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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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I love the fact that the ayatollah of diary-ised rock n rollllaaa is back baby. This thing is sweeter than your first time... well, almost :p Winner Enters the Royal Rumble at Number 30 Rob Van Dam vs [B]The Rock[/B] vs Mankind vs X-Pac vs Steve Austin - I'll go the Rock, because what I think you'll do see, is book the Royal Rumble as a Steve Austin go to hell affair, and therefore leave him in the ring at the end one on one with the Rock for a ten-fifteen minute trip down Know Your Role Boulevarde. [B]Undertaker & Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H - love me some Owen Hart in this diary, because you are the king of booking him Tag Team Tournament Semi Final New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]Edge & Christian[/B] - E&C are like hot dogs at the track for me, too good to be true Tag Team Tournament Semi Final Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] - probably out of all the new TNA-ites, given Jeff is still relevant right now, he's the one that intriges me the most. WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs Al Snow - this fellow is perfectly booked, kudos on that [B]Tazz[/B] vs Mabel - Blubber jugs is gonna be squeeling like a pig
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Guest cmdrsam
Winner Enters the Royal Rumble at Number 30 Rob Van Dam vs The Rock vs Mankind vs X-Pac vs Steve Austin Could actually see anyone of these men winning except X-pac. I'll take Stone Cold Rob Van Rock Mankind please :p [B]Undertaker & Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H Tag Team Tournament Semi Final New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]Edge & Christian[/B] Tag Team Tournament Semi Final Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]Sean Morgan[/B] © vs Al Snow [B]Tazz[/B] vs Mabel
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 4th January 1999[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Milwaukee, Wisconsin[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs Mabel[/SIZE][/B] In a break from the usual opening promo we have a rematch from one of the quickest matches in history as Mabel looks for retribution from Tazz. It was the Human Wrecking Machine who last week attacked the giant from behind to quick up the pick win, but there was no chance of that this week with Tazz coming out first. Tazz constantly tries for a Tazzmission but is unable to overpower the monster, until he finally nails a Suplex and locks in his devastating submission manoeuvre. [B]Winner: Tazz in 4:00[/B][/CENTER] Tazz may have won, but the devastation isn’t over. Rather than just vacating the ring he grabs a steel chair from ringside and destroys Mabel with it, leaving the big man down and out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple H comes down to the ring with a microphone, but before he can really get talking we are joined by Shawn Michaels who comes down to the ring with a purpose. Obviously, Triple H doesn’t back down. [B]Shawn:[/B] What the hell? What was with that Pedigree through the Announce Table last week? You could have killed me! I thought we were on the same side? [B]Triple H: [/B]Would you calm the hell down, Shawn? It was a match, it was for the title. You said it yourself- each man for himself. [B]Shawn:[/B] You wanna see each man for himself? I’ll kick your ass right now. [B]Triple H:[/B] I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done in the same situation. [B]Shawn:[/B] No, Hunter. There’s a line and you crossed it. You didn’t need to use the table so come on, lets have it out, right now. [B]Triple H:[/B] You want some? You got it. Triple H peels off his shirt and Shawn takes off his jacket, but before they get anywhere they are interrupted by Shane McMahon, who this week seems to be channelling the Emperor from Star Wars. [B]Shane:[/B] Good… Good… Let the hate flow through your body… Okay… he didn’t say that… [B]Shane:[/B] Now, this is exactly what I wanted to see. So don’t let me stop you guys, you clearly have a lot of pent up aggression in there, why not use that hate and show me that D-Generation X is over and done with forever. Triple H and Shawn Michaels stop circling each other and both turn to face Shane. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh, come on! Don’t stop for me! I just wanted to remind you that the deal is still on, the first one to destroy and turn their back on the other will get a guaranteed title shot courtesy of yours truly. But if you don’t, things will get very difficult for the both of you. You may have noticed that neither of you have been entered in to the match later for the Number 30 spot in the Rumble, which was thanks to me begging the Board of Directors to take you out of it, and that’s just the start. All you have to do is turn on each other and this ends. No matter who wins tonight I will grant either one of you the Number 30 slot, or better, I will give you a title shot immediately after the Rumble if you’d like. Hunter, you already started it last week. You felt how good it was to attack Shawn, now do it again! Finish him off and I’ll give you what you’ve waited your whole career for! Triple H turns to Shawn, then back at Shane, back to Shawn, before finally turning away with his head held low as he walks to the back, not saying a word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#10 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]It’s a Dusty Rhode to the Intercontinental Title…[/i] Goldust shocked Jeff Jarrett when he won his Intercontinental Title at the start of the year and spent months playing with the Memphis native’s mind, but at Wrestlemania Jarrett got his own back when Marlena, the Golden One’s valet, turned on him to hand Jarrett the belt. A rematch inside a Cage was set up for In Your House: Backlash where Jarrett was accompanied by Marlena and Goldust by his father, the legendary Dusty Rhodes. However, to the shock of everyone Goldust was unable to win back the title when his own father turned his back on him, handing Goldust’s nemesis the title on a plate.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Tag Tournament Semi Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]New Corporate Outlaws w/Dusty Rhodes vs Edge & Christian[/SIZE][/B] Two of the undisputed top teams in the world go at it in this one with neither team holding back, as if you didn’t already know that. Edge & Christian tried to up the tempo and got close on several occasions, but the Outlaws got the win when Christian was brawling with the illegal man Road Dogg, allowing Gunn to hit a Fame Asser from behind for the win. [B]Winners: New Corporate Outlaws in 7:09[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, The Acolytes are walking backstage towards the ring area when they bump in to New Corporate Outlaws. [B]Gunn:[/B] Hey, Bradshaw, Faarooq, we got two words for ya… top that! [B]Dogg: [/B]Yeah jerky, you just saw how it’s done on the tag team scene, lets see what you got to offer. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] I think it’s about time you cut the crap, boys. We’ve been putting up with your attitude ‘cos we’re all on the same side, but honestly, we’re getting a little tired with it all. [B]Faarooq:[/B] So how ‘bout you start showing some respect to the top tag team in The Alliance? [B]Gunn:[/B] Who, us? [B]Dogg: [/B]Yeah, because last time I checked we were the best team in… The conversation ends with Shane McMahon running over. [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa! What’s going on? I spend two minutes trying to get DX to split and you start trying to get The Alliance to split. [B]Bradshaw: [/B]We weren’… [B]Shane:[/B] I don’t want to hear it. Now is not the time and place for this. Just focus on making sure The Alliance is in the Tag Team Title match at the Royal Rumble. Acolytes, you’re up next. Beat some respect in to those pretty boy Hardyz. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Tag Tournament Semi-Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Acolytes vs Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] The Hardy Boyz have been on a hell of a roll over the last year and have the full support of the fans in this one. Obviously The Acolytes dominate much of the proceedings but eventually through a bit of teamwork the Haryz remove Bradshaw from the ring and nail the Omega Splash on Faarooq for the surprise pin! [B]Winners: Hardy Boyz in 6:20[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivory is cutting a pretty standard heel promo backstage when Sable walks over. [B]Sable:[/B] I’m sorry, I thought I heard you mention that you will prove at the Rumble that you are the dominant female in the WWF. Let me clear one thing up for you… [i]I[/i] am the dominant female in this company. Not you, not Marc Mero, me. And at the Rumble I am going to show you what that exactly means when I kick your skanky butt from… They stop as Chyna walks in between them. [B]Chyna:[/B] Excuse me? If there is a discussion about who the dominant female is in this company then there really is only one answer and that’s me. [B]Sable: [/B]Well, if you’re so sure of that why don’t you add your name to the Women’s Title match at the Rumble? [B]Chyna:[/B] Trust me, there is nothing that I would like more than to kick both your asses, but I’m otherwise engaged. You see, I’ve decided that I will be the first woman to no only compete in the Royal Rumble, not only win it, but to become the World Wrestling Federation Champion. [B]Ivory:[/B] Sounds to me like you’re scared. [I]Chyna shoots Ivory a look which physically sends Ivory back a few steps.Chyna then walks up to her and gets right in her face.[/I] [B]Chyna:[/B] But I’m not busy tonight, so I reckon I’ve got the time to prove my dominance. Me and you, one on one, Ivory. Tonight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts back to The Acolytes furiously returning to the Alliance dressing room. Rather than being consoled they are greeted by a slow clap from Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, causing the Acolytes to pin them up against the wall. Luckily, the third member of the Outlaws walks in at that point as Jeff Jarrett tries to drag them apart, along with help from Dusty Rhodes. [B]Jarrett: [/B]What the hell’s going on here? [B]Bradshaw:[/B] You better start telling your boys to keep their attitude in check. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Why? [B]Road Dogg:[/B] Come on, Double J, who is the best tag team in The Alliance. Honestly? [B]Dusty:[/B] I’d say Acolytes, Jay, they some reeeeeeel big slapnuts. I think dey might kick ya ass if you don’t say dem! [B]Gunn:[/B] We’ll kick your ass if you don’t say us! [B]Dusty:[/B] Then I don’t know, babah. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Stop it! Seriously, listen to me, I know the stroke here. This has got to end right now, slapnuts. We’re a part of the most elite stable in wrestling and we’re risking it by arguing. I say we go out of our way to make sure we stay on top by working together. What do you say, slapnuts? Jarrett offers all four men a big smile. Only Dusty returns one. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] I say you better stop calling us slapnuts. The Acolytes walk off and out of the dressing room as Dusty tries to reason with the Outlaws. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The Future: Sean Morgan © vs Al Snow w/Head[/B][/SIZE] Sean Morgan is obviously a great young talent with a bright future in the company, but the members of the hardcore division seem eager to give him their kind of welcome. Despite his skill, Morgan starts off on the back foot as Snow wears him out with weapons, right up until Morgan begins systematically picking Snow apart, and eventually puts him away with the FuturePlex. [B]Winner and still WWF Hardcore Champion: Sean Morgan in 6:48[/B][/CENTER] Morgan is just about to celebrate in the ring when the stranger who has been stalking the hardcore division leaps over the barrier and slides in the ring. Morgan sprints to the back, leaving Snow alone with this unknown man. The stranger wastes no time in laying the boots in to Snow, before picking him up and clotheslining him back down over and over again. Eventually he stops, slides to the outside, picks up a stick and cracks it over Snow’s head, splitting it in half. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker and Owen Hart are backstage with Shane McMahon. [B]Shane: [/B]Okay you two, listen up. My mom didn’t add you to the Number 30 match like I requested, so you have to team tonight. After last week I want to make sure I can rely on you two to work as a team to help keep The Alliance on top. Can I? [B]Owen:[/B] You want me to work with this freak? Yeah, I’ll work with him, as long as he answers one question for me. What the hell was with Chokeslamming me last week? [B]Shane: [/B]Owen, come o… [B]Owen: [/B]No, answer me, Deadman. Why did you Chokeslam me last week? [B]Undertaker:[/B] Because I felt like it. [B]Shane:[/B] That good enough for you, Owen? [B]Owen:[/B] No, it’s not actually. I’ve been playing nice, I’ve tried to work as part of a team with you, but if you wanna go down this road then I will break your damn legs, okay? [B]Undertaker:[/B] Try me. [B]Shane:[/B] You see, this is exactly what I’m talking about. I need you two to work together. I need you to beat DX tonight. I need you to work together to ensure an Alliance member wins the title at the Rumble. Please, guys, can I trust you to work together and not try to kick each others asses. [B]Undertaker:[/B] You can trust me to do what it takes to win tonight. But the same goes for winning the belt at the Rumble. So Owen, you better watch yourself once we’ve won that match. Undertaker walks off. [B]Shane:[/B] ‘Taker! ‘Taker! Where are you going? Come back! I’m not done here yet! [B]Owen:[/B] You see, Shane-O, this is what I’ve got to put up with. When I joined The Alliance you promised me better than this. You better start getting it sorted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Ivory.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Chyna-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Ivory w/Marc Mero vs. “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna[/SIZE][/B] The match starts with Ivory getting in an early sneak attack on the 9th Wonder of the World and this allows her a lot of the early offence, but Chyna is, frankly, a freak of nature and just through brute force begins to dominate despite Marc Mero’s constant offence. At one point Mero seems to have won the match for Ivory, only for [b]Sable[/b] to run down and hit Ivory with a DDT while the referees back is turned. This allows Chyna to pick Ivory up and put her away with a Pedigree. [B]Winner: Chyna in 3:58[/B][/CENTER] Chyna starts to celebrate but is attacked from behind by [b]Bagwell[/b] who starts beating on her quite viciously. Surprised by the unusually vicious man on woman attack the crowd fall in to a dead hush as Bagwell beats on her, before grabbing a microphone. [B]Bagwell:[/B] I warned you! If it’s a bad apple you want then it’s a God damn bad apple you’re gonna get! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Cole is backstage when the unknown, long trench coat wearing stranger walks over. [B]Cole:[/B] Excuse me, excuse me, sir, mister, can I have a word? You’ve been attacking people for weeks, but who are you? The stranger peels back his hood to reveal… [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/16lmz5v.jpg[/IMG] The strange looking guy just stares in to the camera, smiling peculiarly, with a stream of saliva running from the side of his mouth off his face. [B]Stranger:[/B] Haha… ha… ha… I am Droz! You might remember me from my time in the National Football League when I was made a fool of because of my vomiting problem! They all called me “Puke”! Haha… ha… Puke… [B]Cole:[/B] But why are you here in the WWF then, Mr Droz? [B]Droz: [/B]Why am I here? WHY AM I HERE?! Haha… I want to be a wrestler! And this is where we find the wrestlers, isn’t it? [B]Cole:[/B] But surely there are easier ways to become a wrestler? [B]Droz:[/B] Haha… why of course! In fact, I asked to be a part of “Team Hardcore” at Survivor Series! You know, the team who were without a partner up until they went out there? Haha… I told them I had been training, I told them I could help them, but what did they do? WHAT DID THEY DO?! Haha… they chose a mannequin head! (He starts jumping up and down excitedly as he yells and laughs in to the microphone) They chose a mannequin head over me! They thought a mannequin head would be a better team mate! Haha! Can you believe it? [B]Cole:[/B] So is th… [B]Droz:[/B] They chose a mannequin head over me! They called me “Puke”! Haha… how adorable the boys and girls can be, how fun it can be to dance and sing and play “pick on the weird kid”! Haha… Now I get to play my game, and my game is called “hurt everyone!” Haha… isn’t that fun? HURT EVERYONE! Droz suddenly stops dead in his tracks and sprints off in to the night with no-one quite sure what they just witnessed… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Owen_Hart.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Triple_H16.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Shawn_Michaels38.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Undertaker & “King of Harts” Owen Hart vs. Triple H & “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] It goes to show how good Owen & Shawn are in that they have fought so many times over the last year and yet the fans don’t seem bored of it. Owen tries to do as much as possible but when The Undertaker comes in he completely dominates the match with Shawn Michaels being left alone in the ring with him for a long period, unable to tag out. The crowd are completely behind DX, but no matter what they throw at The Phenom they can’t get passed him. Eventually Michaels makes the hot tag to his partner and Triple H gives The Undertaker something to think about, right up until it becomes a wild and chaotic brawl between all four men. With Triple H still trying to get The Undertaker down and with Michaels having knocked Owen from the ring, Michaels senses an opportunity and goes for Undertaker with his patented Sweet Chin Music, only for him to move, causing Michaels to nail his own partner! ‘Taker knocks Michaels from the ring, turns to Triple H and destroys him with a horrific Chokeslam. [B]Winners: Owen Hart and The Undertaker in 8:05[/B][/CENTER] Owen slides back in the ring to celebrate, but The Undertaker exits the ring immediately and storms to the back, not even acknowledging his partner. How the hell can The Alliance hope to coexist at the Rumble? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#9 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]FINALLY…[/I] The countdown for the best moments of 1998 continues as we fast forward to November and the WWF is in the run up to the Survivor Series. D-Generation X and The Alliance are about to face off in a Classic Survivor Series match when The Rock becomes caught in a tug of war between the two sides. With time running out and Rocky having to choose one side or the other, The Rock seems to pick The Alliance, only to swerve and take out Vince McMahon and join DX with the words “FINALLY… The Rock has come back… to D-Generation X!”[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Michael Cole:[/B] Hello everybody, I’m Michael Cole and I’m backstage here with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now, Steve, you know as well as everyone about the decision to put the title on the line at the Royal Rumble. But tonight you’ve got the opportunity to give yourself an advantage by entering at Number Thirty. Your thoughts? [B]Austin:[/B] My thoughts don’t mean a crap. I think that this match is pointless ‘cos ol’ Stone Cold already had the title won last week but he got screwed by a McMahon again. But that doesn’t mean jack, and you won’t see me bitchin’ and moanin’ about it. Tonight I’ve got the chance to go… Austin stops dead in his tracks as The Rock walks over to him and they square up. [B]Austin:[/B] What in the hell do you want? [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock heard you talking, Austin, The Rock heard you but The Rock doesn’t agree with you. You think you had the title won last week? [B]Austin:[/B] You damn rig… [B]Rock:[/B] It doesn’t matter what you think! [B]Austin:[/B] You didn’t wanna do that, son, I assure you, you did not wanna do that. [B]Rock:[/B] Is that so? [B]Austin: [/B]Oh hell yeah. You see, I’m getting a little sick of you screwing up in my title matches, ‘cos it seems to good ol’ Stone Cold that you keep screwing me out of the belt. [B]Rock:[/B] And you see, The Rock is a little sick of you getting in his way. You see, Stone Cold Steve Austin, you and The Rock have both been entered in to the Royal Rumble match and the way The Great One sees it is you better stay out of his way, because each time you and The Rock get in each others way we end up costing each other the title. [B]Austin:[/B] And that’s exactly the damn reason why I’ve got my crosshairs straight on you, Rocky. You think I’m gonna hide away from you because you keep costing me the title? Uh-uh. I’m gonna go straight for you, Rocky, I’m goin’ straight for you so I can personally send your scrawny little ass out of the ring and back to the locker room so you can watch me win the WWF Title, and that’s the bottom li… Austin stops as The Rock puts his hand in Austin’s face. The Rock barges past Michael Cole and gets right up in the former champions face. [B]Rock:[/B] This is not sing-along with a roody poo candy ass jabroni. This is not sing-along with Stone Cold Steve Austin. This is The Rock’s show, and The Rock says, no, The Rock promises, no, The Rock guaran-damn-tees that in the 5 way in a moment he will kick your bald headed, double sided candy ass from one side of the ring to the other, and then at the Royal Rumble he will make it his personal goal to eliminate Stone Cold Steve Austin and go on to become the next WWF Champion. The Rock then gets up even closer to Austin’s face and whispers slightly. [B]Rock:[/B] If ya smell… what The Rock… is cookin’. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Winner Enters the Royal Rumble at Number 30[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Rob_Van_Dam5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/X-Pac1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam vs. Mankind vs. X-Pac vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Unusually for such a big match featuring a lot of people, there are no heels in this one, meaning the crowd is somewhat split, although most seem to be favouring Austin, with a vocal few on the side of The Rock. Each man seems like they are willing to be sportsmanlike and follow the rules until Stone Cold characteristically raises his middle finger to the law and breaks every rule he can, leading to a huge free for all. All five men throw everything at it, but after a flurry of everyone’s finishing moves the match is ruined when the whole of The Alliance storm the ring and take out all the competitors in a quick and brutal manner. [B]Winner: No Contest after 13:00[/B][/CENTER] The referee is trying to get The Alliance from the ring but they just turn to attack him, no man seemingly able to get away from their path of destruction. Even The Undertaker and Owen Hart work together seamlessly as they tear all 5 men apart until their limp bodies are ravished in cuts and bruises, when Shane grabs a microphone. [B]Shane:[/B] You wanna see me play dirty guys? You want me to get down and dirty, well here it is. I got Undertaker to take out his own brother. I kicked my father’s ass- there are no limits I will not delve into to ensure the survival of myself and my Alliance. The Alliance will come out on top at the Rumble. I guarantee it, you intolerable, ungrateful little *******s! I will do whatever it takes! WHATEVER IT TAKES! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Tazz def Mabel New Corporate Outlaws def Edge & Christian Hardy Boyz def Acolytes Sean Morgan retains the WWF Hardcore Title against Al Snow Chyna def Ivory by DQ Undertaker & Owen Hart def Shawn Michaels & Triple H Rob Van Dam vs The Rock vs Mankind vs X-Pac vs Steve Austin ends in a No Contest
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This show was great, loving the build to the Royal Rumble. The slow burn thing between Triple H and Shawn Michaels is great too. At first I really thought that the Rock would end up winning the Royal Rumble but now that the title is on the line in the match I don't see a babyface winning the match. Somehow I really see Owen winning the title back at the Rumble.
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="6"]Schiavonne’s Schia-Wrongies[/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/09.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’m coming up so you better get this party started. Shamone! You damn right! Tony S back on the airwaves to give you the latest scoop as to what’s nonsensical and even more nonsensical in the world of WCW[/B] The big rumour to come out of Atlanta this month is that the world famous Santa Claus is being lined up for the job of Head Booker at World Championship Wrestling. He came in for an interview with Turner Executives who were completely blown away with his experience of keeping the same reindeer line up year after year, no matter how old or stale they are. Hell, he’s not changed his line up in over a hundred years, which is nearly as long as WCW’s main event. Indeed, this experience of working with old, washed up talent and keep pushing them to the moon regardless is vital in WCW. Here’s one that everyone with bad maths will love- Sid Vicious has begun a Goldberg-esque winning streak! Two weeks ago he was at 41-0, and this week he is up to 77-0, with the fans salivating at just how high these numbers will get. However, I have to say I find these numbers somewhat confusing as, not only has he not won in WCW for years, he isn’t even employed by us anymore. Nonetheless, we’ll keep tracking this one. WCW this week completely went with what we are best at by deciding that, once again, we would fool the boys in the back for the gain of zero ratings. Actually ,it harmed our ratings as we fooled them by telling them Nitro was on Tuesday when it was in fact still on Monday, which meant we had no show to broadcast. But hey, the boys bought it, so it must be good, right? World Championship Wrestling is proud to be bringing in my favourite band of all time for a live show on next weeks Thunder; the Backstreet Boys! I personally can not wait and I know all you fans are salivating at the prospect too. Not only are we all obviously very excited but I hear Turner Executives are expecting this to be the big turn around in the ratings for us. All together now… Backstreet’s Back… Alright! That has to be the greatest song in the history of mankind. And not the washed up stunt double who can’t put butts in seats kind of Mankind. Those of you who watched Nitro a couple of months back will remember Goldberg trying to break in to a limo by smashing his hand through the glass window, which led to him being off screen for a while and getting plastic surgery on his arm. Well, Goldberg is back and this week took part in the biggest grudge match of all time- Goldberg vs the Glass Window From The Limo. Things were going to well for Goldberg until he attempted a Spear and smashed through the glass again, requiring more plastic surgery. More on this story when we get it. On last weeks show there was a bit of confusion when Lex Luger asked Stevie Ray if their discussion was just between the two of them, obviously not realising it was being broadcast to millions of people nationwide. Stevie then suggested that it was between them and 5,000 people, but don’t worry, I covered for it with the kind of quick thinking you associate with Anthony Florian Schiavone- I explained he meant 5,000 people in each house. (OOC- wait, Schiavone ACTUALLY said this once!) I can’t believe people think the nWo is stale after just 2 and a half years. Hulkamania ran for a lot longer than that, and that never got stale. Ever. Ever ever ever. If you ask me, the fans are clearly idiots. If you don’t want to watch the nWo crap over the entire roster and make really bad television then turn over the channel. I for one enjoy it. I don’t care if it is a little bit gay; I have a man crush on Wrath. Deal with it, homophobes. So Syxx has gone to WWF, huh? I don’t care, he couldn’t work anyway. Look at the size of him. I’d have cared if it was Hulk Hogan, or say… I dunno… Hulk Hogan… but why should I care about Syxx? He’s a fool if he thinks he’s affected me. Ric Flair never has been and never will be a draw. Get back to the midcard, Joe Jobber. The biggest travesty in wrestling history occurred last week when the evil, vile, diabolical, old woman shoving, child beating, murderous, sexual deviants the nWo called Larry Zbysko “Larry Zbiscuit”. Scum. Sub-human scum. Just as a parting note I’m going to offer Schiavone Rules Of Staying Credible As An Announcer. There will be monthly offerings for all you budding Eric Bischoffs, Steve McMichaels and of course, Tony Schiavones. Rule number one, and never, ever forget this- the key to staying credible as an announcer is to say such ludicrous things that are clearly wrong and actually contradict what you are seeing on the screen, such as suggested that when a wrestler pulls a knife on another wrestler, you dismiss it as him trying to shave the wrestler, regardless of whether either have beards. *sigh* You don’t see JR giving this sort of stuff out for free, do you? (OOC- and yes, Schiavone actually used that excuse on TV too) I guess that’s all for this month. Remember to keep eating your vitamins and saying prayers, brothers. And of course, please tune in to WCW Nitro on Monday. Seriously, please, please, please tune in. If you don’t… ummm… I’ll kill a puppy. Yeah, that ought to do it. Do you want that on your conscience? Do you? All the best watch Nitro TS [/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
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I love me some Schia-wrongies! I remember most of those things happening too...ohhh WCW! Wasn't it awesome when friday nights meant getting to stay up till midnight and watch WWF on sky sports and WCW on Bravo! Loved it! (OOC, why the hell did Bravo cut TNA down to 2 hours this week? They missed out a load oc cool stuff I wanted to see! Damn Star Trek Voyager repeats!)
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;785393]I love me some Schia-wrongies! I remember most of those things happening too...ohhh WCW! Wasn't it awesome when friday nights meant getting to stay up till midnight and watch WWF on sky sports and WCW on Bravo! Loved it! (OOC, why the hell did Bravo cut TNA down to 2 hours this week? They missed out a load oc cool stuff I wanted to see! Damn Star Trek Voyager repeats!)[/QUOTE] Ah yes, those were the days. I was admittedly a bigger WWF fan at the time, but I've turned in to more of a WCW fan. I think I wa sright in the middle of WWF's target demograhpic for the Attitude era so I was tuning in every week without fail, whereas WCW didn't do it for me in the same way, even though I tried to tune in more often than not. It's weird because with age I've grown to love WCW, particularly the bad bits which I shouldn't, in the way you can grow to love the flaws in your girlfriend. Which, believe me, I've had to do with my missus! The whole Schiavone is just me poking fun at the silly things WCW did, and most of the references are to things that actually happened, just exaggerated. But WCW really was great, and in a way is kind of an influence for the product I wanted for my WWF, in a weird way.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREDICTIONS[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"] [b]Ten Man Tag Match[/b] The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin [b]Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament[/b] New Corporate Outlaws vs. Hardy Boyz Christopher Daniels vs. Triple H [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] Bagwell vs. Chyna [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] Al Snow vs. Tommy Dreamer [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] Togo vs. Funaki vs. Tajiri vs. Hayashi [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Psicosis [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Ten Man Tag Match [B]The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament [B]New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs. Hardy Boyz Christopher Daniels vs. [B]Triple H[/B] Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Bagwell [/B]vs. Chyna Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Al Snow[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer Royal Rumble Qualification Match Togo vs. Funaki vs. [B]Tajiri [/B]vs. Hayashi Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Psicosis
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[SIZE=2][B]Ten Man Tag Match[/B] The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett vs. [B]X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [B]Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament[/B] New Corporate Outlaws vs. [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] Christopher Daniels vs. [B]Triple H[/B] [B]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/B] Bagwell vs. [B]Chyna[/B] [B]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/B] [B]Al Snow[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer [B]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/B] Togo vs. Funaki vs. [B]Tajiri[/B] vs. Hayashi [B]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/B] [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Psicosis[/SIZE]
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Ten Man Tag Match The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett vs. [B]X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [I]Normally with matches like this you go on who has the strongest team so for that reason I think i'll be going with the faces. I could see something happening between Rock and Austin though.[/I] Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament [B]New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs. Hardy Boyz [I]I think they've looked good in recent months.[/I] Christopher Daniels vs. [B]Triple H[/B] [I]Unless there is some sort of miscommunication between him and Shawn.[/I] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Bagwell vs. [B]Chyna[/B] :D Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Al Snow[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer [I]Gotta love some head...[/I] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Togo vs. Funaki vs. Tajiri vs. [B]Hayashi[/B] [I]I think it'll be between him and Tajiri anyway.[/I] Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Psicosis [I]Tough one out of him and Psicosis and I really wasn't sure who to take.[/I] Looking forward to it buddy.
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Ten Man Tag Match The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett vs. [B]X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament [B]New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs. Hardy Boyz Christopher Daniels vs. [B]Triple H[/B] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Bagwell vs. [B]Chyna[/B] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Al Snow vs. [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Togo vs. Funaki vs. Tajiri vs. [B]Hayashi[/B] Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Psicosis
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Ten Man Tag Match [B]The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin - Wow, the other team is staccckkkeeeedd though. Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament New Corporate Outlaws vs. [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] Christopher Daniels vs. [B]Triple H[/B] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Bagwell vs. [B]Chyna[/B] - Bagwell to let her/him/it lie on him? I personally wouldn't... but Buff seems to be more perverse and more adverse to what he/she/it could potentially riddle him with... Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]Al Snow[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer - Can we get some more head? I'm always a fan of head... Royal Rumble Qualification Match Togo vs. Funaki vs. [B]Tajiri[/B] vs. Hayashi Royal Rumble Qualification Match Chavo Guerrero Jr vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. [B]Psicosis[/B] - Psicosis is the jizz. If Psicosis was to go over I would be like Emma Newton in Stranger on a Train "Oh, sounds so gay!" (as in happy, y'all)
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Few shows to comment on, since I've been lazy and just lurking for a couple of shows. I'll try not to go over board and make this a massive long essay... The Austin/contract promo was an excellent start to Raw. Nice little kick to the nuts for the lil McMahon. Vince wouldn't have been caught out with a little trick like that :p Love the hypocritical hardcore purist thing Morgan has going on; was a little worried he was going to be a little shallow as a character during the hype stage but fortunately that hasn't been the case. Wish Triple H'd just snap already :p Get him hooked up with Steph to form a new force that takes down everyone. Rock/Austin for Mania? Too Cool but no dancing? :( Them dancing in the '00 Rumble was one of my favourite moments :o Mosh? Man... the Headbangers were like the epitome of gimmicks out-weighing ability during the Attitude Era. The name is a little... oversold, much like a lot of Mosh's work. However, I greatly approve of the monocle. BAH GAWD! Who's the champion? Ohoho, Owen Hart is getting tired of Shane-O. How long before we get to see him running away with his tail between his legs because he can't handle the heat? Want him to go running to daddy to beg for help and then get billionaire bitchslapped for his troubles :p Foley is God. Really, really looking forward to what's to come from him... say around... No Way Out. No Chyna... just no. X-Pac was one thing but Bagwell? Having said that, Bagwell... Chyna, really? The DX build has been brilliant. I love the slow build. Sudden shocks are also cool if they aren't overused, it's the middle ground that I'm not so keen on but that's me getting sidetracked. Point is, I'm waiting for that big turn on every show. Man in trench coat is intriguing. Ha. Bagwell. That guy is a pain in the ass for me on TEW at the moment. As if I didn't dislike him enough already :p "My time is now"... Oh hi John "The Rock" Cena. I suppose the champ is here? :p Oh what chaos in the Main Event! Pedigree through a table, Double Chokeslam, No Contest. WHO BAH GAWD IS THE CHAMPION?! OOOHHHH it's Linda. She only turns up in emergencies. And here's the announcement I was expecting that I didn't cotton-on-to when making the RR poster despite the text kind of spelling it out. Hey, I was too focused on the design :p I think Owen has come out of losing his title a lot stronger than he could have done but then the flip side is the new champion doesn't really get the same boost as they would beating Owen one on one. I expect that has been accounted for in your plans though. Tazz SUPLEXED Mabel? Christ, he's strong :p Did you just write Mabel out just before the Rumble? What about the classic seven people to get him out spot? :eek: Just. ****ing. Hit. Shawn. :mad: Corporation needs to be liquidised soon. I'd enjoy seeing Shane's world unravel. Taker for the title. And given all the other challengers, it took a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to land on supporting him. Oh Bagwell, don't embarrass yourself. Any moreso. Awesome, awesome Droz promo. Can't really say much more than that. Ha. Shane. I feel the Corporation have one more resurgence in them before things go completely tits up though. Now then, finally: Ten Man Tag Match [B]The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin [i]Corporation to look a little more solidified briefly; Austin and Rock won't work together; Pac and RVD won't work together; Mankind is cccrrraaazzy.[/i] Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament [b]New Corporate Outlaws[/b] vs. Hardy Boyz [i]Nearly went with The Hardys but on reflection, furthering the brief Corporate revival, Outlaws.[/i] Christopher Daniels vs. [B]Triple H[/B] [i]Oh come on. Even with shenanigans, it's a stretch for Daniels to go over one of the most compelling characters in the diary right now.[/i] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Bagwell vs. [B]Chyna[/B] [i]And if she injures him, all the better.[/i] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Al Snow vs. [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] [i]Or Droz interferes and somehow gets the spot himself.[/i] Royal Rumble Qualification Match Togo vs. [B]Funaki[/B] vs. Tajiri vs. Hayashi [i]Gotta give the little guy something, he wanted to be in the Rumble so badly. And he'd probably be in the Rumble so badly.[/i] :p Royal Rumble Qualification Match Chavo Guerrero Jr vs. Essa Aguila vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. [B]Psicosis[/B] [i]Playing favourites.[/i]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 11th January 1999[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Madison, Wisconsin[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The camera pans around the audience, cheering wildly at the chance to see their WWF heroes. Eventually the camera settles on a huge screen above the Titantron with the numbers [b]9590400[/b] on it, which goes down by one every second. [B]JR:[/B] Hello everybody and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m “JR” Jim Ross alongside Bobby “The Brain” Heenan as you look at the huge collection of numbers above the Titantron. Folks, this was here before anyone from the WWF arrived in the building and as of now we have no idea what it is about but if we get any updates about why this amount of numbers keeps getting smaller or in fact why the hell it’s here we will let you know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Titles Tournament Final[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]New Corporate Outlaws vs. Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] Two of the top teams in the world square off in our opener to see who will face The Brood at the Royal Rumble for the Tag Team Titles. The outlaws of course have a huge experience advantage and use that to their favour for much of the match, but the Hardy Boyz of course work their way back in to the match and even manage to upset the former champions when Jeff puts Road Dogg away with a Swanton Bomb. [B]Winners: Hardy Boyz in 7:50[/B][/CENTER] The bell rings and the Hardy Boyz celebrate their opportunity at the Royal Rumble as the Outlaws look on, shocked they’ve been unable to win, win suddenly [b]The Brood[/b] run down and start beating on the Hardyz. The 3 on 2 numbers advantage, added with the fatigue of the youngsters mean The Brood beat them from one side of the ring to the other, before Daniels finally puts them away with the Last Rites. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is backstage when Chavo Guerrero Jr walks over to talk to him. Flanked as always by his Vato Loco’s, including Psicosis. [B]Chavo:[/B] Sup, vato, what’s going on? [B]Shane:[/B] Erm… not much… homes… what can I do for you? [B]Chavo:[/B] Homie, I need a favour. Of course we’ve all got a match tonight to qualify for the Royal Rumble, but something is bothering me. I own Psicosis. We’re in charge of him. Why should our slave get the same opportunities as us? [B]Shane:[/B] Are you saying you want him out of the match? [B]Chavo: [/B]Exactly. [B]Shane:[/B] Does this have anything to do with the fact that you have still never beaten Psicosis in a match? [B]Chavo:[/B] It’s to make sure our group get along. It’s turning in to gang warfare around it, homes, and I want my troops to be working together. If our slave beats us, how does that make us look? [B]Shane:[/B] Slave? Look, whatever. I don’t care, I’ve got far more important things to worry about. You own Psicosis, so if you want him out of the match, he’s out of the match. I’ve got things to do. [B]Psicosis:[/B] ¿Qué? ¡Esto es estúpido! ¿Por qué no debo conseguir yo las mismas oportunidades como estos dos hombres? ¿He luchado duramente para esta compañía y yo he tenido éxito, yo he ganado campeonatos, y ahora yo soy ni conseguir las mismas oportunidades como ellos? ¡Lucharé fuera, causaré una revolución contra todos ustedes y yo le mostraré que nadie me sujeta! As he finishes Psicosis throws his bag across the hallway and storms off. [B]Shane: [/B]What did he say? [B]Chavo:[/B] Erm… I think he said he’s fine with it. [B]Shane: [/B]Whatever, I don’t care. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We then cut to the ring as Shawn Michaels makes his way out to the ring, and calls out Triple H, who obliges and joins him in the ring. [B]Michaels:[/B] Look man, I’m sorry. Last week, I was aiming for Undertaker, I really didn’t mean to get you. I swear to you, you know if I wanted to attack you I’d do it to your face. [B]Triple H:[/B] You see, I don’t think you would. I think you’re too afraid to admit that last week was revenge for me kicking your ass the week before that. [B]Michaels: [/B]You didn’t kick my ass. [B]Triple H:[/B] That’s weird; I seem to remember Pedigreeing your ass through a table. [B]Michaels:[/B] Look, whatever. The important thing is we move on from here rather than keep fighting. You’re like a brother to me, and we make a great team. Separated we can be conquered, but together, you know… I’m the greatest of all time, you are almost as good as me, we make a grea… [B]Triple H:[/B] Whoa, wait a minute. Almost as good? What do you mean almost as good? [B]Michaels: [/B]Well, Hunty-boy, look at the facts. I’m a former 4 time WWF Champion, former Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, Tag Team Champion, I’ve had more Wrestlemania moments than anyone in history, I won the Royal Rumble from Number One, I… [B]Triple H:[/B] Okay, then that’s it. You think you’re better than me? I can do everything you have and more. You say you won the Royal Rumble from Number One? I’ll do that this year. [B]Michaels: [/B]Hunter, you don’t have to… [B]Triple H:[/B] No, I do. I’ll win the Rumble from Number One, and I’ll win the WWF Title while I’m at it. Even the mighty Shawn Michaels hasn’t won the title in the Royal Rumble match. [B]Michaels:[/B] This fighting isn’t doing us any good, Haitch. It’ll tear us apart, we need to stop competing. [B]Triple H: [/B]I agree, it’s doing us no good. But I have to do this. I have to prove at the very least I’m as good as you. Say I’m as good as you and I’ll let it go. [B]Michaels:[/B] Well… it’s not that you aren’t good, or great, but… [B]Triple H:[/B] You can’t do it, can you? You can’t admit I am as good as you. Unbelievable. I need to prove this, Shawn. Not to you, not to he fans, but to myself. I need to know that I am as good as you. [B]Michaels:[/B] So is that why you Pedigree’d me through the table? Because if you think by taking me out and screwing me out of the title is going to help your cause then you are straight up wrong, Hunter. I’ve always dreaded the day where I had to put my little protégé in his place, but I think maybe the time has come. You want to go, Hunty-boy, you want to try me, then lets go? Or are you afraid that I’ll prove to the world that you are all mouth? Triple H: All mouth, huh? Lets see which one of us is all mouth… [SIZE="4"][i]NO CHANCE![/i][/SIZE] Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ramp, laughing almost hysterically. [B]Shane:[/B] This… is… brilliant. It’s such good entertainment, I love it. Don’t let me stop you. In fact, let me help you. First and foremost, allow me to remind you that the deal is still in place, first one of you to forever turn your back on the other will get a title shot, I guarantee it. But until one of you actually gets the balls to do it, why don’t I make your dream come true, Hunter? You want to prove you can do anything Shawn Michaels can do? I’ll let you have the number one position in the Royal Rumble. If you win your match with Christopher Daniels tonight I will grant you any place in the Rumble. How does that sound? But don’t forget, if one of you wants to turn on the other, then feel free. Hell, do it at the Rumble, because a lot is at stake there. Not only is the title on the line, but I have decided that the winner will pocket $100,000 AND be granted a place in the most elite group in the world- The Alliance. That is right, someone will walk out of the Rumble, with the title, a place in the Alliance and $100,000 dollars richer. I want to see everyone do whatever they can to win, go to whatever lengths they can, and make sure that the WWF Title remains an Alliance Championship. Just make sure you win at any… any… cost. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Triple Threat Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MrAguila.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Essa Aguila[/SIZE][/B] Any match with these three in is bound to be a high flying classic and they don’t disappoint. Perhaps surprisingly the two less familiar faces are the more popular with the crowd, with Chavo unable to buy a cheer from even the biggest marks in the crowd. Rodrigues and Aguila throw themselves around the ring with breathtaking ease, but it is Chavo who picks up the win after a technical masterclass, forcing Aguila to tap to an excruciating butterfly lock. [B]Winner: Chavo Guerrero in 6:20[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cut backstage to Zukaya, who are being talked to by their mentor Yamaguchi-San. He tells them that he’s only been able to secure one spot in the Rumble, which all four of them will face off for. However, the losing three will be part of a Fatal Fourway match at the Royal Rumble for the Light-Heavyweight Title against Dougie Williams, which obviously pleases the Japanese thugs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of bagpipes resonate throughout the arena which can only mean one thing… Pipers Pit is back! The crowd raise to their feet in unison as “Rowdy” Roddy Piper makes his way to the ring, high fiving along the way. He reaches the squared circle and grabs a microphone. [B]Piper:[/B] Haw… you guys are too much. I know I might be the greatest of all time, but shucks, you guys are too much. I could talk about myself all night, but you know me, I’m not a self-centred, selfish or egotistical person. This show isn’t about the Hot Rod, it’s about the calibre and intellect of the guest… oh, who am I kiddin’? But lets bring out my guest tonight, the only man who makes his own stinkin’, lousy, big-headed, bad-attitude, do-no-good sonofabitch dad look like he means a crap… Shane McMahon! Shane McMahon makes his way down to the ring, the crowd obviously all over his back. [B]Piper: [/B]Shane-O, le… [B]Shane:[/B] I’m gonna stop you there, Grandpa. I know things were different under my dad, but he’s not in control anymore, I am. And I have learnt a thing or two in my time watching him run this company in to the ground. That introduction you gave me isn’t good enough. You may think you’re being funny, but I don’t appreciate it. When you’ve got the background, the legacy, the pedigree that I do, you don’t accept anything other the best. So… re-introduce me. [B]Piper:[/B] Shane-O, buddy, pal, listen up here, ‘cos I ain’t got the energy to tell you this more than once. You may run this little thing these days, but frankly, I don’t give a crap. You’re now on Piper’s Pit, and I’m calling the shots around here. And if you don’t like it, I’ll take this damned show elsewhere. And don’t think I won’t do it, ‘cos I was the guy screwing your dad around and filling arenas while Stone Cold Steve Austin was still filling diapers. Now, I need to ask you a question, Shane-O. I’ve gotta know, with the Rumble, why the extra money? The chance at joining The Alliance? Surely being the WWF Champion would be enough of a reason to enter The Rumble? [B]Shane:[/B] Oh, no doubt it is. But the thing is, the WWF Title is very important to me. The man who is champion represents the WWF, they are the face of the company, and I need to know that this company is in good hands. Imagine what would happen if Steve Austin, or The Rock, or Mankind, or Shawn Michaels, or Triple H were to become champion? I need to know that my title is staying where I want it to be, right in The Alliance camp. [B]Piper:[/B] I’ve gotta say, Shane, that of all the lousy, no good… Before Piper can finish his sentence, Shane McMahon brings a microphone down hard on to his head. Piper goes down like a Lead Zeppelin as he follows up with strong boots to the midsection, before dropping to his knees and punching Hot Rod over and over again. Finlay and Acolytes run down to enter the ring and immediately join in the assault, beating down on Piper. Eventually, the Acolytes pick him up only to deliver a devastating Double Spinebuster, with Finlay adding the explanation mark with the shillelagh as Piper is crumpled on the mat. Shane then grabs a microphone. [B]Shane: [/B]You think you can just stand their and insult me, old man? I gave you an opportunity. No-one wants to see your wrinkled ass anymore, but I gave you a chance to interview me and you blew it. So this is what you get, you son of a b*tch, this is what you get. And hey, Piper, just when you think you know all the answers… Shane McMahon is now changing the questions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Funaki vs. Togo vs. Tajiri vs. Hayashi[/SIZE][/B] These four friends and allies go at it in another very modern, WCW-esque Cruiserweight battle with the opportunity to enter the Royal Rumble for the winner and opportunity to face the Light-Heavyweight Champion for the losers. I guess you could say no-one could lose in this match. You’d be wrong though. Because Funaki won. Indeed. [B]Winner: Funaki in 7:20[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Shane McMahon show continues as he, flanked by Finlay, walks over to Rob Van Dam, who is chatting with X-Pac. [B]Shane:[/B] Hey, X-Punk, could you leave us for a moment, I’ve got a proposition for Mr Van Dam. [B]X-Pac:[/B] I’d rather stay. [B]Shane:[/B] Fair enough. Mr RVD, you came so close to winning the Intercontinental Title at Rest In Peace, it seems like such a shame to stop you from winning the title again, does it not? You need another shot, so I’m going to give it to you. [B]RVD:[/B] Okay, what’s the catch? [B]Shane:[/B] God, I love this guy, he’s so astute. You will face Finlay at the Royal Rumble, one on one. It won’t be for the Intercontinental Title, but for the chance at the title. If you beat Finlay you will get another title shot, plus you will enter the Royal Rumble. That sound good? [B]RVD:[/B] I can live with that. [B]Shane:[/B] But if my man Finlay wins, then he gets the spot in the Royal Rumble. Not only that, you will never, ever get another shot at that Intercontinental Title. Think you can handle that? [B]RVD:[/B] Shane-O, Finlay, believe me- I’m more than either of you can handle. I’ll see you at the Rumble, and then after that, you’ll see me in the Rumble. And you’ll see why everyone knows that no-one gets higher than R…V…D! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#8 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]24 hours a day, 7 days a week…[/i] Rob Van Dam sure knows how to make an impression. But Shane isn’t the first McMahon to be less than enamoured with the high flying superstar. Shortly after his debut in the Federation, RVD was welcomed by the former owner of the company, Vince McMahon. Unenthused by RVD’s lack of respect for the senior McMahon, he placed RVD’s Hardcore Title under 24/7 rules, meaning that for the whole month of August the belt could move freely amongst anyone, at any time, so long as a referee was present. Battles waged in the parking lot, the restroom, and even occasionally in the ring, with men like Edge, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and others looking set to hold the gold, but it was Van Dam that left with the belt, having secured it back with just moments of August remaining.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Triple_H16.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels w/Gangrel & Devon Covell vs. Triple H[/SIZE][/B] Despite his diminutive size, the newcomer Daniels is certainly one to look out for in the future, as evidenced by already being one half of the tag team champions. [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] is at ringside but rather than evening the sides at ringside he chooses to sit by on commentary, even though most of what he says is about himself. He says that he stands by his actions and everything he has done is by mistake, but when it comes to it he has to look after number one. Daniels, meanwhile, is throwing everything he’s got at Triple H in the ring, and The Brood try to get themselves involved in the match on numerous occasions, but eventually Michaels helps keep it at one on one and Triple H puts the Fallen Angel away with a Pedigree. [B]Winner: Triple H in 6:58[/B][/CENTER] The bell rings and Triple H celebrates as Shane McMahon walks out to the rampway. [B]Shane:[/B] Congratulations, Mr Helmsley. What number would you like in the Royal Rumble? [B]Triple H:[/B] You know what number, Shane. Give me number one. [B]Shane:[/B] I’d love to, but there’s one problem. You see, the number one slot has already been given out… to HBK… Shawn Michaels! Triple H begins to blow a gasket in the ring, furious that his buddy seems to have gotten in the way of his chances to emulate him. It doesn’t seem like his rage can be controlled as he turns around, only for Michaels to step forward, ready for Sweet Chin Music… but stops. Triple H just looks at him, shocked, as Michaels points at him, letting him know “I could have gotten you… if I wanted”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardcore Legend himself Terry Funk makes his way down to the ring to a good reaction from the crowd and grabs a microphone. Obviously somewhat nervous, he thanks the crowd for their reception and tells them he will be entering the 30 man Royal Rumble, but tells them it will be his final ever match. He thanks everyone for their support over the years and says he had a wail of a time, but thinks it’s best to finish it at the big one, and that he hopes he can go out with a bang. This brings out Mankind, who embraces his good friend and thanks him for the memories. He warns him that he’ll do everything he can to win the match too, but it’ll be an honour to be a part of the Funker’s last ever match. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Hardcore Match for Qualification in to the Royal Rumble[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/AlSnow1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TommyDreamer-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Al Snow vs. Tommy Dreamer[/B][/SIZE] There is obviously a great deal of respect between these men, but it never stopped them from beating the holy hell out of each other. Like every one of their other brawls it was wild and chaotic, with Snow winning with a Snow Plow on to a steel chair. [B]Winner: Al Snow in 6:30[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#7 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]RULE BRITANNIA…[/i] In October of last year the World Wrestling Federation proved its global dominance as it became the first American wrestling company to broadcast a huge, international PPV from outside of North America, called “Capital Carnage”. The fans in attendance, plus the watching world, were treated to a huge, blockbuster pay-per-view, including the crowning of new tag Team, European and Intercontinental Champions, the debut of Dougie Williams, the first ever I Quit Match between The Rock and Mankind and the huge, first time ever London Dungeon Match, featuring six of the very biggest names in the history of wrestling going at it over Owen Hart’s WWF Championship. Even though the champion managed to retain the belt the British fans were given a treat of a match, finally putting to bed the monumental Owen hart vs. Shawn Michaels feud that had lasted most of the year.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob Van Dam and X-Pac are still backstage chatting when The Rock walks over to them. [B]X-Pac: [/B]Hey Rock… Rock: No, no, no, firstly The Rock has to same FINALLY… THE ROCK… HAS COME BACK… TO MADISON! Now X-Pac, RVD, tonight you two get to team up with the Great One has we go out there and whoop some double-sided, roody poo candy asses from The Alliance for what they did to us last week. You two, The Rock, Mankind and… urgh… Stone Cold Steve Austin… will all team up, five of the greatest in the business today and we whoop the Alliance’s collective candy ass as we… The Rock stops dead in his tracks as Stone Cold Steve Austin walks over to a roar from the crowd. [B]Austin: [/B]What? You talkin’ ‘bout ol’ Stone Cold? What? You think that’s big? You think that’s clever? Shut up. I overheard you. I heard your “finally” thing, the little crowd pleaser, the sing-along with The Rock session, but is that gonna fly tonight? Uh-uh. You see, Rocky, tonight you will be in the same ring as Stone Cold Steve Austin, and we all know what happens when you and me get in the same ring. [B]Rock: [/B]Damn right everybody knows, The Rock whoops your bald headed candy ass like the little jabroni that you are. But tonight, we’re on the same team, so The Rock guarantees you that he will leave the ass kicking to The Alliance for the time being but after the match, anything goes. [B]Austin:[/B] That is something you can believe, Rocky, that is something that you can believe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Chyna-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Bagwell vs. “Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna[/SIZE][/B] Bagwell comes in to this one with all guns blazing, showing absolute sympathy for Chyna and the fact that she’s a member of the inferior gender. BURN! I kid, I kid, I love women. Anyway, Bagwell does everything he can but Chyna probably takes pride in the fact that I refer to her as a freak of nature and even nets the perhaps surprising win with a Pedigree. [B]Winner: Chyna in 4:22[/B][/CENTER] Chyna begins to celebrate her qualification as the first woman to ever enter the Royal Rumble when Bagwell attacks from behind, beating her down to the mat. He towers over her, kicking her again and again, until… [SIZE="4"][i]BREAK IT DOWN![/I][/SIZE] The crowd erupt as Triple H, Shawn Michaels, X-Pac and Rob Van Dam sprint down to the ring to aide Chyna. Bagwell is obviously no match for these four men and along with Chyna they beat the tar out of him and toss him from the ring, but not before giving him a super-sixed DX wedgie. They five of them then embrace in the ring, seemingly welcoming Chyna back in to their group! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 3 Outlaws are backstage, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn despondent at their loss while Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes try to pick their spirits up. [B]Dusty: [/B]Look, babah’s, if you weeeel, I’ve spoken to Shane-O, I’ve spoken to the Mac Daddy, and he says all 3 of you’s can be in da Royal Rumble, babah! [B]Jarrett:[/B] Aw, Dee, man, you are great. You’re an absolute dream. [B]Dusty:[/B] An “Amewican Dweam”? [B]Jarrett:[/B] The old American Dream, there’s only one “New American Dream”, babah! But at the Rumble, slapnuts, we gotta work together, boys! Just think what the three of us can do! If we team up, watch each others backs we can eliminate everyone, what d’ya say? The Acolytes walk in. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] I’d say that sounds like a pretty crappy plan. Do you three really think you can compete with the biggest ass kickers in the Federation? ‘Cos, I dunno if you’ve heard, but we’re in the Rumble too, and we might just be coming after your sorry asses. [B]Faarooq:[/B] But these guys are in the tag Title match because they are the best tag team in the wo… well I’ll be DAMNED! I thought you boys were gonna win the tag titles? [B]Bradshaw: [/B]Yeah, what happened boys? Did the little Hardy Boyz kick your asses? [B]Gunn:[/B] You’re right, we ‘aint in the Tag Title match. But… neither are you. [B]Bradshaw:[/B] You damn right we ‘aint, we’re in the Royal Rumble and you better pray to God or Satan himself that you don’t end up in the ring at the same time as us, or there will be one hell of an ass kickin’! [B]Faarooq:[/B] Damn! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts to the ring where JR is stood, and asks the crowd to welcome legendary women’s wrestler the Fabulous Moolah! Moolah comes to the ring, along with her good friend Mae Young, and gets interviewed by JR. She says she is excited about the Women’s Title returning at the Rumble because it’s great to have a thriving, important women’s division, and is then presented with a plaque honouring her legendary title reign that spanned 27 incredible years. Moolah is smiling and waving to the crowd when the music of Ivory hits, and out steps the evil diva, who is accompanied by Marc mero. Mero intimidates JR out of the ring as Ivory starts insulting Moolah, asking some really insulting questions before finally attacking her, kicking her a few times, until she eventually locks her in the STF. Moolah screams in agony until [b]Sable and Lance Storm[/b] sprint to the ring, ready to do battle. Mero and Ivory leave the ring, not wanting a piece of Storm or Sable, only for [b]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq.[/b] so comes up behind Storm, taking the title belt from his hands and crushing him in the skull with it! Sable looks on shocked as Brownington runs away from the ring again, leaving his opponent for the Rumble down and out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We then cut backstage to where Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Chyna, X-Pac and Rob Van Dam are stood. They tell Michael Cole that he can bet his ass Chyna is back on board with the greatest stable of all time and with her help they are going to raise more hell than ever, as they will prove when RVD and X-Pac go out there and show what their worth to The Alliance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Owen_Hart.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/X-Pac1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Rob_Van_Dam5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Acolytes, Jeff Jarrett, The Undertaker & Owen Hart vs. X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Another massive main event here on Raw as the 5 men in the Number Thirty Qualifier match from last week have to team up and work together against the cohesive unit of The Alliance. X-Pac, RVD and mankind are the obvious faces in peril with the fans almost salivating for The Rock or Austin to get in the ring. The Alliance predictably dominate much of the match, with The Undertaker the wildcard who stays on the apron for most of the match, just occasionally adding a bit of pain to whomever is in the ring. Eventually Mankind gets the hot tag to The Rock and the match breaks down in to a wild brawl that the referee can’t keep a hold of, with people fighting all over the arena. At one point The Rock seems to have the match won following a Rock Bottom, but Owen Hart shoves Steve Austin in to him as he’s about to go for the pin, causing the two men to square up again, ready to go to blows, only for Undertaker to tag himself in and destroys them both with a Double Clothesline. This allows X-Pac to get the blind tag and he beckons Undertaker on, completely unafraid of the dominant monster. The other 8 men in the match brawl down the ramp and in the crowd as X-Pac throws everything he has at The Phenom, only for The Undertaker to swat him away like a fly. He nails a Chokeslam, but as he goes for a Powerbomb to cement the win X-Pac grabs his head and forces him down for a huge X-Factor! He hooks the leg… 1… 2… 3! [B]Winners: X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin in 10:02[/B][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] I don’t bah Gawd believe it! The youngster has beaten The Phenom again! [B]Brain:[/B] I don’t… I can’t… I… [B]JR:[/B] You have to think… oh my! What the hell is this?! X-Pac tries to celebrate but The Undertaker starts beating the crap out of him. X-Pac tries to defend himself but is pretty much unable to as he beats on the kid over and over again. The Alliance are still fighting with Austin, Rock, Mankind and Van Dam down the aisleway as Undertaker rips X-Pac to shreads. [B]JR:[/B] I can’t believe what I’m seeing, this kid needs medical attention. [B]Heenan:[/B] Maybe so, but have you ever seen The Undertaker this dominant? [B]JR:[/B] I don’t care, Brain, this kid needs some help and fast… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Hardy Boyz def New Corporate Outlaws Chavo Guerrero Jr def. Essa Aguila & Reyes Rios Rodrigues to qualify for the Royal Rumble Triple H def. Christopher Daniels Funaki def Tajiri, Togo & Hayashi to qualify for the Royal Rumble Al Snow def Tommy Dreamer to qualify for the Royal Rumble Chyna def Bagwell to qualify for the Royal Rumble X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Mankind, The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin def The Undertaker, Owen Hart, Bradshaw, Faarooq & Jeff Jarrett
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Loving it mate and Wrestlemania is already shaping up nicely in my eyes with a few matches I think will happen. I'm liking the push for X-pac. I watched a ladder match between him and Eddie from WCW the other day and I was really impressed (it's from the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD). Definitely improved my impression of Waltman. The ongoing tension between Triple H and Michaels is great too and Shane popping up all the time makes it better. I thought it was brilliant how you had him ask what number he wanted only for Shane to say that Michaels had the number. Genius from Shane and he gets my vote in most compelling non wrestler. You deserve that award for how you've used him. You can't beat a bit of chaos in the main event, bring on the Rumble.
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The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, the roof the roof the roof is on fire, we don't need no water let the... Don't go there tristram or you'll cop a ... ban. Hmmmmm... it's sad, but I am really into the Bagwell-Chyna storyline, just for... well, freakish sakes. I think X-Pac is in for a world of hurt, just quietly. Undertaker's going to get revenge, I can just sense the rolling of the eyes, and the glove gripping that man's throat and driving him to hell and back.
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[QUOTE=Slim Jim;790503]The Austin/contract promo was an excellent start to Raw. Nice little kick to the nuts for the lil McMahon. Vince wouldn't have been caught out with a little trick like that :p[/QUOTE] Ha, that was exactly the affect I was going for with that. It was a little moment that Shane is just too inexperienced and up his own butt to deal with. I wanted Vince to get a little shot in on Shane even on his way out. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;790503]Love the hypocritical hardcore purist thing Morgan has going on; was a little worried he was going to be a little shallow as a character during the hype stage but fortunately that hasn't been the case.[/QUOTE] Glad you like it, mate. At the moment he's got a lot of developing to do, especially since the midcard is pretty rammed, so he needs something to have him stand out and I'm glad the anti-Hardcore Hardcore Champion thing is working for you. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;790503]Foley is God. Really, really looking forward to what's to come from him... say around... No Way Out.[/QUOTE] Heh, you got an inside source or something?! As it goes, you can watch his character development knowing where it's going, so I hope you like the little touches. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;790503]And here's the announcement I was expecting that I didn't cotton-on-to when making the RR poster despite the text kind of spelling it out. Hey, I was too focused on the design :p I think Owen has come out of losing his title a lot stronger than he could have done but then the flip side is the new champion doesn't really get the same boost as they would beating Owen one on one. I expect that has been accounted for in your plans though.[/QUOTE] Interesting point. The way I was looking at it was that Owen comes out of this looking good even if he doesn't win the title back at the Rumble, the next champion, if it's not Owen, has to have beaten 29 other guys so they will have deserved it, plus you have the shock factor and a different direction to what we usually see. Without there being a title shot on the card it means all the best people are in the Rumble, so to win the belt you will have to have beaten ALL of the top names in the company. [QUOTE=Slim Jim;790503]Wish Triple H'd just snap already :p Get him hooked up with Steph to form a new force that takes down everyone. The DX build has been brilliant. I love the slow build. Sudden shocks are also cool if they aren't overused, it's the middle ground that I'm not so keen on but that's me getting sidetracked. Point is, I'm waiting for that big turn on every show. Just. ****ing. Hit. Shawn. :mad:[/QUOTE] Haha, glad that you are getting in to the story! I've been dropping hints for a turn since after Summerslam and now, I have to admit, it's getting quite clear they can't get along. But I like that you keep tuning in looking for the moment. Cheers for that epic feedback, mate, I really appreciate it. [QUOTE=totti;792563]Loving it mate and Wrestlemania is already shaping up nicely in my eyes with a few matches I think will happen. I'm liking the push for X-pac. I watched a ladder match between him and Eddie from WCW the other day and I was really impressed (it's from the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD). Definitely improved my impression of Waltman. The ongoing tension between Triple H and Michaels is great too and Shane popping up all the time makes it better. I thought it was brilliant how you had him ask what number he wanted only for Shane to say that Michaels had the number. Genius from Shane and he gets my vote in most compelling non wrestler. You deserve that award for how you've used him. You can't beat a bit of chaos in the main event, bring on the Rumble.[/QUOTE] Cheers for the feedback, mate. I agree with you about Waltman, he used to be a fantastic worker, and was hugely over at a couple of points in his career. I think people just seem to remember the "X-Pac Heat" stage of his career, but watch back on his debut and see the pop he gets for jumping ship. The way the fans get behind him when he was teaming with Kane against Undertaker & Big Show. I loved his big man, little man team with Kane. And thanks for the love of Shane. I've tried to really bring him out of his shell to take things in a different direction from real life. And I thought that little move on Triple H, while making no real difference when you consider he is still starting, is just such a little ****ish thing to do to someone. It's winding Triple H up for the sake of it. And I love heels like that! Cheers also to Tristram & Network Guy, glad to see you enjoyed the show. As for the opening count down... we'll have to see...
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The following is a party political broadcast on behalf of the real world coalition... As cool as it would be to see Jericho around, I have a feeling Keef has something else up his sleeve! I wont be disappointed if we get Jericho but I just have a feeling... Morgan is fast becoming a favourite of mine! Who'da thunk it? I think the timing for an anti hardcore emmbassador is perfect...you are approaching that awkward period between attitude and..(whatever the next stage was? Ruthless Aggression? I seem to remember Vince using that a lot) and this man could benefit greatly and help bridge the gap. I personally hope you darg out the Shawn, HHH friction for as long as possible because it is consistently brilliant. I dont want to live in a world where Shawn and Hunter are frictionless, say a weird, parallel universe where they have a pet Leprachaun...oh wait... Anyway, keep up the awesome sauce my hard rocking amigo!
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[QUOTE=BoomKing;795133]The following is a party political broadcast on behalf of the real world coalition... As cool as it would be to see Jericho around, I have a feeling Keef has something else up his sleeve! I wont be disappointed if we get Jericho but I just have a feeling... Morgan is fast becoming a favourite of mine! Who'da thunk it? I think the timing for an anti hardcore emmbassador is perfect...you are approaching that awkward period between attitude and..(whatever the next stage was? Ruthless Aggression? I seem to remember Vince using that a lot) and this man could benefit greatly and help bridge the gap. I personally hope you darg out the Shawn, HHH friction for as long as possible because it is consistently brilliant. I dont want to live in a world where Shawn and Hunter are frictionless, say a weird, parallel universe where they have a pet Leprachaun...oh wait... Anyway, keep up the awesome sauce my hard rocking amigo![/QUOTE] Haha, cheers buddy. Glad you like how Morgan is coming along, and I do have plans to get him more involved with non-Hardcore division wrestlers at some point too. And glad that you are enjoying the tension between Michaels and Triple H. I just hope that if they do come to blows it isn't a let down after so many months of teasing it! Anyway... [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREDICTIONS[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"] [b]Six Man Tag Match[/b] Owen Hart, Billy Gunn & The Undertaker vs. X-Pac, Triple H & Shawn Michaels [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] Christian vs. Edge [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] The Future: Sean Morgan vs. Sabu [b]Six Man Tag Match[/b] Finlay, Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq & Devon Covell vs. Lance Storm, Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam Ivory vs. Fabulous Moolah [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Battle Royal[/b] Featuring any remaining unqualified superstars, including Tommy Dreamer, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues and Bagwell amongst many others [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Six Man Tag Match [B]Owen Hart, Billy Gunn & The Undertaker[/B] vs. X-Pac, Triple H & Shawn Michaels Taker and Owen come out of the match looking strong while an arguement breaks out between Triple H and Michaels causing lots of tension ready for the Rumble match. Royal Rumble Qualification Match Christian vs. [B]Edge[/B] [I]I'll go for the one who has become the biggest star in real life, but I don't think there's a wrong answer here. You could easily push Christian instead of Edge in my opinion.[/I] Royal Rumble Qualification Match [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs. Sabu [I]I think Morgan will have a pretty good Rumble match. A couple of eliminations and a long time in the match. [/I] Six Man Tag Match Finlay, Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq & Devon Covell vs. [B]Lance Storm, Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]A win here for Jeff's side will keep him looking a threat in the tag team match and RVD could also the rub as he keeps climbing up the card.[/I] [B]Ivory[/B] vs. Fabulous Moolah [I]Unless there is any interference from Sable or Chyna. [/I] Royal Rumble Qualification Battle Royal Featuring any remaining unqualified superstars, including Tommy Dreamer, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues and Bagwell amongst many others [I]I'll go with Bagwell here out of those four as he continues his pursuit of Chyna. Maybe somebody will debut here.[/I]
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Jericho. Jericho. Jericho. If it is anyone else, I'll be disappointed :p Hardys going over Outlaws is good; can't see them beating The Brood yet though, think they'll get a longer run with the belts. Taking my pick out of the match, eh? Sneaky. And even with my fading GCSE Spanish I could tell Psicosis wasn't happy. Silly Shane always interrupting DX when they argue. If he just left them to it, they're much more likely to attack each other rather than reminding them that they hate his smug little face. Tsk, rookie mistake, Shane-O. Gotta believe there's something more to come because of the attack on Hot Rod; perhaps more icons being mistreated and such, adding the veterans that feel disrespected to the list of people that hate Shane and want Vince back. Then there's all the current faces, perhaps some of the heels, the youngsters, pretty much anyone outside the Alliance. That could produce an iconic scene with one guy [probably Austin] on the stage with the Alliance in the ring, bad mouthing them; Shane says "What're gonna do?" Then slowly the entire roster files out onto the stage, along with legends and such... then they part and out comes Vince... um, yeah. Anyway... Funaki in the Rumble is awesome. HBK is number one? Fantastic piece of booking. Leaves Triple H with two choices for his number; both work and I'm pretty sure you'll use one of them. ...you know I don't see this ending in victory for Funk. Rock, X-Pac, Austin segment. One of these things does not belong. Chyna back with DX? Interesting stuff. Shame they're a bunch of jack-offs. :p X-Pac over Taker again? I... you... :( ...why? Fortunately, he got the crap kicked out of him afterwards but still. [b]Six Man Tag Match[/b] [B]Owen Hart, Billy Gunn & The Undertaker[/B] vs. X-Pac, Triple H & Shawn Michaels - [i]X-Pac can't win against Undertaker again; tag match or not, he just can't.[/i] [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] [B]Christian[/B] vs. Edge - [i]I think Edge is the better all round performer of the team in real life, and not just because he got the bigger push, but I think Christian could be more entertaining with the right management. So Christian.[/i] [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/b] [B]The Future: Sean Morgan[/B] vs. Sabu - [i]The Garlic Bread man takes it.[/i] [b]Six Man Tag Match[/b] Finlay, Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq & Devon Covell vs. [B]Lance Storm, Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam[/B] - [i]RVD gives his side just enough to take it. Plus I've gone left for all the others so far.[/i] [B]Ivory[/B] vs. Fabulous Moolah - [i]Might be some interference to get a feel good moment with Moolah punking out the new kid but eh, Ivory needs to look strong and losing to Moolah doesn't do that.[/i] [b]Royal Rumble Qualification Battle Royal[/b] Featuring any remaining unqualified superstars, including Tommy Dreamer, Essa Aguila, Reyes Rios Rodrigues and Bagwell amongst many others - [i]I'll agree with totti here that we might see a debutant, and I'm going to back him to win.[/i]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 18th January 1999[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Detroit, Michigan[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The show opens with the usual video and pyrotechnic display, except there is still the countdown above the Titantron. There is still no explanation for it is there, but it is now down to [B]8985600[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Hardcore Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]The Future: Sean Morgan vs. Sabu[/SIZE][/B] Sean Morgan has been on one hell of a good run since his debut, and he’s managing to excel even in an environment like the Hardcore Division which clearly isn’t to his tastes. Sabu jumps him from behind early on and uses every tool in his hardcore disposal, but with Sean Morgan a huge part of the future for the company and with Sabu reportedly in the doghouse for drug possession charges Morgan eventually puts the maniac away with a brutal top rope FuturePlex. [B]Winner: The Future: Sean Morgan in 5:22[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#6 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]The fire still burns…[/i] We may just be 6 days from the Royal Rumble, but images of last years Royal Rumble are still fresh in the memory. The Undertaker looked as dominant as ever in his quest to become the WWF Champion in his Casket Match with Shawn Michaels, but came up short when his brother attacked him and locked him inside. However, the real shock of the night came when Kane, who was still undefeated at this point, set the casket alight with his brother still inside! This shocking act firmly established Kane as someone to watch in the WWF and this grudge may have lasted up until the roles were reversed when Undertaker set Kane on fire at the end of the year. [/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd explodes as we see Steve Austin backstage, walking with his bags. He is intercepted by Shane McMahon. [B]Shane:[/B] Steve, great to see you, how are you? [B]Austin:[/B] Get out of my way or I’ll break your God damn neck. [B]Shane: [/B]Okay, I’ll go, but just give me a minute. Look, I know we have never really seen eye to eye, but I don’t think you are a bad guy. You are fighting out against the system and I can understand that under my father. But things are different now. I run this show. And if you tow the line somewhat you might begin to see some real benefits. Starting this Sunday at the Royal Rumble I can guarantee you that you will walk out of there with the WWF Title around your waist. Things would be so easy, you would get everything you wanted and it would be without any hassle. Just join us at The Alliance and everything you want is yours. How does that sound? Austin stares intently into Shane McMahon’s eyes, as he has done the whole time Shane was talking, before continuing walking off without saying a single word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Royal Rumble Qualification Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Edge vs. Christian[/SIZE][/B] These two best friends have been perhaps the break out tag team of last year with their innovative and exciting offence, but today they are forced to go in to singles action against each other with a place in the Rumble on the line. They of course give it everything they have got but after almost 7 minutes of action Edge puts his friend away with the Downward Spiral. [B]Winner: Edge in 6:40[/B][/CENTER] Edge may have won but he doesn’t celebrate too much, instead instantly going for his friend. He helps him to his feet, shakes his hand and the two youngsters embrace. Christian then makes his way to the back giving Edge the opportunity to celebrate his huge win. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yamaguchi-San is backstage with Zukaya, where he tells them he has got them added to the Last Chance Battle Royal later tonight, but should they not win their places in the Light-Heavyweight Championship match are not at stake, and they can still enter that. He reminds them there are two objectives for this Sunday’s pay-per-view- one is they bring back the Light-Heavyweight Championship, and- two, they eliminate Taka Michinoku from the Rumble as quickly as possible. With that last comment, Taka, Mike Quackenbush and Dougie Williams burst through the door and start attacking Zukaya, knocking them for six. They then run away as quickly as they entered, all 3 men intent on teaching Zukaya a lesson. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple H is backstage when Shawn Michaels bursts in to the room. [B]Triple H: [/B]Hey ma… [B]Shawn: [/B]What the hell is wrong with you? I tried to tell you that this jealousy thing you’ve got going on is only gonna hurt us and look what it’s done. You tried to outdo me and now I’m stuck with the number one slot in the Rumble. [B]Triple H: [/B]What’s the matter, don’t think you can win from number one? [B]Shawn:[/B] Obviously I can, I’ve done it before, but you’ve given me the worst position. Do you know how angry that makes me? [B]Triple H: [/B]I dunno, Shawn. I wanted number one and you got what I wanted, how angry do you think that makes me? [B]Shawn:[/B] I don’t give a crap, Hunter. We need to end all this now. [B]Triple H: [/B]Oh… I get it. You want me to let my guard down around you so can attack me and take the title shot. [B]Shawn: [/B]You know what, Hunter, I’m considering it. Because you are acting like an assh*le and I’m the one losing out. And if attacking you gets me a title shot, or moves me from #1 to #30 in the Royal Rumble then, yeah, I’m considering it. That title means everything to me, and because of you I’ve gotta fight all the odds to win it. And it clearly means more to me than it does to you because you wouldn’t be trying so hard to get the number one slot if it did. [B]Triple H:[/B] Don’t think you understand me, Shawn, and don’t try to get inside my head. Because you don’t understand me, Shawn, you don’t know what I’m thinking, you don’t know what I want… and you never will. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivory makes her way to the ring with Marc Mero and grabs a microphone. [B]Ivory: [/B]In 6 days at The Rumble I am going to prove to the world that I can be the greatest Women’s Champion in history. And that starts tonight when I beat the longest reigning champion in history and send the old bat back to the old persons home where she belongs. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Ivory vs. Fabulous Moolah[/SIZE][/B] Fabulous Moolah gets a good reception from the crowd, and you could perhaps think that she has a chance when Marc Mero is banned from ringside from the off, with Moolah getting in a few early moves. But after that it is academic as Ivory punishes the legend for a while, before locking her in the STF for the submission win. [B]Winner: Ivory in 1:52[/B][/CENTER] The match is over but Ivory won’t let go of the move, pulling back viciously on the elderly former champion. The referees try to get her off but she won’t relent, until [b]Sable[/b] sprints down to the ring, ready for a fight. Ivory quickly lets go and runs from the ring, leaving Sable practically begging her for a fight in the middle of the ring. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#5 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]A journey to hell at Judgment Day…[/i] It’s a match they never thought they’d see happen. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon locked inside a Steel Cage. Vince surprised many with his fighting prowess, but after months of torturing the hugely popular Rattlesnake, he finally got his comeuppance. With the chairman teetering on the edge of the cage the former WWF Champion unleashed hell and set him flying through the Spanish Announce table from over 10 feet in the air, crashing through spectacularly for one of the defining images of the year.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd pop again as we see The Rock entering the building. Just like Steve Austin earlier, Shane McMahon interjects himself. [B]Shane:[/B] Rocky, good to see you man, how are you? [B]Rock: [/B]Get out of The Rock’s face. The Rock wants nothing to do with you. [B]Shane:[/B] Be that as it may, Rocky, I think you are making a mistake. You must love the way “the people” are chanting your name these days, it must be an amazing feeling, but it’s not success, is it? No-one will remember the popular nearly guy, people remember the winners. [B]Rock:[/B] What is your point? [B]Shane:[/B] Turn your back on the people. Turn away from them and align yourself with me. Join The Alliance! We can make all your dreams come true, we can help you become the WWF Champion. The Rock starts to walk off, clearly unenthused with the offer, until Shane McMahon shouts after him… [B]Shane: [/B]I mean, it’s not like you ever have managed to win the big one, is it? The Rock stops in his tracks, staring dead in front of him as Shane stands behind. The Rock doesn’t move for several moments, before continuing to walk off in to the arena. [B]Brain:[/B] Did you see it, JR? The Rock was making the brightest decision of his career and actually considered Shane McMahon’s proposal. [B]JR:[/B] I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Brain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]“Fighting Irishman” Finlay, Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III Esq. & Devon Covell w/ Lord Charles Headbangerington Moshterford VIII, Christopher Daniels & Gangrel vs. Lance Storm, Jeff Hardy & “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam w/ Matt Hardy & Chyna[/SIZE][/B] A match with huge ramifications for six days time at the Rumble, as theis six man tga match covers four of the matches at the huge event. All six obviously want the momentum on their side and throw everything they have in to it, but with things starting to break down and the referees attention elsewhere, Lord Charles throws Dir Desmond his trusty golf club, which he swings and cracks over the head of Lance Storm, giving him the all important win. [B]Winners: Sir Desmond, Devon Covell & Finlay in 6:28[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With an opportunity at entering the Royal Rumble at stake, anyone not already entered on the current roster makes their way down to the ring, including somewhat unbelievably Michael Cole, who clearly has his sights set on the $100,000 prize, but is then joined to a great reception by legends Doink The Clown and Sgt Slaughter! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Last Chance Battle Royal[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Bagwell vs. Hayashi vs. Togo vs. Tajiri vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Sabu vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Essa Aguila vs. Mike Quackenbush vs. Christian vs. Doink The Clown vs. Michael Cole vs. Sgt. Slaughter[/SIZE][/B] This is clearly a last chance battle royal as there is an element of desperation in all of the competitors, each pulling out all the stops from the off. Obviously Michael Cole is quick to go, but Rodrigues, Aguila, Doink, Slaughter, Dreamer, Quackenbush and Sabu follow quickly due to the teamwork of the Zukaya members. With just them, Bagwell and Christian remaining they team up to try and remove Bagwell from the ring, but that allows Christian to eliminate both Togo and Hayashi. Now down to just Christian, Bagwell and Tajiri, all three men battle it out, until… [SIZE="4"][I]NO CHANCE![/I][/SIZE] [B]Shane:[/B] You know what, this looks like fun. I think I might get a piece of this. Shane McMahon, in his athletic gear, confidently strolls down to the ring and steps in as the remaining three men just look at him. They start to inch towards him until… [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Test4.jpg[/IMG] The huge, long blonde-haired man came out of nowhere and immediately starts to attack, taking all three men down, before throwing Bagwell and Tajiri from the ring, and lifting Christian up, allowing Shane to throw him from the ring. [B]Winner: Shane McMahon in 6:58[/B][/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] Haha, look who is in the Rumble, baby! Shane O’Mac, the next WWF Champion! You see, Rocky, Mankind, Hunter, Shawn, Steve, etc, etc, if you want to win the Royal Rumble this Sunday, then you’re gonna have to pass… the… Test! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]#4 Moment of 1998[/B] [i]I am Iron Man…[/i] By the time August came around Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart had been locked in a feud for the previous nine months and it had to come to an end at some point, if only for the well being of both men. So for the second biggest show of the year, Summerslam, the two future legends faced off in a 60 minute Iron Man Match for the WWF Title. It can’t be doubted that both men gave it everything they had, going non-stop for the full hour, and with just 2 minutes remaining the champion Michaels found himself winning by 2 falls to 1. Never one to give up, Owen Hart locked in his Sharpshooter submission hold, but Michaels proved that he isn’t one to give up either, clinging on desperately to the title by refusing to quit despite being in excruciating pain.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rock is backstage when he is confronted by Stone Cold Steve Austin. [B]Rock: [/B]What the hell do you want with The Rock? [B]Austin:[/B] I gotta say, Rocky, I don’t like you; I never have. But you sure as hell impressed me earlier by walking away from that sumb*tch Shane McMahon. It took a big man to stand up to him, but I gotta say, son, that’s where the impression ends. Ol’ Stone Cold ‘aint no idiot, and I know that you are gonna be one of the main guys standing in my way of winning the WWF Title. But you gotta know that I won’t even think twice about throwing your sorry ass out of the ring if it means I become the WWF Champion again. [B]Rock:[/B] Steve Austin, that is exactly how it should be. The Rock doesn’t expect you to think twice, The Rock doesn’t want you to think twice, The Rock wants you to bring everything you’ve got ‘cos when The Rock throws your bald-headed candy ass out of the ring he will know that he truly is the greatest. [B]Austin:[/B] Is that so? [B]Rock: [/B]Oh, it’s damn so, Steve, it’s damn so. You see, Shane McMahon was right, The Rock never has won the big one, The Rock has never gone to the big dance and gotten the big win. But this Sunday… this Sunday… The Rock will go out there in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans and he will prove once and for all that he really can win the big one. [B]Austin:[/B] And ol’ Stone Cold can tell you that I’m ready to open a the biggest can of whoop ass you have ev… Suddently, The Undertaker comes out from nowhere and destroys The Rock and Steve Austin with huge double clotheslines. Both men fall to the concrete in a heap as The Phenom systematically beats down on both men, with vile punches clocking both of their heads. He then grabs whatever weapons he can get his hands on, steel chairs, 2x4s, anything in the vicinity and starts beating down on the two hugely popular superstars, leaving them unconscious in a heap on the concrete floor. [B]JR:[/B] The Undertaker has done it again I can’t bah Gawd believe it. I have never in all my years in this job ever seen anyone as evil and sadistic as The Undertaker. [B]Brain: [/B]But for all that you gotta say that he stands out above all the hameneggers in The Rumble and is my pick to go the whole way. [B]JR:[/B] You know what, Brain; I might just have to agree with you there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]“The Alliance” Owen Hart, Billy Gunn & The Undertaker w/Finlay vs. “D-Generation X” Triple H, Shawn Michaels & X-Pac w/Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] It can’t be doubted how much this match means with just 6 days to go until the huge Royal Rumble match for the WWF Championship. The crowd are all over The Undertaker following the brutal assault on Austin and Rock earlier on, but it is Owen Hart who dominates a lot of the match, looking as good as he has done through the biggest 12 months of his life. Rob Van Dam and Finlay try to offer support to their teammates, but their hatred for each other sees them both expelled from ringside after several brawls on the outside of the ring following constant interference from the Intercontinental Champion. Unsurprisingly X-Pac is the face in peril for most of it, but eventually he manages to escape and get the hot tag to Triple H, who tries to clear house until the match breaks down. All hell is breaking loose as The Undertaker tries to dominate The Game, despite Billy Gunn being the legal man for his team. The Undertaker signals for a Tombstone as Michaels battles with Owen down the ramp and X-Pac lies exhausted on the outside when The Rock hobbles down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd! Undertaker doesn’t see him coming and nails him with a Rock Bottom! This allows Triple H to make it to his feet and nail Billy Gunn with a Pedigree for the 1… 2… 3! [B]Winners: Triple H, X-Pac and Shawn Michaels in 12:20[/B][/CENTER] DX may have won the match but The Alliance immediately turn on the assault. Finlay and RVD return to the ring but with Bradshaw Faarooq, Jeff Jarrett, Road Dogg, Test and Shane joining in the assault as well there is little hope for The Rock, X-Pac, Rob Van Dam, Triple H and Shawn Michaels. They try to battle back, but the sheer 11 on 5 numbers advantage means The Alliance clear house, when… [I]*GLASS SHATTERS*[/I] The crowd absolutely erupts as Steve Austin comes out from the back, limping and holding his stomach but with chair in hand, ready for a fight. The Acolytes run down to meet him but are taken out with violent chair shots, and Stone Cold continues to whoop ass as he makes it in to the ring, until the number advantage becomes too much even for him. The rest of the rebels try to help but the pain and exhaustion they are suffering is too much as The Alliance simply continue dominating them, beating them down viciously and violently. The crowd boo as they see their heroes taken apart, when suddenly the lights go out… [B]Brain:[/B] What the hell? [B]JR:[/B] The lights are out! What is the meaning of this?! [B]Brain:[/B] I can’t see a damn thing, Ross! A spotlight shines on the top of the ramp as a short yet round figure emerges from the back, dressed in a huge hooded cape. The Alliance stop their beat down to stare at the figure, who slowly pulls back his cape to reveal… [B]Paul Bearer![/B] The crowd cheer in anticipation as Bearer smiles sadistically, holds a microphone to his face and squeals like only Paul Bearer can… [SIZE="4"][i]Heeee’s baaaaaack![/i][/SIZE] [B]JR:[/B] Oh my God! [B]Brain: [/B]It can’t be… [B]JR:[/B] It is! It’s Kane! Kane is back! The crowd explodes with the return of the Big Red Monster as Kane walks down to the ring, fire in his eyes, staring a hole straight through his brother. The Acolytes come to on the rampway as Kane walks passed them, only for him to turn and start destroying the former tag team champions. This gives the Outlaws a chance to run at him, but he takes out all three of them, punching them as they run, throwing them in to the barricade. He finally makes it to the ring and climbs over the top rope, only for Finlay to charge at him… but he’s met with a huge uppercut! Owen is next to run at him as he boots him back to the mat, before blocking a boot attempt from Test and punches him to the mat, leaving just The Undertaker and Kane alone in the ring. The Undertaker doesn’t move, just staring in disbelief at his brother who seems to have returned from the dead. Kane starts to walk for his brother, only for The Undertaker to throw a punch at him first! They two huge brothers start exchanging punches to the delight of the crowd, only for Undertaker to go low on Kane… but Kane no sells! He just stares a hole through his brother before clotheslining him straight out of the ring! The Phenom stares on, still shocked at his brother’s return, before backing up the ramp and away. One by one The Alliance members make it to their feet in the ring and one by one Kane lifts them up and destroys them with Chokeslams, leaving a heap of Alliance members in the centre of the ring. Kane then grabs the WWF Championship and holds it over his head, still staring at his brother. [B]JR: [/B]I can’t bah Gawd believe it! Kane is back! Kane is back! [B]Brain:[/B] No! No! No! This wasn’t supposed to happen! [B]JR:[/B] Kane is back and he wants the bah Gawd WWF Title! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] The Future: Sean Morgan def Sabu to qualify for the Royal Rumble Edge def Christian to qualify for the Royal Rumble Ivory def Fabulous Moolah Finlay, Sir Desmond & Devon Covell def. Lance Storm, Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam Shane McMahon def. Christian, Sabu, Hayashi, Tajiri, Togo, Bagwell, Doink The Clown, Sgt. Slaughter, Michael Cole, Reyes Rios Rodrigues, Essa Aguila & Tommy Dreamer to qualify for the Royal Rumble Shawn Michaels, X-Pac & Triple H def Owen Hart, The Undertaker & Billy Gunn
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