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TCP Productions Presents: Fall of the One Ring Circus '07

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I'd just like to clarify that I have not retired, I was merely on hiatus... Anyways ***cough*** I'm really looking forward to playing this mod and getting back into the life absorbing insanity of TEW. I just want to chime in with the overriding sentiment and say that I really appreciate the work that you guys all put into making these mods for us all to enjoy. As for stat disagreements, I'd be very surprised if anyone ever agreed 100% with what was contained in a mod, the makers included? After all opinions change, mistakes are overlooked and there is never total consensus on any matter. All I look for is an largely accurate representation, if I come accross something which I disagree with it is hardly a major operation to make the change as I see fit (for me that's one of the most appealing aspects of this game). This mod is "for the people, by the people" but once we get our paws on it and make the tweaks we want to, it becomes the mod "for us". Rather than argue over minor differences in opinion we should just be grateful for those that put in all the effort so that we need only make minor alterations rather than build our games from the ground up :) Oops, this really went on a bit eh? I shall simply end on a thanks to everyone involved (and to the young Master Ryland and co too!) Oh, and a cheeky hurry up! :D [QUOTE=Madman Jack;169165]My sister's kids are named Jade and Hal, but that's obscure enough to fly under the radar a bit -- some people'll get that if I mention that Guy and Alan were alternative names for Hal, but if not, tough noogies.[/QUOTE] Is there a Kilowog or Mogo in the future? That would be cool! :)
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[QUOTE=TCP1;172395] How's the editing going Johnny?[/QUOTE] OK..... So, the reason I haven't been posting communicating much as of late is work. I've been swamped, thus having no time to do anything but work. Also me and Carlito have been looking at things and everytime we sim stuff using the data the best rating we've seen from the CPU shows is a C+. That being said the data needs an overhaul somewhere.... So, the final version of this thing isnt going to be worth a crap, at all. I wanted to have new pics cut, but that's going to take a long time. I have thrown together some new screens... But the data and pics are far from being what I wanted to have done by the 29th, even with the TONS of help people have been giving. I just havent had the time to put it together. Now with the overhaul that it looks like the data does need... it's going to be even longer than expected. So, nothing will be officially released tomorrow like I intended. I have no idea when something worth a $#;t is going to be ready either... if anyone wants what I do have email me at [email]JohnnyFenoli@aol.com[/email]. It's not really playable at this point however.
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[QUOTE=Johnny Fenoli;173017]OK..... So, the reason I haven't been posting communicating much as of late is work. I've been swamped, thus having no time to do anything but work. Also me and Carlito have been looking at things and everytime we sim stuff using the data the best rating we've seen from the CPU shows is a C+. That being said the data needs an overhaul somewhere.... So, the final version of this thing isnt going to be worth a crap, at all. I wanted to have new pics cut, but that's going to take a long time. I have thrown together some new screens... But the data and pics are far from being what I wanted to have done by the 29th, even with the TONS of help people have been giving. I just havent had the time to put it together. Now with the overhaul that it looks like the data does need... it's going to be even longer than expected. So, nothing will be officially released tomorrow like I intended. I have no idea when something worth a $#;t is going to be ready either... if anyone wants what I do have email me at [email]JohnnyFenoli@aol.com[/email]. It's not really playable at this point however.[/QUOTE] The Data does matter quite a bit in this new setting (2007), but I'm sure you will eventually have it the way you want (believable). The game still has glitch's as well, so don't forget that. Will probably for a good while, but they seem to get fixed as fast as they come:-) I've been messing around with some of the older data, and playing around with owner/bussiness difference's between brands, which makes a pretty good difference on alot of issue's. The promotions way of doing things makes even a bigger difference. The way this mod is represented, I really wouldn't be worrying too much on "perfection" as like before, people will give you ton's of information and "corrections" as well as advice after you release it (Good and bad, but the board can help decide the difference's). In other words, you guys make everyone feel important enough on this mod, that most everyone that gets involved (helping with data, or playing it) feels your pain, frustration, or the opposite when things go right. "For the people, by the people" is a great way to justify multiple and regular changes to it. People just want to have something to play when the mod comes out, and the more people you get playing it, the more they can come back and contribute something (think of it as a Beta, or heck, release it as a beta)... then fix the bugs as they are brought to the attention of the FOTORC people:-) I don't know if it worked or not, but I had the feeling you were feeling frustrated or rushed. I meant this to sound comforting! So don't fret on small things!
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;173585]WSX is a TV show not a wrestling promotion. MTV and the president of big vision both said so.[/QUOTE] Yeah, ok... Well, they are going to use wrestler's, and promote the product as a competition to WWE and TNA both... However, they do say they are just a TV show... Then they say PPV's might happen in the same breath. I do not care personally if this is in or out. However, I have to say they might only "claim" to be a TV show, and not a promotion.. but sounds like it plans to do all the things a Promotion does (outside of touring, and that's not sayin' they won't... I think if it ever catch's on, they will tour with MTV, whereever they go).
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There is a Brian Kendrick and a Spanky, Spanky is the Brian Kendrick that you guys don't have signed so delete him. There are also two Justin Credibles, Justin Credible and Peter Polaco. I would suggest to delete Justin Credible. There is a Paul Burchill and Paul Birchill. I say delete the Paul Birchill as Burchill is his official name. There is a Sylvain Greiner and a Sylvan Greiner, I say delete Sylvan Greiner. There is a Warrior and a The Warrior, they are both good so just delete either one of them. NWE should be put in Western Europe, not in Japan as it is in Italy. Thus some of those wrestlers will need to be able to work in Europe. The Great Muta needs to have Can Work In UK checked and possibly raise his popularity a little in UK too.
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Of course I have not had a look at the data yet, but by looking at this last page of posts I do say one thing, Kurt should have a loyalty to TNA. He said himself that he plans on being there in one compacity or another for the next 20 years. He said that he will retire with them and then move on to behind the scenes stuff. He also said that he thanks TNA for saving his life. Big words I know but I think it merits a loyalty to TNA. However, like you said Carlito, wrestling is opinion based, but this seems like a good bet. One other question, I have not been threw every page of the thread, but has a release date for this MOD been set?
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Just to let you know, like I posted in TCP's, I will be releasing a public Puerto Rico data with WWC and IWA, all the workers, titles and all. You just need to import it and add the title histories, which I can link for you if you desire. It is around 50% done and maybe I can have it ready by next week.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;173830]Of course I have not had a look at the data yet, but by looking at this last page of posts I do say one thing, Kurt should have a loyalty to TNA. He said himself that he plans on being there in one compacity or another for the next 20 years. He said that he will retire with them and then move on to behind the scenes stuff. He also said that he thanks TNA for saving his life. Big words I know but I think it merits a loyalty to TNA. However, like you said Carlito, wrestling is opinion based, but this seems like a good bet. One other question, I have not been threw every page of the thread, but has a release date for this MOD been set?[/QUOTE] Unless worker loyalty is switched on for USA its pretty pointless
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[QUOTE=TEWFan;173868]Just to let you know, like I posted in TCP's, I will be releasing a public Puerto Rico data with WWC and IWA, all the workers, titles and all. You just need to import it and add the title histories, which I can link for you if you desire. It is around 50% done and maybe I can have it ready by next week.[/QUOTE] But if it's imported wouldn't he also have to manually add contracts, set the heel/face alignments, etc.? Doesn't seem worth it to me,
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[QUOTE=Deadman36g;174055]TEWFan, just cause it dosen't seem worth it for him, that does not mean it dosen't for the rest of us. I would love to have Puerto Rico in this mod.[/QUOTE] Seconded. Don't release an add on - add in the PR stuff to the mod itself and release the whole thing.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;173830]Of course I have not had a look at the data yet, but by looking at this last page of posts I do say one thing, Kurt should have a loyalty to TNA. He said himself that he plans on being there in one compacity or another for the next 20 years. He said that he will retire with them and then move on to behind the scenes stuff. He also said that he thanks TNA for saving his life. Big words I know but I think it merits a loyalty to TNA. However, like you said Carlito, wrestling is opinion based, but this seems like a good bet. One other question, I have not been threw every page of the thread, but has a release date for this MOD been set?[/QUOTE] Kurt wouldn't even be in TNA if the WWE had given him the push he wanted in spite of his condition. Don't believe for one second that he wouldn't go back if he felt they would give him what he wanted. I think some people confuse loyalty with a lack of options and personal reasons. Loyalty the way Adam defined it within the game means a worker won't leave his promotion even if the competition offers him more money, a better push, and anything else he desired.
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I just bought my 2007 game today and converted the FOTORC data along with Real World data I put in myself such as workers and venues from 2005. The only things that I've found pain-staking long is Title Lineages. The first thing I tried to tackle was the NWA World Title. I got down to Lou Thesz's 2nd win and called it off. I got out of my chair, and thought that I'd leave it to people who probably get something more out of this than me. Am I wrong to think this and just wait for a group of people such as you guys to release one? I wish I could be able to put in alot of work on doing this, but I keep overstressing the amount of data that goes into a big project like this. One of the factors that got to me when I started on the Title Lineage section was when I was looking at the list of names of people who held the NWA World Title. I looked down and saw Harley Race. I went over to the Workers section in the editor and tried to find him, but he wasn't in there. Race held the Title 8 times, so I figered he should be in. He also owns the promotion World League Wrestling, so with that, comes the Titles for that company. By this point, the thought of just entering name by name for the NWA World Title would be a task I could do, then the huge Spider Web of information hit me and I gave up. Because if you follow a piece at a time, it all has to come full circle. And when you do something that goes full circle, you can't miss any information or it becomes a big cluster and doesn't make any sense. So it came to me, that 1 person can't work on all this without breaking down. I've never worked on a project such as TCP's awesome Fall Of The One Ring Circus mod so I don't know how you guys put it all together in the end. If you guys just choose what you work on and put it all together in the end, I might be able to accomplish that. But right now, being stuck with Dial-Up, I'm in a corner. But if I can find a way to get better Internet service, I'd love to work on one of these.
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