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DIW's last $2,000: Mr FU has a nephew

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 @alpha2117 Thanks for the kind words, and SDL and HTH are both nice ideas. Vaughan's demise was indeed tragic, but at least he's in a better place now: Brisbane Championship Federation :classic_biggrin:

@Tiberious Likewise, interesting shout with the Buchanans: it makes sense to cycle out people near the bottom of the card if they get too devalued and, if the replacements have more upside then even better. Grateful to you, @DinoKea and @christmas_ape for being on board with the low roster turnover. I tend to agree with you @christmas_ape about enjoying that chaos factor of unexpected aggro: the thing I remember most from my previous DIW save was Switchblade dying and Seb Shaw suffering a 13-month injury days before the show I'd spent our first 8 weekly episodes building.

Thanks @Tiberious, @DinoKea, @AboardTheArk and @christmas_ape for the interest in Blitz v The Dog Pound. I'm trying to be a bit more adventurous than before with mixing established and newer talent as it feels like it fits with having two new stables and Jake Thornton's influence. I'm intrigued to see if it ends up doing more to elevate The Dog Pound or drag Blitz down. I appreciated the Wild Hunt comment too @DinoKea. Their presentation probably isn't too faithful to how they're described in game, but it felt necessary to try to stop the two new stables from feeling too identical.

It feels like this next part could use a "the misogynistic and ageist views expressed by the narrator aren't shared by the author and are just a plot device to create conflict" disclaimer 😬 It isn't intended to become a major theme and hopefully it isn't too distasteful, just a glimpse into his biases and youthful impudence as a bit of background to who he gravitates to and who he pushes back against.


8: G for gone
Tuesday 1st March 2022

You might not like me for saying this but a hardcore men’s wrestling promotion struggling to survive shouldn’t be paying three female valets in their 30s, let alone paying them as much as the blokes putting their bodies on the line. I wasn’t convinced we needed any, but I was still in my “listening, not speaking” probationary booking team phase, so I decided to make a strong case against one.

Jaime G was my chosen target. She was the oldest – Angus McMiller seemed appalled by my bluntness in pointing out I was the demographic DIW needed to attract to survive, and I wasn’t buying tickets to watch a self-obsessed Sheila almost twice my age smacking the ring apron – and in my view the most redundant as Con McReady was arguably the most charismatic bloke on our roster.

McMiller was going to back his valet Lillian O’Donahue and my uncle wouldn’t give up on a day-one recruit like Lori without a fight, so it had to be Jaime. Nobody liked her anyway, and if I had felt any guilt about lobbying for her to be fired, it would’ve vanished when I heard at Hardcore Heatwave that she was badmouthing Milton Hittlespitz. I’d never seen him make a single enemy but she tried.

It turned out I miscalculated slightly though. Somebody liked her. McReady had apparently fallen into the trap of believing he really owed part of his success to Jaime G. He’d realise that was wrong in time, but for now the usually cool customer was so furious that he’d been given Blood And Guts off, the official reason being to reset him ahead of his solo run.

That was my first political misstep, but I wasn’t really that worried. It hadn’t leaked to the locker room that I instigated Jaime’s departure, and I was confident that even if my uncle, Jim Teasdale and McMiller had doubts about the call, I’d be vindicated and they’d quickly be forgotten. And once that had happened, I could start plotting the even bigger kill I’d eventually need to make.

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Loved the call-out to Brisbane Championship Wrestling

This is a great diary so far and I love your vision for one of the worlds struggling feds.  Your mans sense of loyalty to the guys is admirable even if I think that loyalty is misplaced in some cases but the fact they showed some spine by removing a problem child gives me hope or the feds future.  I love the whole rationale behind letting Jamie G go ... see there is a ruthless bastich in there under the so called nice guy exterior.  Now if only you'd save everyone from the Ares Death Cult   😉

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Apologies for forgetting to add the Hardcore Heatwave grades, those are added at the bottom of the show post now.

@alpha2117 Thanks for the support and for following along. There is an Ares Death Cult update today, but it might not be the one you're waiting for unfortunately 😅 But hopefully the RAW romantic reveal makes up for that.


9: Love
Friday 11th March 2022

Realising the need to adopt a lower profile until the Jaime G situation had cooled down, I didn’t contribute too much at the booking meeting a week before Blood And Guts, just a few suggestions on how to progress the Wild Hunt and Dog Pound stories that I was most involved with.

I didn’t think they put together the most compelling card. Not wanting to pull the trigger of Mace Mueller’s shot at Shogo yet, they had the New Zealander call out Milton Hittlespitz on social media instead, saying management might not trust him with main event matches but he’d give him a try.

Three matches announced for the undercard would see Australian Devil and East Coast Panther face Wild Hunt tag team The Bat Men, a member of Hittlespitz’s Crazy Blue Crew for the 4-v-4 at Massacre next month fight Bloodsport and tag contender Wez Dobberly take on champion Creeper.

Meanwhile, love was in the air. Not just for Cesar Sionis and Lori in our locker room – I wasn’t sure where he found the time having just moved to Kanto to work some dates for BHOTWG – but more explosively between RAW CEO Tristram Day and booker Rebecca Richey. Talk about living the soap opera gimmick.

Blood And Guts 2022
Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller
[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport
Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Creeper v Wez Dobberly
Boo Smithson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua

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Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller
[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport
Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Creeper v Wez Dobberly
Boo Smithson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua


I actually think despite not being the most stacked card this one is fairly unpredictable. 

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DIW Blood & Guts 2022 Predictions

Mace Mueller def. Milton Hittlespitz

[Crazy Blue Representative] def. Bloodsport

The Bat Men (Slugger & Syrus) def. Australian Devil & East Coast Panther

Wez Dobberly def. Creeper

Boo Smithson def. Blood Brother

Tevita Takulua def. Demarcus Lee

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Blood And Guts 2022
Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller
Mace has a title shot coming up so I can't see him losing here. I suspect Lycan Nightshade will get involved here as well.

[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport
Bloodsport is one of those guys I want to like, but he's pretty bad at this stage so I can't imagine him going over Milton's pick.

Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Nightshade's crew needs a degree of credibility, so I don't think Devil & Panther's second outing will be much more successful than their first.

Creeper v Wez Dobberly
One of the tougher matches to call since it's two tag guys in a singles match. Creeper has more long term potential, but a win by Wez would set up the Hired Guns getting a tag title match so that seems a sensible plan here.

Boo Smithson v Blood Brother
At this point Boo facing random undercard guys feels like it's a rib. One thing that's interesting with DIW is that in a way it feels like it's become the closest thing to a work-rate promotion in Australia given it's top guys are Boo & Shogo who aren't really hardcore guys and then Mace and Blitz who are hardcore, but can go just fine without weapons. I think there's definitely a potential for DIW to shift to being more of a hybrid promotion with more workrate guys mixed in, though at the moment that work-rate seems to only really be present at the top of the card.

Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua
One sided demolition.

Edited by Tiberious
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Blood And Guts 2022
Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller

Lycan and the Wild Hunt are going to get their heat back at the end here by costing Milty the match and maybe beating him down at the end.  Mace might feel secondary by going over that way but thats fine because he's probably not beating the champ anyway.  Mace gets the win which is enough to keep his run going and Milty's story with the gets more heat so everyone sort of wins.  The match makes sense if you can progress both programs that way.

[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport

Bloodsport has a long way to go - if it was Lycan he goes over but I think we are getting a CBC win here

Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)

This will probably go the other way but I prefer the AD/EC team and they have sort of jobbed a bit so far so giving them a win here makes sense to me.

Creeper v Wez Dobberly

Writhe is the guy who isn't as good - Creeper is the one who potentially could be a lot more long term.  I'd keep Creeper strong here and have Writhe go down in a singles bout next time before doing the tag match.  That said the classic booking would be Dobberley going over so I am in two minds.

Boo Smithson v Blood Brother

Boo is a great worker and someone like BB is just sort of there making up the numbers.  Boo v the Champ seems to be the end game of his current arc and I am fine with that.  At some point putting on that bout or a series between them is the best possible in-ring product you can do.

Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua

Tevita is a long term prospect.  There are big flaws right now but he needs to be kept strong and brought along till he's ready for a big push.


As for the ❤️‍🔥 those two romances are hilarious.  I cant imagine Cesar asking anyone out and I can only imagine the drama thats going to be occurring in RAW given those two's relative unpopularity with some of the locker room.

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Blood And Guts 2022
Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller
[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport
Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Creeper v Wez Dobberly
Boo Smithson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua

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Blood And Guts 2022
Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller

Mace is likely the future DIW Champion. Milton is just another guy.

[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport

CBC Crew Representitive vs perhaps the lowest rung in his group - 

Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)

East Coast Panther is an outlier here, if AD had a better partner maybe. I would love to see an East Coast Panther run. 

Creeper v Wez Dobberly

Wez gets an upset win to further the tag-team feud. 

Boo Smithson v Blood Brother

Boo just spinning his wheels. 

Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua

Tevita is the future

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Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller
I'm all in on Mace Mueller, he's a stud

[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport
Bloodsport seems like a designated pin eater of the Wild Hunt for now. I'll throw out a bad guess and say it's Asylum as the mystery man - former DIW guy who also wields a chair like a madman, seems like a natural ally and maybe short term hire. More likely someone on the roster I'm not thinking of though.

Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Conventional logic says team > 2 guys, esp with Panther as a fall guy

Creeper v Wez Dobberly
Creeper and Writhe are both very good in the ring for their age, I could see Wez getting the win but I think keeping Forever Evil as strong as humanly possible is a safe bet

Boo Smithson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua
It's been sad seeing the AI DIW in my game not recognize the potential in Takulua and Lycan and have them jobbing/working pre-show instead of building them up. Get the big Tongan over!

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Blood And Guts 2022
Milton Hittlespitz v Mace Mueller
[Crazy Blue Crew Representative] v Bloodsport
Australian Devil and East Coast Panther v The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Creeper v Wez Dobberly
Boo Smithson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Tevita Takulua

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Posted (edited)

10: Blood And Guts 2022
Friday 18th March 2022

Boo Smithson defeated Blood Brother
This was the complete opposite of the hardcore opener at our last show. After being given 10 minutes with Milton Hittlespitz at Hardcore Heatwave, Blood Brother was allowed to go 12 with our ring general, but I wouldn’t say he grabbed either opportunity. Crossface Chickenwing, tap tap tap.

In what was surprisingly the angle to attract the most crowd engagement so far this year, Australian Champion Tim Burr warned Rad Masteroff that he’s not the first wrestler to claim he was going to achieve multiple title reigns at his expense, a nod to his recent win over Con McReady, and predicted he wouldn’t be the last. This was another match we didn’t want to blow off too quickly, so were letting it build for another month or two.

Australian Devil and East Coast Panther defeated The Bat Men (Slugger and Syrus)
Panther and Devil had both lost their first two fights of the year so needed a win given our plans to include them in the 4-v-4 match at Massacre. Whether that win should’ve come at the expense of one of the stables we were building up was debatable but, as mentioned, I was keeping a low profile this month. Devil covered Syrus after a Launching Senton.

Milton Hittlespitz and Mayhem Mulhoney were shown to have been watching on a screen in the back. Mulhoney asked Hittlespitz about his Massacre match against The Wild Hunt, saying that just like Pinn Enterprises and The Barracudas before them, these gangs would come and go, whereas they were the soul of DIW and would outlast them all. Crazy Blue said he’d already been approached by Australian Devil and East Coast Panther (we hadn’t telegraphed that at all), with Mulhoney interrupting to tell him that now he had his fourth man too.

Tevita Takulua defeated Demarcus Lee
Our Dog Pound leader was an emphatic winner in his first singles match of 2022, finishing with his Choke Breaker.

That match was all to set up the inevitable Blitz Simpson entrance. Initially, all three of us Dog Pound members waited in the ring for him, until Tevita Takulua advised that we only fight on our own terms and would spare him tonight, exiting through the crowd. Lori came down the entranceway to tell Simpson that she’d been checking out Marv’s CCTV, which she handily played on the screen. While the identity of the person under the ring who tripped her and grabbed Simpson’s leg during his DIW Championship match last month was conveniently obscured, she was able to show that The Dog Pound came through the crowd to attack him after the bell, so they weren’t part of the earlier interference.

Mayhem Mulhoney defeated Bloodsport
It made sense to give Mulhoney a win with his Cradle Powerslam after his defeat last month to establish him as a potentially game-changing fourth man for Milton Hittlespitz’s Massacre team, but we shouldn’t have had The Bat Men lose on the same show. One Wild Hunt setback was enough.

As The Hired Guns waited to enter for Wez Dobberly’s match with Creeper, the screen showed Ares Death Cult approach them and warn that they were coming after the Tag Team Championships next.

Wez Dobberly defeated Creeper
One half of the next Tag Team Championship challengers defeated one half of the champions by capitalising on their numbers advantage at ringside. Lillian O’Donahue’s distraction gave Dobberly an opening and a DDT onto one of the titles was what he used to make it count.

The final scene shown on the screen, which was too small and low quality to use as much as we had on this night, was of Lycan Nightshade gathering the rest of The Wild Hunt around him. He said it hurt to use harsh words on his very own family but they all let themselves down tonight. If it happened again at Massacre, he might have to take action that would pain him even more. But that wouldn’t happen because their superpower was how they combined as a team, and that would be far too much for Milton Hittlespitz’s assortment of individuals to contend with. He told them to rest up as Crazy Blue could get himself beaten up without their help in the main event.

Mace Mueller defeated Milton Hittlespitz
Shogo watched his next challenger from ringside but there was no big angle here. My uncle and his allies believed Shogo, Mueller and Boo Smithson were at a level now where DIW fans would always be invested any time they go out and fight, regardless of the stakes. Hittlespitz was presented as a main event threat though and a tense finish saw him caught with a kick as he tried to land his Flying Knee Drop, with Mueller quickly capitalising with a Punt Kick to keep him down for three. He then gestured at Shogo, who responded by raising his DIW Championship at ringside.



Strong scores all round again with 5 for @alpha2117, @DinoKea, @HiPlus and @Tiberious and 4 for @AboardTheArk, @christmas_ape, @G.B, @John Lions, @KyTeran and @Wrestling Machine.

Of the people who've predicted every show, @Tiberious is on 18 (out of 19), @DinoKea and @KyTeran have 16, @AboardTheArk, @HiPlus and @Wrestling Machine have 15 and @alpha2117, @christmas_ape and @John Lions have 14, in the unlikely event my maths can be trusted.

Special shoutout for @alpha2117 as the lone Panther & Devil believer, though also an apology from me as I probably hadn't made it clear in the dynasty that they are historically a team of Individuals, rather than a random pairing. I enjoyed your other analysis too.

@Tiberious Not necessarily a rib but you're right about Boo's uninspiring early 2022 booking. It's meant to be a bit of a story within a story of Big Jim Teasdale not having much of a vision for booking him when he's not in the title picture as well as creating a bit of distinction between the guys whose stories are getting more attention and those aren't (admittedly I'm not sure if it's a good idea for a dynasty to have sub-plots that involve making the booking even less interesting 😅). I appreciated your thoughts too on the potential to evolve into a work-rate promotion and fill a gap in the market. As you say, some ingredients are there but a wider cast of high-stamina dance partners would probably be needed to execute it fully.

@John Lions You and @HiPlus have both mentioned Asylum now so I'll have to try to think of a way to figure him in at some point, even if it's a one off. Interesting insight into the AI's booking of Takulua and Lycan: at least I don't have much to compete with here. This has been my only save so far so I haven't seen how their careers tend to play out.

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11: Nightshade
Friday 8th April 2022

I hoped that the 4-v-4 between The Crazy Blue Crew of Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther and The Wild Hunt would main event Massacre. I felt there was enough interest in Hittlespitz, Mulhoney and Devil in particular to justify the positioning, and that being put in such a spot would really signal to the crowd to take notice of their opponents.

My bald (The Comedian, my uncle), grey (Jim Teasdale) and suited-up (Angus McMiller) older colleagues disagreed, adding Shogo v Gyula Lakatos (non-title as Mace Mueller was still the next DIW Championship contender) and Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis to the card to stack it some more.

Their lack of appreciation for my attempts to breathe life into the undercard and get people caring about more than a handful of blokes was frustrating, but I scored a few smaller wins, including getting clearance to rename The Wild Hunt leader from Lycan Nightshade to just Nightshade.

I knew there was an audience for that gothic stuff but, unluckily for Nightshade, his most influential DIW supporter was more into barbies, beers, sports and Married At First Sight. Keep that last part to yourself. To pitch for The Wild Hunt effectively, I had to strip them down to themes I could relate to.

And now that I’d changed the feel of his group to focus less on the gothic vibe and more on his charisma and influence over others, his original name no longer felt as relevant. I just needed to make sure my sway outside of the ring developed at an even faster rate than Nightshade’s inside it.

Massacre 2022
Shogo v Gyula Lakatos
Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis
The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Con McReady
Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

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Massacre 2022 Predictions

Shogo def. Gyula Lakatos

Boo Smithson def. Cesar Sionis

The Wild Hunt def. The Crazy Blue Crew

Blitz Simpson def. Blood Brother

Con McReady def. Demarcus Lee

Tim Burr, Creeper & Writhe def. Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller & Wez Dobberly

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Shogo v Gyula Lakatos
Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis
The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Con McReady
Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

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Massacre 2022
Shogo v Gyula Lakatos

Will Gyula kill Shogo?  It's always a possibility.  

Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis

The Ares Death Cult suck and need to be jobbed into oblivion.

The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

I dont like 3 out of the 4 Wild Hunt guys much but I sort of think they need the win here.

Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother

Blood Brother exists ... his purpose in existing is to job to people better than him ... thats most everyone.

Demarcus Lee v Con McReady

Insert Demarcus Lee for Blood Brother and jsut copy and paste my last comments 

Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

The logic suggests Masteroff gets a pin on Writhe here setting up matches next time for titles where the winners here job like champions. 

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Massacre 2022
Shogo v Gyula Lakatos

Shogo ain't losing this I have been loving the slow build to him facing until Mace gets his eventually shot. 

Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis

Ares Death Cult are on the double end losing again. Boo winning a generic throwaway match. 

The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

I really think Nightshade should go over here, but I am expecting a bump in the road to add more of a wrinkle into the story and help process the change in The Wild Hunt as a group. 

Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother

Blitz easy win here on the undercard

Demarcus Lee v Con McReady

Con easy win here on the undercard.

Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

I don't rate any of the winners in this match. I think the champs need to lose to have their opponents build legitimacy. 

Edited by HiPlus
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Shogo v Gyula Lakatos
Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis
The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Con McReady
Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe
v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

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Yay a new DIW diary by 619 I'm all caught up and enjoying it

How are you going money-wise, that $2,000 a tight budget


Massacre 2022
Shogo v Gyula Lakatos
Champion stays strong for Mace 

Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis
Boo is an ex-champion and could main event again if need be

The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
If Wild Hunt loses then the stable needs a shake-up with new members 

Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother
Blood brother a jobber at best

Demarcus Lee v Con McReady
Con can rise to the top 

Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly
Challengers look strong against the champions


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Shogo v Gyula Lakatos

I don't think the older members of the booking committee are wrong to want Shogo to main event, but I do hope that Gyula can avoid injuring your champion and throwing a big wrench into all your plans.

Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis

Boo is an obvious choice to face the winner of Mace and Shogo, while Cesar already had a shot at the title.

The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

I think the Wild Hunt needs a win here unless you are planning to completely revamp the stable, but I feel like they should get a little bit more of a chance before that happens. I'll have to say I disagree with Thornton's reasoning for shortening Nightshade's name, I liked that it had a gothic feel that really set him apart from the rest of the promotion, but I guess now they have a unified one-word naming convention so maybe that unity will give them the boost the need. Maybe one of the babyfaces will turn heel and we can get shortened names for Mayhem, Devil, Panther, or Milton as part of the Wild Hunt. Well maybe not that last one.

Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother

Blood Brother doing what he does best, being beaten silly and looking at the lights for more talented opponents. I suspect we'll see some doggies hitting the ring after though.

Demarcus Lee v Con McReady

I suppose if I was a Demarcus Lee supporter I could justify him winning here to set him up as a contender for the Australian title, but I don't think he has much going for him other than being willing to take a beating. Con McReady on the other hand seems primed for an elevation up the card, and since he's ditched his manager/valet it'll be interesting to see if this'll lead to a change for him character-wise as well.

Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

My man Jake really looked at a card with Tim Burr and Rad Masteroff's names on it and said Lycan Nightshade is the one who needs a renaming. Jokes aside I feel like the non-champions winning makes sense since it sets up a title shot and in storyline they have experience working as a trio while Tim Burr & Forever Evil don't have much in common.

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Massacre 2022
Shogo v Gyula Lakatos
Feels like an exhibition for Gyula to show what he can do in singles action - have to feel like DIW is probably pretty cold on giving him any major snaps considering how devastating the Vaughan injury must have been.
Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis
Boo has been steadily working his way up the card, as Sionis should be a good match up for him. Two vets with two very different skill sets, if I think the submission guy beats the brawler.
The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
This has the chance to be their "landmark" win that some of these groups of young hungrier stars don't always get (looking at you Nexus). I'm sure they'd be fine with a loss here but a win really makes them feel like a threat. I know from your past diaries you've liked having dominant stables as a part of the main narrative of the promotion and this seems like the best way to get there without making a new one out of scratch.
Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother
Poor Blood Brother might leave a stain on the mat after this one.
Demarcus Lee v Con McReady
I have never been able to come up with anything worthwhile for Demarcus Lee - maybe Carl Paris reincarnates into this world and he can get in the tag division again? [I'm pretty sure it was Paris he was teaming with in your last diary]
Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly
I underestimated Rad previously and lost for it, so I'm just going all in on him. He's my pick for a real potential singles break out star here who has been spending way too long on the sidelines - an Australian title run and feud with McReady eventually could be the next big homegrown rivalry you have cooking.

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Massacre 2022
Shogo v Gyula Lakatos
Boo Smithson v Cesar Sionis
The Crazy Blue Crew (Milton Hittlespitz, Mayhem Mulhoney, Australian Devil and East Coast Panther) v The Wild Hunt (Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
Blitz Simpson v Blood Brother
Demarcus Lee v Con McReady
Tim Burr, Creeper and Writhe v Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly

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