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PSW: Furnace of Champions

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17 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

what are people's thoughts on swearing/general adult content?

Stick to "!#$*F'N" bro, avoid moderation lol, the message will be delivered regardless ;) Not a problem to me, but I get why there r mod rules





PSW Championship: Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Ernest Youngman F it, I want Youngman back on the game

PSW National Title: Austin Smooth (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn

PSW Tag Titles: The Blood Soldiers (ZomBoy & Deathwish) (c) vs Devil May Care (Acid II and Stuntman)

Dustin Deuce vs Cerberus 

The Hot Taggs (Kalder & Wolfie) vs Rich & Famous (Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol)

The Latino Kings (Galindo & Chavez) vs Samoan Destruction Inc. (Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga)

Other than the main event: What is the highest scoring match on the card? Taggs vs R&F if the young guns don't miss

One wrestler on the card does not end up wrestling, who? Dustin Deuce

Will the show rating be... Under 50, 50-55, 56-60, 60+

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This was brilliant as expected. Hot start with the Logan-Ernest scene-setter and an immediate title change. Doug Peak was a nice surprise, and it was smart to have a miscommunication finish showing that the superior team won, not necessarily the superior wrestlers. I'm envious of your tag depth in being able so run three tag matches in a row with plenty of star power throughout.

Winchester v Ferrera should be fun, and wow the roster is in good shape if you can put on a strong six-match card and still have those guys to call on. I'm pleased for Dumfrey Pinn getting a second title reign: I never guessed when I was phasing him out of DIW on TEW 2020 that he'd be enjoying his career high on TEW IX.

I loved the ending for its unexpectedness: I think style clash heels who are out of place stylistically and geographically can be hugely effective, and it was a nice subversion of expectations to send the crowd home happy rather than have Tennessee Williams lay out the champion.

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Show Results

Screenshot 2024-08-22 184812.pngScreenshot 2024-08-22 184753.png


Prediction Results

TheLloyd: 5/9

AboardTheArk: 5/9

WIllsky: 4/9

LaEstrella: 4/9

WrestlingMachine: 3/9

eayragt: 3/9

Kyteran: 3/9

jcarmjn: 3/9


So the scores are skewed lower partly because who was going to pick Samoan Machine to be the person who didn't wrestle. It was a really tricky/random question to be fair to you all! Truth is it was a booking error. SM chose to work for Burning Hammer that day and I didn't realise until I was booking the show. So in my mind the anal bleeding comment was me (Naess)... I don't know being bitter about not being his priority I suppose. Also I don't know think anyone predicted the show to score under 56! I can completely see why, I was expecting the main event to carry it higher, but oh well. Realistically at this point as long as I'm gaining popularity I'm not yet too concerned. 

Match wise most people got the main event correct. 

I can see why most when for Smooth, he's not had the belt long but I have storylines for both Smooth and Pinn that required this result. 

Cerberus winning was the only one everyone got. Makes sense.

Tag Titles was quite split. Again this is a case where I like my planned storyline for Legion of Blood, and it doesn't need the titles. Whereas Devil May Care winning them helps me bring other tag teams into the spotlight. 

Almost all picked Rich & Famous. Doesn't surprise me there. The ceiling is high for them (especially Jake Idol), if I keep them I can see them being big parts of this diary, although they've had very little focus so far. Them carrying the taggs (who are very green) to the 2nd best match on the card bodes very well for them.

The only predictions that surprised me, was how almost everyone went with Samoan Destruction Inc. Perhaps it's just from my time with FCW that I rate the Latino Kings highly, or perhaps it's because it was Hector and Jesus fighting whereas Rudy is the most talented of the trio.


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18 hours ago, 619 said:

This was brilliant as expected. Hot start with the Logan-Ernest scene-setter and an immediate title change. Doug Peak was a nice surprise, and it was smart to have a miscommunication finish showing that the superior team won, not necessarily the superior wrestlers. I'm envious of your tag depth in being able so run three tag matches in a row with plenty of star power throughout.

Winchester v Ferrera should be fun, and wow the roster is in good shape if you can put on a strong six-match card and still have those guys to call on. I'm pleased for Dumfrey Pinn getting a second title reign: I never guessed when I was phasing him out of DIW on TEW 2020 that he'd be enjoying his career high on TEW IX.

I loved the ending for its unexpectedness: I think style clash heels who are out of place stylistically and geographically can be hugely effective, and it was a nice subversion of expectations to send the crowd home happy rather than have Tennessee Williams lay out the champion.

8 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

I echo everything @619 said in this instance. I think that was a good balance struck as far as Tennessee goes.

Appreciate the thoughts! 

I was a little wary of the Tennessee debut. I didn't want to neuter him and was very tempted to let him end the show taking Logan out. It will probably become clear next episode why I opted not to do that. 

I'm excited for him though, in some ways he makes me think of Cardona in GCW in that he clearly doesn't fit in. I'm hoping though he can act as a contrast, so rather than making PSW feel less hardcore he makes the other wrestlers seem less gimmicky by comparison. That might make no sense but we'll see. 

Although that's probably downplaying him. He's got a really high steel factor. Good hardcore skills and he's willing to do stunts. So in my mind he was wasted in the snoozefest over in NYC and this will give him a chance to show a different side. 

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Posted (edited)

PSW Steel City Chain Poll

The answers for this will decide the next two wrestlers to challenge for the chain. 


Also as mini prediction prizes for scoring the most in the PPV. @The Lloyd and @AboardTheArk can pick which wrestlers get the spotlight video on Steel City Smash. Any member of the roster other than Logan, Ernest and Cowboy (the 3 who have already had one).  The general prediction contest is still running until there's been 10 shows. 

Edited by christmas_ape
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38 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

PSW Steel City Chain Poll

The answers for this will decide the next two wrestlers to challenge for the chain. 


Also as mini prediction prizes for scoring the most in the PPV. @The Lloyd and @AboardTheArk can pick which wrestlers get the spotlight video on Steel City Smash. Any member of the roster other than Logan, Ernest and Cowboy (the 3 who have already had one).  The general prediction contest is still running until there's been 10 shows. 

Nice, I'll go with Samoan Destruction Inc. - I'm a sucker for a family in wrestling. Probably why I picked them to beat the Latino Kings


Show was EXCELLENT by the way. Really enjoyed it. Good to see Dumfrey win, and Smooth now chasing

Edited by The Lloyd
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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, WalterSobchak said:

@christmas_ape keep up the great work, really enjoying this more and more with each episode, top notch stuff!

Really appreciate that, as I think I've said privately it feels like you deserve some co-writer or other credits as your graphics (workers, team logos and PSW logo) are all pretty integral to the diary. They've certainly helped me picture PSW as I write it anyway. 



We drive forward with New Year Revolution in our rearview mirror as we turn onto the Highway To Hell. With the first of six Steel City Smash episodes on the road to our next special event. 

3 singles matches, all expected to be close contests.


Prediction Contest

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Xavi Ferrera

Xavier Reckless vs Jackpot Jordan

Chip Martin vs ZomBoy

Will the score be higher or lower than the last episode of SCS? (49)

Edited by christmas_ape
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Xavi Ferrera - He's PSW's next big thing

Xavier Reckless - Assuming we're headed for Reckless Antix v Rich & Famous, there's no way you'd want Antix going over

ZomBoy - Seems to be a pet project of yours

With no real marquee match, I'm going for lower than 49

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I enjoyed the match types guide: some really creative ideas and looking forward to seeing how they're blended with the characters and stories you're building. Interesting idea to have DQs come into consideration in title matches, and it makes sense from the perspective of it being a more serious level of competition, champions requiring discipline, etc. Again, it will be interesting to discover if this is just a principle you've settled on or if you have a story in mind to play into this rule. The ref holding such discretionary power feels like it would really bring their character to the fore too.

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Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Xavi Ferrera

I like both these guys, and I figure I'll go against everyone else and pick the Cowboy to take it here.

Xavier Reckless vs Jackpot Jordan

I feel like this is setting up a tag team showdown, but I think Jordan will take this one.

Chip Martin vs ZomBoy

Chip seems to be in his young lion phase so to speak.

Will the score be higher or lower than the last episode of SCS? (49)

Hard to see the main hitting the highs of Youngman vs Smooth, so you'd likely need some killer angles to hit that.

Edited by Tiberious
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Match types look GREAT!! I'll probably have to beg you to use one or two of them in the future. Superb work.


Prediction Contest

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Xavi Ferrera

Xavier Reckless vs Jackpot Jordan

Chip Martin vs ZomBoy

Will the score be higher or lower than the last episode of SCS? (49) HIGHER

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On 8/19/2024 at 11:10 AM, Willsky said:

Missed the start of this (and the whole new game etc.) as I was away on holiday, but I'm very much enjoying catching up. Particularly love the way you always focus on the identity of the company to make them stand out.


Forgot to say, good to see you! Thanks for following. 

Very happy to just see you'll be starting something soon. You have a really good track record for diaries that are both great but also long lasting. 


Next episode coming up now. 


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Screenshot 2024-08-26 173312.png

Screenshot 2024-08-26 174342.png

Prediction Results

Willsky: 3/4

Wrestling Machine: 3/4

AboardTheArk: 3/4

Tiberious: 3/4

jcarmjn: 3/4

KyTeran: 2/4

The Lloyd: 2/4


So I actually did book for Xavier to win but he herniated a spinal disc and so they made the call/had to change the finish. It's the first real casualty and actually messes with my plans more than you'd perhaps think! His Steel Factor is high and so as per my manifesto he is someone I was committed to pushing.  Since upping the match injury and content risk there's been 3 injuries already! Although the other two are minor/can be fought through so won't become a thing in the diary. 


Prediction Standings

AboardTheArk: 14/25

KyTeran: 13/25

The Lloyd: 13/25

Jcarmjn: 12/25

Wrestling Machine: 10/18

LaEstrella: 9/14

QFresh: 8/12

Willsky: 7/13

20LEgend: 6/8

StanMiguel: 3/5

Tiberious: 3/4

JunkRat: 3/5

eayragt: 3/9

Satyr24: 1/3

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