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The C-Verse 2022 Predictions thread

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Posted (edited)

Two years have passed since the last installment of the Cornellverse and we have seen that the setting can change rather dramatically between installments.

My predictions are as following.


1. Frankie Perez finally gets signed by TCW as a midcarder but is still cursed and ends up with an injury that puts him on the shelf for a year.

2. OLLIE start building momentum again with a very public alliance working together with TCW and BHOTWG. Meanwhile EILL struggles with Jorge Ibanez Jr who, not being ready to run a wrestling company, defers to a booking committee that only care about what they get out of it.

3. Kit Hatoyama and Sensational Ogiwara have a falling out, leading to the establishment of a Joshi alternative for the first time in the database.



edit: Changed the title to reflect that Adam has confirmed it will be 2022.


Edited by Untouchable
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Posted (edited)

[Long post incoming] My predictions for the major US/Canadian companies are:

USPW is suffering from a roster of older stars, and has not done a great job of replacing them. This, combined with fatigue for their uber-patriotic and family-friendly product, has seen their popularity slide. They're still arguably the biggest company in the world, but the SWF is catching them. They are also a major victim of inner politics, with plenty of the older, past-their-prime stars flexing their creative control and creating divisions in the lockerroom (Think WCW).

SWF, under the leadership of the younger Eisen brothers, has embraced a more modern product that targets the 18-35 demographic far more than before. They haven't gone full-workrate, but they have a thriving cruiserweight division and are being led by lots of strong younger talents like Spencer Spade, Primus Allen, Lenny Brown, and signings like Jay Chord and the Keith/Gauge brothers. They have also have a couple of their RIPW recruits poised for a strong push (Zap Powerson, anyone?), and have replenished their developmental with guys like Prime Tyme Jack Pryde and Charlie Corner. All things considered, SWF is poised for a growth period while USPW falters - particularly since they've slotted in on major streaming service CommPlanet.

TCW has been left behind by the streaming revolution, losing several talents to the vastly wealthier "top 2." They have also evolved their product to better suit their Mid South base, forgoing workrate in favour of "Southern Rasslin." They're not realistic competition to the big 2 anymore, but are a solid, self-sustaining company with a decent national TV deal, and while they've lost the likes of Chord, Hawkins, and Ace, they've found a fun new niche led by brawlers like Cowboy Buck Winchester, Bradley Blaze, and The Silencer.

CZCW is the undisputed top indy in the USA now, pulling clear of the likes of PSW and MAW. Benefiting hugely from the popularity of the SWF's cruiserweight division, it is seeing a massive uptick in business - although it must now contend with its top talents regularly being head-hunted by the SWF. 

PSW, IPW, and a new Vibert-run hardcore company in a different region (Mid-South, perhaps?) have formed a Hardcore Alliance. Having learned from the East Coast Wars in the 90s, the hardcore companies instead decided to work together to grow a new hardcore revolution. The biggest star of this new alliance is undoubtedly Sayeed Ali, flanked by his gang-like stable, who have turned the violence up to 11 and ensured Ali remains the alliance champion for ages. 

MAW/NYCW remain pretty similar size and are largely unchanged outside of standard roster movements.

CWA, meanwhile, has not been quite the success many had hoped for. Due to inter-family politics between the Stones and DeColts, combined with the financial challenges of running shows in Canada rather than the US, CWA has effectively become a feeder promotion for the big 2. The company has struggled to find a clear identity, and with its top homegrown talents regularly being poached just as they start to make it big in CWA, continuity has been an issue. The DeColts have been pushing for CWA to start promoting in the US alongside its Canadian shows, but the Stones are fiercely against it. 

Edited by Acey
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Posted (edited)

This first one isn't really a prediction all that much, just really hope either SWF or TCW have a women's division. I could see SWF, if they are on the up and up bringing in a women's division to compete with USPW's one.

My 3 official predictions are

1: CWA having a lot of in fighting with the DeColts, the Stones, and other talents with political power clashing over the future of CWA. Which either brings in a split where some or most the roster have left to bring their visions for the future of the Canadian Wrestling scene to fruition. Or the CWA is in terrible state and has lost a load of momentum.

2: a New Joshi promotion has popped up. Challenging 55SW, being the first ever proper challenge for them. I would love to see it being a Stardom and Marigold type of situation. Where there's bad blood between the two heads of each promotion, with some of the 5SSW roster leaving. (Would kinda love it if it's DEVIL Karube leading the opposition vs Sensational Ogiwara)

3: OLLIE gets a huge streaming deal and is in the beginning phase of becoming a juggernaut. Also want to lump this in. 21CW tried to emulate it (before ot after), failed and now are settling into a Decline.

Edited by nob0t
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11 minutes ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Hi guys, Adam confirmed that TEW IX will start in 2022, not 2024 ;) 

I didn't see that!! I actually like that it's not too far in the future. Thanks for the clarification!

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  • Untouchable changed the title to The C-Verse 2022 Predictions thread

Damn, was hoping the game would start in 2024/5 so Dreadnought would actually start off decent. Oh well.

My predictions are:

BCG will have overtaken or be very close to overtaking PGHW as the number two organization in Japan.

The order of the big 3 in the US in terms of pop and money will be the same. However, the new features involving creative teams and backstage roles will be implemented in a way that gives USPW a very toxic backstage environment. In contrast, TCW will have a great backstage environment (as long as Jay Chord doesn't have a role).

Speaking of the big 3, SWF will have a women's division. TCW will not.

Predicting a new Canadian company with a sports entertainment like product to fill the void left by CGC. Hoping for at least one next gen DeColt (or I'll just make some if there aren't)

EWA will have a TV deal, helping them pull further ahead of their competition in Europe


I'm a huge TCW mark so I'll make some more specific predictions for them:

I predict the World Title lineage since 2020 will be Aaron Andrews --> Jay Chord --> Sammy Bach --> Jay Chord (starting the game off with his 2nd reign, and Mighty Mo being the 2021 King of Kings winner)

Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins have their TCW contract lengths in the 2020 database set to 4 years and 5 years respectively, so they'll still be around

The New Wave will be reunited

Edd Stone will have left the company to finally reunite with his family in Canada

Davis Wayne Newton will finally have a contract with a big company, joining the TCW roster

The Syndicate will be broken up. The Sinner Society will still be together, although with a slightly different line-up.

Ernest Youngman will NOT be signed with TCW

This last prediction is far fetched but I could see a big story of the 2022 database being Nicky Champion leaving USPW for TCW. Maybe he leaves due to being sick of backstage politics and Bri-Co shelling out the cash. This one change would be a huge shakeup to the CVerse. Might seem unlikely, but is it really a new TEW game if there isn't a major talent steal?

Anyway, that's all I've got for now.



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My prediction is that 21CW will have updated their hiring and firing rules and literally every single member of the roster will be bald and look like a potato from.  Instead of only 80% which looked like that in 2020! lol

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1 hour ago, Dave Mac said:

My prediction is that 21CW will have updated their hiring and firing rules and literally every single member of the roster will be bald and look like a potato from.  Instead of only 80% which looked like that in 2020! lol

They're British, they can't help their spud genes.

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Posted (edited)

Japan - Burning needs main eventers - Sakai and Gauge were the only ones who weren't old and yet good enough to reach Main Event position so I expect both to be there. Pride will be a great no.2 as always, I expect BCG to have grown a bit though. Okamoto betrays BCG I think, Burning needs his SQ. A rival Joshi company would be great for 5SSW.

US - I second Acey - I feel USPW will be the tutorial island for the newer creative team features. Not expecting many changes at SWF and TCW.

US indies - We need new faces and new guys at the top. 

Canada - CWA felt boring, nothing one Alex DeColt can't fix.

Mexico - Champagne lover is gone in 2020, so should 2005 era scene, EILL will have few new faces stepping up, if there are any changes to broadcasters, EMLL should win big with US audience, OLLIE becomes a touring promotion.

Australia - RAW needs new faces at the top, a couple of their main eventers will move to US or UK.

India - Kashmir Singh's promotion exists!

This is less of a prediction and more of a request - a vibrant indie scene + pop/SQ distribution to reflect that in game. Free agency/hirable workers very lacking in 20 databases, even the US felt bare-bones. T-verse's free agency/hirable workers was beautifully done, I hope we can have that in 22 as well.

Edited by SanX
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7 minutes ago, Untouchable said:

They're British, they can't help their spud genes.

Honestly the irony isn't lost on me the fact I'm British and look as tato like as all of the pictures I'm complaining about! 

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13 hours ago, Untouchable said:


3. Kit Hatoyama and Sensational Ogiwara have a falling out, leading to the establishment of a Joshi alternative for the first time in the database.

Just started a new save last week doing exactly that, was even planning on doing a diary on it but not sure now

But the scenario would be really fitting especially with the graduates from her dojo not being signed to 5SSW

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Im hoping for some reshaping of Indy scene. Wrestleworld could’ve/should’ve backfired on some promotions bumping up their production styles. As well as the big 3 looking for new blood.  

I’ve done major saves with PSW. I could see their roster has been pillaged by the big 3. If not I hope they are transitioned to more of a workstyle product or if roster pillaged they went back to more of a hardcore style. 

I feel like TCW is most interesting of Big 3. SWF is steadfast in their position pretty much. USPW probably is the “retirement home” company. 

TCW will still have Wolf and Aaron. They were bought by a big company but maybe it backfired like Sinclair buying ROH. TCW downsized where they still above some of the Indy’s but not much. Kinda like a modernish TNA (post AJ Styles leaving). 

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-CZCW leaves COTT and has a new, less regional name.

-At least one Japanese company relocates to Tokyo, maybe WLW.

-Someone has to fill the void left by WEXXV, right?

-Bold prediction; the new joshi company is founded by Haruki Kudo who wants another chance at promoting.

-Mark Carnie gets involved in a scandal. SNP might or might not make it, but he's gone from wrestling. Either this, or Ken Flanagan creates his own promotion and is basically

the Welsh Carnie.

-OLLIE has a resurgence (they were never in danger anyway tbh).

-Indian company exists


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I’m guessing the World Champion is a heel (Des Davids, Atom Smasher, Bret Starr?) with Rocky still as the figurehead set up to chase for his 3rd or 4th reign.  I hope the Crippler grabbed at least a short title reign in those 2 years.

NA champion will be ZWB, with Spade, Mainstream, and Primus all as potential feuds.

There should be a women’s division, but I’m not sure if it is mostly existing workers or new ones.

out of Crippler, Rogue, Gilmore, and Brandon James, at least 1 will be a road agent or commentator now.

I’m curious to see if Scythe has won the world title and had a dominant reign, or if he was a one and done challenger.  If the latter, obviously using WWE logic he has now turned babyface and is in a dancing mid card tag team with Robbie Retro called Disco’s Dead.

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As someone who played a lot of SWF + RIPW, here's some hopes/predictions for TEW IX !

I think Scythe begins the game as World Champion. I also think Bret Starr has had a run with the belt at some point, as well as a Mikey Lau transitional reign. Rocky obviously still is the figurehead and hopefully Spencer Spade is right there knocking on the door of the World title picture. Unfortunately, I think Crippler retires without ever winning the big one. Brandon James is also retired.

Speaking of Spade, I'd expect him to have a solid NA Title run to further establish him as a top guy. During my save, he made a lifelong rival out of High Flyin' Hawaiian, and I'd love for HFH to go solo too, but maybe he'll still be stuck with Ekuma. 

I'd love for Scythe to be the leader of a Cult, involving up and coming monster heels such as Avalanche, Charger Siaki and/or Hellion (hell, why not go grab Aldous Blackfriar as well). I think Hellion is one of the few potential call-ups from RIPW that can have a little impact. I'm not super high on either Ratzloff or Arnold, but they both could be good undercard additions, maybe to boast the tag team division ? Arnold could be teamed up with a Lenny Brown. Also expecting a Souther Comfort call-up, maybe replacing the aging Pain Alliance as the bullies of the division ?

For RIPW, I think both Whole Lotta Marvin and Zap Powerson are at the top, still very mediocre in the ring but carrying the company off of their star quality. Willy LaRoux and Infamous should still be there as the stable always trying to get in the way of Zap and WLM.

And if I could have a couple indy signings for SWF, I would love for them to pick up Nelson Callum.

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3 hours ago, JrSquared said:

Im hoping for some reshaping of Indy scene. Wrestleworld could’ve/should’ve backfired on some promotions bumping up their production styles. As well as the big 3 looking for new blood.  

I’ve done major saves with PSW. I could see their roster has been pillaged by the big 3. If not I hope they are transitioned to more of a workstyle product or if roster pillaged they went back to more of a hardcore style. 

I feel like TCW is most interesting of Big 3. SWF is steadfast in their position pretty much. USPW probably is the “retirement home” company. 

TCW will still have Wolf and Aaron. They were bought by a big company but maybe it backfired like Sinclair buying ROH. TCW downsized where they still above some of the Indy’s but not much. Kinda like a modernish TNA (post AJ Styles leaving). 

TCW is who I’ve always played with since the Cornellverse first began 😬

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Posted (edited)

TCW gets swallowed up by USPW.

Maybe USPW has a name change to match their global presence. Global Pro Wrestling or Reverie Pro Wrestling. They are now even more insufferable as a promotion, with a ridiculous amount of money to spend and no need for standards since they are bankrolled. Their top guys all are either old as dirt or are lower card quality guys who kinda suck (but the network likes their gimmick).

SWF has fallen well behind as a clear number 2 after losing Richard Eisen.

Rocky Golden, all the TCW main eventers, Valiant, Brandon James, The Awesomeness, and The Amazing Bumfholes have all jumped ship to the big boy promotion and is in USPW.

PSW is gaining, and although a super indy is the number 3 company in the U.S.

BURNING Hammer is expanding into North America



Edited by d12345
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Posted (edited)


  • USPW changing its name to Reverie Pro Wrestling and haven't a toxic backstage and ego hungry booking committee would make the most sense as a tutorial in sorts to the new creative team and backstage roles
  • QAW continue to grow and have a small national tv deal (perhaps the pop network) and maybe even a small deal for mexico giving how they are influenced by lucha
  • GSW close down due to Wrestleworld not being worth it to them and Brother Grimm being in a scandal, Fro Sure signs for SWF and is stuck in a tag team with Robbie Retro
  • MAW has just had its biggest angle ever after Nate DeMarcus turned on Tyrone Gray and it will be up to the player to see if they can continue this momentu


  • Jorge Ibanez Jr effectively stagnates the company as he struggles to replace Champagne Lover, the Rock God Alvarez experiment failed and a severe injury to El Mitico Jr has hurt them
  • Phoenix IV caught fire in late 2020 and defeated Nicolas Lopez to win the Campeonato de Universal OLLIE. A week later he signed a contract with EILL, betraying his father
  • Despite this OLLIE grew as a company and are now challenging EILL for the first time in a decade. Nicolaz Lopez is on the creative team and doing everything he can to put himself over
  • The niche of EMLL has seen them been extremely popular in online forums, leading to a La Red De La Lucha online show


  • BHOTWG Heavyweight division is STRUGGLING with Sekai and Keith trading the title back and forth, the rest of the aging main event phasing out and a new generation is needed
  • The Junior Heavyweight division on the other hand is doing well, Okamoto debuted in BHOTWG and won the BOSJ on is first night
  • BCG are equal with PGHW as the number 2 company behind BHOTWG 
  • PGHW are still struggling financially but are on the cusp of a second golden generation with Kobayashi, SATO, Narahashi, Takano with Jimbo, Ugaki, Kawashima, Kitoaji, Makiguchi still strong
  • 5SSW will have a split, DEVIL Karube will take Higa, Oonishi, Tai, Hashimoto, Nakajima and Katsukawa with her, causing a toxic backstage but amazing in-ring product
  • WLW will see this and decide now is the time to start a Joshi division with a prodigy graduating from the Arkham school and Foxxy LaRue leading the division
Edited by pentagon
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Posted (edited)


  • USPW will have a toxic backstage environment and a booking committee with their heads up their butt as they get more egotistical with USPW's success like WWE did in 2017-2019. They will have a washed main event, and the wrestlers with real talent get left as gems in the undercard just because Reverie doesn't think the gimmick is good enough.
  • SWF will become #3 as their main event isn't really weak, it's just small, and their undercard isn't too good. So basically the midcard is the star of the show. But Spencer Spade gets his main event push, and Scythe is most likely world champion. But they will gain a great cruiserweight division.
  • TCW will experience a renaissance as Wolf Hawkins, Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord, and Mighty Mo are making TCW and Bri-Co more money. They also gain a decent women's division. They have an absolutely stacked midcard, with guys like Frankie Perez, Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine, Nelson Callum, etc. They also have a pretty good backstage environment, with a civilized booking committee.
  • WrestleWorld will cause the rises, and declines of many indie companies. IPW will end up dying matter of fact. But GSW will prosper as Brother Grimm releases a song that goes Gold, and PSW will actually not change much, as their popularity reached a halt with many of their stars leaving to the big 3, especially TCW. But Phil Vibert would return to promoting as he buys out PSW. QAW will also see a decrease as TCW takes their top stars. CZCW will become medium, and have the #4 spot in America as their high flying action reaches a mainstream audience.


  • CWA will not be as successful as The DeColts will have disputes with The Stones about the companies direction in the booking committee, and the lack of a real target audience. The DeColts want to go pure sports entertainment, and even expand to USA, But The Stones want to stay true to their roots, and stay traditional, and stay in Canada. But Edd Stone leaves TCW and reconciles with his family
  • ACPW will gain popularity with the rise of cruiserweight action.


  • EILL loses stars to OLLIE, who are finally coming back from decades of struggle, as they now have the #1 spot in Mexico for the first time in 2 decades or more, maybe less, I don't know, but Jorge Ibanez Jr. is not ready to run a wrestling company and it shows.
  • EMLL gains and American audience due to their violent, but innovative style.
  • CILL becomes popular for their traditional take on lucha libre.


  • 21CW is all the rage in Europe, as Tommy Cornell and the roster of meaty bald men dominate the UK wrestling scene.
  • SNP go through a huge scandal which A. Kills them off. Or B. Blacklists Mark Carnie from the industry.
  • A new promotion in Ireland.
  • CWW gets more critical acclaim.


  • EWA competes with 21CW after taking over UEW and VWA, but can't really hit #1 due to the language barrier.


  • BHOTWG is still a bit vulnerable, but KC Glenn becomes Kenny Omega in the CVerse, and wins wrestler of the year in 2020 or 2021.
  • BCG and WLW trade the #2 spot in Japan as PGHW loses many of its stars and falls to #4.
  • EX2010 is doing pretty well as their Jr. Heavyweight action is popular among wrestling fans in Japan.


  • RAW takes a halt in popularity as the biggest star in Aussie wrestling history, Swoop McCarthy heads to USA with the USPW as his song "SWOOP! There It Is" hits double platinum.
  • APW becomes bigger as it is the new home to RAW alumni.
  • ZEN expands to Australia and becomes popular.
  • DIW doesn't change much.


  • Kashmir Singh's promotion.
Edited by Aidenw723
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USPW - Their Reverie fueled push for global dominance continues.  With that in mind they rebrand as the less regional sounding Reverie Pro Wrestling and have signed some new international stars to boost their appeal globally, including a big money deal for Swoop McCarthy. They've also snapped up some talent from TCW with a view to replacing their aging main event, specifically Jay Chord. The big problem is that old main event is still there and have no intention of leaving any time soon. Add to that a new booking committee and RPW is a powderkeg ready to go off.

SWF - Supreme are making slow but steady progress rebuilding after Richard's departure. They've done a solid job of building up their main event scene, with the likes of Spencer Spade begin established along with some new signings, particularly from TCW who lose Greg Gauge to SWF who rebrand him as Greg Keith and push him as the new Sam Keith. They also sign a big money deal with Alicia Strong as the centrepiece for their new Women's Division.

TCW: Total are in a similar place to 2020. Where in 2020 their main event was Ace, Wolf, Sammy and  Jay with some young talent on the cusp of things, they are now building round Ace, Wolf, Mo and Huggins. They have given up on chasing the big two, perhaps even abandoning the Tuesday Night Wars totally with a move to Monday nights. What they continue to do well is find excellent young talent from the indies and regional promotions and give them space to become stars.

Regionals: CZCW continue to grow, establishing themselves as king of the indies. IPW struggles without Nemesis and eventually closes, leaving Grimm as the top guy in Cali hardcore wrestling. A new womens promotion launches somewhere, possibly in the Great Lakes region.

CWA - The CWA has spent the last two years finding it's identity. It started out as a weird mash up of CGC and NOTBPW, but is starting to find it's own unique position in North American wrestling. A large number of the older talent have moved on with new stars being pushed and the big return of Edd Stone who is now the World Champion.

ACPW has built itself nicely into the number 2 promotion in Canada, not in a position to challenge CWA but somewhere that attracts the best of Canadian indie talent. CWWF has also been launched by Tamara McFly, and one or two Tiny level promotions emerging, looking to take 4C's place.

Ollie is on the rise. EILL are still the king but their popularity in Mexico has slipped without Champagne Lover. EILL has responded to this by pushing their way into the southern USA where they are very popular regionally, running shows regularly.

Burning are still the top dogs, perhaps the second biggest company in the world, starting to run shows in North America. Pride has slipped to three in Japan with BCG rising to the number two spot, but PGHW have a new generation emerging that could get them all the way to number 1 if built correctly. We will also see a new Joshi promotion to challenge 5SSW.

UK & Ireland
21CW goes from strength to strength. Tommy has bought his way into the ownership and they are making huge inroads into Europe, seeing a rising wrestling scene across the continent that doesn't have a dominant power.

SNP has gone through a lot of changes. Mark Carnie gets done for fraud and is in prison, with someone else taking over the promotion and rebranding it the Celtic Wrestling Federation, looking to dominate Scottish and Irish wrestling. They have toned down their product very slightly and in return have weekly television in both Scotland and Ireland, and with 21CW focused on Europe they see an opening to close on the big boys. I'd love to see the emergence of a womens promotion in the UK to kick start womens wrestling there.

The big movement in Europe will be 21CW pushing to dominate the continent. EWA will respond and we will see these two as the big promotions. UEW & VWA will contine to grow gradually and we will see a couple of new promotions emerge, particularly a French promotion and either a Scandinavian or Italian promotion.

RAW have lost Swoop and have slipped in the ratings as a result. They're still number 1 but it's much closer than before with APW getting hot with a new generation of main eventers. Zen is running beyond just New Zealand with their own unique brand of wrestling going down very well.

Has an actual promotion

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Slightly off topic but might be a good place to ask. I've always been a fan of the CornellVerse, mostly just playing BCG. I want to get more into it but find the world incredibly daunting, is there any good places i can go to for summaries of the history, lore etc. 

I think i just need a little info packet tbh

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I think USPW makes some big signings like Jay Chord, names like Valiant & Sammy Bach having retirement runs, & Joey Morgan trying to save his career after a fairly disappointing SWF run. They also create a developmental promotion with talents like Prime Time Jack Pryde on the roster.

More on USPW, despite their big signings, they do, as a lot of people say, get a lot of backstage politics ongoing, which could cause some stars to leave, while talents like Baine, Justice & Enygma retire. 


SWF begin to expand internationally, as the Eisens try to find new ways to combat with USPW. They sign a deal with Commplanet to air their shows, & attempt to sign international talents to build their audience up, with talents like Matavers & Pablo Rodriguez coming to mind for me. 

They begin to market to "smart fans" while still being a mainstream product, think HHH right now. 

They bring in Frankie Perez and reunite the Cali Dragons who are a dominant force in the tag division, with success in singles too, albeit not world champion level yet.


They also begin a women's division which is only a few months old when the game begins. Its mostly names from the indies, but they do manage to score a few from USPW, to spearhead the division.


TCW is essentially the in-between of USPW/SWF & the indies. They're noticeably higher than the CZCW's & PSW's of the world, but can't compete with the big dogs due to their lack of international presence.


Hawkins & Ace are leading the charge (they have preset contracts so I'd be surprised if they leave) with Mighty Mo, Greg Gauge, Taylor & Huggins being established main eventers too. 

With retirements & talents leaving/jumping, TCW refreshes their midcard scene with independent talents like Callum, Ernest, Bradley, & The American Cobras leading the charge.

Natural Storm also make the jump, after feeling overshadowed in the growing USPW, & become the premier tag team. They also FINALLY get the biggins reunion although it's not too impactful due to the fact both men are catching up in age & haven't been relevant in years as singles. 

Their partnership with PGHW continues to grow, with the companies regularly trading talents. 


I'll post more later but that's just a brief on those companies. I don't think all of this will happen since its only 2 years, but just a bunch of different possibilities.

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QAW- Bossman Brayfield finally retired (or maybe died). Vinny Cruz and Alexis Lee Littlefeather have joined the booking team. Many of the "QAW originals", such as Danielle Sweetheart, Pamela Rojo, Raquel Alvarado, and Toni Parissi have hung up the boots. Emma May and the Rage are currently carrying the top of the card as QAW shuffles to further boost up young talent like the San Diego Girls, Modest Pador, and Felicia Luck to the midcard and higher while shoring up the undercard with new signings.

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5 hours ago, Larrikn said:

Slightly off topic but might be a good place to ask. I've always been a fan of the CornellVerse, mostly just playing BCG. I want to get more into it but find the world incredibly daunting, is there any good places i can go to for summaries of the history, lore etc. 

I think i just need a little info packet tbh

There's some WIKI pages you can look at


You can also get worker and company specific lore here.

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