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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Everytime I read this I think, "Wow, what a great main event," then I scroll down and realise that there's still about four matches left! I love that everything has such a big stage feel to it, borne out of the necessity of the time period, but if I was in the crowd I would be exhausted and have lost my voice about half way through. And for somebody who hates Bagwell so much, you sure do write some fried gold for him.
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[QUOTE=iMac;575109]Good stuff again buddy. Edge and Christian were reeking of awesomeness, and I loved the blatant "We're here to distract you" line. Personal highlights included Michael Cole taking a beatdown, RVD beating the Game and Sable pinning Mero. Can't wait for Survior Series. Somebody has to turn somewhere surely?[/QUOTE] Maybe, maybe not! Haha. I thought the whole RVD thing wpuld be a nice little thing to give him a slight elevation but hopefully it didn't bury HHH at all, but the main idea behind it was the tension it would cause ahead of Survivor Series, especially as Triple H seems a little jealous of Van Dam. And cheers about E&C. I think they were just such a great tag team, really really top quality and as I'm a huge fan of tag team action I really want to get them involved in everything to raise the prestige of the belts as well as themselves. Thanks for the feedback, it is really appreciated. [QUOTE=BoomKing;575181]Everytime I read this I think, "Wow, what a great main event," then I scroll down and realise that there's still about four matches left! I love that everything has such a big stage feel to it, borne out of the necessity of the time period, but if I was in the crowd I would be exhausted and have lost my voice about half way through. And for somebody who hates Bagwell so much, you sure do write some fried gold for him.[/QUOTE] I will cover Bagwell later on in this story, but I might as well point out that (and this is all part of a completely fictional story, not even TEW related but just me trying to keep it realistic) Bagwell has been a really pain in the bum as of late and so his whole OTT sex obsession thing is almost a punishment. He hasn't done all that well in the big feuds so he's taking time further down the card, somewhat like what MVP was supposed to be doing with his losing streak. Your point about burn out is an interesting one, and one that I've thought about. I'm putting together some really huge matches I know and it is possible people will burnt out because it's almost non-stop. However, my theory is that, as WWF is still in a war with WCW at the moment, and as I don't book PPV's to build up to TV like WWF did in real life, I have to give fans a reason to choose us over the competition. By stacking the cards with main event calibre matches, it would, in theory, not give people any reason to watch WCW. And of course, every segment counts for fear that fans will turn over at something they don't like. Thank you for your feedback though, it really is appreciated. Cheers.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;575391] I will cover Bagwell later on in this story, but I might as well point out that (and this is all part of a completely fictional story, not even TEW related but just me trying to keep it realistic) Bagwell has been a really pain in the bum as of late and so his whole OTT sex obsession thing is almost a punishment. He hasn't done all that well in the big feuds so he's taking time further down the card, somewhat like what MVP was supposed to be doing with his losing streak. Your point about burn out is an interesting one, and one that I've thought about. I'm putting together some really huge matches I know and it is possible people will burnt out because it's almost non-stop. However, my theory is that, as WWF is still in a war with WCW at the moment, and as I don't book PPV's to build up to TV like WWF did in real life, I have to give fans a reason to choose us over the competition. By stacking the cards with main event calibre matches, it would, in theory, not give people any reason to watch WCW. And of course, every segment counts for fear that fans will turn over at something they don't like. Thank you for your feedback though, it really is appreciated. Cheers.[/QUOTE] I think I have a thing for gimmicks that are supposed to be punishments. I was a huge Perry Saturn fan during the whole moppy affair and MVP is my current favourite! The burn out thing wasnt meant to be a slight against you in any way, sorry if it came across that way, I was just meaning that your undercard keeps me so entertained that the main eventers are like the icing on a very awesome cake.
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ssfinalza9.jpg[/IMG] [B] WWF Championship Match Owen Hart © vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]When Steve Austin lost the WWF Title in July he was refused the right to a rematch from the start. In typical Stone Cold fashion he has raised hell while champion Owen Hart has taken on challengers from all fronts, with back up from The Alliance of course. Finally the Rattlesnake gets his chance for revenge as he and Owen Hart compete one on one for the WWF Title for the first time in a true battle of the titans. Only one man can emerge as champion, who will it be?[/I] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock[/B] [I]Two of the most dominant factions in WWF history have been butting heads for months and it all comes to a head tonight. The Alliance has tried to maintain its stranglehold on the WWF but Team DX have been a thorn in their side all along. Will McMahon’s influence and manipulating hand a victory to the Alliance or will the huge fans favourites pull it out of the bag one more time?[/I] [B]Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]One word- brutality. Finlay may have won the title at Capital Carnage but now his Anklelock manoeuvre has been reinstated Shamrock is on the warpath. A Belfast Brawl is all about physicality and that is right up both of these men’s streets. There will be pain, there will blood, and there will be an undisputed Intercontinental Champion at the end of it all.[/I] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/B] [I]This match has so many intertwining rivalries and must surely have a huge impact on the tag team division. It is no secret the hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian have had their troubles, in fact, they’ve been fighting for most of the year and had a brutal Ladder Match last month, but they join together to combat the dominant team of the Acolytes and the evil, Gangrel led newcomers Fallen Angels.[/I] [B]Tazz vs Goldust[/B] [I]This one goes way, way back. They were Tag Champions even though Tazz hated his partner; they were opponents in a brutal match which left Tazz suspended and Goldust on the injured list and now it continues. The mind games have to come to a stop in favour of wrestling as we will discover who really is the best man.[/I] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] [I]Zukaya have been on a path of destruction since their debut but perhaps things are ready to change. A group of disgruntled Light-Heavyweights, fed up of the abuse of the Japanese thugs are here and ready to change things. But don’t forget the personal element to this- Taka was put of action after a series of brutal attacks and Taylor will be looking for retribution following the assault on his partner on Raw.[/I] [B]WWF European Title Marc Mero vs Lance Storm ©[/B] [I]If you want to talk about personal feuds, look no further. Lance Storm is looking to be an impressive European Champion but faces competition from a man with everything to gain and nothing to lose. Mero’s life was turned upside down when he split from his beautiful wife Sable in front of a very public eye and has returned promising vengeance against the man now managed by her. Storm has defended Sable’s honour so far against the disgusting Mero, but will that extend to his title defence?[/I] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] [I]What must Psicosis be going through right now? After months of having the upper hand on Chavo Guerrero he has now found himself, against his will, as a part of the cheating, under-handed Vato Loco’s. Indeed, it was Psicosis’ intervention and role in the post-match beatdown of Al Snow and Tommy Dreamer on Raw that has led to this match, but how will he be able to team with 3 of his biggest enemies? And how will Dreamer, Snow & Sabu be able to team after so many extreme matches over the last year? And who in the hell is this mystery partner?![/I] [I][SIZE="4"]Plus…[/SIZE][/I] [B]The Debut Of The Future The Future: Sean Morgan vs Godfather[/B] We've heard from him for months, but now we finally see him. He has billed it as one of the monumental moments in WWF history as Sean Morgan finally debuts in the WWF! See all this and more at the 12 annual Survivor Series this Sunday from the Kiel Center in St Louis, Missouri, only available LIVE on PPV![/FONT] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="4"]PREDICTIONS[/SIZE][/B] [B] WWF Championship Match Owen Hart © vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock[/B] [B]Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs Ken Shamrock[/B] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/B] [B]Tazz vs Goldust[/B] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] [B]WWF European Title Marc Mero vs Lance Storm ©[/B] [B]Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] [B]The Debut Of The Future The Future: Sean Morgan vs Godfather[/B] [/FONT].[/CENTER]
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [I]I think Owen is gonna have the title at least until Wrestlemania, and he's really looking good right now as champion, and I don't want him to lose it.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock [I]It seems to me you're building up Triple H for a turn, but I think you'll pull like a swerve, and have The Rock turn instead. But you know, that's probably just because I like The Rock more as a heel.[/I] Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay ©[B] vs Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]As tough as Finlay is, Shamrock is unstoppable with the Ankle Lock.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq[/B] vs Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian [I]Well, E & C won on RAW, and I always had the feeling that winning one week before the PPV against your opponent is a bad omen.[/I] Tazzvs[B] Goldust[/B] [I]I think Goldust will get the surprise pin, which would further fuel Tazz's rage.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs [B]Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] [I]I like the team better, besides, Mike Quackenbush never wins anything...ever.[/I] WWF European Title [B]Marc Mero [/B]vs Lance Storm © [I]I don't know, I just don't feel Storm is gonna lose it yet, besides their is the whole Sable thing.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ??? [I]Teams with mystery partners always win, it's a fact.[/I] [FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Verdana]The Debut Of The Future[/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic]The Future: Sean Morgan [B]vs Godfather[/B][/FONT] [/FONT] [I]Well, it's Morgan's debut, and besides, it's just plain embarrassing to lose to the Godfather.[/I] Anyway, just wanted to say that I really love your diary, I don't know if you noticed, but my diary starts only a year before your's did, it's not just a coincidence.;)
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Owen retains thanks to a little help from his friends. I see a lot if interference in this one for both men. Classic Survivor Series Match Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock[/B] Team DX win, but at what cost? Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] Ankle Lock gets the victory here Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq[/B] vs Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian It makes sense for them to go over here [B]Tazz[/B] vs Goldust Tazz is gonna kill you Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs [B]Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] Here is your winner, and sole survivor...Mike Quackenbush! WWF European Title Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] Lance retains but this isn't over Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ??? The Debut Of The Future The Future: Sean Morgan vs [B]Godfather .[/B] After all the hype, Morgan loses and realises you have to walk the walk to make it big in The WWF
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart © [/B]vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs [B]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/B] [B]Tazz[/B] vs Goldust Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs [B]Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] WWF European Title Marc Mero vs[B] Lance Storm ©[/B] Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs [B]Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] The Debut Of The Future The Future: [B]Sean Morgan[/B] vs Godfather .
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WWF Championship Match Owen Hart © vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] - Owen's run has been a successful one but with Wrestlemania looming just around the corner, I see Austin getting a couple of months to settle as champion before retaining at Mania and then losing sometime in the summer. Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock - Cue Triple H turn and a new DX forming between him, the Outlaws and a re-signed Sean Waltman as X-Pac. Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] - So much has been made of the Anklelock that it seems logical enough that Shamrock wins with that. Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs [B]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/B] - New kids could get the surprise PPV win, especially with Acolytes on their side but Hardys and E&C are more established on the whole and it's a big PPV. Tazz vs [B]Goldust[/B] - If the feud is continuing, Goldust wins. If Tazz wins, I see him moving on to other things. Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor - Very tempted to go with the mish-mash of other guys but I have to give the nod to the unit. WWF European Title Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] - Hmm. Not sure why; just personal preference really. Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs [B]Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] - Sandman maybe? Maybe a Psicosis swerve if that makes any sense... hmm. Either way, ??? usually means victory. The Debut Of The Future [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs Godfather - I would be mightily amused if Morgan turns out to be a complete flop in the ring and proceeds to have a long losing streak but got to play the odds. He's had this build-up, chances are he'll get a debut victory. Either cheats to win or loses very, very quickly.
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Classic Survivor Series Match Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock[/B] Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title [B]Finlay © [/B]vs Ken Shamrock Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs [B]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian [/B] [B]Tazz[/B] vs Goldust [i] One of my favorite things about this diary has always been Goldust, but Tazz is a maniac. No pun intended.[/i] Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs [B]Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] WWF European Title Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs[B] Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] The Debut Of The Future [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs Godfather . [i] Really looking forward to seeing how you do with this.[/i]
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart[/B] © vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [I]I don't think Owen is quite ready to drop the belt yet.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock [I]There's a swerve in there somewhere I'm sure[/I] Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]Been chasing for a good while now.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs [B]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/B] [I]Devon and Daniels aren't over enough yet to play their part, and I don't think Bradshaw and Farooq should be carrying the team to victory.[/I] Tazz vs [B]Goldust[/B] [I]This is kinda a toss up as Goldust has been playing all the mind games, but Tazz is such a badass. I'll go with Goldie but it could easily go to Tazz[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor [I]I would think their experience as a unit would lead them to the win[/I] WWF European Title [B]Marc Mero[/B] vs Lance Storm © [I]Sable swerves Lance to hand Mero the win... that or Lance wins clean.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs [B]Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] [I]I alwasy choose ??? to win[/I] The Debut Of The Future [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs Godfather . [I]I'd be very surprised if he lost considering the build he's had[/I]
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [I]Owen's the man around here.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock [I]Trips will turn.[/I] Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Finlay © vs [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] [I]Shamrock to get the title back.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs [B]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/B] [I]Honestly, don't care all that much about this match... Daniels and Covell haven't been around long enough though.[/I] Tazz vs [B]Goldust[/B] [I]By DQ, when Tazz tries to kill him.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki vs [B]Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor[/B] [I]Again, not all that fussed in this match. Faces to win though.[/I] WWF European Title [B]Marc Mero[/B] vs Lance Storm © [I]Freeing up Lance Storm to move on to bigger or better things. Or Title vs Sable matches. One of the two.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs [B]Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] [I]Always go with the mystery opponent.[/I] The Debut Of The Future The Future: [B]Sean Morgan[/B] vs Godfather [I]With all that build, Morgan had better win. Unless his gimmick is losing all the time.[/I]
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WWF Championship Match [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - [I]Owen vs. RVD. You know you want to book it.[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Team Alliance- The Undertaker, Kane, Jeff Jarrett & The New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]Team D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Mankind & The Rock[/B] - [I]The feelgood moment of the show[/I] Belfast Brawl Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title [B]Finlay ©[/B] vs Ken Shamrock - [I]Unbridled brutality, and therefore more Finlay's remit than Kenny's[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Christopher Daniels, Devon Covell, Bradshaw & Faarooq vs [I]Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Edge & Christian[/I] - [I]Can't see the champions losing this[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] vs Goldust - [I]Let the path of rage regain its momentum[/I] Classic Survivor Series Match [B]Hayashi, Togo, Tajiri & Funaki[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush, Taka Michinoku, Dougie Williams & Scott Taylor - [I]Greater experience as a group[/I] WWF European Title [B]Marc Mero[/B] vs Lance Storm © - [I]Muddy the waters some more [/I] Classic Survivor Series Match Chavo Guerrero Jr, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Psicosis vs [B]Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Al Snow & ???[/B] - [I]Juvi? Rey? Can't see beyond an extreme win here, whoever it is[/I] The Debut Of The Future [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs Godfather - [I]Not even close[/I]
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Thanks to everyone for the predictions and feedback so far, I will respond properly to them in time, but I just wanted to point out this diary has been going 2 years to the day as of today. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, predicted and helped with it, I had no idea it would have lasted this long and been so well recieved when I started it. Thank you, I really mean it. You guys are the best. :)
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[SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]The Pre-Show For…[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ssfinalza9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the Sunday Night Heat opening video the camera cuts to Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly who are sitting at ringside as the fans enter the arena. [B]Cole:[/B] Hello everybody and welcome to Sunday Night Heat, the last stop shop before Survivor Series airs in just under half an hour. My name is Michael Cole and I’m sitting alongside Kevin Kelly. Kevin, how excited are you about the upcoming Survivor Series pay-per-view? [B]Kelly: [/B]Thanks Michael, I’m really excited. There are some huge matches on the card, some huge title matches to be decided and the only way you can be a part of the action is by ordering the pay-per-view in the next thirty minutes! [B]Cole:[/B] Of course, and to whet your appitite we’ve got a couple of huge matches in store for you including an in ring performance from the Heartbreak Kid himself, Shawn Michaels! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. & The Bagwell vs The Headbangers[/SIZE][/B] The fans got firmly behind the skirt-wearing team from New Jersey despite much of the match being dominating by two of the best young talents in the business today. Despite their differing gimmicks the heels gelled well together, and despite the best efforts of the Headbangers they were eventually but away by the Move Formerly Known As The Lo-Down. [B]Winners: Desmond Lowford Browington & Bagwell in 4:03[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two enormous limousines pull up to the arena, side by side. The driver of the first limo opens the back door as Vince and Shane McMahon walk out to an absolute barrage of boos. The other limo is then opened where the rest of The Alliance exit, Kane & The Undertaker of course looking completely out of place in such a setting. [B]Vince: [/B]Mmmm…. Tonight… Tonight is going to be a good night. I can feel it. [B]Shane: [/B]Hallelujah! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Cole:[/B] Well now folks we have a great honour in welcoming a special guest to Sunday Night Heat, the legendary Dusty Rhodes! [B]Dusty:[/B] Aw, thank you babah, it’s good to be here, ya know? [B]Cole:[/B] Dusty, I want to take you back to this Monday night where we had the final meeting between Ken Shamrock and the Intercontinental Champion Finlay, although it didn’t seem at first like there would be a confrontation. Check out this footage: [QUOTE]Bearer turns his back to vacate the ring but is suddenly attacked by the Worlds Most Dangerous Man! Shamrock rips his shirt off in a fit of fury, screams himself in to the zone and starts tearing at Bearer’s ankle. Bearer obviously tries tapping straight away but Shamrock doesn’t care, until the lights go out and chilling organ music fills the arena. [B]JR: [/B]Oh God, no. [B]King:[/B] This isn’t good JR. Kane & The Undertaker make their way down to the ring, and as soon as they enter they are cut off by Shamrock, but that means little. They easily overwhelm him and start beating down on him, until they both eventually grab him by the throat… [I]BREAK IT DOWN![/I] Rob Van Dam, Mankind, Shawn Michaels and Triple H sprint down to the ring and engage the Brothers Of Destruction in an almighty clusterf*ck scrap, all wildly throwing punches at each other until a whole host of referees, EMT’s, backstage workers and even a few wrestlers run down to pull them apart. Both sides are on the outside of the ring, trying to desperately to get at each other as Ken Shamrock gets to his feet, obviously dazed, in the middle of the ring. He looks out at the carnage when Finlay suddenly slides in to the ring from the crowd to meet Shamrock as he turns around and snaps his shillelagh on his head! Shamrock collapses to the mat in a heap as Finlay and Bearer exit via the crowd.[/QUOTE] [B]Cole:[/B] My question to you, as a man who has come across the wrath of Ken Shamrock several times with your client Jeff Jarrett, does Finlay have the edge going in to this match after the attack or has Shamrock just been awoken? [B]Dusty:[/B] Babah, let me tells ya, dat Shamrock cat is a baaaad cat, babah, and he is as vicious as dey come, but forget dat! Mah boy Jeffrah is on da Team Alliance tonight and, babah, you betta start asking questions about him. [B]Cole:[/B] Okay, very well. Is Jarrett ready for his role in such a big match? [B]Dusty: [/B]What are you, some kind of slapnut babah? Mah boy Jay has got aaaaall da stroke. Last week he gave it good to Da Rock, and babah, didn’t you just see Da Rock in all dat pain? Babah, tonight you see da New American Dream take out DX and take his rightful place amongst da immortals of wrestling. Dis interview is over, babah! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Gangrel vs Chyna[/SIZE][/B] Another unusual combination of wrestlers in the build up to Survivor Series, Chyna obviously wanting a warm up ahead of her strongman competition with Bagwell tomorrow night. Gangrel is a very talented wrestler, more than people give him credit for, however, so with neither person able to gain an advantage the Brood run to ring side and trip Chyna up, allowing Gangrel the chance to nail Chyna with a DDT for the win. [B]Winner: Gangrel in 5:22[/B][/CENTER] Post match The Brood slide in to the ring and hold Chyna up with Gangrel ready to strike the defenceless woman again when Edge, Christian and the Hardy Boyz sprint down to the ring to intercept. The Brood immediately vacate the ring, knowing a 5 on 3 fight would get them nowhere ahead of their PPV debut. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is aired highlighting the background of the feud between Team DX and The Alliance, starting with Owen Hart winning the title from Shawn Michaels and the feud that spawned from there between Kane, The Undertaker, Triple H and HBK. Of course, The Rock and Mankind’s history is chronicled, as is the tension between fellow DX members Rob Van Dam and Triple H, and the way the New Corporate Outlaws returned from injury to screw their long time buddies. The video ends with Jarrett becoming member number five and the brutality all ten men have forced upon each other over the last few months. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Mabel vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] This ridiculous match is so clearly there to punish Shawn Michaels that parts of the ever-filling crowd actually crap on it, especially given Michaels reluctance to exert too much energy ahead of such an important match later. Mabel, on the other hand, senses an opportunity and refuses to let it go, and spends a lot of the match beating Michaels from pillar to post. All this said, Michaels’ showstopping instincts eventually take over and his inability to not give his all for the crowd prompt the appearance of the Acolytes and Finlay who nailed him with Finlay’s IC belt. [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels by DQ after 4:28[/B][/CENTER] The bell rings but that doesn’t stop The Alliance, each taking it in turns to beat on the Heartbreak Kid until Rob Van Dam sprinted to the ring from the back, armed with a steel chair. Finlay and Acolytes fled the ring immediately as RVD helped HBK to his feet; although you get the sense the damage has been done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chyna is backstage, holding her sore neck, when bagwell c0ckily struts in, a ridiculously big grin spread across his face. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Ouch, darlin’, that looked painful. [B]Chyna: [/B]Laugh it up, jock strap, laugh it up. I saw your match and you looked impressive, but let me assure you tomorrow night I will humiliate you in front of the world when I prove I am stronger, have the better physique and all around am a better person than you. I can’t wait for tomorrow night. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Neither can I, babes. Just like when I take drunk girls home, you won’t know what hit you. Get ready to get on your knees and beg… maybe more… ‘cause you’re gonna get embarrassed in front of thousands of people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A black truck screeches around the corner of the parking lot here at Kiel Center and suddenly stops right by the entrance. The door flies open and Stone Cold Steve Austin gets out to an almighty roar from the crowd! [B]Cole:[/B] He’s here! Stone Cold is here! Will it be tonight that the Rattlesnake wins back his WWF Title? Suddenly, as from nowhere, the entire Alliance jump out and start beating on Steve Austin. With no comrades, Austin is left alone as Finlay nails him in the ribs with his shillelagh and the Acolytes and Corporate Outlaws lay the boots in to him. Kane & The Undertaker stand either side of the McMahon’s as Owen tells the attackers “that is enough” as he leans over Austin’s prone body. [B]Owen:[/B] When are you gonna get it in to your thick skull, Austin? Tonight is not your big night- it’s mine. There is no chance in hell you are gonna take my WWF Title. [B]Cole:[/B] Oh my, how is Stone Cold going to be ready for his title match tonight? Damn you, Owen Hart! Damn you, Alliance! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[QUOTE] Thanks to everyone for the predictions and feedback so far, I will respond properly to them in time, but I just wanted to point out this diary has been going 2 years to the day as of today. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, predicted and helped with it, I had no idea it would have lasted this long and been so well recieved when I started it. Thank you, I really mean it. You guys are the best. [/QUOTE] What a way to celebrate your two year anniversary, with a super stacked Survivor Series! I couldnt wait before, and now you've gone and got me really excited after heat! Owen vs Austin is one for the ages!
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;580995]What a way to celebrate your two year anniversary, with a super stacked Survivor Series! I couldnt wait before, and now you've gone and got me really excited after heat! Owen vs Austin is one for the ages![/QUOTE] Cheers buddy, glad you are looking forward to it. I don't often get a chance to do a main heel vs main face match, and I'd like to think this one is hard to call because both are on such a roll. I just hope it delivers. [QUOTE=mad5226;581005]Wow 2 years....congrats man. 2 years and still as great as ever[/QUOTE] Cheers mate, much appreciated. I wish I could post with the regularity I used to, but either way I can't believe this is two years old! So much has changed since then and so much has gone on, I'm just so grateful that this has had the support that has made me want to carry on with it. Thanks for the feedback guys, hopefully Survivor Series will be up within the next couple of hours. :)
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[CENTER][I][B]Owen Hart:[/B] All my life I have been considered lesser than my brother… [B]Steve Austin: [/B]All my life I’ve been considered an outcast… [B]Owen:[/B] But I’ve stayed true to who I am… [B]Austin:[/B] But I’ve stuck to my guns… [B]Owen: [/B]I’ve risen from my brothers shadow… [B]Austin: [/B]I’ve risen from the tyranny of my boss’s hatred… [B]Owen: [/B]I’ve done what I had to… [B]Austin:[/B] I’ve done it on my own terms… [B]Owen:[/B] And I am now THE champion… [B]Austin:[/B] I am now THE best… [B]Owen:[/B] And tonight I prove why they call me the King Of Harts… [B]Austin:[/B] And tonight I prove why they call me the Baddest S.O.B in the WWF… [B]Owen: [/B]I will not fail… [B]Austin:[/B] I will not fail… [B]Owen:[/B] Tonight’s not about victory… [B]Austin:[/B] It’s about survival.[/I] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ssfinalza9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pyrotechnics fill the Kiel Center as the camera pans around the crowd, thousands of fans on their feet jumping up and down, the audience a sea of colours with homemade signs illuminating the beautiful arena. The camera then settles on the announce team for the night, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. [B]JR: [/B]21,779 fans are packed in to the Kiel Center in St Louis, Missouri for the 12th annual Survivor Series! Hello, folks, I’m “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross and as usual I’ve not come alone, I’m beside the legendary Jerry “The King” Lawler. King, what a night we have in store. [B]King:[/B] No doubt JR, this is huge! What a crowd! [B]JR:[/B] The fans are hot, no doubt about that King. We’ve got 9 huge matches, 4 Classic Survivor Series matches, the debut of The Future: Sean Morgan and three title matches- but none of them are bigger than the match for the WWF Title. [B]King:[/B] I can’t believe it! Owen Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, one on one in the centre of the ring to discover who is the best in the world. No interference; and the winner walks out with the Championship. I love it! [B]JR: [/B]You say no interference King, but it hasn’t stopped The Alliance from getting their hands on the Rattlesnake. You saw it as clearly as I did, King, can you believe the audacity of The Alliance? [B]King:[/B] What do you mean “audacity”? They did what they had to do to ensure Owen & Team Alliance have got the advantage going in to their matches; I would do the exact same thing. As you say, JR, this isn’t ballet. [B]JR: [/B]Damn it, I know that, but what happened to “may the best man win”? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The heart monitor sounds from the sound system as smoke fills the walkway, with Tazz eventually walking through and to the ring, grabbing a microphone as he does so. [B]Tazz: [/B]Tonight, the BS ends! Goldust, you bring your ass to this ring and I will prove to you that when it comes to kickin’ ass there ‘aint nobody better at it than the “Human Wrecking Machine”. I sent you to hospital before and I’m about to do it again. Thug life born, thug life bred, and when the time comes, I’ll be thug life dead! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Goldust-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs Goldust[/B][/SIZE] This match begins, somewhat surprisingly, with Goldust using his veteran wills to stay one step ahead of the Human Wrecking Machine, who clearly feels the frustration at his inability to get any decent move in on the Golden One. However, Head Of WWF Creative Kiefer J Moon is a huge fan of Tazz and he proved why quickly, regaining his foothold in the match and then beginning to dominate with his incredible variety of Suplexes. Goldust is no slouch either and had his moments where he looked like he had enough to grab the victory, but in the end even the crowd’s willing on of the Bizarre One wasn’t enough as Tazz slipped out of a Curtain Call attempt and in to a Tazzmission! [B]Winner: Tazz in 8:47[/B][/CENTER] The bell rings, but Tazz won’t let go. He squeezes, tighter and tighter, over and over until the life has completely passed out of his long time foe. Eventually, with the assistance of four or five referees, he relinquishes and stands over Goldust, perhaps finishing this feud for good. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Hardcore are backstage. [B]Tommy Dreamer: [/B]How about you, Sabu? You found anyone? Sabu shakes his head. [B]Al Snow: [/B]I have. [B]Tommy:[/B] Don’t you start with that again, Al. [B]Snow:[/B] What alternative do we have? [B]Tommy:[/B] Fine… [B]Snow: [/B]Really? [B]Dreamer:[/B] (sighing) Yes. [B]Snow:[/B] Alright! Team Hardcore are ready to go, me, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and… Head! (Starts talking to his mannequin head as the others look on confused) Now, I’ve got you a big opportunity, don’t get too nervous on me and start going down, okay? I want you to lap up everything they have to offer, okay? [B]Dreamer:[/B] Can I borrow him for a moment? [B]Snow:[/B] Are you saying you want me to give you Head? [B]Dreamer: [/B]Oh for God’s sake… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Alliance are backstage. [B]Vince: [/B]I’ve got to hand it to you, Son; you never fail to impress me. [B]Shane: [/B]Thanks, Pops! I know, but thank you. [B]Vince:[/B] That was a great plan and now The Alliance are firmly in the drivers seat for our matches later tonight! [B]Owen: [/B]Whoa, Shane-O, don’t get carried away. Obviously, I’m more than in control against Austin, but you other guys better make sure you get the job done. [B]Shane: [/B]Don’t you worry about us, Owen, we will. Jeff Jarrett walks in, accompanied once again by Dusty Rhodes who gets a decent pop for his return from the crowd, and Terri Runnells, who gets a pop. For two reasons, mainly. [B]Shane:[/B] And here is why! Jeffrey, baby, show me some love. Jeff and Shane hug. [B]Shane: [/B]Terri, beautiful as always. Dustah, good to see you again. [B]Dusty: [/B]Mister McMahon, it’s a pleasah for sure. My boy Jay here is sure weadah for this match, you tell him babah! [B]Shane:[/B] This true, Jeff, you’re ready for this one? [B]Jeff: [/B]Aw, Shane-omatic, I’ve never been more ready than I am tonight! I’m ready to prove to you that I am exactly the man you need on your side when it comes to a war like this. But you better remember our deal, Shane-O. If I survive, I get a title shot. [B]Shane:[/B] I haven’t forgotten, you win the match and the title shot is yours. That goes for all of you, boys, a win tonight equals a title shot after Survivor Series. [B]Vince: [/B]And I’ll go you one better, Jarrett. If you’re the sole survivor tonight not only will you get a title shot but you will be made a full time, permanent member of The Alliance. [B]Jeff:[/B] As long as the title shot is there too. [B]Vince:[/B] It certainly is. [B]Jeff:[/B] Now you’re talking my language! [B]Dusty:[/B] Me too, babah! [B]Vince:[/B] I hope not. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Classic Survivor Series Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MrAguila.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefTommy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/headkyky.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Team Vato Loco’s” (“Chavito Heat” Chavo Guerrero Jr, Reyes Rios Rodrigues, Essa Aguila & Psicosis) vs “Team Hardcore” (WWF Hardcore Champion “Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer, “The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu, Al Snow & Head)[/SIZE][/B] Luckily not too many fans feel ripped off at the prospect of seeing a mannequin head as the surprise partner of the Extremists, however, the heavy booing does start quite early when Sabu is pinned after a Moonsault by Essa Aguila right form the bat. [B]Elimination #1: Sabu by Essa Aguila in 1:02[/B] Aguila jumps to his feet in celebration after the pin but obviously doesn’t quite understand Survivor Series rules as he turns around in to a DDT from Tommy Dreamer! [B]Elimination #2: Essa Aguila by Tommy Dreamer in 1:10[/B] Rodrigues jumps in the ring and takes Dreamer out straight from the pin, slowing the quick nature of eliminations as he battles against the Extremist, using his fast paced, high-flying offence to good affect and making good use of tags between himself and Chavo, but doesn’t give Psicosis the trust to try. However, this soon changes as Psicosis blind tags Chavo and starts beating on Dreamer who ducks the on running Luchadore and plants him with a DDT which sends him rolling from the ring! Dreamer follows him out as they start battling on the outside, only to be intercepted by Rodrigues with a Hurricanrana off the apron! The battling continues on and up the rampway with Psicosis dominating, but he suddenly turns around and notices the refree is counting them out! He sprints to the ring with the referee at 7, but stops just before sliding in, looks at Chavo by the ring apron and slowly walks away, leaving the referee to count him and Dreamer out! [B]Eliminations #3 & 4: Psicosis & Tommy Dreamer in 5:12 (Count-Out)[/B] Chavo is obviously livid at the actions of Psicosis but manages for once to keep his aggression focused on the right place, that being Al Snow, who is now alone with only a mannequin head as a partner. Al Snow is one heck of an athlete but so too are Chavito and Rodrigues and as such they briefly dominate until Snow rolls up Chavo from nowhere! [B]Elimination #5: Chavo Guerrero Jr by Al Snow in 7:10[/B] Chavo is once again furious and takes Snow down with a Clothesline, allowing Rodrigues to gain the upper hand again until the hot tag to head! I can’t believe I just wrote that! Snow grabs Head and swings at Rodrigues! He places Head on top of the befallen high-flier for the three! [B]Survivors: Al Snow & Head in 8:20[/B][/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Future: Sean Morgan is backstage with Kevin Kelly. [B]Kelly: [/B]I’m backstage here and lucky enough to be the first person to speak directly with The Future: Sean Morgan. Sean, how are you feeling ahead of your big debut tonight? [B]Morgan: [/B]I feel incredibly insulted for one, jack-off. It’s Mr Morgan or Mr Future to you. Never call me Sean. Got it? [B]Kelly:[/B] Yes. [B]Morgan:[/B] Yes what? [B]Kelly:[/B] Yes, Mr Future. [B]Morgan: [/B]Better. Now, in just moments time I will go out there and prove to every single one of the idiots here in Kansas City… [B]Kelly:[/B] It’s actually St Louis… [B]Morgan: [/B]Next time you interrupt me I’m going to kick your ass. Anyway… tonight I will prove to the world that the ridiculously expensive video packages have been worth the while, that they are justified for a man of my ability. I will show everyone that Mr McMahon was right in giving me what is probably the biggest salary in wrestling history as tonight is step one on my way to WWF immortality. Courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch Mantell: [/B]Hi everybody, I’m backstage here with Mankind. I have to ask, what with Team Alliance being such a cohesive unit, can your team of individuals really pull it off tonight? [B]Mankind:[/B] Well, Dutch, I think you’ll find that while I may be in a team of individuals, it may be the best Survivor Series team ever assembled. I may have taken one too many chair shots in my time but I can see when a team has potential and boy, Dutchy, this one has potential. [B]Dutch:[/B] But after you beat Shawn and Van Dam beat Hunter on Raw, the troubles you and The Rock have had this year; can you really co-exist? [B]Mankind:[/B] I can’t speak for the other guys, but we’re about as close as it gets. But as for me and Rocky, I know we’ve had troubles, hell, he tried to kill me several time sin the last few months, but I know that when you’ve got two guys who can do what we do (suddenly turns in to a Rock impersonation) you will be looking at the most electrifying team in WWF history! And then, Mankind promises to you… He stops suddenly, and the crowd goes bananas as The Rock walks in to shot. [B]Rock:[/B] Tell The Rock you weren’t just doing his stick? What has The Rock told you about his stick? [B]Mankind:[/B] Don’t do The Rock’s stick. [B]Rock: [/B]Exactly, especially not without introducing it firstly as FINALLY… THE ROCK… HAS COME BACK… TO ST LOUIS! Mankind you say that we have a team of individuals, that this team of individuals may be the best Survivor Series has ever seen and you’d be right, but The Rock says, no The Rock promises, no The Rock guaran-damn-tees that tonight in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans that we will go out there and we will whoop Fat Ass Billy Gunn’s candy ass… we will whoop Doggie Style Jesse James’ candy ass… we will whoop the Big Red Retard Kane’s candy ass… we will whoop the Phenomenally Sucking Undertaker’s candy ass and… oh boy… we will whoop the American Wet Dream, Stroking Dusty’s Slapnuts Until He’s Blue In The Face Jeff Jarrett’s candy ass! [B]Mankind: [/B]You know, Rocky, you really like to mention other men’s asses. Could it be true that The Rock really does suck?! [B]Rock:[/B] No, no, no, Mankind you’ve got it all wrong! You see, you may suck in your spare time, that’s fine, The Rock doesn’t judge, and The Rock sure as hell doesn’t suck, in fact you will see tonight that it is The Alliance that well and truly sucks when The Rock lays the Smackdown on all their candy asses… IF YA SMEEEEEEELLLLLLL…. WHAT THE ROCK…. IS COOKIN’ The Rock walks off as the crowd cheer, leaving Dutch and Mankind alone again. [B]Mankind: [/B]Well… erm… Have a nice day! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lights dim to almost entire blackness as mist fills the rampway as some chilled orchestral music plays softly while the fans scratch their heads in unison at the strange occurrence. Eventually a message is shown on the Titantron; [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]THE FUTURE IS HERE[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Finally the crowd are “treated” to the introduction of Sean Morgan, the young Canadian who has been shoving himself down the throats of the viewers for months. He slowly makes his way down to the ring, showing off his incredible physique as he goes, before finally stopping in the ring, spotlight still on him, as he poses for the largely unimpressed crowd. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Godfather1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Future: Sean Morgan vs Godfather w/Ho’s[/SIZE][/B] The Godfather is Morgan’s first opponent, but even the ho’s don’t seem to be able to distract him from what he’s about to do. Godfather obviously has a lot of support and uses his veteran instincts from the off, but eventually the athleticism and youthful exuberance of Morgan is enough to give him the opportunity to nail Godfather with a picture perfect FuturePlex. [B]Winner: Sean Morgan in 4:59[/B][/CENTER] As soon as the bell rings, with many fans booing, Morgan grabs a microphone and turns to the ho’s. [B]Morgan: [/B]Ladies, you have just seen how it is down. What you are looking at is the finest example of the male specimen you will ever lay your eyes on. And all of you fans better get used to the sight of me with my arm raised in victory because there ‘aint nobody ready to stop my ascent to the top. This is the first win of many, courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan. Morgan vacates the ring and is followed by the ho’s who can’t get close enough to him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels is backstage with Van Dam, who’s trying to make sure his buddy is alright when Triple H walks in. [B]Triple H:[/B] Shawn, what happened? I only just heard, are you okay? Sorry I couldn’t be there to help? [B]RVD: [/B]Don’t worry, dude, I was there to break it up. [B]Triple H: [/B]Erm… nobody was talking to you, Jumping Jack. Beat it while the adults talk. [B]Shawn:[/B] Hey! This guy just stopped me form getting my ass handed to me when you weren’t there. You don’t talk to him like that. Where exactly were you? [B]Triple H: [/B]I was busy. You know what it’s like, Shawn. [B]Shawn: [/B]No I don’t. We’re supposed to be in this together. I don’t know if you’re pissed that Rob beat you last week but you better get on our side. [B]Triple H:[/B] He got lucky. [B]RVD:[/B] Whatever, dude. This briefcase is all the proof I need to tell me I beat your ass last week. [B]Shawn:[/B] Guys, would you stop? Don’t you see what is happening? Now far from it for me to get angry about people creating controversy but we can’t be arguing amongst ourselves. The only way we are gonna solve this problem is by taking out The Alliance and worrying about our little problems afterwards, Agreed? [B]RVD:[/B] Count me in. [B]Triple H[/B]: Yeah, sure. [B]JR:[/B] How the hell are DX going to get over all this tension in time for their match? This couldn’t have gone better if McMahon had tried! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Classic Survivor Series Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Team Zukaya” Tajiri, Togo, Funaki & WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Hayashi vs “Team Light-Heavyweight” Taka Michinoku, “Nameless Jobber” Mike Quackenbush, “Braveheart” Dougie Williams & Scotty Too Hotty[/SIZE][/B] Surprisingly for such a (kayfabe) newcomer, the fans were really behind Scotty Too Hotty who spent the first minute running through the whole of Zukaya in a flurry on motivation, momentum and revenge for the injuries to his friend and partner Grand Master Sexay. It seemed as though the rest of the team may not have been needed until Tajiri nailed him with a thrust kick from nowhere. [B]Elimination #1: Scotty Too Hotty by Tajiri after 0:57[/B] Mike Quackenbush then launched himself in to the ring with an innovative flying clothesline variation, but as he crouched behind Funaki, waiting for a chance to pounce, he darted forward but was hit by a Superkick by Tajiri! [B]Elimination #2: Mike Quackenbush by Tajiri in 1:45[/B] [B]JR:[/B] How dangerous are these kicks by Tajiri?! He’s on absolute by God fire tonight! With Zukaya 4-2 up with just under 2 minutes played the match took a change as Dougie Williams slid in to the ring and slowed the pace down, methodically avoiding any offence from Zukaya and tying them up in knots with his complex submission manoeuvres. He then starts using fast tags with Taka as they maintain control despite the numbers disadvantage, and somewhat surprisingly eliminate the Light-Heavyweight Champion when Dougie nails him with a Chaos Theory! [B]Elimination #3: Hayashi by Dougie Williams in 5:11[/B] Dougie then goes straight after Togo who tries to get a sneak attack but the Braveheart is having none of it, nailing him with a couple of very un-technical Clotheslines. Dougie runs all around Togo, but such is his intensity to eliminate him he doesn’t realise the blind tag from Funaki who rolls him up for the one… two… three! [B]Elimination #4: Dougie Williams by Funaki in 6:27[/B] [B]King: [/B]Haha! Look at Taka! He looks like he’s seen a ghost! [B]JR:[/B] Indeed he does and it’s all down to him now in a 3 on 1 environment. Zukaya waste no time in risking the wrath of the referee by employing all 3 men to take Taka down, leaving him to truly fight against the odds. With Taka down, the three thugs take advantage of quick tags, each wearing the former Light-Heavyweight Champion down a little bit more, until Taka rolls through a Flying Crossbody attempt to catch Togo for the the three! [B]Elimination #5: Togo by Taka Michinoku in 8:45[/B] No sooner has the bell run than Funaki almost runs straight through Taka, taking him out ferociously and throws him to the outside of the ring so Tajiri and Yamaguchi-San can brutalise him while the referee is distracted. When Taka is thrown back in once again he is forced to go through the slick, fast paced, technical offence of these very well trained and well conditioned athletes, but the fans get behind him 100% as he constantly tries to mount a comeback against seemingly insurmountable odds. Eventually, he backs out of a Powerbomb attempt from Tajiri, nails Funaki with a visually stunning Dropkick, picks Tajiri up… Michinoku Driver! [B]Elimination #6: Tajiri by Taka Michinoku in 11:47[/B] The crowd pop tremendously for the young Japanese star as he grabs Funaki, signalling for another Michinoku Driver, only for Yamaguchi-San to enter the ring with the Light-Heavyweight Title and swings at Taka, only for Taka to miss and nail him with a Superkick! Taka kicks him from the ring but is rolled up by Funaki… ONE… TWO… TH… No, Taka rolls through and has Funaki’s shoulders against the mat… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Survivor: Taka Michinoku in 12:28[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Can you believe the fortitude of this kid?! He was in a 3 on 1 scenario and even though he still can’t be 100% he gave it his all and by God he got the job done! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Austin is backstage, being tended to by paramedics after the heinous attack on him before Survivor Series began, however, Austin is refusing to be seen to, insisting he is fine, when Edge & Christian enter the room. [B]Christian:[/B] Oh look, it’s the bald eagle. [B]Edge:[/B] Good one, Christian. [B]Christian:[/B] Thanks, Edge. We’re here to let you know that the little trick you played on Raw is not cool. We helped you, man, we went against The Alliance to give you support and you totally Stunnered us. [B]Edge:[/B] Yeah, that totally stinks of heniousity. You can consider this the last time we help a little chumpstain like you. [B]Christian:[/B] I mean… Suddenly Austin gets up from his seated position and just walks straight out of the room, game face on, not once looking at the Tag Team Champions. [B]Christian: [/B]What a total gearbox. [B]King:[/B] Come on, JR, you can’t tell me that wasn’t rude. The fightingest Tag Team Champions in history were talking to him and he just walked out on them. [B]JR: [/B]I don’t think Austin cares to chat with anyone right now. Did you see the look on his face as he walked out? I’ve gotta believe that Austin, whether he’s 100% healthy or not is ready to go out there and get what is rightfully his. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation European Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keeflance.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Lance Storm © w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] The newly reformed European Title is on the line for this, but you can’t help but think this one is about so much more than the gold. Mero cheap shots Storm to get the match started and doesn’t even allow his opponent a piece of offence for a while, however, his enthusiasm to taunt his ex-wife at all times allows the young Canadian to get back in to it, and the two then continue a relatively even, technical based match until Mero low blows Storm after getting Sable riled enough to try to interfere. The crowd support for Storm is somewhat surprising, but I guess you should come to expect it if the guy insists on knocking out quality every time he ever steps in to the ring. Storm tires to mount a comeback and attempts a Single Leg Boston Crab, but Mero shoots him in to an unprotected turnbuckle and drops him with an impressive Powerbomb. He drags him to the corner and leaps off for the Marvellocity… but misses! Storm Superkicks him back to the mat and once again locks the Single Leg Boston Crab in, only this time in the middle of the ring Mero has no choice but to tap! [B]Winner and still WWF European Champion: Lance Storm in 7:02[/B][/CENTER] Sable slides in the ring and congratulates her client who for once actually shows a smile on his face. However, that smile is stripped from his face as he is Clotheslined to the mat by Mero who starts laying the boots in to him until Sable nails him with the European Title! She then picks him up, shoves him between her legs (and hence becomes the luckiest man in the world) and lifts him up for an awe-inspiring Sable Bomb to an incredible pop from the crowd! [B]JR: [/B]Bah Gawd! Did you see Sable just plant her ex-husband?! [B]King: [/B]I… I… I’m speechless! Sable, please, please, please do that to me! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker, Kane, Paul Bearer, Jeff Jarrett, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Vince and Shane McMahon are all backstage. [B]Vince: [/B]You guys aren’t stupid; most of you have been in the business a while and you know what I have accomplished. I took my fathers business- a regional wrestling company that was lost in the crowd and I turned it in to a global, multimedia, multi-billion dollar company. This is my baby, my creation, and damn it, tonight I’m putting it in to your hands. I can’t have it being ruined by these rebels you are about to face. I can’t and I won’t have them win tonight. [B]Shane:[/B] The future of this company is dependent on tonight. This company is my family’s legacy and the most important thing is we continue to do things the McMahon way. We must maintain control and do whatever it takes to remain in charge. Tonight you aren’t going out there as The Alliance. You aren’t going out there as Jeff Jarrett, or the Outlaws, or Brothers Of Destruction. You aren’t going out there as former Heavyweight, Intercontinental and Tag Team Champions. You are going out there as representatives of the McMahon family. And in the McMahon family failure… is not an option. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video airs highlighting the intertwining feuds within the Team DX and Team Alliance match, going through DX vs Brothers Of Destruction, Mankind vs The Rock, New Age Outlaws turning on Michaels and Triple H, the ascension of Rob Van Dam and the tension between himself and Hunter and finishing on Jarrett becoming the fifth member by cheap shotting The Rock on Raw. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Classic Survivor Series Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TripleH1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Team Alliance” (Kane, The Undertaker, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg & “New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett) w/Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Paul Bearer vs “Team DX” (“Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, “The Game” Triple H, Mankind, “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam & The Rock)[/SIZE][/B] The crowd are pumped for this one from the off, with the fans tending to alternate between a “H-B-K!” or “Rock-y” chant, but it is when an “R-V-D” one starts up with him in the ring that Triple H takes offence and gets a blind tag to really speed up the match. For the most part the Outlaws seem somewhat reluctant to face either of their former DX colleagues, however, with Shawn Michaels down Road Dogg fancies his chances, only to see over-confidence lead to a hot tag to The Game! Billy Gunn tries to get involved but it’s no use… Pedigree to Road Dogg! Take that for your treachery, Dogg-man! [B]Elimination #1: Road Dogg by Triple H in 4:20[/B] Shane McMahon looks incensed at the first elimination being an Alliance one, but Vince looks on confidently and simply ushers Kane to enter the ring. Even though both Brothers have already been in the ring, seeing Roadie get eliminated seems to light a fire under the Big Red Machine and he shows some of the enthusiasm he has seemingly lost since his association with The Undertaker, however, when The Deadman wants in his brother dutifully makes the tag. With The Alliance making the most of quick tags and using their somewhat dominant offence, eventually The Rock becomes stranded and plays face-in-peril, but after ducking a Clothesline attempt from Kane he nails him with a beautiful DDT and makes the hot tag to Mankind! Mankind clears house and whips Kane in to the corner, but as he charges he misses the blind tag from Jeff Jarrett! Mankind reaches in to his pants to give Kane a taste of Mr Socko, but Jarrett rolls up behind and plants him with The Stroke! [B]Elimination #2: Mankind by Jeff Jarrett in 7:27[/B] Jarrett looks delighted at his coup of such a big name, right up until he turns around in to Sweet Chin Music from HBK! [B]Elimination #3: Jeff Jarrett by Shawn Michaels in 7:32[/B] Michaels is jumped straight away by Billy Gunn, but it’ll take more than an Ass Man to take out the Showstoppa! Michaels battles away with him until Gunn tries to throw him from the ring, but Michaels clings on and attempts to Skin The Cat… but is stopped by Jeff Jarrett! Jarrett grabs his leg and yanks him down, grabs him from behind and plants him with a Stroke on the outside of the ring! Has Jarrett just taken Michaels out of the match? EMT’s attend to Michaels as The Undertaker gets a bit of alone time with Rob Van Dam, pummelling the future star over and over, using his slow, deliberate offence to not only take the energy out of Van Dam but to infuriate the crowd, which clearly works. With RVD down, The Undertaker signals for a Chokeslam, but The Rock grabs his arm and nails him with a Rock Bottom! Sensing an opportunity, Van Dam springs to life and hits the Phenom with a Split Legged Moonsault. Billy Gunn charges in to the ring but is nailed with a Spinning Heel Kick as Van Dam then bounces off the ropes… Rolling Thunder! No sooner has RVD’s body landed on Gunn than Kane climbs to the top rope and leaps off for a Flying Clothesline… but Van Dam catches him with a dropkick! The Big Red Machine is knocked silly as Van Dam climbs to the top rope and leaps off to knock him from the ring with a kick. Sensing his team are on the backfoot Vince McMahon attempts to get in the ring only be restrained by the referee, allowing Shane McMahon to enter the ring with a Steel Chair… no! Van Daminator! Shane McMahon has been busted open! The crowd are cheering tremendously for Van Dam’s ass kicking as he leaps to the top rope, stalking The Undertaker who is still feeling the affects of the Rock Bottom. ‘Taker gingerly gets to his feet and turns around as Van Dam meets him with a Crossbody but is instead caught as The Phenom simply flips him on to his shoulder and plants him headfirst with a Tombstone Piledriver to take out the Whole Dam Show right in the middle of his spell of momentum! [B]Elimination #4: Rob Van Dam by The Undertaker in 10:11[/B] With HBK still down, The Rock and Triple H, two men with such history, try to work together against the seemingly indestructible trio of The Undertaker, Kane and, ahem, Billy Gunn. ‘Taker and Gunn force The Rock to the outside so Kane can dominate Triple H alone, but suddenly, as Kane as the Death Grip on Hunter ready to take him out with a Chokeslam, Michaels slides back in to the ring and nails him with Sweet Chin Music, allowing Hunter to kick him in the gut and takes him out with a Pedigree! [B]Elimination #5: Kane by Triple H in 13:18[/B] The Undertaker, who has been on almighty form throughout the entire match, then spends much of the match dominating the uber-faces after seeing his brother eliminated, of course with the cheating and conniving help of Billy Gunn. After a Spinebuster on the Phenom from Triple H, Gunn attacks from behind to prevent a pinfall but is knocked from the ring by HBK, who has finally taken exception to the interfering. Michaels leans out of the ring to go after him… and gets nailed with a Steel Chair by Shane McMahon! Shawn’s face is a complete crimson mask! The Undertaker sees Shawn and goes to attack but is spun around by Triple H who goes for a Pedigree… but Undertaker powers out! He picks The Game up and splats him with a Chokeslam! One… Two… Three! [B]Elimination #6: Triple H by The Undertaker in 15:45[/B] Now down to two on two, The Rock quickly makes himself the legal man so not to use the battered and bloody Shawn Michaels, but even The Great One finds himself falling prey to the dominant Deadman, who then tags in the impressive looking Billy Gunn. The Ass Man, perhaps the best athlete pound for pound in the WWF, uses a lot of his energy wearing The Rock out, plastering him with high impact moves as the Brahma Bull tries to make it to the refuge of Shawn Michaels, who can barely prop himself up while waiting for a tag. Billy Gunn starts using his speed to send Rocky all around the ring and eventually whips him against the ropes and bends down, but is kicked back up! Gunn staggers around… Samoan Drop! The Rock crawls towards his corner, but The Undertaker wanders over and nails him with an elbow to the back of the head and drags him back. Billy whips him in to the corner and nails him with a Stinger Splash, picks him up and whips him to the other. He darts across the ring again but is met by with a Clothesline from The Rock that sends him inside out. Rocky dives across the ring… hot tag to Michaels! Despite having lost a lot of blood, Michaels battles away with both members of The Alliance, throws ‘Taker from the ring, slams Gunn to the mat and nails him with an Elbow Drop! But of course, that’s not all. With blood pouring on to his chest, he backs in to the corner and begins to tune up the band, the crowd clapping in time, but Vince McMahon slides in the ring! Michaels darts forward and hits the owner with Sweet Chin Music! The crowd explodes as he crotch chops the chairman, but as he turns around he is nailed with a Fame-Asser! ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Elimination #7: Shawn Michaels by Billy Gunn in 18:22[/B] The Rock can’t believe it but he is the last man for Team DX, so he wastes no time in trying to attack Billy, but of course the numbers game once again catches up to him. The Alliance dominate the Great One, but with the fans wiling him on with all he’s got, The Rock tries to mount a comeback, but it seems to be of little use. Now completely ignoring the referee, ‘Taker and Gunn start double teaming him, battering the People’s Champion between themselves as they whip him in to the ropes, only for The Rock to hang on! ‘Taker runs and is catapulted over the top, Gunn runs at him but The Rock ducks it… Rock Bottom! Vince and Shane try to interfere but the referee counts anyway… one… two… three! [B]Elimination #8: Billy Gunn by The Rock 20:49[/B] It’s now down to the final two. The Rock is exhausted but has no time to recuperate as The Phenom is on him right away. A “Rock-y” chant starts up yet again as The Rock battles back, barely able to stand, but as he runs the ropes he is tripped by Shane, causing him to stumble in to a Big Boot from the Deadman. The Undertaker raises his arm to signal for the Chokeslam, grabs him by the throat and lifts him up, but The Rock reverses it, kicks him in the gut and DDT’s him! Both men are down, until The Rock suddenly springs to life and stands at the head of The Undertaker as the crowd go wild for the People’s Elbow! The Rock runs the rope, off the other, kicks the leg out… no! The Undertaker sat up! ‘Taker grabs him by the throat again but The Rock blatantly low blows him while the ref is distracted by Vince, but as he goes to run the ropes KANE gets in the ring and Chokeslams him! Where the hell did he come from?! Kane rolls out of the ring as ‘Taker makes the cover… [B]JR:[/B] Oh please God, not this way! ONE… TWO… TH… [B]JR:[/B] NO! The Rock kicked out! Can you by God believe the guts on this kid?! Shane McMahon, disgusted at the referee Earl Hebner not making the count, gets in the ring and punches him clean out. Vince gets in the ring as well, only for Mankind to run to the ring with a Steel Chair! [B]JR:[/B] What?! After everything they’ve been through is Mankind really going to help The Rock?! Shane runs at him but is met with a Steel Chair to the head. Kane goes for him but Mankind wraps it around his head too. Suddenly, Mankind is clubbed from behind with a strong arm from The Undertaker, who then grabs Mankind around the throat, only to receive a low blow from The Rock! With The Phenom doubled over, Mankind grabs him and sends him headfirst with a Double Arm DDT! The fans go nuts until The Rock turns around in to a chairshot from Vince McMahon! The Great One goes down as Vince sets his sights on Mankind, only for Mankind to suddenly turn around and stare down the chairman. Vince tries to charge but he’s met with stiff right fists as Mankind punches him in to the turnbuckle, then opens up all kinds of hell as he punches him over and over until Vince is slumped in the corner. Mankind backs up and knees him in the face! The crowd cheer at the abuse of the owner but before Mankind can reach for Mr Socko he is cut off by Kane who meets him with a hard upper cut. He tosses mankind to the outside of the ring and continues to beat him down on the outside as The Rock and Undertaker get back to their feet. Both men, obviously exhausted by now, trade right hands, neither able to stand firmly, and eventually ‘Taker gets the upper hand with a knee to the gut and flips Rocky for the Tombstone… but The Rock rolls out! Rock Bottom… no! Undertaker elbows him away ‘Taker grabs The Great One as Kane re-enters the ring and charges at The Rock… but hits The Undertaker! Kane accidently hits The Undertaker! The Rock spits on his palm and knocks Kane from the ring and turns around… Rock Bottom to the Deadman! Earl Hebner is coming to… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Sole Survivor: The Rock in 26:28[/B][/CENTER] The crowd explodes at the victory of the People’s Champion who immediately mounts a turnbuckle and looks out to the people, smelling the electricity as the people go crazy! [B]JR: [/B]Bah Gawd, he did it! The Rock overcame all the odds and he’s the by Gawd sole survivor! [B]King:[/B] I… I… [B]JR:[/B] The Rock did it! Team DX did it! [B]King: [/B]I… I… this is terrible! Rocky, what have you done?! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to Dutch Mantell rushing around, trying to tell the camera that he has heard that there is some “huge development” he needs to get to. The camera follows him to the parking lot while the crowd look tentatively on, until he gets to The Future: Sean Morgan who is joined by a few cameramen, a couple of reporters and of course the ho’s. [B]Morgan:[/B] You are all gathered here to see the exit of the MVP of Survivor Series 1998. I came, I saw, I conquered, and tonight, these ladies will see me come again. Put the date in your diaries, people, 22nd November 1998, the night that changed wrestling forever, courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan. Morgan gets in to the back of a huge stretch limousine which screeches off in to the night with the gathered few looking completely bemused. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Belfast Brawl Match for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefFit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KenShamrock-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay © vs “World Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock[/SIZE][/B] Those hoping for a violent brawl have come to the right place because Finlay nails Shamrock with his shillelagh before the opening bell has even rung! Both men proceed in taking each other to hell, Shamrock somewhat surprisingly dominates parts of the match like we have never seen against Finlay, but the Fighting Irishman, for once without Paul Bearer, uses a wide variety of weapons in innovative ways to make sure he is still in this title match. After about five minutes, however, Finlay knocks Shamrock from the ring apron and he lands awkwardly on his shoulder. A couple of referee’s check up on him and he’s clearly in pain, however, he battles through it despite having virtually no use of his left arm. The match continues as hellaciously as ever, but Shamrock’s downfall is his injury as he can’t grasp for a Belly To Back Suplex and when he gets an Anklelock opportunity he can’t grab the ankle, and eventually Finlay puts the wounded animal away with a Celtic Cross to retain. [B]Winner and still WWF Intercontinental Champion: Finlay in 10:36[/B][/CENTER] EMT’s rush to the ring from the back with the closing bell as Finlay holds the Intercontinental Title high above his head, looking out on the booing crowd. Shamrock is really holding on to his shoulder and grimacing in pain as doctor’s check on it as Finlay turns to look at Shamrock and lets out a laugh at once again causing destruction to the WWF. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Kevin Kelly:[/B] I’m standing by with the WWF Champion Owen Hart. Owen, you have been through more than most to hang on to your title, but tonight you face perhaps your biggest challenge in the shape of the Texas Rattlesnake; Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]Owen: [/B]What the hell does that mean? Are you trying to scare me? I know what I’m dealing with here. This is a former WWF Champion. A man who has seen popularity the likes of which may never be seen again. I know this, but so does Austin know all about me. You see, he’s not just facing anyone tonight. He is facing the WWF Champion. He is facing, quite simply, the greatest wrestler alive today. So if you’re looking for someone to try and scare, you’re with the wrong person. I’m not afraid of the Rattlesnake, I’m not afraid of his venomous bite- he is afraid of me. I’ve broken his neck before and tonight I will go out there in front of thousands of people and I will break his neck again and save the WWF from what it is killing it. I may have to do it by the wrong means but by God, I’m doing the right thing. The WWF will be a better place without Steve Austin, and after tonight, you will never see him again. At the moment you can call me Owen Hart, you can call me the Leader of the Alliance, you can call me the King of Harts, you can call me the WWF Champion, and after tonight you can call me The Saviour. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Classic Survivor Series Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Edgechamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Team Acolytes/Brood” (Bradshaw, Faarooq, Devon Covell & Christopher Daniels) w/Gangrel vs “Team Hardyz/E&C” (Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and the WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian)[/SIZE][/B] Covell and Daniels are making their PPV debuts here, and both men look ready to go from the off as they try to dismantle the Tag Team Champions, although Edge & Christian seem to get the better of them. That is until the over-exuberance of the young Canadian’s leads them to take one chance to many as Covell nails Christian with a Tornado DDT. [B]Elimination #1: Christian by Devon Covell in 2:43[/B] The Fallen Angel’s seem to want to continue their domination, almost ignoring the Acolytes, but is this which causes the downfall of Covell as he doesn’t tag when he gets the chance and is put away by the Hardy Boyz with an Omega Splash. [B]Elimination #2: Devon Covell by Matt Hardy in 3:30[/B] This gives the Acolytes a chance to get in to the match and they use their brutal, stiff offence to really smash the young opponents apart, and even when Jeff uses his speed to gain the advantage he dives off for a Splash but is met with a Clothesline From Hell in mid air, allowing Faarooq to pick him up and completely splat him with a Dominator. [B]Elimination #3: Jeff Hardy by Faarooq in 4:51[/B] The Acolytes continue to dominate and isolate Matt Hardy, with Daniels teaming quite well with them to offer a variation on their offence. Edge can’t get in to the ring by legal means so with Matt positioned for a Dominator Edge sneaks in the ring and Spears Faarooq, allowing Matt to hit him with a Flying Leg Drop for the pin. [B]Elimination #4: Faarooq by Matt Hardy in 6:00[/B] Matt gets to his feet and turns around but is met squarely with a Clothesline From Hell! [B]Elimination #5: Matt Hardy by Bradshaw in 6:08[/B] Edge is now all alone against Bradshaw and Christopher Daniels, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. Daniels begs for a tag so he can face Edge one on one in a bid to gain vengeance for his mentor Gangrel which he is allowed to do. The two youngsters put on a good wrestling show but the numbers game is just too much as despite Edge’s almost heroic efforts at battling two extremely impressive men, he is finally put away with the Last Rites. [B]Survivors: Bradshaw & Christopher Daniels in 8:59[/B][/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] How good did the Acolytes and Fallen Angel’s look, JR? [B]JR:[/B] They were impressive alright. Edge gave it everything he had but it was just too much for him tonight. [B]King:[/B] Surely this will have ramifications for the Tag Team titles? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly, the crowd explodes as the Titantron changes to the sight of Steve Austin walking backstage in his wrestling gear, seemingly ready to go, until he is interrupted by Michael Cole. [B]Cole: [/B]Steve, Steve, just quickly- Your title match is up next- after everything that has happened, how can you possibly be 100% tonight? [B]Austin: [/B]What are you, boy, stupid? There aint no way that I’m gonna be 100% for this match but that doesn’t mean jack now. All that matters is I’m gonna walk in to that ring and raise more hell than you have ever seen and the title is coming back with old Stone Cold, and that’s all I gotta say about that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is played to hype the WWF Title match between Owen Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin. It starts at Wrestlemania where, much to Vince McMahon’s annoyance, Austin wins the title against Owen and Michaels. After months of defending it he loses to Michaels, but receives no rematch as Owen goes on to become one of the greatest champions of all time, beating the likes of Lance Storm, Triple H, Jeff Jarrett, The Undertaker, Kane and of course Shawn Michaels to hold on to the gold while Austin is forced to jump through hoops for the McMahon’s. It also includes Austin being fired and eventually returning to throw Vince through a table off the top of a steel cage and beating Shane McMahon in a Street Fight, and finishes with the intense rivalry between Owen and Austin over this month with Owen and Austin squaring up to each other with the voice over from Vince saying; [I][CENTER]“There’s no chance in hell, Austin, that you will ever be WWF Champion again!”[/CENTER][/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“King Of Harts” Owen Hart © vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] So here it is. Maybe the biggest WWF Championship match ever. It’s hard to doubt that Owen is the number one heel and Austin is the number one face in the world right now, let alone the WWF, and this is apparent from the huge reaction to both men, albeit for different reasons. Austin may not be 100% but the intensity in his eyes tells a different story, but Owen Hart is not one to be intimidated. He stares back intently, focused on his plan to rid the WWF of the Texas Rattlesnake. The match starts slowly with both men intent on showing the other up, the tests of strength and mat wrestling may not have been expected but it makes sense- Owen’s boastful taunts at each lock up he wins shows how much this means to him, whereas Stone Cold shows no emotion throughout, even when beating the champion in a show of strength. After a little while of jostling, sensing that maybe the challenger is getting the upper hand Owen kicks him in the knee and targets the Rattlesnake’s legs, much to the very vocal distain of the fans. Austin seems to really be struggling at the start, and sensing an opportunity Owen Hart throws Austin from the ring, demanding he counts him out. The referee is left with no choice, but Austin isn’t going to be beaten that easily and slides back in to the ring for a continued assault by the champion. The King of Harts then tries to get himself counted out, but this is the opportunity Austin was looking for. With Owen walking down the aisle, Stone Cold chases him and knocks him to the ramp, almost drags him by the hair in to the ring and starts to show a bit of offence himself. Referee Mike Chioda is pretty lenient as Austin stomps Owen slightly south of the belt line, but shows the same leniency when Owen low blows as Austin gains momentum. Eventually the match begins to gain speed as both men decide to kick it up a notch, the crowd still cheering every Austin move and booing everything Owen offers. The match spreads to the outside as they continue to battle away, but Owen always remains somewhat in control as he whips Austin in to the stairs and throws him in to the ring post. He tears the Spanish announce table apart and holds Austin up for a DDT, but Austin powers out of it and Suplexes him through the other table! Owen looks out for the count but rather than getting him in the ring and pinning, Austin goes over to the timekeeper, grabs a beer and sits down telling the referee “I ‘aint done with him yet”. Eventually Owen is thrown back in to the ring but Austin takes too long getting in, allowing Owen to tackle him to the ground and start working on the legs again, even locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock around the ring post as the Rattlesnake screams in agony. That said, you just don’t keep the Rattlesnake down, and Owen finds that out the hard way as he gets back in to it with a Lou Thesz Press and elbow drop, and after a bit of tussling nails him with the Stone Cold Stunner! This one should be out of here… but Austin goes to the outside?! He grabs a steel chair and brings in to the ring, Mike Chioda arguing with him, and wraps it around the ankle of Owen and climbs to the second rope. [B]JR:[/B] No, Austin, no! Don’t do it! You’ll break his damn ankle and you’ll get disqualified! Just win the damn match! Mike Chioda stands in front of Austin, begging him not to jump on to the chair as other referees run down, they too trying to get Austin to come down. Eventually he relents and to a mass chorus of boos gets down from the turnbuckle and takes the chair off Owen’s ankle. He then walks around to his head and wraps it around the champions neck! The crowd goes insane as Austin starts flipping the referees off, but as the get too close he starts throwing fists around like no tomorrow to clear the ring. He finally disposes of them all and climbs to the second rope… [B]JR:[/B] Good God Austin, don’t do it! You’ll regret it for the rest of your life! Austin middle fingers Owen, but to his surprise the champion suddenly comes to life, taking the chair off his neck and Belly to Belly Suplexes Austin off the top rope! Owen laughs somewhat manically as he grabs the steel chair, crouches behind Austin and starts begging him to get to his feet. Austin gradually gets up, shaken from the huge Suplex, turns around… and gets smashed in the head with the Steel Chair! Owen shakes Mike Chioda to wake him and makes the cover… ONE… [B]JR: [/B]Kick out, Austin! TWO… [B]JR: [/B]Not this way, damn it! THR… [B]JR: [/B]Austin kicked out! Austin kicked out! Owen loses his rag and throws a mini hissy fit, begging Chioda to make the count to three. He then grabs Austin somewhat violently and flips him upside down, ready for a repeat of the move that almost ended Austin’s career last year at Summerslam. Owen’s about to nail him… but Austin slides down his back! He kicks him in the gut and goes for the Stunner, but Owen pushes him away… Stunner from Owen! Owen hit Austin with the Stunner! ONE… TWO… THR… No! Austin kicked out again! Owen can not believe it as he struggles to get back to his feet, but instead of waiting this time he grabs Austin’s legs and ties him up with the Sharpshooter, causing Austin to start screaming in pain again, just like Wrestlemania 13. Owen leans back; desperately trying to make the Rattlesnake tap, but Austin clings on, trying to drag himself to the ropes. Inch by inch he gets closer, closer, reaching his arm out until it’s just centimetres from the rope. He tries to drag himself just a bit closer as his fingertips touch the rope… but Owen rags him back in to the middle! Austin’s arm hovers above the mat, ready to tap… only to use his last bit of strength to push Owen away! Austin is free, but the damage is done. In fact, Owen Hart still gets to his feet first and charges at Austin, but Austin ducks, kicks him in the gut and nails the Stunner! The crowd goes wild but Austin has used so much energy, he tries dragging himself over to Owen and drapes an arm… ONE… TWO… THRE… Kick out! Owen kicked out of the Stone Cold Stunner! Austin doesn’t even have the energy to be upset. He tries desperately to get to his feet, using the ropes to prop himself up as Owen gingerly gets to his feet too. They walk towards each other as Austin kicks him in the gut again, but Owen catches it and spins him around and clatters him with a Clothesline. Owen tries to hook the legs but Austin grabs Owen’s straps and rolls him up into a Small Package… ONE… TWO… TH…. [B]JR:[/B] Owen kicked out again! What do these men have to do to put each other away?! This time, perhaps with the adrenaline running again jump to their feet as Owen rolls Austin up in a backslide, only for Austin to kick out and go for a Stunner, but Owen shoves him away and flips him up for Tombstone Piledriver attempt… but Austin reverses it into a Tombstone of his own. Bang! He plants Owen right on his head! Austin slumps to the mat and once again drags himself over to Owen to make the cover… ONE… TWO… THR… Owen kicks out again! [B]King:[/B] This is unbelievable! This time Austin gets frustrated, complaining to the referee but this time instead choosing to climb to the second rope for his offence, taking a chance he may not usually take. He jumps off towards Owen who puts his feet up… but Austin spots it! With Owen’s legs in the air Stone Cold ties them up and puts the champion in his own submission hold! It is the Rattlesnake’s turn to lean right back, trying to drain the resistance out of his opponent, only for Owen to refuse to quit. The agony in Owen’s eyes is clear for all to see, but he won’t tap, he won’t give up, but he has nowhere to go! His hand hovers dangerously over the mat as the crowd cheer wildly, ready to give up… but he suddenly twists and reverses it in to a Sharpshooter of his own! Slap bang in the centre of the ring, the ropes seemingly miles away; Austin flings his arms about wildly, trying to find the courage to keep going. He drags himself to one set of ropes but Owen just has it locked it too tight and drags him right back to the middle. Stone Cold refuses to tap, he won’t give up on his dream this way, not today, but Owen Hart refuses to be beaten too. He leans back, arching his back to a terrible angle and probably injuring himself in the process, but the fans can see Austin’s legs almost doubled up against his back. The torque is quite incredible but even so Austin just won’t die, grabbing his head and trying to pull himself to the ropes, the fans bellowing incredibly for the Rattlesnake to make one last drive. The life is drained from Austin’s face; his head is slumped against the mat as Owen begins to scream, yanking at the challengers legs, happy to tear every muscle in Austin’s body if he has to. Mike Chioda is still in Austin’s face, asking if he gives up over and over again, but eventually no response comes, Chioda checks, checks again, checks yet again, but there is no response from Stone Cold. “Ring the bell!” [B]Winner, and still World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion: Owen Hart in 26:10[/B][/CENTER] The timekeeper does as Chioda asks and rings the bell to declare Owen the winner. Owen falls forwards immediately, once again having been taken to the absolute limit but still walking out the champion. Austin is passed out on the mat, his body put through hell today but he still would not quit. [B]JR:[/B] Bah Gawd, can you believe the determination of The Rattlesnake! Just like at Wrestlemania 13 Stone Cold will not quit! [B]King:[/B] Maybe not but who cares? Owen Hart is still the WWF Champion! [B]JR:[/B] For now, but Stone Cold won’t take this one lying down, I promise you that much. Bah Gawd, Austin will not be held down! Austin will not quit! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Tazz def Goldust Team Hardcore def Team Vato Loco (Al Snow & Head were the survivors) The Future: Sean Morgan def Godfather Team Light-Heavyweight def Team Zukaya (Taka Michinoku was the sole survivor) Lance Storm def Marc Mero to retain the WWF European Title Team DX def Team Alliance (The Rock was the sole survivor) Finlay def Ken Shamrock to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title in a Belfast Brawl Match Team Acolyte/Brood def Team Hardyz/E&C (Bradshaw & Christopher Daniels were the survivors) Owen Hart def Steve Austin to retain the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title
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Absolutely loved loved loved every minute of Survivor Series! Here are my personal highlights: The Owen and Austin opening was awesome and certainly reminiscent of a WWF PPV opening in that time period. YES! Tazzmission! I was so worried by other predictors saying Goldie was gonna win with his prolonged mindgames so was thrilled to see the human suplex machine get the victory. Head surviving! He has no shoulders! He cant be pinned! The rock continues his verbal and physical brilliance streak. Edge and Christian totally reek of awesomosity. I was hoping for Austin to win the main event but the way you wrote it made me wish I could have seen that match in real life, and by the end I was cheering on both men! Congrats on an amazing show Keef.
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Fabulous show from top to bottom. I wouldn't have made the same decisions if I was booking, such as Mankind being eliminated first from his team, and Austin being beaten but that's completely down to the mark in me wanting them to win everything, all the time :o Highlight of the night, for me, was The Rock pulling out the win. The near-fall after the Kane chokeslam was a great moment; in my opinion, no one has ever done the split-second kick out better than The Rock. Most guys you can see it coming before the two-count, almost all a half-second before they do it, Rock though would often make me think it was all over and then from nowhere - BAM! Shoulder up! Also chuckled at: [B]Dreamer:[/B] Can I borrow him for a moment? [B]Snow:[/B] Are you saying you want me to give you Head? [B]Dreamer:[/B] Oh for God’s sake… Because I'm really very immature at heart. Taka was a surprise high point for me. I wasn't really expecting too much from that match in all honesty but that was great. I was predicting it to be as much of a throw-away match as you could expect from a stacked PPV but it surprised me. Also surprised to see Daniels not only win but survive so soon after his debut. Happy with that, because he is so talented and should be the most successful TNA Original rather than the vastly over-rated AJ Styles but that's a different debate for a different day. I can see the positives behind the Owen Hart win despite really, really rooting for Austin. Guess Austin will just have to win the Rumble and take the belt from him at Mania! :p
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Another great show I've always loved booking survivor series, because of the elimination matches, there are just so many possibilities. And I have to say, your's were great. I especially loved the Alliance vs DX. I see you're really pushing The Rock(Naturally), and it's nice to see how his rise would be like of he had stayed a face. But my favorite part was the main event. It takes crafty booking to book your two top superstars in a match, and have them both come out as strong as they came in. I'm also glad Owen won, as it shows how much faith you have in him as champion, and it also shows that your not booking Austin as being a foot above everybody else in the company, but that there are alot of superstars that could be considered your top.
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Great show, keef. Lots of fun all around, although with free reign I must admit I'm a bit disappointed at some of the rapidfire eliminations. But then, a) it's a Survivor Series tradition, and b) who'd really want thrity minutes of Taka? The main event was superb, with the false finishes playing to the famous Tombstone incident, as well as Bret/Austin of course. And hey, isn't it about time to start the Road to Wrestlemania? :p
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