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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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Another good PPV mate. Some very interesting outcomes from the matches, and I am stunned nobody turned in the Alliance/DX match... but I know it's coming eventually. ;) Goldie/Tazz was a nice start, and since it was such a convincing win, I can only assume Tazz is moving on to other targets now, with the win giving him a good start to what is hopefully a solid push. Head getting the final pinfall was a very nice touch, but I couldn't get the image of someone doing the arrongant one-footed pin on Head out of my head. That woulda been a nice touch too, but I guess then it couldn't have scroed the final pin. Morgan is in line for a mega push, but I gotta admit, I thought pornstar the second he left with the ho's! Sorry, couldn't be helped. As for the two big matches, I'm kinda surprised (that's my PC friendly version of constructive criticism) at how far Billy Gunn went. Looking back over the last few months, I'd have thought Double J would have been the perfect candidate for the role in the match. But like you say in my diary, one can only assume something is coming out of it. Rocky winning was the right call, but now I'm intrigued to see what happens with Kane and Taker. Owen/Austin was a superb main event, and the little touches like the tombstone reversal and the finish brought back memories. Keep it up buddy. Rocky/Owen when it eventually arrives will be quite a night I'm sure.
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;581834]Absolutely loved loved loved every minute of Survivor Series! Here are my personal highlights: The Owen and Austin opening was awesome and certainly reminiscent of a WWF PPV opening in that time period. YES! Tazzmission! I was so worried by other predictors saying Goldie was gonna win with his prolonged mindgames so was thrilled to see the human suplex machine get the victory. Head surviving! He has no shoulders! He cant be pinned! The rock continues his verbal and physical brilliance streak. Edge and Christian totally reek of awesomosity. I was hoping for Austin to win the main event but the way you wrote it made me wish I could have seen that match in real life, and by the end I was cheering on both men! Congrats on an amazing show Keef.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the kind words, man, I really appreciate it, especially from someone who I obviously am a big fan of. With Rocky, Edge & Christian, they were so awesome and had such distinct mannerisms I really enjoy writing for them. But with the other instances, the tazz win, Head surviving, Owen winning etc means it's all going somewhere. I wanted to make the Owen & Austin match realistic but to fit the "biggest main event ever" hyperbole that I was going with before the event. I'm a fan of continuity in characters and referencing the past (which is why I lost interest in Kane- he's a guy who spent years in a mental asylum, except on Saturday's when he watched wrestling with "Uncle Paul" who turned out to be his father, yet found time to go to parties and drive cars with a girl despite the fact that he couldn't speak until '99. He had fake hair attached to his mask that didn't come off when he was demasked before, and his scars were just emotional, except for when he took his mask off in the past and people recoiled at the sight of it. *sigh*) so i wanted to run with the whole Tombstone & Wrestlemania Sharpshooter thing throughout the match. Anyway, I went off on one for most of that. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your support and i hope you keep reading. [QUOTE=De@d_fr0g;581859]Another great show I've always loved booking survivor series, because of the elimination matches, there are just so many possibilities. And I have to say, your's were great. I especially loved the Alliance vs DX. I see you're really pushing The Rock(Naturally), and it's nice to see how his rise would be like of he had stayed a face. But my favorite part was the main event. It takes crafty booking to book your two top superstars in a match, and have them both come out as strong as they came in. I'm also glad Owen won, as it shows how much faith you have in him as champion, and it also shows that your not booking Austin as being a foot above everybody else in the company, but that there are alot of superstars that could be considered your top.[/QUOTE] Thanks man. I agree with your sentiments about the main event. Austin just dominated this era and while it obviously worked I'm not a huge fan of it. Guys like Big Show, Dude Love, Kane etc just got rolled over as he took over, even though there were so many possibilities. So if Austin gets hurt, I want there to be other people there, but without taking away from Austin. I loved Owen back in the day, not in a bandwagon way but genuinely from when he was alive. If he had got a push after Montreal (which is essentially what this gimmick is- a person who will do whatever to get on top because don't get anywhere being nice, huh, Bret?) I think he could have been an important cog. His microphone work wasn't great but he was charismatic and from how the boys talk about him sounds like a funny guy. By putting him with The Alliance and letting his wrestling do a lot of the talking hopefully he seems like a credible champion. I'm glad that they both came out of the match looking as strong going in. Around this time WWF really could start to mount an offensive on WCW who was starting to crumble so I wanted the huge main event but didn't want anyone to lose credibility in it. I'm so glad you think that happened with that main event. Thanks again for your feedback, I really appreciate it. [QUOTE=James Casey;581898]Great show, keef. Lots of fun all around, although with free reign I must admit I'm a bit disappointed at some of the rapidfire eliminations. But then, a) it's a Survivor Series tradition, and b) who'd really want thrity minutes of Taka? The main event was superb, with the false finishes playing to the famous Tombstone incident, as well as Bret/Austin of course. And hey, isn't it about time to start the Road to Wrestlemania? :p[/QUOTE] Cheers mate. I know about the quickfire eliminations, I wasn't over the moon but wanted everyone involved in the show and wanted to progress a few storylines so it felt necessary. I'm glad you liked the main event, I think Owen & Austin would have had a great match around this time in the circumstances and like I've said I am a fan of continuity so wanted to reference those two famous matches that would of course be a big part of who these men are. We've already pulled out of the drive and got the petrol for the journey, but as far as I'm concerned this next Raw is where we pull off the small roads and get on the Road to Wrestlemania. I've been building a few feuds for months but everything is about to pick up in regards to 'Mania. Cheers for the feedback buddy, really appreciate it. [QUOTE=iMac;581970]Another good PPV mate. Some very interesting outcomes from the matches, and I am stunned nobody turned in the Alliance/DX match... but I know it's coming eventually. ;) Goldie/Tazz was a nice start, and since it was such a convincing win, I can only assume Tazz is moving on to other targets now, with the win giving him a good start to what is hopefully a solid push. Head getting the final pinfall was a very nice touch, but I couldn't get the image of someone doing the arrongant one-footed pin on Head out of my head. That woulda been a nice touch too, but I guess then it couldn't have scroed the final pin. Morgan is in line for a mega push, but I gotta admit, I thought pornstar the second he left with the ho's! Sorry, couldn't be helped. As for the two big matches, I'm kinda surprised (that's my PC friendly version of constructive criticism) at how far Billy Gunn went. Looking back over the last few months, I'd have thought Double J would have been the perfect candidate for the role in the match. But like you say in my diary, one can only assume something is coming out of it. Rocky winning was the right call, but now I'm intrigued to see what happens with Kane and Taker. Owen/Austin was a superb main event, and the little touches like the tombstone reversal and the finish brought back memories. Keep it up buddy. Rocky/Owen when it eventually arrives will be quite a night I'm sure.[/QUOTE] Why would I turn someone in the DX/Alliance match? Everyone thought I would, so it wouldn't have been a surprise! I want to stay unpredictable and while all this tension did have a point, I want them to come to a head when people don't expect it. I was hoping people would expect the turn though because hopefully it means people will be really looking forward to if and when it does happen. As for Jarrett/Gunn thing, as it happens Jarrett was slated for the Gunn role. But I've been watching a lot of stuff from his era and one of the things I've been slacking on was New Age Outlaws. They were so over and Billy was expected to be a huge star. I've got hindsight so left him floundering in the midcard, but that's not realistic of the era. I thought he'd break out at the time too. So I want to use them a little bit more so they are a bit more important. Besides, I don't want to Jesus push Jarrett. I like him, and I think his character works in the company, but he still isn't quite there yet, for my money. I like my characters to have a reason behind everything they do, and Jarrett needs a reason to do something at the moment. He's the nearly man. He got eliminated at SS because he lost concentration. He is on the edge of breaking through, but he needs to keeping on having reasons to make it, if you get what I mean. Anyway, that was another ramble. Sorry. :o I really appreciate the feedback buddy, you obviously have a great mind for booking and writing so to hear what you think of where I'm gonig really helps me in terms of what direction I want to aim in. Thanks to everyone who has read or responded, I really appreciate it. As you have probably seen, I've broken past the 1000 replies mark which is just amazing. Seriously, 2 years, 1000 posts, 35,000 views or something, just amazing. I seriously never thought it would get to this stage when I started it. I seem to remember PMing Nevermore and Tristram before I started to get advice because I was so worried it would fail. So thank you everyone, I am just so grateful for your support. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/IYH2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"]Following a meeting at WWF Headquarters it has been decided that December’s PPV offering will be the last under the In Your House banner and as such will be called “Rest In Peace”. The show, to be broadcast from the MCI Center in Washington DC, will be held on the 20th December 1998 and will be the 26th offering of an In Your House event. The In Your House franchise began in 1995 and was intended to be an alternative to the bigger PPVs (those being Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, King Of The Ring, Summerslam and Survivor Series), would be 2 hours (rather than 3 hours for the others) but available at a cheaper rate. However, the non-“big five” PPVs have seen more focus than ever in the last year and has such WWF management has decided they are able to sell themselves without the In Your House name. This decision was also reached as the "In Your House" events are now available at the same price and for the same duration as the other pay-per-views. Tickets are already on sale for WWF In Your House: Rest In Peace, once again to be held on the 20th December 1998 at the MCI Center in the nations capital, Washington DC and available to view LIVE on pay-per-view! After the blockbuster Survivor Series event and with Wrestlemania approaching on the horizon, who knows what will happen![/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]WWF Rest In Peace[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]20th December 1998 live from MCI Center, Washinton D.C[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;583091]WWF Championship [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Rob Van Dam Owen can't lose already, but neither does Rob deserve to lose his shot at the title, so Im calling a double DQ thanks to austin and Alliance interference Jeff Jarrett vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] He's just a sexy boy sex-eee boooooy! WWF European Title Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] Hmmm..... I'll say Storm retains but im certainly uncertain WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]Hayashi ©[/B] vs Scotty Too Hotty Scotty may be getting over, but its too soon to give him the title just yet. Bide your time young scotty... Number One Contenders Match to the Light-Heavyweight Title “Braveheart” Dougie Williams vs[B] Taka Michinoku[/B] Given Taka's display as survivor series, he has all the momentum going into this one [B]Gangrel[/B] vs Christian He's a freaking Vampire! Of course he wins![/QUOTE] Sorry man, accidentily posted the preview rather than the IYH announcement! A little ahead of me there!
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;583095]Sorry, I deleted post if you want to take it down?[/QUOTE] Ha no it's all good mate, not too bothered. I was gonna put the Raw Preview up tomorrow or something and there aren't any spoilers. Was just quite funny because it seems every time I accidentily post something someone sees it before it is deleted! Turns out though I posted the Preview and deleted it without saving it, so I have to write the background to the matches again. *sigh* So yeah, for anyone tuning in now, Raw Preview will be up soon, just wanted to give an update on the In Your House situation for thought/discussion/whatever. Thanks to my man Slim Jim for the wicked poster, I love it.
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;583127]I had it saved so I just sent you a PM with your Raw Preview if you want it?[/QUOTE] You're an absolute legend, sir. Thanks so much, that's saved me some time. It's weird because I was in the process of replying to your other PM as well. Hmm... Cheers buddy.
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from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9764/montrealattitudefx1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 23rd November 1998[/SIZE][/B] Survivor Series is now in the record books but the WWF is far from done as the Raw Is War rolls in to Kansas City, Missouri for all the fallout from one of the most eventful PPV’s in history!! [B]WWF Championship Owen Hart © vs Rob Van Dam[/B] RVD may have only won the title shot last week on Raw but has wasted no time in calling in the chance to face the champion. Owen Hart went through hell with Steve Austin last night to retain the title, will the champion be ready for such a unique opponent so soon? [B]Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels[/B] Last night in the iconic Team Alliance vs Team DX match we saw real guts from Shawn Michaels as he left nothing at home, competing in two matches despite nearly killing himself! Along his victims were Jeff Jarrett, who turned the match in the Alliance’s favour when he then planted HBK with a Stroke on the outside. One thing’s for sure- this one’s about revenge! [B]WWF European Title Marc Mero vs Lance Storm ©[/B] Lance Storm proved to the world last night that he is the real deal by successfully retaining his European Championship against Marc Mero in such personal circumstances. With that said, Mero has been granted a rematch tonight as he looks to make his point that he is still one of the best in the world. [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Hayashi © vs Scotty Too Hotty[/B] The Hot One may have only debuted last week but he’s caused quite a stir. After upsetting Zukaya in a tag match, he seeked revenge against them for their attack on his partner at Grandmaster Sexay at the Survivor Series but ultimately just fell short. Tonight he gets another chance at vengeance as he faces Hayashi for the much coveted Light-Heavyweight Title! [B]Number One Contenders Match to the Light-Heavyweight Title “Braveheart” Dougie Williams vs Taka Michinoku[/B] Not only do we get a Light-Heavyweight title match, we find out the Number One Contender! Both men have a claim to the spot- Dougie eliminated the champion last night but it was Taka who survived by eliminating 3 members of Zukaya- who will be next to face for the gold? [B]Gangrel vs Christian[/B] Last night saw the PPV debut of the Fallen Angel’s and boy did they impress. Their teamwork with the Acolytes tore the team of Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian apart but this one is far from over. Gangrel is still seeking revenge against the Tag Team Champions and tonight he will get his chance in one on one competition, but surely his minions won’t be far behind? Also, with the guarantee of more matches to be added on the night, we will hear from the survivor of the DX/Alliance match, The Rock, plus we’ll find out how The Alliance will deal with the loss, we’ll get an update on Ken Shamrock’s injury and hear from Stone Cold Steve Austin who just missed out on the WWF Title last night after an almighty battle with Owen Hart. Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War! [B]Predictions[/B] [B]WWF Championship[/B] Owen Hart © vs Rob Van Dam [B]Single Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels [B]WWF European Title[/B] Marc Mero vs Lance Storm © [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Hayashi © vs Scotty Too Hotty [B]Number One Contenders Match to the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] “Braveheart” Dougie Williams vs Taka Michinoku [B]Single Match[/B] Gangrel vs Christian[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[B]WWF Championship Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Rob Van Dam [I]As shocking as it would be to make RVD win, sometimes it isn't worth the shock, as Owen is too hot right now.[/I] [B]Single Match[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs Shawn Michaels [I]I think interference from the Alliance will give Jarrett his biggest win ever. As much as I'd love to see Jarrett lose to a guy who fought in two matches in one night, I'm going with my head.[/I] [B]WWF European Title[/B] Marc Mero vs [B]Lance Storm ©[/B] [I]I don't know, as a PPV buyer, I'd feel cheated to order the PPV, then see the title change happen the next night for free.[/I] [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [B]Hayashi ©[/B] vs Scotty Too Hotty [I]I was gonna pick Scotty, until I saw the #1 contendership match.[/I] [B]Number One Contenders Match to the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] “Braveheart” Dougie Williams vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] [I]This thing needs to end, and only Taka can end it.[/I] [B]Single Match[/B] [B]Gangrel[/B] vs Christian [I]As much as I love Christian and all his awesomness, interference from the The Brood will give Gangrel the win.[/I]
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[B]WWF Championship[/B] [B]Owen Hart ©[/B] vs Rob Van Dam [I]Same as the frog who is no longer with us says, absolutely no way Owen should drop the belt to RVD, let alone at this time.[/I] [B]Single Match[/B] Jeff Jarrett vs Shawn Michaels [I]Michaels, simply because he's one of my favourite performers and... well that's reason enough![/I] [B]WWF European Title[/B] [B]Marc Mero[/B] vs Lance Storm © [I]Would prefer Lance to win, but got a feeling Mero's going to get his way this time[/I] [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/B] [B]Hayashi ©[/B] vs Scotty Too Hotty [I]Don't see another title changing hands on a free show[/I] [B]Number One Contenders Match to the Light-Heavyweight Title[/B] “Braveheart” Dougie Williams vs [B]Taka Michinoku[/B] [B]Single Match[/B] Gangrel vs [B]Christian[/B] [I]I'm a peep :([/I]
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[I][QUOTE]Cheers to SlimJim for the new Raw banner, I’m sure you’ll agree just how awesome it is, as always.[/QUOTE][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 23rd November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Kansas City, Missouri[/SIZE][/B] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]”IRONIC” BY ALANIS MORISETTE[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]It’s “Ironic” because she clearly has no understanding of what irony is[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] A quick recap of last night is shown where The Rock is the sole survivor for Team DX, followed by clips of Owen Hart’s epic title defence against Stone Cold Steve Austin, followed by an almighty pyrotechnic display. [B]JR:[/B] Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m JR Jim Ross, as always alongside The King and tonight we have all the ramificati… [B][I][SIZE="4"]*GLASS SHATTERS*[/SIZE][/I][/B] The crowd simply explodes as Steve Austin bursts through the curtain, dressed as always in T-Shirt and denim shorts, gets in to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Austin:[/B] Okay, it goes like this. Last night me and Owen went out there and tore the sumbitch to the ground and had a great match, but to be honest with you that doesn’t mean jack to ol’ Stone Cold. Owen, I know you’re back there, and let me be the first to congratulate you on retaining the strap, but you know as well as I do that you got lucky. On a different night I would be here with the WWF Title over my shoulder, so get your scrawny little ass out here so I can look you in your beady little eyes and challenge your ass to a rematch. [B][I][SIZE="4"]DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’?[/SIZE][/I][/B] The crowd pops once again at the sight of another of their heroes, The Rock, the Great One, who last night defied the odds and was the sole survivor in the DX vs Alliance match. [B]Austin:[/B] What the hell do you want? [B]Rock:[/B] What does The Rock want? You wanna know what The Rock wants? The Rock wants to say FINALLY…. THE ROCK…. HAS COME BACK… TO KANSAS CITY! [B]Austin:[/B] Uh-uh, that ‘aint gonna cut it boy. I’ll ask you again- what the hell do you want? [B]Rock:[/B] What The Rock wants is exactly what you want, Steve. You see, last night The Rock rolled in to the People’s Arena, walked down to the People’s Ring and whopped 5 guys candy asses and stood in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans with his arm held high having remained the sole survivor. And, as The Alliance had a deal that the winner automatically becomes the number one contender to the WWF Title, and as The Rock was the winner, The Rock is out here to say that you put on a great effort last night but that WWF Title shot belongs to The Rock. [B]Austin:[/B] You think you deserve the shot, huh? [B]Rock: [/B]Yeah, that’s right. [B]Austin: [/B]Okay, let’s put it to the public vote. If you wanna see Stone Cold get another shot at the WWF Title, gimmie a hell yeah… [B]Crowd: [/B]Hell yeah. [B]Austin:[/B] And if you wanna see Rocky get a shot at the title, gimmie a hell yeah… [B]Crowd:[/B] (slightly quieter, but still pretty darn loud) Hell yeah! [B]Austin:[/B] I’d say that puts me ahead on points, wouldn’t you. [B]Rock: [/B]Okay, okay, okay. The Rock has got it. Let The Rock talk to the People… if you wanna see Steve Austin… and The Rock both get a title shot, give The Rock a hell yeah… [B]Crowd:[/B] (exploding) HELL YEAH! [B]Rock:[/B] Then there’s your answer. [B][I][SIZE="4"]ENOUGH IS ENOUGH… AND IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE![/SIZE][/I][/B] The crowd boo as the WWF Champion, complete with oversized bandage on his head despite bearly being busted open last night, walks on to the rampway with microphone in hand. [B]Owen: [/B]For the love of God, what does a guy have to do to get some peace around here? I win the title, and then successfully defend it against Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Then I’m put in the London Dungeon match with 5 other guys… and I win that. Then I have to face Stone Cold and… guess what… I’m still the champion. So all this arguing between you doesn’t mean an awful lot because, frankly, Austin, Rock, either of you may be the number one contenders for all I care, the bottom line, and I mean the real, rock bottom line is I am and will remain the WWF Champion because … Once again, the “voice of reason” Linda McMahon appears on the Titantron behind the champion. [B]Linda:[/B] Gentlemen, I apologise for the interruption, but I have something to tell you. I have just left a meeting between the directors of the board and we discussed the title situation. It was agreed that Mr Austin does deserve a rematch baring in mind everything he has been put through, but Mr Rock also has a claim due to being the sole survivor last night. Therefore, we are left with the compromise of the number one contendership match. Next week, live on Raw is War we will see The Rock in one corner… and in the other will be Stone Cold Steve Austin! [B]JR: [/B]Wow! [B]King:[/B] That’s huge! [B]Linda: [/B]But in the meantime, Owen, I suggest you get ready because you have a title match against Rob Van Dam to prepare for. As for the two of you, Steve, Rock, I have decided that in preparation for next weeks match you will team up together tonight to face… Kane & The Undertaker! [B]King:[/B] Oh my! [B]JR: [/B]Can you believe it?! Rock vs Austin next week, but they have to team against the Brothers Of Destruction tonight! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Gangrel2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Gangrel w/Christopher Daniels and Devon Covell vs WWF Tag Team Champion Christian w/Edge[/SIZE][/B] Christian gets the upper hand in the early going but what people forget is that Gangrel is a very competent wrestler in his own right and does a good job of keeping up with the youngster. The Fallen Angel’s try to interfere but luckily Edge is there to take Daniels out with a Spear as Christian throws Covell from the ring. Gangrel tries to attack Christian from behind but he is rolled up for the three to a great reaction form a seemingly red hot crowd! [B]Winner: Christian in 7:13[/B][/CENTER] Edge hugs Christian post match to celebrate, but it is cut short when Daniels and Covell nail them both with tandem Spears. He then start punching them over and over again, with Gangrel laying in the boots, until they eventually let up, safe in the knowledge that I have sent the champions a message yet again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince and Shane are backstage, Shane pacing up and down as his father stands still. [B]Shane:[/B] What the hell guys? What the hell? I trusted you. I trusted all of you to get the job done and you failed me. Someone is going to pay for this. [B]Vince:[/B] Shane, would you calm down? What we need right now is cohesion. Owen and Finlay retained their belts; it wasn’t a complete misfire last night. [B]Shane: [/B]I don’t give a crap about the titles; I’m talking about the Survivor Series match. I trusted them and they have given me nothing. (Turns to a backstage worker) Hey, you. Go tell ‘Taker, Kane, Jarrett, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, hell, tell Finlay, Owen and the Acolytes that someone is going to take the fall for this. I will not tolerate incompetence on my show. [B]Vince:[/B] Now wait just a damn minute. I’m Vince McMahon, damn it, and this isn’t your show- its mine. Rather than blaming each other we need to work out what we are going to do to make things right around here. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh, face up to the facts, Dad. Last night was a shambles. And don’t think I didn’t see you there all calm and collected as we were throwing away our opportunity. I’m worried for you, Dad; I think you’re losing that touch. It was you who taught me about being ruthless and you’re losing the game. I don’t care what you’re saying, someone will take the fall for this or heads are going to roll. I will make The Alliance successful, Dad, and I’ll do it at your expense if I have to. [B]Vince: [/B]Don’t forget who has all the power here, Son. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh, I have power. In fact, I need cheering up, so how about we see my power in play. Tonight I am booking a match between, say… hmm… yeah, that works… Headbanger Mosh and Headbanger Thrasher, one on one, and the loser is fired. It’s time to get ruthless, Pops, for the good of this company. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][b]The Undertaker’s In Your House Moments Number Five[/b][/CENTER] At In Your House 5: Season’s Beatings the one and only Undertaker took on the King Of The Ring Mabel on 17th December 1995 in his speciality… a Casket Match. King Mabel put up the best fight he could, but ultimately Mabel and Lord Mo, one of the most dominant teams in history, both found themselves trapped in a Casket, courtesy of the Deadman! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lights are dimmed and the stage is set up for Stage one of the Bodybuilding Competition between Chyna and The Bagwell. Both come out to varying degrees of support, both in gowns. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Now, I realise none of you people will have any idea what it is like to be strong, or powerful, or attractive, so I’ll explain to you what you are about to see. Stage One of this competition is where myself and Chyna here will compete against each other to see who can lift the biggest weight. So without further ado, I give you… Chyna! The crowd aren’t exactly what to make of it as Chyna and Bagwell take it in turns to see who can lift the most. After several attempts, Bagwell finally buckles and drops his, while Chyna stands here, weight above head, looking about as powerful as they come, male or female. [B]Bagwell:[/B] (out of breath) Just you wait, Chyna! There are two more events to go! I’m gonna show you! [B]JR:[/B] Two more events? She just proved she is stronger, what more does he need? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contender to the WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Braveheart” Dougie Williams vs Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] Both men are pretty big with this crowd as they put on an absolute clinic. Sometimes the crowd does die a bit during the technical moments but generally the fans are receptive to the hot, Light-Heavyweight action. Neither man even considers resorting to dirty tactics as they go at it for almost ten minutes, until Togo distracts the referee on the ring apron as Hayashi sneaks in and clocks Taka with the Light-Heavyweight title! What the hell?! Dougie, who had been out on the mat, has no idea what has happened and plants Dougie with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex. [B]Winner: Dougie Williams in 9:42[/B][/CENTER] The referee doesn’t have a chance to raise the Braveheart’s arm in victory as Zukaya jump in the ring and once again begin a vicious beatdown. Tajiri and Togo focus on Taka, Funaki and Hayashi on Dougie. Eventually they discard of Taka like yesterdays news and prop up Dougie so he can become the latest man to fall victim to the dreaded Red Mist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is backstage on the telephone when Chavo Guerrero Jr storms in and hangs it up. [B]Chavo:[/B] Vince, something has to be done about Psicosis. Did you see the stunt he pulled last night when he got himself counted out… [B]Vince:[/B] Hang on a second… who are you? [B]Chavo:[/B] You have to be joking, homie, I’m Chavo Guerrero Jr, former Light-Heavyweight Champion, leader of the Vato Loco’s. [B]Vince:[/B] Yeah, and I’m Vince McMahon damn it! Don’t you ever hang up my phone again or I will fire you right here and right now. You want to know the truth about my opinions on your matter? I couldn’t care less. [B]Chavo: [/B]But vato, he broke the code of conduct, homes, I mean, to show the cahones… [B]Vince:[/B] SHHHHUT UP! You want something done about it, fine. You tell your “homie” that next week you and him better have your “cahones” with you, because next week on Raw, in that… very… ring… you’re teaming to face Kane & The Undertaker! Now get out of my office! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WWF European Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MarcMero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keeflance.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Marvellous” Marc Mero vs Lance Storm © w/Sable[/SIZE][/B] Once again Marc Mero tries every trick in the book to dominate the young Canadian, but much like last night Lance Storm shows why he is so highly regarded by the fans and management. They go hammer and tong, as if you’d expect any different considering the personal element to the touch, but eventually Mero snaps and grabs the title belt, completely cleaning Storm out with it. [B]Winner and STILL WWF European Champion: Lance Storm in 5:45 via DQ[/B][/CENTER] Mero then mounts the champion and starts punching him quite stiffly, busting Storm’s eye in the process. The result clearly mattered little to Mero as he does all he can to brutalise him. Eventually, feeling like enough is enough, Sable grabs a steel chair and slides in the ring, swings it back to attack… but before she can a mystery woman slides in the ring and steals it away from her! [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Ivory.jpg[/IMG] The woman then jabs the chair into Sable’s stomach, causing the beautiful blonde to double over, and then nails her with a Samoan Driver. Mero then walks over to her coolly and they embrace in a kiss, standing literally right over Sable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of the entire crowd getting up for the toilet break is deafening as the Bodybuilder Competition continues, but backstage this time. Bagwell explains that all bodybuilders need to watch their diet and as such he will take on Chyna in a Protein Shake Downing Competition. They both start drinking, but Bagwell cheats by tipping it on the floor as she looks away and is as such declared the winner. The crowd is completely silent in this whole segment and even I will admit it sucks, and I’m booking the damn thing! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett is in his locker room doing squat thrusts when the New Corporate Outlaws walk in. [B]Road Dogg:[/B] So… you and Shawn tonight, huh? You think you’re ready for it? [B]Jarrett: [/B]What are you a slapnut? Of course I’m ready boy! [B]Gunn:[/B] Well you better be, ‘cos Shawn is good, and we would know. And lets face it, he did pin you last night. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Maybe, but lets not forget the little trip to Strokesville I gave him afterwards. [B]Road Dogg:[/B] Well, with that said, we’ve found a weakness in his game you might wanna check out. Look at this. Dogg puts a tape in to the VCR and shows footage of last night when Michaels is standing over Vince, crotch chopping him when he gets nailed with the Fame Asser and pinned. [B]Gunn:[/B] Showboating. It’s what HBK is all about. He has to be the centre of attention, the Showstoppa, the Main Event. It’s why Triple H can’t stand him anymore. But when he gets arrogant, when he feels the need to show off, that’s your chance. He will do it, just make sure you’re there to capitalise. The Outlaws laugh as they turn to leave the room, but as they do Gunn is met with Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels! [B]Michaels:[/B] Oops. Michaels then gives a big, cheesy grin and exits the room as Jarrett and Road Dogg look at each other surprised. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Keefowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“King Of Harts” Owen Hart © vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] Owen came to the ring with his usual arrogant attitude, but that was taken away from the off when RVD decided to jump the champion from behind during his entrance, clearly demonstrating just how seriously he is taking this shot. Owen tried to grab the high flier and take him down to the mat, but the Whole Dam Show was just Too Dam Fast, leaving the champion no alternative but to take refuge on the outside. Even here isn’t safe though as RVD followed him out with a flip to the outside, making a very clear statement that Owen can run but he can’t hide- this is Van Dam’s big chance. The crowd are obviously completely behind RVD from the off, but eventually Owen does come back in to it and slows it down. No-one is as good in the WWF as Owen when it comes to dictating the pace and focusing on a game plan, today’s being to ground the highflier and infuriate the crowd. Van Dam constantly tries to fight back, playing the sympathetic young underdog role well, but finally sees his opportunity and locks Van Dam in the Sharpshooter. RVD tries desperately to break free… and does! With Owen knocked a bit silly he slams him to the mat and nails him with the Rolling Thunder, and tries to put him away with a Bridging German Suplex, but the champion pops out at the last minute. Nonetheless, RVD is not worried and continues to take the fight to the champion, flying off the top rope like there’s no tomorrow and sending the champion sprawling, until he misses his Five Star Frog Splash attempt, allowing Owen to wrap him up in the Sharpshooter again! Once again RVD appears to be stuck, too far from the ropes with little option other than to tap… until he rolls Owen up in a Small Package! ONE… TWO… TH… Owen pops out of it! He goes for a Clothesline, which is ducked and reversed in to a backslide, but Owen pops out again and shoves the Whole Dam Show in to the ropes. He uses the momentum to lift him up for a Tombstone, but RVD rolls through the back and into a roll up… ONE… TWO… But suddenly Owen rolls through to put RVD in a roll up! Hang on, he’s grabbed the tights! Owen’s grabbing the tights! ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner, and STILL the WWF Champion: Owen Hart in 16:09[/B][/CENTER] The bell rings and Owen rolls from the ring, collecting the WWF Title on the way out before dropping to his knees to celebrate. Van Dam looks disappointed but the crowd give him a good reception as Owen walks to the back… wait a minute! Austin has come from the back! He runs Owen down the aisle and into the ring, flips him the bird and Stunners him! Stone Cold then motions to Van Dam, who is standing by watching the whole thing, to climb up to the top rope, which Van Dam does as Austin vacates the ring. Van Dam then majestically flies off to nail the champion with his Five Star Frogsplash for a measure of retribution for his cheating. Austin continues down the aisleway, not once turning back as RVD watches him and then starts playing up to the crowd, much to their delight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scotty Too Hotty is backstage when Dougie Williams walks over. As always with Dougie backstage, he has the St Andrew’s flag painted on his face, he’s wearing a kilt and has fur draped around his body. Because that is actually what people from Scotland look like. [B]Dougie: [/B]Och, Scotty, how’s aet goin’? You reedy for your big match? [B]Scotty: [/B]Sure am. I haven’t forgotten what Zukaya did to Sexay, and I’m gonna gain revenge tonight by winning the title. [B]Dougie:[/B] Well let me tell you this, bonnie lass, Doogie knows how much revenge means to ye, but donnae forget that it were me who pinned the champ last night, and och, it was me who pinned Taka earlier. So if you win that title I’m coming straight for ye. [B]Scotty: [/B]Don’t you worry about that, Dougie, I know. But before that, it’s time for revenge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The heart monitor starts reverberating around the arena once more as smoke fills the aisle way. This can only mean one thing- the Human Wrecking Machine. [B]Tazz: [/B]Alright you little punks, listen up. Last night I promised I would take care of business and I did. I told you all that I would take that little freak and I’d choke the life out of him, and I did. So after the worst 6 months of my life, the nightmare is over and I’m ready to continue with my career and prove that I am thug life born, thug life bre… The arena turns gold and all of a sudden we get the emergence of Goldust to a good reaction from the crowd. [B]Goldust:[/B] Mmmmm…. Taaaaaazzzzz… I don’t know why you think this is over for you… because while you may have seen it as a nightmare… it has very much been a… ssss… wet… dream… for me. [B]Tazz: [/B]No, I’m done with you, you little bitch. I beat your ass at Survivor Series and I proved what everybody already knew that I am better than you. [B]Goldust:[/B] Mmmm…. And they call me delusional… As far as I’m concerned, lover, you won at Survivor Series, but I beat you at Summerslam. That makes us at one a piece. So what do you say to a… ssssss… blow off… match at the next PPV. [B]Tazz:[/B] You want another piece of me, huh? [B]Goldust:[/B] ssss… like you wouldn’t believe… [B]Tazz: [/B]In the ring, you freak. You know what, I don’t wanna wait until the PPV, I want it right now. [B]Goldust:[/B] I thought I’d never hear you say those words. Tazz walks towards Goldust and goes to attack him, but Goldust beats him to the punch and starts teeing off on him. Eventually Tazz gets back in to it but a timely low blow means Goldust has the advantage, and eventually he hits him with the Curtain Call. Has Goldust actually got the upper hand over Tazz?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Championship Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKaz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Hayashi © w/Zukaya vs Scotty Too Hotty[/SIZE][/B] You can tell Scotty is up for this one as he runs to the ring, rather than the usual dancing he would perform. He tees off on Hayashi for a while and the champion can’t seem to get in offence, but eventually, with a timely boot to the knee, he does manage to gain control. Scotty makes a couple of comebacks, including one attempt where he worm-like breakdances as part of the move, but as he gets close to Hayashi the champion springs to his feet and knocks him down to the mat and puts him away with a Dragon Suplex. [B]Winner: Hayashi in 6:11[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker walks in to Shane McMahon’s office. [B]Undertaker: [/B]You wanted to see me? [B]Shane:[/B] ‘Taker, thanks for coming. As I am sure you have been made aware, someone will be taking the fall for last night. I don’t accept mistakes in a company that I will one day own. Everything around you will one day by all mine and I won’t let anybody ruin my control over it. ‘[B]Taker:[/B] I’ll warn you now, boy, you try to make me take the fall I’ll send your ass straight down to hell and never look back. [B]Shane: [/B]‘Taker, calm it, man. I don’t want it to be you. You did everything you could; it wasn’t your fault you lost. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have your uses. I mean, whose fault was it you lost last night? ‘[B]Taker:[/B] Mankind and The Rock. [B]Shane:[/B] Yeah, I have a plan for Mankind, don’t you worry, and you have a shot at The Rock tonight. But who else’s fault is it? ‘[B]Taker: [/B]I’m not following you. [B]Shane:[/B] Kane. He was the one who hit you by mistake. He cost you the match. ‘[B]Taker:[/B] You want my brother to take the fall? [B]Shane: [/B]Ideally not. But someone has to. And better him than you, huh? Suddenly, The Undertaker pins him to the wall by the throat. [B]Taker:[/B] I am the only person to ever accept Kane. He is my only brother, he is my sibling and he follows the same dark path as me. He has my back and I have his. If you want him out, I go too. [B]Shane: [/B]But that’s not necessary! Only one person has to take the blame- don’t let it be you, Taker! The Undertaker gets right up in Shane’s face, real close, squeezes his throat a little tighter, but then relinquishes and exits the room. Shane lets out a sly smile after he has gone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] This one came about due to Michaels eliminating Jarrett from the Survivor Series matc hand the subsequent attack by Jarrett on HBK, so both men clearly feel like they have a point to prove in this one. Shawn is rightfully pretty exhausted having competed twice last night and put through hell in both matches, and as such Jarrett dominates much of it, but eventually Michaels gets back in to hit, hits the HBK 5 Moves of Doom, but as he attempts Sweet Chin Music Jarrett catches the leg and spins him around, grabs him and goes to nail him with the Stroke, only for Michaels to elbow out and this time hit Sweet Chin Music! [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels in 9:49[/B][/CENTER] The crowd of course pop for the win as Michaels rests on his knees, arms in the air. For what has been a pretty hellacious couple of days the Showstoppa has still come out of the other end and looked pretty good in gaining revenge… hang on! Billy Gunn slides in the ring as Michaels’ back is turned… Sweet Chin Music on HBK! Michaels goes down as the crowd boo while Billy Gunn just looks down on his former partner, before eventually crouching down and imitates the classic Shawn Michaels pose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]JR:[/B] Well now folks we feel the need to take the time to update you on the condition of one of our superstars. Last night the challenger for the WWF Intercontinental Title, Ken Shamrock, fell awkwardly as he was thrown from the ring and injured his shoulder. Despite the injury he carried on for the rest of the match, but now he will require surgery meaning this may be the last we see of Ken Shamrock on our screens which I’m sure you will all agree is a huge loss. [B]King:[/B] Absolutely, JR. I’ve never been Shamrock’s biggest fan but he is a great competitor and you never like seeing someone get injured. He showed a lot of guts to keep going despite the obvious pain and I thi… The King is interrupted as the Intercontinental Champion Finlay comes out on to the top of the entrance, accompanied as usual by Paul Bearer. [B]Bearer:[/B] Aaaallll we have heard since last night is people talking about Ken Shamrock! Everybody wants to say how brave he was, how well he did, but I don’t really care. The man who deserves your praise is standing right next to me, because he is still the Intercontinental Champion… Finlay! [B]Finlay: [/B]JR, King, you better shut your mouths because nobody cares anymore. Old Kenny boy took a risk getting in the ring with me, I warned him of the consequences and now he’s got injured. Boo-hoo. I am proud of what I did to him and it serves as a reminder to the entire roster that if you wanna try the Fighting Irishman you’ll find yourself in hospital, along with battered and broken Kenny boy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mankind is backstage, ready to interview with Dutch Mantell, but before he can even get the first word out he is attacked from behind by Kane & The Undertaker. As you would expect from them, they beat him pretty damned viciously, throwing him in to the wall, punching and kicking him and finally splatting him with a Double Chokeslam on the outside. After the assault, the brothers just walk away, satisfied at their revenge for Mankind’s interference last night. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Loser Is Fired[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mosh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Thrasher.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Headbanger Mosh vs Headbanger Thrasher[/SIZE][/B] The friends shake hands before the match, knowing that they are left with no alternative but to try and beat their best friend to keep themselves in a job. Obviously both men know each other inside out so there are constant reversals with neither man able to get ahead of the other; however, Mosh eventually puts his buddy away with a Mosh Pit. [B]Winner: Mosh in 5:32[/B][/CENTER] The referee tries to raise Mosh’s hand in victory but he’s having none of it, instead he helps Thrasher to his feet. Thrasher looks a bit tearful through his make up, fully aware that his career in the WWF is over. Mosh raises his hand as the crowd politely applaud the loser when the two men embrace in a hug in the ring. [B]JR:[/B] For God’s sake, what did this prove? Shane McMahon is out of control damn it, he’s just cost this man his livelihood, how the hell is he supposed to provide for his family when he’s just been fired by a petulant child in a power trip? This is despicable. [B]King:[/B] I have to say, JR… [B]JR:[/B] Don’t you dare defend that little son of a bitch, King, don’t you dare do it… [B]King:[/B] No, JR, I wasn’t going to. I have to agree, this just isn’t right. [B]JR:[/B] If you’re listening Shane McMahon, you’re a vile human being. I hope you can sleep in your multi-million dollar mansion while this guy has to tell his kids that Daddy’s been fired just before Christmas. Shane McMahon makes me absolutely by God sick. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd breathes a collective sigh of disappointment as the third instalment of the Bodybuilding Competition is set to begin. The take to the ring for his one, both dressed in gowns as Bagwell grabs a microphone. [B]Bagwell:[/B] As myself and Chyna are tied at 1-1, we will need something to declare a winner. Everybody knows that the real reason behind bodybuilding and muscle enhancement is to look better with fewer clothes on, so I give to you… the Posedown! Both of us shall lose the robes and pose for you, the crowd, and you get to choose who looks best! With that, Bagwell drops his gown to reveal just a banana-hammock. He starts tensing and flexing for the crowd but they are having none of it, booing incessantly as he does. Chyna then loses her robe and begins posing to a much better reaction, in part due to the miniscule bikini she is wearing. With the 9th Wonder Of The World clearly outdoing him, Bagwell snaps as she turns towards him and nails her with a Cloethsline. He then picked her up, placed her over his shoulder and in one of the worst pieces of imagery in wrestling history the banana-hammocked Bagwell Powerslammed the bikini-clad Chyna to the mat as thousands of fans shuddered at once. Bagwell then stood over Chyna, apparently proud of his actions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="4"][I]THE FUTURE… IS HERE![/I][/SIZE] The Future: Sean Morgan steps through the curtain wearing a perfectly fitting suit, comes down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]JR:[/B] Oh great, I thought we wouldn’t be put through this tonight. [B]Morgan:[/B] Hello to all my fans in St Louis! [B]JR: [/B]That was last night, idiot. [B]Morgan:[/B] I’m sure you are all wondering why I have not been in action tonight but the reason is easy- I don’t work twice a week. I did my shift last night, I squashed the Godfather, and now is my time of rest. I mean, come on! We can’t have The Future getting worn out, can we? However, the consummate professional I am, I am going to sit in the front row and I am going to scout the main event because I want to be ready when I am in the WWF Title scene facing the likes of Kane, Undertaker, Rock and Austin. One of these guys might be champion at Wrestlemania, and as the next Wrestlemania headliner it seems only right I’m here! I know, I know, I work too hard. But it’s all for your benefit so I ca give you the best show possible. Courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan. Morgan steps out of the ring and walks around in front of the fans until one swears at him quite blatantly. He complains to security of this “foul and abusive behaviour” and demands they are kicked out. Security drags the man away and Morgan leaps over the barrier to take his seat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Kane-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Kane & The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] I tell you what; Raw has to be where it’s at right now. Where else could you see THIS match? Four of the biggest names in the business going at it like there’s no tomorrow, ripping each other apart, each trying to make an example of the others. As is to be expected, Kane & The Undertaker dominate the match (as they always do) against their smaller opponents, but Rocky and Austin keep more of a foothold in it than many you expect and than most do, including The Rock even managing to nail a Rock Bottom out of nowhere on Kane at one point. After about ten minutes of action the match goes crazy, with The Undertaker and Rock spilling to the outside (including The Rock slapping Sean Morgan for trying to get involved) but ‘Taker gets the best of it, slamming Rocky in to the ringsteps. He then gets in the ring to join Kane, and the both of them team up to take out Austin, but as Hebner checks on The Rock, Mankind limps down to the ring with a steel chair and clocks The Undertaker in the head with it, knocking him straight out! Before he can attack Kane he is Chokeslammed to the mat, but The Big Red Machine turns around in to a Stone Cold Stunner! Austin grabs the chair but doesn’t notice The Undertaker sit up, so as the Rattlesnake turns around he is punched clean out of the ring. Austin and the Deadman brawl up the aisleway as The Rock slides back in to the ring, walks up to the head of Kane, who is still down and starts to remove his elbowpad to the delight of the crowd! Off one rope, off the other… People’s Elbow! Earl Hebner is in the ring… one, two, three! [B]Winners: Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin in 11:01[/B][/CENTER] As soon as the final bell is rung The Alliance swarm the ring and start beating down on The Rock, Mankind and Austin, who is thrown back in the ring by the Deadman. The Acolytes and Finlay as always taking control of the beatdown but not without help from the Outlaws, everyone looking to make an example after last night. However, it can go on too long Shane McMahon walks down to the ring with a microphone. [B]Shane:[/B] Okay, that’s it. You all knew this time would come and here it is. Someone is taking the fall, and I think it should be the one of the guys who won’t give everything to The Alliance. Kane! Undertaker! Both of you have professed your loyalty to each other, but one of you will be kicked out and made to take the fall. Alliance, make your move! All The Alliance look at each other somewhat surprised, not sure who to attack, but eventually they all run over to Kane and start trying to dismantle him. Kane tries to fight them off but the strength in numbers is just too great. The Undertaker, obviously distressed at watching his brother being assaulted walks over to the fight, but he is confronted by Shane who is shouting at him to not make a mistake, and that it was Kane who is the weak link, not the Deadman. ‘Taker looks straight in the eyes of the heir apparent; barges passed him and grabs the hair of Bradshaw, pulling him away from his brother. The fans start cheering wildly as one by one he throws the members of The Alliance out of the way, giving his brother time to recover. The Undertaker bends down and grabs his brother by the arm and helps him up, Kane barely able to stand, and points him in the direction of Shane McMahon. The Boy Wonder is lucky to be wearing dark pants as both the monsters begin to descend on him with Kane eventually grabbing him by the throat and stares at him intently, clenching his hand around his neck, ready to lift him… when The Undertaker grabs Kane by the throat! He lifts him up and sends him straight back down to hell with a devastating Chokeslam! The fans start booing, some throwing garbage in the ring as ‘Taker picks his brother up, flips him upside down and nails him with a sickening Tombstone. Shane McMahon looks on, as shocked as everyone else as The Undertaker yells at The Alliance members to grab his brother, telling them to take him to the stage by the Titantron. At first they are reluctant, but ‘Taker intimidates them as only he can as the Acolytes, Owen Hart and Finlay grab an arm or leg each and drag him up the rampway as The Undertaker follows behind. The Phenom walks through the curtain to the back, but immediately comes back with 4 gas canisters and wastes no time in emptying the contents off the side of the stage, and then grabs a match and throws it off the side, causing the area to erupt in a ball of flames. He grabs his brother, the crowd suddenly in a hush expectant of what they are about to see. Vince McMahon runs out from the back and tries to reason with ‘Taker, seemingly breaking from his tyrannical character but ‘Taker is having none of it, punching him in the face to knock him out of the way. The rest of The Alliance look on, too scared to say or do anything as The Undertaker picks his brother up and launches him off the ramp way into the towering inferno. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]RESULTS[/B] Christian def Gangrel Dougie Williams def Taka Michinoku to become the number one contender to the WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Lance Storm def Marc Mero to retain the WWF European Title via DQ Owen Hart def Rob Van Dam to retain the WWF Title Hayashi def Scotty Too Hotty to retain his Light-Heavyweight Title Shawn Michaels def Jeff Jarrett Mosh def Thrasher, therefore Thrasher is fired The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin def Brothers Of Destruction
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[QUOTE=The Network Guy;586286]Another great ending to Raw. The backstage segment with Vince McMahon and Chavo Guerrero was really funny but that was nothing compared to Goldust asking for his "Blow off" match with Tazz. That had me rolling up lol :D[/QUOTE] Haha yeah, Goldust is a lot of fun to write for. I think deep down I'm still a 13 year old kid so any chance for innuendo is good in my book. I'm glad you liked the ending too bud! Thanks for reading and leaving feedback, I really appreciate it. [QUOTE=Sarcasm;586301]Great RAW and I could just picture all of this happening in real life and very suprised that Undertaker turned on Kane. Can't wait for the next RAW. KUTGW. P.S. Kinda suprised that HHH wasn't on RAW too.[/QUOTE] Cheers mate. With Triple H, he just happened to be one of the victims of me trying to utilise everyone in the roster. I only have 2 hours a week to book so people will miss out and it was him this week. I imagine I would have a B show at this point so maybe he'll make a guest appearance this week. But he's still obviously a big part of my plans, what with the whole DX vs Alliance thing and the tension between him, HBK and RVD. I'm glad the Taker turn on Kane was a surprise. It did sort of come out of nowhere in one respect, but they were on a terrible run. I've tried to book Kane as a bit more human but ultimately not as successful over the last few weeks, like he's starting to open up, and The Undertaker isn't the sort who would just accept that sort of thing. Thanks again for the feedback though matey. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;586304]What an ending. Christ. Really looking forward to what is going to come from that. Great show all-round as usual. Loved Michaels' "Oops", that scene just reminded me of the re-formed DX when HBK superkicked "Stan". Good stuff. Rock and Austin to draw next week?[/QUOTE] Haha yeah that whole HBK trying to be controversial tihng was so funny. DX may have buried half the roster when they returned but they were damn funny doing it; "What's your name?" "Stan" "Stan" Sweet Chin Music "See? I just kicked Stan!" Pleased you liked the ending, like I say I've kept the hints at the turn very subtle but definitely there because I still want The Undertaker & Kane to be dominant, and they needed a reason to be angry. Besides, it felt like a very Attitude Era ending to Raw and something that would get people talking, so hopefully depleting the WCW viewership even more. Thanks for the guys who have left feedback and anyone who has read, it's really very much appreciated.
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As a Scotsman I am deeply offended by your protrayal of my country and it's people. So much so infact, that I am seriously considering never reading this threat again out of protest. Dougie Williams was well on his way to becoming my favourite wrestler in this thread, but your shameful reduction of him to nothing more than a poor stereotype has led me to give any future involvement of myself in this thread serious consideration. For shame keefy. :p Anyway, another nice show. The ending reminded me of what I did to Kane in my thread. He always winds up going off the ramp into a ball of falmes doesn't he?! I'm wondering if we'll see the Alliance slowly morph into Ministry mode after that? Hmm, who knows. Austin/Rock next week should be good. Keep it up mate.
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[QUOTE=iMac;586481]As a Scotsman I am deeply offended by your protrayal of my country and it's people. So much so infact, that I am seriously considering never reading this threat again out of protest. Dougie Williams was well on his way to becoming my favourite wrestler in this thread, but your shameful reduction of him to nothing more than a poor stereotype has led me to give any future involvement of myself in this thread serious consideration. For shame keefy. :p Anyway, another nice show. The ending reminded me of what I did to Kane in my thread. He always winds up going off the ramp into a ball of falmes doesn't he?! I'm wondering if we'll see the Alliance slowly morph into Ministry mode after that? Hmm, who knows. Austin/Rock next week should be good. Keep it up mate.[/QUOTE] As an Englishmen, I don't care if I offended a Scotsman. :p Nah seriously man, I know it was a bit excessive and very stereotypical, but the truth is Doug doesn't really fit in with the WWF product, even mine which is a bit more focused on ring performances. I didn't want him to be a straight up wrestler style (not yet, anyway) because it's the era of pimps, porn stars, vampires etc. I have my straight wrestlers like Shamrock, Lance Storm etc but I felt like I didn't have enough gimmicks and I wanted to add a few so it was more accurate with the era. Hence the D'Lo as a bad Brit gimmick too. But hopefully the next show will make up for the offense I caused with him, because I still want to use him properly. As for the Kane thing, I've actually had that segment written up for months and months, long before I read yours. The problem with writing things up so far in the future (which I do) means there is time for people to come in and do the same thing, making your great idea seem copied and unoriginal. But what can you do? Thanks for the feedback buddy, I'm glad you enjoyed the show. I always appreciate your feedback, as you know. Thanks. [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;586876]nice swerve keefy I really was hoping that you'd turn them BOTH into faces but now I wonder....... how the hell are you going to pull a face Kane?[/QUOTE] I was considering turning them both face and working with DX, Rock, Austin, Mankind etc trying to take The Alliance down, but in the end I figured it didn't give me enough room to manouevre for the future. With kane out of the picture for a bit and The Undertaker demonstrating a new attitude it refreshens them both and leaves things ready for if Kane comes back. And who said I'll be bringing Kane back as a face?! Stay tuned, folks! Cheers for the feedback man.
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Cracking show, Keefy and an awesome ending. [QUOTE]The sound of the entire crowd getting up for the toilet break is deafening as the Bodybuilder Competition continues, but backstage this time. Bagwell explains that all bodybuilders need to watch their diet and as such he will take on Chyna in a Protein Shake Downing Competition. They both start drinking, but Bagwell cheats by tipping it on the floor as she looks away and is as such declared the winner. The crowd is completely silent in this whole segment and even I will admit it sucks, and I’m booking the damn thing![/QUOTE] Loved that little segment aswell :D But yes, absolutely brilliant end to Raw.
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from wwf.com... [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]Preview[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 30th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Number One Contenders Match to the WWF Championship The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]This may well be the biggest main event in Raw history right here. The two most popular men on the roster go at it, one on one, with the winner going on to In Your House: Rest In Peace to face the WWF Champion Owen Hart. Both men have been on a roll as of late, who will come out looking at a title shot?[/I] [B]Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]This one could also be called the battle of the HBK imitators! While Van Dam and Michaels have a friendship going as of late which has seen RVD propel to new heights amongst the occasional Sweet Chin Music, Billy Gunn has let his pinfall on Michaels at Survivor Series go to his head as he has started to refer to himself as the “New Heartbreak Kid”. Both men are viewed as hot prospects for the future, but only one can go to Rest In Peace to face the champion Finlay, who will it be?[/I] [B]Handicap Match The Undertaker vs Psicosis & Chavo Guerroero Jr[/B] [I]This match was booked as a Tag Team effort set to feature Kane as well, but after last weeks shocking developments we have no idea when, or indeed if, we will ever see the Big Red Machine again. With that said The Undertaker is keen to prove that he still is the Phenom and has offered to face both men on his own. With this new apparent evil streak with the Deadman, can the feuding Light-Heavyweights get along long enough to even survive tonight?[/I] [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Hayashi © vs “Braveheart” Dougie Williams[/B] [I]Last week saw Hayashi retain his title against the newcomer Scotty Too Hotty and Williams defeating his friend Taka Michinoku to become to the number one contender, so here we are. Hayashi looks to be one of the most dominant champions in the company but in Dougie’s first shot at the belt since debuting could we be crowning a new Light-Heavyweight Champion tonight?[/I] [B]The Future: Sean Morgan vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] [I]Also tonight we get the debut of The Future on Raw. After defeating the Godfather at Survivor Series, Morgan rolls in to Raw looking to continue this “undefeated streak” as he aims to keep climbing the WWF ladder in his quest to become WWF Champion, but can the “Nameless Jobber” stop him?[/I] [B]Fallen Angles & Gangrel vs Edge, Christian & Chyna[/B] [I]This one came about after the Fallen Angels tried to attack Chyna in the Survivor Series pre-show and with Gangrel’s minions focusing on E&C’s Tag Team gold. The youngsters from Canada are sure to prove a difficult test after proving their worth in the Ladder Match at Capital Carnage and Chyna isn’t called the 9th Wonder Of The World for nothing, but can she keep her mind on this match and of Bagwell?[/I] In addition to this we will hear from The Undertaker on why he assaulted his brother, where Tazz and Goldust go from here, how The Alliance will regroup after kicking out Kane, how Vince will react to his son Shane taking more and more control over his company and we will hear from The Rock as he is the first ever guest on the brand new WWF exclusive chat show… “Owen With The Stars!” hosted by your WWF Champion, Owen Hart! Be sure to catch all this and more, only on WWF Raw Is War![/size] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Predictions[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Championship The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [B]Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title Billy Gunn vs Rob Van Dam[/B] [B]Handicap Match The Undertaker vs Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Hayashi © vs Dougie Williams[/B] [B]The Future: Sean Morgan vs Mike Quackenbush[/B] [B]The Brood & Gangrel vs Edge, Christian & Chyna[/B] [/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Championship [B]The Rock[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin Austin vs Hart has already been done. I think your going to give The Rock his time to chase after Owen although I had a feeling that these two were gonna face off at WM 15. Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title Billy Gunn vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Don't know how Heel vs Heel would work out but at shot at the IC Title is what RVD needs now. Handicap Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr The only way I see Taker losing is if there's some spooky shenenings courtsy of Kane WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Hayashi © vs [B]Dougie Williams[/B] The Ultimate Underdog for the suprising win. The Future: [B]Sean Morgan[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush Mike Quackenbush = Jobber [B]The Brood & Gangrel[/B] vs Edge, Christian & Chyna Bagwell for the interference. Man this diary still is cackin. Can't wait for RAW Is WAR~! KUTGW. :cool:
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Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Championship [B]The Rock[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin A win for the rock but I can't see it being a clean one somehow. Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title Billy Gunn vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Seems like The Van Damage has the momentum behind him here although perhaps you have higher intentions for him? Handicap Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr Who ever loses a handicap match when they are the ones with the handicap? WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]Hayashi ©[/B] vs Dougie Williams Although I prefer dougie, and as an Englishman Im glad that you offended a scotsman, I thinkg Hayashi retains [B] The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush Given your booking of him so far, it is far too early for the future to lose The Brood & Gangrel vs [B]Edge, Christian & Chyna[/B] Cant back against my boys, (and girl...I think?)
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Hi guys, after a bit of thought I can't be bothered with this diary anymore. The effort - rewards/enjoyment ratio is incredibly one sided at the moment and what with seeing all these new diaries popping up getting more predictions and feedback than me and my poor showing in DOTY makes me think it's probably overstayed its welcome so I've decided to finish it. And besides, I can't pretend it doesn't stick a little seeing new diaries that take about ten minutes to do a show that will be gone in under a month getting so much predictions and popularity while my two year lasting diary in which each show takes days to write due to the detail level just falls down the pages after two predictions per show. I might post my next couple of years worth of plans some point in the future just so you can see where I was heading, but I don't know. I'm also scrapping the plan to run a CV diary anytime soon. Thanks to the people who actually bothered to predict and leave feedback over the last couple of years, I really do truly appreciate it. Thanks guys. I hope you've enjoyed it while it lasted. I'm actually quite proud of this, which is perhaps why I'm finishing it, so I really do hope you enjoyed what I had to offer.
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