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Thanks for all the comments all - I'll do my best to reply to as many as possible...


On 9/1/2024 at 4:54 AM, John Lions said:

The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy
My original hunch that Benny & The Foxx were being heated up for the next PPV tag title shot was a miss, so I'm pivoting and guessing the Cobras get this win (they have had a lot of screen time and are very talented) and move on to a feud with The Main Event.

Absolutely, AmCobras are awesome! If only they could talk. Malloy isn't too bad, but Spillane is the worst talker on my roster, and it's not even close. I can see myself bringing in a manager for them one day, who can handle all the talking, as they really bomb in backstage stuff - as you rightly said, I've used them a lot for this already.

On 9/1/2024 at 9:55 AM, ItsJustJustin said:

Really good show. Things are motoring along now. Looking forward to seeing how Greg loses again! 



Kamimura - which will be one more win than I gave him in his entire excursion! 

Thanks man, I appreciate that. Yeah we're moving now alright. I've also written the next 8 shows in FULL, which includes two pay-per-views! As for Kamimura, how do you tell when someone's excursion is coming up? Any idea?

On 9/1/2024 at 6:23 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Come home Doc 😢

21 hours ago, 619 said:

I haven't got round to commenting in a while but I really admire the pacing from show to show: how you've taken your time letting stories like OMA-Hammond, Gauge-Chord and the now overlapping Sammy and Troy character arcs build.

It felt like a lot happened on this latest episode between the I Quit challenge which really fits that story, especially the added reveal he might quit entirely, the shocking nature of Bach's sudden attack and Chord finding the bargaining chip with which a Gauge rematch can be justified.

It sounds strange even writing this, but I'm so proud people like the One Man Army / Doc Hammond story - because on paper, it's two 44 year olds, in a mid-card feud... I think with an I QUIT Match, there has to be major stakes, on both sides... OMA could very well retire, he's certainly got less going for him than Hammond, who could kick on from a win here, and become a major player in the Syndicate story arc... Or... OMA wins, and Doc has to quit his group... where does he go from there? The New Wave? Continue the feud with OMA? Feud with Wolf? Lots of different directions this could go...

21 hours ago, 1PWfan said:

A sympathy vote here, as Duke's out majorly injured in my NYCW game and I feel bad for him

Oh no! Poor Duke! I feel the same about Spiffy Stan Standish, who missed my entire RAW diary! :D What's up with Duke in yours?

After Freddy is out for 11 months... and I had TWO heel teams show poor chemistry, I've recently had ANOTHER injury in the tag division, on the heel side... Writing a fair way ahead of where you're reading, so it's a while away for you guys.

19 hours ago, Martel123 said:

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

poor Maverick. Hopefully he can find a gimmick or something to get him some wins

I'm not 100% sure how long I'll keep Mav around for... His stats are pretty solid all round... He's not particularly bad at anything... but backstage he's just so miserable, and keeps falling out with people. I'll have to see on him, to see if he creates anything too serious, or if he's just a bit 'difficult'. I'm determined not to change the roster 'too much' in the first year or two.


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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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TCW Presents:


Tuesday, February 15th, 2022


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Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders


Overall Rating: 73




Troy Tornado opened the show once again here tonight, and once again received a thunderous ovation from the live fans…


Troy Tornado: “SAMMY (Bach)…!!! I meant what I said last week… I DO know something about you… and I’m kinda thinkin’… after you beat me down last week, and left me layin’… I should just… SPILL ALL, right here tonigh…”

Before Tornado could finish, Sammy Bach’s music hit, and ‘The Elation Sensation’ also received a big reaction from the fans… A little more on the mixed side though, as Bach walked to the ring and climbed on the apron…


Sammy Bach: “Troy, Troy… Listen, man… I know you’ve been ignoring my calls… I get it… I hurt you physically last week… and I’m sorry, okay…?! But what you did… Callin’ me out in front of everyone like that… M… Ma… May I come into the ring…!?”

Bach asked tentatively, before stepping one foot through the gap between the top rope and the middle rope…

Troy Tornado: “Take one more step and I’ll kick the s**t out of you…!!”

Sammy Bach: “Okay… Okay… Alright… Fair enough… I’ll just stay out here… and ask you… How… What do I have to do, to keep you from telling anyone about this… From telling THEM about this… I mean… I know how it looked, but there was NOTHING in that…!!”

Tornado raised an eyebrow… He didn’t believe a word Sammy was saying, but it was hard to agree or disagree with him… since we all didn’t know exactly what interaction the two veterans were referring to… In the end, Tornado DID submit, that an accusation like the one he would be making, could RUIN Bach’s reputation and harm his entire career…!! And so… he had a compromise…

Troy Tornado: “I’ve always settled things in the ring, and I’ve got the perfect match… In 2009… You and I were both on the rise… You’d just become a 2-time All Action Champion… I was looking to win my first… Me… You… and a certain Freddy Huggins had an EPIC Triple Threat Ladder Match… and I say… minus Freddy… We run that back…!! YOU AND ME… The War To Settle The Score… I hang up an envelope, and if I retrieve it… I read out what it says inside… If you retrieve it… You keep it, and I promise not to say a WORD…!!”

Bach liked what he was hearing… and told Troy he was ON…!! The two 43 year olds will battle in a Ladder Match at the next pay-per-view, with the details of Sammy Bach’s ‘dirty little secret’ literally hanging in the balance…!!




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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Two of the best tag teams on the roster continue to cross paths, and sadly for The American Cobras, they can’t seem to get the upper hand in the rivalry. The Behemoths are 3-time former TCW World Tag Team Champions, and vastly outweigh their opponents, so it’s hardly surprising. That said, Malloy and Spillane had some nice moments out there, with which they could have won it on multiple occasions, but Titan and Killer Shark always found a way to power out of a pin attempt. In the end, by far the biggest man on the roster, Killer Shark ended Malloy with his ‘Big Bite’ Front Slam, and The Behemoths won again.

Winners: The Behemoths
Rating: 65




Backstage, ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney was talking with his manager: Vita…

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Vita: “Jeremie… Well done… Everything is going exactly to ‘plan’… Soon, The Main Event will have no choice but to accept you…”

At that moment, The Main Event stable walked into the room… proudly holding the TCW World Tag Team Titles…

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Matt Hocking: “Jeremie… Jerry… Jezza…!! How are you, my man…?! Fantastic work with the Dossiers again my friend… Keep them COMING… but… there’s something troubling me… You want IN the Main Event, right…?! We know you can help, and add value to the group… but can we trust you… to get the job done… when it COUNTS…?!”

Roderick Remus vowed to find Courtney an opponent for The War To Settle The Score… They told him, win… and you’re more than likely, IN…!! Which Courtney was very happy about…!!




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Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

HUGE win for Chris Flynn here. ‘The Stud’ has had a mixed time of it since signing for TCW, but 2022 is off to a flier for him. He lost his Television Title in mid-December 2021, but since then is undefeated, and tonight he beat a legend of the business in Human Arsenal. The fact that he made Arsenal tap out, to his brutal ‘Flynn Lock’ (Single Boston Crab) – was all the more impressive.

Winner: ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn
Rating: 64




Next up, we got word that the One Man Army vs Doc Hammond I QUIT Match set for The War To Settle The Score, is OFFICIAL…!!

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A reminder of the stipulation… to win the match, you must make your opponent utter the words ‘I QUIT’… Once the match is won, there are some rules for the aftermath as well…

If One Man Army wins… Doc Hammond must QUIT The Syndicate…

If Doc Hammond wins… One Man Army will QUIT asking Doc to do that… and QUIT wrestling for good…

Huge implications either way, and we also learned that next week, One Man Army will take on Flint Slater 1 on 1… This close to The War To Settle The Score, One Man Army could do without such a test…




Backstage, Tana The Mighty was about to head to the ring, but was stopped by a strong hand on his chest… from T-Bone Bright…

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T-Bone Bright: “Tana… Thanks again for last week… Let me know if Mighty Mo becomes a problem for you… I’ll take care of him…”

Tana removed Bright’s hand from his chest… in a show of Samoan dominance more than anything… and told Bright he can handle Mo himself… Before walking out through the curtain when his entrance music hit – with the camera following him out to the ring… Tana always gets a great reaction, but the fans know, with his knees, he won’t be long for this place sadly… Still… tonight, he had a lot of things on his mind, and a HUGE match was one of them…

Tana The Mighty: “I don’t challenge people often… People normally come for me… But at The War To Settle The Score… I’m challengin’ YOU… Wolf Hawkins…!!”

Wolf and The Syndicate tried to take Tana out a couple of weeks ago, and Tana is not ready to retire just yet…!! He’s out for blood, and he said he’s going straight to the top… straight for the head of the snake…!! And if Wolf doesn’t accept… he’ll find him and kick his ass anyway…!!




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‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

A rare DQ finish on Total Wrestling, as Nick Booth just lost it! Freeman is a big, strong, young kid, and Booth didn’t know what had hit him early on. Within 3 minutes, Freeman hit his patented ‘Back Suplex’, and Booth had to kick out and roll out under the ropes to regain his composure. Eventually, ‘Nasty’ Nick flipped, and began pummelling Freeman in the corner – refusing to stop when the referee intervened.

Winner: Duke Freeman (by DQ)
Rating: 51


Post-match, Booth just continued the attack, until Freeman’s friends: Dazzling Dave Diamond and ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze showed up…

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Booth slid out, and walked to the back, mouthing off at the fans and the camera… The three fan favourite Texans seethed at Booth, and thoughts are that Dazzling Dave Diamond will ALSO want his pound of flesh from Booth…




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Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

Jaylon had a lot of help out there, but he also impressed in the moments of offense he had. He hit a brilliant looking leg drop from the top rope – which you don’t see often – and Maverick did well to kick out of it. After a small amount of Syndicate involvement, as you’d expect, Martins hit his ‘Flying Forearm’ to win it.

Winner: Jaylon Martins
Rating: 47




Next week, the veteran Bart Biggins and young Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen will have a re-match from their bout last week…

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Biggins won their first encounter, and has since said on social media that he’s still got a lot he could teach Queen… but ‘The Drama’ responded by saying he doesn’t want to learn how to be a great young tag team competitor, like Biggins WAS… Little bit of needle there from Queen… should be a good one…




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The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Quick match here, with Masatochi Kamimura showing his in-ring prowess once again, and impressing his new mentor: ‘Yoshi’ Joshua Taylor. The experienced American didn’t help out physically at all, so Kamimura can know he won the match ‘on his own’ tonight, locking in the Scorpion Deathlock to make The Masked Mauler VII tap.

Winner: Masatochi Kamimura
Rating: 34




Another match announced for next week… and the odd pairing of Elliot Thomas teaming with ‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell… taking on the new duo of Marc Speed and Seth Whitehead…

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Speed and Whitehead have teamed up a few times now, and have formed a strong bond – including naming their tag team… The veteran Speed and the younger, fresher, Whitehead, will now be known as ‘Can’t Catch This’… a nod to their catch wrestling style and their quickness… Will they be able to overcome two fighters in Thomas and Peverell, who are both aiming to climb higher on the card than their current position…?




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Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

The match everyone had been looking forward to all night as Greg Gauge did battle with a veteran fan favourite in Sammy Bach, who seems to have a lot of enemies right now, and a bit of a cloud hanging over him. Gauge on the other hand is solely focused – and wants to be the next TCW World Heavyweight. He used this match, to ‘tune up’ for his re-match with Jay Chord – who was shown multiple times in the front row, watching the action intently. Bach had his moments tonight, and came close to the upset win. Had he beaten Gauge, he would have certainly moved into the Number One Contenders spot post-War To Settle The Score. However, when Gauge got fired up towards the end, the crowd got behind him, and it ended in his ‘Proton Lock’ (Bridging Scorpion Deathlock) that made Bach pass out from the pain!!

Winner: Greg Gauge
Rating: 73


After the match, Gauge checked on the fallen Bach… and didn’t see Jay Chord slide into the ring behind him…

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However, he did expect something like this… and so was able to duck Chord’s attempts at wrapping his TCW World Heavyweight Title over Gauge’s head… instead, after ducking the swing, Gauge kicked Chord’s knee out, and dropped him with a snap DDT, and Chord rolled to the outside after hitting the mat hard…!!

Gauge looked down at the World Heavyweight Championship Belt… an accolade that has eluded him thus far in his career… as the announce team confirmed that next week, Total Wrestling would begin with a good old fashioned Contract Signing in the ring… Gauge and Chord… face to face once again… just a few short nights ahead of their re-match at The War To Settle The Score…





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Holy moly I think I got nearly every match wrong (not that that's a bad thing)! LETS GO TANA! Wolf doesn't stand a chance!

Funny enough, the AI TCW in my save had Mo turn heel and Tana The Mighty was the one to dethrone his former friend (Mo also joined the Main Event which is an odd pairing). Greg managed to beat Jay for the title, but got signed by CWA so FLINT SLATER was the one to dethrone him! Fingers crossed Tana and Flint can win some gold in your version of TCW as well...

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22 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

WTSTS is shaping up really nice with Bach/Troy and the Courtney match added. There's going to be so many storylines either concluding or at least with a major development at the shows with these and the I Quit match. 

Yeah it's a packed card. I'm trying to stick to six matches on a pay-per-view (WWE currently seem to do 5, and it works well I think), so that means all the matches mean something. I'm hoping it's a really tough one to predict as well.

20 hours ago, John Lions said:

Holy moly I think I got nearly every match wrong (not that that's a bad thing)! LETS GO TANA! Wolf doesn't stand a chance!

Funny enough, the AI TCW in my save had Mo turn heel and Tana The Mighty was the one to dethrone his former friend (Mo also joined the Main Event which is an odd pairing). Greg managed to beat Jay for the title, but got signed by CWA so FLINT SLATER was the one to dethrone him! Fingers crossed Tana and Flint can win some gold in your version of TCW as well...

2/6 but there were a handful who got that score and a handful more that got 3/6... Glad to hear some love for Tana. I see a lot of people release him day one and I can totally understand that (age, injuries, stamina, in-ring primary skills etc)... but for me, he's entertaining, he's over, he's a name, and he's MY ONLY SAMOAN DAMN IT!! (until Joey Fili is ready).

Tana beating Mo for the TV Title... Wouldn't rule it out to be fair as that's probably a story I'll go to. Then Flint taking it from Tana? I can think of worse people. If (and it's a big if at this point :D ) you win a prediction prize, you might get the chance to choose someone to be a Champion in this diary - it's a prize I've given away in the past.

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Tuesday, February 15th, 2022


**Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast**


The Supreme Wrestling Federation (SWF) have today announced that they are promoting no fewer than FIVE RIPW talents to their Main Roster… The five names are: Rocky Weatherfield, Hoss Handley, Warwick Good, Bryan Jewett and Samson Sharpe… Will the five men be in some kind of ‘invading stable’…? That could be a fun use of them. But time will tell on that one…

Over on TCW, their Total Wrestling show this week flattered to deceive somewhat as an episode… All the key stories moved on, but in truth, they didn’t move on with any real significance… We got confirmation that One Man Army and Doc Hammond will be competing at War To Settle The Score (WTSTS), in an I QUIT Match… but One Man Army didn’t appear on the show, and Doc Hammond was in the corner of Jaylon Martins, and that’s it… We had no Aaron Andrews… No Wolf Hawkins… T-Bone Bright had a ‘nothing’ backstage bit with Tana The Mighty… Jay Chord was in the crowd for the Main Event, and then took a DDT, and that’s all he did on the show…

There were plenty of positives of course… on the next notch down the card... The American Cobras and The Behemoths is a match I could watch again and again, and I never thought I’d say that about Killer Shark and Titan in this run… I never thought I’d SEE Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane in a TCW ring either…

I like the 'Jeremie Courtney tries to join The Main Event stable' storyline right now… interesting conversation between Courtney and his manager Vita, that was interrupted by Matt Hocking, Roderick Remus and Laura Hocking…

Of course, we also saw the Troy Tornado versus Sammy Bach story continue… and we’re going to get a LADDER MATCH at WTSTS… Hanging above the ring will be an envelope… If Sammy wins, he can take the envelope, and destroy it… with Troy vowing to never divulge what was in it… If Troy wins though, he can read the contents out to EVERYONE in the audience… and EVERYONE watching at home… We ALL want to know what Tornado saw Bach ‘do’… or who he saw him ‘with’… but if Sammy wins at WTSTS… Tornado might never tell…




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Oh no! Poor Duke! I feel the same about Spiffy Stan Standish, who missed my entire RAW diary! :D What's up with Duke in yours?


A Badly Herniated Spinal Disc, which sounds very nasty- I've every intention of bringing him into NYCW the second he's healthy though, those fundamentals are ludicrous

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1 hour ago, 1PWfan said:


A Badly Herniated Spinal Disc, which sounds very nasty- I've every intention of bringing him into NYCW the second he's healthy though, those fundamentals are ludicrous

And physical! He's up to 88 (from 82) stamina now for me in four months! Psychology and entertainment skills are where he needs some work, but if he gets a mentor, or if his segments with Blaze and Diamond do what I hope they will, then he'll improve in time. He's only 25!

I'm going to go for a tag team with Blaze - seems to make sense as they're both strong young Texans, and they've got the excellent chemistry note which is nice. Blaze is also excellent by the way!

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Another good show. Intrigued by Troy and Sammy. I actually liked that you didn’t use some of the bigger ones. I find it helps not leading to a burnout of ideas. 

As far as the excursions go. Both guys left me at the end of 2022 so i think they’re set to stay for a year from the start of the game. 

I think I did ok on the predictions aswell which makes a nice change! 

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1 hour ago, ItsJustJustin said:

Another good show. Intrigued by Troy and Sammy. I actually liked that you didn’t use some of the bigger ones. I find it helps not leading to a burnout of ideas. 

As far as the excursions go. Both guys left me at the end of 2022 so i think they’re set to stay for a year from the start of the game. 

I think I did ok on the predictions aswell which makes a nice change! 

100% - I regularly try and write people off TV for a couple of weeks quite often, so that they're 'missed', or can have a big impactful return. One of my top top names gets an injury at Battleground that he can 'work through', but I decided to give him 3 weeks off, so he's back in time for Where Angels Fear To Tread, and I can say someone tried to take him out of the pay-per-view

So I rate Masatochi quite highly, but his contract is up, so when I offered him a new one, he would only sign a 1 month extension as 'I plan to end my excursion' :( I have been offered a few other Excursions (some not real characters) and one is Keishi Tagawa who is okay. he's two years younger than Kamimura, and a bit behind him in terms of skills across the board. I'm confident in 2 years, I can get Tagawa to Kamimura's levels!

You did very well... 5/6 👏


1 hour ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Expected something more from that ME rating-wise, how you feel about it?

Yeah, annoying. On TEW 2020, I had a bit of a play with TCW before the new game came out... and I decided Wolf, Ace, Jay and Sammy were the 'big four', and if I could just bring up Mighty Mo and Greg Gauge, I'd have a nice top six to work with... Sammy was pulling off great ratings every week, and in a previous diary (i think it was my RAW one) Sammy won wrestler of the year! So in this version, with Greg right up there already, there's space for one more... but now, I kinda feel like Sammy is slipping fast. Troy will join him in that top six, until I'm ready to pull the trigger on Mo, T-Bone, or if I time it right, Freddy Huggins ;) 

If I remember rightly, this one also had a creative finish that bombed, so that didn't help. Without that, could have been a 78... with a successful creative finish, over 80

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Monday, February 21st, 2022


Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski


Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling…


Match wise, it’s an impressive line-up… Troy Tornado and Joshua Taylor couldn’t be more different in the ring, so their clash is an exciting one… One Man Army versus Flint Slater feels like a passing of the torch to me… especially with Flint’s hard-nose, no-nonsense, style… and this could very well be One Man Army’s final appearance on Total Wrestling… Bart Biggins and Quentin Queen have had some beef on social media… and the Main Event pits Dazzling Dave Diamond against Wolf Hawkins… with both men needing a win in a big way…

Elsewhere on the show, a Contract Signing between Greg Gauge and Jay Chord ahead of their re-match at War To Settle The Score…!!

The TCW Booking Team have confirmed they’ve made a decision on the next contenders for the TCW World Tag Team Titles… and this week, we’re going to find out what that decision is…

Dazzling Dave Diamond will also have a message for Nick Booth as we inch closer to Diamond, Bradley Blaze, and Duke Freeman announcing their ‘business venture’…



Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate




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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate


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Troy Tornado [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Elliot Thomas & Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘Can’t Catch This’ (Speed & Whitehead)

One Man Army [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Benny & The Foxx [vs] Maverick & Masked Mauler VII

Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate

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