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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. Definitely working as intended... if the intention is to not work how TEW has always worked. http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546968
  2. The $60 games have never made me think "wow, this is a massive step back" and instantly regret the purchase. Much like this is the first time I've opened a new TEW and thought "wow, this is a massive step back" and instantly felt sick. I've given it so many chances. Every time I try I find something missing or something glaringly wrong. 16 years of TEW and learning a system. And now we're told that's just not how TEW2020 works. Sorry but I'm just not cool with that.
  3. I don't even do any modding besides personal use but I tried CV2016 just to see and it was a mess. Basically any "new" feature or anything that was a big tweak did not translate well, which is to be expected anyway.
  4. Wow. This is a major oversight. Historical mods specifically allowed this to complete a narrative. For example: playing the Montreal '97 mod, I changed HBK from an active wrestler after WM14 so that he was no longer part of the picture when his injury narrative popped up. When I eventually get to 2002, I'd change that back so he could wrestle again. As of right now, that isn't even possible with TEW2020?
  5. Check the TEW2016 and TEW2020 mod section of the forum. I just found this post and these belts look awesome. Not so much "defaults" but still plenty to pick and choose from. http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546189
  6. Awesome looking belts! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Exactly how I feel. This entire TEW2020 experience has been nothing but unpleasant.
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Novacain" data-cite="Novacain" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49289" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I’m not sure that’s really accurate, I mean they were a super hardcore fed, but it’s a company that employee the New Wave, Eisaku Kunomasu and Art Reed, as well as had a Bryan Holmes world title reign. Pablo Rodriguez also worked there. DAVE was very much the closest product the C-Verse had to prime ECW as any fed ever got.<p> </p><p> If you are looking for pure deathmatchy style company, at least if we go by the 97 mod, it would actually be XFW that would be your fit. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> In terms of original TEW and DAVE, that's absolutely accurate. DAVE was as close to ECW as they could come and the original product description for them in 2004 makes that pretty clear. XFW would be considered "Garbage".</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://logan.rodzen.com/img/hardcore.jpg</span><span>http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/logan.rodzen.com/img/hardcore.jpg</span></p>
  9. I just don't have 3 months to learn the game, that's my problem. I'm not sure how anyone has that much time to "re-learn" a video game. I'm supposed to be able to launch it, start a game, and have fun. So far, TEW2020 hasn't done that for me. Between actual life (some of us have had to work through this entire worldwide pandemic, not from home) and other things happening, this game is not a priority to "learn".
  10. Yes! Yes! Yes! Seriously, you nailed it. The game doesn’t flow at all. It’s a jumbled mess in my opinion. 2016 is clearly the better option for those that want a more polished and refined booking experience.
  11. I agree. Changing things just to change them isn't a good idea. I've found a lot of that with 2020.
  12. 2016 is an easy choice if you are looking to play RW mods. Most mods aren't going to be 100% for a long time due to the changes that have been made. And 2020 is still going to have bugs and flaws for the foreseeable future, whereas 2016 is a polished game right now. So in short, if RW mods are what you want and making thousands of tedious changes in the editor isn't what you call "fun", I'd say to pass on 2020 for a little bit at the very least. 2016 will at least work correctly "out of the box" for what you want.
  13. It says that random incidents (I assume like this) are exempt and bypass the learning.
  14. SWF destroying the territory system much like the WWF did, which would include "The Complete History of Championship Wrestling From Boston" and a slew of dirty tricks Eisen used. Running CWB using CV77 was a lot of fun.
  15. Really love the green one you've been sharing and this look awesome as well. Keep up the good work!
  16. Well, you know the game isn't very good when you contact eLicense for your old TEW2004 license, they give it to you, you load TEW04, and you already have had more fun than TEW2020. That's my beta reaction. <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  17. Not sure how nobody linked you to the actual CVerse website (that hasn't been updated in 10 years, but still): http://www.greydogsoftware.com/cornellverse/index.html
  18. <p>I won't lie, I'd rather see this added to TEW2016 but the suggestions forum isn't available for '16 anymore.</p><p> </p><p> Similar to the WMMA feature (which I noticed using the demo) and WreSpi series, you could book a match on the fly outside of a save game just for fun. I don't think booking a single match in TEW would be very exciting but perhaps we could have a "Book An Event" game mode? You'd have access to all of the workers, titles, event names, etc. that are included in the database you have selected. The point would be to simulate the ultimate fantasy card of your choosing. The end game would be for fun to see it all booked or of course it could be to get the highest rating possible.</p><p> </p><p> The feature could also be used as a training tool of sorts for learning the ins and outs of booking outside of a save game. I think it would give people more creative juice (when running dry) to start new save games too.</p>
  19. Really glad this was edited at some point. I saw it a few hours ago and New England made me cringe seeing NY partially included (no offense to you New Yorkers out there).
  20. I always preferred letter grades. I liked having the option of using both. Obviously it's nice to know the number but it isn't something I want to see all the time. I always played TEW for fun and crunching numbers has never been my idea of fun. Different strokes for different folks.
  21. I tend to try to make the COTT very much like the NWA. I'm still playing TEW2016 and I like to set it up so that all of the alliance 'rules' are in place. Public, consortium, bordered, territorial, protective and trading all checked. I always add a women's title after inviting as many companies as I can that are Regional sized and below. I like to add a lightweight-only title and a midcard singles title for youngsters as well. COTT companies are very fun to play.
  22. That is a massive step back in terms of owning a developmental company. How did something like this even happen?
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