squad maximum to 8 (4 men and 4 women).
OPTION C - Increase the squad maximum to 9 (5 men and 4 women).
A minimum of 4 votes is required for an option to succeed (ie more than 50% of the possible vote). If this is not achieved, the option with the fewest votes is removed and the vote will run again without this option. If two options both attract the fewest votes then the vote will be rerun as is. If it then happens again where there is no clear majority and a tie for the lowest votes, then I shall make a final decision on which option to proceed with.

Cast your votes either here on the forum or by private message.

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I'll message through my votes, but got one match after claiming my rightful place as the greatest AEW League team manager.


Tay Melo & Deonna Purrazzo will defeat the Moody Flowers 


We're heading off to party

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46 minutes ago, Nobby_McDonald said:


Here follows a number of proposed rules that you, the managers in Season 2, are to please vote on. Voting is only open those managers who will participate in Season 2.

It is proposed that AEW League team managers can sign a manager to be at ringside for all your team's AEW League matches. There are five options, please choose your option.
Option A - Keep it as it is now, where wrestlers have their AEW managers are ringside (for example Satnam Singh will have Sonjay Dutt at ringside for his matches, but the rest of The Spooky Club will not).
Option B - All managers are barred from ringside.
Option C - Team managers can sign a ringside manager to be at ringside for all of their team matches.
Option D - An extension of option C, each team manager can choose to write a weekly promo by their team manager for their AEW League team. This promo would then appear on Dynamite or Collision.
Option E - An extenstion of option D, where each team manager can choose to create yourself as the ringside manager and write your own weekly promos.
A minimum of 4 votes is required for an option to succeed (ie more than 50% of the possible vote). If this is not achieved, then the option(s) with the fewest votes will be removed and the vote will then run again without those options.

PROPOSED RULE 2 - A proposal for if the AEW League has a maximum of 10 teams in any given season, that the team finishing bottom is relegated out of the league.
OPTION A - Yes to relegation.
OPTION B - No to relegation.
If there is a tie, I shall have the deciding vote.

PROPOSED RULE 3 - A proposal for each team manager to be able to use a joker for one fixture in the season. Using the joker would earn the team double points for that match (ie 6 points for a win, 2 for a draw). The joker would have to be played when making your selection for the match.
OPTION A - Yes to a joker.
OPTION B - No to a joker.
If there is a tie, I shall have the deciding vote.

PROPOSED RULE 4 - A proposal to increase the number of maximum wrestlers in each squad.
OPTION A - Keep the current squad maximum at 7 (4 men and 3 women).
OPTION B - Increase the squad maximum to 8 (4 men and 4 women).
OPTION C - Increase the squad maximum to 9 (5 men and 4 women).
A minimum of 4 votes is required for an option to succeed (ie more than 50% of the possible vote). If this is not achieved, the option with the fewest votes is removed and the vote will run again without this option. If two options both attract the fewest votes then the vote will be rerun as is. If it then happens again where there is no clear majority and a tie for the lowest votes, then I shall make a final decision on which option to proceed with.

Cast your votes either here on the forum or by private message.


For the Manager I'll go Option C

I'll vote No to Relegation

I'll go with No to Joker

I'm happy with Option A keeping the squad at the size they are, although would be open to Option C.

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Rule #1 (Ringside Manager) - C & D.  I like the idea of being able to write our own promos but I think it should be mainly regulated to the big events (PPVS)

Rule #2 (Bottom Team is kicked out) - NO

Rule #3 (Joker) - NO

Rule #4 (Number of Wrestlers) - B or C

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