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On 8/22/2024 at 10:05 PM, The Lloyd said:


Monday, January 31st, 2022


Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski


Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling…


We’re going to see Tana The Mighty return to TCW Television… He was taken out a few weeks ago by The Syndicate, in order to try to ‘get to’ Mighty Mo… It didn’t work, and now Tana will be out for revenge… We’re hearing he’ll be calling out ANY member of The Syndicate for a match live this week…

Jay Chord will make a rare in-ring appearance on Total Wrestling this week… and it’s a big test for the young Champion… He’ll be taking on ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach, in our Main Event… in a non-title match…

We’re going to hear the THIRD instalment of ‘The Troy Story’, detailing Troy Tornado’s latter career…

Masatochi Kamimura is in singles action for the first time since his partner Daigo Goya was sent back to Japan…

PLUS… What will The Main Event make of Jeremie Courtney and Vita’s advances, as they look to join the group, and ‘replace’ / cover for Freddy Huggins while he’s out…



Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

Benny and The Foxx [vs] Can’t Catch This (Marc Speed & Seth Whitehead)

Tana The Mighty [vs] ????

Bart Biggins [vs] Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas [vs] Maverick

‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach [vs] Jay Chord




Can’t Catch This

Mystery Man


Elliot Thomas

Bradley Blaze

Stuck on the last one. Jay should win but feels like the match is there for a reason. Let’s stick with Jay. 

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On 8/23/2024 at 8:05 PM, John Lions said:

Tana The Mighty [vs] ????
This is the first win of many for the Tribal Chief to win the World title.

Tana... I LOVE YOU TANA... I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU...!! - I did look deeply into the Samoan lineage in TEW... Unfortunately, none of them are talented enough for Tribal Chief level of stardom, but Tana will have a place high up the card for as long as his stats stay good and his body stays healthy. In a few years, I could bring Joey Fili in as some kind of Samoan Family Uniter as he brings Rhino, Machine, Toma, Akima, Arthur DB, and Kanishoki together as some kind of huge unit. Depends how good Joey gets, although he's not part of this wider family.


On 8/23/2024 at 8:57 PM, Woodsmeister said:

Apologies my inbox has been 178 percent full for 3 years… you should be able to message now

Oh wow! Someone's popular 😅 Thanks for replying so quickly... the poll is now closed and the results are in...


On 8/24/2024 at 7:34 AM, alliegolem said:

"Little Titan" Nick Booth defeats Bradley Blaze, but could go either way.

Don't call him Little Titan - maaaan he hates that! Ha! I need to make more of this nickname I feel... I don't think I've mentioned it much in the 5 or so shows I've got written up!


On 8/24/2024 at 7:20 PM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

This could go either way, so my hunch is Chord and Bach either wrestle to a time limit draw or double count-out to set up the rematch 

Bach is the most recent TCW World Heavyweight Champion (lost it to Chord in August 2021), so Chord should be wary of him. They both have a lot going on right now though.


13 hours ago, ItsJustJustin said:

I’ve started badly so when I can win I can sing “started from the bottom…” 

The only way is up my friend! Plus, last month is in the past now, and you did much better on this show to kick off a new month of the prediction contest...

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TCW Presents:


Tuesday, February 1st, 2022


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Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders


Overall Rating: 74




We opened the show, with a HUGE ovation, for T-Bone Bright… as the big man strolled to the ring with a microphone…


T-Bone Bright: “YO YO YO… T-Bone Bright is IN THE HOOOOOOOOUSE…!!”

Bright’s catchphrase gets everyone in the crowd involved, and they hold the ‘hoooouse’ as long as they can, before cheering and chanting…

T-Bone Bright: “Now… Malice In Wonderland… I came close… Closer than close… But Wolf Hawkins, maaan… he had a LOT o’ help out there… I ain’t makin’ excuses, bro… I shoulda beat him… but I will bounce back from this… and Wolf…”

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by another man who fought a member of The Syndicate at Malice In Wonderland… The TCW Television Champion: Mighty Mo… Who also came out with a microphone, and climbed into the ring… proudly still holding his Championship...


Mighty Mo: “Yu know what I’m hearin’ from you…?! Bunch of excuses…!! See… unlike you… and unlike One Man Army and Human Arsenal… I actually BEAT my Syndicate opponent… PROVING… that it was possible despite all the 'help'… and PROVING that I am the greatest Television Champion this company has ever seen…”

T-Bone Bright: “YO YO YO… Mighty Mo… You uhh… You got a point…?!”

Mighty Mo: “My point… T-Bone… is that maybe you’re NOT the guy they all need… maybe I am…!? It should have been ME winning King of Kings… it should have been ME facing Wolf Hawkins… T-BONE… rhymes with MOAN… and that’s all I’m hearin’ from you… T-BONE also rhymes with STEPPING STONE… and that is exactly what you’ll be to ME… See I’m usin’ this TV Title differently… I’m not waitin’ around for scumbags to come challenge me… I’m usin’ it as a TICKET to the top… I’ll gladly put it on the line… if it means I get to step on YOU…!!”

Bright smirked… he looked out at the crowd and they cheered the prospect of Bright vs Mo…

T-Bone Bright: “For someone who loves to rhyme… You ain’t very BRIGHT… Are you…!? Here’s what I’m gonna do… I’m gonna pretend, you ain’t say any o’ that… about bein’ a steppin’ stone… about moanin’… all o’ that… I’m a choose to hear the challenge for a match ONLY… an’ let the other stuff slide… Because we can do this… right… now…”

Bright stepped to Mo, but the TV Champ promptly stepped back, and climbed through the ropes…

Mighty Mo: “I TOLD you… T-Bone… I’m not waiting for scumbags to challenge me… I’m challenging people I can step on, to get to where I want to go… so that means… I’m the one who's challenging YOU… but it’s going to be on MY terms…”

Bright looked out over the top rope… and told Mo ‘Any Time’…!! Wild segment to open the show, between these two fan favourite studs… Mo feels like T-Bone leapfrogged him to his ‘spot’ on the card, and now it’s time for Mo to go back above T-Bone… This clash should be one for the ages…!!




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Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx [vs] Can’t Catch This (Marc Speed & Seth Whitehead)

Benson and Foxx just love to get the crowd hyped up! They clap, and sing, and shout at the top of their lungs. Tonight, they could barely do any of that, as the ultra competitive Marc Speed and Seth Whitehead threw them around like they were bags of feathers. ‘Can’t Catch This’ are amateur wrestling purists, who love to throw, and grapple with their opponents. However, as experienced as Speed is, he let the crowd get to him during Foxx’s comeback. Eventually, after some brilliantly athletic kicks, and ducks, Foxx came off the top rope to hit his ‘Flying Foxx’ Frog Splash, and score a narrow win!

Winners: Benny and The Foxx
Rating: 60




Following on from a tag team who love to get the crowd hyped… TANA The Mighty returned to TCW Television next…


He strolled to the ring looking more serious than he normally does, but still with a skip in his step, and still dancing to his catchy entrance theme…

Tana The Mighty: “Alright… look… My Family… The Greatest Family in wrestling…”

The crowd began to cheer for the great Samoan legacy that Tana is from… A long list of fantastic in-ring performers, with a new generation surely round the corner too…

Tana The Mighty: “My Family… Has always… Stood for one… thing… HEART…!! I have it… My Cousins… have it… We ALL have it… We don’t know when to stay down… So when The Syndicate attacked me, and tried to take me out… I knew, I was gonna come back and squash them all, like BUGS… So… To any member of The Syndicate… Come out here, and meet me in this ring… right now…!!”


A former member of The Syndicate: ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn, strolled onto the stage to loud boos, and then proceeded to speak to Tana about how he’s not in that group anymore… but would love to one day get back there… He’d also love to one day hold the Television Title again… as he climbed into the ring, he told Tana that the Samoan ‘Family’ are known for a second thing… and that is LOSING…!! The crowd didn’t like that one, but Tana laughed…

Tana The Mighty: “Actually… Yu know… I just thought of a third thing…!! We Samoans… We all have really… really… unimaginably… hard… HEADS…!!”

Tana leant in and headbutted Flynn right on his nose… before demanding a referee come out so he can kick Flynn’s ass some more…!!



Tana The Mighty [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

Tana wasn’t getting paid by the hour here, he wanted to crush Flynn for his disrespect, and take out all of his Syndicate frustrations on one of their former members. However, Flynn is super resourceful, and he managed to roll the big man up for a flash three count on 6 minutes, and get out of there before he got hurt more than he already had been!

Winner: Chris Flynn
Rating: 63




In the parking lot… Floyd Goldworthy was looking around anxiously, while his giant clients: Killer Shark and Titan were loading a BODY BAG into the back of a small van…!!

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The announce team were beginning to wonder who was inside the bag, when Floyd suddenly shouted “WATCH OUT” to The Behemoths…

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Suddenly, The American Cobras appeared with lead pipes, and began wailing on Killer Shark and Titan’s legs…!! Chopping these two massive trees down wasn’t going to be easy… but Malloy and Spillane had the element of surprise on their side, and they managed to run the big men, and their manager, clear of the bag… Spillane held off the group, while Malloy stooped down, unzipped the bag, and looked inside…

What he found, shocked him…

Instead of a person in the bag… there was a whole load of CASH…!!

Marvel Malloy: “HEY… I bet someone PAID these guys to take Aaron Andrews out…!! WHO WAS IT…?!”

Referees, Security Guards, and Officials came to break up the melee, and The Behemoths were able to work their way back to the van… Floyd Goldworthy zipped up the bag, as Titan lifted it in, and they hopped in and drove out of there…!! The American Cobras were furious… They wanted answers…!!




Up next, it was time for ‘Troy Story III’… as Troy Tornado appeared on our screens… this time working out in some kind of training ring…


Troy Tornado: “Yeah things were going really good in 2011… I was mixin’ it with Main Eventers… Putting on incredible matches… Then my neck… yeah… I landed funny on a piledriver… It was my fault… sat too low... I jammed it pretty good, and had to take over a year off… When I came back, man… I couldn’t do all the stuff I used to… Yu know, Stevie Grayson gave me some great advice at the time… He said sometimes, the best thing that happens to you, feels like the worst, at first… It helped me to stay positive… stay grounded… I knew that when I came back, it would be huge… Absence makes the heart grow fonder… When I look back though, that was the turning point… the crossroads, in my career… I never got back to those heights but… I’m here now… Why not now…?!”

Tornado said that nobody works harder than him… nobody trains harder than him… and nobody studies tape harder than him… He watches wrestling from all over the world… and he learns… and he improves… and he learns some more…

Next week… Troy said he is coming to Total Wrestling… because he’s seen something he doesn’t like… and he’s gonna call someone out over it…!! The announce team didn’t know who or what he could be talking about… but Troy is going to be HERE… live next week…!!




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Bart Biggins [vs] Masatochi Kamimura

Now solo due to his partner heading back to Japan, Masatochi Kamimura was able to show off his athleticism and technical prowess here, and really do a number on Bart Biggins. However, the former prodigy has been around the block a few times, and he was able to land some vicious knee strikes, before scoring a strong win with his ‘B-Dropper’ (Fame-Asser).

Winner: Bart Biggins
Rating: 50


Great showing from both men, and a respectful handshake and bow from both at the end… but Joshua Taylor’s music hit out of nowhere, and he walked to the ring with a purpose…

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The man who calls himself ‘Yoshi’, slid into the ring, and completely ignored Bart Biggins – who rightfully had his guard up… Taylor instead instructed Masatochi Kamimura to come with him… and the two men left the ring together… leaving Bart and the announce team confused…




Next up, we learnt why The Syndicate didn’t come and answer Tana The Mighty’s challenge earlier in the show…

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One Man Army… Human Arsenal… all four members of The Syndicate, and a handful of others couldn’t make the show tonight, after being caught in a storm near to where they’re all based… The group are ALL scheduled to be back and available next week though…




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Elliot Thomas [vs] Maverick

The high flying, and loud mouth, New Yorker Elliot Thomas picked up a big win here over Maverick. His ‘Quiet Down’ Moonsault is a sight to see, as he gets incredible height and therefore lands hard on his opponents. Big win over an experienced powerhouse.

Winner: Elliot Thomas
Rating: 54




Backstage, Vita and Jeremie Courtney approached the group known as ‘The Main Event’ once again…

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Jeremie Courtney: “Heyyy, what’s up guys…?! I see you read my 'Dossier' then Laura… Great move with the fake choking by the way!!”

At Malice In Wonderland, Laura feigned choking on some water, and it allowed The Main Event to retain / win the TCW World Tag Team Titles… Jeremie Courtney claimed that that VERY idea, was in his ‘Dossier’… and that Laura and co. should thank him for his insight…

Laura Hocking: “You’re right, Jeremie… You are correct… I stole that ‘trick’ directly from the paperwork you sent me… and we won… Fantastic right…?! Well… TCW Management didn’t like the way the match ended… they said our win was… ‘tainted’… So now, we have a re-match next week against Devine Fortune… Tell me… Jeremie… Where in your little ‘Dossier’, does it say that…?!”

Courtney winced, as The Main Event left… and he looked at Vita for advice… she told him not to worry… ‘The One Percenter’ wants to join the stable, in Freddy Huggins’ absence, but he may have shot himself in the foot…




‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Great match between these two talented under 30 year olds. Nick Booth is fired up right now, and doesn’t want to be known as ‘Little Titan’. He took that aggression out on Bradley Blaze here, even hitting his ‘Lake Michigan Plunge’ (F5) finisher TWICE!!

Winner: ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth
Rating: 62


After the match was over, Nick Booth decided to grab Bradley Blaze’s arm, and try to pull it out of it’s socket, with a Kimura lock…!!

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He shouted at the big Texan that he’d break it… and teach him for laughing at him… but Blaze soon got some back-up… in the form of Dazzling Dave Diamond… and ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman…

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Blaze’s fellow Texans ran Nick Booth off… but the ‘Nasty’ 27 year old had already done the damage he wanted to do… and laughed his way to the back… Apparently, Diamond, Freeman and Blaze are ‘in business’ together… Nobody is exactly sure what that means…




Speaking of business… Business was about to pick up… Sammy Bach and Jay Chord Main Eventing TCW Total Wrestling…!!


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‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach [vs] Jay Chord

Fantastic Main Event here, between two of the biggest names in TCW. Both Sammy and Jay have contracts up right now, and there is a lot of interest from other companies – but it didn’t stop them from performing to their absolute best, and having an incredible outing. Bach was fired up, determined to win this one ‘For Ace’, as his friend Aaron Andrews now sits on the sidelines, but Jay Chord is a different level of great at the moment. He won it with his Cradle Piledriver in the end, and then celebrated in the ring after another successful Title defence at Malice In Wonderland.

Winner: Jay Chord
Rating: 78


As Jay had his hand raised in front of a wild crowd, his talented opponent from this past Sunday at Malice In Wonderland – Greg Gauge – headed to the ring with a microphone…

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Greg Gauge: “I wanna congratulate you, man… I wanted to just come out here… and say you know what…?! The better man won…”

Gauge outstretched his hand… and Chord stood with his hands on his hips, and with his TCW World Heavyweight Title draped across his shoulder… He eventually decided to accept the handshake though, and the two second generation stars shared a nice moment…

Greg Gauge: “The better man… on the night… won…!! Because you Jay… You are NOT better than me… in ANY way… you were just the better man, on the night… So I’m out here… respectfully… Asking you for a re-match…!!”

Chord pulled his hand away viciously, and then rolled out of the ring… He shook his head as he walked backwards up the ramp… telling Gauge to ‘Get In Line’…!! The announce team said that surely their feud isn’t over yet…





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I agree with Chord, to the back of the line Greggyboy! 

Favourite segment was the main event/Courtney one. Although I'm intrigued who Troy is going to call out. And obviously who paid for Andrews to be taken out. You always leave enough mystery/hype for the next week. 

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11 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

That Mighty Mo - TBone opener was veeery interesting, didn't expect that! Another good episode ;) 

Thank you man :) Yeah Mo/T-Bone... I see everyone talk about teaming them up, and that makes a LOT of sense. They're very similar athletes, size wise, and their stats are great. I'd say too good to be in a tag team, personally, and I also like to go against the popular / common option.

It wasn't just that segment, but I found this show quite long, so I've learnt to trim down segment lengths since I wrote it :)


2 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

I agree with Chord, to the back of the line Greggyboy! 

Favourite segment was the main event/Courtney one. Although I'm intrigued who Troy is going to call out. And obviously who paid for Andrews to be taken out. You always leave enough mystery/hype for the next week. 

Yeahhhhh... Except they pulled an 87 rating... :D 

Hope you like where the Main Event / Jeremie Courtney story is heading...

Ah thanks man. I definitely subscribe to a booking style that leaves questions, and 'hype' for the following week. Like, I could do American Cobras vs Behemoths this week, after their brawl in the parking lot... OR... I could mention the segment from that week, and then confirm the match for NEXT week...!! Just kind of, builds that extra anticipation - even if it's a bit of a 'meh' match (not American Cobras vs Behemoths).


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Viberts Voice.jpg

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022


**Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast**


A PACKED episode of TCW Total Wrestling… and I have to start where it ended… Greg Gauge asking Jay Chord for a re-match, and getting a big fat no… I for one would LOVE to see a re-match from Malice In Wonderland… Chord retained on that night, but I was left wanting more… they were both great on that night, and they are great opponents, with their Family history etc…

T-Bone Bright kicked the show off, and then we saw a different side of Mighty Mo when the Television Champion interrupted T-Bone…!! We might be getting T-Bone versus Mo ‘soon’… and again, after that segment, I wanna see it…

The Behemoths were caught red-handed backstage by The American Cobras, loading some cash into the back of their van… the cash was IN the Body Bag they put Aaron Andrews inside…!! But who gave the two giants all that cash…!?

Troy Tornado’s ‘Troy Story III’ was a fascinating watch… He spoke about his latter career, since the injury that cost him over a year of his in-ring career, back in 2011 and 2012… He’s never been the same since, but he can still go… Now… at the end of Part III of his ‘story’… he mentioned he’s seen something he didn’t like… from ‘someone’… More on this next week… because Troy returns to TCW Total Wrestling, and will call out the man he’s referring to…

Finally… Contract Statuses… You may have heard the rumours, and they are true… in the same week, Sammy BachGreg Gauge… and Jay Chord ALL have contracts up…!! They’ve all had extension offers, but they’ve also all had interest from companies like SWF… USPW… 21CW in the UK… EILL in Mexico… and even CWA in Canada…!! I’m hearing that Sammy has SIGNED to stay at TCW… but it may be too early to say for sure… Gauge and Chord, their sagas are going to carry on… They could both go either way… Imagine being SWF and bringing both of those guys in…!!



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11 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

I enjoy how every segment left everyone confused. Really strong show overall despite a chunk of the roster being snowed out! I am very into Mo changing things up as well, that's a really good development imo.


6 hours ago, alliegolem said:

Greg cost me a lot of money when I had to re-sign him, so good luck! Fun show, the travel issues made it interesting. Is that why we saw some of the lower card guys (Bart, Thomas, etc) getting more screen time?

Thank you guys! Appreciate the comments. Lots of "what'll happen next?" segments for sure. It was Jaylon Martins with the travel issues, so I kind of decided The Syndicate would all be travelling together right? So I can write a show without them! I originally had him set to face One Man Army, so decided he and Human Arsenal could also miss the show. I had no plans for Queen or Mauler this week, so just added them in so they got a mention on TV ;)

Yeah Bart and Thomas featured due to gaps for sure, but I also do have plans for both of those guys. Writing some now, around six shows ahead. And Mo's heelish promo / change in character was needed. I began the save with a LOT of babyfaces at the top of the card - with a heel World Champion, it makes sense, but there were a lot. I kinda feel like I'll be turning too many heel in the coming months if all my plans stick, so will probably have to even it up the other direction! We'll see.

Greg, Sammy and Jay, are all going to be expensive to keep unfortunately. Literally EVERYONE wants to sign them! Maybe I'll have to let one go...? Maybe...

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Greg PWR.jpg

Monday, February 7th, 2022


Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski


Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling…


Guys it’s been a wild week, and I want to start by confirming that Sammy Bach has re-signed with TCW… as first reported by Phil Vibert on his podcast: Vibert’s Voice… it is now official… However… Still no word on Greg Gauge OR Jay Chord… we should hear more in the next seven days, but both are said to be the subject of ‘bidding wars’… But we’re not here to talk about that… We’re here to preview this week’s episode of Total Wrestling…

We’re going to see a re-match for the TCW World Tag Team Titles… as Devine Fortune get another shot against The Main Event… Will Jeremie Courtney be able to come up with a plan for the group he’d like to one day join…?

T-Bone Bright will battle Flint Slater in a very interesting fight… and the Main Event will feature the aforementioned Gauge taking on Joshua Taylor 1 on 1… ‘Yoshi’ will reportedly be bringing his ‘Young Boy’ Masatochi Kamimura out to watch the match, and learn from his new mentor…

Troy Tornado returns to Total Wrestling, and will call ‘someone’ out… for ‘something’ he’s seen lately… This is vague… but I’m excited to see Troy, and to hear who… or what… he’s talking about…

Finally with the returns of the likes of One Man Army, The Syndicate and Quentin Queen after travel disruptions, this show should be jam packed…!!



Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura



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Great show TL. Enjoyed the little wrinkle of the show affecting not just the ones who were snowed in/out. But also the ones who would be travelling with them. Great shout. 

Mighty Mo is a dick. I hope TBone kicks his ass. The Main Event are always fun to write for an I like how you see to be pushing JC into a temporary alliance. Wonder if he’ll help them next week….




Main Event after help by JC

Queen if only because I remember you saying something positive.

Pfft. Flint via nefarious means and Mighty Mo may accidentally cost him? 

Seth Whitehead

Benny and the Foxx to move toward them becoming the next Tag challengers

Greg if he has signed. 



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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking
Curious to see how Courtney factors into this, and if he gets credit for his help or blamed again

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen
Sure, Bart can beat up the young boy, but I can't see him beating Quentin here.

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate
I feel like Mo is involved in this some how, but my first instinct is he will come out AFTER the Syndicate help Flint win to live up to his words last week

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed
Hard since Maverick is definitely in the heel Bart Biggins role as the veteran gatekeeper at the bottom of the card, but I'm not sure Seth is at a point where he's beating him 1-1 yet

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)
Me thinks these two are the challengers for The Main Event at the next PPV

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura
Can't see Greg losing this unless he is actually on the way out.

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Edited by Woodsmeister
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Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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