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All-American Florida Wrestling [C-Verse 2020]

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AAFW Wrestling Night #4
April 22th, 2020 @ Community Center Pritchard (St. Petersburg, Florida)

Hammer Hadley vs. Jack Pryde
Fearless Blue vs. Konoe
Zippy Deverell vs. Henry Bennett
Ray Snow vs. Ricky Turner

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AAFW Wrestling Night #4
April 22nd, 2020 @ Community Center Pritchard (St. Petersburg, Florida)

All-American Florida Wrestling made it's stop tonight in St. Petersburg, Florida for yet another episode of AAFW Wrestling Night. The dynamic dou of Marvin Earnest and Miles Wakefield welcomed the fans in front of the screens with a recap of the last show. Earnest continued and said that tonight the fans of AAFW will see the debut of the mysterious japanese maniac, Henry Bennett will take on Zippy Deverell and the main event will be Ricky Turner one on one against Ray Snow.

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Jack Pryde vs. Hammer Hadley
„Prime Time“ did what he does best: Cheating. He helped himself with eye gouging attempts and punches in the kidney. Hadley didn’t back down and rocked Pryde with vicious punches and kick, almost getting Pryde with a German Suplex. After a flash pinfall by Pryde, Hadley raised his shoulders right in time. Pryde realized that he needed more. However, he was caught by a spinebuster and immediately rolled out of the ring to avoid further damage. Hadley asked him to come back, but Pryde said no, and the referee counted him out. At the curtain, Pryde laughed out loud until Jay Silver came from behind and attacked „Prime Time“. Jay Silver chased him around the ring area, but Pryde was able to make it through the fans and leave.

Marvin Earnest jumped out of his commentary booth to ask Jay Silver a few questions. „The Voice Of Florida“ asked Silver what his thougths are after chasing Pryde around. Silver smirked and stated that AAFW is a great place with great fans and a great management. That’s why he cannot let Pryde do his thing until AAFW Comissioner Rogers will interferes. He goes on, saying that getting a fine won’t stop Pryde from being a prick, so he needs to teach him a lesson.

In a pre-match interview, AAFW’s lovely Clare South was standing in the interview zone with the Japanese maniac himself and a nerdy-looking small guy. South rightfully asked who they were, which caused the guy with the glasses to hysterically yell around. He felt insulted by this question. He introduced himself as Herb Stately, soon to be known as the best wrestling manager in the world. Stately continued and told the audience that they are just a bunch of swamp inbreds who like to drink hot Gatorade. He said that he would be the manager and spokesperson for the Japanese maniac whose name is Konoe. While Stately was speaking, Konoe was playing around with his metal spike and had a terrifying look on his face.

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Konoe vs. Fearless Blue
This was like an attempt to commit murder. The „Japanese Maniac“ battered Blue, punched him from left to right and finished him off in just fifty-one seconds after a Chokebomb. It was a demonstration of power by Konoe. He grabbed his metal spike and wanted to hurt Blue real bad with it, but he was calmed down by his manager Herb Stately.

In a pre-taped backstage segment, second generation wrestler James Diaz said that what he’s displayed in All-American Florida Wrestling so far is just the beginning, a small sample of what he’s capable of. Diaz continued and promised each and every fan of AAFW that he’s aiming to be on top of the promotion and with the help of his fellow state people chanting his name and cheering for him, he’ll reach the top sooner than later.
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Zippy Deverell vs. Henry Bennett
The challenge was made two weeks ago by „The Trouble From Tennesse“. Zippy accepted, but it seemed like he wasn’t too confident with it. The match structure was similar to Deverell’s match against Gareth Wayne just weeks ago. Bennett punched him all over the place, but „Zip The Lip“ showed a great fight IQ by putting his foot onto the ropes in the very last second on multiple occasions. Just when Bennett moved in for the kill, Duke Hazard appeared and engaged in a discussion with the referee, whereas Gareth Wayne slid into the ring from behind and launched a lariat at Bennett. To make things even worse, Wayne put a tired Deverell on Bennett and the referee hit the mat three times.

Marvin Earnest welcomed Rayne Man to the interview area, and congratulated him on his recent wins in All-American Florida Wrestling. Rayne Man expressed his thanks, but also expressed his displeasure. Earnest seemed confused, but Rayne Man explained that he is sick and tired of people like Ricky Turner and Jack Pryde, who are throwing their great sport of professional wrestling into the mud. He’s sick and tired of people attacking other people with foreign objects and he’s sick and tired of people not following the rules. Rayne Man ended his interview by guaranteeing that he would fight against those people.

Just before the main event we saw yet another premade-video where the unknown tag team announced their arrival soon. One of them said that he has never been submitted in his over twenty year long career. The other one stated that he has beaten legendary japanese fighters in the land of the rising sun and he will continue to do it in Florida.

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Ray Snow vs. Ricky Turner
„Ice Cold“ Ray Snow wanted to shut Turner’s mouth and so he began the match by attacking „Straight A“ right when the bell sounded. With his sheer wrestling skills he tried to demolish Turner in the best way possible. However Turner wouldn’t be Turner without having something up his sleeve. He kicked Snow in the nuts while the referee put the cornerpad back on, he racked Snow’s eyes and broke holds at the very last second. The crowd booed heavily, but Turner did not care for them. Snow came back with a offense and he even hit a DDT for almost three. Just when the momentum was about to change, Konoe and Herb Stately came to the ring which distracted the referee enough to give Turner time to roll Snow up with the help of pulling his tights.

Marvin Earnest was disgusted by the scenes we just witnessed while his colleague Miles Wakefield stated that Ricky Turner does whatever it takes to win a match. The disgusting scenes continued when Turner and Konoe beat down Snow even more. Rayne Man had enough, he ran as fast as he could to confront the two heels. A brawl ensued, and Rayne Man was ultimately knocked down by Turner and Konoe. Until…

..a man with a head bandage came from behind and attacked both villains. The fans in St. Petersburg were on their feet after Marvin Earnest recognized him as Conner Threepwood! „The Indiana Crippler“ punched Turner out of the ring and with the help of Rayne Man they were able to throw Konoe over the top rope.
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All-American Florida Wrestling is heading to the Southwest of Florida, Welcome to beautiful Cape Coral! The last show in St. Petersburg was pretty eventful with Conner Threepwood returning after he got attacked by Konoe and his metal spike weeks ago. You don't want to miss the action, so please join us at the Michael Wendler Junior High School or on WrestleWorld.

There has been some issues for weeks between The Canadian Blondes and the monster-like dou of Dreadnought and Original Sinner alongside their manager Jack Sawyer, The Blondes promised to Clare South to defend AAFW against people like Sawyer and his group and they will have a chance at that when Flash Savage will meet behemoth Dreadnought in the main event of episode five.

James Diaz had a great start since coming to All-American Florida Wrestling. The Second Generation Superstar asked for another challenge to proof himself as one of the best wrestler AAFW has to offer. Diaz will take on Taylor Norton, one half of Young & Wasted, in a fight between two young athletes. 

The Crazy Horses didn't had the best start in Florida. They lost their debut match against Dreadnought and Original Sinner in devastating fashion and Youngblood got beaten down by Gareth Wayne, but won the match via disqualification. In Cape Coral the sons of the Lakota Warrior tribe want to win their match against two mexican sensations called Astro and Blue Dragon.

AAFW Wrestling Night #5
May 6th, 2020 @ Michael Wendler Junior High School (Cape Coral, Florida)

Chip Martin vs. Barry Kingman
The Crazy Horses (Ace Youngblood & Wild Red Stallion) vs. Astro & Blue Dragon
Taylor Norton vs. James Diaz
Flash Savage vs. Dreadnought

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Loving this man, I love the throwback vibe from the rules to the storytelling down to the essence of the logos etc. Recently I've been listening to a very very long podcast series on WCCW and your AAFW feels similar to that era - down to Konoe as a Great Kabuki Deathmatch Edition.

Chip Martin vs. Barry Kingman

The Crazy Horses (Ace Youngblood & Wild Red Stallion) vs. Astro & Blue Dragon

Taylor Norton vs. James Diaz

Flash Savage vs. Dreadnought

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AAFW Wrestling Night #5
May 6th, 2020 @ Michael Wendler Junior High School (Cape Coral, Florida)

It’s show number five of AAFW Wrestling Night and this time we’re in Cape Coral, Florida! Marvin Earnest and Miles Wakefield welcomed the fans to another episode on WrestleWorld The two did a recap of last show from two weeks ago and talked about tonight’s with the in-ring debut of Cockroach Carter, Barry Kingman takes on yet another second generation wrestler and Flash Savage is man enough to step into the ring with Dreadnought one on on.

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Chip Martin vs. Barry Kingman
Kingman is on the run against the young generation of wrestlers. After beating James Diaz and James Patterson, Kingman faced Chip Martin tonight. „NextGen“ is the son of east coast legend Johnny Martin and after spending the first year of his career in SoCal, Chip headed to Florida to work here. Just like in his past fights, „No Gimmick Needed“ may be slower than his opponent, but his ring awareness was one of the keys to victory. Chip started a strong offense that almost led him to victory, but Kingman who stepped up and won the match.

Marvin Earnest is standing in the interview area with „Prime Time“ Jack Pryde and an unknown man standing by his side. When „The Voice Of Florida“ asked Pryde who the man by his side was, „Prime Time“ began to rant about everything and everyone. He informed Earnest that the man next to him is his personal bodyguard. The man will protect him against Jay Silver and other people who want to attack him. Pryde continued by stating that he is aware that the stupid fans will love it when Silver put his dirty hands on him, but it won’t happen.

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The Crazy Horses vs. Astro & Blue Dragon
After having an unfair first match against two giants here in AAFW, Ace Youngblood and Wild Red Stallion were up against two masked guys tonight, who are more of their size. Astro, a black mexican from the state of Guerrero, trained by the legendary Phoenix III. His partner was Blue Dragon, an interesting talent from California. The match was fast paced when Youngblood and his opponent were involved, while Wild Red Stallion was the perfect man to stop attacks with his raw power. While the luchador team had some good actions, The Crazy Horses won the match after their finisher Little Bighorn.

The stunning Clare South welcomed Henry Bennett as her guest to the interview area. „The Trouble From Tennessee“ was still not sure how to deal with the recent events. Bennett stated that he is deeply disappointed in his former friend Gareth Wayne. He understands that it was hard for Gareth to lose matches, but he would have helped Wayne. However, Wayne is an adult and if he thinks that an alliance with Duke Hazard is the best for him, then let it be. But when Wayne attacked him, he proceeded to shove his own graveyard.
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Cockroach Carter w/ Duke Hazard vs. Jerry Pepper
Cockroach Carter's debut was pretty one-sided. The client of Duke Hazard manhandled Jerry Pepper from the beginning to the end of the short match. Carter finished him off quite easily after battering him down early on. Hazard shouted into the camera that he wants to hurt more people.

We are shown footage recorded earlier, where „The Indiana Crippler“ Conner Threepwood had a message for Rick Turner and Konoe. The one half of „The Fighting Irish“ tag team said that he's sick and tired of them. Since the first day, Turner did nothing but harm to him and his friends by attacking them, cheating on them and injured them and garbage like that doesn't belong here in All-American Florida Wrestling. Threepwood stated that Turner should go to New York to work at the Broadway as a bad actor and leave Florida for good.

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Taylor Norton vs. James Diaz
Taylor Norton's first singles match in All-American Florida Wrestling was quite a big one. He had to get toe-to-toe against one of the best young american wrestlers out there with James Diaz. The latter was eager to get a win tonight after he drew Jay Silver just two weeks ago in a TV Time Limit Draw. While Diaz had the match under his control the majority of the match, Norton showed great heart and passion yet again. After Diaz pinned him, he helped him to get back on his own two feet and applauded him.

Marvin Earnest jumped out of his booth to interview James Diaz about his victory over Taylor Norton when Jason Patterson rudely interrupted the second generation wrestler. „The Oklahoma Thunderbolt“ sarcastically congratulated Diaz on his recent success but stated that both of them lost to Barry Kingman, one of the best wrestlers on the planet. Patterson continued by challenging Diaz to a match one on one to see who is the better man. Diaz gladly accepted and left the scene.

Another pre-recorded video was shown where the new tag team explained that they had fought with crocodiles at the beach and choked them out like they were lightweights. One of the two men said they will come soon and everyone in AAFW needs to be careful.

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Flash Savage vs. Dreadnought w/ Jack Sawyer
It was against all odds for Flash Savage when he faced the big behemoth Dreadnought. While Savage weights only 143lb, his opponent is more than double his weight with 308lb. Savage attempted to get away from Dreadnought by jumping onto the turnbuckle to launch an air attack, the only option for „Tiny Terror“ to weaken the mastodon. Although it didn’t connect many times, Dreadnought once caught and slammed him from high air, Savage was able to hit his opponent with a dropkick, which sent him out of the ring. Another air attack from the ring post to the outside caused „Tiny Terror“ to hit Dreadnought so hard, he couldn’t get back in the ring after the ten count.
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All-American Florida Wrestling will have their sixth show in beautiful Miami Beach, Florida! Tickets are still available at your loca distributor but you can also see the athletes of AAFW on WrestleWorld for just $9.99! With the code "FLORIDA20" you get the first months for free!

James Diaz booked a win against Taylor Norton and put himself in a good spot. Right after the match he was challenged by "The Oklahoma Thunderbolt" Jason Patterson, who want to proof that he's the best prodigy in All-American Florida Wrestling. Frank Rogers confimed the match as the main event in Miami Beach.

Taylor Norton did a good job fighting against much bigger James Diaz, so everyone in AAFW want to see more of Young & Wasted, who will have another chance to win their first tag team match on Florida ground. Their opponents will be The Hot Taggs brothers, who will come all the way from Montana to show the AAFW fans what they're up to.

"The Trouble From Tennessee" Henry Bennett will take on one of the most promising young guns of the SoCal scene: Charlie Corner. The 18-year-old "California Cool" trained at the WWA: USA academy where guys like Jay Silver and Young & Wasted trained before. 

AAFW Wrestling Night #6
May 20th, 2020 @ The Palm Club (Miami Beach, Florida)

The Masked Mauler VII vs. Jay Silver
Charlie Corner vs. Henry Bennett
Young & Wasted vs. The Hot Taggs
James Diaz vs. Jason Patterson

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AAFW Wrestling Night #6 Predictions

Jay Silver def. The Masked Mauler VII

Henry Bennett def. Charlie Corner

The Hot Taggs def. Young & Wasted

James Diaz def. Jason Patterson

Edited by DinoKea
Wrong colour
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