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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. LETHAL Steel Fury Road Tour #1 Results Venue: Odaiba Hall Attendance: 184 (out of 300) VS MATCH 1: BJ Powers & Teddy Windham (The Sons of Pain) def. Koto Arato & Sugita Kamoto Arato and Kamoto had some visible miscommunication in this match The gaijins mostly dominated except when Arato showed inspiring fighting strength to fight them off and give Kamoto a chance at redemption. Kamoto hit some big lariats but ultimately fell to BJ Powers in 9:39 via Stalling Suplex Powerslam. Koto Arato spent the post-match time allocated to them before exiting, scolding and instructing the younger wrestler, with Sugita looking unbothered. (55 rating) 46 rating VS MATCH 2: El Segador & Yokai Dragon def. Sheik Abdul-Wahid & Yura Malakyan A typical tour Deathmatch, it involved sharp objects being smashed on backs and heads, blood flowing, and cool shit happening at every inch of the ring. Sheik Abdul-Wahid seems to be in a downturn in form, as following the less than ideal end to his 2020, he was once again not at his best, leaving Malakyan to be more vulnerable. A Danza El Segador (Wrist-Clutch Blue Thunder Bomb) on Malakyan through a table on some leftover glass signals the end of the match in 9:52. 39 rating VS MATCH 3: Arnoud Vox, Sumiteru Hatakeda & Tsutomu Honda def. FIST Nakano, Masa Kahaya & Susumu Kimata A very sloppy but competitive match that went a bit awry as Kimata was injured very early on. The 5 men persevered and gave us a spectacle, but the advantage of Susumu practically limping out there was enough- Arnoud Vox made him submit in 9:35. After the match, the Dutchman approached SPIRIT Openweight Champion Masa Kahaya and challenged him to a title match, saying it would be fitting if his first challenge was the first-time champion’s inaugural defense. Masa smiled at him but left the offer unanswered. (50 rating) 31 rating VS MATCH 4: Gekko Otsu & Soh Terajima def. Butcher Hachirobei & Kyushichi Mizumaki The Bloody Hand regulars found themselves in much bigger unity than the all-star team of Hachirobei and Mizumaki. Vicious, this deathmatch introduced light tubes to the equation, leading to some breathtaking sequences, as fans never get tired of seeing one get crushed into pieces on a poor wrestler’s skull or back. Mizumaki was running riot in the ending sequence but got caught in a Spike Brainbuster from Otsu which led to him crashing and getting busted open from a cut on some debris. No kicking out from that. Duration of 12:32. 45 rating VS MAIN EVENT: Death Smile & Tokyo Wrecking Crew def. Fujimaro Tansho, KILLER Inoue & SOSEKI A hardcore match + puro brawl that has weapons but isn’t quite a deathmatch, this was by far the most enthralling contest. The HONOUR veterans can fight through everyone in a fair fight, but this wasn’t quite that. This was mayhem. When the weapons had seemingly outmatched the fighting spirit of Ono and Date, Death Smile hit an incredible daring dive and turns the tide of the match, ending it all with a baseball bat hit on SOSEKI. Duration of 14:56 56 rating Overall Rating: 48 POST SHOW COMMENTS: & BJ: "Ha, beating Arato and his b*tch boy was pretty easy. I guess this tour is going to be a breeze." Teddy: "The Crew are finished, bro. But the people of Japan are too dull to have caught up. The Sons of Pain are the premier group in the SPIRIT Division." Sheikh Abdul-Wahid: "Unacceptable way to begin [the year]. I haven't held gold in WAY too long and now I'm a stepping stone for people who haven't even been to the dungeon?! A change needs to come. Radical change." Gekko Otsu: "That's what I'm talking about! Mizumaki's ordinari-ness is no match for my awesomeness. The Bloody Hand will soon hold every belt, and for a change I will be the holder of the CHALICE!" Masa Kahaya: "Vox is a formidable fighter, of course. I guess he was right that it will be fitting for our paths to converge. But he shouldn't expect to come out of his challenge the same man as he walks in. I have everything he doesn't have: the people, the title, a luscious head of hair. This experience will definitely change him, yes." Death Smile: "..." The Bloody Hand: "The Tokyo Wrecking Crew MFers think they run this company just because their contracts are too expensive. At heart, LETHAL Steel is the home of DEATHMATCH wrestling. These two holding the Unity of Blood belts makes no sense. When was the last time they made anyone bleed??? We will show everyone what those titles' name means. Hopefully the BOSS remembers this isn't a puro company and determines a match between the two teams, instead of leaving it to the discretion of the Chump Champions." POST-SHOW COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT(S): Susumu Kimata has suffered a Corneal Laceration. The Deathmatch Heir will be out of action until at least mid-March, putting him out of commission for the first two tours of the year. Masa Kahaya will make his first defense of the SPIRIT Openweight title against Arnoud Vox at the historic Tokyo Gardens Exhibition Hall Thursday, Week 4 of January at LETHAL FURY ROAD 2021! OOC: Thank you all for the great response so far! Please leave your feedback on the tour show format as I am not married to it and it's different to what I've done before. Also, finally a big amount of predictions! Let's keep track of them, maybe I should think of something for the end of the tour as a prize. falling_star - 4/5 CGN91 - 2/5 jhd1 - 2/5 229tman - 1/5 GreatreDRagon - 0/5 It was a show of surprises plus there is a lot of unfamiliarity early on, so don't be disheartened!
  2. Predictions for United, Episode 4, Week 3, FEBRUARY 2020 Kenobi High (Lister and Cole) [vs] BW Eddie and Doomsday Nate Manchester [vs] Compton Valence Darin Flynn [vs] Antithesis Evan Alpass and Vinny Vigilante [vs] Grave Digger and Blackheart Apollo Prince [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper Sebastian Koller and Adam Matravers [vs] J-B Cash and Edward Cornell
  3. CGC CHAMBER OF HORRORS PREVIEW CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMBER OF HORRORS MATCH: IAN DECOLT (C) VS MARC DUBOIS VS DUSTY DUCONT VS JAMIE ATHERTON VS RICKY STORM VS SKIP BEAU Oftentimes the battleground of a DeColt and all his enemies, the Chamber of Horrors is a structure that has caused pain and showered Combatants in glory in the past. This year, it's a fresh field full of first timers trying to capture that oh so elusive glory! Ian trying to define the odds as only a true DeColt would, Dubois finally reaching the top in the company he now calls home after he was cheated in October, Ducont showing his gamble to leave USPW has paid off, Atherton to fulfill his promise that is a threat to the ears of most of the fans, Ricky Storm to take the whole scene by, well, you know what, and Skip Beau defending his company and putting the cherry on top of his amazing 2018. Unpredictable chaos to bookend the year of recovery for Canadian Golden Combat! CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS LADDER MATCH: GENERATION Z (W/ LIZZIE SPELLMANN) VS THE CANADIAN BLONDES (C) We all know the story of the Canadian Blondes' reign of terror in the CGC tag division, but the structure of this match completely changes things. The gutsy youngsters that are Generation Z had a nice little win streak lately that they managed to turn into a title shot after the rest of the division has been mostly dismantled from all the losing (most of it by not-so-fair means) to the two members of the Golden Elite who have begun turning all their wins to partying and endorsements and abandoning their rigorous work ethic that got them here. The ladder match stipulation makes this more unpredictable, as the match could be won by a mindblowing moment of athleticism, rather than Alyx and Flip having to get the biggest three count of their young careers. ALEXANDER ROBINSON VS STERLING WHITLOCK A classic tale of master vs student. Sterling Whitlock has had a very good 2018, but he clearly wants more. More attention, more wins, more stylepoints. After being dazzled by the impression the martial arts master Ricky Storm has made in the wake of his arrival to CGC, Whitlock has tried to incorporate some Forbidden Eastern techniques to his arsenal with...mixed results. Meanwhile his mentor, who was literally wrestling in Japan at the time, has come back and feels very disappointed by Whitlock losing his steadfast focus in himself and the way he was taught. Will he beat a lesson into his protege, or will we see a new version of Whitlock that is ready to dominate in 2019? CGC CANADIAN CHAOS "I QUIT" THREE WAY MATCH: CURTIS MOBSTAR VS TOPHER SMITH VS WHIPPY THE CLOWN (C) Whippy has had a lot of issues with Smith, a young high flyer who has the potential to replace his role in the company, to the point where he handpicked him as a challenger in order to beat his ass a third time to send a message. However, Topher seems to be entering this match in great form. That may not be the only big mistake Whippy has made, as with his charade that led to picking Smith as his opponent, he made an enemy out of Curtis Mobstar, the most Hard to the Core man in CGC who has already had some delightful matches contending for the Canadian belt. The Three Way "I Quit" stipulation is very peculiar and makes very difficult to predict who will prevail, but it will surely be a wonderful journey to get there. DAN DRAPER VS ROBIN DALAY (w/FAITH) These two youngsters graduated from the DeColt Power House facility at the same time, but have taken very different paths to get to this point. DaLay tried his luck down the border at RIPW while Draper had to forge his own path in CGC's land of monsters era, mostly getting badly beaten up. But as Robin was returning to CGC, a place where his dad's name value and homegrown status go a long way, Draper found who he wants as a mentor. The devilish Adrian Garcia added him to his agency, the Golden Elite, and since then Draper's mischief has become cruelty and ruthlessness. On the opposite end, DaLay rejected his father's path to be a good guy under the guidance of Faith. There's a lot of parallels between these two, and they will surely clash many more times in the future, but for now, we are only getting a glimpse of what that will be like.
  4. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 172, Tuesday, Week 3 of December 2018 MATCH 1: Curtis Mobstar & Topher Smith vs Dan DaLay & Whippy The Clown. I guess Whippy is out of allies, but Dan actually delivered a solid performance and this match was really fun. Mobstar doesn't trust Smith (or anyone, for that matter) and that played a lot in the flow of the match, with the devious, experienced heels taking advantage any time the crowd would pop for the de facto babyfaces. Dan also took the pin after Mobstar hit him with a chain to the back of the neck when the referee was not looking and Topher Smith hit the Gopher Suicide Dive for the win. Segment Rating: 57 SEGMENT 1: After the match, Whippy tried to attack Curtis Mobstar with some sort of clown mallet he was hiding under the ring, but Smith made the save and had a staredown with the other challenger. I guess this was mostly for purposes of not making Topher feel like an afterthought like he arguably did in the past few weeks. However I don't see how Whippy doesn't retain the belt on Friday. Segment Rating: 49 MATCH 2: Gahtir Salim vs Zeus Maximillion. Nice little old school technical match between the two. Zeus has apparently earnt some trust for another singles run after he impressed during the Whippy program so picking up some wins after he was mostly losing this year won't hurt. Salim has a long way to go still but he was inoffensive in this match, having a couple great grappling exchanges on the mat. After about 10 minutes, Zeus hit the Thunderbolt (spear) and ended proceedings. Segment Rating: 45 MATCH 3: The Power House Army (Generation Z & Skip Beau vs The Golden Elite (Jamie Atherton & The Canadian Blondes). Now that's what I call a spotfest! An incredibly fast paced match to the point where you didn't even have time to realize Generation Z still look visibly green in the ring. Jamie once again anchored everything, with the level being visibly higher when he was in the ring. At some point, Flip Simkins managed to give Skip his hot tag, but as the Raging Bull was about to win, Dan Draper interfered to save Ozzie Golden from his clutches...but that's when the cavalry arrived! Robin DaLay completely altered the course of things, pushing Draper into Golden and providing distraction for the other Golden Elite members, allowing Skip Beau to hit his Flow Down on Golden for the win! SEGMENT 2: After the match, DaLay said he was sick of seeing Draper being the lackey of the Golden Elite, winning them matches they should be losing. He knew this would be more of the same, so he had to intervene. But before he arrived, he made sure to check in with the boss, and got a treat: a match against Draper for Chamber of Horrors, because Garcia forgot to build any non-title match for this PPV. It's worth it though because the heels were absolutely seething, it was hilarious. Segment Rating: 45 MATCH 4: Lewis Frey vs Sterling Whitlock. Whitlock has been acting like a fool ever since he got introduce to Ricky Storm's gimmicky martial arts, but here he just uses his experience to absolutely punk out poor Lewis Frey. He is also doing some kung fu movie taunts in the process, but mostly beating the ever living hell out of him. At some point though, Whitlock tries to end things with a roundhouse kick that Frey dodges, hits a German Suplex and has a lovely comeback sequence that the crowd almost bites on. A few lariats later though, and Whitlock got the win. Segment Rating: 57 SEGMENT 3: After Whitlock won, he was confronted by Alexander Robinson, who explained he had been away on tour in Japan. He mentions his disappointment with Sterling switching to dazzling impracticality, abandoning years of training. Whitlock interrupts him to claim he's becoming a dangerous hybrid and just finding his way to break into stardom, but Robinson cuts to the chase: he can put his money where his mouth is and beat him using this nonsense, or realize he still has work to do. Of course, Whitlock accepts the challenge. Segment Rating: 58 SEGMENT 4: Ian DeColt cuts a promo before the main event, complaining about the fact that he's not only not getting preferential treatment (he called it champion-like), but also has everything put against him and the fans are celebrating at the prospect of a new champion being crowned. He bets everyone would be outrage if someone who is losing more was put in this unfair situation, with his back against the wall against 5 hungry challengers who all hold a grudge at the fact he's more successful than all of them. But! Not only is he sure he can prevail as a DeColt, he also has tricks up his sleeve that he will use to retain his belt. Segment Rating: 68 MATCH 5: Dusty Ducont and Ian DeColt vs Marc Dubois and Ricky Storm. I think they're still hiding tricks for the Chamber of Horrors match, but there's a clear liveliness in the crowd for these main events that gives them a ratings boost. In this one, the story was Ian DeColt abandoning the match at some point claiming he needs to "keep his new tricks secret", and hanging Ducont out to dry. Ricky Storm unceremoniously pinned him a few minutes later after a flurry of kicks that looked absolutely magnificent. The action was amazing here. Segment Rating: 74 SEGMENT 5: After the match, Ian rushed back in the ring with his belt attacking the babyfaces, but all that lead to was the other two competitors rushing from backstage and us getting a wild pull-apart brawl to end the show, cutting in the middle with no one left standing. Curiously, no clues mentioned as to what weapons any of them will use at the Chamber of Horrors. Segment Rating: 66 Overall Rating: 70
  5. AWF truly lives up to its name, I am excited for this and the Johnny V curveball
  6. 2021! The Year of the Ox Begins with Special Energy! Fury Road Tour #1 in Odaiba Hall! BJ Powers & Teddy Windham of The Sons of Pain face off against Koto Arato & Sugita Kamoto as part of Kamoto’s trial for the Tokyo Wrecking Crew! The Masked Madmen El Segador and Yokai Dragon will battle Sheik Abdul-Wahid and Yura Malakyan under Deathmatch Rules! MMA Sensation Arnoud Vox teams up with MMA Sensation Sumiteru Hatakeda and Tsutomu Honda to face the fiery FIST Nakano, SPIRIT Openweight Champion Masa Haraya and Susumu Kimata! In another Deathmatch we have the Bloody Hand’s Gekko Otsu and Soh Terajima going up against legendary Butcher Hachirobei and the holder of the Chalice of Blood, Kyushichi Mizumaki! And for our main event, the enigmatic Death Smile and KILLER Inoue find themselves on opposite sides. Inoue has been trying to figure Death Smile out, and he teams up with the Bloody Hand’s Fujimaro Tansho and SOSEKI against Death Smile and the LETHAL Unity of Blood title holders, the Tokyo Wrecking Crew’s Chojiro Ono and Hiro Date! A star-studded match that is sure to kick off 2021 in the right way! MATCH CARD FOR PREDICTIONS: Chojiro Ono & Hiro Date and Death Smile vs Fujimaro Tansho & SOSEKI and KILLER Inoue Butcher Hachirobei and Kyushichi Mizumaki vs Gekko Otsu and Soh Terajima Arnoud Vox & Sumiteru Hatakeda and Tsutomu Honda vs FIST Nakano and Masa Haraya and Susumu Kimata El Segador and Yokai Dragon vs Sheik Abdul-Wahid and Yura Malakyan BJ Powers & Teddy Windham vs Koto Arato and Sugita Kamoto
  7. ROSTER PREVIEW: THE DEATHMATCH DIVISION: Major Stars: Butcher Hachirobei (33): LETHAL’s homegrown ace, the Butcher of Men joined the company in 2005 as a teenager and quickly rose through the ranks. Successful globally as a deathmatch competitor, he has held the Chalice of Blood 3 times and won the World’s Most Extreme tournament another 3, as well as won the Unity of Blood belt 6 times with 3 partners. The most popular active deathmatch wrestler in Japan, perhaps on earth. Death Smile (32): A coup signing from DIASPORA in late 2019, Death Smile is a daredevil junior who has been dazzling the death match division with his risk taking. A complete enigma that hasn’t made alliances or even enemies, he has the intrigue of the LETHAL roster and the rabid fans. All we know is his decision to leave the powerhouse company for LETHAL is influenced by his connection to the legendary Dr. Texas. Kyushichi Mizumaki (28): Τrained by American legend 13TEEN, Mizumaki is known as the “bloodthirsty warrior”. A dominator of the tag team ranks in both Japan and America, 2020 was Mizumaki’s year, when he won both the World’s Most Extreme and Chalice of Blood for the first time. Not the toughest, strongest, or even the one with the biggest superstar aura, his thirst for blood and willingness to do everything to win is his biggest weapon. Fujimaro Tansho (45): Approaching three whole decades of deathmatches, Tansho is a true legend. 2 time winner of the World’s Most Extreme, a record 10-time winner of the Unity of Blood belts, and a 4x Chalice of Blood champion, he has done everything while also capturing the hearts of the fans with his tendency to use increasingly peculiar every-day objects as weapons in his matches. Member of The Bloody Hand. KILLER Inoue (47): After battling concussions this man retired in 2003, already a legend. Only to come back against doctors orders in 2008 and become even more legendary as before! His resume is insane, with 8 times as Chalice of Blood holder and 4 times as World’s Most Extreme, with 17 years between the first and most recent win. This man will probably be making people bleed and defying humanity till he’s 100. Stars: Sheik Abdul-Wahid (38): The epitome of evil, Sheik Abdul-Wahid is one of the most successful, and the first ever, graduates of the Dungeon of Steel dojo. Two-time holder of the Chalice of Blood, 6-time holder of the Unity of Blood belts, he is one of the most decorated men in LETHAL Steel history. SOSEKI (40): A veteran of the US deathmatch scene, SOSEKI sent shockwaves when he came to LETHAL in 2014 for a lengthy run. His ability to toughen it out under any circumstances is extraordinary, and ever since he joined The Bloody Hand he reached the top of the company, winning every available deathmatch honor in 2019 and 2020. Well Known: Shi Yuuto (36): The Sumo of Death weighs 430 pounds, and every pound of his body is used to inflict pain on poor wrestlers who just want to get home that day. A huge coup by LETHAL management in 2015, literally and figuratively, he has been an entertaining fixture of the company for the bloodthirsty fans. Gekko Otsu (39): A 20 year LETHAL veteran, Gekko Otsu was trained as a normal wrestler, but he has become a Deathmatch master. His tattooed from head-to-toe body is also full of battle scars, but he has earned gold in return, with 8 Unity of Blood reigns with 4 different partners. He’s been known to mix it up with wrestlers from both Deathmatch and SPIRIT divisions. Member of The Bloody Hand. Nobusuke Takabe (39): Having amassed 16 years in LETHAL, “the ugliest man in wrestling” has been a staple of the company. His daredevil style has caused some gruesome injuries, lack of front teeth, uneven ears, and a bum knee. Nevertheless, while not the most successful member of The Bloody Hand, he is the most unnerving to the opponents. Soh Terajima (35): The death hackerman, Soh Terajima was a LETHAL veteran with a stint in DIASPORE in between his two careers with the company. A stunning high flyer who takes risks in the ring every time, he joined The Bloody Hand because it’s better for them to have him on their side, than against them. El Segador (39): One of the most hardcore wrestlers in the history of Mexico, El Segador was one of the men that popularized the style in the traditional country. After many years as one of the key figures in EEP, he was kept by GILL when the promotion was bought out. Not really making it in the weird hybrid vibe of GILL, he realized his dreams in 2020 when he started touring Japan with LETHAL, proving how adept he is in a true deathmatch setting! Yura Malakyan (29): Once a talented Amateur wrestler, he was corrupted by the legendary Butcher Ishkhan, transformed into a vicious psychopath who only wishes to wrestle deathmatches. Part of a successful tag team with Butcher Hachirobei, having won two Unity of Blood titles, the eyepatch-wearing terrorist of the ring brings mayhem and pain to his opponents and himself. Recognisable: Baiko Ashida (32): The “unkillable underdog”, Baiko Ashida has been dazzling the independent scene for over a decade before landing a LETHAL contract in 2020. Originally a bland babyface, he earned his stripes by bleeding in small venues across Japan. Nowadays, the “Tokyo Dynamo” is aiming for his place among LETHAL royalty, testing himself against the Deathmatch elite. Yokai Dragon (30): The controversial American was blacklisted from Japan after a booking scandal while he was in the training school of the legendary Prime Dragon and was wrestling in his native country until LETHAL brought him in in 2018. Money driven and blood thirsty, he will do anything to beat people to unconsciousness and get the winner’s purse. CJ Morris (29): The wrestling scene in Australia is fledgling still (well, real wrestling, not T-ONE!), and Morris outgrew it at a very young age. Luckily, LETHAL is hardcore haven and gave him a chance in 2019! One of the most vicious bleeders in wrestling history, Morris is a bigger name in Japan than his native continent. Susumu Kimata (20): The Deathmatch Heir, Susumu Kimata is true-born LETHAL product. Lauded as BOSS Nagata’s successor due to their similarities in charisma and temperament, there are huge hopes for the youngster. Now in his third year, he should start ascending up the card soon… Unimportant: Ryuji Kodaka (18): Another LETHAL true-born, the youngster possesses charisma and creativity that shows the signs of stardom, even with only a few months under his belt. Combining his athleticism with his sadistic use of barbed wire, the Ultraviolent Lion will be unfair competition once he reaches his prime… SPIRIT DIVISION: Major Stars: Koto Arato (47): Best known as part of the DIASPORA exodus from UPJ, Arato is a certified puroresu legend. Diaspora’s first ever Heavyweight champion, LETHAL’s first SPIRIT Openweight champion, and part of the influential Tokyo Wrecking Crew, he’s also a world class trainer! Hiro Date (43): A tag team specialist, Hiro Date is another member of the legendary Tokyo Wrecking Crew who has worked for the “big 4” of the 21st century (UPJ, DIASPORA, HONOUR, LETHAL). Approaching the final stages of his career, he’s still an elite pro wrestler. Stars: Chojiro Ono (40): This Big Heavyweight has had a similar career to the rest of the Tokyo Wrestling Crew, but has had more independent singles success having been an All-Asia champion in his youth as well as being one of the few foreigners to ever hold the prestigious GBWF championship. His spinning powerbomb is one of the most devastating finishers around, and his tag team with Hiro Date the most fearsome outside of UPJ. Well Known: Sumiteru Hatakeda (43): The fearsome judoka transitioned to pro wrestling from MMA with an impressive 20-2-3 record, and cashed that into a solid UPJ career, before joining Hiro Suzuki’s short lived MMA-inspired COBRA, then HONOUR, and finally LETHAL Steel. The second ever SPIRIT Openweight champion, this man is still incredibly dangerous. Arnoud Vox (38): This Dutch former MMA fighter has transitioned from MMA to wrestling multiple times, having caught the “wrestling bug”. With a lot of success in his home continent, he moved towards the more vibrant wrestling scene of Japan at IWJ, then when it closed LETHAL’s SPIRIT division. Masa Kahaya (29): One of the most charismatic wrestlers of his generation and an underground sensation in Japan, he was scouted by Kenta Sonoda himself to join HONOUR in 2013, before being sent to excursion to RAMPAGE in Hawaii. When he came back, he was the complete package and captivated the midcard in HONOUR, and was an absolute coup by LETHAL when they opened their SPIRIT division. The current SPIRIT Openweight champion having won the belt in October, Masa is the company’s great big hope for expansion. Magobei Morita (38): Another former MMA fighter, albeit with a short and unmemorable stint in the sport, Morita is a charismatic presence with a hard-hitting style who is in a bit of a no man’s land between a junior size and a heavyweight wrestling identity. Perhaps the Openweight division of LETHAL is what he needs to reach new heights? Recognisable: FIST Nakano (28): An idiosyncratic silent figure who prefers to just punch people to oblivion, Nakano is a pro kickboxer AND pro wrestler with known attitude issues…who also happens to be one of the most dangerous wrestlers alive despite his size. Truly a perfect fit for the SPIRIT division. Sugita Kamoto (25): A bulky heavyweight who was spotted by Hiro Date, his great look, toughness, unending stamina and great attitude have made him an incredible prospect for the future of LETHAL, having now just entered his third year in wrestling. Currently he’s been on a trial by the Tokyo Wrecking Crew in order to potentially join the stable as a fourth member, which they always had before they joined LETHAL. Niou Kaibara (31): A light heavyweight with an awesome look, bags of charisma and awesome selling, no one knows what has been holding him back from stardom… even though he spent most of his career on the independent scenes and just barely joined HONOUR as they were closing down. One would think he’ll finally reach the main event in LETHAL now that he’s here. BJ Powers (32): The Englishman has had a good career in GBWF, winning their world title twice and becoming a grand slam champion in the promotion, before leaving for LETHAL in 2020 for unknown reasons. Now part of the Sons of Pain stable with two other gaijins, he is in the best physical condition of his career. Ellis Hogg (32): Son of Kentucky wrestling legend Virgil Hogg, he has always been in his father’s shadow due to his lack of charisma, rejected by the fans. Τhat is until he rebelled, became a “wild Southern boy” and left for Japan to join LETHAL and the Sons of Pain. Teddy Windham (28): Son of wrestler-turned-manager Owen Windham (Money), Teddy Windham was a college football player who decided to join the AWF school of wrestling, then spent some time in their developmental before becoming a worldwide journeyman, his latest stop being in LETHAL. The final member of the Sons of Pain stable. Unimportant: Tsutomu Honda (29): Someone who joined wrestling later in life, Honda is still a young lion in LETHAL Steel. Using his supernatural threshold for punishment, he tends to absorb as much damage as possible in the early stages of the match, before getting angry enough to completely destroy them. Currently on trial to potentially join the Tokyo Wrecking Crew. STABLES: THE BLOODY HAND: THE SONS OF PAIN: TOKYO WRECKING CREW:
  8. LETHAL Steel Japanese Wrestling LETHAL Steel Japanese Wrestling is a company based in Tokyo, Japan. Originally established in 1979 as a traditional Puro company, it was BOSS Nagata’s purchase of them in 1989 that created the most brutal wrestling company in existence, and the most successful Deathmatch based company in wrestling history. After a slow expansion from Tokyo and honestly plainly surviving for a long time due to critical acclaim by hardcore fans, HONOUR’s closure in 2019 gave them an opening: With UPJ as the sole heavyweight Puro company remaining, there was enough free agent talent on the scene to establish a regular wrestling division, and thus the SPIRIT division was born. Now ready to become a national power in the next few years, LETHAL Steel is touring all across Japan and having some solid crowds in their bigger shows. Situation: 4th biggest company in Japan (behind UPJ, the junior-based DIASPORA, and All Japan Joshi, and above the irreverent comedic SPLASH and the isolated Shikoku Pro). Starting popularity of 36 across Japan. Starting budget of 60000 dollars, with a tiny deal for Events and a company-owned dojo, the Dungeon of Steel. Also have a talent trading agreement with House of Horrors, a USA-based gruesome deathmatch company. Pictured: The BOSS, BOSS Nagata. Pictured: The user character, booker Koto Arato. The Titles: Chalice of Blood (Oct. 1989-): Once an actual chalice, this is LETHAL’s most valuable singles title. The Deathmatch Division belt, it has been fought for in the most brutal matches ever on Japanese soil. (50 Prestige) Unity of Blood (Oct/ 1989-): The company’s Tag Team titles, they’re very prestigious. Can be defended in any type of match. (50 Prestige) SPIRIT Openweight (Jun. 2019-): Introduced when the SPIRIT division began after HONOUR’s closure and the coup of getting the Tokyo Wrecking Crew, it’s defended in regular matches among some of the toughest heavyweight wrestlers in the world. (40 Prestige) World’s Most Extreme (2000-): Fought during the DEATHMATCH Invitational, wrestlers all over the world face each other in a single elimination tournament to crown… the World’s Most Extreme wrestler. (65 Prestige) 2021 is primed to be the company's biggest year to date! Join the ride, and see the REAL wrestling Japan has to offer! OOC: I know that I've had... limited success with my non-CGC work so far, but I'm taking precautionary measures with this diary. As the year has been winding down in CGC and I've been looking for distraction from my overbearing university work, I've been bombarded with diary ideas I couldn't really carry out... so I just wrote up a bunch of shows in advance, just to make sure I don't give up on this project early on. Besides, I won't be putting too much detail in tour shows. If this doesn't work out, oh well, but I was really overcome with excitement about this mix of puro which I love and deathmatch which I am mostly unfamiliar with, as I'm generally drawn to underdog promotions.
  9. Xavi Ferrera baby with a huge win! Great event with a huge surprise to me with Brody getting ran out of the company
  10. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 171, Tuesday, Week 2 of December 2018 MATCH 1: Hugh Ancrie vs Teddy Thompson. They really had Teddy look good in this match and built up his submission game against the company's primary technician. A nice competitive wrestling match to open the show, it's clear that they see how marketable Thompson is, but it'll be tough to push him with barely a year's of wrestling experience. Ancrie unsurprisingly locked him in the Crying Game and got the win, and then the two men shook hands. Ancrie has been a face-y heel for the past couple of months, I assume it's after his match against Dubois was a dud, maybe they see him as less useful now which would be a bummer. Segment Rating: 55 MATCH 2: Thunder & Lightning vs Team Tough's Lewis Frey and Sterling Whitlock. This match carries a story in it, which is Whitlock keeps going back to the well of I guess martial arts inspired offense, to the detriment of his work, while also urging Lewis Frey to switch things up. Of course as has been customary this year they lost to the more well-oiled machine, and there's not much to say about this match. Lightning picked up the win with an armbar on Frey. I think Thunder & Lightning are the first team that lost to the Canadian Blondes and didn't instantly also lose their next match. Segment Rating: 56 SEGMENT 1: After the match, Whitlock scolded Frey for not listening to his advice. This led to them getting physical with each other, and Whitlock challenging Frey to a match at Chamber of Horrors, which the youngster accepting. Do pre-show matches get a build now? Segment Rating: 45 SEGMENT 2: Generation Z found The Canadian Blondes in their locker room and made them a proposal: since we know there's a great chance there's interference, let's make the match no DQ! In fact, what about we add something cool to the equation? Basically, they announce that they've already gone to Alex DeColt and he has greenlit a Ladder Match for the tag team titles! The heels are livid realizing they can lose their titles without pins involved, but they trash talk the kids and seethe to close the promo. Segment Rating: 47 MATCH 3: Joey Poison vs Topher Smith. A fun match, Joey went a bit too methodical in stopping Smith's flurries of offense but this was still a nice matchup with Poison bringing out some of the greatest hits. Topher looked like winning as well, until Joey slipped out the ring and got another vial of mist. Gopher hit his trademark Suicide Dive for a nearfall, but as he picked the veteran up from his head to transition to a move...MIST! But this time, there was something in the mist, as Topher went to the ground in excrutiating pain and Joey Poison got DQ'd because this time the misting couldn't be ignored by the referee I guess. Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT 3: As Topher was selling the misting, Whippy came out and revealed he had switched out Poison's vials to get an extra advantage ahead of their title match. He then spends a bit of time boasting about how clever and tricky he is and how victory is in his bag...and Mobstar's music hit. The most Hard to the Core person in CGC comes out and announced he has been added to the Canadian Chaos title match, which is now a Three Way I Quit Match. That means it's not just about submissions...but also No DQ! Whippy is the one that got tricked in the end, having to face the consequences of his own actions. Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT 4: A hype video for the Chamber of Horrors world title match and PPV plays, reimagining the 6 men that will battle in the Chamber as different fighting game characters in 2D. Ian DeColt is a sort of shapeshifter, Dusty Ducont the imposing Zangief-like grappler, Atherton an agility-based character, Skip Beau is Canadian Guile due to the hair, Ricky Storm is himself, he's already perfect for this, and Dubois is positioned as the protagonist. There's a lot of fight scenes against generic goons, and a pose-off at the end. Segment Rating: 62 MATCH 4: Jamie Atherton & Ian DeColt vs Ricky Storm & Skip Beau. These guys went balls out and had an excellent tag team match full of back and forth action and everyone getting their story ahead of the Chamber in: Ian was less opportunistic than usual, trying to channel his inner DeColt more and more. Jamie was a cocky asshole like usual, Ricky was his counterpoint in his total focus and disdain towards Atherton, and Skip Beau was feeling the pressure to keep up with them and step up on his own. That pressure was his undoing, as he tried to lift both Jamie and Ian for his death valley driver, Jamie slipped out and rolled him up for the win. Segment Rating: 77 MATCH 5: Dusty Ducont vs Marc Dubois. Dubois has faced a lot of big men in his day, and already in his half a year of CGC stardom, and this was one of his best matches against one. Ducont is just someone everyone knows is dangerous and who can throw his opponent around effortlessly. It's easy to structure a man around that, especially since he won't get gassed unlike others. So, Dubois kept coming back, getting the crowd on his side, and finally managed to get Ducont "gassed", dodged a wild punch and got him in the Dubious Dubois Pin, a technique from a fairly politically incorrect 00's male model gimmick. Nice contest, although we haven't really gotten a surprise in this build up batch of matches before the PPV. Segment Rating: 69 SEGMENT 5: After that match, Dubois gets a microphone and drops a bomb: He wants to start the chamber alongside Ian DeColt, in order to eliminate him and preventing him from getting away with another undeserved victory. Says he wants his title win to be as sweet as possible, and the past 2 months have had only frustration for him. It doesn't matter to him that Alex DeColt has placed an enforcer, he wants to take destiny in his own hands, and lead the company to a new era. Segment Rating: 79 Overall Rating: 70 NEXT WEEK: THE GO HOME SHOW HEADLINED BY MARC DUBOIS & RICKY STORM VS DUSTY DUCONT & IAN DECOLT!
  11. The Dream Is Alive ~ Fluorescent Lighttubes & Barbed Wire Board Death MatchDrew Parker & Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Jun Kasai & Masashi Takeda Guest comes over to win.#1 Contender‘s Match ~ Empty Can Board & Razor Cross Board Death MatchTakayuki Ueki vs. Violento Jack Jack is a surefire main eventer.King Of FREEDOM World Tag Team Championship ~ Thumbtack Board & Thumbtack Bat Death MatchToru Sugiura & Tomoya Hirata (c) vs. Daisuke Masaoka & Takashi Sasaki Sugiura and Hirata are really damn good!King Of FREEDOM World Jr. Heavyweight ChampionshipKamui (c) vs. Dragon Libre Big show, why not have a title change?Hardcore MatchYusaku Ito, Mammoth Sasaki & Rina Yamashita vs. E.R.E (Dobunezumi Fukki, Kyu Mogami & Toshiyuki Sakuda) ERE crumbling storyline continuesGENTARO, Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Leo Isaka vs. Rekka, Takahiro Katori & Minoru Fujita GENTARO and Takaiwa are too good
  12. CGC Headquarters, Alex DeColt's Office - Sometime in early December, 2018 "Impromptu Meeting" is what Alex had called it. Before 2018, that meant some people got yelled at. In the past few years, it was trying way too hard not to say anything wrong while selling every positive number as a huge success so that he lets my work be. But this one was bound to be quite different. There wasn't a lot of time for pleasantries, just drinks poured and Alex getting straight to the point. Alex: "First off, congratulations are in order. We're very much profitable, selling out venues that were unthinkable since 2016. There's been a clear uptick in business, and let me tell you. I've made moves that will make sure that 2019 is our year, and as the booker I figured you should know first." Well that was a first, but I guess a rite of passage for a CGC booker under Alex DeColt. Alex: "Since we're profitable, I took a big initiative. Starting January, I'm cancelling our TV deal with Channel 6. I have a deal with CBN pencilled in. It's a two hour show, but it's actually you booking 90 minutes, 30 minutes of ads, so less than what we're doing for Channel 6 right now." Adrian: "Wait, last I checked canceling the Channel 6 deal with one year left is wildly expensive, no?" Alex: "I was actually getting to that! They agreed to lessen the cost if we air a 1-hour B Show on the Friday night death slot for them. So, actually, you're going to be booking more content than before, just some of it will be less sequential. Speaking of which, since we're gonna be booking more content, I wanted to touch upon something about the roster depth you've created." Well, didn't even have time to protest all those plans, but I guess CBN is a huge upgrade you gotta go for. Alex: "You have too many guys you're trying to build getting time in the undercard and it lowers our quality. Soon, these guys will be mostly wrestling in the new B show. Also, we do need more signings to fill out the midcard- I think the uppercard you've built is pretty strong even if it can be nitpicked to death. A way we could do that is that Women's division we were talking about in January, where are we on that?" Adrian: "Well, there's some great young talent in the local scene, and we could get Zoe (Ammis) from AAA since she's our trainee, but the issue is we don't have enough flagship draws we can get to make the division feel like a big deal early on. There's some contracts expiring in 2019 so there's a chance we could attract one or two of them, but it just doesn't seem like it's on the cards as soon as we hoped, unless we were okay with just building one up from nothing, which now that we're getting more attention doesn't feel like the move." Alex nodded. He was more calm and composed than usual, straight to the point. And it was clear he cared more about the next part than the admittedly exciting news. Alex: "Right, we'll touch back on that because it feels like with so much competition for men's wrestlers, and the smaller companies in Canada not focusing on guys who would be valuable in our promotion, a women's division is a good opportunity to build up our pool. It's a big trend. But, there's something more important to talk about. As you can tell, getting the CBN deal was tough. I had to sell them on our progress, on having draws. And that's why I want to talk about on our world champion going into January. We have Chamber of Horrors coming up, and as much as I think Ian has done great and has been drawing for us, we need to put the belt on our most recognizable, highest-paid wrestler. We need to put it on Dubois." Fuck. Well, that messes with everything. Adrian: "You can't do that. I've been telling a story with him, we can keep milking that. I had him pencilled in as getting a run with the belt by Ultimate Showdown 2019. He lacks the killer instinct now. He beat Sean McFly who was a babyface, but he hasn't gotten the job against the guys who play dirty. It's compelling, he looks like clearly our best wrestler, and it doesn't hurt him." Alex: "When you pitched his signing, he was going to be our franchise player. We are positioning him as such in posters, in promotional material, in our talks with Broadcasting reps. But you don't want to put the belt on him? You didn't even want him to win the George DeColt Memorial Cup, Sean just preferred putting him over to Ian. Why? I know who you want to book to win, it's pretty clearly Atherton. He's too small, can't do it." Adrian: "But you put him over! Granted, it wasn't clean, but he's a made man. He's leading our hottest stable that has a recognizable name to everyone in Canada, he gets our most critical praise, he main evented both of our big PPVs in his debut year and heel champions are easier to book the show around on top, which will help us early on." Alex: "I just don't think you can have him be our first lightweight world champion. Especially not now. He still has the indy stink on him. I would sooner think of putting the belt on Storm at some point in the next year. Atherton has ways to go." Man. We were an indy in all but name when he came over. He's a big reason why we're not right now. Alex: "Besides. Dubois is a crazy merchandise draw. Putting the belt on him will only make him more profitable. I don't get why you're not ecstatic. You brought him in to be the guy. He is. It's going great. Put the damn belt on him and reap the rewards. He has THREE excellent foils to him in Ian, Atherton and Gargantuan, he has the built in sidekicks, he checks every box. And most importantly- we signed him from EILL, another company who could pay him good money. Crowning him will put other guys who have roles in big companies on notice- we're not afraid to reward them if they're good enough." Adrian: "But I just don't think the story is there, he doesn't have the momentum!" Alex: "And whose fault is that? He had that momentum in October. Won the Cup against McFly, got screwed out of a clear win two days later. Then you insert Gargantuan and Ian retains, you could have made the right call and title change right then and there. Now you have Atherton close the show every week and deliberately position him as the favorite in the match. But that could work in our favor! Swerve the fans, bro." Adrian: "Sigh...Okay. I hear you. How about though... Ian retains? You know the plans I have for Atherton opening 2019, we've discussed them. We can do that without the belt. Dubois still has that slight choker tag even though he obviously gets screwed out of the win, doesn't lose. So you have him get the belt at the Wrestlefestival. We drew 2700 people there in two nights last year. We're projected to draw 10000 this year. People will witness him becoming Mr. CGC, which was the plan all along, I get the story I wanted, you get your top champ for CBN since he won't have to leave the title picture for those 3 months of build. We both win." That was a long night, one that changed the course of CGC for the entirety of the next year. But who would shape it from these two men? Who will walk out of Chamber of Horrors as World Champ? Will this very ambitious TV deal come into fruition and work out in the long term? Will CGC get a Women's division in order to juxtapose themselves as the traditional company to NOTBPW's integrated roster? And will Alex DeColt start getting involved with booking decisions more? TITLE BOUT WRESTLING MATCH CARD: Dusty Ducont vs Marc Dubois Jamie Atherton & Ian DeColt vs Ricky Storm & Skip Beau Joey Poison vs Topher Smith Lewis Frey & Sterling Whitlock vs Thunder & Lightning Hugh Ancrie vs Teddy Thompson
  13. Assassin [vs] BW Eddie w/ Edward Cornell, Viktor Beskov, Yuri Iliakov and Doomsday ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] Grave Digger w/ Jonathan Faust and Blackheart ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Langton Herring w/ Compton Valence Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones [vs] Men Of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk) Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) [vs] Phillip Cooper & Apollo Prince ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Edward ‘The Business’ Cornell w/ The House of Business What Sign would you have if you were in the crowd?... A Koller sign, can't think of a pun right now. But VWA for life! More importantly, congratulations on the birth of your son!
  14. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 170, Tuesday, Week 1 of December 2018 MATCH 1: Generation Z vs The Monstrosities. An one-time appearance, Abomination and Monstrosity of TITAN Factory Wrestling were the hired goons from The Golden Elite to prevent Generation Z from winning a title shot. Two absolute giants who are really talented but super green, against the homegrown youngsters it wasn't the prettiest spectacle. It was messy, but it was also a beilevably huge upset as Alyx Winters made Monstrosity tap out with the Nuclear Lock for the win. Segment Rating: 25 SEGMENT 1: The two members of Generation Z get on the microphone and celebrate their win, reminding the fans that this is just the first step towards beating the arrogant, overrated and lazy Canadian Blondes. The Golden Elite has made CGC a worse place, which is why, on behalf of the Power House Army, these two will restore the honor of the title belts. A bit by the numbers and they're not the most comfortable talkers, but they're also 19 years old. Segment Rating: 36 MATCH 2: EMOe NOTman vs Gahtir Salim. Yet another total mess, this got worse because Salim accidentally hit a european uppercut too hard and injured Moe's jaw. At the end of the day, CGC has the veterans to put in the ring, maybe they don't want to lose 100% of their matches though. Nevertheless, this was probably the worst match of the year from the company, ending mercifully when Moe hit the Last Bite for the win. Segment Rating: 19 SEGMENT 2: Back in the matchmaker's office, Alex DeColt presents a new authority figure! The camera reveals canadian legend and former MAW road agent Lee Bennett (who used to be Robinson's tag team partner in PGHW), who is now on a test trial: He's going to be the Guest Enforcer in the Chamber of Horrors match, making sure that despite the violence that takes place in the Steel Chamber, there is no outside interference or deliberately hurting someone already injured after they've been eliminated. If that match goes smoothly, he's going to be the new General Manager of CGC Title Bout Wrestling! Segment Rating: 64 SEGMENT 3: Jenny Playmate approaches Ricky Storm as he's doing his usual pre-match hot yoga. She lets him go through the mystical practices he uses to have his body and spirit be in harmony and so that he can be in peak condition for his first CGC main event against Jamie Atherton. Stuff like, he has a tap dripping water in a bucket and "when he can split a drop of water in half that's when he knows he's ready to wrestle". Pretty entertaining, we'll see when he gets a real direction in this character. Segment Rating: 57 MATCH 3: Gopher & The Ant vs Nathan Black & Whippy The Clown. Black's retirement match, this was almost wrestled off-canon, with Black playing the hits and then whenever Whippy tagged in he got all the comeuppance and dominated by the babyfaces. Black got one rare, and last hot tag where he almost pinned Ant-Man with a Black Dog Down, but afterwards Topher Smith got tagged in and pinned him with the Gopher Suicide Dive, in what was overall a pretty damn good match. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 4: After the match and after Black got one last ovation from the crowd, Whippy was up the ramp leaving towards the backstage area when he got brutally attacked by a sunglasses-wearing Curtis Mobstar who was wielding a hockey stick and absolutely laying him out. Mobstar takes off his sunglasses to reveal his somehow still red eyes after last week's pepper spray attack, and swears that this is only just the beginning of his vengeance against the clown. Segment Rating: 49 MATCH 4: Dusty Ducont and Ian DeColt vs Marc Dubois and Skip Beau. A competitive tag team match that had a few excellent exchanges, this was mostly used to put over Ducont like last week's match for Storm. Dubois really got the best of DeColt once again until Ian started hiding behind the giant. Skip mostly bumped but he had an excellent nearfall after a fallaway slam into a Samoan Drop (!) on Ducont. A thrown powerbomb later however, and Dusty had pinned the Raging Bull for a big win. Segment Rating: 68 MATCH 5: Jamie Atherton vs Ricky Storm. Honestly, they could have somehow dubbed this a "dream match" if they wanted even though it isn't really. But these two lightweight super workers put on a breathtaking match befitting of a TCW, EILL, BHOTWG show. Jamie kept up his recent display of trying to wrestle more like a regular worker instead of a high flyer, and Storm's tenacity was the perfect foil to his demeanor. The "Greatest Showman" is indeed putting on a show match ratings wise. Storm hit two Roundhouse kicks in a row to almost get the KO victory, the Golden Elite tried to intervene but were all thwarted by Skip Beau, Marc Dubois and Sterling Whitlcok, and that's when it looked like Ricky's incredible winning ways would continue, but instead Jamie used Storm's headband as a tool to push him to the ground and break up the set up for Storm Bringer, dodged his attempt at the kip-up + Superkick finish and poked the eye to make sure his Dangerous Brainbuster wouldn't be countered. Better safe than sorry! Segment Rating: 74 Overall Rating: 71
  15. FCW Puerto Rican Title: Mutant (c) vs Kip Keenan Too good to lose too early Billy Russell and Xavi Ferrera vs Handsome Stranger and Frederique Protect the local hero First Blood Match: Carlos Gonzalez vs Marco Gonzalez There's so much more to do with this excellent program FCW Tag Team Titles: The Harlem Knights (c) vs Joffy Laine and Davis Wayne Newton Can they coexist? If Kong Loses He Leaves The Island: King Kong Kennedy vs Charlie Thatcher Sounds like cost cutting
  16. Welcome back! We are indeed on the up, to the point where I am fearing it will come crashing down all at once. Chamber of Horrors is big, Elimination is bigger, and I am contemplating changing some things as 2019 approaches. Might post two shows in the next few days before my spring break ends so I can speed things up.
  17. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 16, Tuesday, Week 4 of November 2018 With the signing of Ricky Storm and his debut against Frankie Dee at Survival of the Fittest, Frankie's short-term CGC contract came to an end. The feedback the company gave him in terms of potentially signing him on a permanent basis in the future was "get bigger". Now, on to the show: SEGMENT 1: Alex DeColt opens the show, announcing the entrants to the Chamber Of Horrors match for the CGC World Championship. One by one the entrants come out as he mentions them: Ian DeColt (obviously), Marc Dubois, Jamie Atherton, Dusty Ducont, Skip Beau and Ricky Storm. He also announces that after assaulting a referee during his last title defense, Ian DeColt will start the Chamber match at #1 as punishment. The participants have a standoff, but say no words which is kind of goofy. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 1: Ant-Man, Clause Reed, EMOe NOTman and Robin DaLay vs Blockbuster, Dan DaLay, Killer Karson and Teddy Thompson. A bit of a showcase tag where everyone gets two moves in and tags out, it's also the full-time debut of MMA fighter Teddy Thompson after his strong two week run with the Alex DeColt Memorial Cup in October. Alongside his CGC dates he will still be working for Dread down in Texas, as well as taking up MMA fights (apparently he's leaving to train for one in a bit under two months). Not much to say about this match in terms of quality, Blockbuster destroyed the young Emo with a Busterbomb for the win. Segment Rating: 41 SEGMENT 2: Whippy The Clown is in a special designated backstage area with 3 podiums. Dressed to the nines with a maroon suit and a flower pin he's holding the mic. Behind the podiums are Curtis Mobstar, Stevie Grayson and Topher Smith. Whippy announces to the world that in order to pick his next opponent for the Canadian Chaos championship he needs to test them in more ways than just their in-ring abilities, so he has turned "You Got Tricked!" into a gameshow! For podcasting economy I will not recap the whole segment, essentially the bit was pretending Grayson doesn't exist, giving Mobstar outrageously hard questions (at least for the average viewer) and giving Topher freebies, clearly not forgetting the fact they're 1-1 against each other and wanting to rectify that... with a custom ruleset. After Mobstar threatens the host with chain-involved violence, Whippy yields and makes a #1 contender's match for later in the show: Curtis Mobstar vs Topher Smith. Before we cut away, Whippy slides Stevie some money for bothering to show up. Segment Rating: 42 MATCH 2: Gahtir Salim vs Lewis Frey. The debuting Gahtir Salim is a mean, large old-school grappler who loves his suplex variations, and that seamless fit with Frey's technical sensibilities made this match watchable despite the crowd not really caring. Gahtir won with a Salim Suplex (one arm Brainbuster) after poking Frey's eyes to get an advantage, and I am sure this will be his only win for a while but he looks like a promising get. Segment Rating: 43 SEGMENT 3: The Golden Elite are celebrating their wins at Survival Of The Fittest and Jamie's inclusion in the Chamber of Horrors match for the World title in their locker room. They congratulate Dan Draper for his crucial intervention in the tag titles match, and unveiling a whole bunch of sponsorships on Flash's tights and Ozzie Golden's jacket, as "they're the hottest athletic commodities in all of British Columbia thanks to Garcia's representation"! This happy mood is interrupted by Alyx Winters, Flip Simkins and Lizzie Spellmann! Gen Z say they've been on a roll the past few weeks winning matches and since The Canadian Blondes have beat everyone (even if by cheating), they feel like they have earnt a title shot. Of course, they're laughed off by the heel stable, until they play into the Blondes' complacency and earn a challenge: if they beat an opponent of the Canadian Blondes' choice next week, they can get their shot at Chamber of Horrors! Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT 4: Ricky Storm is practicing meditative techniques in a secluded backstage area, then using his focused inner strength to break blocks of wood with his mere strikes. Sterling Whitlock comes over and asks to try, setting the block in a position to be able to lariat it. He demolishes the wooden block but is in a lot more pain than Ricky who does it effortlessly, and emerges from the segment with a newfound respect for the spitiruality of martial arts. Segment Rating: 56 MATCH 3: Dan Draper vs Sterling Whitlock. A nice contest with Draper working over Whitlock's hurting arm and the badass fighting through adversity against a dangerous if inexperienced opponent. Draper tries his best to get the Furusawa Armbar as early as possible, but Whitlock is a ring general after being Robinson's understudy for so wrong and is always near a rope break or extra help to counter a move. Dan gets frustrated quickly and attempts every dirty move in the chapters of the book he has read so far, but he can do nothing to stop the inevitability of the Whitlock's End. Segment Rating: 58 MATCH 4: Curtis Mobstar vs Topher Smith. A high octane contest and a classic 2010's "brawler vs high flyer" matchup that was really fun until it devolved into shenanigans, with Whippy screwing Mobstar at every corner trying to help the babyface who gets annoyed and then dives on Whippy which leads to him almost losing the match and it just gets convoluted and unfun. Regardless, after Whippy sprayed Mobstar with pepper-spray laced water from his suit flower, the Gopher Suicide Dive ended the match. Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT 5: Post-match, Topher and Whippy are trash talking each other, while an almost-cursing Mobstar is backing off with his eyes burning and swears revenge on the Clown. Whippy announces that he wants Topher in a Submissions match which deflates the crowd. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 5: Dusty Ducont, Jamie Atherton and Ian DeColt vs Marc Dubois, Ricky Storm and Skip Beau. The 6 participants of the Chamber of Horrors match had a really promising fight ahead of that match, one that showcased once again the incredible form Atherton and Dubois are in, as even in this star-shudded cast they were half a step above everyone. However, the man who got a spotlight put on him was Ricky Storm, who absolutely karate'd his way into everyone's hearts by hitting a Roundhouse on Ian DeColt that led to the winning pin. Segment Rating: 70 Overall Rating: 65 NEXT WEEK: A marquee singles, a retirement match, and the youngsters prove themselves! Jamie Atherton vs Ricky Storm Dusty Ducont and Ian DeColt vs Marc Dubois and Skip Beau Generation Z vs ??? ??? The Gopher & The Ant vs Nathan Black & Whippy The Clown in Black's last match! EMOe NOTman vs Gahtir Salim
  18. Tommy Rich vs. Jake Milliman Feels obvious Manny Fernandez vs. Ken Patera Even at his old age, the Olympian can give prestige to the tournament. Jonnie Stewart vs. Brad Rheingans Love Rheingans but I don't think both him and Patera make it. Cactus Jack vs. Tom Zenk Cactus Jack getting a good, entertaining run feels like a must for obvious reasons. Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper Larry Z was world champ less than a year ago for a reason. Akio Sato vs. Wahoo McDaniel You're leaning in with the international flavour in this pro wrestling heritage tournament and I'd like to see it continue, even though I know Wahoo was a big deal. Greg Valentine vs. Greg Gagne He's been on a roll. Col. DeBeers vs. Don Muraco Him staying pushed will add a lot of extra tension as Verne is mulling over wasting the good hand he was dealt.
  19. Landon Mallory [vs] Edison Silva 'Sensational' Ricky Storm w/ 'The Quiet One' Sifu [vs] War Machine w/ 'The Executive Consultant' Cliff King Welsh Dragon [vs] 'The Most Dangerous Man In Britain' Bedlam 'The Bad Seed' Kelvin Badberry [vs] Smiling John Smithie The Lee FamiLee (Gorilla, JK & Andrew) w/ Emmett Askey [vs] Stevie Stoat, Nightmare & Ruin 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell [vs] 'The MVP' Kevin Jones
  20. Another good show! As for the financial woes, if you raised production values to get on TV, you're just kinda screwed and it will take A WHILE for you to make profit, by which point you'll be in the red with no way of getting out. There's a reason in most saves the AI FCW gets bankrupted - they instantly get on WrestleWorld (I know you went on TV-PR, that's why I don't know your production situation). I did have one FCW save where I went for a couple years and I barely avoided debt but I don't remember how and honestly it might even have been the editor. That doesn't mean it's hopeless or your fault necessarily, this company is set up to lose money before making money regardless. Freedom Fighters 4 Predictions Harlem Haynes vs Davis Wayne Newton Xavi Ferrera vs Rob Reynolds Bonus Point: Which FCW fighter will we see hard at work in the gym preparing for their clash at Choked Out! Mutant, Marco Gonzalez or King Kong Kennedy or Charlie Thatcher? Bonus Point: Mutant and Kip Keenan will meet in the ring ahead of their upcoming title clash, but which man will end the segment still standing? Mutant, Kip Keenan, Both of them, Neither of them?
  21. Rolling Johnny Stones & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Apollo Prince & J-B Cash Kenobi High (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole) [vs] The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov & Yuri Iliakov) w/ BW Eddie ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchster [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart Evan Alpass [vs] Antithesis The Ro‘ck N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Luke Cool ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Blackheart & Grave Digger Not too familiar with 21CW but let's take a stab at it
  22. Thanks! This one felt good writing the matches, although perhaps I have to make amends for having a show where 5 of 6 matches were won by heels... much to think about. The Gargantuan case is special and intriguing. On one hand, he's one of my most important guys even after I've restructured the roster, he's a star, and I've never booked a truly dominant monster heel world champion so it would be doing something new and challenging which I'd love to. On the other hand, in the backstory of this mod CGC spent all of 2017 giving every title to untalented monster heels much worse than Gargantuan and that's a big part of how the company cratered, so it makes sense to give the fans some breathing room. That plus... I kinda sorta maybe angered him in January by making him job to Poison (while he got super duper extra protected, but still) and he still hasn't forgiven me and is mailing in his performances. So, Gargantuan (or Ducont) with the big belt? Maybe in 2019. Hopefully, at least!
  23. This was definitely more representative of what "normal" TV is going to be and...it was damn good! The Carlos interview was particularly super strong, and the Keenan swerve is just solid, delightful wrestling television.
  24. CGC SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST 2018 REPORT Venue: Waterloo University Arena, Toronto, Ontario CA: 5000 (SOLD OUT) PPV BUYS: 26,577 MATCH 1: CGC CANADIAN CHAOS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: ZEUS MAXIMILLION (CAN'T USE HANDS) VS WHIPPY THE CLOWN (C) Obviously this wasn't some fair fight. However, Zeus came as prepared as he could be, purposely using elbows and forearms where he would slaps and punches to start the match, trying his best to lift Whippy with his arms for his usual impact moves. In general, he managed to adapt fairly well, though he still had moments where he got caught up in habits and had to freeze and cede control to an absolutely ecstatic Whippy who saw his choice bear fruit at multiple points in the match. In particular, Whippy did his best targeting the demigod's face, making sure to piss him off as much as possible instead of causing head trauma, in hopes of making him swing (or locking in the Why So Serious Lock, as he's a Combatant who contains multitudes!) and forcing the DQ win. This almost worked at one point but Zeus stopped himself- and that hesitation was a perfect opening for Whippy to hit the Clowning Around (Code Breaker) for a very close nearfall. Zeus fought back with explosiveness, knowing that he can't afford more mistakes so he had to speed up. After a particularly devastating Uranage, he picked Whippy up and locked in the devastating Olympian Clutch II! Whippy shuffled around trying to escape but the grip was extremely tight powered up by Honor, Determination and Godlike strength, to the point when Whippy knew he had little choice but to tap out...until he got an excellent, devious idea! He managed to contort his right hand in a way where he was kind of holding hands with Zeus, and argued to the referee that this is a violation of the rules, which made ref Russell Eicke start the DQ 5 count, forcing Zeus to release the hold! The suntanned superman pleaded his case, but that was the exact opening Whippy needed, as he rolled Zeus up for the three count, keeping his belt!!!! SEGMENT RATING: 56 MATCH 2: FRANKIE DEE VS THE DEBUTING RICKY STORM VS It seems like the martial artist teased on the last episode of Title Bout Wrestling was "The Sensational" Ricky Storm! The hottest free agent in wrestling today made his debut against fellow martial artist Frankie Dee. It's Kung Fu vs Karate in a battle for the ages and a particularly impressive and flashy affair. These two wrestled at a frantic pace, hitting each other as hard as possible but never lowering their guard, only stopping to show respect to one another for their excellent performance. Ricky peppered in some (familiar for the 21CW audience) moves such as his rolling solebutt, the one inch gut punch, the elevated DDT and the Exploder Suplex, but each time Frankie fought back and got back in, forcing Ricky to use his most lethal weapon: the twisted Gutbuster known as Storm Rising, to earn his first CGC victory. SEGMENT RATING: 61 SEGMENT 1: POST MATCH PROMO Ricky instantly took to the microphone to congratulate his opponent for a well-fought battle, but mostly to share a life lesson with the fans of CGC: Fighting, wrestling isn't about winning, it's about learning lessons and improving self-discipline. Only then will you achieve your best version, and by proxy happiness. So what did he learn in this match, his first in a CGC ring? That competition is fierce. That you need to bring your best self in every occasion. That humility is key. And that no one can beat your best technique, if you've spent all your life mastering it. SEGMENT RATING: 55 MATCH 3: JAMIE ATHERTON VS SKIP BEAU VS What an absolute masterpiece these two painted. We already knew they are competitive with each other, but both felt like they had to bring something "extra" to this one and they blew the expectations out the water! Jamie instantly relished not being locked in a cage against Skip this time and he was absolutely rapid which made Skip have to adjust and ease himself into the match. This proved to be a mistake, as Jamie really controlled the pace for the whole first half of the contest, having both Skip and the crowd at the palm of his hands, despite the Golden Elite not being by his side (excluding Adrian Garcia in the commentary booth). But Skip is a force that can't be contained for long, and he forced himself back into the match with a vicious body back drop. From that the snowball became an avalanche of offense with flying lariats, belly to belly suplexes, and an early attempt at the Flow Down that Jamie flipped out of, absolutely terrified. This is where the contest reached its latter, more even stage with both of them angling to end things as hard as possible, essentially hitting mini combos that led to nearfalls. Skip debuted a Fallaway Slam to the outside that absolutely rocked Jamie, and Atherton himself had a lot more of his offense aiming towards Skip's head, since he's not as easy to ground as his usual opponent. Jamie tried his hardest to hit the Dangerous Brainbuster on Skip, but Skip was too big and focused on finishing the job. Perhaps too focused, as he tried a very ambitious way to end things, not wanting to risk another kickout: an Avalanche Flow Down, that Jamie managed to counter into a top rope Frankensteiner, dropping Skip on his neck and allowing himself to pick up the pieces: Dangerous Brainbuster, 1...2...3. A CLEAN win! SEGMENT RATING: 77 (+6 from the previous year record!) SEGMENT 2: Jamie has a demand In a stark contrast from the last post-match promo, Jamie instantly wanted only one thing to talk about: Himself. How impressive he was, how he has officially beaten anyone thrown at him, how he only has one thing left: winning the CGC World Championship at Chamber Of Horrors. He warns Alex DeColt that when he chooses the participants for the Chamber Of Horrors match, if he isn't included, the Greatest Showman is ready to lawyer up, b*tch! SEGMENT RATING: 74 MATCH 4: CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS MATCH: THUNDER & LIGHTNING VS THE CANADIAN BLONDES (C) The Canadian Blondes despite their talent have been mostly fighting on par with the rest of the division and not above them like most champions. Having said that, Thunder & Lightning with their extra edge to do whatever it takes have shown themselves to be their most capable challengers so far, and this continued in this contest, which was unpredictable from start to finish, as well as the best tag titles match of the year. T&L were in sync bringing the fight to the Complacent Blondes, who still showed flashes of brilliance by cutting off barrages of offense and using the space very well to not truly be left helpless against double teams. Ozzie hit the Golden Shower for a very early nearfall, but that was a bad decision as he got instantly beat up by the anxious challengers as retribution. Despite the back and forth action, we looked to be heading towards a definitive winner at the very winner with Lightning locking in the Lightning Lock on Flash, but that was the point where The Golden Elite once again showed why the partnership exists. Ozzie feigned a serious injury that forced referee Jonathan Taylor to check on him, which allowed Don Draper to appear from out of nowhere, strike Lightning AND Thunder with one of the tag title belts and dip out of the ring. Flash hit the Crucifix, tagged Ozzie in who magically got back the pep in his step, hit the Golden Shower on Lightning and the champs retained once again! SEGMENT RATING: 70 MATCH 5: BIG BAD BRAWL RULES - DUSTY DUCONT VS JOEY POISON VS Dusty is imposing on any opponent, and the Big Bad Brawl rules should usually suit him against anyone except perhaps Gargantuan himself. However, healthy Joey Poison is what the kids would call "a menace". The veteran really showed that his words of taking exception to the big man weren't all show and he instantly grabbed a chair that he used to slap a conscience into Dusty. After the chair was broken by the sheer size of Ducont's muscles colliding with it, Joey tried to lift the deadweight over the rope for the humiliating victory, but Dusty recovered just in time. Afterwards both men went to grab weapons, with Ducont choosing a kendo stick and Joey another chair and...something else. Dusty broke his kendo stick on Joey's head, then went for a Thrown Powerbomb that Poison barely countered via chairshot to the head, then using the chair by setting it up and jumping off it off of one leg for a dropkick on Ducont. Joey hit the Twist of Fate on Ducont for a two count, and that's when he revealed what the other thing he grabbed was. A vial of green liquid, which he chugged and gave a dark green smile to the crowd right after. Dusty went up and clobbed him from behind, but before he could attempt another Thrown Powerbomb, Joey pushed him away and then spat GREEN MIST right on his face! He followed it up with the Antidote Cradle but Dusty powered out, blind literally but also with rage. Joey, out of tricks, decided to attempt the Wrist-Clutch Poison Driver, but there was a reason he was avoiding the move after all. Dusty managed to counter and lift him up, then throw him over the top with the Gorilla Press, for the top rope victory. Dusty Ducont just beat CGC royalty. SEGMENT RATING: 54 MATCH 6: CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP THREE WAY MATCH: GARGANTUAN VS MARC DUBOIS VS IAN DECOLT (C) VS VS What. A. Battle. CGC is all about these big brawls, but the added element of the two world class wrestlers having to work together to survive against Gargantuan really elevated this match into a new level. Especially since, shockingly, Dubois and DeColt showed a lot of chemistry and real teamwork in fighting Gargantuan off. Of course, the Genetically Modified Killing Machine got the better of them multiple times, but after Dubois hit his Superkick and Ian his Identity Theft, his resistances went down. Using the steel steps and double DDTing him on the edge of the cold hard steel, they managed to "get rid" of him for a while and went in the ring to settle their differences. There, Dubois shone as the new bright light that wants to lead CGC into a glorious future by completely showing his amazing wrestling skills and the fact that three matches in, he has figured out the puzzle that is Ian DeColt. Ian has to resort to DeColt-isms to bring anything "new" to the table, with his brawling getting more vicious and reminiscent of Angry Jack DeColt. But that's just a short-term solution delaying the inevitable. Dubois hits the Superkick, into the Face Crusher! Model Solution!1...2...3- NO! Ian brings the shoulder up! Marc instantly goes for the Dubious Dubois Pin, not wanting to waste time, but Gargantuan is there to stop him! Gargy grabs Ian DeColt, hits him with the ULTIMATE BACKBREAKAAAAAAH and discards him to the outside like trash. Besides, he's actually 1-1 with Dubois. Their fight is legendary, but shockingly, Dubois has the better of him too, at least more often than not this time. A pounce by Gargantuan at some point turns him upside down and is almost enough to crown a new champion, but Dubois at the very least has the Ultimate Backbreaker scouted and doesn't let Gargantuan get him fully up without backflipping out of his clutches. Dubois finds a lot of success spamming his superkicks, but it's clear his legs are getting tired, so when he once again dodges a wild swing by Gargantuan, that time he uses his momentum to lock in the Model Solution! He's doing it, it's happening! Gargantuan is fading! The referee holds up the arm once, and it drops. Twice, and it drops. He lifts Gargantuan's hand a third time and...referee Jonathan Taylor gets punted on the face by a desperate Ian DeColt! Dubois instantly removes the hold on the unconscious monster to confront Ian. That was a safety hazard, he could have killed the man, he's not a wrestler! Ian chuckles and tries to wave Marc off, but he's passionate and grabs him by the jaw so that he makes the Prodigal DeColt look at him in his face, at which point a furious Ian DeColt kicks Dubois in the groin. He hits the Identity Theft on him three times, at which point replacement referee Russell Eicke comes out, and counts. 1...2...3..ARM IS UP! But Dubois is working purely on instinct. Ian doesn't want to risk things however. He dumps Dubois off the middle rope, and realizes that an unconscious Gargantuan is an easier bet, pinning him unceremoniously.1...2...3...Title retained. SEGMENT RATING: 65 OVERALL RATING: 67
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